I Found a Working iPhone X Underwater in the River! (Returned Lost iPhone to Owner)

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and that's where we're gonna find some treasure but i'm just really excited to get out there in the spring and show you guys what that looks like because i invested in my dream setup this is an underwater camera housing with my camera inside and i'm seriously just so thrilled to be able to use it today it's something i've wanted on my bucket list for the longest time this thing looks ridiculous but this is seriously like my dream setup man and it's going to help me record some of the most beautiful footage i've ever had on my youtube channel so before we get out there and start scuba diving i'll let you guys know today's video is sponsored by livestock if you've never heard of lifestyle before it's actually an app where you can kind of track your day-to-day whether you want to build more muscle or lose fat or maybe just become healthier you can do that through this app so brandon tristan and i are all gonna have a little competition the person who loses the most calories wins the competition we're gonna be using our smart watches that's linked up to the livestream app and we're gonna see actually who wins uh the competition at the very end of the day what's really cool about this app is that it actually tracks your day to day and if you want to become a healthier person you guys can do that and what's really awesome about this app is that it's free you can download that in the description below if you guys want to check it out but today the boys and i we actually bought the premium version and uh it actually unlocked a few new features for us but we're excited we're gonna out there have a good time and remember the goal is to burn the most calories and also find the best treasure [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] now [Music] [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh my gosh i found an iphone well hey what model number is that you know what that is is it an iphone x i can't see i don't know what it is it could be it looks like one wow but it looks like it might still work i don't think there's water inside this has been on it for so long too justin man we did it dude so this is my friend justin from hawaii he's not still helping out with the video today but dude i can't believe him that's crazy what do you think so far well i can barely see it's crazy right i can't believe you found that i mean that was violent it's scary dude it's so much fun though i can't believe i got that lucky we're currently waiting on tristan me and jake are out of the water kids are gone i'm trying to get some last-minute calories because uh i'm pretty sure jake's got a banger stay back i don't want you to know not enough my gosh what are you doing catch up you're going to catch up you ain't going to catch me go get it you go catch me brother oh my god i'm tired alrighty we're out that was four calories here we go how many calories do you think you burned today buddy i don't know but both of my calves have cramped up so you boys done did you find anything good i got a few things all right first banger yeah oh gosh what is that oh my gosh okay all right second banker another one whoa oh my god who was the wreck right what the wreck alright oh that was that was kind of dope there you go jacobsen it is now your time to shine what bangers do you have for today bangers man i got a bag of uh name brand sunglasses oh okay an id three golf balls uh-oh an iphone x you got an iphone x i did man look at that i think it's still gonna work too dude okay so you obviously i found two murder weapons so those boys are absolute legends because they both found freaking bangers i just got a bunch of glasses a really nice pair of goggles not any name brands i'm not sure uh some weird watch which i'm i don't know what this is it could be something i'm not sure but my banger fine is a freaking jewel i got a julia and it's actually like a white or silver one uh so somebody put a wrap on this thing means they really loved it but uh she got lost in the river the main goal for today's adventure was to see who could burn the most calories we are at the very end of the road and now it is time to check life's own let's all get on our phones come back here and see who has burned the most calories and is deemed the winner of today so jake's gonna start it off for us all right so i burned two thousand two hundred and thirteen calories wow okay you can't let me win the best treasure fine and the most calories no no no no no i did a lot of jumping jacks i saw you doing all that stuff outside and i managed to burn 2 626 calories today all right you got me and your winner no with the best finds of the day how much of the life some challenges treasure challenges 2 7 000. we got to thank you guys so much for bringing us out and letting us show out today or at least i did but we had a blast being healthy checking the app for all the things we were burning and walking and stepping and i don't believe this yeah i don't believe this either let me let me check these numbers here because i don't hold on let me scroll down and so if you don't believe it from the watch you can check the app right here okay okay all right so i just got back from the truck i wanted to see if this would charge up it was completely dead when i found it and if you look at it the screen like that i guess the case here is all buckled and destroyed but i put it on the charger and it actually still charges how wild is that man there's a little bit of mold on the bag and it looked like this phone potentially could have been in the river for a few weeks to a couple months but i can't believe the phone actually still turns on and we're gonna be able to give this back to him and so i'm gonna try my best to figure out who these two people are the front office here at the jenny springs location actually has a lost and found book and if the person who lost his phone put in their information i'm gonna be able to figure out who this belongs to and i can give it back to him so what we're gonna do is go to the front office check their books see if they have an iphone x that is lost in their book and if they do we'll check out the contact number shoot them a call and see if this is actually their phone that they lost but to be honest with you guys i'm excited man this is probably one of my favorite things to do to call the owner and tell them that we found their phone you know they definitely thought this phone was lost forever and today we're going to give it back to him all right so we're calling him right now this is always so much fun man hello hey how you doing hi this is jake i found your phone while diving in the river and uh we figured out your phone number and we wanted to give this back to you the phone actually still works when i found it i had a whole bunch of mold and there was some water inside the bag it looks like the phone's been in the water for at least a couple weeks or maybe a couple months i'm not too sure how long ago he lost it but i took it back it was about almost a month ago a month ago so it's been in the water for about a month and uh when i got back to the hotel that night i actually put it on the charger and it started charging and then um i ended up trying to figure out who it belonged to and i got your phone number and i would just love to be able to give it back to you wow you're the best yeah i would totally pay for you to ship that back to me that would be awesome if you get a chance shoot me over your address and your name and everything and i'll send this over to you and i'll just cover everything so don't worry about anything about that thank you so very much i really appreciate it we'll send this over to you and i'll try to get this out tomorrow for you thanks you have a wonderful night you too thank you bye-bye that's so cool man so we figured out that the the phone actually belongs to the woman on the screen and uh we're gonna ship over her phone to her first thing in the morning that's pretty cool man found a phone in a river it's been under the water for about a month and now we're giving it back to her to be able to reunite people that lost items is probably my favorite thing about treasure hunting it's so much fun and i know like she had a lot of memories on here probably like photos and videos she'd love to keep and when she dropped this overboard she thought that was lost forever and on top of that i'm sure this phone right here the iphone x cost over a thousand dollars and for her to be able to get this back in her hands is pretty awesome man and we're gonna be able to do that for her so first thing in the morning we're gonna put this in the mail and ship it to her free of charge and she's gonna have her phone and her hands that she thought she lost forever yeah thank you you're welcome you too that was crazy man we found a phone in a river that's been gone for about a month we found the owner we shipped it to him and now it's on their way to their house in tampa florida drop a thumbs up if you guys enjoyed the scuba diving video and you want to see more like this in the future also if you guys are new make sure you guys subscribe we're closing in on 10 million subscribers and if you guys want to help me break that awesome milestone make sure you guys subscribe and maybe one day we can get a diamond play button here on youtube but that was pretty cool man great way to end story [Music] you
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 25,933,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found iphone in river, scuba diving, I Found an iPhone, phone returned, river treasure finds, returned to owner, dallmyd, found iphone x in river, river finds, I found a working iphone, underwater, river treasure hunting, iphone x underwater, iphone x waterproof, lost iphone found, iPhone returned to owner, finds, best river treasure finds, iPhone X Scuba Diving, found lost iphone, reaction, new iphone, searching, finding, iphone x
Id: f-1BswuK6-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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