Wormy Spalted oak Crotch bowl with Resin Filled Holes

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hey everybody I have this piece of oak that was the other half of the crotch piece that I did the oak spalted Bowl I did the same method on it as you see as I did the other half with soaking paper towels in a tight bond with water now the bugs I may have made a mistake with this one well I don't know it's necessarily a mistake I guess it's just because I haven't done this method often I do really don't know what to expect I this was several weeks ago that I coded this with tight bond and water it's been really humid hot and then it's like rained for the solid past week here in Florida excuse me while I try to hold the camera and take all this off and I noticed because it's sitting on the floor right next to my lathe along with that other piece I noticed it started to get mold they can focus it started to get some mold growing in there which I mean technically it's already mold and mold it because it's bolted but you sweat it on my face don't necessarily think that's the greatest you know and that's still damp I mean it's still definitely damp it's not completely completely dry so what I'm really trying to do here is see if these cracks I'm gonna lay this down on its back because the lighting might be better I have to wait until it gets darker out to turn because it's so darn hot so here is the main there's some bugs rolling out of there here is the main crotch these parts always scare me because you know crotch pieces they're beautiful and everything sorry my phone quit but there is also that chance that you know the bark gets captured in between the two branches growing together so the bark that's existing on the tree sometimes doesn't you know it doesn't grow together it's kind of interesting I've done cedar crotch pieces and it's like perfect bark in between the two crotch pieces all the way down so I might soak that in some I mean it is tight bond this soaked in there I guess the system trying to use whatever precaution I possibly can while turning so I I get a little paranoid about stuff flying at my face nobody wants to have this flowing at the base so I see that this crack over here is virtually invisible I can't see it I'm sure you can't see it on the phone but there was one there was clearly a crack I think it started here from the indentation of the paper towel I think I started here and it ran all the way down and there isn't there is none anymore so I think this method works I mean this is twice that I've used it this one definitely longer than the last last time I only did this method for three days this is probably I want to say two weeks I might be under estimating and you can see the paper towel is still kind of moist and I just wrapped it in saran wrap the garbage bag may be better because you know you can just tie off the top and you don't have to plus saran wrap isn't exactly the cheapest thing to get so if you just get el cheapo garbage bag just tie off the top though it in there so do it you feel is more convenient and works for you obviously but like I said that the last video I did there was a big crack here too ugly spalted oak bowl it turned out gorgeous I was so happy I was just gonna throw that wet away cuz it looked just too dangerous for me yeah says the girl who sans wood barefoot I don't usually normally do that that was just a particular one particular situation anyways I don't see any cracks on this other than of course where this bark inclusion from the crotch piece or the tree grew together and the bark is still in there so that you know I don't I am impressed though that this had a pretty wide gap here and it's gone same with over here and now that was white or opened I like I said of course I always decide to do these things jump the gun and don't video it beforehand so I just have to take my word for it you I don't have a bandsaw that is big enough to cut a circle and I didn't want to break out the chainsaw and possibly destroy this piece worse than what it is so there wasn't a whole lot as you can see the circle I drew there wasn't a whole lot that was off-balance it's you know a pretty dry piece of wood I mean not completely dry because obviously we live in Florida nothing's really dry but it was dry enough to where it wasn't you know it wasn't a crazy offset amount so that's why I chose not to cut it because my chainsaw skills are not the best and I felt that it was better not to you someone mentioned in the comments that my tail stock quail is out pretty far well it kind of has to be because of how the tool rest is designed the nub that I just circled here is on the front side as well and it sticks out a little bit past where the end of my tool rest is so it's kind of hard to get close to projects if they hang off past half of the tool rest so I have to have it far out like that so I can turn my banjo and my tool rest in such a way to actually reach the project and get it close enough for my tool so yeah I would love to have it closer and I think it's a really a key design but unfortunately that's just the way it is and that's why you here I'm drilling out what's left behind from the worms it's a very like a hard but powdery so if you try to put a finish over on top of it it just it kind of turns dark and so my last ball decided not to fill it because there weren't as many and it kind of looked you know nice with this one there are quite a bit I did learn a trick afterwards cuz I was thinking I was like you know what I put a finish on this I normally can see these are the ones that I've missed and I didn't miss a few small spots and this piece but I learned a trick obviously if you're gonna fill it with resin you don't want to put water on it because it'll take a little bit to dry in the resin will stick but if you use alcohol or denatured alcohol that will dry up and those worm areas will become more visible so you can see them because they're they're kind of hard some of them especially this punky wood it was hard to kind of tell where they were and where they weren't so there's a trick for you just spray it with some denatured alcohol and go over the bowl and you'll be able to definitely tell the difference between the wood and that worm best here I'm just seeing what color I want to use for the fill for the resin these are eye shadows that I purchased at the Dollar Tree the color palettes that I got for a dollar I think I paid three dollars for 21 colors just so you know the mica powders that you purchase for resin is the same thing as what eye shadow is made of so you can go the Dollar Tree and just buy as many colors as you can possibly get your hands on for very little and for small cracks and fills and things like this the amounts seem to be just right if you want more of the same color just obviously buy more of the color palette I just used the Harbor Freight five-minute epoxy I think it is and I mixed a few colors in there I like teals and ocean colors and I thought that would stand out really nice with this for this first bit of filling the holes I made way too much resin he makes too much resin regardless to whether it's 5-minute or regular at least with my experience and the reaction the chemical reaction with the epoxy causes it to set up pretty fast it heats up a lot quicker the more there is in there so I shouldn't have mixed so much unfortunately I wasted a pretty good amount I just eyeballed it so there was my mistake there's my glob yay anyways that will that's what will happen if you mix way too much of that five-minute epoxy at one time and that's exactly what I had done so you live and learn here I got some painters tape and just started making little wells I guess to help hold the resin and around those curves because regardless to which way I positioned the ball if I put it facedown or whatever and tried filling it that resin would leak out so I'm just trying to prep ahead of time she probably should have done this to begin with and of course I get in a hurry with something sometimes and then I have to watch it a little bit before I start slowing down and and preparing for what it is that I'm doing so that's this is me preparing for what it is that I'm doing I'm also taping around the lip that I created for the foot and inside the mortise because there's a lot of holes in there too and I needed to create wells so that way they just went running everywhere so I'm preparing it for whenever I put it face down to fill the bottom half as well if you have a project where your holes are like on one side or majority in one area or you fill in one big crack you can use hot glue and just make a well around that area and build it all up the hot glue to the same level or height and then fill with a resin especially around those rounded curves on the bolt makes a little tough for that resident want to stay in there but hot glue comes off really easy and also helps create a well around the resin so it doesn't roll off your bowl you I'm not going to bore you with the whole sanding process but here I started with 80 and worked all the way up to 400 grit turning in forwards and in Reverse here I'm just adding some tung oil because I'm not going to put my final finish on it until after I hollow it out I have some time to sit I'm only putting enough for it to soak in really good and not really leave behind a tacky finish you that's why I spray denatured alcohol on the piece so that a way I can see the wormholes better you can see the dark spots is where the wormholes are you so I skipped showing all the sanding but I sand it again from 80 grit all the way to 400 then I am applying a 50/50 lacquer and lacquer thinner as a sanding sealer then I'll go back and stand again starting with 320 and then 400 you I'm applying my homemade sanding abrasive paste with a scrub brush that you use for dishes I can't remember what they're called but I use them anyways and then I'm gonna wipe that off really good with a paper towel while I was buffing off my wax I realized that my speed dial indicator quit working so there's that I guess I'll be contacting a Laguna about another issue now I'm applying two coats of OB shine juice to finish it off I really appreciate everyone who has subscribed to my channel all of your comments your wonderful encouraging words and thank you so very much thank you for your time and thank you for sharing this journey with me I pray you all have a wonderful week and god bless you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 50,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning resin wood, woodturning worms, resin filled wood, wood turning oak, spalted oak bowl
Id: 89fo8Upjye4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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