The Weekly: Francesca Stavrakopoulou [EXTENDED INTERVIEW]
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Channel: The Weekly
Views: 303,859
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Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2016
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I was totally on board her ship until she said this:
"I'm not like some kind of Richard Dawkins figure. Um, he's obviously the famous atheist in the world, probably ... but he's rude to people. He's unkind to people, I think, and he tells people that they are stupid."
You know who's unkind? An atheist who would casually throw a more accomplished atheist under the bus just to make herself seem more likable. No other prominent atheist would ever do that. What was Francesca thinking?
I think the best analogy of what she does would be like to study Chaucer and use the Canterbury tales to uncover truths about the time period. All of the stories are fiction, but they give incredible insight into the period.
Great video!!!
She really holds her own vs those religious quacks on BBC's 'Big Questions' debate show.
Yeah I know plenty of Harry Potter lovers who don't believe in wizards, either. I find it silly how people (including many atheists) think that if an atheist enjoys the Bible, its characters, or things like Christmas music, churches, etc. they must be a secret believer. No one says that about fans of any other fictional mythology, and saying it about religion only reinforces a certain legitimacy of it above all other fiction.
Is it really harder to be a woman than an atheist in th UK?
University of Exeter, represent!
(Current postgrad student)
This makes me want to become a Theologian.
she's awesome