Fr. Altman: Hell is real

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your family have been asked to talk about a very difficult topic hell so let us as long as we're going to discuss this and begin by praying in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen holy mary mother of god when you appear to the three precious children of fatima even though they were of tender age just children you revealed to them the fires of hell so be with us today and reveal within us the truth of hell the truth of the many souls who choose the broad road that ultimately leads to the fighters of hell let us have then such an awareness as those three children so that guided by your maternal love we are drawn to the eternal joy and the radiance of heaven and turn away from those paths that lead us to destruction your family never one can never go wrong when quoting the great venerable archbishop fulton j sheen who about 80 years ago or so had this to say about the state to which our world has already fallen quote only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world the great masses just talk about a lot of people here the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because because listen to this because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen so the family if we've fallen from the heights in the temporal world then where where do we fall in the eternal world well the unequivocal answer is to hell so let us comprehend its truth its reality now as you know our blessed mother revealed to sister lucia as well as her cousins saint francisco and saint jacinta an actual glimpse into hell and it it is instructive to note that that our blessed mother did not treat those three young children as snowflakes can you imagine how the college age or even older in our day snowflakes would react to getting a glimpse of the eternal fires they would melt before they had a chance to run for a safe space and grab the nearest box of crayolas that doesn't mean we can't talk about hell it's a reality jesus certainly didn't sister lucia was grateful it only she was grateful it only lasted for a short moment throughout history various other individuals have been granted a unique vision of the afterlife after often after being taken to heaven or hell by an angel or the virgin mary and these private revelations were granted by god to help an individual better understand and then share of course what awaits the soul after death you know the four last things death judgment heaven and hell a sister lucia one of the three visionaries of fatima the one that lived i think it was until 2005 she described hell as a vast sea of fire and it was a terrifying sight to behold it happened thusly mary opened her hands once more as she had done the two previous months the rays of light appeared to penetrate the earth and we saw as it were a vast sea of fire plunged in this fire we saw the demons [Music] and the souls of the damned these den were like transparent burning embers and blackened or burnished bronze having human forms and they were floating about in that conflagration now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now they fell back on every side like sparks in a huge fire without weight or equilibrium amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair which horrified us as a sister lucy and the children talking which horrified us and made us tremble with fright it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out as people say they heard me the demons were distinguished this is interesting the demons were distinguished from the souls of the damned by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals black and transparent like burning coals that vision only lasted for a moment thanks to our good heavenly mother who at the first apparition had promised to take us to heaven without which without that i think that we would have died of terror and fright while this dear family all this surely makes us recall the very teaching of jesus when he gave us the parable of rich man dives remember rich man dives poor man lazarus from luke chapter 16 when the poor man lazarus died he was carried away by the angels to the bosom of abraham the rich man dives also died and was buried and from the netherworld where he was in torment he raised his eyes and he saw abraham far off and lazarus at his side then he cried out father abraham have pity on me son lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i'm suffering in what the torment in these flames this is jesus's parable do we have to ask ourselves was this just another one of those many instances where jesus only was kidding of course not jesus never kidded and he told us why because he loves us he doesn't he doesn't want us in the eternal fires when we hear of fatima's vision of hell complete with black demons and souls and we when we hear this about the the damned like transparent burning embers all blackened and burnished floating in that conflagration it surely seems that jesus's teaching was spot on in fact sister lucia did not have to say that she had to go on a hunt to try and find a damn soul because hell was a pretty much empty place it was full of people it was full of demons this vision of hell is reflective of the description found not surprisingly then in the roman catechism from the council of trent you see the truth is unchanged unchangeable jesus taught it it's been passed down to us unchanged unchangeable trent taught it un infallibly sister lucia saw it with their own eyes she's a witness to us today the council of trent describes hell as a most loathsome and dark prison in which the souls of the damned are tormented with the unclean spirits there's those demons again in eternal and inextinguishable fire this place is called gehenna the bottomless pit pit and is hell strictly so called it certainly seems that trent's description perfectly coincides with sister lucia's own vision of hell which was exactly as jesus described it how it would be for the many the many versus the few who would choose that broad road to destruction well is it any well is it any wonder then that jesus would teach in the gospels if your hand caused you to sin cut it off it would be better for you to enter eternal life maimed then with two hands to go into gehenna into the unquenchable fire by the way while i knew that gehenna was an actual place in real life i was under just understood to be some sort of garbage dump where refuse was continually burned that that actually is true but what i did not know are dear family i did not know was it also was a place where pagan sacrifice occurred including including the burning sacrifice of children [Music] some things never change do they in summary jesus loved us to the holy cross on calvary he did everything he could [Music] to prove the infinite measure of his divine love ending in radiant grace of heaven versus versus the utter hell exemplified by calvary infallibly taught by trent and given in a vision by our blessed mother to sister lucia and her cousins at fatima apart from jesus's teaching and apart from trent's teaching the vision sister lucia was granted was terrifying and reminds us all the hell is not some party for sinners but a terrible terrible place to be avoided at all cost even our own martyrdom the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen you
Channel: Alpha News
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Keywords: Minnesota, Minnesota Politics, Alpha News, MN State Legislature
Id: CjtC59EX0wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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