Money & Gold Found BURIED Under this OLD BRIDGE

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[Music] oh man that was a long night good guys welcome back to lost your recovery today we're going on an awesome adventure it's not where I stayed last night but I did sleep here for a few hours uh on charge of rock check out that good morning Australia I haven't been here in well over 2 years now got 18K stamped on the inside W from Switzerland for the last couple of months before we get to the dive I'm just going to give you a rundown of our [Music] gear the blue Nemo dive system you're probably thinking Michael why aren't you using the blue Nomad mini well in all honesty we're only going to be diving in about 6 to 10 ft of water blue Nemo is perfect for the location that we're going to be hunting today and we've been pulling out gold rings out of this location in the past diamonds gold chains we're all be using the wo subn people have been asking me about this is it as good as what I keep saying it is and all honesty it really is out of all the sea scooters we've been using on this channel throughout the years nearly 10 years on YouTube the way do SUB Nat so far has been the best and most reliable See You In The Water Guys cheers [Music] h w really [Music] [Music] oh first goal part of the day she's at carry but with that triple S as well first goal of the day let's keep [Music] going [Music] do we do we yeah [Music] w [Music] on get foot Bridges right so we got to find all the cash we got to find all the gold let's get back into it [Music] he oh we are on the gold 18 karat but it is marked and she is marked triple s-6 someone was telling me before that was 22 karat gold I'm really not too sure on that I'm going to have to look that up drop a comment down below if you know exactly what trip s-6 means we are on the gold 18 karat I can't wait to get it home I'm going to weigh it up see exactly how much it weighs how much gold value is for 18 karat we do not sell the gold jewelry that we find it does belong to someone we do everything we can to get it back to the rightful owners check out lost jewelry recovery you should see what some of these guys and girls are finding I'm talking about gold they are posting some incredible finds one of our members actually i' got to give credit to him he found a gold vase that was something like 17th century and he's actually gone and donated it to the museum now anyone else sure they could have crushed it down melted it down sold it off as gold value now that money is only going to be in your pocket for God knows how long he secured that for the future for everyone to enjoy they going to go to the museum now my kids can go to that Museum and see something that one of our members here at loster recovery has actually found Now That's What I Love About The Hobby of metal detecting 90% of what we actually find is trash and we always encourage everyone pick up free pieces of the trash put it in a bit of the way home if we all continue to do our Park our Parklands and waterways are going to be around for many generations to come for our children to enjoy it we love this hobby it's our passion it's our obs session this is just what we love doing oh my ring thank God it's back on its rightful owner oh look at the diamonds on too beautiful oh my God thank you I wake up every day not knowing where I'm going to be and I used to actually be in fact a warehouse worker I used to drive for Cliff trucks for about 15 20 years I had a couple of injuries and luckily you guys have been taken care of me you kept me out there for the good times and the bad and I've gone through some pretty stressful times and it's been really really awesome knowing that you guys have had my back and for all that we have been saving all our funds from both YouTube and also patreon patreon is the backbone of our channel to all you guys out there you actually help create that's right lot recovery [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] I love it sinkers stainless steel still money in the bank we got 2 4 6 8 10 11 50 70 not too sure what that is ah yeah it's a penny I can see the kangaroo already one Australian Penny absolutely Beauty and we are on the [Music] go 4.21 G of 18 karat gold well that's it for today guys if you enjoyed the video drop us big thumbs up share like subscribe and we'll see you all on the next hunt happy out guys cheers ha
Channel: Michael Oliver
Views: 14,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost jewellery recovery, lost jewelry recovery, underwater metal detecting, waydoo subnado, water sports, search for gold, metal detector, XP Deus ll metal detector, X Pointer Max Pin Pointer, scuba dive, Blu3 Nemo, scuba diving systems, hookah diving, treasure hunt, found cash
Id: _pdd9VcKAKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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