Cryptid - GameNight! Se10 Ep7 - How to Play and Playthrough

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gamegenic ingenious supplies game night the chupacabra the jersey devil the  loch ness monster join nikki lincoln and myself   dave as we play cryptid a game for three  to six players published by osprey games   and designed by hal duncan and ruth  avivers so come join us will you because   the best is yet to come oh hey dave  hey lincoln will you teach us cryptid   i will encrypted we are all cryptozoologists oh  looking for the mysterious cryptid who lives in okay one of these hexes contains encrypted okay  all right um so uh the first thing you're gonna   do is set up the board you can use an app to  do this or you can do it the way we did it   old school which is by using these cards the game  has like a big giant deck of cards all right and   you're going to pick one of them the cards look  in one of two flavors i have them over here and   those flavors are a white an all-white card which  is a slightly easier version of the game and a   black border card which is a slightly harder  version of the game we're playing the easier   version just for our first game here so we're not  going to use this card in fact we're going to use   this card which shows you how to set it up i'm not  going to go in how to set it up it's pretty easy   to do because these are just six pieces with some  numbers in the corner yes and the board just shows   you these are where the numbered pieces go and the  orientation of them and then you add these things   to the board but let me just describe the board as  far as what it is it's got five different terrain   types there's desert there's water there's forest  there's mountains and there's swamp all right so   those are the five terrain types um there is  a bear enclosure bear area bear it's a barrier   this area yeah the bay area san francisco there's  like a bear enclosure and then there's like a   cougar enclosure so the bear enclosure is the  dotted black line and the red is the cougar   all right all right it's got a  bear head and it's got a cougar pod   they've each got a head and a paw i think  i think there's pause there's no pause see   there's paws if you zoom in on that oh no no i'm  just talking about the icon here yeah right now   but look see they actually have paws on them as  well all right in addition to that we also have   uh two different types of structures this is a  standing stone and this is an abandoned shack   and they come in four colors the game shows  you as i said how to set up each board we are   not using the black they're four different  colors white green blue black and we're not   using the black for this particular setup and  the reason you need to follow the board setup   is because we're each going to have a clue as to  where the cryptid can exist okay and those clues   are going to be in the following flavors  they're going to be the cryptid is on   one of two terrain types like the cryptid is on  desert or water that could be okay the cryptid is   within two spaces of a cougar enclosure okay  for purposes of this game within means zero   to two if it was within two spaces like the  cryptid is within within one space of water   within one space of water would mean water as  well okay but it would also mean these spaces   if it were within one space of water make sense is  that the creature from the black lagoon if it's in   the water i don't know because it's not a cougar  i could figure it out okay um so the the type of   clues you can have are the cryptid is here the  cryptid is within one or two spaces the cryptid   is not here or the crypt that is not within one  or two spaces the cryptid is within three spaces   of uh a stone and a stone means any color stone  in this case or it could be the cryptid is within   three spaces of a green marker like one of these  green could be a shack or a stone there's there's   all kinds of different variants what it could  be but the game is going to give us three rules   for this specific setup that means that there  was only one space on the board where the cryptid   could be according to our three rules okay right  we will actually triangulate those three rules   essentially down to that one space and we're  going to do that by asking questions to the other   players knowing our rule to see if we can figure  out their rules does that make sense yep okay   so on your turn you're going to take this pawn  you're going to put it on the space on the board   all right the rules for placing the pawn on the  board is that the pawn can go on any space on   the board except a space that has another player's  cube on it so i could not place here because nikki   has a cube on her space i have not explained  cubes and discs yet but i could totally go   here if it had her disc or here if it had mine  i could go on this structure over here i could   go on the structure if it had her disc and maybe  even mine this this is a possible place that you   can go but i can't go here or if lincoln you had  a cube on the board i couldn't go there all right   so i'm gonna go to a space on the board let's  say i go here and i say when i go here i can do   one of two things i can either search this space  which i'll come back to or i can ask a question   we're mostly going to be asking questions and when  you ask a question you pick one of the two players   in our three player game but you pick a player  and you say lincoln can the creature be here   and you're going to respond with either a  cube which means no the creature cannot be   here according to my rule or you're going  to put a disc go ahead and just do that too   which means yes the creature can be here according  to my rule now that doesn't mean lincoln's rule   is the creature is in water yeah lincoln's rule  could be the creature is either in water or forest   so that's a legitimate thing the creature  could be in the forest lincoln's rule could be   the creature is within one space of the desert  right so i don't know what lincoln's rule is   but i know that this is a viable place for his  rule um if he puts a disc then that is the end   of my turn and i pass the pawn and it goes to  the next player if he puts a cube on the board   then i am required to place one of my cubes  somewhere on the board in a legal place   that is a no for whatever my rule is oh okay  so i put it here and then i passed the pawn and   it's your turn okay all right so we're going to  basically be placing this pawn asking questions   placing cubes and discs and then the other action  you can do when you place a cube is search and the   search really is the i'm trying to win the game  now action okay because when you search a space   you put the pawn on a space if your disc is not on  that space you add it okay and then for a search   now we're going around the table clockwise  okay okay so all players must answer this space   nikki if you put a disc here yes this is good for  me and if lincoln puts a disc here yes that's good   for him then i have won the game right because  this is the place where all three of our rules   converge okay but if you were to put a no disk  here then not only do we not get to lincoln's   answer my search immediately stops but like  the question i now also have to put a cube so   if you were to put a disc here and then lincoln  were to put a cube here same thing right   if there was a fourth player we would not get to  that fourth player i would have to put a cube even   though there's not a fourth player i'd still have  to put a cube and then the game goes on to you and   basically we're going to keep doing that until we  find the space where the cryptid is on the board we have a solution for that give me that give me that energetic ingenious supplies now there's a very  cool way if you're not using the app that the game   does this sort of magic so we're using  this card and you turn this card over and for a three player game which is what we're  doing we are going to use clues 17 45 and 84   in these books okay so alpha 17 so nikki your  clue is alpha 17. okay lincoln you are beta 45   and i am gamma 84 and then we're not using  these this is for four players and five players   so let's clear all this stuff oh yeah all right everybody look at their clue and find it  what am i gamma 84 when you're done looking your   clue the back of this book gives you everything  you need to know it's like your cheat sheet for   the whole game okay all right and then let's see  what is mine gamma don't read it out loud gamma84   okay gamma84 got it all right uh nikki go ahead  and be the start player if you want to be and   here's how the game now works before we even  start we're going to go around twice clockwise   putting a cube on the board so we're going to  start the game with two cubes on the board and   nose or yeses all knows we're going to put we're  each going to put two notes on the board just yes i'm sorry i have to read my thing over  and over again to bake it into my head   yep don't worry you can keep referring to it  here i will leave this card here in case you   ever need an alpha 17 beta 45 gamma 84. okay  so you're putting out a no cube to start yes okay cannot be there according to your rule okay  oh uh i didn't say this but um once a player has   placed a cube in a space you cannot place a cube  in that space for okay right because it can't be   that space correct right no in other words for  example you can't be snarky like well my cube is   going to go here yeah yeah yeah each space can  only have one cube let me go right there okay i'm sorry i'm looking at my places too yep that's unhelpful i'm doing what scott did  scott just placed all of his on the same   thing i'll be helpful i'm being i  decided to be a little helpful do   we do it again nope we're done now okay  now you place the pawn and we start okay let's okay lincoln is and mostly nose  in the swamp dave's nose in the forest where my nose is your nose is in the  forest just plain as the nose on your face   all right let's go here and i will  ask lincoln is the creature possibly dave could it be here look at that how exciting is that nicky oh my goodness how about here nikki p time to fix it if there's a problem there's  a lot of like what's my rule again yeah i'm   doing it just to make sure there's nothing wrong  something down there's nothing wrong with that i like this idea dave yes nikki could the creature be there could be nikki could it be here nope okay it's the first no isn't it  oh no that's not the first one it is   yeah it's the first first now i just put  that one there yeah i know no kidding   helpful incredibly unhelpful all  right let's see so that worked for you lincoln how about right here hmm i'm almost positive but i want to be 100  positive don't be 100 positive just go for it   if i mean just go for it um let me make sure   yeah okay um what is that a search you can do a  search i'm i'm i'm searching you're gonna search   there there so you add your disk to that spot okay  and now if lincoln puts a disk there are you in   my mom and you have to put a no i know  somewhere okay that was cool though i was really   like i like not 98 i have some i have heard  stories where some people like run out of   their pieces before they actually and you're not  piece limited by the way before they figure it out   and i've you've heard a story of someone that  they solved on their very first turn of the game okay right i love it because what does this  mean what does that mean it's great well i guess i'll i'll search okay is  this correct well i'm obviously nikki   oh yes so yeah you're right nikki is that a  disc or a cube i'm triple million checking my   rule in my head okay then i don't  think i'm right no all right uh here   all right well that was nice  he could have gone in the car   but at least he didn't go in the corner i  appreciate it or maybe he can't go in the corner it's the one secret one that i have it's  just in the corner of the board boy you   guys are clearly dancing around  something but i don't know what   i wish i could figure out what makes  this exciting for you guys yeah totally that said i'm going somewhere else uh lincoln um now hey lincoln can you be  here can the creature be here   not lincoln oh all right  well i didn't know i'll go all right i'll just get here this is gonna almost be the same question but  i think it'll tell me something differently   okay perhaps can the creature be here yeah okay  oh what do you know that i don't know i like it wow that's so cool i don't know  what that means but i like it well i'm gonna search then yeah yeah you  wanna search there yep oh yeah no no okay wow you guys clearly know the other's rule and  i have no idea this is great maybe this is   fantastic well put this way you think you know  each other's rules for sure but boy do i not   know it wow thank you for asking that question  because i was i was gonna do that on my turn   interesting 100 gonna do that on my  turn i'm waiting for you you need to   put a red cube on the board he  did he made it oh i'm sorry i okay so then what is your okay huh okay then what is nikki's rule  that's what i want to know   um well i don't have yours i keep  thinking i have yours but i mean agreed which of course gives  lincoln nikki information but   i gots to well every question gives  everybody else information doesn't it   nikki yes sir can you be here  can i be can the creature be here move that i'll give you guys more information so i need to ask dave more questions  i'm just giving out info i feel i feel   i think i have nicki's but i'm not 100  sure because there's only two discs on   the board that are absolutes right you  know i mean these others that are no   well and absolutes in quotes they're just they're  just possibilities but i'm but i'm looking at like   if i were to i'm taking shots in the area that i  think it could be right and i'm i'm wrong right   i'm just totally wrong is it that it could be that  because that's all okay oh mr dave mr dave yep   could it be here nope please put a cube on  the board ah darn it um gold dernit yeah well i'll play lincoln's game nothing wrong with that what made that a no what  made that a no dave just tell me straight out oh no yeah it's whatever i thought i had on  dave is wrong so right yeah that was supposed   to confirm something i thought i thought  i had something on nikki and i was wrong   and it confirmed the other  direction so now i'm lost could you be here dave could you continue please  add a cue hi yeah i'm almost out like what i think   we point them off we're not peace limited yeah i  know we just pull them off that's what i'm saying   nikki yeah maybe can you be here can i be there yeah all right look at that well then shoot dave i'm not even sure that that the thing  i was trying to figure out is correct   but now i i think i have a direction do  you have your rule right yeah okay ah   let me just check let me look  at all my nose right now yes yes   that's correct that's correct that's  correct that's correct they are all correct hey you know now that we're starting to get these  we're not actually getting positives we should   do this so people can consume yeah yeah i  can see them from above okay i want to ask   dave a question about it i am not finding  a good place yes that's where i'm at too   to put it for dave i i thought i had something and  i thought well maybe it's this but i don't see it   um oh oh oh oh oh oh go for it i think no  oh no no i i i'm not even remotely close yet every time i have an idea for what  nikki's is there's like one piece of hers   on the board that negates it okay let's  see if that so i think yours is that   that's not gonna work i think yours is that  and that means mine is that which i know okay   i have a feeling yep i know what your answer  is gonna be but i'm going to waste my question   oh i hope you don't you don't want to  just search or you just want to do it okay   what are you asking could the creature be there  you're asking me yes dave no all right please add   a cube to the board okay so we don't forget hmm  well i was thinking it was possibly that too so   i'm glad she did it i got to put a note down  um i think i have a lot of no's out there   it's pretty bad i'm just looking for we can't  figure out your rule as part of the problem   a legit place for it darn it well that's not  it for dave and i he i don't know that i have   nikki's but i feel more that's a no that  that's you know holy smokes no i gave you   info boo well that was what i thought it was  until i looked at i don't know what that that one   which she gave us of course yes that's hilarious  it's been seen right from the whole time i   haven't even seen it okay all right well then  you're right i'm silly that was the no that was   changing things for me i'm like oh darn it that's  not what it is okay i think i have an idea of   what nicki's is so now i just have to figure out  lincoln's of course i could be completely wrong hey dave how about wow i'm still stunned that  this is wrong now yes like   i just realized the rules i thought for you guys  fit perfectly for this space but it doesn't work   yep that makes it perfectly for lincoln he was  the no if we could just figure out why yeah well the one that i think is possibly it it can't  be because that's it's a no for nicki right at   least in my head it's a no for nicki right well  that's the other thing like that's a yes for nikki   and that's a no for nikki so what is lincoln's  thing thinking what's lincoln's thinking what's   lincoln's wow i don't know just making sure i'm  asking a valid question okay dave could it be here yay um all right you know what yeah  i'm gonna just do this lincoln lincoln can you can the creature  be here sure all right here you go   um okay i'm doing a big old big search  right here put your piece under it lincoln nope what oh okay put a  cube on the board no i don't wanna   you gotta i don't wanna you  must i'm gonna search yeah yeah   that's good for me um let me make sure  wow okay then i don't know nikki's wow once again this is great um lincoln needs to add a cube i got an  add a cube don't have an attic you guys see that's interesting like so i that's there  that's there okay so then what's nikki's lincoln   if i think you think you know mine right and i  think i know yours now i i see i know what it is   you know if if we're still alive i'm going to ask  again all right well i don't know where it is and   i don't want to spend the time right now okay  so i will just say here nikki can you be there all right let me add a cube to the board here  we go all right go ahead okay again a big search here put your disc on it you  can say no what what what   put a disc on the boat put a cube on the back  i am so mad right now it's all right lincoln's   gonna get it okay go is it here a disc for  me oh i need to put one there too yeah sorry   nikki i hope it's a disc for you since you're  out of cubes no i have to lift a cube okay wow lincoln at a cube just pull  one from the swamp i guess wow yeah i don't i have no i i thought i knew  nikki all right i mean i thought i knew nikki   in the previous guest and i was wrong so then  i thought okay well maybe it's this because i   looked at i'm looking at her yeses lincoln can go  there there there there and there i know my rule   nikki can't go there she can go there and there  there's a lot of color on this board oh yes this   is the one that surprises me well that should be a  nicky disk for me that's what i thought too that's   why i thought well then it's this because what  i was assuming before made this correct but then   i'm like okay well this is also possible and then  it's not correct so i have no idea because well i'm just going to search without knowing here  i'll just search here i'll just dance around   the spaces you were going i i truly don't have  any idea nicki is that a disc or a cube from you   yeah all right here let me have it  hey i've got cubes to add to the board   let me put a cube somewhere that maybe helps in  some way here we are blind not all right well   you and i clearly are not seeing whatever nikki's  rule is agreed you want to talk it out seriously i mean i'm looking i looked at her other  discs i'm like okay this condition is   possible for both of these right i mean this is the interesting one for me right  i mean she has one on this too she does not have   she has one here too what am i talking  about that's like that's what i thought   okay well then it's this no it's not that  maybe it's this one no oh no i hope nope oh   oh you think you got it yes i sure  hope so i think i got it dang it all   the heck well except here this is a red  cube for you like that's the part that's   that's the part that's nuts for  me i'm gonna do another search uh   search search means you're trying to win  yeah here okay add one of your discs there what okay put a cube somewhere i will pull this  one so remember all of these are this one   nose for me just pull this okay we're not  ever looking at this side of the board again fair enough nikki could you be  here could the cryptid be here yes i think so okay i'm gonna search sure right here yay yep yep ingenious supplies i was so with you you guys  were so i thought well you must be right because   i didn't know where i was going it was over  here yeah i believe it was your rule that   was lincoln i believe is three away  from green that is correct oh okay but   but but i just it's one of those hard rules to to  grok well it's even hard to measure it i actually   don't like that one right because i didn't know  you were ever measuring anything i'm just looking   at it i'm not worried about you guys looking at  it it's just like okay is that actually three away   right it's like it's it's it's a weird one because  like here is this within three yes right probably   well no is it yes one two three no i understand  it's this kind of thing you're worried about   giving up information now i don't i want to give  up information if it's correct i i absolutely want   to see yourself i don't want to be wrong got it  that is what i'm most concerned about i have no   problem actually being saying correct this is  correct it's one i just don't want to be wrong   uh that that one is actually the first time i've  ever had because i played this a few times it's   the only time i've ever had one that was within  three of something right and that's just so far   away i've had within one that's easy right i was  like okay that's very simple every time within   three i'm like oh well you guys both got my rule  like almost instantly right yeah you were either   swamp or uh mountains right no okay well then you  had my rule what is it nikki p i i know what it is   i think dave's rule was within one you totally  of them you guys i felt like had me from the   beginning i'm like he was yes on a swamp and he  was yes next to his swampy yes exactly but also i   was looking at mountains and thinking i don't even  know why but that's exactly why here's why this   piled up i thought somebody was within a structure  and you you were yes yes yes yes within two spaces   well that's right nikki that's what i thought i'm  like well nikki is clearly within a structure but   then but then i'm like what is this over here  right that's what really threw me yeah and the   the sneaky part so i think nikki is two from  a cougar is that what you are that is good   but i didn't again i didn't see that for the  longest time because it's hard to see those   spaces away from things well i saw them  right i saw that but i didn't make this one   for whatever reason that was too far from my brain  like i wasn't seeing it and i thought about that   because over here it's that and then over here  it's that i'm like oh but wait a second this   you know this is not right and i don't even know  what because here's a positive right so part of   it for me was the reading glasses i could not see  that the cougar outline over there oh well it's   red though right yeah eventually when i looked  i got it but i'm saying at first glance when i'm   looking at it so that that never connected with  this piece for me it's right in front of me right   yeah i'm saying for me i know but i'm just saying  for me right i had that but i didn't have this and   so i kept thinking so first i thought it was  that then i thought uh no at first i thought   she was within one of a forest like there was  a lot of i thought you were within one of them foreign it could be within one uh one  of a mountain right and then i did   uh right because if you look right within one  of a mountain within a one of a forest within   one of a mountain or forest within ah this is  not it though but there's a force there right   right the problem is if it's with when if it's  in if you think actually it isn't even it's   never two right it's only the animal territories  but that's not i never thought it was both but   it was like trying to figure out what it was  and i'm like well clearly it's not over here   i could not figure out what what the one was  and that's why i started checking over here   and i thought when i answered this i'm like oh  they're going to get it now because it's clear   you know i'm like nothing in the middle right i'm  not near any of those two structures that are both   in the azure board and it took a while for you  guys to see it right it's a weird one though i   think three is kind of far like as far as figuring  that out yeah just like wow well it's hard to see   too right from from our point of view which is  kind of what's great about it right like that was   the that was the penny that dropped for me but it  took us this long for me to get there right right   right right a lot of tokens on the board a lot  what do you think i like this game i like it a lot   um i have fun every time i play it whether i  win or not i like the logic puzzle of it and   i love the way they made these like a stack of  these cards i mean really when you get down to   it it's just like basic programming right  but i just i love it i just really like it   and you don't as i said up front you don't even  need the cards because they are the game has an   app and the app can basically say set up these  things and then here's your clue now of course   the app we never did it but the idea that i  could physically refer to my clue again if i   needed to was very comforting oh yeah i mean i did  actually look once when i was like wait a second   i was wondering if i was have troubles so for me  the game is weird because i'm a visually oriented   person for sure yeah and i have a hard time with  this game it's kind of like a weird blind spot for   you i just i don't know if it's the i don't know  what it is yet i mean because i've consistently i   watched scott play this when it first came out and  i go wow that's not for me like i had a heck of a   time figuring out what was going on and i was you  know i was able to look at a couple people and see   what's going on right and i could not figure it  out right um and i continue to have a problem like   i thought about this i thought specifically  about this rule for nikki and never   saw this for this one here i saw this i saw you  know i saw these right i saw this for whatever   reason i didn't see this way right and i don't  know what i'm doing with that i maybe dave's   stuff was maybe messing with me initially i don't  know because i felt i felt i had you at a point   which i did i thought you both had me pretty early  uh it took me a while because i was like i think   within one of a territory is or maybe an easier  rule to see as well right right i pretty much   figured out you didn't like desert and you didn't  like well i don't mind desert the forest as long because you put so much i'm like okay and then  a ton of no's in the forest so i'm like okay   right yeah as long as not with when it with  one of the uh of the swamp but yeah it's it   is a neat game i just think i'm not built for  this one for whatever reason i'm i keep hoping   that the more knowledge i have of all of because  it's really not that crazy and that's why i don't   think i could ever play the advanced game you  know i mean that would just the i mean from what   i understand because i've never played it so the  i didn't actually say this but the advanced game   well we didn't get a chance to say what you  think of the game i i actually it's funny so   uh uh i actually do pretty poorly at this game  and i think as this board shows for all of us   for all of us correct i mean we ran out of stuff  so all the other times i played this someone has   gotten the answer before i've even figured out  like half the other clues but but i dig it one of   the things i like about this game though because  i do i do well deduction games yeah for whatever   reason well and i really need sheets that's one  of the things people are saying oh use a sheet   we did not use a sheet on this one specifically  you can use paper and pencil if you want to keep   track of stuff but the truth of the matter was  the better thing for me wasn't the paper and   pencil but was this yeah the list of possible  because when i got to the thing at the bottom   within three spaces of a color or structure that  was when i'm like duh yeah i was wondering if that   look again nikki and see if that's it yeah right  right or look again at lincoln and see if that   was it because i didn't have any idea what you  were um i love deduction games but i don't know   same thing as what you said because this isn't  a straight up keeping track elimination whatever   it's there's something both more simple to  this game and also more vague in a way to   this game that the simple part really appeals  to me and the vague part gives me that same   slight blind spot that you have but like what  nikki said the the thing is so gorgeous the   pieces are so chunky and big and fun and and  and despite my not all the way at the end   see you really can see everything very  clearly which is nice right like it's not   it's not teeny oh no nothing is too small the  well and it's there's no there's no detail   right you don't have there's i mean there is  detail but there's not like tiny details that   you have to pay attention to these are a little  more challenging but they're not hard no i just   you know i literally thought about the cougar for  nikki i'm like oh yes yes yes and right didn't   you just seen this one didn't continue with it  and the hilarious part when i realized i think   i think i looked and saw well there's nothing  this was like an early for you right this was   i don't know when i don't know when this went down  i think that went down now i think it is no no no   no no no no this was on the board you started okay  this might have been what you're really asking you   or nikki one of us asked you about the space early  on and then we just never bothered right but i'm   glad that we did because it was information  without that space i don't know that i find   i needed i needed both of these to to cement this  in my mind sure i mean nikki i know she really   liked this game and you know uh it probably is  more like what she's good at with this type of   deduction i kept waiting every time okay well  this is nikki's winning now i thought you had   it for sure maybe it's um the methodical run the  list run the list yeah run the list i don't know   but it i just really like it right well the downer  was and i i didn't actually like being this one   the downer wasn't at the bottom of the  list and i feel people don't get down there   i didn't you know what i mean i really i feel  it's like oh hey i mean because yes i want to   try to win but i also don't want it to be like  impossible right and i feel that this is the   being at the bottom is a challenge and it's three  spaces which is a weird one to me and not fun   not not fun for me because i did not i really did  not want to screw up i was like i kept counting   the idea of being one away from a swamp is like  well that's i don't ever have to worry about   just three is like oh yeah that was this one here  i thought did i get it wrong and it was just in   my head backwards because i'm like oh no that is  within three i'm absolutely correct no but this is   correct yeah exactly it was these two yeah it was  great too though but see you say that but that was   great yeah yeah without that rule we don't have  that moment i mean look at all this this is like   yeah you it's well it's got to be here and of  course it doesn't even remotely no other side   of the board what is the oh right exactly  what is the advanced version of the game so   even though i'm afraid of it i've never played  it so in the in the non-advanced version of   the game all of your clues are where the  cryptid could be right in the advanced   version of the game you can also have where  the cryptid isn't what yeah so in other words   in in the in the in the e's let's call it the  easy version in the easy version of the normal   it's called the normal in the normal version  of the game your rule would be the cryptid   is within three of a green structure whereas in  the advanced rule you could still have that rule   right it could still be within three but you could  also have the cryptid is not within three of a   green structure and think how hard that would be  to count out and make sure you do my brain would   explode yeah you could get that's all it means  it's just you add the inverse of those rules huh well we should explore that but not on camera   well thanks for teaching us dave you're welcome  lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you   like this video hit the thumbs up button and  consider subscribing to our channel if you   click on the bell to get notified when  we put up new videos see you next time you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 15,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: xbM-xXQX-74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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