Mass of the Ages - Special Event

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foreign [Music] [Music] please take your seats my name is mike church i'm your mcmc see how that works um bucket i asked jim caviezel to do this but he wasn't available so you got me before we get started i don't do anything that has anything to do with the faith without asking our ladies intercession so father sean shannon i'm sorry would you please leave us in the ave in the name of the father and of the son of the holy ghost amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us our lady seat of wisdom pray for us in the name of the father son the holy ghost amen so welcome how was the food well i'm from new orleans and uh it was good because we're cajuns and if you don't know anything about cajun food you should come down to louisiana and should come visit us we have a wonderful program pla planned for you tonight and uh mr shu owen is here from the st maximilian kolbe center father shannon is here from our lady of lourdes and cameron where's cameron is cameron here yet cameron cameron is here the director and the producer of massive ages we're running a little bit behind schedule so we're going to take breaks in between uh we're just going to shorten them up a little bit so the title of my talk tonight buck said get up there mike and just run your mouth for 30 to 35 minutes you're good at it i said buck what do you want me to talk about he goes you know the thing just talk about stuff i said what kind of stuff and buck said you know talk about tradition and stuff you know tradition so uh i do a couple of words together and we'll talk a little bit about it and then we'll we'll say hello to hugh just wanted to let you know that dr fauci wanted to be here tonight but sorry cameron but he says that he'd already seen and worn mask of the ages all three of them and being an evil modernist he doesn't really care for the traditional latin mask either does anybody have a traditional latin mask on tonight if you do please go outside and burn it what do you get when you cross regime leader biden with pope francis oh come on this is easy let's go francis you'll be chaining this later tonight believe me how did kentucky redneck say no salvation outside the church in latin you got any kentucky rednecks here come on raise your hands don't be shy there's my boy in the back well he says extra eclairs on my nutella salad see father shannon got that see so the title of this ramble is the land latin and the lore so there's a trend that's going on right now all across the united states and everybody wants to be a farmer now it's like the most cool thing in the world to do is to trod and cow poop all day long and then figure out how to use it to make a better garden so this back to the land movement is big it's growing and it's real how many of you are actually thinking or have started recently i'm not talking about you guys that are already hicc farmers how many of you are considered becoming hickey seed farmers just recently seen this is that it four of you or we are gonna starve to death in this parish you guys are not gonna eat the amazing thing about it is we act as though like there's a mystery to this there's a mystery to growing food i'm pretty sure how many of you seen the movie idiocracy i'm pretty sure that the plants aren't getting any water now i'm no botanist but i do know if you put water on plants they grow this big mystery about farming we have all these gurus that are popping up all over the place now which is a good thing but this return to the land believe it or not and i bet you our priest will will confirm this in his talk this return to the land is actually a return to the faith it has actually returned to the faith let me talk a little bit about my cajun ancestors for a moment how many of you like cajun food there you go every if you don't raise your hand i will see you after this personally who knows where the term cajun came from not you rosemary anyone besides rosemary how many of you ever heard of an area in louisiana called acadiana well stupid non-hicc northerners were too lazy to say acadiana and so they kept conjugating it down and down to down to pretty soon there those people are doors to a cajun's dare acadiana the cajun here's what you don't know about cajun food all cajuns are catholics they came the cajuns that came here the acadianas that came here got kicked out of every respectable parish in france and fled to nova scotia and then the english protestants hated them because they were so successful tilling and growing with the land and their livestock and they made friends with the indians see it's an amazing thing but when the catholics came to north america we didn't try to kill the people that were already here the catholics actually tried to convert them and so the original french cajuns that went to nova scotia and settled in a town is still there today it's called front royal we're very good people they were great catholics they brought priests with them they built churches and they converted many indians as a matter of fact my great-grandmother nine generations removed was a mcmac indian so you know what that means i am more native american than elizabeth warren will ever be [Applause] a true story so when you say and then the acadians got kicked out of nova scotia by the english protestants mainly from boston and from new england were put on the prisons prison ships some of them died their land was taken from it does this story sound familiar islam was taken from them and they were sent back to france well the french said those people are too catholic for france we don't want them and so the king of spain at the time in the in the spanish quarter of what we call new orleans today basically issued a proclamation that if the french acadians would come to louisiana that he would grant them land grants he would give them land and so they did about 8 000 of them my ancestor was one of them every single one of them were what we would call a tradie today so the tradies settled what we call acadiana lafayette louisiana bro bridge cher how many of you all know father jambon paul jamal is an acadian so you already know one so i like to give this little part of a of a talk wherever i'm talking especially especially when i'm not in new orleans be because the point of it is is that when you say cajun food what you're actually saying is catholic food there's not a cajun alive that's not a catholic they may not be practicing and father shannon may see him in confession someday because they're not fulfilling their obligation but every single acadian and every cajun cook is a catholic so you could say it's catholic food why is it so good because to them it's a love it's like you have a love for your vocation when cajun people cook to have a love for so in this going back to the land movement i see this all over southeast and southwest and central louisiana that there are people that want to learn the ways of our ancestors they don't want to be genetically modified they don't want to be poisoned and they want to eat food that actually grows native to where they live and this is one of the secrets to cajun cooking is everything that goes in a pot of jambalaya you can actually grow in your backyard almost everything so when you say cajun food next time somebody said oh yeah they got a good cajun for next my father jambon comes and you threaten to make him some cajun food he's going to go oh that's not cajun remember you're actually saying catholic food the reason i bring this up is because we don't do a very good job of telling people our story catholics have a story to tell we have the most amazing american story the most amazing we settled this continent the english protestants did not the spanish catholics came here first true story christopher columbus was a good man he was actually a third-order dominican many say that he might have even died in the odor of sanctity maybe now his cause for canonization will never come up obvious for obvious reasons but it was the catholics that came here to the united states into this continent every any of you ever heard of our lady of guadalupe [Music] you know that the day before our lady of guadalupe appeared to san juan diego you know what was happening a couple of miles away and it's pyramid called in tinoctitland they were sacrificing humans live and they were ripping their hearts out mel gibson made a movie about it's called apocalypto true story after our lady guadalupe appears the number is a very nine ten million conversions in the next decade why because the aztecs the natives saw this beautiful woman and was told by these wonderful catholic priests dominicans franciscans augustinians cistercians and others that she loved them and that if they were devoted to her son then she would love them even more and her son would love them and they wouldn't have to kill anybody else and could still go to heaven this is a catholic story the mexicans all know it i mean mexican people all the time how many of you have mexicans that work in your job market here i will wager you that about one-fifth of the men have our lady of guadalupe tattoo or a metal somewhere on their person they all know her the point is is that we got to do a better job of telling our story and the story of this going back to the land this is a catholic story and it's a catholic inasmuch as living from the land is living from what god blessed us with which is and with it but without the promise of a pagan form of worship and sacrifice right before st patrick went to ireland for example they had crops and potatoes and what have you but they had to give sacrifice up to a pagan deity and some of these involve ritualistic killing so catholicism and christianity comes in and now a new kind of farming also and this kind of farming flourishes and this christendom explodes all across europe and then it comes here and this is what people are ultimately trying to get back to so let's talk a little bit about this tonight i love this story uh how many of you read wendell berry good right you know he's a southern baptist we need to pray for a window to convert before it's too late um i didn't know wendell was a baptist irena going like this guy's a catholic he's not but he certainly writes like one so in wendell berry's book what are people for this is an awesome story and this will kind of get us a little bit more into our discussion here about farming getting back to the land he writes his book called what are people for it's basically a compendium of some of his poetry and some of his stories well the first chapter he starts and he begins his essay on farming and he has this tale of how he moved from the city to this wonderful wooded hilly homestead that he bought so he could farm he's looking at the property and he goes you know it'd be really nice if i had a pond so wendell berry calls a expert how many of you are sick of the expertocracy of the corona doom expertocracy oh i could do the rest look father y'all can all go i can i can handle the next three hours myself we can talk about this he hires an expert guy comes out and says yeah we can build you a pond on the side of that hill i'll take care of the whole thing i'll bring my machines out we'll clear the land i'll dig the hole the water will fill in and everything will be fine and so he does and everything is fine this expert does everything this the pond fills up it's late summer going into fall ducks are coming and landing and everything's perfect and then it gets winter and it snows and then the pond freezes and the pond stays frozen for a while and then spring comes and the pond thaws out well what happened next was a much smudge slide that californians would be jealous of because the expert mowed all the trees down above the pond and below the pond so a window could see it and so everything slid the levee of the pond just burst and the whole thing just slid down into windows house and wendell said that the funny thing to him was that he had hired an expert but he had not hired a local expert the local guy would have known that you can't cut the trees down above the pond because if you do that's what's holding all the rocks in the mud above it it'll all slide down into the pond which it did and it burst the levee wendell called this poem one word it was a single title single word title damage damage damage is what most people will inflict on the land when they become amateur farmers because everything they know about farming they learn from a conagra sponsored video about cornfields let's talk about the catholic faith and farming this is the book here it's written by father dennis fahey how many of you read father fahey um he's got many many books this is actually called the church and farming and his holiness the blessed memory pius xii might have been the 20th century's biggest defender of the necessity of italians and all catholics acting all catholic and stuff and staying put on their land and farming it according to the gospels yes there is such a thing and i'm going to read it a part of it to you so his holiness gives an address you can see it here allocution of his holiness pope pius xii to the italian farmers federation on the occasion of their national congress in rome on the 15th of november 1946 after he greets him and tells him hello he begins thus i want you to listen to this now this is the holy father he doesn't have to do this world war ii has just ended what's happening in italy at the time who knows this what's happening in 1946 in italy oh come on i know hugh knows the italian social democrat society the socialists are moving in his holiness also forbids catholics to vote for these people so socialism is moving into it to italy mechanization and the final stages of the industrial society are going to move in um it's at least still reeling from this today uh we don't have enough time to talk about this but pius 12 sees this coming and he knows this is bad and this is what he tells the italian farmers importance of family life of countryside we would not therefore wish to allow this occasion to pass without addressing you a word of encouragement and exhortation all the more so because we well know how much the moral recovery of the whole people depends on the steadfast faith and social integrity of the tillers of the soil world war ii has just ended italy like most of europe is destroyed morally and physically and what is his holiness saying the first thing we need to rebuild is the farm the farm is the first thing we need to rebuild that's not a coincidence last i checked the pope is catholic uh wait a minute sorry there's to be an asterisk on this printed version he continues more than others you live in permanent contact with nature and material contact by the fact that your life is passed in places as yet far removed from the excesses of an artificial civilization and is also wholly directed towards producing from the soil under the beneficent rays of our heavenly father's son the abundant riches that his his loving hand has hidden therein in contact that is profoundly social also because your families are not only communities of consumers but more especially communities of producers so pius 12 is telling the farmers of italy that you are truly what are our lord say the salt of the earth you truly are the salt of the earth we need you to go back to the farm and we need you to get your hands in the soil we need you to be farmers and he continued with this and he was one of the most aggressive promoters of catholics not giving in to the industrialization that ultimately in the 1970s would take over all all of farming today we live in a world where the local farmer if he is if he does exist probably farms some people some of them for for hobby some of them may be to feed themselves but and some of them to stock farmers markets but they're in small small quantities so what has happened what has happened what has happened is that this evil mechanization and industrialization has reached its zenith and it has left people empty shallow alone and without families why are our children moving thousands of miles away from the homes in which they were raised because they were not raised to live from the land they were raised to live on a piece of land and there's no attachment to it so it is the land that grounds the family the family is grounded to the land and then the children are grounded to the family on the land this is how it's supposed to work and there's something organic in this that's driving people back to this let's talk a little bit about the latin how many of you know who so i said the the land the latin and the lore how many of you know who alan tate was i know who knows tate was an author a aaron knows alan tate was an author he was a convert he was a southern methodist until 1950 was a brilliant writer he was one of the men that wrote the greatest agrarian work ever written called i'll take my stand in 1950 after 20 years of exploration alan tate finally decided to swim the tiber or the mississippi and become a catholic he spent the rest of his life encouraging his fellow writers to do the same thing and that alan tate saw catholicity and he saw the southern agrarian tradition and the south was different from the north for many different reasons i don't have enough time to get into it but in one of his uh uh his his works that went into the book uh i'll take my stand anyone have a copy of i'll take my stand anyone ever read it [Music] this guy over here and i we gotta have whiskey afterwards bro me and you this is a quote from i'll take my stand how many of you would consider yourself tradies don't be shy but the irs is in here come on the bishop doesn't know any of you you're all tradies are you wouldn't be here if you weren't a tradie if you're if you didn't raise your hand you're controlled opposition you're an imposter if the guy next to you didn't raise their hand you better watch that do to that lady got my eye on you alan tay quote tradition every time i think tradition i just watched fiddler on the roof the other day tradition tradition is not simply a fact but a fact that must be considered consistently defended for it is always on the brink of compromise does this sound like sounding familiar now and that he can always be defended but and then he warned a recovery of tradition and a restoration is far more difficult so if you have it defend it what you have here guys gals especially you gentlemen defend it with your lives trying to recover it is nearly impossible once it's been lost it's hard to get it back and that's what's tate's point it's fascinating thing to watch the growth of all these traditional latin mass communities and the mass that it helps create and nurture how many of you've been to latin masses in other states good guess what this makes 14 for me i've been atlanta mass in 14 states in the last eight years 14 states tomorrow father will be my first one in kentucky looking forward forward to that and if you want to say a quick win tonight i can say however they went in ohio most tradies though and we have this uh a cl this this attachment and i think this is just part of the modern world to this constant agitation and fear that something's going to be taken away from us and so we're in this ecclesiastic we're into the ecclesiastical legalities we should stop doing that there's really nothing we can do about it god's in charge it's i don't know what happened to father walt but he loves saying this god's in charge it's his church he knows what he's doing this will work out at some time maybe not while we're here we should be concentrating on the land on the latin and our families this is what this is we are the tradition that has to be defended all of you are that are that are that called yourself tradies so most people think that it's the mass but it's not just the mass we love the mass we love the smells we love the bells right it's the life it goes beyond the mass it's the tradition that you practice how many of you here are parents how many of you hear that our parents have more than five children a lot of hands that's good you know what the old how many of you are here that have more than eight children eight children or more you know what you have hugh that's called a pension that's what the modern world calls a pension your children god willie will care for you they will provide for you this is the way god intended it he did not intend you to work in a factory and suck your money away in a fund where users are going to steal it and make money off of it and then lie to you and tell you that they're going to care for you they're not this is again part of the tradition so we and this is part of the latin mass that the latin mass doesn't just engender and doesn't just give us the beauty of the mass it also gives us that beauty of the commitment to something that's bigger than us how many of you know and do the angelus at noon every day all the rest of you have homework assignments what a wonderful witness in your workplace or wherever it is that you are my alarm goes off at noon every day it doesn't matter where i'm at sometimes they're going like people are like why is your alarm why is your phone beeping at noon um it's a wonderful way to witness the faith to stop with your family and your friends and do angelus where's richard barrett on wednesday and thursday what did we stop work to do at the studio angelus this is another part of tradition it's a great tradition and it comes to us from eons ago from great catholics so it's not just the mass it's living the catholic life it's letting people know about it because we have a great story to tell my friend michael warren davis just wrote a book called the reactionary mind get especially you guys gentlemen get this book he's funny he's spot on and instead of calling yourself tradies you might want to start calling yourself reactionaries because the description of a reactionary that warren davis gives us is a description of a feudal surf now the first thing someone thinks of and i noticed because i was a libertarian once upon a time i'm a recovering libertarian and a recovering neocon first thing when someone thinks of the word serf what do they think bad ooh horrible terrible a man named hayak wrote a book right here the road to serfdom why no one wants to be on the road to serfdom serfdom was the worst life in the history of lives these people were miserable they lived in squalor they starved to death their teeth were rotten they smelled actually if you need the research the life of a surf was actually pretty good he actually had it pretty well here's one thing that the surf pretty much knew where his church was going to be every sunday and he didn't worry about the mass being taken away from him in the reactionary mind warren davis paints a picture of modern man not being all modern there's a funny story he has in here says you have a smartphone everyone has a smartphone are you guys right take the smartphone out of your pocket go outside put it somewhere now don't put it on tile because you'll break the tile put it on something that you don't care about a piece of concrete get them all out and smash it and when you think it's broken hit it again smash it again and then get a landline telephone and then figure out how to call your friends and your family once again the old-fashioned way and his point is is that the modern device has become a you're not free people say we're more free today you're lugging this thing around everywhere you go how many people have ever done this you pull up you drive somewhere get out oh man i'm late turn the car off you can't go anywhere without these things [Music] they successfully conned us into being their own information source nice work if you can find it again the tradition says this should not be a tradition but here i am holding one up here i encourage you i have some copies of this book in the back that we have five or six get this book and read it you'll love it and you'll start to look at life differently you'll start to look at yourself and go like do i really need to do that anymore you don't and now the fun part the lore so i said the land the latin and the lore and once again as catholics we have the greatest and richest treasury of lore in the entire world it was a catholic monk who penned the oldest and greatest poem of all christianity who knows what it is beowulf beowulf was pen we don't know which monk but we do know it was a catholic this is the greatest work of poetry in all of christendom people still read it today it's a signed out in university still to be studied that's a catholic piece of literature why don't we ever hear that a catholic name chaucer wrote the canterbury tales did you know that a catholic first told the tales of king arthur and his knights and for almost a millennia thousand years the arthurian legends flourished we still have arthurian legend movies today the story of arthur is a catholic story you never hear this what was shakespeare he was a catholic they say he was a requisite no his father paid the tax shakespeare was a catholic it's not well known but mary shelley's frankenstein is actually a retelling of the story of the fall did you know that there's a line in the book where the frankenstein monster says father creator why didn't you call me adam mary shelley is telling the story of the fall with a man-made creation that turns out to be what she's warning us about scientism that's coming this is a catholic telling of the story even though she wasn't so my friends as ving rhames might say we have the lore you haven't seen arby's commercials obviously it'd be funny if i said fart we have the meats and we did have some meat there's one more thing about the lord though we all seem to be running around trying to imitate saint therese's beautiful and holy scrupulosity and treating any and all fiction as though it's the game of thrones it's not that's not reality and it's not catholic and you know how i know that ask me how i know that come on just like thank you give that lady an extra piece of cheesecake we know we're all adults you get an extra shot of bourbon with me how do i know that fiction is okay because our blessed lord himself after laying his laws down spent the most of the remainder of his public ministry teaching us through what parables parable's a story it's okay to love fiction good fiction and i'm going to prove to you and i for the last since my reversion to the faith by the way i have to tell you this story quickly somewhere in tennessee my friend richard and i are driving up here we get off the beaten path because there's traffic in nashville and i'm like i won't sit in traffic i'll go 100 miles around when i'm sitting traffic homeboy don't play we're driving and we come up to a stop lie richard and i and we're both staring at the same thing i'm like what is that monstrosity it was a shimmering four-story tall wonderful modern miracle of architecture called the connect church and going like what is the what's it it wasn't even the just said connect i figured it out today you know what connect church was it was a connection for the mob to launder money through a religious organization they popped these things up in the middle of nowhere and they're like where does this money come from to make these monstrosities i have one in new orleans it's so big i call it six flags over jesus and i actually do have a ride in there all right i'm going to close so you can come up here and we can move on but since my reverse into the faith and every time someone has been kind enough to invite me to ramble on for however many minutes at an event like this and thank you all for enduring and enduring this ramble i close every talk with a quote from chesterton i better see hands go up all right who reads chesterton well at least some of you do there's a lot of you got homework assignments i mean guys cows how many of you ever read the book his greatest work well one of his greatest works orthodoxy okay this guy knows everything let's talk about elf land for a minute okay right is elfland based in reality no it's fiction right here's chesterton's quote that i'll close with my first and last philosophy that which i believe in with unbroken certainty i learned to the nursery i generally learned it from a nurse that is for the sup from the solemn and star appointed priestess at once of democracy and tradition the things i believed most then the things i believe most now are the things called fairy tales they seem to me to be the entirely reasonable things they are not fantasies compared with them other things are fantastic compare with them religion and rationalism are both abnormal though religion is abnormally right and rationalism is abnormally wrong fairy land is nothing but the sunny country of common sense it is not earth that judges heaven but heaven the judge's earth so for me at least it was not earth that criticized elfland but elf land that criticized the earth i knew the magic beanstalk before i had tasted beans i was sure of the man in the moon before i was certain of the moon this was at one with all popular tradition modern minor poets are naturalists and talk about the bush or the brook but the singers of the old epics and fables were supernaturalists and talked about the gods of brook and bush that is what the moderns mean when they say that the ancients did not appreciate nature because they said that nature was divine old nurses do not tell children about the grass but about the fairies that dance on the grass and the old greeks could not see the trees for the dry ads gk chesterton orthodoxy and with that i thank you for your time god bless you shall we keep going let's do it he doesn't need me to introduce him but i'll do it anyway hugh owen is the founder of the saint maximilian kolbase center he is one of the geniuses behind the trade the foundations restore dvd and streaming video series how many of you have seen foundations restored well a lot more you've seen foundation restore than red chesterton okay hugh you're making great progress hugh owen he can tell you his own biography grew up in a household that wasn't catholic and he had a father that wasn't as well but somehow this wonderful man came to the faith and is now the father of eight right you nine nine children um he's keith jones stepfather basically uh amongst all the work that he has done he is the most tireless promoter and defender of the story that's not a story it is the account of creation and without the account of creation we don't have the faith because remember our lord says as it was in the days of noah right and hugh is one of the greatest defenders and promoters of the story of creation and why it is a uniquely beautiful catholic story and why it's not an allegory it's not a myth it's not a it's not filled with symbolism it actually happened and like i like to tell my friends when they say why are you still believing in this creation thing why is it so important to you i'm like well first of all it's got a hero in it and the good guy wins the so without further ado mr hugh owen [Applause] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen o mary conceived without sin pray for us to have recourse to thee in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen the title of this talk is lex arandi lex credenti the traditional liturgy teaches the true catholic doctrine of creation in the year 431 a.d the fathers of the council of ephesus defined traditional liturgical prayers as an infallible source of sound doctrine referring to quote the sacramento of sacral supplications which having been handed down from the apostles are uniformly celebrated in the whole world and in every catholic church so that the rule of prayer establishes the rule of faith in this talk i will examine some of the ways that the traditional liturgical prayers of the roman rite and the other authentic liturgical traditions of the catholic church uphold the truth of the sacred history of genesis and the fundamental doctrine of creation thus giving us a true understanding of our relationship with our creator and orienting us correctly in time and space on tablets of stone the finger of god wrote that we must remember the sabbath day to keep it holy to work for six days and rest on the seventh day because quote in six days the lord created the heavens and the earth and the seas and all they contain and rested on the seventh day from his finished work of creation thus god himself established a one-to-one correspondence between the days of genesis 1 and the ordinary 24-hour days of the hebrews seven day week the fathers and doctors linked this interpretation to the first mention of day in genesis 1. when after describing the work of day one moses wrote that there was quote evening and morning one day unquote rather than the first day summing up the patristic tradition on this point saint thomas aquinas wrote in the summa quote the words one day are used when day is first instituted to denote that one day is made up of 24 hours hence by mentioning one the measure of a natural day is fixed one of the most powerful arguments for the literal interpretation of day in genesis 1 is the testimony of the sacred liturgy the catholic church possesses at least eight different liturgical traditions and all of them incorporate a rhythm of worship based on a literal interpretation of day in genesis 1. fundamental to the liturgical rhythm of the whole church is the principle that the liturgical day begins in the evening and lasts until the following evening this rhythm can be traced back to jewish liturgical practice but it is firmly rooted in god's revelation to moses in genesis 1. there was evening and there was morning one day this is explicitly stated in byzantine daily worship the official prayer group book of the melkite greek catholic church which explains that quote ecclesiastical day begins at sunset in accordance with genesis and there was evening and morning one day therefore vespers for the order of the evening is the first hour of the holy office unquote indeed the liturgical practice of the roman rite and of all of the approved rites of the catholic church is based on genesis 1. as an aside father taya de chardin probably did as much to justify the liturgical revolution as anyone in the catholic church with his new christianity based on evolution but did you know that he prayed quote oh god if in my life i have not been wrong allow me to die on easter sunday unquote read any biography of him and it will tell you that father pierre tejardi sardan died of a heart attack on april 10 1955 at 6 p.m after attending holy mass that easter sunday thus his disciples conclude that his prayer was answered in the affirmative but was it according to god's time according to liturgical time did he die on easter sunday no he did not according to god's time according to liturgical time according to the daily rhythm established by god in the hexamiron father tejada chardan died on easter monday at the hour of vespers when the church normally prays as she has done for almost fifteen hundred years this prayer which goes back to the vespers prayers attributed to pope saint gregory the great blessed creator of the light who makes the day with radiance bright and or the forming world that's called the light from chaos first of all whose wisdom joined in meteorae the morn and eve and named them day night comes with all its darkling fears regard thy people's prayers and tears less sunk in sin and whelmed with strife they lose the gift of endless life now listen to this while thinking but the thoughts of time they weave new chains of woe and crime but grant them grace that they may strain the heavenly gate and prize to gain each harmful lure aside to cast and purge away each error past and can it be a coincidence that the prayer of vespers that sums up the work of monday the second day of creation the day on which father tere deshardan met his maker includes these words pour forth now most gracious lord the gift of thy never failing grace lest by the misfortune of some new deception the old error should overwhelm us for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the prayer of father they are chardan was answered in the negative may god have mercy upon him the tradition of beginning the new day with evening prayer or vespers is a continual daily reminder of the primordial division of time into 24-hour days beginning in the evening and a reminder that god established the rhythm of day and night and of the week primarily for our spiritual benefit in the ancient maronite liturgy the day night cycle is explicitly traced back to the first day of creation when god created the light quote lord god our creator all living things adore you and every creature exalts your only son through you all things came into being on the first day by your commands you separated light from darkness the resplendent day appeared in the world which you had made out of love for adam image of your majesty and sign of your eternal love unquote the memorial of the creation of light on the first day the first sunday of the world went hand in hand with the cyclical commemoration of creation week both the structure of the liturgical week and the liturgical year linked specific acts of creation during creation week to their fulfillment on the same day in the post-creation historical time the writings of the fathers expressed their conviction that it was appropriate to gather for solemn worship on sunday not only because it was the day of the resurrection but also because it was quote the first day of creation unquote indeed the gospel of john calls sunday the first day of the week for this very reason writing in the second century saint justin martyr described the sunday observance of the early church quote the day of the sun is the day on which we all gather in a common meeting because it is the first day the day on which god changing darkness and matter created the world and it is the day on which jesus christ our savior rose from the dead this strong link between the original creation and the new creation in christ also stands revealed in the ancient liturgy of antioch quote when we ponder o christ the marvels accomplished on this day the sunday of your holy resurrection we say blessed is sunday for on it began creation the traditional latin vespers attributed to pope saint gregory the great actually recapitulate the work of creation that god did on each day of the hexamuron thus on sunday at vespers religious communities of the roman rite have prayed for 1500 years blessed creator of the light who makes the day with radiance bright and or the forming world that's called the light from chaos first of all in recent times prominent catholic theologians like father stanleyaki have argued that since days cannot exist without the sun and the sun according to genesis 1 was not created until the fourth day of creation week therefore the days of genesis 1 cannot have been intended to be taken literally but the sacred liturgy contradicts this view and teaches in the prayers for wednesday vespers quote o god whose hand hath spread the sky and all his shining hosts on high and painting it with fiery light made it so beauteous and bright thou when the fourth day run ditched framed the circle of the sun and set the moon for ordered change and planets for their wider range saint lawrence of brindisi is the last doctor of the church to write a detailed commentary on genesis he knew the entire bible by heart he was a master of all the biblical languages and he was familiar with all the greatest commentators on genesis in hebrew latin and greek and in his commentary on genesis 1 saint lawrence acknowledges that there was a difference of opinion among the church fathers as to whether god changed the light of day one into the sun on day four or created the sun instantly and immediately on day four of creation week after citing the fathers who favored one or favored one or the other of these views saint lawrence concludes that the prayers for wednesday vespers settle the question in favor of the latter view that god did not convert the light of day one into the sun but created the sun instantly and immediately on day four the traditional prayers for friday vespers in the roman rite recall the fiat creation of all the different kinds of land animals four men on the sixth day of creation o august creator of men who alone dost dispose all things that its command that the earth bring forth reptiles and beasts and at the word of the creator the huge bodies of created beings became instinct with life to obey thy servants through determined changes of time the ancient maronite liturgy also recalls the creation of man on the first friday of the world and testifies to his creation in glory so that the bodies of adam and eve actually radiated like light like the sun when they came forth from god quote lord on friday you formed me and clothed me in glory satan was jealous and seduced me lord have mercy on us you formed me you laid your hand upon me and clothed me in glory satan was jealous and seduced me lord have mercy on us with this prayer the sacred liturgy teaches us that adam and eve were naked but not ashamed not because they were uninhibited nudists as some would have us believe nowadays but because they were clothed in light and could not even see their naked bodies before the original sin the same testimony to adam's creation in a state of exalted holiness can be found in the byzantine liturgical tradition giving the lie to the view of so many modernist theologians that adam and eve represent two or more offspring of evolved sub-human primates who received the human soul and fell up into a primitive state of consciousness in the byzantine vesper verses for the feast of the transfiguration the church likens the divine holiness of jesus to the original holiness of adam and addresses our lord in these amazing words through your transfiguration you returned adam's nature to its original splendor restoring its very elements to the glory and brilliance of your divinity wherefore we cry out to you the creator of all glory be to you the ancient liturgical traditions not only give us an accurate understanding of our origins they also show us how the first works of god foreshadowed a future fulfillment in god's providential plans for example again and again the liturgical traditions of the church link the creation of adam and eve on the first friday of the world with the birth of the church from our lord's wounded side on the cross on good friday hence the maronite liturgy acclaims quote oh lord how marvelous are your works you made them with all power and wisdom on the first friday of time you created man in your image you allowed him to enjoy your creation and took pride in the fact that he was your friend you walked with him in the paths of paradise in the breeze of the evening on another friday you were nailed to a cross between two thieves redeeming us by your blood in the prayers for the beginning of lent in the byzantine tradition the faithful are reminded that quote adam was fashioned by the hand of god on the sixth day he was honored with a divine image through god's breathing life into him he had once received the commandment not to eat the forbidden fruit but transgressed it it is believed that it was the sixth hour of that day when adam stretched out his hand and touched the fruit it was also at the sixth hour on the sixth day that the new adam christ stretched out his hands on the cross in order to remedy the first adam's ruin this firm faith in the literal historical truth of genesis is also reflected in the prayers of the votive mass for weddings in the roman rites the misa prospensa it's sponsored sponsor the mass for the groom and bride in which the nuptial blessing reads as follows o god who by the power of thy might this create all things out of nothing who at the first forming of the world having made man to the likeness of god that stout of his flesh make the woman and give her to him for a help mate and by this didst inform us that what in its beginning was one ought never to be separated o god who by so excellent a mystery has consecrated this union of the two sexes and has been pleased to make it a type of the great sacrament of christ in his church oh god by whom woman is joined to man and that union which was instituted in the beginning is still accompanied with such a blessing as alone neither in punishment of original sin nor by the sentence of the deluge had been recalled mercifully looked down upon this thy handmaid in the prayers of all the liturgical traditions of the catholic church the creation of adam body and soul out of the end of eve from adam's side is located at the first forming of the world in the beginning in the byzantine liturgy for example we pray quote almost immaculate mother of god he who from the beginning formed eve our first mother from the rib of adam took flesh in your very womb indeed it is impossible to insert millions or billions of years between the first forming of the world and the creation of adam and eve without doing violence to the meaning of these prayers such violence has unfortunately been done to the text of the roman martyrology that has traditionally been chanted at midnight mass for christmas in the original version it reads the 25th day of december in the 519 year of the creation of the world from the time when god in the beginning created the heavens and the earth the text continues through a series of dates associated with various patriarchs and prophets until it mentions the forty second year of the reign of october augustus the whole world being at peace in the sixth age of the world jesus christ the eternal god and son of the eternal father desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming being conceived by the holy spirit and nine months having passed since his conception was born in bethlehem of judea of the virgin mary being made flesh the nativity of our lord jesus christ according to the flesh apparently this beautiful text was removed from the liturgy for the midnight mass of christmas after vatican ii but a revised proclamation of the birth of christ was restored to the papal celebration of midnight mass by pope saint john paul ii since then the following revised text has been used by many parishes all over the world quote today the 25th day of december unknown ages from the time when god created the heavens and the earth and then formed man and woman in his own image unquote to read these words is to understand one of the main reasons why and how the catholic community in the united states and wherever this revised translation is used is self-destructing not only does this revision of the traditional prayer endorse the long ages of evolutionary mythology without any warrant from the authentic tradition of the church it makes our most merciful god and prince of peace responsible for hundreds of millions of years of animal death deformity disease and struggle for existence before the original sin it makes him an incompetent bungler who could not make what he wanted to make without using hundreds of millions of years of destructive processes indeed it makes him a cruel and improvident father who allowed his church to teach a totally false account of the origins of man in the universe for almost 2 000 years arranging for his church leaders to be enlightened not by saints and scholars within the church but by godless scientists like charles lyell charles darwin and t.h huxley who hated the church and wanted to destroy her but that's not all even a brief examination of this revised text approved by the usccb shows that the effort to accommodate evolutionary mythology has accustomed even intelligent and academically sophisticated catholics to accept ideas that are completely illogical consider the following statement quote today the 25th day of december unknown ages from the time when god created the heavens and the earth and then formed man and woman in his own image unquote this text announces that unknown ages elapsed from the time when god created the heavens and the earth and then formed man and woman but this is ludicrous theistic evolution demands that the unknown ages elapsed before god formed man and woman not afterwards so why in their haste to distance themselves from any appearance of fundamentalism have the authors of this text affirm something that is not believed by anyone on the face of the earth evolutionist or non-evolutionist the most probable answer to that question is that all of the biblical and authoritative magisterial teachings on creation are so clear that the creation of all things including man took place in the beginning from the beginning of time or at the beginning of creation that even the editors of the revised text could not bring themselves to separate the creation of man from the creation of the heavens and the earth as recently as 1909 when the pontifical biblical mission was an arm of the magisterium and saint pius x decreed that descent from its decrees incurred the guilt of grave sin the pbc decreed that no catholic could deny the creation of all things wrought by god from the beginning of time all things including the special creation of adam body and soul and the creation of eve from adam's side so finding themselves in the unenviable unenviable position of believing in the long ages of evolutionary mythology while wishing to retain at least some semblance of fidelity to sacred tradition the editors affected a compromise they kept the creation of adam and eve at the same time as the creation of the heavens and the earth but inserted unknown ages between the work of creation and the time of the flood now it may be objective that what the authors really wanted to say is that the unknown unknown ages occurred from the creation of heaven and earth to the creation of man but that is not what their words say if i were to say today is the 25th of december 2022 a long long time from my first christmas as the father of a family when my wife was carrying our oldest son and then gave birth to him a few weeks later the sentence clearly conveys that the celebration of christmas and the birth of my first son occurred close together in time many years ago if i wanted to convey that a long period of time elapsed between my becoming the father of a family and the birth of my oldest son i would alter the structure of the sentence to something like the following today is the 25th of december 2022. it was a long long time from my first christmas as the husband and head of a family until that christmas when my wife was carrying our oldest son and then gave birth to him a few weeks later what thoughtful young person could read or hear the words of the revised christmas text without suffering at least an unconscious loss of respect for the church whose leaders endorse such an illogical and poorly written prayer and yet the pronouncements of modernism teem with ambiguities and internal contradictions every bit as egregious what makes the absurdity and carelessness of the revised christmas text so galling is that it impugns the goodness of god's character at the beginning of a feast that ought to supremely exalt his goodness and it erodes or completely destroys the faith of god's people in his revelation as it was understood in his church from the beginning even the most allegorically minded interpreters of sacred scripture among the church fathers like saint clement of alexandria believed and taught that the genealogies of genesis 1 to 11 in combination with the chronological information in the rest of the old testament allowed the church to accurately determine the period of time from creation to the nativity of christ the difference between the 5 200 years from creation to the birth of christ derived from the septuagint translation of the old testament and the roughly four thousand years derived from the chronological information in the hebrew masoretic text reflects editorial changes to the genealogies made by the editors of the septuagint thus the greatest doctors of the post-tribantine period like cornelius alaped and saint alphonsus liguori recognized the hebrew genealogical data as the original inspired record prior to the septuagint and preferred the 4 000 year chronology of the hebrew text to the greek septuagint chronology preferred in the east but none of the greek or latin speaking fathers would ever have tolerated any suggestion that the historical data in the bible contained the slightest trace of error the servant of god dom garonge is credited with reviving the benedictine order in france and with promoting the adoption of the liturgical books of the roman rite throughout france blessed pope pius ix said of him quote by his virtue piety zeal and knowledge and by the work of a lifetime he showed himself to be a true disciple of saint benedict and a perfect monk unquote in his voluminous writings on the liturgical year the servant of god dom garangje testifies to the fact that the entire liturgical tradition of the roman rite confirms a span of 4 000 years from creation to the birth of christ except in that one reading from the roman martyrology at the midnight mass for christmas he writes quote the new birth of our redeemer takes place after four weeks as the first nativity happened after four thousand years according to the hebrew and vulgate chronology indeed these four thousand years are the only long ages that the church acknowledges in her sacred liturgy and dom garandje exhorts his readers to see them as a preparation for the coming of the redeemer quote with what gratitude ought the faithful not to assist at that divine sacrifice for which the world had been longing for four thousand years unquote with regard to the discrepancy between the four thousand years from creation to the birth of christ cited throughout the prayers of the roman liturgy and the text from the roman martyrology recited midnight mass for christmas he writes quote on this one day alone on this single occasion does the church adopt the septuagint chronology according to which the birth of our savior took place five thousand years after the creation whereas the vulgate version and the hebrew text place only four thousand years between the two events this is not a fitting place to explain the discrepancy of chronology we merely allude to it as showing the liberty which the church allows us on this question so this then is the true liberty that catholics enjoy in regard to the age of the universe according to the lexorandi we can hold that the universe is between six and seven and a half thousand years while recognizing that the magisterium and the greatest commentators on the bible from the council of trent down to the present day favored the shorter chronology derived from the genealogies in the hebrew masoretic text of the bible we should recall finally that the church fathers lived in a time of great intellectual sophistication when many of the greatest intellects of the day mocked them for putting their trust in the unpolished writings of hebrew barbarians but the fathers never wavered in their reverence for every jot and tittle of the inspired word of god in the city of god saint augustine spoke for all the fathers of the church when he wrote that the sacred scriptures clearly taught that no more than 6 000 years had elapsed since the creation of the universe and not quote the unknown ages asserted by plato and the greco-roman intellectual elite of the ancient world of course if natural and physical science had provided compelling evidence for the unknown ages of evolutionary mythology the disgraceful surrender of so many church leaders to modernism would be more understandable but as numerous articles on the kobe website demonstrate the evidence for the unknown ages has never been anything more than wild conjecture based on false premises and unverifiable assumptions with a little bit of effort it would be easy to demonstrate to all catholics of goodwill that there is no solid evidence in any branch of natural or physical science that does not harmonize perfectly with the traditional catholic doctrine of creation and the literal truth of the sacred history of genesis the traditional roman liturgy and the other ancient liturgical traditions of the church not only orient us correctly in time they also correctly orient us in space saint basil the great teaches that the priest leads the faithful in facing east at the holy sacrifice of the mass because quote that is the direction of paradise unquote and because the whole work of redemption has is its purpose the restoration of all things in christ things in heaven and things on earth so we are not really reactionaries we are restorationists in the byzantine tradition of church architecture the church is a microcosm of the whole universe which the holy sacrifice restores to its original harmony saint clement of alexandria teaches that the altar is a symbol of the earth placed immovable in the middle of the universe and peter lombard teaches that just as man is made for the sake of god that is that he may serve him so the universe is made for the sake of man that it may serve him therefore is man placed in the middle of the universe that he may both serve and be served conclusion at the heart of the struggle between the forces striving to build a christian culture of life and the forces striving to establish an anti-christian anti-culture of death are two competing views of man's place in the universe the prophets of the anti-culture of death tell us that mankind evolved through billions of years of random material processes on a speck of earth dust in a remote corner of a vast universe the sacred liturgy teaches that mankind was created in the beginning of time at the center of a perfectly beautiful complete and harmonious universe by teaching that man was created at the beginning beginning of time and at the center of the cosmos the sacred liturgy of the roman rite and of all the traditional rites of the church teaches that we are the apple of god's eye that everything was created for us in view of the incarnation and the immaculate conception and that a human life has more value than the entire material universe so let us recall what the council of ephesus taught when it defined that the law of praying is the law of believing quote the sacramental the sacramenta of sacramento supplications having been handed down from the apostles our uniformly celebrated in the whole world and in every catholic church so that the rule of prayer establishes the rule of faith my brothers and sisters this is a serious matter the liturgical prayers teach with authority when their content remains the same as what was handed down from the apostles thus church leaders have no authority to change the meaning of the sacred liturgy our lord jesus christ tells us if you continue in my word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free that truth is contained in the prayers of the authentic liturgical traditions of the catholic church just as it is contained in the word of god as interpreted by the unanimous teaching of the fathers let us continue in god's word and respectfully charitably but firmly resist all efforts to change the meaning of the sacred liturgy viva christo rey [Applause] thank you hugh thank you can i tell you did i tell you he was the greatest defender thank you hugh some housekeeping minors we're gonna take a five minute break not fifteen five please visit your vendors in the back see miss alyssa with the embroidered missile covers see pamela acker with foundations restored see me and come check out our awesome selection of books and sign up for our crusade channel radio station free membership tonight and this baby right here can y'all see this who made this keith it's being auctioned off at raffled off raffled off so you would go to and buy a raffle ticket tonight or an sp3rn okay it'll be set up soon so if you like this you can actually own it we'll see you in five minutes thank you very much thank you for visiting the vendors please continue to visit them all night long thanks to where's buck buck stand up give buck a round of applause for putting this thing together [Applause] as someone has put events together like this these are difficult all right so our next speaker is father shannon collins who was standing to my right here father collins got to start playing middle linebacker for the chicago bears as you can see father collins was born in 1964 making him and i almost uh almost twins and is the native of cohasset massachusetts after undergraduate and graduate work in history and education he taught in catholic schools for a number of years in 1993 father shannon entered a religious life and eventually became a member of a religious community of the pontifical right having completed his seminary training at st philip neri seminary in toronto ontario where sorry you had to endure canada he was ordained to the holy priesthood on june the 10th 2000. so that would mean you have a 23 22 year anniversary coming up here wow he's appeared on ewtn and previously served as chaplain for the shrine of our most blessed sacrament of our lady of the angels monastery in hanceville alabama father shannon has preached retreats and parish missions throughout the uh north america you may have even heard his voice on a familiar youtube channel called census fidelium and if you listen to my radio station the crusade channel on your way to mass tomorrow morning crusade channel dot com i will personally make sure that at 6 00 am 8 am and 10 am there are father shannon collin sermons that will be playing on the radio so that you can listen to him on your way to church tomorrow crusade channel dot com he is but his most significant achievement is he's here with us tonight so father shannon collins father collins thank you in the name of the father and of the son of the holy ghost amen come holy ghost fill the hearts of thy faithful and in killing them the fire thy love send forth thy spirit and they shall be created and thou shalt renew the face of the earth let us pray oh god instruct the hearts of the faithful by the lord holy ghost grant us in the same spirit visually wise and ever to rejoice in his consolation through christ our lord most sacred heart of jesus immaculate heart of mary good saint joseph in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen as many of you know good saint helen the mother of the emperor constantine unearthed and yes found the most wondrous relic of all namely the holy wood of the cross it is said that saint helen went down to the holy land in the early part of the 4th century to find the actual piece of wood upon which our blessed lord died 200 years before her arrival a pagan emperor had covered up mount calvary with a large mound of dirt and also the same emperor dedicated a temple to the goddess venus upon the very sight that our blessed lord laid down his life in atonement for our sins and all this was done of course to stop christians from worshiping the crucified one at this most holy site but when saint helen came to jerusalem years later she had that pagan temple and pagan altar destroyed she then hired more than a hundred workmen to dig deeply into the mound of earth until they found a number of crosses that had been used for executions in earlier times and saint helen actually identified the piece of wood upon which our blessed lord was crucified when that piece of wood cured a healed a woman a blindness and raised a dead man to life when it was touched to a particular person who was afflicted a large section of that cross was then housed in a church of the holy sepulchre in jerusalem the greatest church of all which had been constructed under the direction of saint helen herself but in the year 615 a.d this most precious treasure this most holy of relics was stolen by a pagan emperor but after many prayers much fasting as well as a major battle that true cross was recovered it was brought back to the holy city and according to witnesses the victorious christian emperor carried this precious treasure in a silver case upon his shoulders but as he was about to enter into jerusalem he found he was unable to take another step the bishop of that city then suggested that the emperor disrobe of all of his fine gold and silk and enter the city barefoot as would a poor and humble man having done so the emperor was able to bring the true cross fully back into the holy city now each year as many of you might know on september 14th holy mother church celebrates the feast known as the exultation of the holy cross and this great solemnity especially marks the return of the true cross after this most holy relic had been stolen but that day on the calendar september 14 2007 at least marked the promulgation of pope benedict xvi document his his own moto proprio known as sumorum pontifical which fully returned the treasure of the ancient latin mass to the spiritual life of holy mother church there were to be no more indulge masses or special permissions required to offer or to participate the traditional rights of rome the traditional latin mass was not seen as an exception to the rule but rather a fully recognized form of worship and i have come to the conclusion that that date september 14th for the promulgation and the the putting into place of the return of latin mass was purposely chose the triumph of the cross it was purposely chosen because just like the cross of old traditional latin mass was recovered and it was returned as a treasure to the church the new jerusalem and when pope benedict wrote that moto proprio known as sumorum pontificum regarding the old mass there was that important sentence which we must remember the important line was quote it is therefore permissible to celebrate the sacrifice of the mass according to the roman missal promulgated by blessed john the 23rd in 1962 that was never abrogated unquote studies were done conclusions were drawn emphatically never abrogated and pope benedict then added in an accompanying letter a beautiful observation about the old right quote what earlier generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us and it cannot be all of a sudden forbidden or even considered harmful unquote the message was clear the old mass was officially and lawfully always permitted but practically speaking it had been taken away from the spiritual life of the faithful therefore we can only conclude that an injustice was done a liturgical crime the treasure of the churchill at mass was for all intents and purposes stolen from the faithful it was lifted from parishes it was taken from priests and religious and snatched away from the laity and this theft if you will was not committed by some pagan emperor of old but rather by our own by those who are called to preserve and protect and maintain this ancient treasure but like the cross of old perhaps our dear lord allowed this injustice to be done so that we could begin to appreciate once again this ancient treasure that had been lost for a time but as the old mass became more and more normalized and began to grow and gain new followers especially amongst the young clergy and the laity another effort was made to stop its full entrance into the new jerusalem like the emperor of old who carried the relic of the true cross to the very threshold of the holy city but found that he could not take another step we find that the full normalization of the traditional at mass is facing a major obstacle that is not only preventing its advancement but an obstacle that is meant to destroy it for good a new mode appropriate a new papal document traditional custodes has abrogated all previous legislation including that document known as sumorin bondifico in short our holy father seeks to complete the work done by pope paul vi namely the complete annihilation of the traditional latin mass by means of a slow strangulation where any breath of life any new groups any new growth is not allowed and there are two reasons why this is true it's a true reason the true reason why two reasons why the old mass and the more ancient sacraments are being blocked from a full entrance into the new jerusalem first and foremost many of our churchmen including many even in the highest positions of the church hate tradition there is no other explanation hate tradition revolutionaries always want a new order and they must suppress and destroy the old order that's how revolutions work revolutionaries cannot allow the king to keep his head you must decapitate him as long as the old mass continues to live the liturgical and doctrinal revolution cannot fully succeed for our present holy father the traditional mountain mass is no longer a ritual of a latin rite for we no longer pray and believe that way that's what we're told the goal then is to block and to push back the old mass from fully entering into the new jerusalem but there is also another reason a second reason besides the hatred tradition is another reason why the old mass and the more ancient sacraments are perhaps being blocked from a full entrance into the new jerusalem the second reason perhaps is seen in traditional catholics themselves like the emperor of old who approached the gates of jerusalem carrying that relic of the cross without penitential garb pridefully and unashamedly adorned in all his comfortable silks and jewels so some traditional catholics likewise present themselves today are we who embrace the traditional liturgy and the traditional faith also embracing penitential practices with great vigor are we proud as peacocks thinking that traditionalism is all we need to enter into the pearly gates when in fact the old mass is just an essential first step on a long long journey have we come have we become like calvinists celebrating our election while making demeaning comments about the great unwashed in the novus ordo world the mass will never return fully to the church unless we do sacrificial penance and yes we humble ourselves as a final word i do not know what the future will bring even literally in the weeks and months ahead since the moto proprio the recent one there have already been seen future restrictions many restrictions in connection with the older sacramental rituals and even the full elimination of older liturgical texts will there be even further clarifications from the holy father more burdensome restrictions or even further eliminations of the latin masses latin mass parishes or even latin mass communities will the ancient liturgies of holy week survive we have our triduum this year it is up in the air while young people have their confirmations in the old right it is up in the air i have no golden crystal ball to see the future like blessed anna maria taiichi but i knew i do know this that any true priest will neither compromise nor become defiant and rebellious against authority any true traditional priest will neither embrace a revolutionary liturgy for the sake of a false peace nor will he seek an unhealthy independence from our lords the bishops hopefully we will be willing to suffer well if suffering comes i do not want to exaggerate or overstate things but the situation in regard to tradition is in some sense apocalyptic there is much uncertainty and we should not sugarcoat things all i know is this tradition will eventually win traditional latin mass will return as the mass of rome and the one unique form of worship in the latin rite it may take time it will require much sacrifice and we might die in the meantime but the old mass will not die and it cannot die but we can take this as our consolation our children and our children's children will see the victory and to end in the words of bobby sands an ira member who died while in prison on hunger strike protesting british occupation of ireland some of his finals words were this our revenge will be in the smiles and laughter of our children god bless you thank you father a priest friend of mine named father hogan who was an englishman was interviewed on our radio station recently and he said something about the irish i think you might find very interesting he said that the reason that ireland is in trouble these days is because she's not catholic anymore the irish catholics aren't irish catholics any longer they're angry they're irish copies of their english anglicized counterparts at best and at worst they're enemies and haters of the faith it's a sad situation that's actually going on with the irish but in england the mass is resurgent and our lady of walls and him rises over 150 people marched to walls in him this year 75 miles 57 miles 75 kilometers began in 2002 with about 10 12 tender souls and now mary's dowry pope francis even recognized england again and gave her the the catholics in england the the right to use the term mary's dowry again so as father said children's laughter will we will hear it or our grandchildren's laughter and as our lady told us in the end we we know how this story ends her immaculate heart will triumph i said this in a conference called a red pill exo expo back in november it was the last thing i said that is very secular very masonic audience and i was accosted by a 32nd degree mason afterwards he did not like to hear that it was her immaculate heart that would triumph so before i send you off to one more five minute break i'd like to take five minutes to tell you what today is today's january the 15th who knows in american history what happened on this day johnny horton wrote a song about it in 1814 it took a little trip along with colonel jackson down the mighty mississipp took a little bourbon and we took a little beans and we fought the bloody british in the town of new orleans on this day january the 15th in 1815 the british were defeated at xiaomi national battlefield what you don't know is that before going to battle andrew jackson the protestant stopped at the convent of our lady of the ursuline nuns in new orleans they had a little statue this big at that time it was a little statue of our lady of perpetual hell the prior which was a woman named sister sam michelle she had taken that statue from france with the permission of blessed i want to say it was pius the eighth don't quote me or maybe it was a clement the ursulines were asked to pray and they did they went into the by by general jackson the nuns went into st louis cathedral on the night on the evening of january the 14th and began vigil prayer to what they call the little statue of our lady of perpetual help little sweetheart by midday the next day a rider came from charlemagne national battlefield and told them of the miraculous stunning victory that very few continental lives or american lives were lost and the british were completely and totally decimated and destroyed that was january the 15th today 1815. a fire would have ravaged the city of new orleans some years later again the sisters were asked to pray and they did they prayed to their little sweetheart again and the fire miraculously turned and went back towards the mississippi river new orleans was saved again under the bishopric of napoleon parche who also was instrumental in getting how many of you share a devotion to the holy face napoleon parche archbishop napoleon perche brought it to the united states after he asked his holiness leo the 13th he went to tours to go see the holy man of tours who had died to go see the miracles and he wrote to the holy father and he said holy father please let us be the first parish in the united states to take up the devotion to the holy face and not only to pope leo granted epoblo granted it to the entire church the reason i bring this up is because archbishop perche also had a daily devotion to little sweetheart and pope leo the 13th made our little sweetheart our lady a prompt sucker today is the feast day of our lady of prompt sucker she is the patroness and queen of the city of new orleans and the state of louisiana don't we catholics have the most awesome stories we have the lore right and i have a special devotion i have a little sweetheart in my house and she's a wonderful wonderful mother and i don't know if you have a uh a patroness of the ohio river valley here i know there's been an apparition but if you need one take up devotion to our lady of prom sucker i promise you she will hasten to help you all right five minutes and then cameron o'hearn of the the wonderful film mass of ages and we'll see you in five minutes thank you very much cameron o'hearn is the director and producer of the three-part documentary trilogy entitled mass of the ages this monumental project portrays the richest richness of the traditional latin mass using stunning photography and inspiring stories i hope how many of you have seen mass of the ages you're not going to sell any copies tonight bro but you will sell part two he's been both the facilitator and guest speaker with numerous catholic podcasters such as some guys that you don't want to know their names his big claim to fame will be when he interviews with me next month all right cameron where are you come on cameron o'hearn [Applause] thanks mike thanks buck for putting this together it's incredible so grateful to be here thanks for staying up late and listening to me um thank you thanks for being here when i was 21 years old so about 11 years ago my life was forever changed because of the mass but not in the way you might think i did not grow up with the traditional latin mass and at this point in my life i didn't even know it existed my family was incredibly faithful with regular rosaries monthly confessions and a fervent belief in the real presence our family prayed a lot of prayers but i didn't really pray that often what i mean is i didn't seek to have a regular conversation with jesus to meditate on his word and ask him how he wants me to live my life so i arrived at this beautiful retreat center in wisconsin hundreds of miles from home to be trained to give catholic retreats to young people across the country just to make you uncomfortable i should mention that it was a charismatic community [Music] it was this retreat that taught me how to have a regular prayer life and it was these daily meditations that grew in me a love for jesus and taught me to hear his voice every morning began with mass and i'm sure you can picture exactly what that mass looked like i arrived early to this beige room and sat in a folding chair the guitarist tuning his guitar for the song in that moment in the silence i prayed something from the heart something like psalm 27. hear o lord when i cry aloud be gracious to me and answer me thou has said seek ye my face my heart says to thee thy faith lord do i seek hide not thy face from me in the midst of the guitars the noise in this multi-purpose room in front of a chatty priest i suddenly recognized who the eucharist was it is the king of kings and i realize that when i receive him i will be touching almighty god how many times had i received him with yawns and offended this greatest act of love with indifference but this time i recognized who he was and i trembled i received him i touched god and all my desires for a million lesser things were silenced so i'm the director of the latin mass trilogy mass of the ages i believe that the latin mass is the foundation of faith for the church but my life was changed at a novus ordo mass the latin mass is the foundation to the household of faith like we heard from the council of ephesus that the lexarandi establishes the lex credential but it's not the whole building i do believe that if the church universally adopted the latin mass in all its parishes the church would not only survive but it would also evangelize the world and produce saints like no other time in history the liturgy matters in the life of faith just as the soil matters in the life of a plant but in addition to good soil faith needs the bright sun of orthodox teaching and the frequent watering of devotion because in the end the judge will not ask us which mass we attended he will ask us how much we loved him beyond all our noble efforts in our traditional parishes we need to realize that ultimately we don't save the church the church saves us i think back to that guitar mass it certainly wasn't because of the guitars and because of the nonchalance then my eyes were opened it was despite that worldliness that the eucharistic king came through and revealed himself to me yes the guitar mass wasn't the proper setting for the mystery taking place like meeting a king at the dmv but it is ultimately the king the hero of history who will save his bride the church and restore fitting worship in the liturgy so what are we to do are we to just roll over move on stop caring 167 years before christ emperor antiochus took control of the jewish temple and seized its sacred vessels for himself he established a military post at the entrance to the temple thus controlling its worship all the jews must either submit to pagan worship or be killed so many adopted paganism out of fear the rest were driven into the wilderness and what were they to do could they leave their situation feels all too familiar the conquest against the liturgy the oppression of the empire why not leave to find a less contentious land build a new temple in a new place to have their worship uncontested they could even follow the same liturgical traditions as in the temple no it's obvious they could not leave they knew they could not leave the land prepared for them by god for then their worship would no longer be true so the maccabees led a campaign to retake the holy city it was through the courageous suffering of the faithful jews that future generations were able to enjoy the freedom to worship god in the promised land but only a few of them were military generals most of them faithful ordinary jews like the woman and her seven sons who all face their martyrdom one by one faithful families this is what continues to keep the faith alive 300 years after christ the true faith was under assault from the inside the aryan heresy was so pervasive that it's estimated that the majority of bishops throughout the world had succumbed to it and saint jerome famously said that the whole world groaned and was astonished to find itself aryan but faithful catholic families certainly not the ones making ecclesial decisions attended mass taught their children to pray and handed on the authentic catholic faith they had been taught by their parents yes we need those like saint athanasius who stood up against the hierarchy at great personal cost but the faith wouldn't have survived without authentic catholic teaching from faithful families the sense of the faith preserve the church so today we can easily find ourselves frustrated because we see this precious thing the latin mass being taken away from us we don't know what to do so we spend our energies frantically in useless ways theorizing worrying complaining but do you know who the greatest complainer is st miriam of bethlehem said the devil is the greatest complainer par excellence he is eternally frustrated he excels in deciding that nothing is going well do you know anyone like that we are not all military generals or investigative journalists yet we love investigating the internet about pope francis this and traditional escustotis that to construct our dissertations on facebook to finally prove our modernist family members wrong but is that making us more faithful we can feel hopeless like giovanni a choir boy living near the city of rome in 1537. shortly after the church was torn in half by martin luther you can imagine the division between churches often finding priests who have adopted luther's ideology into their preaching and into the liturgy giovanni loved the mass of the ages so he devoted himself to it to prayer and to practice he became so talented that at age 18 he became a great organist at the cathedral at age 25 he was training singers in the most prestigious choir in the world the sistine choir four years later on good friday everything was about to change the council of trent was underway and debates about sacred music were contentious polyphony had incorporated elements of secular music trying to use the best of the world's music to enhance the setting of the mass in so doing the actual words of the kyrie gloria credo and so forth were becoming obscured by the musical settings people couldn't hear or pray the words being sung so on that good friday right in the middle in the heart of the council of trent pope marcellus required that polyphonic music and the mass be changed so that the words could be more clearly understood but giovanni could not live with the idea that polyphony could be thrown out altogether there must be a way to combine the beautiful soaring harmonies of polyphony with the rational prayerfulness of gregorian chant giovanni pierre luigi de palette palestrina set to work and by the next year he composed one of the most famous masses in history called the misa pape marcelli you can imagine these bishops of the council of trent gathering for mass and before they enter the various board rooms to lay out their arguments for and against polyphony they attend this mass composed by palestrina and they hear this music that unifies the beauty of polyphony with the rationality of chant it might have been this mass that saved polyphony so what's the point of these stories god gave palestrina his gifts god gave him his creative impulses god guided his compositions and god placed him at just the right moment in church history god placed judas jonathan and simon maccabias right where they were supposed to be with their gifts to command and lead even when the church seemed to be lost to arianism it was god who inspired the true faith in their families in spite of the church's leadership any of these heroes could have given up they could have spent themselves in a thousand worthless ways fighting through the for the faith through bickering worrying lobbying but instead they were faithful with their gifts and importantly where god has placed them i remember feeling pretty good about myself when i was filming for mass of the ages in lincoln nebraska we were filming a high mass we had interviewed doctor peter koznevsky for four jam-packed hours and had just captured some beautiful shots of the scola at mass feeling very clever i approached a young family in the back of church during mass who are trying to keep their baby quiet so usually you don't interrupt people at mass to film them but i had a great idea for a shot i was going to ask them to stand in a particular spot in the center aisle so we could frame up just the right shot i thought this is going to be the trailer shop for episode one a young family at mass they have a baby they're discovering the mass of the ages this is a great idea well the wife awkwardly accepts but the husband was clearly annoyed that i was interrupting his worship to set up a shot so feeling dejected we moved into the sacristy to get the right angle for the consecration that was coming up that's when i heard from my cinematographer tom that we lost all the footage from that morning check again he switches media cards and checks it's empty he resets the camera and checks again there's no footage the hardware had failed there we were kneeling in the sacristy after hours of long work filming the consecration and i stepped outside of myself for a moment i recognized myself in god's presence and i thought about this responsibility to create mass of the ages and i remembered ultimately whose project this was god knows he knows how much we love the latin mass he knows its value far more than we do are god's plans thwarted by traditionis custodes no higher than the heavens are his thoughts to our thoughts and his ways to our ways so there i was in the sacristy feeling very stupid but also humbled so i imagined all the sd cards where we keep the footage that all the sd cards with the lost footage were on the altar just broke into bits and because i was feeling rather depressed the broken bits were also covered in blood and it was my sacrifice god this is my sacrifice for you this is your work thank you for letting me be a part of it after the consecration tom leaned over and whispered i found it what i don't know all the footage just reappeared why am i making mass of the ages yes i want the latin mass to grow but it has to be more than that i want jesus to be praised adored and loved in all the tabernacles of the world in all the liturgies of the world even to the end of time if our churches are ransacked by modernism and we find ourselves in the wilderness with no latin mass in sight we can still be faithful to the will of god to our relationship with him if everyone in the church embraces this modernism it is the faith of our families that will keep the church alive no matter what happens to the traditional latin mass here on earth no matter the twists and turns we must take to climb this mountain at the top we will find an unshakable throne surrounded by unceasing praise the perfect worship of god in the heavenly jerusalem that is our near future don't leave don't complain and don't worry be faithful to the church that will save you my last word will be from proverbs chapter 3 trust in the lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths be not wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sensus Fidelium
Views: 30,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mass, latin, ages, tradition, mike church, mass of the ages
Id: lBZhQrwtrG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 15sec (7335 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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