$7000 ABANDONED STORAGE ALMOST DONE! i bought an abandoned storage and found treasure!

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Oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages what is up well it's Sunday evening how is everyone what we got here Joel what's up Tim says what is up pirate 7000 I hope it pays you back oh man it's unit here it's gonna pay back its gonna pay back what's up ash what's up Anita crypto Roger whoo ashes high would love make you some storage auction pirate stickers I would love I gotta do something I think my teespring is messed up I think it's like it just every time it has a problem what's up hard hope you find some killer traitors oh man what a week smash the like button woohoo 5:15 and we're live you inspire hope and goodwill I love you don't get into the political scene very freshening and I know it back-breaking work that's what's up and either I don't focus on all the negative in the drama all the news all the politics all that stuff sports whatever I'll just cause the problems I see a few good things in already hope everyone in the room Kim in Canada you must have a good eye Kim what's up Marine Kimberly toey what's up Joanne she says babyface that's funny what's up dominga Christina Christine the man the myth the legend Rob says I love data Rob that's the attitude man keep doing what you're doing Stephen says what's up Stephen I think I just got a message from you on facebook what's up hey what's up Christine I hired how you the Unicorn I'm not the unicorn Junie someone else did the unicorn I like to beat a unicorn but really in my eyes I can't take credit for that that belongs to somebody else what's up where's the salt princess she's off with her brother I actually had my son out working the FS crazy thing we filmed a little vlog today me Makayla Michael's friend Kalani and Michael we finished moving this $7,000 unit this is the $7000 unit it's all bone-dry guys it's the hall bone dry I'm all done with it I got half a unit I took from right here over and I moved it because there were the boxes were getting too intense that I had to slow down I I wanted the videos to be better and I just slowed down literally cuz I've already got umpteen videos and we are like literally on our last good load of stuff here and I still got a few boxes here's the type of stuff we've been finding it's crazy it's crazy we've been finding things like like this a whole collection of Stanley damaged acres what do you call those I'm drawing a blank leaving what those are those are for coffee there are coffee containers it's been a long day cough thermos there you go thermoses thank you Mike you're more rare than a unicorn I don't know there was the unicorns rare in my eyes please you can do a video of the flea market all the time nedra we do flea market videos all the time I don't think a lot of people like the flea market videos but I do them anyway I do what I like and that's what's the most important to me the salt princess has been doing a lot of live videos from our flea markets that I'm kind of letting her do those because it helps her get her videos out every day she has been on fire lately very proud of her she actually hit a monetization got accepted she's got videos coming out almost daily Aloha from the volcano Hawaii Paradise hideaway says I want to go to Hawaii heck of bad I've been thinking about a trip there just go I want to go I want to go magnificient the waterfalls of Hawaii that's one of my dreams right now what's up Sam fire what's up Thomas what's up JW Wes JJ crypto Roger sister mrs. yeah you're right took me a minute took me a minute what's up Kimberley what's up storage invader 702 oh is that Alex do I see my good buddy storage stalker in the house what's up dude he's still in Vegas right now partying look Alex look Alex it's all bone-dry been some crazy stuff like display case you ever see display case like that you could gives you an idea of what kind of stuff is gonna come in here we've been finding crazy things in here this is just like some stuff I got left over I've been finding stuff like that you all know what goes in those right Donna Oh says I don't know what what is a 2000 W what is 2000 W that somebody just sent in a super chat there's no message anybody have any idea what a 2000 W czar what's up Uncle Mike look at that uncle Michaels up what time is 7:00 Oh Michael its 7:15 what are you doing up buddy I know family feud's over I know everything's over are you going to profile unis and I know Casilla I can profile unis I'm on my phone right now we've got some more comments here let me go back here hi chat I like the flea market stuff Mary Lynn says what's up pirate looking good and I think you barely I appreciate that I appreciate it look at my eyes I'm so I'm exhausted right now what's up hyerin i like the flea market vids they are fun alex mary says what's up I love them hi pirate look I look forward to your videos every day I love that attitude hi from Ontario Canada what's up from Houston Texas will you make your 7k all crypto oh man I don't want to give any sneak okay I'm gonna tell you right now probably Friday will be the first video of the unboxing of this you know I have two more videos left from the jewelry unit I got a vlog coming up of uncle Michael's son get married I'm putting one of that up so one day there'll be like just a straight vlog of that uncle Michael's son got married in who I told my put a vlog up just for the world to see so we got that coming I think there's some I got all sorts of videos coming but there's gonna be about at least probably 15 videos in this unit I'm not gonna give anything away because that's that's not what I'm trying to do but there's the ideas the things you find I found in this unit look military stuff this is the kind of clothes they wore nothing but Columbia in North Face every piece of article of clothing with some type of hunting gear or we had things like this nice for very little furniture and this literally in this unit this is like the only furniture you see right here just a couple pieces of furniture and that was it we have some lawyer cabinets the cheaper ones and then we even had some of the good lawyer cabinets right here we only had two of those I didn't even reveal any furniture in this video but or in any of the videos the furniture just got left out because I didn't really have time for that and that was it this thing was chock-full of boxes I can't even anticipate the old Pepsi dispenser let me see here Korean money what's up Alex it looks good thermoses sellout new on eBay for 20 these are vintage ones hired from Stephen sage in Hawaii let's see how he's in the house I love Hawaii I want to go so bad hello storage auction powers up Travis what's up Judy Pat says hello what's up Paddy's I've been watching a saw princess she's doing really good you proud yeah I'm very proud Joanne hit the like button mama G says what's up mama G definitely hit the like button dama how the 2000 w is there are you going to pro K where gags were behind here I love video so good to see them are you going to do your writings on the stage for us on stage the flea markets Rob are you talk about my poems I got so many poems I've scared to release them all like I released a song in it it's the only song I ever wrote because I figured you know what might as well just go all in with one of the mo intense writings I ever did and let's see what happens with that y'all actually it seems like people really enjoy my poems kind of shocked me and I appreciate y'all for that and the song I wrote that was pretty dope you guys are uh you guys are phenomenal with the encouragement 2000 watts crypto says two dollars John says hi Perry hi April hi Mathias sarcastic stacker in the house when I miss a little Jebus did I see it did I see a comment from look at that supply what's up Brandon what are you doing buddy I ain't seen you in like forever it feels like we're uh we haven't seen each other in months it's just odd we saw each other like every hour of the day darn near now we don't never see each other anymore hello everyone sup treasure freaks what's up homeless up Southside the trucker south side the trucker hello Pyrrha any coins for sale there is some coins in this unit I think I haven't even gone through half the boxes yet I'm still fighting in some boxes that I didn't even go through yet every box in this unit is is it's pretty intense it's just weird stuff like I can't even describe I found I'm not given the way you're gonna have to wait I just have a few boxes I want to show you all because I didn't even finish these so we're gonna go through a couple boxes here I already showed you the thermoses trying to do all this is one hand here there's no boxes grinds I moved them all but here's one box right here oh yeah football memorabilia something of vintage football pro pattern sts this is one new box right here Grimes hats for days I got so many I'm gonna can't give this stuff away it's hard to not give it away American hat company we got lots of similar hats like that I don't tried to give anything away if it's a little late we're giving something away here what's up joy no Perry we have not hit a hundred thousand subs we are not even close okay we're already running out of room here let's see if we can move this over making a mess hats for days they had a glove hmm I think they collected hats I can't tell you but I don't even know nothing about hats paradise hideaway I'm gonna make some money on this unit that's all I could say Native American stuff Western stuff everything you can think of that I've never seen so many tools that my life like this this hat is like to me these hats are specialty made they're not just a tourist hat look you got like a silver or gold star they're a little bug look at the quad at that spa Lena t'v American right here I found several pieces of Native American stuff in this unit I found amazing things what does this say in here see there's nothing here we go son body hats Houston Texas that's a nice hat UC Davis football helmet that's rat pee I just put my head you guys just watched me literally put my hands that's rat pee this unit was full of rats pretty pretty disgusting but we gotta be careful with these hats that was a nice little box I mean that's nothing extravagant but that's not like chump change little hats right that's not like three dollar hats let's go back up here to some comments real quick dang they're rolling hit the hello pirate looks like nice weather what's up Frasier that's currency you love your hair love your video just sub you saw princess Thank You April salt princess is racing Grimes finds a 10,000 so I'm leaving it up to you guys to make sure that she hasn't lose to Grimes it's very important as she wins I love one family works together to ash Dane we have two hundred and ninety-nine people in the chat right now Wow three hundred should be dad of the year he'll while you show love to your children uh my children of my world everything in my life is my children everything I work for everything I do everything I be everything I try to fix myself every single thing one way or another is for my children whether they believe it or not back again from Prince Edward Island Calif Everett go to Saul princess go thanks treasure freaks Thank You appreciated my daughter lives that walk at the water in California I'm going to be going there to see you in about ten weeks I'm craving ribs I'll um hungry to Carlton Korean money another two dollars from Dharma oh another super chat awesome what's that Mike I finally joined the hustle grand Royal purse we can hope to keep it going throughout the week that's what's up Dennis Robert room or with the five dollar super chat in no words love you dude salt princess what's up higher what's up William Troyer what's up higher in how much do you usually sell for the army closed for it depends usually a nice piece of army clothes is like it just depends could be 5-10-15 it just all really depends on the actual piece that we're in discussion about Grimes finds me I send you a text do you ever buy storage in Florida nope what's up Giuliana what's up perry says hello we got one more box here hey pirate love your positive outlook and energy Thank You Leslie what's up Thomas what the Hales is everyone up to tonight Jeremy I'm just finishing up my $7000 storage unit I'm not finished but I've unboxed 30 40 percent of it and I got like 60 to go I'm just blown away by this stuff I found in here I already can I told you though so to be had the Pepsi crate didn't have the two dots on it how's it going Terry Terry says Kimberly love you guys in the little mama are sweet you always fun to watch Thank You Perry what is the weirdest thing you ever found the weirdest thing I ever found was a human skull that's the weirdest scared money don't make me is when my favorite sayings if you're so positive and so fresh that's what's up Leigh publishing will publish your poetry and a few of their collections that's awesome Mary I don't know if I'm ready for that yet hi Mike how the Hales are you I'm great you should try to sell them money will hola love the poems and words thank you Judy get the man another stage I don't even know what that means all right let's see what we got in here don't be scared to release your creativity let it flow big Steve new from New York I just got back from Las Vegas that's what's up Juan that's where the Jebus is and the stalkers were hey Mike what's up eb plumbers and fines let's do a box right now we already doing doing a box come on new box we're gonna get going here hello tired if you hit a hundo will you get your money back yep what the Hales join the live Uncle Mike might need a new hat I'm just getting the kids ready to start school tomorrow those are kind of cool with the feathers yeah Grimes you should see the amount of hats in Boots and everything that we got gloves no we don't do gloves momiji you need some bleach pirate for what 300 y'all share this let's get to 500 I love Grimes's attitude no we never met Master Splinter again everyone given a thumbs up we don't know yep Debbie you saw the rats in the storage so brutal y'all don't let him treat me that way I'm crying I'll subscribe to me please I followed the hails to here thank you so much for the you always get good stores I try my girlfriend Shannon is never missed a mere visit but tonight she's sick and sleep she loves your life so she got me hooked I'll Richard s what's up you girlfriends awesome sorry she's not feeling well tell her to get better make her some chicken soup I'll make her feel better it always makes makes people feel better catching your life while on vacation I'm in the mountains I'll pray for your continual success and bonus he's a good buyer for sure please wear gloves I can't oh here's a here's a rough idea of a lot of things I found there's a hint for you nice it's a print still nice though to the greatest ever play the game right there I'm hoping to find a real Babe Ruth somewhere in there sup you're the best he makes me feel good when I'm dance what's up dark bad I love that that means that everything I'm doing is working that's my only goal in life is to make a mile on somebody's face legit my only up yeah whole baseball bats okay it's Georgian house George says sweet sup you're the best me make me feel okay the great Bambino nice photo ooh what do we have here look at this this is something else Thanks I don't see any signature on it but that is nice Wow I wished I was Tiffany Grimes you got it you I can't even tell you the amount of stuff that I found inside of this unit it's so nuts whoo we almost broke the lamp another drop in nope no signature very well made though it's about to fall over I think it's my table this is my like fourth trip today we did the flea market today me Michael and Michaela in and Kolani we did the flea market left early unloaded the flea market came here and picked up two entire trailer loads of boxes took him to a disclosed location because I didn't have I don't want to rush them then came back loaded up the rest of the flea market that we took off and then came here and finished this so that's what my days at so far what we got here a little inexpensive but still cool there's another sneak peek of what we're gonna see is a lot of things that have to do with this right here I've never seen so many things in this unit that just intrigued me so far and I'm not even halfway through the boxes hey that's kind of cool fly-fishing trip grind laughs I did this whole thing live you'd be a I can't even tell you oh I mean I can't tell you but I'm not going to you have to wait that's a cool sign fishing trips I like fishing trips George had a ring so big God could have seen it without using a loop that's a good one cute sign restore your love that's a nice lamp that's pretty miss G yes I got the mask here we go let me see what I missed Florida old baseball bats oh you don't even know Mary what's up Ricky maka be fish may God reward you for the hard work this is another lamp right here this is not as this is not as cool these things are almost darn near impossible to sell they're like I'll be lucky if I can get 5 or 10 bucks for this literally where I'm at that's not selling you got one more item left in here the crazy thing is I've only gone through like 40% of this unit so far and I feel like I'm already in the profit oh come on be something amazing it's a fish this is there needs to be more live unboxing vids like that fish did Saul Prince's pick a name for her subscribers she did not she's still working on it that is who 327 people I think we have an all-time record here tonight nautical stuff oh my god Grimes fishing collector oh yes Perry's getting warm Perry's getting warm anything going on in San Jose message deleted by Curious George I didn't get to see that I love them I love deleted messages I would buy that in a hot minute I haven't even even have the right shade for it come by it Terry you are the best thank you dark bat vase lamp is pretty keep up the good work not in profit ill soul oh you can say that you can say that too - but I think I haven't like I think I have a couple items that might make the money back on this unit and that's just I haven't even gone through 40% of the unit Grimes wants to know if this is sign let's look again I don't see a signature on this it's a sewing it doesn't look signed but it's cool they stamp is pretty this is why we love all you love me tired of Mike showing us some of the goodies during your chat love your pot yeah cuz I was out here and I was like what am I gonna do for my life and then I decided okay well I'm gonna go live from this unit what better way to tease everybody then show them the end of a seven thousand dollar unit before you show them the beginning why not that's what my head was that means I'm gonna go tease everybody in the best way possible and we're gonna go knee-deep into a seven thousand dollar unit that's completely now empty I don't even think I've released a photo of what the unit looks like yet well let's go get the four hundred let's go shit Grimes I like your attitude you're always so positive it's not just fishing it's a fishing what they sword salt wears jaws hello pirate well turns your life around we knew you would my fat hand just actually hit it one your chain and platinum I don't understand what that means hey pirate happy Sunday auctions tomorrow here I'm not I'm going to the flea market all week pirate is such a tease yep Greg good teaser pirate that's what's up ask myself this is it this is a here's what we got cool item this is just like some lower end stuff right here look at sterling silver candlesticks seashells this is just lower end stuff here I got more hats this is all good stuff right here these two boxes right here those two plastic totes have everything that was on those shelves that I teased with in the photo who you guys are gonna be excited to wash these boxes I have never seen in so many nice tools the tool the tools alone could potentially darn-near pay for this unit darn near I have about six hours drive south vietnam practical right now for a lamp fish stranger things have happened good teaser pirate can't wait to see that unit and I got a new knife look at that this is my new knife theory is what it's called got that from this unit there's got Civil War things cowboy things amazing things just like I can't even teasers all over the place here no sandy I'm not that tech-savvy I'm really an old grandma Mike what city do you live close to I live close to mmm Concord I like the knife to knife nice yes it is good day pirate looking into you from the Tasmania Australia what the Hales why am i blocked on your live chats I don't know how to answer that Trevor pirates buy more units that pirates buy more pirate buys more units than me Myka I don't stop man I'm just thinking to come up you had from that $3 you had you started with Jim ISA it's been a non-stop process also Brian why I told you I was going to show you what it's like to have nothing and turn it into something thanks for nothing I hope you find lots and lotsa we have not found any jewelry and I'll give you that teaser Perry we have found zero jewelry in this unit but like I said we're only 35 to 40% into the boxes in this unit I felt like I was going through this stuff like the stuff was so overwhelming I wanted to give him more time to what I'm finding in this boxes because the stuff was so cool like I found I found a skull I found a really neat scope we're gonna see about that in one of the videos I can't tell you what it is but it's not from it's not a human but it's something really crazy found some crazy stuff Mike what's in your clothes I like I said earlier I'm going to come in to visit in California in 8 to 10 weeks and visit my daughter hey prior what's up kitty like I'm even working here I'm working what we're live I'm trying to wrap up and do this that's why I multitask for a living I am a professional multitasker I like I like think the way included your kids a pirate can knife nice princess you're not blocked Trev we love you Civil War stuff can be big my I think he's gonna make some money on this one we see you Trevor you know anything about the previous owner Luis Raines the only thing I know about the previous owner is that at one time because this is what happened afterwards they actually have another unit at this place don't ask me why they just stopped paying on their bill apparently it's what they do they buy houses they fix them up and then they put everything in storage and they walk away from it but rumor has it that they lost the unit cuz they used to own a gun store and they lost the unit a couple years ago with 250 grand and guns in it that's a 1 back story I've had on this unit so far crazy did you find a baseball cards Rachel I'm not done yet I'm not done I literally moved all the boxes like look from right here we're gonna go like 7 feet and I've had all the boxes from right here and then all right here this was all full this morning last 15 feet I've moved both entire two entire trailer loads of untouched boxes and put them in another location so I got a 10 by 15 100% full of boxes I haven't even looked in it's crazy did you they have online for auction for down here as for gun safes in it that's awesome I was being on that one I only buy as a side house but it takes more time than my real job saw princess just Esther y'all go subscribe to my channel she did not he's lying this guy never stops working lovage drive hydration is a key drink more water I don't even hardly drink water that's what's funny I'm probably the most dehydrated individual in this chat right now keep up the good work tomorrow is my birthday can't wait I am salt ready just subscribe ready to see how what you are about - what's up charissa I'm about storage businesses I'm about making money I'm about raising my children and spreading love the entire world that's everything I'm about right there Grimes you're cracking up don't cry part I think you need to go take a little nap and also get a really nice tent you got a really nice tan going Beverley uh there's no sleep for the wicked that's not I got no time for that make sure to click the like button it's like 4 inches away just do it you know I like what you do thanks we will did I find any guns sandy I can't tell you baseball cards coming from your eyes how is Scott Scott's doing well don't forget to subscribe to Scotch Channel - thank you so much have a great day Grimes fine next time we're in California to go to the flea market Jonathan we're gonna be digging the rest of the week I buy online units rarely Mike but I do thanks for showing us you the man find some magic cards Mike for my birthday I wish my dad was more supportive like you pirate well as EE um there's a reason for everything you know just gotta figure out why it was that way and not let it get to you my dad wasn't exactly very supportive but he also wasn't very discouraging either his motto is f it has it tattooed on his leg 100% effort to whatever you know that's where I get my carefree attitude as my father you got to learn lesson sometimes from people not necessarily how they're teaching them but what they really mean because some people are not exactly good at teaching something so you have to kind of read between the lines all right now we could sit down and take a break for a minute that's what I need to do uncle Michael no Michael uh Michael is even awake right now IRA it's late here in the aect in the qk what a scotch channel scotch channel a storage Scott loves SIA Mowgli yeah he was there today with us Mary fleamarket the love I love it Reef Lee market the love I mean baby back for aftershock festival Uncle Mike helping you loading up spread live unicorn Mowgli's groan six inches this is something right Mary dude is like this tall where my head he's like he's like right here on me I have to look up to him now oh there goes Grimes shout out to all the fathers provide love and support for their children hey man a man is the greatest job I've ever been given is to be a father and I love it with every passion every fiber might be and it's kind of sad my kids are growing up so fast like my daughter's 18 now I miss having a little girl I miss having my little baby girl just be all cute and want to watch Disney movies and play you know like tannest it is you know miss those days when she was a child but you know I think the Lord did I get to work every day with her how many people get to work up there children every day I keep hearing alerts I don't know what you're hearing Billie I'm here at my storage and there's nothing around no one even make a noise where do we bid on your items when and where I don't know the answer to that puddles of chocolate she will always be your baby girl that's funny higher you love you got to go I will catch you in the next one god bless them I worked for the local flea market I was able to chew one number one make people happy a crazy lumber to make take my kids out feet that's what's up the plane above us the plane de plane yeah so y'all haven't watched install princes channel since we're talking about her she has literally been doing almost a video a day like she has went from being too scared to be on the back of my videos to putting out a video every single day and to me it's very important that any of y'all who don't subscribe to her go subscribe to her channel watch one of her videos and tell her your daddy sent us make sure you're very specific when you comment daddy cuz that word it irritates her when when somebody calls me daddy so do me a favor and go to one of her videos in comments say daddy sent us please do you have an online store I have an eBay storage auction pirate that's me eBay storage auction pirate I'm proud of the salt thank you George I appreciate that she will be a she will be happy to hear that too and I tell her later I will have to go check out sovereign please do Z she's actually I think you're gonna enjoy I think she's gonna she won't pass me soon she's already on fire my son Clayton says you're really awesome in hello what's up Rachel's son Clayton that's me pirate in the plane do you have an auction no I'm a salty what's up Deb hey dude how'd you like the boat ad I Sencha D animals reviews what do you send that out let me double check on that one here in a minute my daughter starts her first day of high school is week I'm going in my best to not cry pirate Mike maybe you should get yourself a air why must they grow up so fast I don't know Kimberly will do you rock daddy my baby boy is a grandfather of 10 oh wow holy moly the pirate-ship from the ebay i feeI vaguely I don't know I'm drawing a blank right now I'm gonna so yeah basically somewhere between Thursday and Friday I will start releasing videos from the $7000 unit this thing is amazing I got to finish filming I got like at least eight or nine videos already they're just gonna once it starts this is gonna be all $7000 unit I'm gonna try to ebay stuff I'm gonna do one recap video I've been trying to save all the bestest coolest things I'm gonna do one big recap video probably - the tools I've never seen so many bad tools in a unit like I don't know it's crazy at first so it's crazy when I came here - I didn't touch this unit for one week I bought it on a Thursday and I started it the next Thursday I didn't open this door for seven days when I spent seven thousand dollars because um I was just letting it ferment and then once I started it took me a minute I touched one item and I literally stopped for thirty minutes and then I touched another item and I stopped for like 15 minutes never was I like this ever in my whole business on a storage unit this was the first time I ever was and once I got started then I couldn't stop I couldn't stop it's been like an addiction going through these boxes the pirate mary i sub scott telling me get some more condoms i he's working on it April sorry Kimmy they do wish Lily luck at school what's up from Corpus Christi Texas what's up Jack from Corpus Christi high from New Zealand love how you interact with your girls and wifey I don't have a wifey dawn I don't know if you're watching my videos but I don't have a wifey are you watching like some old videos from like a couple years ago it's funny that a lot of people get Jasmine confused as my daughter to clarify jasmine is Mikayla's girlfriend they are in a relationship and I treat her like my daughter because you know I saw where I am anybody who rose with my daughter a lot of her friends I have nothing but the utmost respect for them I treat him just like I do my own daughter with the utmost sincerity with kindness with the open heart I try to be respectful just to everybody like that and so often you I could see how everybody would think that Jasmine's my daughter because I treat her just the same as Michaela what's up from corporate hi from the ceiling can't wait to see that sure you're in the tube now you're late to dinner thanks to Meredith oh sorry I might just say get yourself at where else to sell your stuff out okay can't wait to see you finest one Mike you got to go to work so take care of my friend hard work pays off this unit talk to you Mary I was out of shadow of a doubt the unit was only open a foot and a half about the same amount of space between this line here and this line here and I already knew I was gonna buy the unit no matter what it cost where are you going to do flea markets I'm going to stop that on Monday stop there on Wednesday and that's it I keep getting unstuck from salt but that's weird she's doing great early come on Rochelle who's the wife he might Grimes I don't know is there like somebody been in my videos that I didn't know I missed in the editing a lot of people think McKay does my wife is so funny how many people be like oh I didn't know that was your daughter I thought that was your wife in life okay alrighty I'll look it up again and make a video for you what's up from Dallas Texas what's up Wade maybe nice lady that I don't Donna I want to know who you're talking about you got me you got me intrigued to know what lady you're talking about was it the lady that I don't know which one you're talking about the only ladies have been in my videos lately is Makayla the salt princess yep Jasmine there was a couple of videos where mama Jebus was in my video and then there is also the woman that I saved the rabbit with has been a few videos other than that I can't think of anybody who's been in my videos but that's amusing you all help solve princess beat me to 10k it's gonna be a good race crimes cuz you're already taking off you got a good jump your videos been blowing up lately your door is always open that's the way I guess that's right Maureen hi Mike what gave you the idea to dye your pink your Mohawk pink my best friend in the whole world was diagnosed with cancer and I did it as an awareness to cancer and it became a tribute to his life and now it is more of an anti-bullying be yourself type of situation Saul princess of pepper Jasin are adorable couple yes they are Cynthia I get with I get that with my daughter to Julianne says wait I am ty I'm in Dallas how are you how did your daughter get the nickname Saul princess that's a very good question Jay hails my best friend in the whole world she called her that one day she said hey where's the salt princess and it immediately stuck with me and I ran with that I started calling her to salt princess and then she'll I started liking it so basically my friend she gave her that name vicariously on accident I knew she was your daughter she looks like you so much thank you you get a woman she's best not like costume jewelry Kathleen is Paris Hank for his pink for his BFF who died hi Windsor Carrie Ontario remember when salt grandma did a cartwheel that was too funny that's what's up Grimes oh yeah there was the the grandma was on my videos a few times too so yeah do we have any questions we are 43 minutes into this live I don't know how long I'll be on here because I'm gonna want to wrap it up I gotta go get my video ready for tomorrow gotta go check into the hotel get my video ready make a video we got the flea market in the morning I'm sorry to hear that brat and Boo I'm beyond words sorry to hear that salt princess found a few coins i watch every day pirate peace out got to be safe and keep buying units Grimes this units done basically I will Tuesday I will come here and wrap this whole unit up I have a five dollar unit here that has been sitting since 1996 I'm not exactly thinking that it's gonna have great treasures but I had to figure out why the hell they spent so much time spending on this unit about four five dollars and then I have a unit that I got to restore the love basically the unit full of jewelry the one that had tons and tons of money and jewelry I'm giving back to the woman I took some stuff out of there that I wanted like the jewelry obviously and I'm giving her back everything the woman's living in a shelter and she wants some stuff to belong to her mom and her grandma and I'm basically just giving everything back to her and that's what I'm gonna spend Thursday doing and I think I might hit auction Thursday or Friday I love Mary Lou she's cool you're an amazing I love saw prints I love your positive attitude thank you look how dirty my hands are your role is that it's to raise your kids well you have done that you had Terry I love being a dad it bugs me that there's so many children out there that don't have a dad and that's why I treat all my kids friends that way the way I do too because I like being a dad it's actually something that makes me very proud greatest job I've ever done no Mary and we're not staying there do you like smile more movement yes I do Amanda I actually wear a smile more shirt quite often a good night Trevor pirate how older Beverly I am forty years young too young 33 Maureen good night see a man I watched you in stores talk baby you guys motivate me to do better I love trade awesome I love watching Alex's videos thanks crimes fine good for you man one of the reasons I love you and your channel man you're such a super guy really enjoy your videos sending love from Pennsylvania let's go I watched a few years probably got mixed up your catch then nice man good Dan I don't know Don it is what it is it is what it is what is the next East Coast battle well I don't I'm trying to spread love not battle Terry I don't know Berta I got to get that ready to go too good night hope everyone enjoyed their week look at Uncle Michael still up this is amazing guy this almost 8 o'clock give a round of applause like this round of applause Uncle Michael made it to almost 8 o'clock tonight I think it must be a full moon something's or something Rachel ro call locker nuts Jack hates baseball cards that's money on your hand that is the great you're a kind man enjoy watching key with the awesome content he back soon can you do a video when you give her all her stuff Oh Izzie I'm definitely going to it's kind of tart heartwarming this woman's husband of 47 years passed away three weekends ago she had a stroke not too long ago and she's looking for blankets that belong to her she calls him stroke blankets and she has some very expensive sewing machines made by baby lock and instead of selling them I'm just giving him back to her it's more important to me that she gets those type of things that matter like all she is not once mentioned jewelry she's contacted me dozens of times not even mentioned jewelry she wants nothing but personal stuff and I'm just gonna give her everything pretty much that's in the unit my daughter's friends never go home yeah Maureen that's what they do here here on the dads love Giuliana says 39 you were young pilots why I said Gail I'm 40 years young good to know that you support your daughter's lifestyle Jimmy that's the most I'm the reason that she came out I am the sole reason basically that she had the courage to be upfront about it because uh I told her you know I don't want to use a middle finger but take away all these other fingers and there's just this one have that attitude towards anybody who doesn't like you for who you are baby girl if somebody gives you any attitude for your preferences in life FM and feed and beans and when you're all the beans FM cuz they ain't paying your bills then supporting you ain't the one taking care you ain't the one showing you love and ain't the one putting a smile on your face every day their opinions don't matter and she started to turn around got proud of her choices came out on my lot on one of my vlogs one day and has been proud of it ever since that's what my whole job as a parent is to be still waiting for that ride Debbie says Uncle Mike you as a young one Bratton boo I'm a little I'm just you're a baby Jerry says Perry says 35 Lee asked me about getting a house I have a lot of prospects for getting a house laid but I'm having troubles cuz I'm not gonna run around doing credit checks so I'm looking for somebody who's a little understandable that I kind of sank my credit in the last year and that's been in trouble right now that's been in trouble for me getting into a new house is my credit score and things of that nature have not found a house yet J Hales you looked like 35 perils and say I look 28 but thank you oh yes shouts out to Denver Colorado we got a lot of claps claps claps claps claps applause Uncle Mike Mike you can't give all the union's back huh Mary I do what I want you know like like I always say you obey all the rules you miss all the fun I ain't doing this all out here for money I'm doing it for the love video made and loading for your pirate awesome ID animal salute Uncle Mike Uncle Michael with the hand clap Juliana says 39 great attitude great videos I love your channel I love you Gary Hughes your attitude is what keeps me watching you do make people smile every night that's the whole that's everything in a bottle right there a Broken Arrow bringing a smile to a non smiling face a light to a dark place restored to love I love it mr. piracy says it's always good to give back Ricky says amen to that my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer she was given 12 months to live stop doing business look after she gave cancer the finger she is now four years opposed cancer I love it spring chicken Maureen says us not that young ladies come on that understand that Mike but keep jewelry I'm out of inventory pirate good job it restores your love read between the lines show them your channel I'm just like your daughter right on you're a great dad keep up the great work Rachel says I understand pyar my daughter came out to me before her mom cuz I'm Warriner standing about it that's what's up Tom the child is always gonna lean to the more understanding parent and she was kind of nervous to tell her mom she thought her mom would not accept it as well and her mom is actually that way I have I know that from when we were together and the things that transpired but she was very uncomfortable tell her mom was kind of weird because I know her mom's roles that way I am 65 Jerry says willow that is awesome which surprised Evy for me being a Midwest redneck loves storage auction pirate I love you Giuliana Uncle Mike I Love You Uncle Michael God I love you she's renting a unit sandy Uncle Mike the hardest-working man in show biz I wish I didn't read that dominga says she's 40 Perry says she's 49 pressure pages the number lady's age is just a number prayers for the people involved in the El Paso Walmart shooting amen to that I feel I am 20 years young that's what's up Harry joy says she's 50 that's just the number two uncle mike has the best hair of what Uncle Michael does not sir necromancer says 320 people washing alive cuz I'm amazing thank you sir necromancer giulianat thanks for the shoutout you're welcome Giuliana thanks for watching us Grimes fine says hashtag restore love hashtag love the pirate hashtag says price subscribe to the salt princess so she beats Grimes fines to ten thousand subs that was his message and a 999 super chat evening Jerome blue headlines I'm on the nice edge always good to give back that's why we smile every day in California good luck we'll always follow you scene you're still caring and helping strangers Thank You Debbie Does - good evening pie from Michigan what's up Sandra yes age is a number dominga Amanda says you're an awesome guy I know you'll find a place I'm just doing what I gotta do how are you going to edit my super chair I'm not I just add lived that's the beauty of being a pirate you do what you want rules don't matter so I had lived your super chat any more questions I've got any more questions on this life anybody want to ask anything anything I've missed in the last couple weeks anybody watched all the videos and putting out mass amount of videos I also have had the best best month I've ever had on YouTube and it's thanks to you guys over a million views over 12 million minutes watched it's nuts and it's all thanks to you beautiful people out there I've been putting out a lot of stuff lately I've been putting up a detriment I've been trying to put out a post every day on my story my wall I've been putting out my poems and stuff I put up a song their day I hope you are enjoying some other stuff I do if you don't already follow me on instagram storage auction pirate at the little @ thing storage auction pirate I do a morning video every day about something Michael was actually in today if y'all miss them it's been a while since he picked the positive word but he was in the video today every day on Instagram storage auction pirate I do one of those snapchat storage pirate Facebook storage auction pirate good evening mama G Sandra says get some rest peace just do before they tell you know hi there love you all pirate and salt princess Perry says pretty let's see if we got a good Sun as good sunset let's see we got a good nope no good sunset sorry I thought we'd have a good one that's how much I love storage business I'm live right now from a storage unit that's what I do I did I live in storage unit side most of my life is spent some way or another moving a storage unit cell in a storage unit I've been watching all your days all day along with grinds finds Gale we love you just turn 40 bought my first unit 435 mate 700 I've always been a trade 100 but until watching you and your friends I've been inspired that's what's up waiting for your book pirate I don't know if I'm gonna write a poem book Susan I've been saving them I put them up on YouTube now and once a day but do you ever support channels that are not storage locker involved well at the pension ette people i watch that are not storage auction involved I watch Will Smith I watch Trent Shelton very a positive motivational speaker i watch Gary Vee I watch people like Roman Atwood smile more i watch people like Jeffrey star i watch i watch all sorts of up that it's not necesarily storage or reselling but I don't sit around and just watch anything either I don't have I literally on the go the amount of time I spend making these videos filming editing I try to sneak in some time with those close to me every day my time is limited tell us autumn pepper to put up more videos will do Judy look for a live tomorrow at the flea market I don't feel bad I'll put my link in the comments I said go subscribe after that you ain't only the only pirate yo it's alright it's alright trying to beat a little trying to trying to trying to beat 18 year old little girl I hope she stomps you in this competition love you saw princess and je pepper how young is my lover man Uncle Mike Uncle Michael is like 68 or something I started watching the lives because of Grimes vines I love the channel I would like to do that what time is it there it is about time to get off this live here in a minute it's like 755 or so I'm just trying to see if anybody has any more of things to ask does it count for you two points we watched over those amen the sinner the best thing you could do is share if you go to a YouTube video and hit the share button from YouTube I heard Jeremy said earlier it sounds very essential like Jim because it gives me a lot of good pointers share from YouTube any video mind you watch share somewhere that's the best thing you could do for me you could like comment but share a video to me is gold if you could share and get the networking out there to other people partnering up on storage auction units any thoughts on how to map things out sell fast to move on to the next one and just split it down the middle so that way it's all profit or you just split it if you guys each pay equal amount then everything just comes back equally and it's hard to partner up with people as everybody has different strategies some people want to take their time some people want to go to the box very quick and throw it over here some people on a cell cheap some people want to sell high some people only want tool unit some people only want other stuff you just got to try to do it by yourself if you can this is on the eBay store this you on eBay store yes I'm storage auction prior to eBay Don our biggest premieres tomorrow slobby Robbie from networks will be on from Netflix will be on tomorrow's Grimes finds he looked over some of our storage unit finds Saul Prince is doing great dominga I'm a little tired a little bit everyone has a story everyone should put in a book I'm waiting your words are inspiring Suzanne we'll see I love Jeffrey Ashley says I'm trying to get him to do a collab with me I wanted to do a makeover the storage unit turkey burgers are great yes he is Gayle Roman Atwood is a great father in person what's the number one great thing you found Judi I wish I could say love $26,000 cash I'm still trying to top that chasing that dragon what up with the cloud would ya I don't know Marina has it got back to me yet tell us about your new girlfriend and is she a treasure hunter to Kat who why do people keep saying I have a girlfriend who are we talking about I got told out of wife now I'm told I have a girlfriend well somebody you guys watching somebody else's videos it looks like me or something he's not 60 s 59 stop it Mary man I don't want to wait anymore Grimes says what's up redneck fishing kid I will share restores you love the US thank you Greg where do I go from here I don't know Julian wherever you want to go Thank You Curious George I am single I don't have a girlfriend I'm just doing what to say when people talk about that right here Shane here's the $7000 unit I went for teaser of the year was showing you guys the end of a $7,000 unit who shows the very end of a $7,000 unit first best teaser in the world I want to thank you for inspiring me to buy storage you're welcome Justin winners never quit I see dead rats oh there was a dead rat I was gonna show you guys what we forgot who got you starred in the moving business before you got my dad did John Duncan my dad took me on the road when I was six weeks old on my first move job up to Oregon did it my whole life with Uncle Michael and my father have a great evening Debbie says we need to get to storage auction to millions of ze I would be happy if you got me to a million subscribers Curious George good night Curious George thanks for having a great live tonight missed you already where I live we don't have storage dogs are so hard to get into love watching them I try and share everyone's good night pirate Michael Evan here cuts got stuff to do before hitting the hay tired his salt going to college no she does not really want to go to college she wants to run the family business Debbie Vaughn says pirate you know I'm your girlfriend don't be shy Debbie we haven't even had a cup of coffee how could you be my girlfriend Brandi says she'll buy my book I love you Brandi because II grab says who is this lady I don't know it's going to be dinner time for me soon yes there's a YouTube it has a name just like yours with one that are different she was getting mixed up as sitting notices would you like one girlfriend a wife have a good hunting Patti are you trying to be my wife did you propose to me I'm not against getting married the right person when it's pirate have time for a girlfriend Gail you make time for things that are important you need a good woman have Jebus I want to see inside the storage I think okay mama Jean did you bid up that 7 K unit cuz TV was there no my archnemesis cowboy was here and he wanted it and he bid me up kind of thought I will have to share your video more often Thank You ze pirate Mike you said that you were going to give some lights to your girlfriend I did not say I was going to give rights to my girlfriend when was this life is love and love is life love is everything yes I am John 3:16 singing Turtles part you said you had a new girlfriend ah I didn't I think it was a joke because my daughter gave me the foot spa or something and my daughter I called my girlfriend my foot massager that I used to have in my bedroom is my girlfriend my daughters like here you have a new girlfriend but I don't recall ever saying that to Uncle Mike I said hello and he should start his own channel uncle Michael will start going live when he gets 1000 subs I think we have an agreement I thought mama is with your girl no that's Alex's old lady you're welcome pirate hey pirate you assault also girlfriend good also means a friend there's a girl a man Ashley you and Jebus should do a hundred max spent on unit bidding blindfolded I'll bid on any unit blindfold I'll go by the smell straight up I'll be blindly well it's looking like it's time to end this live we've been on here for an hour I got lots to do videos coming 287 on here only 246 likes I wish y'all would hit the like button a few more times I love you all I think we're gonna hit we just hit 40 44 thousand subs we'll probably hit 45 thousand subs before the week ends in our next live I'm just flabbergasted of how things have been going it's all thanks to you a book would be great but I know that you don't have that kind of time I write poems non-stop Joyce I feel like it's a sickness like no lie everywhere I go all day long all day every day my my brain writes poems like I'll hear like three words and then my brains like did it do it did it to do it I feel like I'm like going crazy literally that I just can't stop writing poems I feel kind of nuts have a great night bye I thought you were that you were married no Dominic dominga I am not married if you all follow me on Instagram or snapchat or Facebook you'll see that I'm always by myself like there's never funny don't go to call and I should take online college I hit the like button goodnight boyfriend teddy stop it keep writing I enjoy Thank You Patti I hope it was a great week at night haha take care of pirate all the single Turtles all the single Turtles yeah I love you all goodnight peace out
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 11,187
Rating: 4.8535566 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: iD3rLTE675w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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