Fr. Richard Heilman's Sermon for Thursday Jan. 27, 2022

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so if you don't mind i will end with mass today it's a smaller group here and i've got a very full morning of some awesome stuff i i'm going to be doing but um i need to get at it soon uh we're smaller uh two because the places are with uh their family uh michael's dad roy passed away the funeral is saturday so please keep them in your prayer just read the obituary and you know it's one of those things where you go okay another case where somebody who had a very strong faith and made it very known to his family it became contagious to the rest of the family to the one who has more will be given and and so it is i of course i think back to my own family then and i always say how we lived over at the parish it was our second home uh taking care of business whatever it was and uh and and that really was uh what uh fed our faith and made it real made it authentic you know love uh gives uh effort and and uh and we were just compelled to give effort when we were growing up it seems it's the same way reading the obituary with roy and his family uh that that and so uh as i say my brother all my brothers and sisters still go to church and uh trying to pass the faith on to their children as well but um but that's what this gets to in this reading you know uh put your lamp on a lamb stand for all to see don't hide it under a bed or a bushel basket um meaning you know get out there you know get out there with your light let it spread find need and take care of it set your hearts on a cause all that is is what brings a light to others makes your faith then contagious instead of something where they're left to wonder you know you know unless you know you're wearing a a pin on your lapel that's it's a cross you know all other indications are that you know you could or could not be a christian do you see them saying there that's the real call of our faith it's called to be contagious what the virus of catholic catholicism spread you know again and i always caution too don't let it be a poison you know where we go around and we you know look down on other people because you're not catholic like we are or you're not going to the mass that we do you know uh that's that's it's a poison it's repugnant it's repelling people instead of drawing them in no it's love that draws people in you know that smile and that hug and that that willingness to take care of them all of that is the light that god is calling us to to live in our lives you know and so um so my my prescription you know is uh you know let that light shine uh but that means you know show effort be about the business the mission of building the kingdom of god in any way that god has given you gifts and talents to do so then and only then will that light be readily seen and then here's here's the kicker too the measure with with which you measure would be measured back to you we can't out give god but you know if we're leaving our faith to be shown only by a lapel pin you know uh you're gonna be sitting around for a long time before you think you're gonna receive from god and and here's the biggest reason why there's probably a lot of reasons but here's the biggest reason why he needs other people to see the gifts that his ambassadors are receiving his real ambassadors so that they can go okay and this isn't about prosperity gospel it's about blessing it's about the joy that we have and and it can at times mean that god protects us from poverty or or uh or from illness or whatever it can mean that but but you can never out give god you can never out give god you give that effort and watch what he pours back to you please stand
Channel: St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church
Views: 726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hMFT4eHqLbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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