FOUND AIR JORDANS!! Nike Store Dumpster Dive JACKPOT!

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first time ever hitting the Nike store dumpster guys we've never been here before someone recommended this it sounded like a good idea so hey guys want to check it out fuel we can find we're mainly looking for like shoes you can see right in the store right there that's mainly what they sell they also sell like clothing and stuff so we're going to try to find some of that I've heard other people find like tons of cool shoes and stuff like that so we're gonna try to get in on that too and check this out guys we don't want to get arrested I'm reppin Adina's right here so let's try to make this quick make sure you guys drop a like on this video this is going to be a good one we also have two social media pages you can follow got an Instagram and Twitter so check those out and link in the description we also got a second channel so called the diving kings check that will not do and my schedule not really sure what to expect but it looks like there's some stuff in here I see that right there that might be pretty cool in air jordans box it might be something there I don't know but it looks like we got two nike store bags one right there one right there I don't know if they have anything in them they look like just boxes and junk but hey this is our first time here ever let's make it a good night hop on in man moment of truth please me in there and there in there nope alright wasn't expecting to find those in there but cool box not going to take it let's check the first bag right here alright first time here ever Webster what to expect oh alright we got a shoe looks like it's cut we got a Nike cleat looks pretty much brand new but I'm not sure that's purposely cut you can see right they cut all over on both sides so that's toast I guess we'll put it aside for now first find some boxes all these boxes are ripped to shreds okay Nike store gift card we've never checked any of these before we're going to put this aside see him it might have money I know I don't know [Applause] alright there's something in this bag check it out alright what is this a shirt we got something it's got some rips in it let's see Nike shirt so I got the security tag on it too alright and this thing is ripped to shreds like a little Nike jacket this thing is actually really nice I would definitely keep this but I'm guessing they purposely ripped this stuff pricing oh my god let's see regular or suggested retail 60 bucks 45 bucks is their price I guess they're trying to give you a good deal or make it seem like they are but I'm guessing they purposely ripped this this might have been like a return and they just threw it away so that's a bummer guys that was in good condition I'd keep it all right so we got one shoe one jacket both ripped all right we got the second clean right there completes hair but look at right there that's cut too alright that's a shame guys too cool though hey wasn't expecting much we already found two shoes and a Jackie alright just dump the rest of this junk out see let's see so I give cut right there $10 gift card you might have something on it all right another full box this one's empty too I'm not expecting to find much right we've got some boxes in the corner all right that one has a shoe in it all right that's kind of cool just one lone shoe though let's see all right we got a bunch of boxes right there this one's also cut too all right they purposely cut this one too a huge slit in it this is a nice shoe though I wish they didn't cut it maybe we'll find the other one second bag of the night so I'm pretty heavy like it's loaded to the top all right guys let's get lucky see a couple gift cards right there you never know guys these could have money on them but we're lucky most Nike stores are involved but this is the first time here ever their Jordans boxes as I'm not even kidding sounds like there's something in there let's see you guys we're gonna get lucky tonight all right guys cross your fingers let's see and we got some Jordans no freaking way all right those are cut come on I mean still Jordan's butter cut on both sides I would have actually kept these and worn these if they didn't cut them like that these look like about my sides maybe a little smaller but guys why did they do this come on that's such a shame right there perfectly good shoes they could have at least donated them or something but hey we're still going to keep these all that's ripped to I mean I'm probably not going to wear these but hey we just found Air Jordan dumpster-diving the Nike store what more could you ask for all right I'll call this not a success for sure so got more of a bang to go through a lot of air jordans boxes so that might be good for the future you never know guys maybe they'll stop cutting the shoes off they might get lazy got another bag let's see what's inside all right so we got a pair of shorts right here let's tag on it look like a returned tagger I'm not sure what this is what seizes alright so this is like a return tag I guess this says white I threw it away white on right leg snagged alright that might be this right here I'm not sure let's check this out I'll be still good nope yeah those were cut right down the middle right there yeah I would never wear those that's a shame guys I'm guessing they purposely cut all this stuff a little bit uh nice - does it say how much these were No all right so I'm guessing all this stuff we just found is like all returns and they throw it away once we're done with it but they purposely cut it so people like us can't get it that's a shame guys why not let us have it because donated it - I hate to see stuff like that go to waste so like perfectly good shoes all right another gift card empty boxes I guess already went through all these I think there's like one or two more bags over here but these are like really tiny bag that one looks like just complete garbage garbage this one you might have stuff in it all right two more gift cards let's see both $25 gift cards guess we'll check those later is that it this is a cool box right there LeBron James I don't think we're gonna keep any shoeboxes because there's really no point I guess we'll keep the box at the gate for the Jazz payment but I'm going to say this is the best line of the night so far we're going to take everything out of the dumpster and show you guys what we got check it out here's everything we got tonight I'm satisfied with this stuff even though it's like kind of trashy I didn't know what we were going to expect to find tonight but hey look what we got right here we got to complete these are fun everything here is cut one loan to some clothes right here these are actually really nice but they are cut like I love this jacket right here but sadly they cut it yeah they definitely purposely cut this stuff on it throw it away shorts gift card and the best find of the night we got some air Jones right here these aren't like terrible you can you really notice these cuts right here I guess you can't on this side either really no those are a little bit worse the others are bad right there a whole side right there split open but hey guys these are still air joins I'm not sure if these are worth anything still I really wish I didn't cut them like I would have worn these cut them for myself but sadly they had to cut them so cool though when I keep these for sure hope you guys enjoy first time at the Nike store let us know if you want us to come back here and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 465,132
Rating: 4.7178669 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving nike store, dumpster diving, found air jordan's, free nike merchandise, free jordans, dumpster diving found jordans, nike store dumpster dive, dallmyd, the speedy diver, omargoshtv, aldosworldtv
Id: XjhRem5WGoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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