Cuphead: Fast Rolling Dice Game - GameNight! Se10 Ep12 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] thank you [Music] Angelic engineer supplies [Music] game night tonight on Game Night Nikki Lincoln and myself Dave are going to play cuphead Fast rolling dice game a game for one to four players published by the op and designed by Pat Marino stick around and see if we can break our pact with the Devil by Rolling dice fast hey Dave hey Lincoln will you teach us cuphead fast rolling dice game yes game yes is that what we're doing now okay uh cuphead and mugman have made a terrible deal with the devil but they actually made a bet and they lost and now they have to collect syllables for the devil but to get out of it they're going to fight essentially these bosses by Rolling dice basically we're going to play it's a board game version of the video game and um when you open the box Edition all these gorgeous bits you get all these boss decks there's eight different boss decks you can play any one you want by the way we're gonna play boss deck number one because that's the one they suggest you start with especially since it's kind of teaching in the game I would imagine correct but I mean if you wanted to dive into any number you could it seems I mean they I assume build upon each other as you move along right it's not a legacy game in any way so we're not really spoiling anything per se um and when I say boss deck number one it's it's I know for a fact because I have uh played this deck once before there are actually three bosses in Bostick number one it's it's easier to think of it as sort of like a platform game which is sort of what this is as I said the right game version of the video game so in order to defeat this deck we're going to have to beat the three bosses in this deck okay basically think of it as like two under bosses and then like the big bad that would be at sort of the platform game all right we're going to do this rolling Dice and we all have the same set of dice we have five dice in our player color and this one black dye that's also actually in our player color I've got Nikki's dice over here to sort of show because all the dice are the same they have the same six sides faces on them each each die has one a little run symbol a jump Dash yeah okay one dash symbol jump jump symbol one Perry symbol one shoot symbol one this is duck it's actually like a sort of a sideways it's actually cup heads it looks like a heart but it's really cuphead yeah and then this sort of triangle symbol Diamond um yeah this diamond did I say triangle yes then this dot parallelogram maybe this is diamond symbol we also have this black dye this black dye is potentially can be potentially special for us but I'll get into that in a in a bit so we have these six Dice and we're going to roll them and use the faces of those dice to essentially try to get through this deck you're not supposed to open the deck until you're I mean when you open the deck you're not supposed to like Shuffle the cards or look at any cards can't get that last card out the deck see it's got this thing and the first boss we're gonna fight this whole boss deck is called the root pack okay the root pack is going to have um essentially three different bosses as I said so this first one is like this turnip I think he's a potato is it a potato and and as you can see the hit points for the potato is based on the number of players one two three or four players so this has 10 hit points this goes up here in that little slot and then we move this little hit point marker here to 10. okay and then the deck looks like this you're going to go through these are essentially the Attack cards for the potato see it's going to be like a potato and an onion and a carrot the carrot is going to be like the big boss at the end and then you keep going until the deck basically says stop do not go further than this so we put the deck aside and we're going to shuffle these cards and put them here and then every round is going to work the same way we're going to turn over three cards from the attack deck and we're going to put them in these slots left to right so there's one to three all right then we're going to set a timer you can set the timer for either 20 seconds 15 seconds or 10 seconds I I have no idea how people are going to be able to play this game at 10 seconds but maybe once you play it enough you could sort of figure that out so we're going to play at 20 seconds um note whatever you set the timer for is the timer that you are stuck with for the entire deck which is to save all three bosses so you can't in between change the timer if you're using the app the app won't let you change the timer anyway once you set it to a time until you're finished with the whole thing so you don't have to worry about that but you'll notice the symbols at the bottoms of these cards match the symbols on our dice all right so what we're going to do is we're going to start the timer and then we're all going to play simultaneously and on your turn you're going to roll all your dice and then you can assign as many dice as you want all right from zero to all six if they happen to all work out the way you like after you assign dice you can then re-roll what's left all right okay so let's talk about how assigning dice works when you assign dice they go in these little spaces on your board and each of these slots on your board corresponds to the card you are attacking so right now this fourth slot on your board is nothing because there's no card here okay so any dice that I place in this first slot deals with this first phase one attack card second slot third slot so what are we trying to do well each of these symbols is an attack from this boss so we have to defend ourselves against that attack and to defend against that attack you just have to match the symbol right so I have put that there and I have now matched the symbol it doesn't matter if I put it here or here this slot is the same right okay and if I wanted I need a a dash and a jump for this next one and I do have a jump already so if I wanted I could put this here before I re-rolled you don't have to re-roll after you fill a single slot in your card all right however if I were to put this here when you assign dice you are assigning them left to right by slot so once I move on to slot number two I can never go back and fill this hole in slot number one okay hey why would I want to fill this hole in slot number one I already matched the symbol well the reason you might want to fill the hole is because the way we attack the boss is if we can put a shoot symbol in a place where we have defended already so we can attack the boss here and we can attack the boss here but we can't attack the boss here because that needs these two symbols why can't I find it you had it that needs that needs these two symbols to defend and there isn't room for a third die with a shoot symbol on it note that this is fine again you don't have to match this exactly if it looks like this great if it looks like this great okay all right that makes no difference and then I need all right so let's see no and you know and no and no and let's say the time goes off time hey okay hey this is perfect exam what did I get when the timer goes off you have to stop rolling but you are allowed to place as many dice as you want to from whatever your last rule was when the timer went off in this case I got a shoe all right jump a jump let's say I didn't roll that jump in fact let's say I rolled it like this this die is the same as the other dice that you have even though it's a different color it still has all the symbols and it still works mhm okay as defense once we have done all that we are then going to evaluate the cards from left to right and we're going to do it essentially there's no player turns we'll do it all at once for the first card so even though we're gonna I'm gonna ask them in order well like Lincoln did you defend yes did I defend yes Nikki did you defend yes if we all defended great if if we didn't defend if any one of us didn't defend then you would take a hit point so if Lincoln did and Nikki did but I didn't I would take one hit point because I didn't defend you guys wouldn't but I would all right after defense after we defend against that card we then look hey did anyone shoot yes Lincoln shot okay this is our weapon we all start with the same weapon it's built into our board this we have these characters and it looks like the kind of game where oh we must all have special powers we're all the same we don't have all special powers he's at the start right this is not even in this is just flavor text we'll read it later but this is not even like here's your special power but we all start with the same weapon which is a peashooter when shooting the peashooter does one damage okay the exception ex also known as the black guy is called the X dice ex is if you shoot with the black tie it does two damage okay so that's our weapon our P shooter weapon is all shoots equal a hit but the black X die shoot equals two so if I had it like this that would defend and then hit with two Well yeah if I had except he didn't he didn't have he didn't really defend symbol thank you um by the way that a good point there is no penalty if you place the wrong thing other than I didn't defend but you're not further penalized for placing the wrong but that shoot correct uh correct if I had no dive there and I didn't defend I wouldn't take the hit but still deal damage you can't attack the boss unless you defend the boss's attack okay okay in this case when you defend that Perry icon you also it says right here gain a Parry token you gain a Perry token and it goes right here on your board all right the Perry tokens hit points I haven't explained Wallop cards these are all going to add to your score at the end of the deck when we go through the whole deck we're going to essentially get a score and this is unlike games where like kanabe for example or games where it's like hey score to see how well you did yeah the score can make a difference in this game as far as things rewards and bonuses that you can get so we're not just scoring for the sake of patting ourselves on the back or feeling ashamed okay all right um but Perry tokens have another use that I'll explain in just a second and at the end of evaluating all three of these cards we're then going to see well did we knock this boss down and knock him out there it is and if we didn't then these cards move over here to the discard pile and we bring up three new cards all right so we bring up a card and we bring up okay if you flip over a wallop card all right then that means you immediately add an extra card to the array and then you continue to add if you still need to add cards which every time a Wallet card comes up basically there will be four things in the array okay so in this particular case we now have four cards to deal with now that four slot all right um these cards that have come up are going to work the same way I just explained so this needs to be defended against and you cannot attack right because of two dice all right as does this with Perry and as does this the Wallop icon is not an attack oh sorry the Wallop card is not an attack so you can ignore this one if you want to and not take a hit okay but if you do put that symbol in that space then a not only have you defended against that card even though it is not an attack right but you can also damage the boss in that space if you put a shoot die there additionally see where it says draw one Wallet card yeah so if each of us have this you may draw a wallop card Wallop cards are mostly um icons this one is a jump um some of them have text on them okay but they're mostly icons and when you get a wallop card you basically take it and you kind of keep it off to the side and what this is is this is an extra dye face that can be added to your array at any time okay so usually during this evaluation phase you can use it right away so for example if I had a Perry here and I wasn't able to roll this jump I drew one when I get to evaluate this card I could just put this here now okay note you have to have a slot for it in other words it's like a seventh die that's just this face okay so for example I could not add that here because that would be a third die and only every slot can only get two dice okay additionally this card can be used by all of us so for example I could say Lincoln do you need a hey I need a jump do you need a jump I mean you're going to keep your wallet cards essentially by you but they can be used at any time for other players nice okay yeah that's helpful um okay they can be used here's a perfect example let's say I had this Parry I don't have to do it but I could add this Wallop card here now and I could attack the boss okay um one reason why I might do that is let's say the boss is down to two and we're evaluating this third card and my array looks like this I didn't get anything here I got this down it was terrible and it didn't count and you didn't get that card because that card would help you correct oh I have this let's say I have this card right okay all right so we're evaluating this uh did you Perry leaking yes did you have a shot yes one boom did you parry Nikki yes did you have a shot no did I Parry yes did I have a shot no you know what I'm gonna use this shot that's gonna bring him down and knock him out and why this is helpful is that when you when you defeat a boss you ignore any cards to the right that have yet to be evaluated all right so the boss essentially is defeated here which means we don't evaluate this card which means I don't take a hit point here anymore for not having the correct defense dice nice we do have to finish this right so for example if you didn't defend against that and Lincoln had one and I had one and the boss died remember there's no turn order it wasn't like Lincoln and I went before you we're all going simultaneously as far as evaluating so if you had missed here you would still take a hit but we would then not evaluate the rest okay okay so you can take a certain number of hits but obviously we have three hit points so what happens if you take your last hit point yeah because for example this might be a good example you might decide if you have three hit points to start this round you might decide you know what I'm going to just skip this completely I'm not going to try to roll these two dice that gives me more dice to get this this and this plus maybe pew pew pew right so I'll take one hit but if at any point someone loses their last hit point then two things happen the first is that person loses all of their Peri tokens okay you keep your wallet card still oh all right um and then one of the other players let's say I took my third hit I would lose all my perry tokens and then either you or Lincoln would have to have a peri token and play it you would decide which one of you wants to essentially discard a Parry token to bring me back to life I would come back to life with one hit point all right I am no longer involved in the rest of the round so if I died here then even though I have a love up symbol here I would not get to draw a card but also even though I don't have a jump symbol here I would not take a hit because I'm out for the rest of this round when these cards go to the discard and new cards come up I will come back into the game but if you don't have a Perry symbol to bring me back to life then we all lose the game oh fabulous and then in theory we have to start the deck the whole box over from the beginning okay all right once we defeat this boss we will then move on to the next boss we do not get any bonuses for defeating the boss other than we just move on to the next our health stays the same our Perry tokens stay the same our Wallop cards stay the same okay and we move on to the next boss all right when we get to the end of this deck and defeat the third boss that's what's called scoring a knockout and when we get to The Knockout we'll get rewards okay and we'll also be able to shop at the store and potentially get other things like weapons and stuff like that I don't know that this is likely to happen in box one but for whatever reason we go through these Attack cards and we have not defeated the boss then we reshuffle these or if we need more cards and don't have them we'll reshuffle these and move some back over if we do that we have to take a Time token okay all right time tokens do not hurt our gameplay but they count against us score wise oh okay at the end of the box at the end of the Box okay when we are scored for the box and then as far as scoring for the box when we get to the end of it I'm just going to talk all about that when we get there okay right right now we're just going to dive in so let's Shuffle these up well I wanted to ask oh yeah cards have the diamond symbol on it but they're not really a wallop only a wallop card gets you these World cards otherwise that's just a diamond symbol okay does that make sense yep all right here you Shuffle those okay I'll Shuffle these these come back to me [Music] foreign supplies all right so we want this to be at Ko and he is a 10 for three yeah three players he's a ten there we go all right here is the bad guys yep or the bad guy all right so tree number three a three a three a three Okay jump jump just anything with that and jump yeah everything with feet and fingers front fingers is all you want your feet oh okay 20 seconds [Music] [Applause] oh come on why am I getting no feet [Music] oh man yeah where's the feet where are the feet did I get double feet this is terrible this is bad we're gonna die yeah yeah all right well here we go I'll just put these out because I can even though they do nothing okay all right here we go first one foot yep jump finger nope I have a foot and a chute uh I did manage to evade okay second yes I do have those two yep not me hit point bam Mickey nope hit point Lincoln last one foot yep should I shoot okay that's nice Lincoln not me hit point yeah not me wow I could not roll feed I couldn't neither all right ridiculous well this is gonna be over fast it really is silly potato well none of us have Perry's well we get one right here we better get one right here we're in trouble all right Harry oh I couldn't have a little double feet I know it was fast I couldn't even get that first foot okay [Applause] [Music] oh oops [Music] now all I'm rolling is double feet come on one foot come on one foot one foot one foot one foot wow okay all right well yeah no it's not okay all right like Perry yes and a finger yes all right so you get a Perry and a hit I also get a Perry and a hit for a finger I did okay you're about to lose it I assume yes here it is but here it is we'll give it to you for now okay thank you all right uh two feet yes Dash Dash Dash Okay Lincoln two feet nope take a hit I got him at the last second nice for you and Nikki's dead so I am down you lose this yay Kara I've got three or two I'll do okay I just wanted you know to have everyone to have that example sure how that works actually you know before you do that okay uh it occurs to me here take yours here take yours back okay let me use mine why is that I'm at what him point I'm at one hit point if I die we lose my peritone that's true right I might need to save one of you yours is more likely to be you and I can't both of us yeah well that's okay the wallet cards come in at some oh my god oh yeah okay no we're not gonna be in and doing any much shooting this round unfortunately wow and it's all feed again all right two feet two feet I had one I'm just gonna put it there one feet one feet one feet two feet two feet okay one foot one foot one foot come on what do you think did not get it no okay well this was a double I pulled it out because I bumped it okay that's fine I don't think it's gonna happen yeah I didn't shoot anything so defense yes defend defend yes all right defend yes defend yes defend no okay here but here's the problem defend no yeah no I don't defend and I lose this oh and then we're out we're out and the game start again start again wow that was we got cupheaded did you you say something like you didn't think oh we wouldn't run out of cards we wouldn't that was what would be what would happen no I didn't know yeah I just don't we didn't even do this I did not see that happening that was some bad rolling now actually this brings up an interesting point because I did something in the very first round that I shouldn't have you put a die down for a day I put a shoot a shoot down in my very first slot because I got one and I thought well let me start because I'm bound to roll these other things so I'm I stopped myself from I gave myself one die fewer chance yeah I needed yeah In fairness though they weren't doubles it was a double and a single it felt like the right chance to take but apparently not wow for damage on that where did we get I thought he was nine oh he is ten no sorry we got him down to like six oof hey Wallop all right that's oh no yeah no wallet okay that's good come on all singles come on all singles hey we want to do some damage maybe maybe I'm happy just to get the Wallop card and defend now we could skip this if we want yes it is not an attack okay if you wanted if you rolled double foot foot Perry on your very first thing and you want to like put them down and then just see if you can roll a uh especially if you have the black dye left and just see if you can roll like a two damage finger you can go for it okay but come on you won't roll that badly yeah I will uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] not taking any chances come on Carrie oh my goodness okay well I tried my own strategy and at least I didn't get any attacks down but I did get one in the very end I'm so happy today wild card yes all right up what does that say that's your card assign a card to assign to a card slot before rolling to add one damage to shoot damage on shoot actions on this space So at the end of the round right so if we had put this here for example then your your double damage would have been instead of two would have been three okay nice we can assign this we have to do this before we roll so we can figure out do we have to do it even before before rolling and before turning over no no we see the cards okay and then we just decide oh well so it could be good where we have this instance where we want to try it for me hey discard one time token all right so that's the best thing you could have gotten and Nikki got a pairing that's not but that's not the same as these two tokens right it's not a token remember it's a it's a dive right but in other words it doesn't count as a Parry but if it was a prairie spot correct you could get a token for it correct it's like a seventh the Wallet card is like a seventh or eighth or ninth die that you can place if you have a slot for it okay and if you want to all right now oh sorry also hey I hit I apologize my one hit I was so excited okay Dash yep Dash yep Dash yep all right jump yep jump yep jump yep Parry yep there's token and I shot with my X die for two one two already Perry yay and Perry yes there you go yay okay look at that that was better we already better we have experience now I was gonna say skills I don't know if we have skills I think it helps to get the wild card right away it also helps we didn't even get the Perry card right away last yeah true that was tough is there only one oh no there's another one right there all right do you want to assign your wallet card or do you want to save it uh it really makes no difference we probably can we do it on one that it we can't can we do it to this one there's no reason to do it that one because we can't add damage to it oh I see so you want it's going to add down it's going to add plus one damage if and when we do damage okay you want to put it there well don't you think that's great because that's where we're likely it also tells me that I'm not putting a shoot in my first slot okay right because I want to get to here yeah now that you put the card there okay feet feet single feet feet double feet okay come on all right wow I'm birding in the Hamming it yeah I did you get shoot yeah I did not oh I didn't make it I didn't do this right oh wait I'm in the wrong spot there we go I've just moved down one I believe you well you know I'm yeah I was doing this for the reform yeah I'm throwing dice out too quickly okay here we go uh jump yep I mean yeah jump jump yep yeah yep yeah I like it uh jump Dash yep jump Dash jump Dash yeah okay Perry yep here you go and shoot yes normal shoot yes so one but plus one is two nice and two I have look I just I Burton the handed it I decided I don't want to not roll the Perry because I have the other finger so that does plus one plus two and Nikki is going to show you how the wild card is used she's using that as her yes I am oh wait I didn't get a Perry token for my Perry and you get a Perry token for your Perry yeah plus a shoot which is one and two or one away because of that card that's a good card two hits and because we all managed to roll up well enough to take advantage of that final round this goes away no more because I used it okay so oh my gosh so we can't kill the guy on cards one or two oops maybe even three here oh okay good we might be able to do it so we have to survive to get to the last card I'm just for surviving reorganize it put that first so not what we rolled that would be unfortunate that would be that would have been better [Applause] [Music] that was a terrible role okay just single foot that was a foot angle it's the same thing the angle foot single foot single foot boo okay okay could have made it to the you're gonna make it oh I didn't do it right once again oh foot foot yep what would you do wrong I don't have the die there oh I might have had it but I was like clumsily take a hit right I just did okay uh foot foot yep foot foot foot in the bush Okay uh Dash jump Dash jump Dash jump okay third slot foot nope did you you have a fight oh I do have you're allowed remember when the timer's off you're allowed to place whatever advice you still have in your thing so foot Nikki I'll go to you because I know you have the double kill yes foot and two Overkill pew pew I had one too all right at the last second but it turns out I didn't need it no all right so we're done with this boss yeah it's tough to remember I forget that too you like you when the timer goes off you think oh I'm done yeah right I actually think it's a really neat rule that your last role you can take your time and look at what you have not that you really need to look at what you're if all right so we are on to the next root pack The Onion so uh one two three players is nine hit points that's one hit point less than last time that scares me a little oh and there's seems like there's fewer cards in the attack deck go ahead and Shuffle those up put them over there fewer yeah which either means they're easier to get through or they're harder or they're harder and they come back and we get time tokens it just means we have to we have to get to not get the bad time token we just have to work hard right we have three shots it looks like there's nine cards here well there might be a Wallops so right I mean a lot of it also just boils down to do you do you roll the shoot on your X die and can you take advantage of it a one who [Music] three he's a Perry all right well that's not too bad Harry okay uh this is I didn't explain this but this is good so remember if you put a shoot there that's not a shoot that's a defend in order to attack on that space you would have to add a second one additionally if you had your black X die here that doesn't count as two for purposes of like one will defend and one will shoot oh that'd be sweet right it really was you start to roll it but yeah okay uh everything else is the same everything carries over from the last round which we did all right [Applause] [Music] Dash all right dash [Music] okay okay come on shoot beautiful yeah okay you can still Place those if you can they don't do anything all right just reminding you sad because that was a Parry I'm not gonna get oh well here we go uh I'll go this I'll start with you now Nikki oh yeah look at that which one do you want to defend with what do you think all right so that hits with two one two Lincoln same thing one two oh my gosh we might oh we could almost get rid of this this round okay I just defended okay next uh Dash jump yeah Dash jump yep no Parry no hurry yup Perry I will take a parry and two shots nice one two uh I didn't say this one it stands it stands to reason that you only have room for three Perry tokens and those are the only ones you can't get more than that okay once you have three you were maxed out all right all right same thing for no I wonder if there's a wall up in here with only I think there's I just check yes it's only totally nine cards to Nikki's earlier question that is an attack so if you don't put a diamond down you will take a hit okay all right that has nothing to do with the wild card that's why I would call them Diamond symbols or Crystal triangle symbols but that's why I call them Diamond symbols and not Wallop symbols okay hey if we actually can all get an attack on this first one we can just be done with this round correct okay so if we each roll a Perry and a shoot we're done we're done yeah you got it but we have to do it or we're in trouble right all right I don't think you should stop if you actually fulfill it because just in case correct let's try it okay just say if you have it okay yes all right I like it whoa really got it got it got it each okay I actually could have put together I've actually yeah I couldn't enrolled better for the other slots okay look me too and they don't match well I could have actually I had a shot there that I could have put down on this one it didn't matter I was like why do you have a Perry and a shoot yeah I certainly do sir here's a peritone thank you for that that one hit point now by the way let's say this was the one him pointed had died right again like how you could still take a hit we would still evaluate if we still get Perry tokens although you and I can't get Perry tokens right because we are maxed out cool pairing to shoot yep pairing to shoot yep three orange whips done yay wow look I even got the double shoot later awesome Dave's still at full health too by the way and that's that's pretty cool so far well here comes here comes the big bad all right this is the third guy this is the third guy okay this is the carrot 12 hit points for three player game woof pew pew wow that is a big thick deck oh yeah Shuffle those up Shuffle yeah that scares me a little bit lots of doubles Maybe there were lots of doubles it would be a smaller deck hmm but probably some doubles maybe the duck symbol finally we haven't even seen that yet one more time okay all I know is if there's a wallop card in there I want it right away yeah I want it to come up so we have that card for the end of the round well it might or even just because it might save us right 12 yep okay okay single hey single hey single wow wow that's all our singles for now okay maybe who knows it might all be singles I mean it takes 12 hit points right to knock it out so it takes two to make a thing go right yeah there we go in hand yeah all right [Music] come on that was a shoot it was I did there's a shoot no no no no no you don't do that in a double shoot and I'm more shooting come on no boo okay well this was a oh it is correct I thought I missed it up there all right here we go run yep but nothing dash run but nothing running shoot run and shoot yeah run shoot run shoot biathlon is that what you're doing is that uh no no damage I think Nick has the same thing no damage double shoot well you have to this one here are you gonna take the hit instead of yeah shouldn't I take the double hit I think I should take the double hit all right but then you take a hit we got plenty of Perry tokens are we just trying to get through this um it's moot because she's not allowed to move that die now that's where she placed it she was stupid I did the same thing earlier and it was because I just was jumping ahead I was just making sure you made a mistake she didn't she was still rolling for this slot okay defendant damage all right and no defense ouch yep that's all right please don't hurt me yeah don't desert me please carrot don't wait what were we at we did one two three so we should be at wait did you do a damage nope I did a two and a one ah we did four so we should be at eight I did one okay oh oh duck hey there's the duck duck okay don't fail me now okay Dash jump duck Dash yep uh oh my gosh nothing really look at that I already did it well I guess I could yeah yeah no I can't yeah I need double feet double feet take it double feet nope nope no kidding I lose Nikki no hitting it's all right I mean it's not all right but we're gonna do right all right dash yep dash dash dash jump yep jump in two hits nice nice boom boom jump jump cut but it's cup it's it's not jump It's Dash It's Dash and uh duck Dash and deck yes not me I lose one I got the duck but I could not get to the den yeah I ducked but no there was no running you lose all these berries yeah okay that's bad news there you go Lincoln has revived you you was warning us you weren't even trying to shoot you were just trying to get it I saw sort of oh Dash jump Dash jump only one opportunity to score a hit okay let's not don't try to hit just survive you need to survive okay we can take a hit but you need to survive I will survive I will survive okay [Music] [Music] I need two not one come on two feet two feet I know you're on there somewhere two feet nope oh I got it unbelievable I know they're on there somewhere all right finger yes uh and finger dang okay double feet and whatever yes yes jump Dash jump yep yeah take a hit you gotta hit oh boom if you could roll these at least three or four times and didn't get it no it's insane this game is awesome dice it's awesome no come on dash okay there we go okay shoot this at least at least possible can we get him on this one now we can't kill but we could kill him if if I don't think we should try to kill them but we should definitely we need to knock him down from here okay or her I guess technically okay I don't know what it's gender carrots they they yeah no [Music] okay oh I had it what an idiot double sheets oh my gosh okay last at the last possible second okay well I lucked out I got it all right shushu yep Studio yeah oh boy double shot double shot nice that's some espresso baby no defend for me shut oh Nick nice shot I'm looking ahead defend and shot oh Lincoln too I defend defend and shot one one two three four yep okay we just have to kill it on the first card like we did last time unless they're all doubles unless they're all double evil carrot duck and dash that's all hey there we go okay we just need that one that's okay so yeah I'm not strategy strategy if we we could it only needs one hit right if we kill the carrot here we don't get a wallop card yeah so the question is do we want to try for the wild card and be greedy or do we want to just kill the kids if you get this stuff quickly if not I would just yeah okay at the very at the very least let's make sure we at least get these yeah okay well we have to yeah you can take a hit technically but we shouldn't okay all right I'm ready wow all right double feet stuck look at that right away diamond [Music] I'm going for the wild card okay I can kill it at the wall of card just letting everybody know but if you want to do it before then go for it diamond and I have it okay well I hope you got it because I I should have just shot but whatevs okay this is bad well I'm gonna lose I think I'm gonna take one hit because because oh I did the Lincoln thing wait I can put this out should I I mean I'm defended no because remember the wild card is not an attack right so I can't you're you're not gonna lose a hit right okay in fact I wish I had said that up front because I'd forgotten it myself I thought that's what you wanted to have happened it is what I wanted to happen but what I forgot was that it wasn't an attack meaning Lincoln's okay that it's empty yeah that's my point right right so duck Dash duck Dash duck Dash yes okay diamond diamond diamond yep okay while Diamond I skipped that one but you're okay uh diamond in the hit yeah and diamond in two hits so I get a wild card Nikki gets a wallop card what does that say uh choose one player to gain a hit point okay I would say give it to yourself or just save it it's gonna this is it aren't we we've defeated him shouldn't she just do that now because we're going to score right this isn't carrying over to the next round ah yes you are correct the only reason we're 10 anyway right the thing that carries over from round around and we're about to actually get into this phase where I've fully explained it our equipment which we don't have yet and coins which we don't have yet okay but you're right the Perry tokens are going to go away the wall up cards are going to go away so yes you might as well use it now okay again your hit point so the hit point is better scoring than I haven't gone over scoring but yes the hit point scores better than the I think it scores the scores five okay and in fact the app will do that so go ahead and hit KO on the app okay and now what does it say we have a total of five hit points uh one two three four five yep uh remaining parries we have five yep remaining Wallops two and time tokens none right C plus plus we're so good so um let me show you how that looks so there's like a score sheet in here it's a little save sheet where you can write your little player name and stuff but what you're going to do is this was boss deck number one so we unlocked that boss deck and we scored a c plus right and we would Mark that on your thing let me show you the rest of the deck so here's the deck right we'll move on hey knockout Victory each player receives four coins okay so go ahead and take four coins and then it says down here earn only one coin for repeat Victory so you can keep playing deck number one okay you can just Churn it you can play it over and over and over again right as you say grind it and the reason you might is because the second time or the third or the fourth time when you play Deck one if you get a higher score let's say you play it with B you would basically cross off this C plus and you would Circle this B and you would also get a coin and the reason that you might want to do that is well here let's let me show you what comes next after the knockout now we are in pork rinds Emporium okay he is going to basically offer us stuff at the store let me move this out of the way and one of the things he's going to offer us is we can buy a charm from him there are four of everything in this okay deck because for four players everybody can get the same thing so there's a charm you can buy that's a smoke bomb you can buy a charm that's a heart and you can buy a new weapon that's called spread and they kind of they all cost as you can see here three coins all right and you can only ever have one of each of these active on your turn so let's say you spend three coins and you buy this spread weapon it would go here in place of your pea shooter at the beginning of whatever the next boss deck is that you're going to play You're Going to decide which weapon do I want you can play the peashooter if you wanted to or you could play this spread or you could play an addition let's say there's a weapon in deck two or deck three that you also purchased these stay in your inventory for the whole game okay for as long as you play it right so you will always have this weapon to choose from if you buy it for the rest of these boss decks okay the spread weapon in this case is that same sort of point and shoot action any shoot action that's on the last attack card either the third or the fourth whichever one is the last does two damage and then the X die if it's the last does three damage all right so it's basically it's like that card you play that plus one damage card right but it's like a permanent for all of us too that card was right this one is just for you right so that's what the spread weapon does in addition to a weapon we can't afford it because we don't have the money but you can also have one charm activated so if you bought both of these you'd have to choose at the beginning of the round which one I'm using and like the timer on the app whatever weapon and or Charm you choose to play for that round you are stuck with for the whole boss deck okay all right now if you die the way we did at the beginning of one and you go back to the beginning that is a reset if you want at that point if you had different weapons or charms you could have swapped them there all right we could have changed the timer there for example if we wanted to okay um yeah right and by the way because we did and by the way just to interrupt myself let me explain it's listed here if you ever want to manually score so 10 points for each Health token five points for each Perry token five points for unused Wallop cards minus 10 if we had time tokens all right and then if you play the 20 second timer you get no bonus but if we played the 15 second timer we would get a 10 point bonus okay and the 10 second timer would give us a 20 point bonus wow and my guess is you're going to need those bonuses because in a three-player game we need to have a score of 160 just to get the a plus wow we got a C plus right so we scored between 75 and 90. but what is the A Plus matter why does it matter Lincoln that's a very good question because in addition to weapons and charms there are and I'll I haven't forgotten these there are these things called super art envelopes that come in the game these have within them super art super art is a third thing you can have so you can have one weapon one charm and one piece of super art I don't want to open these they are sealed and the reason that we haven't been able to open them is they have restrictions as to when you can open them this one for example says open this envelope if all players complete a battle with three Perry tokens each now we had at one point we all had three people and then I no that's okay that's the way the dice game works I mean we didn't end with all you know we had to spend some um so that one open this envelope if all players can complete about it with full health open this envelope if you earn an A plus on an airplane level I don't know what that is yet and open this envelope if you have at least three a plus scores so you might go back to decks you played already so you can open to see if you can get to specifically try for the a plus so you can get to these envelopes and that's addition to a weapon so you could have two things going from that three basically right a weapon you always have a left arm and a super artists right but it's always one weapon correct this is not exempt from that this is a third thing it's not okay all right and you always have a weapon right you always will have the piece all right I didn't explain these so the charm the heart charm is uh start the round with four Health can only refill to three but you start with four and what that means when they say start the round they mean the very beginning of the deck not not each round that you roll not okay okay they mean just the very beginning of the deck all right and the reason that that's important is because the smoke bomb says once per round you may assign one diamond in place of any die now that actually does mean once per round which is to say every time you put cards out that's around but when they go to the discard you put more cards out that's around so okay yes it's a little confusing but it makes sense there's no since you never replenish your health there's no reason you would get four at the beginning of any every round right but that turns a diamond essentially into a wild yeah but only once the one I'm buying but only once per that's what you want yeah Lincoln made up his mind link is buying a smoke smoke bomb okay there you go yeah you have one coin left I'm saved okay and uh are you spending your coins I really are we moving on to the next deck yeah okay what are you gonna do I don't know do you want the weapon seems good okay that costs three okay well in that case I'll buy the other thing the heart why not I mean if if the three of us we're gonna campaign this baby all the way it makes sense I would get something different right maybe maybe I mean starting with smoke bomb is pretty great Yep this morning with smarting starting with four well should I get the smoke bomb no I mean I don't know it's up to you I mean here's the deal I can still get the smoke bomb because when we go through other decks everything that we've unlocked from the store stays in the store right okay these things will be available to us forever now okay all right so I could buy that in deck five if I feel like it correct you could buy it in deck one we could go through deck one two more times that would earn us a coin each time and an A plus and by the way probably easier to go through the deck now that we have weapons and drives right yeah I mean that's the other thing about how could you ever get it how could we ever get through the deck with all of our health well the answer is because you have a smoke bomb now and you have a spread gun yeah but we're going to go to deck B right right okay uh uh yep Tech B right Tech two thank you all right those all go over there just put it anywhere the game gives you a little uh look it fits his nose the game gives you like a little inventory card that shows you how to put box one back together again if you will Shuffle those all right we um all get three hit points oh I actually get four and to do that I'd actually have to go into the box because I didn't bring it out um we all lose our Parry tokens if we have any yep and let's open Boss deck 2. okay this is hildeberg and it comes with new rules time to take to the skies for this boss battle you'll need to jump in your planes and equip your airplane weapons hey there's that airplane thing in aerial battles only airplane weapons and super Arts may be used okay we don't have anything so nothing even works while flying there is no jumping or ducking but you can fly up and you can fly down when you see the fly up icon use the jump symbol on your die when you see the fly down icon use the duck symbol on your right so that's what makes it harder is you have to train [Music] and we get oh we start with weapons ah okay we so we these are just given to us so I don't get to use my new weapons why only it says I just read it airplane weapons and super Arts only may be used yes because we're in the air we're doing aerial battles no charms no no other uh we get our new weapon but I'm gonna say yep there's your pea shooter your aerial P shooter and just let's see what this does all right so it deals one damage for every shoot action and then the X style deals one damage plus one additional damage for each following attack card without a shoot assigned to it oh that's really interesting I will explain right now because that sounds really cool okay so let's say I needed the two feet because it's too confusing and let's say I put this oh no let's say I if I just did this that's one shot but let's say I did this okay and then let's say these Dice look like this let's say there were four cards out yep you could have that if there's a wall up so I'm evaluating this did I defend with this yes do I hit yes here's how the X works I get one damage plus one for every additional thing that I have not assigned to shoot to so this would deal one two three four hits okay if I had this here yeah this would deal one two three hits that hops over all right because you still get the shot correct any additional any card slots that you have after the X die now not before this after if if it looked like this this would be defend this would be one two okay anything after that that you've left empty all right so this if you had done that so what if you put that shot there on the next one let's say like you had it then this is done right this would do one and this would do one right but then the final one would be nothing because that's well there might not be in this case there might not you had shown four okay so then this would do one two it does it continues on behind that for for every following attack card for each following attack okay yeah okay so this is interesting because let's say the boss is down to four hits and I did this and put no dice House Down and this was the correct defense well if there was three cards up there this would hit with three one two three because I don't have it I don't have a shoot dice assigned I don't have a shoot dice assignment right but I believe you have to have you have to defend against the the attack to actually inflict damage nope you do you do if we get to this card to evaluate it but if the boss dies here then we never get to these cards because but if he has four damage and we only do three correct then you do hit take a hit correct but I mean let's say you did the same thing actually or you just got one down right my point is this is just an additional damage for each following attack card that you have not assigned a shoot to you don't have to defend for this to be activated are you sure about that yes this peashooter only cares about looking at all the next cards so they have a shoot die on them if they don't plus one it's a weird special case though right you have to first off you have to roll you have to defend and this has to be down to low numbers right but it is I mean we did that last game in deck one right we all piled on card one well this is another way we can play on card one all right I've already forgotten an up icon is jump jump and a down icon is stuck yeah uh so on this level do you are you gonna get your extra health ah it says airplane weapons and super Arts only may be used I assume that means that I can't use charms yeah yeah because you can't use your smoke bomb right that's it right right well there you go but hildeberg let's fight hildeberg uh 13 hit points I don't like that [Music] well the good news is we've already experienced dying so we know how we know how it works all right put them down turn over three let's get away right away come on wallop hey shoot shoot hey Dash uh dive Dash dive climb Dash oh okay so that's basically that's a dash dash right and that's no no no this is the cup this is the cup down is duck oh my God I know okay that's why we're gonna die right okay this one is this one and the jump yes all right cup we're gonna we're gonna it's gonna be hard you know we're not gonna fail we're just not gonna get any hits this room that's what I think maybe I'm not even trying you think I'm gonna I'm not gonna waste a die here if I can defend okay well maybe I will okay [Music] I'm not getting the first symbol even here we go and it's double feet and a duck and come on top okay if there's no cup there wow wait I did the wrong thing I did that and I don't have it oh well I'm gonna take a hit I'm going to take two because I couldn't roll four dice with a cup twice yeah I did the wrong thing this is hard this is the jump and I had the darn die okay I didn't okay so first one is yep yep yep we did it yeah yep uh Dash and duck yeah not me hit then it's supposed to be jump and dash which I didn't do so I didn't get a dash so hit well there we go all right okay and I even rolled the double shoot right away and I was just scared to do it right I was scared you know what I was so dumb because this I forgot this weapon yeah if I'd roll the double shoot it would have worked all the way down the line right now I'm so dumb that's what you can hit this now if you get that double at the start right yes so remember this is not an attack you can ignore it right but if you want to put your uh your double shoe if you put the double shoot here you will lose a hit point because you don't have enough dice anymore one two three four five six if you put that I understand so unless you draw a wallop card yes and it works yes oh my gosh we're not even gonna survive this round I know okay yeah we can't we can't play I'm just mad at myself because I rolled the oh he kind of want the wall I rolled my airplane peashooter and I just forgot that that's the best place to put it right all right here we go yeah really [Music] [Applause] oh come on darn it I'm sitting there looking at these dice too long it's hard for me to get in my head okay running running no that that works no you're kidding oh my God I rolled it perfectly I'm gonna get the last bit duck you have time to figure it out no I didn't and the final one boom that's it can't believe I got maybe I'll get lucky with the wall up card Wallop yes yes here you go not what I needed wild card yes for me assign this slot okay this is the double damage whatever oh sweet oh hey I didn't see this oh discard the internet that you use it that makes sense uh and you got one too oh okay can that help me you could use it right now I know if you want to take a hit if you want to shoot I'm going to shoot because sure boom boom yep okay used well I needed a double A a dash okay Card Wallet uh Dash shoot yeah yeah shoot uh jump yep yes jump and a shot yeah I like that you got a shot in since you're gonna take a duck and not a dash so I take a hit I got crazy lucky at the end and Nikki did not take a hit nope I got hit all right if this is a one icon next time we could actually finish this bus off if we can sure sure but that's a complete miracle if we here we go come on turn over one Dave says yes okay we can do it you're crazy we'll provide except we need that peritone yes well we're gonna probably die here okay okay if wait one two cards yeah yeah that makes it better oh now we can't kill it here all right because it is we could do it most three six nine nine yeah all right so forget what I said no you could also put another shot here no it stops it yeah that's it but more importantly we need these peritosis yes we do need the period so don't try to hit here if you can make sure this this is the most important thing right now okay because we all are at one hit point right oh yeah yeah I'm ready or do what you want to do ignore me or do what you want oh okay what do I need jump right uh jump John yes last minute it's quiet you're okay quiet you uh yes they defended point point defense yeah Perry yes token Perry and shoot I should have done it I thought Perry and shoot boom here's your thing I'm about to lose it anyway though it's all right and it uh jump right dash jump yep nope okay here I'll throw mine away thank you you're back come back Nikki all right come back to us we need you we're back all right next round wow wait what was this on seven now seven we hit twice yeah it was that nine yeah no it was at ten it's already we're an eight right because you didn't hit it all correct right climb or jump okay we're gonna hit a token time token do you still you don't have that card anymore look at that yeah he does have that one though oh let's do that okay we're assigned damage to this first card okay Okay so here's what we need we need jump black finger die and then leave everything else empty with the extra one right but Dave it does it add up immediately or do you add it because you're only evaluating this card first okay before you do the others hmm in my case make sure you get at least both of these yeah but make sure you put a finger here because that's an extra hit okay of course you throw a jump okay [Music] foreign yeah all I was doing was trying to make the black dye happen so I don't know okay okay well obviously any finger would have been better than anything but let's Okay We're not gonna make it but uh jump right yep and you shoot so do you have any shoots after no okay so that's worth one two three plus one is four right one two three four Nikki yeah it's dead right here yeah Okay jump and shoot that's worth one two three plus one is four [Music] and these cards don't matter okay okay cool wow interesting that's interesting okay I mean we're we're gonna be dead on the next card because nothing helps us to carry over we're still at one hit point each and yep all right this card goes away moral Victory if nothing else let's see who's next in this airplane deck it's what is that it's like a crazy like a ram a sheep oh that's her she's converted into a cloud 12 again okay it's held up hildeberg all right here we go hmm all right oh jump jump horrible Dash dive jumped up Dash dive all right so we can only put that on the second one if we have the double X you can put it on the third one but it'll only do one damage right I'm just saying correct most damage is right yeah okay ready yeah [Music] foreign is it worth two because nothing after it one two I have a dash plus just one that's worth one Dash plus one two that's worth two it's gonna be a moral Victory here we go yep duck I'm okay duck and a shoot nice no Diggy does our last Parry token Lincoln yep you're back Nikki you're back yeah if they won we lose if you don't lose otherwise okay come on man we got this down to six hey it's a jump Dash and dash so we could do a lot of we could take her out on this first one yeah if we all do it yep oh no all it needs is two of us to do it right before you have to survive or just any shoots at this point we just have six hits right but you're right a shoot here with nothing afterwards is worth three hits right okay [Music] cheeks nice Come on Feet oh there it was I rolled it here today okay oh I like it because you never know that might work do you need uh you don't have it okay I have it well here we go oh they can jump plus three yep one two three I have Jump Plus One Nikki I have a plus one hit oh we did it we did yes Jump Jump Plus a shot no jump dash dash yeah yeah Dash plus a shot Nicky same thing yes KO we don't have to deal with this car okay sweet ah this is crazy all right took her out here we go and now it's an Angry Moon 13. 13. okay wow we are hanging by a thread well seems like this one's gonna be the end probably 13. you know it's nice about 13 is even if there's four cards and you do the thing you could only do 12 here I like that I like that they figured that uh yeah dive jump oh Perry that we need it and dash remember you can ignore this if you need to yeah all that stuff ahead of it's the scary part up down down up it doesn't matter it doesn't matter any order yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] any cups jump that's correct double run double run oh my gosh I shouldn't have done it I tried well I didn't even get to the third okay you might draw that one of us might Lincoln might drop um uh jump duck yep jump duck jump duck yeah uh up Perry no but no dive or no up so but I got a Perry I'm getting ready right now I'm also getting hit Perry you're getting a Perry but you should use yours because you're about to die right I'm not going to die I will use it for Lincoln lick your back okay wall-up card I didn't do it but you did Nikki come on oh sweet I will be using that right now well I'm gonna I'm gonna oh yeah and then dash dash okay so we survive okay okay no hits though right none no yeah yeah yeah jump Dash Dash jump okay three cards all four three cards and I'll see [Music] [Applause] wait that was that okay come on jump come on jump jump at the last I didn't okay and then I jumped I survived but I don't think it's gonna matter no I mean I got some hits in but it's still all right here we get you okay jump Dash jump Dash jump Dash jump dash dash dash X weapon so two one two I think he's got one just one one and then anything jump okay not me so I'm dead I don't have Perry I had the last period today I could have gotten one more hit but we're dead so we're dead we got deeper into that deck than I thought yeah well you know it's dice yeah so sometimes you can get crazy lucky even if the odds are stacked against you [Music] [Music] foreign supplies wow that's hard yeah what do you think Nikki P I need a drink now six times my nerves this game really rattles me a lot but it's super fun I love all the art I love the die rolling the Frantic the music makes it even worse of course um I like that that you can use the app but you don't have to use the app if you don't want to for the scoring um it was a little odd that that first deck you buy something and then the second deck you're not using it yeah right but well you could do the decades yeah like Dave said you can do the decks in any order so we didn't have to go to deck two we could have gone to deck three and used what we had bought maybe I haven't seen any of the other decks but yeah it's cool I have not played the video game other than to sort of cursively see it but the idea of buying weapons and then in the very next box you can't use them feels very cut man right right that's the thing with the game I feel like cuphead thank you it's very cuphead to me the game does seem like it would do those little it's pretty tough game it was very kind of with a like a little smile kind of hey you know sorry sorry buddy no exactly and no that said this airplane weapon is actually kind of cool it is interesting yeah that's hard to wrap your head around though it is I didn't it's actually this is the part these were just converting those that's why I was saying from the beginning so I sort of had it in my head right but I was still was like freaking out as I'm rolling because you're not getting what you want I don't under any circumstances consider you doing that every round cheating at all I mean I shouldn't I was happy for the reminder but I could see where you'd want to play the game like you got to remember it that's what makes it hard I mean that's part of the difficulty right is is now you have to roll a symbol that's not even on the card right but that's not on your die yeah and you're like what it's neat that's actually kind of really neat it does add a major I actually like this weapon yeah I could see I could see future levels where you might choose this yeah so is this in our in our Arsenal now we have this weapon of course you're only for air though right so that's the issue you need to yeah if if another deck is air if isn't the airplane well that's a good question and I actually don't know the answer can I use an airplane weapon at any point I think it's only in the air yeah wow this is this has got to be like six rolls seven Rolls well that's the amazing here's what's kind of brilliant about the simultaneous part right we've each we each have hey I finally got a joke they're just branding by the simultaneous part we've each had turns where we're rolling four dice to get one symbol and we Roll and Roll and Roll and don't get it or we've got four dice to get one symbol and we roll and we get the perfect four symbols that we need and in both of those instances and I think this is kind of brilliant you have no one to share that with right you've known to complained to or no one to brag to because you're all doing that simultaneous like just enjoy your own little dice luck and don't don't tell me the story about how you had to get like all I had to do was roll a one on five dice I rolled them three times and I figured out the odds afterwards and it was bubble Bob percent and believe me I am guilty of that myself but it's like poker stories right like nobody cares what beat your Aces after after a while you hear some of those stories and eventually they're just all the same story so I like that that the dice rolling thing is just something you're enjoying right or not enjoying it right yeah angry and actually that's kind of great what do you think I think it's great you know this is has a little bit of The Escape of the curse of the temple mechanism sort of but yeah I like how it's played out yeah um I love that you are trying to figure out the way to actually do damage right and hopefully like sir you know if we could just take care of this guy on the first or second card then maybe we survive and I don't have to worry so much about that um because I can see where you would think that you you're doing that because I mentioned something earlier when I'm like well don't just give up like yes try to hit that but just make sure you survive I don't think it was on this level because this one would allow you to potentially shoot all the way down the way if if you were able to dodge it and then I you know but I didn't and then make sure you take that shot right so that you can hopefully take care of the the uh the boss and then sort of you know not take any more damage because clearly I mean we had barely anything left so this would have been a probably a failing score I would imagine right well we failed failed but I mean had we survived oh yeah you know oh yeah well let's see because it was this the last boss yes let's assume no I don't know that it's the last boss actually that's true well it is because look this deck is this thin oh yeah okay so it was the last boss yeah this was number three I assume each deck is essentially three but I don't know some of the decks some of the decks do they look bigger bigger yeah I don't know that they are um or who knows what else is in that box other than cards right I don't want to find out right um let's assume we ended here we'd have what 10 20 30 for the hit points right no Perry tokens I mean our score would be 30. we have no we don't have no wall of cards no Perry tokens uh what's 30 say in the book we didn't get a Time bonus I'm probably failing I'm sure three players 20 to 30 is a d plus plus yeah right you have to have zero literally Five Points get you a D minus okay wow a d plus if we had even made it that far well we only got a C plus on the first one so no you know we didn't read our characters just for if you want sure um mugman cuphead's younger brother mugman is an Earnest law and loyal as they come he admires cupheads can do attitude but can do without the trouble of some of the pairs Wilder Adventures cuphead full of curiosity ambition and Mischief cuphead is always trying something new or getting up getting up to exciting hijinks his confidence can sometimes land him in a sticky situation though and Ms chalice once a spirit Ms chalice spent eons helping others out of tough spots now she's a living gal again and is ready to set off on a few Adventures of her own of her own dude I think of the various video games that then they try to make board games out of this feels close to that right it it's I mean obviously it's not the constant action of like a platform game but I like the fact that you have this 20 seconds of hecticness yeah and then you sort of that's how the battles are I mean they're not necessarily 20 seconds but yes and then you sort of deal with everything and you're right what you said like that that the co-op nature of it isn't we aren't just rolling dice we are obviously just rolling dice but but there there is a thing of like what we can strategize here we can strategize there or do you have more hit points and maybe I should just not be aggressive this round right I mean the first time you play this you have you want to shoot if you can shoot on the first thing you're like I want to shoot well we definitely had some rounds where we were just just surviving like we just survived but it took me a game or two or or half a game to sort of realize oh you know the earlier I shoot the harder it is for me to roll the symbol I want later well that's that's the lure of this right in this in the air if you roll it first round yeah where you're like oh gosh I really should do it you know and but you know the thing is is it isn't necessarily enough to to offset you know you have to have full health to be able to survive that last bit anyway yeah it's it's very cool and I I think they did a wonderful job it's actually quite a neat uh production as well right also like for example there the that first deck especially the first two bosses in that deck are there are plenty of Parry tokens that you can gain right in fact we filled up right yeah sort of yeah I'm saying they can make the later bosses Harder by just not giving you as many of those well they each only got one there were no parries in the third round of that first uh first boss box oh that's true I think there were no parents we didn't see all the cards but you're probably right it makes sense right give you a bunch to start with and then take them all out this one had at least look this one had at least one in this deck yeah and well we didn't one I'm sorry one in the third on the third boss I'm I'm saying that but I might be wrong actually now I think about it I thought I looked but I don't think you're probably right one yeah one and yeah no parries it looks like one yeah so so there is a there is one wall up though which could be beneficial right so and it's five points if you can there's probably a wall up in every I would assume there's one wall up in everything I don't think there was a wallop in the second one of this though remember the well remember we might not see the onion no the onions all the 99 cards and we well actually the second one doesn't have well up here either so you're probably right let me look here but there's a Parry in each level of this boss if you see it right right if you kill the boss early enough and it doesn't come up but that's any game right A lot of it is a lot of co-op games especially games it's a Perry yeah but there is no wall of especially games where you play against the deck a lot of that just is did the deck come up favorably for you or unfavorably for you you know yeah well and yeah I the same with these too you know I could see I know there's a card in here that gives everybody a Health Point boy that would be helpful at some point right I'm sure many times yeah that time that time token thing scored us points but it didn't do it yeah get us through the round choose one player again hit point all players gain one hit point ooh all players gain one hit point choose one player to gain a peri token or that might be beneficial like if you see somebody gonna like hey you're surviving you take the Perry token so you can rejuvenate you can uh help me just oh wow just okay discard that's one you had yeah one time took it that one doesn't seem I mean obviously if you're able to hold on well it doesn't carry over right so it would only be valuable in that first right if you if you looped I mean in any round if you looped but that's cool though at least it makes it so that you could potentially have um you know you could survive and actually get a good score right game one player choose one player game one hit point this was an interesting one I had the extra hit yeah yeah especially especially if you can use your X die on it as well then it's a big giant hit yeah I mean we use that to we we've got great Advantage out of that against Hilda that one time right three points yeah yeah just no four right no I'm just saying for us we just did 30 on that last round yeah because the single hit point we had for each one of us yeah it's pretty funny well that's what happens I mean we died right yeah did we have many we didn't have many uh parries from that right there was one I just looked there was only one in each deck we might have we might have defeated the boss before the Perry token came up right well I had gotten a Perry in that well I don't know I'm getting confused already is it this or was it that one I don't know right but man 15 seconds or 10 seconds maybe without the dice tray right if I played 50 or 10 seconds no chance am I playing with this type of trade right because I mean I I was having a hard time I was trying to do two-handed inside there and I that was why I bumped ice like as I'm trying to go for something I bumped it up I think I rolled the die out of the tray at least twice yeah and I counted it both times although one of it was was a bad one but the other one but to me you could do this right you could be working on one and you can you're working with the hands you know I would be totally doing this I was grabbing like I would be rolling double-handed like this every time well see that's why I think if you could do it you have one hand going to the board and then the other hand getting ready to roll out of that hand-eye coordination stuff that's if you've also made sure that all the the dice that you could possibly use are taken out right like because that's the other thing is you can you can assign you can keep assigning whatever you need um it was interesting because there was a few times that we're done you know I like filled all the way and I couldn't add a shot necessarily hit KO or start over and then just do final grade doesn't matter just get it final grade of f okay well let's just do what we did we had three hit points yeah okay and then do final grade D plus okay now start it again and put the timer at 10 seconds okay and let's we'll just do these what are we doing this we're just gonna try it with 10 seconds we'll just do these three cards so you need players boss three two is fine in 10 seconds 10 seconds let's try the 10 seconds okay so you need Dash I'm gonna do a jump thing even you need Dash jump and jump Parry that's all you need dash dash jump and jump that's all you need my brain's already off guys she's finished this match will get ready [Music] wow wow I didn't make it well you did that's because my second roll gave me these four three dice but man that is hard well I did take a shot I was like going for it wow that's okay I just wanted to see what it felt like there it is not a level I'd want to play at but I could see but doable but sure put it this way more doable than I thought it clearly relies on luck yeah you gotta really roll the thing you need wow I still need to jump once again not getting the jumps problem in 10 seconds is I don't know that I'd ever get any shots in right I was just worrying about surviving right no shooting and then Perry yeah I could have made it there taking a lot of rolls that's 20 seconds 30 seconds it's crazy yeah it's hard okay well thanks for teaching us Dave you're welcome Lincoln and thanks to you for watching if you like this 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Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 15,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: 060OHBa_EA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 44sec (5624 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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