Found Flat Screen TV While Searching Drained River for Interesting Finds! (Does It Still Work??)

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right down there i'm gonna be the lookout guy i'm up a little bit higher i've got a different point of view so i can actually look down into the water see things that he can't really see i can point out those things and have him go in the right direction and find that treasure i do see something shiny right here what is this all right oh it's uh smearing off brandon i got you something man nice you can't drink on the job i'm gonna actually hand all the trash to brandon so he can throw away but we're gonna pick up everything trash and treasure all right let's see some treasure man you see treasure up front a couple steps up right in front of that dark spot up a little bit more there's like a white grub there right there yeah the water's so murky i can't see it i'm looking oh i see it oh wait that's a sea shell or a river shell oh i got it i got like a glove as well but i got the grub that's gross oh nasty what's inside we got our first piece of treasure here and it's a fishing lure it's actually really nice fishing lure too the hook on it's not really all that rusty so i could definitely reuse it and i also found a gross uh glove here and it looks like there's something inside this is nasty what's inside man oh that's just that's just oh that's gross brandon you need a new dive glove right no i don't actually sure i i appreciate the offer i think i'm good right now can i keep it you can keep it nice oh my gosh that's so gross thank you brandon that is disgusting wow it fits like a glove oh my god we gotta throw this thing away that is gross yeah just toss it up here that was disgusting dude but we found our first piece of treasure we found a little grub so a lot of people use those for skip jack or crappy fishing and it didn't have any rust on it so the guy must have just lost it i put in my treasure box and uh hopefully we find some other cool stuff here oh wait wait what's this oh dang i got a nice swim bait whoa that's actually a pretty good one there's no rust on that hook either but the swim bait itself looks a little moldy but that's really cool that's a good one man that is man awesome we'll put that in my treasure box and we might be able to use that for later go ahead and toss it up here jake nasty man i got another one [Applause] another one yeah i got another can oh man this is great this is great it's nice to get these cans out of the river because they're super rusty and a lot of people swim here and you know i just don't want anyone to ever step on them in the future but it's also nice to clean up the river a little bit what's this oh dude i got some glass that's bad what if someone stepped on that we have a lot of people swimming out here and that would have been terrible all right so far i haven't really found too much cool stuff other than the uh the two fishing lures but we are cleaning up the river a little bit so that's good oh i see something else shiny but it's a little deep what do you guys think about what he's doing he's out there picking up all this trash he's doing a good job he's doing a good job yeah yeah he's down there like picking up a bunch of trash and like he calls a treasure but most of it just can't jake they said you're doing a good job oh thanks guys oh wait oh wait what's this oh look look i found a lure right here and there's another lure right there check this out so this is the typical lures you find here these are called like flukes and swim baits this is a swim bait and this right here is a crappy jig oh my gosh [Music] i'm not sure what that siren is but it does not sound good wow that is scary you might have to abort mission i don't know what this is what is this [Music] uh oh it's getting creepy it's getting creepy jake we gotta abort we gotta abort mission that scared me because i thought the water is just about to be released because right now they have the water low flow which means you know everything's exposed but they're about to let the water from the dam go so they'll fill up the river again and all this is going to be back under water and i thought that was what's just about to happen man that scared me i can't believe i just found this look at this what is that that's an anchor yeah that's like a very old boat anchor that's so cool oh and a nail look at that brandon you know how i always been finding rusty nails with my metal detector well i found the ultimate one this is huge it's like a spear hey i want to go spear fishing that would be so much fun all right so let me go ahead and grab this heavy anchor and i'll throw it over here and also throw the big nail over here and then i'll throw this can that i found right over here too so we can throw all that away when we make our way back this way but i'm gonna start walking this way a little bit more to see if i can find some good stuff i think we got another can right here i'll go ahead and throw this uh in the trash pile while jake is going down the side he's getting a lot of treasure meanwhile i'm stuck with the trash cleanup so i've got to grab all this trash that he's been finding and uh throw it away but you know what i guess that's what friends are for let's get all this stuff in the trash i don't think i got the good side of the job today i think i got the bad side of the job today with this anchor we're just going to set it right here beside it the city's going to know to pick that up we just don't want to like go in there and rip the bag and have trash going everywhere or another fisherman might walk by and see it and say hey there's a perfectly good anchor i'm going to take that and use it on my boat so you never know all right so i don't really see too much more down here we kind of cleared house we picked up a bunch of trash but we're gonna start making our way down river now and i think this is where we're gonna find some really cool stuff hopefully i don't break an ankle trying to walk on these rocks or hopefully don't fall in all the way so jake is still down there he's like walking around looking for stuff he's finding quite a bit of stuff but right now i'm walking the edge kind of farther away from where he's at i'm trying to find anything that's like really cool so like sunglasses phones really really nice lures other than cans so i'm just looking for some really really good stuff and when i see that i'm going to call them over tell them to come check it out looking around all this grass to see if there's any other cool stuff because this was all underwater just a little bit ago we're finding a bunch of trash like cans oh nasty brandon i found a dead catfish that catfish smells so bad man that is so gross but we got a whole bunch of trash what do you think about this guy out here he's he's uh going through the water he's cleaning up all the trash that he finds really he's cleaning up trash yep he makes youtube videos and uh cleans up what he calls river treasure most of the time it's just cans that's great yeah it's really cool sometimes he finds like iphones gopros and stuff you can find some pretty cool stuff on there yeah we thought he was doing some kind of scientific experiment no way brandon i found ray-bans man but i don't know if these are like name brand oh wait no these are oakley's i think all right so we're gonna keep moving down the river but we found some really cool stuff on this island i think all the grass kind of captured everything when it was like kind of circling around the river but that was really cool to find the sunglasses and the lures but uh i'm going down the river here and i'm looking around the shallows to see if i find anything else cool yeah that's jake down there man what's your name walker walker nice to meet you man nice to meet you didn't know you're going to run into old jake did you that's awesome so you've seen all the videos thanks for watching brother it's really cool running into a bunch of fans today everybody is loving what we're doing cleaning up the trash normally uh we're underwater so they don't see us we're in scuba tanks and stuff but today i'm up top and uh jake's down below and we're visible to everybody so it's kind of cool running into everybody back to trash duty for me oh come on jake you gotta you gotta empty these for me man this thing is it's totally full thank you jake for all this wonderful trash this is this is just gross oh i see something shiny what is this what is this oh no way i found a phone dude what'd you find no you did not jake just found a phone no you did it oh my gosh jake just found a flip phone guys it was shining right here and i was like what's this little white thing shining and sure enough it was a phone i thought it was a fishing lure wow dude jake is over here finding phones and stuff now meanwhile i've got the job of like picking up all the trash that he throws onto the riverwalk i don't think this is fair jake i don't think this is fair at all that is so awesome that i just found this phone like what are the chances and it's a super old like flip phone too like that's so cool i haven't had one of these in so long but man that's awesome how they lose a phone over here they must have threw it in they didn't have a back to it they're probably disposing that phone because it's like a drug phone or something i see something shiny again what is it oh my gosh it's soft what is it was it was it i don't know what it is oh that's nasty nice that's so gross all right we're gonna start another little trash pile over here on this island so we can bring this to brandon later that's disgusting a lot of fishing line some cloth sticking my hand down on these rocks these snakes oh i got another can this one's a big one this is old this looks like maybe an old miller light beer can i don't know it seriously only takes a second to throw away your trash and if you leave fishing line around birds will get wrapped up in that or if you leave these cans in the river this will stay in the river for a very long time i'm pretty sure this has been in the river for like years look at that that is just so gross can you see the water squirting out that could be us but on our jet skis man that could be us it's like three feet deep right there that guy's crazy to be bringing a bass boat out there this place is so awesome if you guys don't know where i live i live in columbus georgia and you can actually come down here in whitewater raft you can zipline you can kayak you can fish you can swim seriously all kinds of cool stuff you can do and if you spot a guy in a camo wetsuit in the river it's most likely me we make youtube videos like we travel around and find uh like treasure and stuff in the in the water so today he's uh looking for stuff in the shallows i'm like up top one second big boy big boy rolling like okay he got his tack gloves on big boy got a knife on his sleeve he got he got his favorite hat on he got his like suit on he got his little whatever this is bro you got to watch it on youtube man i think i'm starting to have more fun than jake is this i'm running into some hilarious people up here may have just got the funniest footage of the day what you just had to wait and see me i'm pretty sure that guy was just calling jake big boy the whole time hey big boy you find anything by the way guys if you are watching to this point everybody in the comment section now has to call jake big boy from this point on she just gotta do it i'm having so much fun you know we're just out here picking up the river a little bit but i am finding a few nice things we found some nasty stuff there today maybe we started a day off with some bubble gum like how gross is that walking through the water here looking around brandon you see anything up there man there's a couple flukes you got one keep walking straight it's over to your right a little bit yeah the white when you see it what is this it's oh it's a fluke nice there's another one right over here where about yep go right a little bit right by that log yep yep right down straight down oh that's not a fishing lure that's a dead fish that's so nasty what is it it's a dead fish oh that's gross light colored next to a rock right here yeah but i don't know what it may not it just may be a lighter colored rock yeah we got an old glass bottle here thanks for pointing that out man that's dangerous what if someone stepped on that like that would ruin their whole day oh wait what's this something shiny something shiny another can i'm finding a whole bunch of trash today man but that's okay i was out here enjoying the day picking up the river and if i find some cool stuff that's a bonus so i'm looking down right here i actually see something pretty interesting it's kind of like red and white stripes i'm gonna get jake over here and see what it is hey jake i got something that's pretty interesting you might want to take a look at it there it is right there oh it's like some little red and white thing down there it's uh it's like right right down in between those rocks right there so i'm gonna get jake to go over there and see if he can uh see what it is go to the right of where you are and forward so yeah straight up and there's like a red and white thing in the water in between those you see it yeah yeah check that out i think it's a wrapper wait no it's not what is that what is that i don't know it's a piece of metal with like a sticker you know what it looks like what toss that up here oh i think that's a flash drive it's got a supreme logo on it yeah toss it up are you ready yeah yeah oh oh we got it we got it we got it tell me what that is this is it definitely looks like something electrical i'm not really sure so it looks like it has an old supreme sticker on it but i'm not really sure what it is it's something electronic for sure though some type of charger or something electrical yeah yeah for sure i bet all those people up here think i'm crazy i do you watch the videos too yeah that's awesome what's your name man uh dawson dawson yeah nice to meet you brother jake is looking for basically any type of treasure or trash in the river clean it up if he finds any trash or throw it to me and i'll throw it in the trash can and basically just find a lot of cool stuff he found the phones and some cool fishing lures these rocks are super slippery looks like a speaker to maybe some headphones alright what is this oh it's an aux cord i think that's cool that is a beautiful dog can i pet it yeah oh my goodness hey buddy oh he doesn't like the camera no it's really nice to have brandon up there too where's brandon oh my goodness see you're sweet oh man what's his name katniss katniss yeah like hunger games catnip oh that was nice beautiful thank you you guys have a great day thank you he's a fan of y'all oh awesome thank you i was like well it was really nice to have brandon out there helping me out what's this oh no that's a bag what's inside the bag oh oh what's this ew no what is that i don't know what that is oh no is this underwear oh gosh i found brandon some brand new underwear hey brandon yeah i found you something buddy what's up i found you a pair of new boxers oh thanks you're very welcome i'm so kind they're your color too dude look like my size and everything they're your size your color you might have to throw them in the wash but maybe not i mean i appreciate it you're very welcome sir oh almost fell trying to fall it's super slippery i don't know what this thing is huh it's like a pvc pipe of some sort we'll put that up here as well it's on my way back throw that away oh what's this oh brandon i found a belt that's your size man brandon do you see this oh my gosh what'd you find no it's a tv what you're kidding me oh my gosh dude every time we come out to the river we find the craziest stuff and i think i just stumbled upon a tv he just found a tv people are horrible i'm blaming atlanta it all comes down from italy it all comes down from atlanta it's like a whole tv i cannot believe you just found a tv i know right it pull that thing up it's in the shadows it's hard to see yeah just breathing a bug so it looks like this has been in here for a very long time wow all right i'm about to pull this out here oh hold on i think i found a knife oh that's a leaf never mind big difference first off how do you lose the tv in a river someone must have just threw this over just because that is the almighty can you believe what he just found he just found a tv yeah look at it look at us down there on the right it's on the wall he just found a tv in the water somebody stole your tv [Laughter] oh no we got a whole bunch of people over here just watching jake now this is crazy look at that that is the craziest thing ever i can officially say i've never seen anyone walk across the river with a tv that's a long walk i'll see you soon the water is rising right now so this entire place is getting filled up again but we found some cool stuff and the coolest line definitely has to be this tv but we gotta get this out before it gets flooded it's filling up quick i'm coming that was insane we got out there like just in time too because this whole area is getting flooded what do you think brandon this has been the craziest day ever you know our river treasure boat oh there we go man you got out just in time you remember all those rocks you can see can't see them no more there's not one rock out there now there's nothing he almost got swept away jacob we're about to ask these guys walking up how this tv ended up in the river we've been getting some funny responses so this should be good how's it going guys i got a question for you so we found this tv in the river and we've been asking people what like how do you think this tv got into the river like what's your best guess stolen and dumped it was right after the georgia alabama game that guy was like well georgia lost the game so they just threw out the tv that was actually a pretty good one we haven't heard that one yet hey sir i got a question for you yes sir so we found this tv in the river yeah what is your best guess on how this tv ended up there that's a good question an angry ex-wife an angry that's probably a good guess we had somebody guessed that the uh georgia alabama game and georgia live there you go yeah see if they get a mad wife or an ex-wife yeah i don't know i don't know why i went there oh cops this probably doesn't look suspicious at all [Music] got a question sir got a question we're doing a little bit of diving today and we found this tv what is the craziest way you think the tv got in the river no telling got me man stolen property crazy ex-girlfriend yeah there's no telling somebody maybe it blew up on somebody that got bad just dropped it in the water who knows who knows you've probably seen a lot crazier stuff than a tv in the river though believe it or not not really as long as i've been doing it you'd be surprised so this is like a highlight moment for you right now it is we're experiencing a highlight moment together wow yeah man all right brother you have a good day y'all doing all right if you see anybody walking around with a tv it's not suspicious there's somebody walking around looking for tv oh god now any stolen tv reports they're gonna come back and get us yet so today we found this tv in the river what is your best guess on how this tv ended up there somebody got either really pissed off about the results of a football game okay all right and just decided to throw the jmtv in the river or uh-oh here we go that's a divorce casual hey i've got a question for you guys if you want to answer it real quick real quick yeah yeah we found this tv in the river this is your best guess on how this tv ended up there stolen goods you guys enjoy your day all right all right so we got a couple votes for stolen we actually found this tv in the river today oh that's pretty cool what is your best guess on how i got there um divorced couple husband through the wife through the husband's right to the river so we went around asking a bunch of people of how they think this tv has gotten into the river i want you guys to leave a comment of what is your craziest story of how this tv ended up there i'm gonna leave it up to you guys man we want to see those crazy stories leave a comment in the comment section below jake has had me picking up trash all day long and i've been carrying this tv for like 30 minutes this is getting heavy going home that's like the sound in the jumanji movie like bad things happen can you hear that yeah we've had mad ex-girlfriends and like bad football games so like the the guys doing we did have really bad hurricane weather this year so maybe like some homeless guy actually like invested in a tv and he was watching it left it out in the weather and it got blown away oh no all right well you guys have a great day thank you bye guys bye did she just say a homeless guy invested in a tv okay priorities [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 12,633,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure finds, interesting finds, dallmyd, searching for river treasure, found tv in river, found phone in river, found phone underwater, river finds, bizarre discoveries, river treasure videos, underwater, unbelievable finds, found in river, found in the river, fishing lures, lost valuables, found phone, found stolen tv, river treasure hunting, fish, best river treasure finds, exploring, collecting, iphone, phone, swimming, searching, juul, found juul
Id: OPPzsCLrm9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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