How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

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i'm john crostani and i make over half a million dollars a month with affiliate marketing but i'm going to show you how to get started if you're a complete beginner and i'll be going over on my computer right here a step-by-step way for you to go from zero to euro [Music] hey so if you're looking to start affiliate marketing and you are a complete beginner first of all i recommend you do check out my introduction series to affiliate marketing but in this video i'm going to be showing you exactly how to get started we're going to be doing a couple things here we're going to be one first part of affiliate marketing is joining an affiliate network and this is where you find products you can sell or link to and make commissions from first step second step is you want to find a product a specific product that you can sell on the internet that you resonate with and that you can make money with so that's gonna be our second thing the third thing that we're going to do is we're going to actually go out there and sell it now if you are a serious action taker i recommend go through all these steps in this video and actually you can start earning your first commissions right now if you just take these steps so let's get on my computer and i'll show you everything step by step so you know what you're getting into so here i am and if we google just affiliate networks for instance we'll find a bunch of results we'll find a ton and we'll see if we just look up the top 10 affiliate networks that aren't amazon we'll see a ton of affiliate networks we see clickbank jvzoo giddy up share sale or van gate how do you decide what to join now first off two great affiliate networks to join are amazon and my other favorite is clickbank so amazon is very easy to join and let me show you how to join amazon's affiliate network now if you're on amazon right here as you see i'm on okay we'll scroll down to the bottom of the page and what we see is in the footer it says make money with us okay right there and you'll see there's a lot of ways you can make money with amazon selling private label brands business etc but what we're interested is become an affiliate now that's what we're going to start with right there so when we click on this we'll see profit from our experience earn up to 10 advertising fees with a trusted e-commerce leader join now for free okay so very easy to join and start selling stuff on amazon see it says join advertise earn and basically you'll just want to join and one of the things it will ask you for is it will ask you to put in a website now do you have a facebook profile my guess is yes or if you don't you can create a facebook profile for free that's your website okay very easy also you know i've heard of some people just putting in random websites that have a lot of visitors in their niche and i guess amazon doesn't check but keep in mind your youtube channel you can set up a youtube channel for free your facebook profile is free and you can set these things up and use them as your website okay very easy now amazon you don't make a lot of money for purposes of demonstration i could you know say i'm selling this book anathem which is about 20 book if you earn 10 of that what are you making two bucks you're not going to become a millionaire selling recommending books to people unless you're making more than 10 percent so the affiliate network that i really like is called clickbank and you can see clickbank right here there's a lot of affiliate networks but clickbank is the most trustworthy and the oldest affiliate network around it's been around for 21 years it's based in boise idaho and this is the network that i made my first commissions on many people have made their first commissions on and it's also been the affiliate network that i currently make most of my money with now if we click here affiliate marketplace right there we'll see all of the products that you can sell on a commission only basis so let's click this search icon right here and see how many products we can find okay now you'll see there's other over 4 500 products in the marketplace let's zoom in so this gives you a lot of options of what do you want to sell okay what do you want to sell to make a lot of money with okay and you'll see they tell you how much money you'll make if somebody buys what you're selling as an affiliate you see 37 if you sell this 56 if you sell this 41 if you sell this there's a lot of money to be made selling these different products now to find something you resonate with you kind of want to choose what i recommend i personally sell business opportunity type products but what i recommend you do is let's just get started on amazon okay as i said the way you make big money is with another affiliate network outside of amazon but let's just get started with amazon for the time being for demonstration purposes is that okay is that okay okay cool sorry i didn't hear you there for a second so back to amazon now i'm going to go to and once again let's say i want to start off with advertising this book nfm which is a a book i'm reading right now it's a really good book and we're gonna search this on uh amazon and look it up so we'll see okay well it's nine dollars okay nine dollars right here so i'm going to click on the book and what you'll see is when you're accepted for an affiliate network you see this little bar it says amazon associates site stripe right here this is where i'll get my affiliate link so what i'll do is i'll click get link text right there and you'll see it says text link created below now this is my affiliate link which i will use to sell this book this is the link people need to click on this link and buy the book and i make money okay does that make sense people click on this link they buy the book and i make money so we can look at the full link here i'm not going to go into the full what the full link is but this carries basically the link carries information that tells the way affiliate marketing works is the link contains information that tells amazon that's the person clicked on my link versus they searched for it online or whatnot and that link is in right here the tag so that this stuff tells them but we're just going to grab the short link copy it now i have my link i joined an affiliate network i selected a product and we're going to move on to posting about how we can actually you know getting some people to come to my website okay so now there are a few ways to get people to come to your link okay you will already have access to them now do you communicate with anybody digitally my guess is yes you do you probably use text messages that's a way you could get your link out to people you use email that's where you can get your link out to people you use instagram that's the way you can get your link out to people do you ever post comments on youtube that's the way you can get your link out to people facebook is a way you can get your link out to people all of these methods are ways you can get your link out to people now most of the time you're probably having very like just you know you're talking about random social male female social dynamics in your life that's cool but we're talking about making money here so that's what we'll need to be talking to people about in our emails now let's say i'm recommending this book the first place i could start is through email i want people to click on my link i could send an email to a couple of my close friends let's say you know or just people i know you know i could send one to you know my friend carlos i'm not actually gonna type in my friends emails here just so you don't email all my friends but i could type in my friends and i could you know write something like book recommendation and i could say you know i remember you asked me for a sci-fi book recommendation and i'm reading a really good one right now i absolutely love it check it out and i put my link there see there's my link so i wrote a little short short personal email in the way i normally communicate and then i just put my initials so that's a way to get your link out to people you could send an email to people that whose emails you have and in this case i'm sending an email to carlos who i know is interested in science fiction books that would be a good way to start affiliate marketing another way to start affiliate marketing is i could go on my facebook and i have you know a lot of the people i'm friends with on facebook are you know like the future and science fiction and all this stuff i'm not going on my facebook page i'm going on my personal facebook because i want to communicate with people personally do you buy things from ads probably not do you ever buy things or see movies or listen to music based on other friends of yours personal recommendations my guess is yeah again if we want people to buy from our link it needs to be somewhat of a personal recommendation that's why i'm posting on my personal profile now if you don't want to sell anything that's cool okay but again the other methods of getting your link out there are are expensive they cost money so we're doing this for free now if you are interested in going deeper into affiliate marketing and paid advertising and the art of copywriting i suggest i'm gonna i'm gonna have my my assistant put up a link to my playlist called the art of copywriting here which will go over how you can use paid advertising to actually make money with marketing okay so here we go create a post i'll just say really good sci-fi book i'm reading mind gasms every day so far check it out neil stevenson is a genius now i'm not spelling correctly because i'm doing personal communication that's what sells again if you look if you're writing something that looks like an ad nobody's going to buy ever ever nobody wants to buy from ads nobody wants to get raped and that's what buying from an ad feels like it feels like your wallet is being raped you want to have you want to feel like you're in love and a personal recommendation feels like you're in love so here it is here's my post very simple post but then i just share it and that's that's how it works okay then i'll just post it right here now that is how to start affiliate marketing in a nutshell um i hope this video was helpful you can check out my playlists on the basics of getting started with affiliate marketing on my channel homepage or there should be a link somewhere around here make sure to subscribe to my channel if you want more information on affiliate marketing and make sure you like and comment on this video about what you'd like to see next thank you so much for watching and i will see
Channel: John Crestani
Views: 1,820,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing for beginners, how to start affiliate marketing for beginners, John Crestani, how to become an affiliate marketer, get started in affiliate marketing, how to make money with affiliate marketing, how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing tutorial for beginners, affiliate marketing without a website for beginners, affiliate marketing on clickbank for beginners, make money with affiliate marketing as a beginner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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