Fr. Mike Schmitz: "Pray The Mass Like Never Before" | SEEK2019

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thank you you guys um thank you so much um so when it comes to this topic this is one of the things that I would say that I've said it a couple times but it's about this topic is I don't know if there's anything that I want to share with you that is more important I don't think I can share anything that's more important that we're not about to to say today at the same time I understand that that's I might not do it justice right cuz that's a thing as when you have like a big big topic when you have it's so important like burn on your heart and you realize just looking at all of you just thinking like if they only knew this thing it would change your life I'm telling you the truth if you only got this thing it would change your life you would change your eternity and so I'm like gosh lord I suck because I can't do it you know I chose one of those where it's just like I hope it works I got 42 minutes to do it if you know anything about me I will need all 55 of those 42 minutes so okay let's just jump into it um I dislike watching sports [Applause] I'm glad you're proud of me for that I know I honestly I never I've never understood it I've never understood just like the idea of oh my gosh it is so gorgeous outside what a gorgeous Saturday afternoon let's go and watch someone else do something never made any sense to me it also never made any sense to me but when someone like wears another person's Jersey like oh I'm wearing this person's number you have someone else's name on your back that's like I just that's it's Loco you know I'm saying it's like hey that doesn't make any sense to me because when it comes to again so I went to Saint John's University in Collegeville Minnesota and when I went there when I went there their football team was the one of the number one teams in the division three nation and they if they won a game by less than 30 points it was like oh gosh what was wrong with the team you know they were really really good team my whole time I was there all four years I was there and I went to one quarter of one game my entire four years because I got there and I sat down and they're playing the game I'm like why should I sit here watching them play I'm gonna I've watch my friends I'm gonna leave and go like go for a run to go for a bike ride because it's so knit they're like but it's so nice out I'm like exactly it's so nice out I should be moving I've never understood the desire to just watch and yet so much of us we define our lives are defined like that that's that's what our lives become doesn't just have to be going to a concert and watching someone else perform music doesn't have to be going to a game watching someone else perform on on the field of play it can also be you know pull on our phone and just watching someone else's insta feed the idea that I'm just gonna watch someone else do something the idea that I'm gonna watch watch someone else's life no it's not it's not a bad thing because obviously isn't it great to go to a concert and you see someone do something excellently to be able to go to a sporting event and to recognize like they're doing something excellently that's awesome in fact I do have to admit that in the last year and a half I have been slightly consumed and obsessed by the CrossFit Games and so I want to watch these people lift heavy weights why because I also am an idiot and we're no different you guys we're all just dumb there's nothing wrong with wanting to see excellence but when all we end up doing is watching we're missing out on what we could be doing and that's not bad when it comes to a concert it's not bad when it comes to a game but we bring that same attitude to mass coz what do we do we go to mass and we show up and we watch that actually that's what we were told to do right wasn't it like when you're a kid brought to mass as a kid it was like sit down just look just watch don't know don't Shh just watch and that's basically the extent of yes that was the extent that was the extent of our training on how to go to mass well sit down be quiet and watch pay attention so it's like going to a movie I don't know how you guys watch movies and wherever you live but in Minnesota here's how we watch movies we go into the movie theater quietly we go into our movie road quietly we sit down and if we have to open up our candy we open up before the movie starts because if you open up during the movie you're interrupting people and you sit there and you watch it quietly because that's called being polite and if something's really funny you go that's called Minnesota nice we do it really really well I went down I went as a seminarian I would throw station down in a place called st. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean it was Austin was a great placement oh so he's so challenging for me but I remember one night I went to see The Mummy Returns it was the second installment of the mummy movies and I'd already seen it which I thank the Lord for because I went into the theatre and I could not hear more than like a paragraph of dialogue the entire movie because during that time movie people are standing up going like go at one if you ever seen Mummy Returns there's a scene where they're out trying to outfly this like mummies face of sand and everyone in the theatre is up going go go go I'm like they already filmed this like you can't change the outcome but they were just they were all into it so that it was like on the seats I'm like I'm a Minnesotan get down off the seat what what are you doing because that's what you do when you go to a movie you go in quietly you sit down quietly and you watch what do you do when you go to Mass you go in quietly you genuflect quietly you sit down quietly and you watch most of us go to Mass wrong most of us are doing it wrong not because you've been doing something wrong because we haven't told you what mass is all about and as most of us go to Mass and we think okay well do you know the homily the homily wasn't educational enough so we think that like the heart of mass would be like well if the priests or the Deacon is a really good teacher that can break open the scriptures then that that was a really good mask I learned a lot or the goal of AIT's to be inspiring and uplifting so I went to Mass I like oh my gosh that music was just so like I just I I feel I feel it no it's just like that I I prayed that was awesome because I felt uplifted we think mass is all about getting educated or about being entertained or about being inspired but it's not here's the crazy thing I stumbled upon a couple years ago that when it comes to all world religions you can say what's the heart of all religion say well you know moral life leaving a good life that's part of it well you know the Creed what we believe about God about us and about the world that's part of it but across the board for all of humanity the heart of religion wasn't just morality and it wasn't just Creed it was worship the heart of religion is worship the heart of religion is what we give to God now this is the crazy thing is so that means what that means that what we do on Sunday what we do every day when you go to Mass that's the heart of who we are that's the heart of our religion the heart of our religion is not just learning more about God the heart of our religion is not becoming like God the heart of our religion is worship of God here's the crazy thing across the board for almost all of human history until recently the heart of worship is sacrifice the heart of religion is worship and the heart of worship is sacrifice so what happens we go to we go to Mass we go to worship and we're like okay I'm here I'm here for the thing what do you mean the thing I'm here to get something you know I'm sure we've all said this like you know hi I just didn't get anything out of Mass today little crowd participation if you've ever said that do you mind giving a little show of your palm of your hand I didn't get anything out of Mass today if you've ever heard someone say I didn't get anything on the mass today okay so this is wonderful because what do you always hear when someone says well I didn't get anything out of mass you have the really religious person who says well you get out of it watch it port into it how many have heard that exactly right so a little secret spoiler the point of worship is not to get anything you're not supposed to get anything worship is not about what you get worship is about what you give why the heart of religion is worship the heart of worship is sacrifice and you offered the sacrifice that's one of the reasons why we have so many so many of us who become disenchanted with the mass has all I've been taught to do is walk in quietly sit down quietly and just pay attention we haven't been taught the reality which is okay walk in quietly sit down quietly get your heart ready why because you're here to offer a sacrifice you're not here to simply watch the priests to pray that's what our trainings been in and you're really the Catholic if you really like to watch the priests pray he said sarcastically I want to make you sure you've got that you're a really good Catholic if you can sit there quietly and you can pretend like you like watching the priest pray but that's not the heart of worship heart of worship is sacrifice and the heart of worship is not getting something the sacrifice you're there to give now here's a little a little a little a couple different caveats we call them in the fancy world of words um caveat number one you might say well you get something on a mask yes you do what do you get well I don't know you get God's word for claim to you that's kind of nice you get God's Word explained to you that's kind of nice you get to actually receive the Word made flesh in the Eucharist given to you which is pretty nice so even though you're not there to get how good is God so good that's how good he's so good that even when we go there to give him he gives to us which is one of the reasons why like man oh man it's so important for us to recognize that we do not worship and experience we worship a reality we worship the reality have you ever had that experience of encounter with God of the mass that is a gift that is so good and you've been blessed by that but we don't show up to master chase the experience we show to mass because they are there to worship the reality the foundation of all being the God who loves us we're not there to worship an experience we're there to worship Him so let's just back up and say what you know that worship that God gave to the people of Israel think about if you were at you like say even in the first century and you would go to worship say you say is Passover and you went to worship what would you do well you take a lamb a year old lamb that was unblemished right you take it and you bring it into your home I don't if you know this but you bring that lamb into your home and you live with it for a week and you live with will live with it for a week for a couple reasons one is to keep it safe to keep it protected so it would not become blemished the other reason you would take that lamb into your home and you'd care for it and live with it in your home is the hope is that you would become attached to it hope is that hope is that they will become precious to you hope is that the lamb will become something valuable to you actually the hope is that you would learn to love the lamb and then what you would do it's on the day required you would take that lamb you'd carry it with your own arms around your own shoulders you would carry that lamb it gives you one just let it walk itself because it could get blemished that way you would carry that lamb in your arms and what have what happened as you present the lamb to the priest there was a there was a chest high wall around the temple area and there you were on one side and the priests were on the other side and you would carry that lamb that you now care about and you draped the lamb over that chest high wall and the priest would hand you a knife and you would cut the throat of that lamb and the priest would catch the blood of the lamb in bowls as you held the lamb well its life seeped out of it this lamb that you learned to love this lamb that was valuable to you and the priest would catch the blood of the lamb in its bowls and they'd have like an assembly line where they passed the bowl from priest to priest to priest until it went all the way to the altar and the sacrifice wasn't complete at the presentation of the lamb that sacrifice wasn't complete when the Lambs throat was slit the sacrifice was complete when the priests took the blood of the lamb and poured it onto the altar that was when the lamb was offered to God that was when the sacrifice was being lifted up to God no think about this would you be as a first-century Jew like walking home from Passover from from the temple worship with the lamb now it's been skinned and you're carrying it back to roast its flesh and to eat its flesh to walk back at me like man Passover so lame this year I didn't really feel anything I remember when I was like a 17 year old and went to Passover was like oh so emotional but this was like man your buddy or your friend or family would look at you like are you kidding it's not about what did you feel when you offered the sacrifice of the Lamb it's about offering the sacrifice of the Lamb not about what you felt about the fact that you offered the sacrifice of the lamb to the God who loves you that I do give you life the guy who set you free and you are now free because you offered the sacrifice that's what the sacrifice gave you Oh Gabe Exodus he sacrificed the lamb and eat its flesh what do you receive life and freedom found in worship life and freedom given to you because you offered the sacrifice so here's the big question when we come to mass we come to worship question really obvious who is worship about yeah not me who is worship about not you who is worship about not us that's why it's so crazy when you have those churches that are built like hockey rinks right kind of like theater-in-the-round or it's like look at cross though I hate over there on the other side over there on the other side like it's because it's about the people it's not about us who is worse for about his name starts with a G ends with the D in the middle is Oh God exactly who is you come like good um worship is that it gets to be about God next time you go into mass think about this fact you're going into mass tomorrow morning it's gonna be about an hour realize the freeing like liberating reality of like I don't have to think about myself for the next 60 minutes thank you Jesus because how self-preoccupied are we for the most part oh my gosh where is called navel-gazing have heard of naval that turn navel-gazing he always looking at your navel like how am i doing how am i doing how am i doing how am i doing how am i doing seminarians are notorious for this is he still calling me is he still calling me is he still calling me get over it sometimes I say stuff and I wish I could go back yeah whose worship about is that about you sound about me it's not about us it's about God and this is one of the things that's so good it's so good for us that we're called out of ourselves if the heart of religion has worship in the heart of worship is sacrifice sacrifice you guys we can't have love without sacrifice you can't actually love someone if you're not willing to sacrifice for them someone asked me about this I made that comment a while back and someone wrote to me and said AHA that's so seem so strange how is that possible that's okay stop for one moment think of any relationship you've ever had with anybody what would it be if you never sacrificed your will for their will that be relationship of use you know I remember talking with a a priest who had been ordained at that point for 25 years who had himself spoken with a man was a marriage counselor for 50 years and he had asked this marriage counselor for 50 years what's the secret to a happy marriage I wouldn't know he's actually the opposite he said what's the what's the secret for like why do marriages have such a hard time and this marriage counselor he said everyone will say it's about communication you need more communication you have enough communication and he says that's baloney the number one problem in marriage is not lack of communication the number one problem marriage and problem in marriage is I selfishness that I can communicate to you and so I'm blue in the face what I want you can communicate till you're blue in the face to me what you want if I still want what I want doesn't matter there can't have be love without sacrifice name the story I love doing I'd love to use about this is when I was growing up my mom had a birthday on November 4th like every year and so you know I remember a couple times where he'd be like hey mom what do you want us as kids what do you want us to get you for your birthday my mom would say something like actually it'd be so nice if you kids would just clean the whole house for me that day mmm no mom what do you really want for your birthday so yeah you to be November so either would be well if you just go out and rake the yard or if you could go out and shovel the driveway one of the two I'm just go outside and like clean up like no mom seriously what do you really want for your birthday she say okay fine if you guys could just you kids could just not fight for the whole day that would be such a good present for me like mom I don't I don't think you know who you're talking to right now so what would happen is my older sisters they'd end up borrowing some money and then borrowing the car and going to a store and getting my mom something could they like driving they like shopping my older brother and I this is not a lie we would go ride our BMX bikes all day at the end of the day I remember this calling our mom out onto the front porch to show her the trick that we learned for her for her birthday my little brother when he was little he liked you know drawn dinosaurs he job to color a picture of a dinosaur and gave to my mom no we give her my mom these things and she would always smile she'd always say thank you but she knew and now I know she could say this is nice I'm thank you but this isn't what I asked for thank you for this this is really nice but it isn't what I asked for when we gave our mom those presents we weren't giving her what she asked for we weren't giving her what she wanted we were giving her what we wanted and so that gift became what was it about my mom I pretended like it was kinda sorta was but it was really more about me and the same thing is true when it comes to worship that Jesus has told us God has told us what he wants how he wants us to worship Him but I say no no no here's the deal Jesus like the mass it gets pretty boring it's pretty long gets pretty all these other things and so here's what I'm gonna do for you is I'm going to go to a different kind of service because that is gonna be what I give you Jesus I know you called us to go worship you in the Eucharist at the Mass every Sunday but it's hunting weekend and it's hockey weekend and a soccer weekend and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find you in the woods he's like yeah I'm there but here's the deal if I give God what I want not what he's asked for who do I really love do I love him or am I saying I love myself more if I know that God has said this is how I want you to worship me but I give him what I want to give him that's not an act of love for him it's an act of love for myself because love always demands some kind of sacrifice this is the key I mean this is the this is the deal right you know we note that God has told us here's how I want to be worshipped the night before he was the night he was betrayed took bread and said take this all of you eat of it this is my body given for you this is this is the body that's on the cross this is the body that's resurrected from the dead this is the body that suffers for you take all of you and drink from it this is the chalice of My Blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this and every Christian for 1500 years do it that's that's worship that's the sacrifice these sacrifice that we get to offer to God is God let that settle in for a second the sacrifice we offer to God is God the sacrifice we offer to God is the very best thing he's ever given to us I can't get it give him anything better than that I can't give him anything better than himself in the Eucharist because there is nothing better in the world there's nothing better in the universe there's nothing better in all creation the world visible and invisible so I give the sacrifice of the son to the Father if you want to learn how to pray the mass I'd like you to pay attention to whom the prayers are directed of the mass have you ever noticed this here's the pop quiz for the for you all for y'all I've kind of already given the answer but to whom are almost all of the prayers in the mass directed God is very good answer to which person of the Trinity are almost all of the prayers in the mass directed dad almost all the prayers in the mass are directed to dad the whole mass we're talking to dad protecting to the Father in heaven why what was Jesus is primary preoccupation what's Jesus as primary reason why he came to earth why did why did Jesus come to earth one we say will the save us yes that's that's that's it but that's not the primary reason the primary reason the obsession of Christ the obsession of the son for his whole life we say it in Philippians chapter 2 it's incredible song that we say that every knee shall Bend on heaven on the earth and under the earth and every tongue will proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord that's not a period at thinnest Jesus Christ is Lord why to the glory of God the Father Jesus's primary obsession with his life was for the father's glory Christ's giving up himself in the sacrifice of his passion of his death and his resurrection is all for what for you yes secondarily primarily for the father so the father is glorified remember when Jesus prays he says which like you can come into the hour come to the hour of his passion of the hour of his death he says father I'm deeply troubled yet what shall I say father save me from this hour no it is for this hour that I came father be glorified Christ obsession is the father's glory so what's the point of the mass actually here's the question what's the point of the mass offer the sacrifice why you all know this you all know the answer and I want you to all to say the answer at one time how do we do that let me tell you for tricky you already know the there's a two-fold purpose of the mass every time we go to mass it does two things and once you did tell me those two reasons pre my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty those are the two reasons of the mass for the father's glory for the praise and glory of his name and for our good novellas church every time the mass is celebrating every time the worship happens every time the sacrifice is lifted up what happens the father is glorified and the world is saved every time we offer the sacrifice every time we give God worship in the Eucharist two things happen the father is glorified and the world is saved for the praise and glory of your name for our good and the good of all his Holy Church and we offered the sacrifice but here's the crazy thing I could know that I hears the prayer I want to highlight this one to you so the priest the ministerial priest will pray at the altar right and he says in Eucharistic prayer number three he says may the sacrifice of our reconciliation O Lord advance the peace and salvation of all the world be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church on earth what's he praying for at that point may this sacrifice of our reconciliation made the sacrifice hear the attack of a salve Eucharist that was our reconciliation may advance the peace and salvation of all of the world do you realize that every time you are at mass offering up the sacrifice you are participating in the salvation of the world you don't you know why because they show up to mass and what do we do we watch you know the priest prays really well we're like wow that was a really good Mass he prayed that really I can tell I can tell he has the words memorized he's holy holy or he's a good memorizer and one of the two so we watch him pray watch the priest pray just watch the priest pray pop quiz I don't if anyone knows the answer to this how many priests are there in the world one one three smell done give him a cookie there's one priest what's his name father Joe Jesus Christ isn't there yes exactly Jesus is the one great high priest Jesus it's the his priesthood he's the one priest he shares his priesthood with ministerial priests it's not their priesthood it's not my priesthood it's his priesthood he shares with us and so we need the ministerial priests to can what they call can affect the Eucharist right without because Jesus told his dupatta who made his priests do this a memory of means we need the priests we have the one great high priest we have ministerial priests but who here who here has been baptized a couple of you when you were baptized the deacon priest or bishop who baptized you he also anointed you and when it's Mike one of my favorite parts of baptism other than the baptism when the priest anointed your forehead announces your head with the chrism of anointing right chrism anointing he said I anoint you as a prophet to speak God's words your prophet you're a prophet you baptize your prophet I know you as a king or queen in the kingdom of God and I know it you a priest essentially to offer up the sacrifice so there's one great high priest it's a bunch of ministerial priests there is a kingdom of Kingdom priests this is a room good grow more time who here is a Kingdom priests here's the deal I saw some of these who here's a Kingdom priests okay here's the deal question is why are you wasting your priesthood because every time you show up to mass and just watch you're wasting your priesthood it makes sense we actually here's the here's where I get a little bit polarizing it makes sense that we would show up and watch why because the way we've organized the sanctuary right so so what happens is the priestess here behind the altar you're looking at the priest and he's like the talk-show host he's at the altar remember this is the altar where they pour the blood of the Lamb of the sacrifice right but he's kind of standing there at that thing and we just gotta watch him like this it's called mess I think propyl Oh something like that to the priest add whatever to the people add yet whatever I don't know Latin um I skip that year I was sick that day these we used to have mass what they call ad orientem which means to the east and that's when you hear some people saying oh that was when the priest turned his back to the people sure if you want to look at it that way he's got a little secret prayers or it could be or it could be this the Ministerial priest is leading the Kingdom priests up the mountain of God and when he takes the Eucharist and he lifts it up to the Father he's not doing this ignoring you you are all with him saying like yes we're all we're all the fingers up to the Father so we lose something when we're I'm on this side of the altar here in that side of the altar could you just watch me pray if I was your tour guide if that was a we were all climbing up a mountain and I was the leader of the of the Mountaineers I wouldn't like walk backwards and like hey one come up the mountain here with me I'm there on your right is this on your left or whatever the directions are I what would happen we do this we'd say you guys let's go we're all hiking up the mountain listen come on we start going yep crazy to turn around keeps with you by the way and keep you know that kind of a thing what would I be highlighted I'm not the one climbing the mountain we're the ones climbing the mountain on this side of the altar I'm not the one saying the prayers when we're doing this the Ministerial priest is leading a kingdom of priests in offering the sacrifice to the Father now this isn't just like father Mike's little like thing like I made this up or something actually in fact you've heard these words every time you come to Mass like you really father like you seemed I didn't know you were so like some people say progressive because I'm saying you're all priests some people would say I'm super like conservative cuz I'm saying like we should all face the same direction neither I'm just called Catholic and um okay so but I'm not making this up you've heard this why cuz every single mass the priest looks at y'all and he says pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father Almighty like it's it my sacrifice and when you hear that in Mass tomorrow I'll let let that be let some of these things be like the reminders right like play little cues like wait a second um doesn't well I'm not there to watch the priests even if like you know most of our masses we have on our campus are like this right you know back to what we're used to but when you hear those words that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to the Father let that be the thing that's like wait please like I'm a king a priest I have to offer up something next thing to think of when you go to Mass so you don't end up watching so here's the preset the altar may be facing you most likely that's what we get the case and he says take this all of you and eat of it this is my body given up for you and he holds up the Eucharist what moment is that in ancient Israeli Israelite Israelite worship that's the moment where the lamb is presented for the sacrifice that's the moment you see that's Jesus really truly present that's really him and he's showing you the sacrifice guys this is the beloved lamb that you've spent all week praying to every single day you've not just showed up on Sunday not having prayed since last Sunday you've taken Christ into your home he is the precious Lamb that you're about to offer up and so when the priest is elevating the Eucharist and says this is not before not not the list of the Lamb of God but this this is my body given up for you and he holds up that's you coming to that chest high wall and presenting your precious Lamb Jesus Christ to the priest when he holds out the precious blood and says take this all of you and drink of it it's my blood given up for you thought of a new and eternal covenant and holds it up for you that's okay yeah that's the blood that's poured out it's not offered up yet it's not off it's not offered up yet remember the sacrifice is not complete when the lamb is sacrum the lamb is killed sacrifice complete is complete when the blood is offered and there's a little gap in our prayer in the mass between this part chalice part and the sacrifice the moment of sacrifice I just want to direct you all of your attentions to so you don't end up watching but you end up worshiping he's at the end of the Eucharistic prayer when the priest once again takes the lamb Jesus Christ his body and his blood and he says these words through him who's the him Jesus through him with him in him he's talking about Jesus the Lamb of God Jesus who is business he's lived he's died he's resurrected this is Jesus through him with him in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit almighty father almighty I can't remember the prayers uh but you know the first year we go through him with him in him and the unity volley spear all glory and honor is yours almighty father forever and ever and what do we say yes it's called the great amen and most Catholic parishes it's the lame amen because most of us don't realize that's the moment that's the moment of sacrifice that's the moment where the blood is poured out onto the altar what we sing father through him your beloved son in him we're praying with him the Lamb that I've been living with all week who is precious to me he's my lord he's my lamb he's my Savior he's God through him all glory in the pot Holy Spirit all glory and honor is yours almighty father that's why when we do this we're facing this direction we're all praying the kingdom priest minister a priest with a great high priest on the paten father this is for you dad this is for you this is the worship you asked for this is the sacrifice that saves the world this is the sacrifice that gives you glory father you know it's they had stories that said in the early church we got to that part of the mass the parishes the small communities celebrating the mass in even their own homes they said the great amen was so powerful that the walls in which they were would shake I would share that do at a camp we ran um Virginia high kids and there was a guy who played electric guitar he's just become Catholic like three months before this and he heard that he's like yeah I'm in so at mass I was like through him with him in him and everyone's like amen he's like off in the car I'm like okay okay yes yes father had said what he said now you don't have to do that scare all the old ladies and the ministerial priest up there he doesn't have to be loud it just this is the best thing you have it's the best thing you would have been given this is the one sacrifice to give the father glory and saves the world and this is the moment where like dad this is for you dad this is for you here's last thing so I read a book after I got ordained called the priest is not his own it's by a guy named Archbishop Fulton sheen and yeah it's kind of a stud and in one of the one of the chapters he wrote about he said when prescaler games when ministerial priest gets hurt get hurt and they said they were super excited to offer the sacrifice I can't wait to say Mass it's true lord thank you so much can't wait to offer the sacrifice they forget something though Jesus the great one great high priest is not just the priest at the mass Jesus is also the sacrifice and he said you ministerial priests who are so excited to offer the sacrifice don't be so excited you forget the fact that you're actually also called to be the sacrifice so you could walk out like I'm a Kingdom priests can't wait to get to mass offer the sacrifice with the priests also a little side point even though you truly are Kingdom priests it doesn't mean you also like say the words out loud that's instead not kosher that's not thinking what we're wording along with the priests this is my body don't do that in your heart be walking outgoing like I'm the king of fries it's amazing it is amazing it is amazing but it also means you're a Kingdom sacrifice and a priest can't be content with merely offering up the sacrifice the best thing we have Jesus Christ can't be merely content with offering of the sacrifice that priest also has to strive to be the sacrifice with Jesus and I know you can do that this is the prayer that I had the one thing I want more than anything in the world is that from this moment until the at every Mass you ever go to from now until the moment you step into the eternal Mass that's happening right now that you make the resolution like lord I will never I will never ever go to another Mass and just watch I will never ever go to another Mass and just like look at other people pray I'll never ever go to another Mass and waste my priesthood from now on from now on I will offer the sacrifice from now on I will be the sacrifice with Jesus and from this day until the end of days I will never again watch when God has created called and crafted you to worship i'll glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end and then how many god bless you the Father Son Holy Spirit thanks you guys [Applause]
Channel: FOCUS Catholic
Views: 517,962
Rating: 4.8930912 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Catholicism, FOCUS Catholic, SEEK Talks, FOCUS Talks, Father Mike Schmitz, Ascension Presents, Catholic Talks, Faith, Christianity, Christ, Jesus, Young Adult Catholic Talks, Young Adult Faith, Catholic Campus Ministry, CRU, Navigators
Id: YpUp6zSGCb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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