Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Cosmonaut Model Kit
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 2,164,576
Rating: 4.9296575 out of 5
Keywords: testedcom, modelmaking, resin, MythBusters (TV Program), one day builds, one day build, Scale Model (Hobby), derek stenning, dystopic, cosmonaut, spacesuit, thomas crenshaw, circa digital, adam savage one day build, adam savage, tested one day builds, one day builds adam savage, tested adam savage, model kit, adam savages one day builds, adam savage's one day builds, one day build adam savage, adam savage tested, model making, garage kit, one day builds tested, model kits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 19 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's so weird because Norm is really good, but he looks really clumsy compared to Adam that is just fluid in all movements and handling the parts etc.
I really enjoyed watching that!
I just spent an hour of my life watching grown men assemble models. I'm not even mad, that was awesome.
I love that channel! Part of me wishes it was feasible for it to be less cut up, like more just continuous shots of him working.
How does Adam not end up with a film of overspray on everything in the shop?
Reminds me of his TED Talk. Probably a classic on here.
Both of these figures are amazing. I think I would like the one that looks like a concrete statue.