Capturing My Most Terrifying Moments Scuba Diving on Camera!

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what's up guys jake here today i'm going to be showing you my scariest things that i have found in the river raw scuba diving and also our closest near-death experiences now if you want to see my most expensive things we found drop a thumbs up on this video i'll make a deal with you guys if we can break over 100 000 likes on this video i'll do that one next but we're starting things off with one of the craziest things i've ever found and that's the time when we found a black box with human remains inside of it check this out [Music] me [Music] well you gotta turn the lights off we gotta i want a spooky vibe turn the lights off yeah all right let's get it kind of scary perfect all right hey you remember that time we found the black box of human remains yeah that was freaking weird it was very scary but tell me what you think about that experience like looking back at it well looking back at it i wish we would have just left it in the water yeah obviously since we did take it out [Music] i don't know it was really really scary not scary it was really really weird to think that that was like a human you know like yeah it was really it was different real person yeah i remember dude you were all wind up in the chattahoochee but someone literally just threw this box out into the water i don't like that we have to see what it is you know uh in the movies they sprinkle the ashes like in the ocean and stuff like that you just don't find a whole box but you know that's what the loved ones wanted to do i guess yeah rob and i found it like i thought it was a you know a box of just like uh concrete or something you know like sand the box itself kind of looked like a military type box yeah it looked different it was darker color it was i don't know for a little gun dude i'm just i'm thinking back on it like the stuff that was coming out of that box dude i never told anyone but uh you remember when it was leaking out in the water and my lips was in the water and i was sitting in my house it's pretty wild all right thanks for having on so when i found that black box of human remains i thought it would be an interesting story to share with you guys on youtube and i uploaded a video the day after i found the box of remains and that was on april fools uh in the comments section everyone thought i was joking around but i was not joking around this is 100 real so if you were ever curious this was not staged and it was not set up it was a real body inside that box [Music] nice [Laughter] all right you remember the time we found the tombstone in the river brandon look at this yeah i do yeah tell everyone what you thought about that experience so uh yeah so jake found this uh tombstone then it was actually creepy yeah yeah it was this was really creepy um so when he pulled that out we were like one why is it here and two like who is so like it was so strange and i remember it was just like covered in this like just gross [Music] i'm not cursed i mean if it is a curse it's a good curse it's brought me good fortune and five more million subscribers like it was great so over the past few years my friends and i we have found countless guns in the river and canals while we search for bad stuff in my opinion i don't think anyone's throwing these weapons in the water just for fun you know they're trying to get rid of something so they could be tied to a robbery you know some other crime a murder maybe but we've never had a conclusion to any of the weapons we found however the police were saying that this particular pistol that brandon found in this video was tied to a murder check this out oh my gosh i cannot believe you just came across this gun dude it got so lucky oh my gosh this is the handgun that we uh that's pretty eroded huh yeah no no no it's pretty bad so the officer just told us that right where we found the gun around that location there was actually an altercation where a male and a female got into an argument and uh i guess the female spit in the guy's face and the guy got really upset pulled a gun on her and actually shot her and so they never found the weapon they did detain the guy in the cases of open public case but this could potentially be the gun to that case all right we are released jake do you remember the time you found the pistol that was tied to a murder that the boyfriend killed the girlfriend real murder pistol yes every time we find a firearm or any type of weapon it's like oh my gosh but the back story about this one was i think the coolest that any of us have had so far we're in this deep canal and um it's it's like a really hot spot area it's like if you were going to throw something in there you would throw it there yeah well the water fluctuates and it's normally like three four five foot deep but at this point it was like a few inches which is why we're in it walking around so if someone were to toss a gun they think it's gone forever if the water drops that's the back story so find the gun call the police and the police after seeing it figuring out the officer was like wow this is really crazy because it was about i don't know 50 feet away from this bridge where someone threw it off and the cop that like showed up was actually a cop that worked a murder case on that bridge and they never recovered the murder weapon i try to show this off in the videos but it really doesn't like kind of connect as well as i want to show it but if you scuba dive in the river you are at risk of wildlife so we're always scuba diving in places where there's big alligators and i've never had a problem with it before they've gotten pretty close however this particular day my friend henry got bit right in front of me and it was a near-death experience and i would say this is one of the scariest days that that ever happened to me so check this out no way in hell i'd get in that water why not there are alligators that's big around yeah we just got bit by a gator i told y'all this is no joke it looks like henderson [Music] yeah he did get you holy crap that's a big one at least you got your leg really oh my goodness man i didn't know you said you got a bit by gate i saw you jump out holy crap yeah if you didn't have your fins on it and your booties and stuff that could be worse but you drifting about backwards you're all right though what do you say that's how big is the gator you think this way how about a pretty good one i saw him he came back at me i was telling everyone about the time he got bit by an alligator at the peace river do you want to tell everyone uh what happened in your mind i mean all i really remember is that is flipping around with the underwater and just trying to get my foot out of it it was crazy like you remember messing around with like earlier that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes so much pressure no pain just like a ton of pressure squeezing down on me and then we started spinning and that wasn't scary we're just spinning underwater and pitch blackness you know yeah without those headlights headlights shining yeah you can't see anything yeah that water that we were diving in was dark the craziest part was when it got to the surface and i'm just looking at my leg and the gator on the end of it no yeah no i got really lucky you know i got a really good story nothing really too bad in terms of physical physical damage i have four fight marks that you can still see that's pretty well two on one side of my leg good one on my foot and then two on the other side the luck that i was wearing remember i was wearing all those wetsuits yes you had a couple big booty like yeah wetsuit booties on you had a fins on and i had two wetsuits on yeah if you didn't have any of that i guarantee like like it could have messed you up so much worse and if it really started spinning more you could have lost your leg and i think you came out of there very lucky man i think that was a pretty eye-opening experience all right i'll see you soon i teamed up with jamie o'brien he's a professional surfer that lives in the north shore of hawaii i had him come all the way down to my home here in columbus georgia to go scuba diving in the chattahoochee river and we found a human leg bone check this clip out [Music] [Music] that was crazy yeah what was going through your mind uh going down the river for the first time scuba diving and finding that you know honestly like like meeting up with you i was like super stoked to meet up with you and film some videos and i couldn't believe what i got myself into i was like there was like turtles trying to fight me there was like fishing poles and there was like there was like that i don't even know and then i was right next to you you were a gun that looked like it was like there was no way you could have threw that thing in the water no it was all it was like i was one of the scariest things i ever did and then next you know we're finding guns and there's like there's snakes oh you i forgot you saw that big snake on the steps [Laughter] you were not about that to me i was so far out of my element yeah and i i was just mind-blowing man i cannot believe that we found a gun we saw a snake and yeah a human leg bone like i remember asking you is there snakes you're like nah we've never seen it i was like no way all right i'll see you soon bye-bye thank you man see you so the next thing on the list is when my buddy britain found a bomb underwater in the river while scuba diving check this out [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that it's an artillery shell from world war two dude wow the base it's live it's live what's up britton how are you i'm good how are you man good hey i was talking to everyone about the time you found that uh world war ii mortar do you want to tell them about what you thought about it so this was absolutely insane the city was basically on lockdown like they had the entire highway blocked helicopters in the air the bomb squad came up and they were like move out of the way it was so crazy i really believe that you're a hero in a situation you know i think the best thing in us in this case would be to leave it where we found it but the fact that everything worked out and that you took it off of the pillar off of that bridge that was really cool because you could say uh save the lives of so many people that were going across that bridge one day if it went off so yeah hero in my eyes man and i'm proud of you um i think we're stupid but i think we're we're brave and it all worked out it definitely did work out we both left alive and uh yeah that was amazing if you enjoyed this video drop a thumbs up make sure to subscribe to my channel if you're new i'd love for you guys to join me in my next adventure i hope you enjoy this video again if this video reaches 100 000 likes i'll show you guys a recap video of my most expensive finds so drop a thumbs up if you guys want to see that but i'll see you on my next adventure thank you so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 2,463,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dallmyd, scuba jake, river treasure, river treasure hunting, best river treasure finds, scuba diving, found human remains, police, police called, human remains, searching for river treasure, found gun underwater, found gun in river, found possible murder weapon, found murder weapon, found human leg bone underwater, found possible murder weapon underwater, attacked by alligator, found tombstone in river, found bomb in river, gun found in river, bomb, underwater, river, ocean
Id: qQPD8B7yW7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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