Fr. Donald Calloway-"Medjugorje: A Call to Priesthood" 2004

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I was walking to munch today with father Donald Calloway and I said to him I would love to be able to go to confession to you because I never did as bad a things as you did and right away the Lord hit me in the head and said he didn't know me and you do and that makes the big difference when you read that story and you hear him in the light of his complete innocence of God his complete non understanding of who Jesus is then it's not so bad in fact I have to look at myself and say who are you Mary Sue - do what you do when you know the love of Jesus you know the incredible love of our Father and the warm and tender love of our mother Mary so I really have to thank them though that that we had the chance to do this interview and to bring them here it's kind of like father Donald Callaway has hit the United States like a botom I don't know what concrete and everybody wants him now and and it's because we love to see somebody this naughty being this nice I'm very excited for you now to hear this wonderful priest tell the power of God in his life he will give the first talk now the first part of his story and the second part later and there will be two videos and two cassettes that there will be I'm sorry two cassettes and two CDs but only one video to order I hope you will order this video and show it to every young man you know to every young woman you know especially those living in sin because father has a way of touching young hearts as well as this old one but I think the youngsters need to hear this man and I can't wait for him to speak father Donald Callaway okay so before I start officially I just want to say a brief prayer again and this is really a protection for me lest I say something really stupid because I can do that you're just it's we're lucky the election is over folks because I was getting fired up and saying a lot of things a lot of people don't like to hear and a lot of people would be mad but it's over we got four more years whether you like it or not so let me say this Greek prayer in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit sweet mother Mary cover me with your mantle so that I can say only the things that are truthful only the things that our Lord and Savior wants me as his priest to say not adding anything not subtracting anything but saying everything that I've received all the mercies and telling your people your children that you love so much about the fullness of the glory of Catholicism so that we can fall more in love with your Divine Son hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen probably got some of you already upset with me by saying that comment but I don't care because I'm a priest now and what I say is not my own it's not my own message I don't I'm not here to actually point to myself I'm not here because it's about me it's not about me at all not in the least it's about a God who is so radically madly passionately ardently zealously in love with you and everything that you love and all your children and your spouse's and all that that I'm here to tell you a message about a God who so loves you so much you'll never be able to fathom it and although I've said it's not about me I do have to show you a picture right away so that you can see where I'm going because a lot of people when I go places they see me and they think oh well that's nice a nice young priest good-looking guy he's probably you know grew up in a nice Catholic family they were hunting schooled in the foothills of Montana somewhere he's got 12 brothers and sisters you know just he's baptized by the Pope no way that is that was the last thing the furthest thing that happened am i growing up and I have to show you this because it helps a lot it takes a lot of the weight off of me and trying to actually impress you we're just showing you a picture of me yeah everybody always laughs it's not a girl all my girlfriends are actually jealous because I have longer hair than they did that was me this would I call creature this animal in this picture and you're probably thinking right how in the world did that happen how did he get the view from this to be a Roman Catholic priests and that's what I want to share with you because it is a miracle and it is a miracle worked for you God's people who love God who want priests and have been praying you know all those freed all those ladies I call them the pillars of the church the old blue-haired ladies and like every parish across the globe actually in Europe now they're all doing the red hair thing I don't know what's up with that but any rate those old ladies they pray night and day old dad send us priests send us priests we need priests welching man I'm like I don't deserve this it's because God and he's answering those prayers and big time and so I'm going to back up into the very beginning so that you can see just how bad I was because believe me that picture you know I wasn't sober in that picture I need to know the picture was really being taken at the time I'm smiling and people say well you look so happy I was dead I was so dead gone more emotions her feelings no love not a zip zip nothing so how did it all happen well I'll go back to the beginning I was born in 1972 and actually it's interesting I came into this world to a mother who was 17 my dad was 19 and they were what I call hillbillies and I mean that and they would say that they're from West Virginia and if you know anything about West Virginia I love West Virginia totally but there's some hillbilly people down there I mean like way living on the sticks they I tell people my staple when I was a kid was Mountain Dew and moon pies man that's like you know I mean that's through real substantial food in West Virginia well I was born into this family very immature had never really done anything you know outside of West Virginia or maybe a trip to Ohio before and they were not Christians my mother was not a Christian my father was not a Christian neither one of them were baptized and so I was born actually into that and I wasn't baptized or anything and my dad got a job working in Michigan for one of these big motor company deals and was the first time he'd ever been outside of West Virginia and so it was all new to him the the fast-paced lifestyle of big city he had lots of money you know and there were other girls besides you know the ones in West Virginia well he was a no role model of being a father and he slipped away and went the way of the world and started womanizing drinking all that kind of stuff and obviously my mother is not gonna like that so I end up they end up divorcing separating and I end up living with my mother back in the woods of West Virginia where it's like 40 minutes to buy the nearest moon pie nothing I mean nothing is out there where my relatives to this day live there is nothing out there it's awesome and I lived out there with my mom all my grandfather's farm and I thought that was great I didn't know much about anything when my mother married again to another man non-christian man who was just really like my biological father didn't have a lot of responsibility hadn't done a lot of things in life was a very cultured so speak and so they got married and he didn't want to get a job so my mom had to get a job so she joined the Navy and left me with him while she went to excuse me I think was Orlando Florida for boot camp and so I'm there with him I hardly see him when she's gone he's out doing his thing and when she comes back she gets her first assignment in the military and we move as a family and I thought it was great we moved to Virginia Beach Norfolk Virginia area and it was great it was a big city there was all kinds of things going on it was something I never really experienced before I was too young to remember the Michigan thing and I just kind of said wow this is a whole new world I kind of like this and I bit into it with everything that I could as a little boy and all the examples that I was being given of manhood of what it meant to be a father to be a man were just terrible you know I had memories of my father and my stepfather of my relatives on TV all the examples that I saw manhood were just terrible but I didn't know right from wrong I had no foundation no black-and-white everything for me but I've been taught was great everything was great well my mom ended up getting another divorce with this guy and she married again to a third man whom I didn't like the first time she introduced you to me he came in in a military uniform and I thought to myself no way you mom you picked a loser he should he needs to walk through that door with suspenders and a Budweiser you know that's that's manhood man you know just know that's not gonna work mom I think you need to rethink this one well they got married they fell in love and he was a military officer so they get married they have a son my little broad you and something new comes into my life that I had never experienced Christianity he was Episcopalian that trust me that devout not in the least never went to church well he adopted me and I got his last name and I tell you it's proof for the existence of God because I'm father Callaway right now if I would have been you know my biological father's name I would be father clock right now there is a God you know thank you Jesus and so he adopts me and his parents say look if you're going to adopt him why don't you get him baptized it's the American thing to do nobody takes it seriously but you just do it you get the little certificate if somebody looks at as a years go by you know so that's what we did when I was 10 I was baptized validly in the Episcopalian Church show you how much it meant to us no pictures of my baptism none not one not one picture of my baptism do you know what I remember from my baptism the jelly-filled on us that's what I remember that's my the peak of my memory of my baptism experience and I should remember it I was 10 years old that's all I remember with the jelly-filled Donuts we never went to church never nothing so then we started moving a lot because she gets out of the military he's still in it as an officer we start moving everywhere man everywhere like every two years so our first move is to Southern California a young boy's dream it was paradise I didn't have no understanding of heaven no understanding of Hell no understanding of religion of any sort nothing so Southern California for me was awesome it was phenomenal you know it was like I went there and it we were coming out of the 60s hippies the 70 disco people and now we were into the MTV generation it was the early 80s and I was watching MTV and I was like this is where it's at and I'm living here in Southern California look at those girls man wow they didn't look like that in West Virginia you know it was just a whole new low for a young boy and all not the friends that I met they were just like so far advanced of me and the ways of the world I was like what is that what is that and what are they what are you doing there and I got introduced to all this stuff and I wanted it because I didn't have any right from wrong I just never been exposed to this stuff well it was now and I bit on to it I mean hard I clamped down on to it I would not let go and my parents were try and tell me don't do these things why are you acting this way why are you wearing these clothes where'd you get those clothes how'd you get all this stuff you know I just start stealing start drinking I'm talking like I'm 12 and a half years old at this point and I just started acting my mouth too started to get ripped foul and I just said you know I don't understand who are you people I'm talking about parents here to tell me not to do things I said you just happen to be adults and do these things and not get a get caught and you pay taxes and abide by rules which I think are stupid and I just have the courage to live it out you know to live out this credo system that I've made and you profess to be one thing you know a Christian my dad anyway but you know how am i I mean that's just your your phony you're fake and all the people you talked about are your ideals they're not mine you're just as bad as I am but you do it professionally by the rules of the world and you know they would look at me sometimes and I would say these things and they would be like man you're so wrong but you think so well you know I mean you take it to its logical conclusion if this is all there is I'm getting I'm getting it right now and I don't care what happens tomorrow let's scare them and they didn't what to do with me and I just kept going then we move again two years later to actually were in LA and then we moved down to near San Diego and it was great it was better than LA for me closer to the beach it was wonderful so I just start going to the beach almost every day went to class went to school when I wanted to I'm 14 years old doing my own thing started smoking marijuana a little bit and then about a year and a half later my dad comes home not even a year and a half later and he says we're going to move again great Malibu Honolulu you know we went from Virginia Beach to LA to San Diego just kept getting better where we gonna go now and he said something to me that just blew me away he said we're gonna move to Japan and I was like you know we're not you can move to Japan but I'm not going to Japan I'll move back with the hillbillies in West Virginia or Asheville North Carolina where his family was from but I am NOT going to Japan no way nohow where was I gonna do I'm so yeah well I told myself you take me out of my paradise Southern California was a young boy's paradise it was everything I thought all was wonderful I thought I said you take me out of it and you watch what I do when we get to this Japan that was going to rebound big time so I didn't believe it up until the day we left they were packing up our stuff and I was used to that packing up every year and a half two years I thought ha ha real funny you know we're just gonna fly out over the Pacific come back around and it's gonna be some big joke well that was like the longest plane ride of my life you know and we're flying we're flying and I'm like okay I don't feel me turns here and we just kept going and we'd get out and sure enough man we get out the runway and there's all these people bowing I'm like okay this is not Universal Studios this is real deal here man and it was I was in Japan and I said to myself not orally but to myself you watch what I do now you destroyed my everything I thought and I'm gonna rebel and I started to rebell man like you just don't know I just the first day of school I was like school why if I been going to that stupid thing all these years I don't want to go to school anymore and the only times I'm gonna go to school is because that's where those pretty girls are during the day and I may go there every now and then to smoke them out but I'm not going to thing I don't care fine one plus one equals two I buy it but what to do if that's all there is in life who cares and if you know you can list the presidents and I can recite them to you by rote who cares is that all there is and if this is all there is I'm gonna live it up every moment satisfy every desire passion emotion sense I have in my body in my being I want it all and I went down that path and I started just hanging out with the totally wrong people start drinking incredibly heavy Japan breeds alcoholism you know how we go to a web art here and they have outside a Coke machine and you put in your money and you get you know a coke or whatever or over there those are alcohol machines they're always on they're always available they're outside and if it's not on that the electrical socket is conveniently placed outside so you just plug it in if you're not tall enough to reach the slot to put in your yen where you have somebody help you out it was easy to be bad and I started doing a lot of stuff and I don't mean rice-wine hard stuff hard vodka I mean stuff I just pass out not have a clue what was going on for a day and a half wake up with the killer headache start you know sniffing stuff out you know what I was sniffing half the time start drinking cough syrup because I had codeine in it I drink you three bottles of that stuff everybody look like a turtle I was fried you know my whole being was just shot wasted and I go to school to try and pick up girls you know stoned out of my mind and they kicked me out you know locked me up call my parents I didn't care I was on have to please myself and I kept doing that kept doing it and kept doing it well it got to the point where after about a year about for about two years I started like Japan girls were pretty ways were alright little you know too much seaweed there but that's alright music didn't understand it but they could jam that was cool and I was doing the whole guitar thing start growing my hair long dressed like a Martian I mean my clothes are the most funky clothes you can imagine it was like taking a trip to another galaxy the way I dressed actually what I said I'm out of here mom dad see ya I don't need you all I'm doing is coming home to your pad here and just eating occasionally and that's it you people mean nothing to me my little brother whoever he is I'm out of here Japan is not too bad so I ran away in Japan on the main island of Honshu the big one you don't do that when you're going on sixteen you don't know the language the only words I knew were the bad ones you don't have no way don't you know make a living what are you gonna do crying you gotta go to eat you gotta sleep somewhere so I got involved with crime big time I was committing felonies in Japan things over here you do you're going to do some serious time over there it was like the people were gullible they would leave the money in the cash register overnight and conveniently leave the door unlocked it was like a little thief's dream and I was a liar a manipulator a deceiver and I was cute I was a cute little American boy that I could look it right in the eye and he'd believe every word I said I could just I could reason my way through a situation I was smooth man smooth I would tell girls a conscious the American bands would come over my hair was long dressed like a freak I tell him yeah I'm with the Bon Jovi Road Crew and they believe me and I would take advantage of them in ways you can you know I was bad I mean I would I had such a lustful perverse sick wicked heart it was not even funny how bad I was I don't even know myself anymore we know something happened during that whole time that I was away that I would only find out later if I would have found out during that time they were the mattered I wouldn't have carried my mom we might call like the Italian hillbilly she's like almost full-blooded Italian so it's amazing she wasn't Catholic with shita Bianco is her maiden name well she tried everything to control her maternal heart can you imagine what my mother was going through her boy ran away in a foreign country and she's getting reports she would tell me later of crimes being committed in theirs they see a Caucasian boy running from the scene of the crime again and it's your son the cheetah and we don't know how we're going to find him you better hope we do before they do because if they get him don't know what they're gonna do you know how bad I gotten myself into never hear the doctors I the Japanese mafia I was working with him I was right on the point of getting the top half of my pinkie cut off as the final initiation process I was so involved with this stuff I mean I had money on my person at one time so much I couldn't hold it on my person and then I was living at night and discotheques sleeping in capsule hotels we get a futon and a little TV that shows you nothing but pornography that was my life my mom thought it was going to show up dead or be killed in some you know situation that came down because the things I was doing she tried everything to get help talking to people medication everything and then a lady that she knew told her something that would change everything a Filipino lady this Filipino lady said to my mom I know the answer to your problem I know what you got the blue I know what you got the blue and then I was like what you got the puck for a Catholic priest you got the book Catholic priest and so my mom kind of gave in she's like okay fine I've tried everything else so she when she talked to this Catholic priest at the chaplaincy office on the base there was at sugi and Japan maybe some of you know about it that military base she wouldn't talk to him she loved what this guy had to say he told her about Saint Monica Our Lady of Sorrows confession the Eucharist the glories of Catholicism and my mother would tell me later she bit onto it strong she wasn't going to let go it was the answer for her maternal brokenness because I crushed that woman I my mom like you don't know I broke my mom and it was just beginning what I would do to my mom well little did I know she couldn't continue with that Catholic you know thing because she had to forcibly leave the country they made an arrangement they said look you have to leave with your younger son the country so that when we find your older son dead or alive we have to have a place to ship the body you have to leave and go back to the United States my mom was both she didn't know where they're gonna find me dead I'm gonna be locked up forever in a prison in Japan or what she left I didn't know that I wouldn't have cared I continued through my crazy stuff with about two weeks after that I was caught you know how they caught me they phone tapped all the lines to this military installation because I was calling all my friends after all these crimes I would commit and they would come off the base come back the next day with mopeds you know guitars drum sets all kinds of stuff everybody's like how is it that these kids keep going out the base and then coming back the next day with all this stuff or they pick they put one on one together it's because I was given it to him well they tapped the phone lines this one time and they found out where I was gonna be and they caught me but I was 15 and a half smooth slick Creek and I ran they got me later that day but it was like a movie scene man I'm running downtown the Oklahoma jumping over things jumping over you know everything try to get away from them but my lungs were shot because all the things I've been smoking I couldn't sustain a long-distance run and they caught me I ran away again from the Brig they locked me up in the Brig they caught me they locked down the base camp zama sent the dogs out I hid in a sewer the dogs sniffed me out and you know what they had to do to me that it kicked me out of the country Japan they said literally the government has agreed you will not be prosecuted in this country because you haven't killed anybody you've done major major offenses your parents have to pay back all that money do you know how much money that was all my goodness I tell you this day my parents are safe for what I put them through and they said we made an agreement you are kicked out of the country Japan and when you return to the United States you will be incarcerated for locked up in an institution for an undetermined amount of time well you know I rebelled I did everything I could I didn't want to leave they were destroying my paradise again no well I was so wicked I'd spit on you if you're close enough you don't got to do to me to retain me they'd just shackle me they'd have put me in handcuffs at my feet and my arm they had a handcuffed me to a military police officer a big huge dude I mean I was back I was so bad I tell you right to your face you give me a chance you're taking out of here you're dead you're mine I was out of my mind lost completely you know what they had to do when they flew me out dead handcuffed me to the plane they knew we can't take any chances with this kid we don't know what he's gonna do he has no respect for anybody and you know they were right they were so right to lock me up I was out of my mind and so we flew through back to Honolulu and I was just so sick back to the airport yelling to everybody in the airport is they looked at me this criminal kid walking through in Chains docked to LAX and they said to me something I couldn't believe we're gonna take all this stuff off you you haven't done anything here you can't be prosecuted in the United States you to go with your dad to meet your mother who was relocated in Pennsylvania and go you know with them well my first thought was oh my I'm back in Southern California I wonder what what's-her-name looks like now what have I missed I heard all the music as I was away in Japan all the things that I was listening to over there now I'm back the language is the same now I can really get involved with stuff I wasn't exposed to over there in Japan I was exposed to opium heroin and some other things but they didn't have a lot of the things I've heard about people are doing in the States now was the time when I went with my dad I was I don't know why actually went to Pennsylvania saw my mother at the airport here's my mom running to me calling Donnie Donnie and she's flying over me and she's just exude a maternity all over me just tears hugs kisses smothering me like only a mother can do I know what I did I pushed her away and I said I hate your guts that's like a dagger man oh my mom broke right there in front of me cried man cried and you know I didn't care I didn't flinch one one nothing I was stone-cold dead no affection for my mother at all she meant nothing to me and as I watched her cry I said so what are we gonna do now she said you're gonna go to this place and in Altoona Pennsylvania and going to a rehabilitation center I said fine it would give me away from you that's how dead I was she cried the whole way there I went in and they thought they were going to make me better by having me eat bananas and not eat sugar you know they thought it was like a big hairball like act to hide a little sugar packet from me and I didn't want to be there and they were trying to convince me you know that they were about maybe I don't know I'll say a hundred people there and they said you know only one of you is actually gonna make it and I said what's the point you got your PhD and all this stuff to tell me that please and I would see people in there who you know would claim to be Christians and you know would hear their conversations about the bands that they listen to I listen to all that stuff man I was the music man I knew every genre of music I loved it music was my life and yet they would tell me that they were Christians and I'd be like how is that compatible with the stuff that you're talking about that you listen to and these things that you say that you hear on the weekends I just don't buy it your Christianity is bunk man it's fake I mean if that's Christianity forget about it I just didn't buy it because of their example and they would try and preach to me please please once again I just had the courage to live out my convictions whereas you were a mask and call it Christianity and you trying to see the world with this myth Santa Claus kind of stuff Easter Bunny stuff you tell people just to get them scared and then you go on with your life for the rest of the year you do your Easter Duty and your whatever a Christmas thing it's fake phony a myth a lie and I didn't buy it ran away in the rehab used drugs in the rehab when I got out of it continued ended up dropping out of high school never got a high school diploma ended up following a band called the Grateful Dead I mean literally following them if anything is I don't remember a lot of it because I was dawn I started doing so many useless genex you can't imagine I start doing so much LSD in mushrooms I my posture was shot everybody looked like a Martian music I could see it you know when you listen to that spouse listen to the Boers Jimi Hendrix Led Zeppelin ac/dc all this stuff man and you're wasted even have a clue of reality you didn't have a clue I walked around dead completely dead there were times I'd find myself in a different state of consciousness yes but literally a different state I woke up in Louisiana one time last thing I remember was like Tennessee I don't know like that's a Louisiana no idea what I was there gotta do something so I got a job working on the tugboat on the Mississippi River these guys hired me it's tying off barges with his huge cables which like she knots I don't know what I was doing got fired got thrown in jail for shoplifting around Mardi Gras time left the state on a walk on a fare to appear in court I wasn't gonna go to court please lived in a tree trunk with the tarp macaroni and cheese a shotgun of marijuana and the hills of West Virginia for two months fleeing from the law was scared of death my hair at that point is down to here I got an earring I got a grief with that tattoo I don't remember getting I don't even where I got the thing still they're gone man so gone and you know every now and then I would pop home my parents were living in Redding Pennsylvania my mom would tell me stuff Donny we've become Catholic whatever Catholic the heck is that okay great you joined a cult what to do you know are you happy she'd be like Donny you don't understand go to church with us mom Church are you out of your mind I don't do church and I would be calling sometimes occasionally very rarely sober and I'd put my pants on and I'd feel something in there and I bet you a quarter and I pulled it out and it would be smashed I thought and I would read it and it would say the Queenie you know conceive heed without sin a bit what the you know fling was stupid stuff you know and I'd be asleep and I feel under my pillow it's just a dollar and I pull it out and it would have this weird looking dude with wings and a big sword and it would say Saint Michael the Archangel you know I'm like that's the cult that they've joined I mean come on this is weird you know and I would be like yeah man I saw that dude I'm like a Led Zeppelin album man that dude and I'd tear it up and I throw it away I thought literally my parents were waiting for the spaceship to come pick him up that's what Catholicism was to me because they started dressing my brother with an ax Catholic school and they made him dressed like I thought like a penguin you know with the black and white deal so I'm like that is so wrong man doing that stuff to him like dad Unitas didn't know and the priest called one time I didn't know what a priest was I was Karm and he called I'm like hello it's like hi this is father is the cheetah their father father who you know he's like this is father so-and-so is your mother there and I'm like father what's a father he was on the Catholic priests something oh yeah I got some words for you man and I just found mouth - all over that guy on the phone and my mom is running down the hallway no Dobby I hang up hung up on him I had no respect for anybody no nothing continue doing other crazy things that I did got an STD not a doctorate in sacred theology I tell people I was bad real bad I could go into all kinds of details but I won't you get the picture I painted it for you I was pride incarnate it was all about me all they wanted was satisfaction of the senses with girls drugs music was my life my everything my all my precious it was it was everything to me and then something happened I actually ended up going to another rehab by the way in Philadelphia that didn't work they did the banana routine that didn't work so I'm living with my parents at this point running from the wall every time the doorbell rang I went for the back door I'm thinking it's the Louisiana guys coming my mom's like what is wrong with you don't worry about it you don't need to be concerned about that I was paranoid running but my dad comes home and he says we're gonna move again great he said do you want to move with us said sure where we going Virginia Beach back to where it all started ten years ago am i wonderful so I ripped off all my friends so I kept the girls before I left and squid went down there the same stuff my dad was out to sea on a six-month Mediterranean cruise in the military he's on a aircraft carrier I'm like see a man now you're out of my hair just got mom to deal with but something happened one night in 1992 down there I don't know how to explain this I just knew that life for me was a bummer it was like the big bummer I had been with the most beautiful women you could imagine all over the world I had done every drug you could imagine if I could sniff it smoke it drink it I do it I'd listen to the music everything reggae to bluegrass to you know classic rock to everything man ska punk everything everything it was all a bomber and I wanted somebody because I didn't believe in God God for me was you know the god of you know Led Zeppelin and all that kind of stuff was just make everybody feel good we talk about God but whatever that is and I said to myself somebody please press the Delete key of my life pardon me for saying this but life sucked I was at an all-time low I'd had believed me but rock-bottom experiences man too many to count on your hands I just was fed up with life I wasn't thinking suicide because I didn't have a courage even to do it I just wanted somebody else to take me out press the Delete key white out my life I don't want to live it's not worth it and as I sat there the phone's ringing and all my friends are saying yo man come on out we got a name bar we got this man we got a sheet of good stuff man and we'll do this and what's-her-name's waiting to see you and what's her name - after that man and I'm like no man I can't do it BAM that hang up and that was not me and the girls are calling I hang up on a girl no way and I was doing it I'm like what is going on and I just sat there after the phone calls stopped and I'm like oh great now what am I gonna do I get bored real quick what am I gonna do so I wanted to occupy the time cuz I knew something was gonna happen man and I wasn't talking god no way i sat in my room on the couch I didn't have a bed I was like okay let's just go look at a National Geographic right let's go out there and look at some monkeys look at some you know Amazonia pictures occupy the mind whatever I went out into the hallway bookshelf there by parents looking for the classic yellow binding on our National Geographic Edgar Allan Poe whoever he is encyclopaedia britannica not cut learned japanese in 30 days you know and then there was a yellow binding book i'm like ah know what that our queen of peace visits met gggggg yo what the i'm like in the world is this so I pulled it out and I looked at it and I was like aha the spaceship this is like the instruction manual thing man you know they've been I knew it I knew it and they call me weird no see this is why I stayed home tonight I got to find out what they're into because I'm going to get him off my back finally forever because they're weirdos and so I went into my room and I didn't want to read it I wanted to look at pictures and it cracked it right in the middle there were pictures I could see that and I looked at the pictures I don't know what to make of them man I saw these six little kids you know to me they look totally unamerican looked like they needed somebody you know I I told me Rianna that she just laughed and they were looking like this you know I'm like hey that spaceship you know and I was like what is this stuff and you know me being a sinner that I was I looked at one of them and I go oh she's kind of cute you know I know so I looked at the bottom of one of the pictures and it said the Blessed Virgin Mary is now appearing to the children blessed what the heck Leslie what is a blessed a virgin please come on Mary never heard of her I never heard of Mary in my life never people find that amazing they're like but did you see like Christmas Eves in people's front yard and know that what was going on there no I had no idea I knew that that happened every Christmas and I was probably Jesus there but the people around on the angels are something white a lot of snow on their head I don't know what that stuff is no idea nobody ever told me so I was like Mary no idea who this person is and I looked at more pictures I saw old lady with the black thing on her head but no Bruce J I'm like okay what's all what's going on I saw a big hill with all kinds of rocks I'm like man that doesn't look good I saw a cross and I thought to myself Christianity right yeah just as I thought weirdos so I started the beginning of the book I start reading and believe in my education was for extremely important if you don't know Catholic language you just you're lost and reading this stuff I start reading stuff and I didn't know what the stuff was man I come across this word Blessed Sacrament Holy Communion chorus no idea was our ring no idea what this stuff is and yet they seem to be all pumped about it and they're talking about it and I'm reading more and all of a sudden this Blessed Virgin Mary start saying something that I mean I thought it was yeah I was like this is real weird she said I'm Your Mother what I said to myself you know I know I've had three dads and I know I was born in the United States this is weird you know this is just weird she's a queen I thought that stuff went out in the Middle Ages I'm like clean we have rare where that a queen okay England maybe but she the one ml and and like what is up with this this is weird and I kept reading and she starts saying things that just blew me away in a weird way it was everything I'd ever been looking for I don't even know how to explain it she just starts saying things like I am pure I don't have any sin in me I don't know what sin was but she was saying that she was immaculately a you know immaculate I'm like okay whatever that is and she was saying she was beautiful and they would ask her why are you so beautiful because I love and she would say things to these sinners whoever they were and there's another group of people I had to find out about and I was like what is going on here and she said something that blew me away she said you don't have to change to love me loving me will change him now here was a woman of my dreams I mean I was like wait a minute this moment is from heaven whatever that is and she's come for me sinner and she's telling me this message of salvation whatever that is about a messiah a savior of the world she's not God but her son is this Jesus I've always heard about you know in these Christians whom I thought all my life were dorks geeks and dweebs having no fun living with restricted rules and she's telling me a message that blew me away and know what she wasn't telling me one plus one equals two and a list of the presidents are these memorize them and you'll be able to get on in life and be happy no she was telling me something that was radical it was something breaking into time that was eternal heaven hell sin right from wrong a savior concepts I had never heard and if I did it was in a rock and roll song that I'd be stoned out of my mind bang in my head to my friend wake up the next day with a headache there's a joke but she was serious and she was calling me to this thing called repentance and prayer and fasting this rocked my foundations by consuming that book I read that book like it was life I mean I went through I'm flipping reading I don't understand a lot of it and I'm just going going going yes yes this is everything ever the one everything is here it's the meaning of everything who are you Mary where've you been my life I don't know much about anything Mary but I tell you what everything that you say I believe it's true I'll buy a hook line and sinker I'll even buy the fact that you're not God and you're pointing me to your son who is this Jesus and you got to brainwash me Mary because I have a totally gone understanding with this guy but I'll buy it I closed that book at about 3:30 4 o'clock in the morning and I waited for my mother to come down and I'm going to end right here so that you come back your hoods they'll be round - at 7:00 [Music] [Music] okay we'll see you back here at seven o'clock have a great dinner [Music] run quickly and get seated it's going to start father Don [Applause] okay round two this is the part I like man because this is where I start preaching haha yeah all right before I start though I just want to do something because I got permission to which is awesome as you know I'm a religious so I have vows of poverty chastity and obedience believe it or not yeah those are like those are my mortal enemies in my life and now I embrace them of my own free will it's amazing and I'm trying to do so many things for our lady and for better or for worse my superiors that maybe the house superior the postural director and the vocation director for my community I've only been ordained for a little over a year so hopefully they know what they're doing by doing that I think it's great because now I have the key and all the men who come into my community to the locations on you know only letting in the ones who are Orthodox and who want to lay down their lives for the truth of Catholicism yeah it's awesome so I need your support in whatever way you can do it and I believe me to me I don't need any money money doesn't mean big to me I've been a hippie I didn't have but now in order to train men all the squirting get is great and also I'm writing books about our lady I have one out already I'm doing another for next year I'm gonna try by the grace of God into a book a year on Our Lady that's not just devotional that's essential but it's appealing to the theologians and to other people because really we need to marry a nice theology right now so that the theologians and the seminary professors become holy and become Saints consecrated to Our Lady sound I'm aiming for the big catch here I don't want just a couple baths by the way I fish I just don't want a couple little you know sunfish I want the big thing man so I figure if I can affect a lot of priests and those who train them then I'll get a huge catch of thousands upon thousands of souls for our Lord for the kingdom so I'm a simple man I have a Kmart bag okay do what you want with it I mean if I don't find this thing again that's fine if you can if you put a peso or foreign money and that's fine I don't like I say it's all up in God's hands and our ladies it's it's not about me it's not about you know me at all it's about them and doing things for them so that cells can come to love our Lord and our mother so I'm just going to kick this down to good Padre their awesome story by the way father and you can pass that around father and at the end if it ends up in the hallway great if I never see it again well then some lucky Souls gonna have some money I just need your help all right so here we go round two so I read that book now I come down my mother is coming down the stairwell of our house at about five o'clock in the morning and of course I'm waiting there to see her now my mom's coming down to get a cup of coffee and she's you know waking up and I say mom I gotta talk to a man I could not say it it was like I was like Samson you know cutting the hair do his power goes for me to say that I needed help in any way was like death I was pride incarnate I was God and for me to do something of a sign of weakness I thought what it hurt so she said what it said mom I need to talk to a couldn't say it I'm like come on mom you know help me out she's like Donny what I said mom I have to talk to a Catholic priest okay you know okay I'm dying here you know and she's like yeah right god bless her she thought I was gonna try the church now to get her off my back you know so I said no mom I'm serious she said what what are you talking about said mom I read a book what book I got the book and I showed it to her and she just looked at me you know what she did she ran immediately to the phone and I'm I'm serious this is all I heard yes Father yes I'm sorry to wake you I know it's five o'clock in the morning can you talk to my son no no no no no no father please don't hang up I'm sorry no 8 o'clock no father know you don't know my son you know and she's trying to set up this appointment like 5 or 5:30 in the morning and you know priests were human beings folks you know they got to get up get some coffee or whatever and so she tried twice well between the second one and the one I stopped her and I said wait mom isn't there one of those well I didn't even what to call it I was like Church something over there and she said yes Donny run and I did I put that book down I bolted out that front door man like lightning I was gone practically went through the door and Here I am funky as funky can be you know with my long hair just wild clothes you know and running like the wind across this military base because they lived on Norfolk Norfolk Naval Air Station at the time and I ran to the other side of the base and I get there and I'm huffing I'm puffing because I don't have good lungs and so I get there well I'm not going in you know I'm like on there while I look and there's a sign you know what that sign said Our Lady of Victory chapel yeah man I was like you said it man I was like wow but I'm not going in you know I mean I'm here but that's about as far as I go with this church thing so I turned around I saw another sign that said chaplaincy office so I'm like chaplaincy okay I think I saw that in John Wayne movie or something those are like the religious people so I go over there and I don't have any social skills I don't have any kind of I don't have any boundary kind of stuff I just opened the door I bust in there and I yell out Catholic priests man I freaked those people out man they were all sitting there with their morning coffee and they all like backed up against the wall and they gave me a lip that I was all too familiar with like we're calling the cops you know you're you're out of place here man what part of the fence did you jump you know cuz I didn't look like that belonged on a military base and I hated that look and so I was like no I know what you're thinking I need to talk to a Catholic priest right now so they were like okay who are you and I was like man look my dad's a military officer lives on the space is out to sea right now I need to talk to a priest so somebody goes down the corridor comes back with another dude I don't know who he is he comes back in a military uniform and I'm thinking suckers man they got an MP whose disguise you know and he's got a cup of coffee and he comes over to me and he's like hi may I help you and I'm like yeah like where's the priest he's like wrong father so-and-so and I'm like okay you're like the preacher guy and he he just looks at me like yeah you know I'm like okay we got a talk man we got to talk like right now and he doesn't know what to make of me he's just like who are you and he even gave me that look of you know just you know stay a distance kind of deal because I looked bad I mean my eye sockets were just wasted from all the drug use everything I was just not look like death and so we went to his office and I told him I didn't know what was supposed to happen I was wrong and so I said okay man do what you got to do man just pray over me and I'll start freaking out and foaming at the mouth and you know just come on come on you know do it man do it and he's like what in the whoa you know I'm just like do what you got to do man I don't care I need this and he said sit down so I sat down and I started telling him about my life and he just turned into light you know his jaw was just like looking at me and this guy had been hearing the confessions of sailors for years he didn't hear nothing to hurt me you know and it wasn't a sacramental confession I was just dumping my garbage into this poor guy's lap and he's just sitting there like oh my who did what and I was like man I did that a couple times man you know I did everything and he was like the kid you're blowing me away and I hope you're telling me the truth and you know your dad's north your office and all that and he said look I need to go say Mass whatever you know I mean I'm like dude what are you gonna do to go dance in the air I wanna celebrate Mass we're gonna celebrate Mass you know I don't know the slant language what this guy's talking about I'm thinking a weirdo man and he goes he just looks at me like obviously you don't know nothing I'm like hello you know obviously so he said go did you see the church I said yeah Our Lady of Victory there he goes right he goes bill over there and I'm gonna do the mass thing and you sit in the back please sit in the back you know I'm like no it's a no-brainer man like I'm gonna go up front and so I said so you're actually willing to talk to me after this mass thing and he's like sure so I went over there I made my way across and I see the sign again and I getting into a church man is like I had what I call West Virginia theology at that point God was you know come on come on you know I've been waiting and you know he's he's ready man I'm dead meat man I'm toast if I cross the threshold of a church man he's been waiting you know he's got 30 at 6:00 just come on into the I got you in the crosshairs you're bang you're dead you know because my life was so wicked so I'm like okay he said I could go in he said I could go in so I'm like I got the door thing getting into that crossing the door was like getting into hot bathwater I was like man and I'm in the birth shuts and I'm like I'm in I'm in a church I'm like here I can't believe it I'm expecting like the divine guillotines of you know you want a game over it's over you know but I turn around and there's these Filipino ladies in the front row pew and they kind of hit one of these numbers all in unison I'm like oh my goodness so I like run to the back and it's dark and I sit down and all I hear is this in unison yeah I'm anybody get a better get anybody gonna get hey or maybe man you know I'm like what the heck is going on man the spaceship you know I'm saying there it's coming you know they're they're doing that they vote invocation stuff and I just did not get it and it seems to go on man like forever I mean it just went forever I'm like what I get the Hail Mary thing but I can't make nothing out of after that I dated Filipino girls I knew you know some Tagalog and stuff and man I was weird you know and then this one lady who is a great friend of mine today helped me become Catholic she turns around and she's got one of these little jabbers do you know I thought it was a pretty necklace or something and she yells to the back young man do you want to pray the next decade yeah I decade meant 10 years you know I don't know this language and she's holding this thing and I looked at her you know like a deer in headlights I'm like and she just kind of looked at me I'm like what and then she she thought she would make it better god bless her she said but it's the second sorrowful mystery you know lady what are you talking about and so they turned around and they kept doing their you know hey I made a bit of a taboo stuff and it eventually ended and I'm thinking you know what I don't know man this is funky this is weird so all of a sudden the lights go on and I'm like who did that you know and they didn't move we'll have the lights go on I never you know this was all new to me man and I'm sitting there or I stood actually with them because they stood for some reason and then the priests walked out and I knew it was the priest because his face was the same that that dude had on what I thought was a hippie fest night I'm thinking all right maybe the celebrating Mass thing is not too bad you know I don't know what's gonna he's gonna do up there a little show or something and he got up there and he started about all kind of weird stuff you know like and all these Filipino ladies were like mocking him I thought they're all doing the same thing you know but I'm like what in the world is going on here and I'm thinking it's like mental telepathy you know can I'm like I'm trying to hone in on it I'm like how do I tap into this cuz I don't know what the heck is going on here and then they melt down and they seem to be so into whatever was happening and he was there and he bent over what I thought was just a table I didn't know and he bent over and he had this little white circle and he said very audibly take this all of you and eat it this is my body and I tell you time stopped he elevated this little white circle and he just held it there and I saw those Filipinos I'm like what is going on and he saw the pinna laser just like there's six little kids in that book like just focused man and he held it there seemed like forever they know what happened at that moment I have no way of explaining this other than this I got infused knowledge of Catholicism it was like something just came into me and said hey could thoughtless ISM it just came upon me it was phenomenal overwhelmed me totally overwhelmed me and you know what I did for the first time in my life I worshipped every fiber in my being everything I had was an adoration something inside me was telling me you worship what you behold you worship i sat there I didn't know what was going on and then he put down the host and took of what I know I was a really clear medieval looking goblet hanging out of the chalice and he took it he said take this all of you and drink from it this is my blood and he elevated that once again something came upon me just like a thunder inside my soul and said worship and I did that worship was all I knew was God I was remembering from the book in an instant it all came upon me the Holy Communion the blessed sacraments the Eucharist that was it I was in the presence of what this lady the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen of Peace my mother was talking about I was in this Mass thing and I was in the presence of God this was not just a piece of bread this is not just a little right wafer it was God the Messiah the savior of the world who came for somebody like me a wretched soul a lustful man a perverse kid like me to save my soul look I drank a lot of things in my life looking for happiness I put a lot of things on my tongue looking for that ultimate high and it was right there in front of me and you know then something happened that blew me away I thought actually that that was it this Filipino lady stood up walked up like you came out in front I'm thinking where are they going and the police comes out meets them in the middle and he holds up a little white post and he says the body of Christ and they were just like this and they stick out their tongue and they received him that rocked my foundations you mean to tell me that this miracle happens and believe me at that point I knew the meaning of everything time the universe the cosmos human history all is about this mystery the Eucharist it is the real son that makes everything goes around it it is the meaning of life and you go up and you can receive him you've gotta be kidding me love is edible love desires to be consumed divine blood has been poured out for us so that we can drink of it and have eternal life I knew what was going on and I saw those ladies I was burned with such a zeal to go up there part of me wanted to run up there and receive him immediately but I knew I couldn't do that so after Mass I went back to that priests and talked to him that priest was so blown away by what I was telling him after Mass he saw me before Mass I didn't know nothing nothing after Mass I knew just about everything I said to him father that was the Blessed Sacrament right that is God Jesus Christ the Godman in the flesh in some mysterious way what I see is bread but who is really there is Jesus Christ the Savior of the world and he was like how do you know that I said that thing they were praying which was kind of weird but that's that rosary thing right and he was like yeah I said fine teach me how to do it I said how about this confession thing I said I saw a door in the back and it said confession is that where I go in and I tell you all my baggage and all my issues and used to do something over me and God forgives me and I'm healed and I don't owe you any money and he's like yeah basically and I'm like that's a deal I'm like what the heck this is like the the medicine of the world here and I know all my friends of the past have been going to counseling with those guys the most have done the big about how to heal the soul and all they do is reiterate what you just said also what I hear you saying is it's like the baby said you know in here I can go in there and pull out all my stuff and you just don't listen you do something there by the power of God that frees me am i right on that father and he's just sitting there going what I mean he's like man I tried I've been trying to tell people this for years and I'm like man I don't know it just came upon me and I was different you know the inside of the church I'm like okay so that was was that that Joseph guy the statue over there kind of do and he's like st. Joseph right I'm like great tell me where about him and he told me and I said I'll buy it fine I'll check you know got that one and we're down the line I'm just like he said he I blew that for a guy away I mean he was just like what in the world is going on so he said look I've got meetings like all day with different things I'm gonna give you some items I want you to go home stay home and come back tomorrow so he was so awesome all a holy priest a good priest is so amazing and what he can do he gave me a crucifix I mean it was like giving me his precious treasure he took it off his wall they said here take this and he went over to got a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I didn't actually know what that was you've probably all seen this picture you know it's a where he's an adjuster of blessing famous one and then he went over I love this and he got a picture of thought it was like a glorified grandpa off of his mom he took it down and he goes here take this too and I'm like no no no no no I'm like you do that where's it going then we'll take it you know I'm like okay whoever he is you know I take it home and I'd find out it was a picture of John Paul - you know I had no idea what this do it is man there was you know nothing about what fella wearing white I'm thinking you know uh-huh so I take it home I get these three items I go back home skipping like a little boy long hair flowing in the wind I don't even say hi to my mom when I walk in she's still standing there basically I run right into my room put the items down go into the kitchen and I get like five to seven huge black hefty bags I'd go into my room and I throw away all my pornography all my drug paraphernalia all my music everything on my clothes I mean I just us had to go man everything I needed to be washed I was gonna go through what I call divine detox God was going to just rush my soul and I knew something was gonna happen so I didn't even throw these things in the trash you know what I did I threw him in the bags open the front door and heave them into the yard I don't have time to look for a trash can I throw em right in the front yard world you want them take them they're yours went into my room hung up these three items and then i sat there on the couch that was about the only thing left in my room and a dresser and I was like okay tomorrow is a long time what the heck am I gonna do until tomorrow I mean no I mean I don't I can't do with being alone so I said pray I gotta pray but how do I pray I never said a prayer in my life and so what did I do I went to the book I looked at the book I cracked it right open a meadow and I'm like fake it till you make it so I cleared out the dresser drawer I you know planted myself on the ground on my knees I put my hands like this and I just concentrated you know Shazam you know up here let's do this pray thing you know I don't know what prayer is one of it taught me so I'm just mimicking the kids you know and as I'm sitting there I'm concentrating hard you know grunting I'm just like and what I didn't realize was that I had hung that picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus weight above my dresser drawer well as I was concentrating my eyes focused on him and his gesture of blessing as I looked upon that image broke I looked upon someone there whom I believed at this point was God that he walked among us and they took on flesh and was really in a certain sense just like me - all the sin he was a man the god man and he died for me and he loved me and he wanted me to be with him for all eternity and he was wanting to forgive me and wash me and he had that gesture of blessing with his heart on fire for me wretched me I tell you I snapped I cried like a baby I mean I wasn't wailing I wasn't flopping around like a fish out of water I cried like you can't cry unless it's from God I cried so hard there were tears come out of my eyes so much fluid so much just liquid tears coming out I don't know where all that stuff was coming from you know how long I note there and to use crying sobbing and repentance from my life almost all day I didn't get up in there until the afternoon it went just like that and it turned from tears of repentance into tears of joy I was being cleansed I was being freed of all my baggage of all my issues of all my sins of all my addictions of all my problems and I was kidding my boyhood back and was happening right there and I was experiencing this whole thing and at the end of it I was almost it was almost like I was being tickled by a father who was so in love with me that like a little kid when he saw a temper tension he's freaking out the father comes over and tickles him until he starts laughing and that's what father God did for me he just cleanse my soul and I got up from there in the afternoon and believe me I have some indentations on my on him from grinding them into the my knees hurt I get up and I said you know what I'm just gonna lay down I'm so like this is amazing what's going on I can't believe this and I laid down on the couch I didn't have a bag I laid down and I was so at peace and I was drifting off to sleep and something happened I don't explain is so hard to explain this like my soul left my body is still on the couch there's something from behind me around me in me popped me out and I was leaving but I was still on the couch weird yeah but I don't explain it and I became so paralyzed and fear a fear that is just it paralyzes I tried to scream couldn't scream I tried to move I couldn't move nothing I was I thought I was going to the place I just found out about hell I thought I was going to this place of eternal separation from all that is good and true and beautiful I thought that no no how could it be that I just come to find out about this and I just got cleansed no but I couldn't tell anybody believe me I wanted to scream from my mother to come running into that room and just knocked me out of that couch I nothing I could I was like it could birthing the only thing I knew how to do was one thing and I did it with everything in my being all did I I can still hear it it was so real so deep from within me I only knew how to do one thing and this is what I did I screamed it from my soul man and I tell you it echoed throughout the cosmos it was so deep a cry and with the first of the universe I got slammed back into my body I mean I thought the whole stinking neighborhood was gonna come running it was so violent I thought for sure they're gonna come busting in the door what the heck is going on nobody came because nobody heard it and then I heard something that I've never heard since the most pure the most feminine voice in magic I called it like liquid love it was in me it was around me was out of me it was just maternity just present and it said this Donnie I'm so happy nobody called me Donny but my mom nobody I rested that night like a little boy tucked in his mother's arms safe in a refuge of comfort unimaginable I slept for the first time in a decade practically a deep sleep I was so at peace I just faded it was wonderful I got up the next morning a free man I was freed of all that stuff my life of what I was living of what I was doing I knew it I sensed it I mean I was standing different you should have seen my posture I mean I was it was different everything and I ran back to that crease and I told him and freaked him out again I told a man I think I heard the Blessed Virgin he's like oh no why me unlikely me why you you know I'm like I didn't understand it some priest er apprehensive about that stuff and I'm like what do you mean man and as I'm telling it he's just like this is just absolutely unbelievable I'm like you're telling me man I mean I didn't ask for this you know I you know and so he's just I'm blown away and so I start basically living in the church literally I would go in there and sleep in the pew I would just I would read through everything I would read the hymns in the book you know I'd just be like reading stuff and I would just everything anything I get my hands on I was like gimme gimme gimme I mean I need this this is the medicine of everything it's what I need and these Filipino ladies I'm telling you to my dying day there's just going to be Filipino ladies in heaven like you may never seen man you know they are the pillars of telling you God has planted Filipino women all around the world in every parish to just pray you know they have made it better better get a meal and pray for vocations him just tell you it's amazing and so I started you know where I got to do to become Catholic and you know to me it was like they were all in like first year not the Filipino ladies but a lot of other people and I would meet Catholics and this hurts me to say him don't take him the wrong way you know the most disappointing people I ever met in my life were chocolates I couldn't believe how spiritually dead these people were and they go to Mass on Sunday I'd go every day and just watch what was going on - Liam Robb what God was romancing my soul and the answer to everything in life and Catholicism and I see these people come in and they go to community they say Amen but what I could hear them saying was whatever the body of Christ whatever you know and see people come in and it was all about them and it wasn't about him and you know and I would go to other parishes and I hear homilies that were bunk you know it was like dead man that my father was the funnier may have you've got you've got the answer that the medicine of the nations and your message is like dad bro I mean you need a little enthusiasm you got it and your homily sucks you know I mean you have got meat you've got the substance that heals every room and I would talk to people and they were like man you do but slow down coming no way you need to speed up I'm like I'm like in fifth overdrive on line let's go let's go and they're like slow down you need to become Catholic I'm like yeah I want to do that and you know I'm like okay well how do I do that so they told me about this thing called the RC IV o Ori program and I got in that and quickly got out why because it was the people pushing their own agenda you know teach me the feminist Jesus and the ecological Jesus and all of these attended Jesus's and I tell you I got so mad I couldn't believe it I was like I was like Jeremiah you duped me I was like why are you bringing me in now I was like man these people had talked to people and I talked to these angry feminists no neo-nazi he collage with nuns I call them and they'd be like you know we want to be ordained you know and I'm like you got an issue you know I mean you better a problem you know look I can't be a mother and you'll see me freaking out you know I don't have a room you know being a mother be great but God didn't make me that way and you got to accept revelation as it's given you didn't create it and you don't define it and you don't tell God what he should have revealed and try and collect him and and they would say all kind of other things and I was like what are these people talking about and they'd be talking about well you know contraception that went out with the 60s I mean we we we do it I mean sure the Pope somebody said you know when that is sick people whatever it is but we don't listen to it and where I went to school with this community is college well they told us you know don't worry about it like that's a lie that is a lie and I start talking about reading about all kinds of other stuff and that read it books from priests and from religious and all that and broke my heart I mean it broke my heart that's such a the Lord Lord and Our Lady if you're gonna bring me into Catholicism you need to show me the real Jesus because Catholicism has it but so it's always got an agenda well today we might call The Da Vinci Code Jesus not the real Jesus one that somebody with an agenda wants to rip your mind you to convince you that well you know homosexual acts are okay it's this cruel church that's gonna impose the stuff when you tell you it's a sin and black in my categories but it's alright well I was hearing that from everywhere I said mother I don't want my own Jesus I can't read my own Jesus but that's not gonna be the Jesus who saves with the hard message that makes me restore my life and get my budding gear and I wanted it I wanted the whole real thing or nothing that's Catholicism not a little bit of this a little bit of that but none of that because it which is me and I said mother cover me with your mantle and clothe me because I'm coming in at a difficult time I'm realizing and I want to be what you want me to be and I got another row Jesus because I will go to bookstores and I'd see a boat that would say the Lost Gospels and I picked I'd be like sweet you know a lost gospel great so I'd pick it up and I'd start reading it and I'd be like no that is not Jesus Christ that is some dudes fantasy you know doing his own thing because he's unwilling to repent for his sin and surrender to his truth that sets the soul free and so he creates his own little agenda underneath the umbrella of Catholicism with his degrees PhDs and all that but they don't know the real Jesus and I tell you I learned about all these people who had all these degrees and had been you know holding positions of theology for 18 years but they didn't know big about Jesus Christ and about what he came to do and about the one Church he found it and it just blew me away they were meshing them all together that buddhism taoism get a little bit of that if you want you do a little bit of this little just combine them all together you know we're not really on a really anything distinct in Catholicism you know there's so many routes ways and you know gods so it's not a big deal you're darn right it is it's a very big deal and I started learning all these things and the mother quotes me thank you sweet mother she cloaked me from the poison that will seduce Souls believe me so many source today deceived because they've learnt a different brand of Catholicism politicians for example that's not true Catholicism to say something like unperson aliy opposed to abortion but because you know of my office I'm not going to promote it Christ said you are the light of the world and you have to spread that light no matter what office you hold no matter where you are we're called to do it you have to you must the Christian Way of life is a sacrificial life and I said to our lady whatever you want me to do take me I'll do it because I should be dead I shouldn't be alive I'll be a fool to the nation's I don't care what they do to me I have to come to know the real Jesus and to preach him in whatever capacity and those Filipino ladies kept coming up to me saying you make a good breeze you make a very good piece I'm like you're out of your muffler hinge you know and so they just start telling me all this stuff and I was like you got to be kidding me me why because today people need the saving message of Jesus Christ and categories that are clear and black and white no gray garbaggio you know and that's what they heard that's all the people have been hearing and they said you got to be a priest so we gotta go out there and tell people about this and so I discern that call on my heart and so I became Catholic and I'm listening a lot you get all this on the tapes and all that stuff became Catholic it was an awesome thing my dad comes on because he was out of C remember he comes home and he's like what in the world you know two weeks later I became Catholic when he came home he turned to me and my confirmation said welcome home son you know I just broke cried right there in front of everybody and I became Catholic and I discern my vocation and I said I have to be a Marian priest I'm gonna be like you know st. John I want to know Jesus I'm gonna know Our Lady and that's gonna be the strength for me to go out there and to preach this message which is not my own I didn't invent this thing it's his saving message and I know that it's going to be difficult I joined my community when I wasn't even a pre wasn't even a Catholic for a year they accepted me I had to get my education from nothing I mean I had to get a GED went to a community college with the regular collar with the seminary now I'm serving for my life sentient and hopefully going to go on for my doctorate in Mary ology of course and why and why is all this happening this section is called a call to priesthood I believe this will the priests are doing up here now I'm going to give you a message of hope a big time message of hope a big dose of what's coming I just met a priest about two months ago in Indiana his name is father Jonathan Meyer he's awesome bad priest is awesome he's one of my brother's just like my brothers here the priest trust me my friends you look at me and you think that dude is something else I mean wow right and do I want to be a saint like a shark to meet baby I mean I want it I want it so bad I'm gonna be the first thing from West Virginia because they need one but if I got a way to go pray for me I'm gonna conversion process still just like all y'all are I ain't no saint yet pray for me I need it I'm attacked big time because of my past memories all that kind of stuff and all not through the gates yet man you know but I want to be and what I want to tell you is this I want to leave you with this there is something wonderful happening in the seminaries my friends you better get ready for our revolution of Orthodoxy yeah I mean there was a time when they had to go under the radar when they had to fight like trout going upstream so that they can make it and then get to the priesthood and die which is the vocation of a priest to be a victim not to be on the golf course to be a sacrifice that is the vocation of a priest is to die for the bride there are so many good men in the seminaries right now who have gone away from the faith they left to go away to college and they went through the frat parties they did all the things and they left but they saw John Parr - this Saint they went to the Marian apparition like Medjugorje and Our Lady is building an army for the King and believe me they are coming to a parish near you they're coming and why I mentioned this priest this priest in Indiana I went to his parish to speak he made up a poster which is going to break on a scene soon it's awesome he had this poster it's like copied off of The Matrix movie he's wearing a cassock which is all I usually wear by the way when I travel I don't he has a picture of him in a cat suit with sunglasses on he's got a crucifix and he's holding the rosary you know what it says on the bottom the Catholic Church reloaded get ready many good priests faithful men have carried this torch through thick and thin in season out of season have been mocked ridiculed and all that and they're giving it to a whole new generation sinners yes of course wounded men who said it just like me but they're gonna be coming and they're not going to compromise they're gonna get up there and preach the truth and the people a lot of people aren't gonna like it I know a lot of you are clapping but believe me I bet you a lot of you are being stung with my message and it's challenging a lot of you and I'm happy I'm great because I'm a fisherman if I wasn't doing that I wouldn't be doing my vocational call my goal my mission from Christ is to not this pulpit you sit there and watch me burn with a love for my god that is the role of a priest to get up here and to give you the seed as a bridegroom to the bride of life so that you can bear fruit for eternal life I stand in a place in the person of Christ the bridegroom you are the bride and I must deliver to you the sea of life which is his gospel and his message and my friends my message to you my last message to you is they're coming in numbers like you may never seen our lady is planting them in positions I'm already a how superior they're going to be taking over key roles and the mid they're going to let into the seminaries are not the weirdos and Iraqis and the homos they're the solid men good men and you won't be able to stop it it has been written and it will be done this is given to our lady and I got five minutes sweet because I had an understanding of this many of you may have heard this one time or another from me Satan in the last thirty years has taken the Bride of Christ she cannot be destroyed impossible it's based on a promise the blueprint of the church is the Immaculate Conception uncomfortable from the beginning because of the promise the blueprint and the reality of it are unbeatable cannot be destroyed but Satan has brought down the church like a trampoline brought it down now now now now thinking he can destroy it in laughing and making the world not the bride on all the news stations you hear them mock Catholicism and the priesthood and when they hear about some sinner and the priests are doing something really stupid which you've seen recently they knock it they want to destroy it and you hear Hollywood saying what they want to say and they laugh watch what's gonna happen it's a trampoline effect the further you bring it down taught taught where it gets no tighter because it can't be destroyed our lady has been going around scooping in a whole new generation just like she did in the sixteenth century when the Protestant Reformation happened millions of souls left the bride you know what our lady did she came to a nation called Mexico and filled in the gap with Guadalupe the same number that left she filled in more you don't want it I'll give it to my other children and they'll take it and they'll consume it Catholicism is the answer and this our day she's doing it souls have left in droves in the last thirty years what has she done through her apple since scooped in a whole new generation John Paul - all these done is copy himself in a whole new generation of priests like me he's my hero and she's brought down Satan's laughing at it our lady is gonna go underneath it very soon clip bang the room and it's gonna be glorious our Holy Father is traverse the globe saying a new springtime is coming he's just not saying effort you know for nothing this is Peter he is a prophet for us he speaks for us communicates to us the message of God there is something coming so glorious so wonderful that we need to be prepared for it literally there are good men coming pray for them support them I met one here tonight I want to eat at the Olive Garden there was a priest there are young priest with this collar on not ashamed to wear it in public I thought he was part of this conference he wasn't my brother that's my brother who knows and is willing to be mocked by the world so that Souls can have life believe me when I leave a conference or a parish one of two things happen they either want to crown me or kill me Brit I've had a lady try to smack me after mass you know because of the way I preached you know because I call it man and that playing games I'm here to save your soul and to give you the truth that we're bringing you to paradise and if it hurts great that's the point and the fisherman and when the hook goes in your mouth you're going to fight but when you wear yourself out I know fishing here just flip it over and I roll you in you know you fight kick wear yourself out that's fine but all of us are attracted to truth like a magnet my words are not my words they're the message of God who is so in love with you that you must hear the voice of truth in your soul and surrender surrender your life to it not the deception of the world not the deception of even people who want to deceive you because of their degrees and because the positions that they have you must you must you must listen to the Holy Father listen to him in all the bishops and union with him he is Peter and he gives to us the authentic message transmitted from the lips of our Savior we are blessed to be Catholic we are so blessed we have the greatest gift on earth to be Catholic believe me I was deceived I thought I had all the answers I was dead wrong thank you mother thank you oh sweet Maria forgiving to all of us a gift of faith to know Jesus to love Jesus to love the Eucharist the church all the wonders of Catholicism god bless you my friends pray for me I am hunted man like you don't know big time I mean I'm constantly under the gun it is unbelievable wonderful it's my vocation as a priest pray for me pray for that my brother priests good men I love you guys thank you my brothers for being faithful in difficult times you guys are awesome I love the priests we need to love our priests we're going to support them and their flaws and all of the my message to you is one of hope fling to it a revolution of Orthodoxy is coming I'm gonna give you a blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit heavenly father pour out your blessing upon all my friends hear all of those who have listened to these words Lord I pray that for those who have founded a joy and a delight to hear that you would come for them for the years of waiting for a strong message and for those who've been challenged lord I pray that you the merciful compassionate tender High Priest will let them know that you love them so much in your word sting but it brings life you are the divine physician who heals our ways oh Jesus bless send out your blessing Jesus take the mantle of your mother into your hands and wrap these your children and it so snuggly so tightly that they come to surrender to the truth of Catholicism and embrace it in every way and I is your priest give them a blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen god bless you
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Id: GKg3BOfEB6g
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Length: 97min 21sec (5841 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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