Do We Find The Gun? Opening Mystery Boxes Full Of Storage Unit Finds!

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oh wait wait oh this is cool don't know if it's all there but that is a scope y'all it's a game oh scope have no idea who the maker is okay maybe we'll find it get in here [Music] good morning everybody this is Jason thrift raider coming back to you with another video today I'm showing you the second part of the last video link is in the description of a storage unit we bought yesterday there was a little five by ten and yesterday we found a safe full of jewelry and we also found several vintage game consoles so it was really interesting this second half of the video we're gonna find even more vintage game stuff and scopes to rifles so who knows what else we're gonna find you'll have to watch to see it so enjoy the video please subscribe if you haven't enjoy the video while I go for this I'm gonna go through this while you guys enjoy the video I think this is his not hers but I could be wrong right here I'm looking for tools like that Shelley made in England nice I'll be looking for tools and knives and stuff like that in here okay there's more tools I think this is gonna be kind of a crapshoot to be lost with you aerotank mega okay this guy was a vapor [Music] all right yes okay not sure I don't think there's really much of anything other than a few tools here and there that are gonna be in this what's in this one all right nice little igloo there food great mouse attractive okay let's see what we've got in here I'm kind of burying myself in here pulling a Grimes [Music] all right one thing any time pennies galore a bunch of pennies there uh that's goop that's pretty random paper stuff there's another cell phone another iPhone there there's probably I bet there's twenty phones in this entire storage unit or more here's another one okay let's get in this I imagine it's probably oh it says Weber huh let's see don't okay it's a little easel it's a little painting a little painting kit so that's cool that's cool that we need to look this could be good is this I don't think that's anything we got to look in here okay no dang it all right maybe in here there's another phone there's a lot of costume jewelry in here I don't know if any of it is sterling or not that's pretty I doubt it sterling though a lot a lot a lot of costume jewelry it just takes one gold piece though to make it all worth it I'm not not seeing anything that's a nice brooch yeah I think we saw that yep okay what else we got in here loads and loads of Crayola a bunch of this chalk and what's this well that's a dugout is a dugout probably for marijuana and loads of sharpies that's really about it for that box okay so this was the box that had this stuff right here on top of it and of course we got a scale here this is another scale but we've also found a couple of pocket knives this is a frost pocket knife and then this is uh where is it right here this is a just a generic Chinese made knife that stuff right there is just junk came out of that box but look what we've uncovered that looks like that looks like we could have some some tools in there and that's a window unit and we've got all these boxes yet to go so I'm gonna do myself a favor and get a lot of this loaded up real quick and then we'll come back to it all right guys I'm actually starting to sweat and we've got I pulled out a bunch of boxes and just opened them up and set them kind of in a line and we're gonna go through them see what we can find here check this out we're really close to getting into this tool box take a look okay so I know that it's kind of dark in here but that's the toolbox and there's a huffy bag up there as well but these these right here this one this one these right here and a couple outside we're going to go through and let's see what we can't find I literally just pop them open set them out here in a line so the Three Stooges collector's ten that means it's not worth much and that looks gross so there's that what's in here stuff a lot of stuff anything that looks like junk to me dude the bags nice what's in here nothing Haley in here nope so not much in that that's really cool that could be worth something Wow looks like it's a magnifying light so that could be that could be something who knows all right on to the next one nothing in the bag here nothing in the piggy bank some crystal here or press glass one of the two same here not seeing really anything offhand that's of grave importance this box the speaker box is going straight to the trash now let's look in here when I pulled this thing down it was really really heavy so I don't know what we have in here except we all know what that is don't we that's a bong that's probably why that is a battery any of these glasses worth anything doesn't look like it what's in here Klein tools another pocket knife that's a Sheffield right bunch of random crap in there sandy 183 controlled disposal required us compass magnetic this could be something Wow hear that that's kind of nice actually so that right there might be worth some money lot to look it up other than that I don't know I think that might be to work on jewelry maybe not seeing anything else what's this trash I don't think there's anything in that oh wow look it's a stainless staple gun and at the Walt grindr nice okay okay okay that wasn't bad that wasn't bad let's keep going all right let's see what we might have in here that looks like cleaning supplies there's another nine this one's seen much better days what kind of boots for these these are Danner okay guys and they're actually in pretty good shape other than missing laces these gore-tex Danner boots are worth money now here's a hopper wonder if we'll find the gun it's broken well that's a load of junk right there buddy Hank you see anything there trash trash trash trash junk not trash but not all there man these some nasty people here's an IB adventure Bible we're new in the box okay right here ball caps Harris oh great ah I hate looking at that that's scaring me well making me it's just here's the gun it's a spider compact mm nice there it is hey bug them nice nice nice okay what else we got in here more hats junk couple pieces of change there I don't see anything else really in there that's other than these batteries that's hyper tough that's a Walmart brand and that's Black & Decker oh here we go there's the hyper tough so there's that next box well why would you keep that they used firework I don't feel anything in these we're not gonna go throw them just a bunch of junk there liz claiborne this one's so it's kind of nice more stuff Oh who's this is this real this is a real Louie Vuitton ooh I don't know Louie Vuitton Paris if this is a real LV we're talking about some money now I don't know I am NOT good with these some reason I just feel like it's not real but whoever did this put a lot of effort into faking it if it's fake let me know in the comments if you think that's a real Louie Vuitton let me know this thing's got a bunch of stuff in it what kind of goodies we got in here actually looking here first alright I don't see anything else everything else looks like junk pills more pills there's a dugout for your pot nothing next box okay what's in here joke oh that's cool it's a horn a bogan rubra oh it's the Aruba horn who knows alright guys ah I'm gonna get this stuff loaded up and we'll get back to it okay guys I just pulled this box off the top of that right there and we're going to go through this about as quickly as we can said closet stuff so who knows what we might find in here there's I mean there's literally just a bunch of stuff in here so I don't know if anything's gonna be worth anything but we're gonna find out that was oh wait wait oh this is cool don't know if it's all there but that is a scope y'all it's a gamo scope have no idea who the maker is okay maybe we'll find it get in here wouldn't that be something oh here we go Oh a little Fujifilm camera action be careful Jason you don't know what's in here there's another camera five megapixels man that thing's old VTEC cone random stuff that's an old hot wheel 2014 not that old okay yeah that's meth-head look at there guys holy crap hang on let's get to it nice little tool bag random junk a lot of random junk you got me dude alright look at this swift 4 by 12 by 40 scope nice looks good nice cool what else we got in here here's another one Centrepointe 3 by 12 by 44 scope I will take it holy cow oh look at there that is not what you want to see what in the hell is wrong with people yeah that's nasty that's why you got to be careful going through this stuff because you just never know what you're gonna find another this is a Nintendo DS ok so we found a DS a 3ds a Nintendo 64 and a Sega Genesis so far that's crazy alright I gotta hurry this up because I know I don't I sure hope I'm not boring you guys there's a of something what is this 6 channel stereo mic mixer MX 12 huh that's pretty cool it's missing missing the power supply maybe I don't know okay Sony six channel stereo mic mixer MX - twelve flashlight battery weird off to look that up what else we got here that's just a power supply and with this whole bunch of nothing don't know what that was oh that's a battery-powered headlamp just a bunch of crap glitter a whole thing of it I'm gonna have to go through this a little later cuz you gotta I just don't want to run across any needles without gloves on so I'll go through that later here's this window unit this has got something in it I'm not sure but we're not gonna go through that right now this is not gonna go through it right now let's get back here and look at what we've got in these okay looks like us 18 volt skill saw trash here's a little sander that looks like it's Ryobi maybe maybe not it's colored like Ryobi some more knives more butane lighters okay that's pretty much it in there nice bag though what else what else this looks like trash and here there's a drill random crap fishing tackle that's a leap frog another pocketknife what kind is this China crap oh well alright guys so this really just looks like a bunch of food and kitchen stuff in here so we're just gonna set that off to the side nobody cares about that moment of truth here guys oh there's the knife I just used moment of truth right here what's in it what's in it stuff just looks like a microwave a fan couple fans and definitely not what I was hoping for oh well it is with this this right here is really cool I know you can't see it let me back up okay so obviously the mattress is more than likely trash I'm not even gonna try to sell it I'm just gonna go straight to the dump but this right here is really cool if I can get it cleaned up I'll probably just drag it out and power wash it and let it air dry but what it is is it lays only a few inches above off the ground and the top here elevates so it's kind of like a lounge chair is essentially what it is so that's really neat but I think overall there's a lot of trash but there's also a lot of sellable items in here so I think we did all right so yeah guys $80 for this storage unit not bad at all in my opinion my opinion we found a Nintendo DS Nintendo 3ds Nintendo 64 Sega Genesis three scopes for guns three gun scopes we found a motor - what I don't know what else do we find the window unit if it works is worth some money that Lascaux fan that's like 70 or 80 bucks a bunch of pocket knives bunch of Zippo lighters and some tools got some tools as well so overall I am actually surprised at this this locker it was a great unit we're gonna get this loaded up and we'll go to the next one [Music]
Views: 4,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Did We Find A Gun, Found Scopes, Found Rifle Scopes, Found Rifle, Found Gun, Found A Gun, Mystery Boxes, Mystery Unboxing, Storage Wars, Real Storage Wars, Storage Unit Auction, Storage Unit Finds, Storage Finds, Mystery Storage Unit, Found Vintage Games, Vintage Games, Vintage Game Consoles, Thrift Trader
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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