Fossils are Fun | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] [Music] don't he's gonna stay home like we agreed uh-huh see you soon who's there no look it's you i gotta go i'll go with you no we've got we've got an important job little kids aren't allowed why can't i help you because this work is very demanding only it's boring and you're impatient so you'll bother us huh but i am patient patient song patient like totally patient prove it then how see that um water filter you have to count how many glasses of water it cleans how many do i need to count if you can reach 100 i'll believe you're patient why do they need that filter why don't you drink water out of the sink don't worry about it you need to be counting that was one without water life is not possible the human body is made up of two thirds water and people need to drink it all the time but only when it's clean water water is transported from rivers and lakes into houses through pipes along the way it gets cleaned of debris and dirt but even so this water might still contain toxic substances or harmful microbes that's why people use filters to clean water for drinking no bad stuff can get through this last line of defense two [Music] where did they all go they're not drinking anymore how long do i gotta wait here huh tom thomas are you thirsty they drink some water but i don't want water but you gotta don't you know that your body is almost all water and so and so what did you run out of it then all that'll be left of you is just some skin and bones oh that's what my mom is always saying that i'm skin and bone there you go that's why you need to drink water drink some more and some more come on come on that's all i read out of the room you've got plenty of room left why do you care about how much water i'm drinking because i gotta count how much water is going through the filter i really got it yeah and what it's gotta go through me for you to count it i'm totally full what am i supposed to do i've been waiting here in the kitchen all day but nobody's drinking what's going on the filter is broken you got to call simca right away 415 [Music] 416 417 418 foreign the filter's burning you're really funny nolan he's not joking something's going on over there we gotta hurry where's the emergency look so what's going on here great now we're stuck fixing the filter it's not broken the flashing red light is an indicator it means it's time to replace the cartridge in the filter [Music] since ancient times people have been coming up with ways to remember things or to not mix things up knots on ropes were used as reminders that it was time to pay back a debt or reaper harvest people would cut notches into trees to help remember numbers later people invented the abacus calendars and day planners and now things are even easier because devices can give us reminders alarm clocks help people get up on time a loud oven timer can save a pie from burning the green light of an indicator shows that the device is turned on and ready to be used a red light shows the opposite today's smart appliances can tell their owners what they need to do without them humans can be so absent-minded [Music] this cartridge is enough for another 2 000 glasses 2 000 and what do i do about this whoa all right nolik you've done a good job there way to go yeah if you would i can do it tom thomas want some water to drink uh-uh i can't drink anymore and i can't wait anymore either well looks like his indicator is flashing on now [Laughter] the pyramid [Music] tom thomas can i open my eyes not yet hurry will ya that's it i'm ready for the contest wait that's a pastry this is a pastry nullic but this is an egyptian pyramid oh wow doesn't it look just like an anthill sure does i remember in grand foods told us that inside of those is a labyrinth and a mummy of a sparrow no a pharaoh the egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures the biggest one of them is the great pyramid of keops it's more than 4 000 years old and over 100 meters tall like a 40-story building how it was possible to build such a giant way back then is still a mystery there were no hoisting cranes in those days some people believe that the pyramids were built by aliens but i have a feeling that they couldn't have been built without the fixies help [Music] so is there a labyrinth in there of course show me you joking i just put it together for the contest no way i'm gonna break this apart hey isn't that a way in where are you going i'm just gonna look at the labyrinth and the mummy mommy what are you talking about well we're right now stop you'll get lost i won't get lost so i think i'll go this way and then this way come back nolik i was already here and i was here [Applause] [Music] hey there do you know where nolick is in there he went mummy hunting and he got lost mommy whoa a real one class don't know like are you in here no then where who knows who builds labyrinths like this anyway hey nobody asked you to go in my labyrinth who are you talking to in there digit fire and nolicker inside and i need to go to school now no lick fire well i for one have never gotten lost in a labyrinth because i know the rule for getting out you need to always keep your hand on the wall i can find them for you where are you guys over here [Applause] i forgot which of these walls i was touching with my hand [Music] did you find them no and i got myself completely lost in here tom thomas you've got school today don't you yeah i do only i got a pyramid full of fixies it's like an ant hill mm-hmm the first one wanted to go mummy hunting the second one went looking for the first one and the third for both we're lost in here and i've got school to get to wait maybe you could just try to shake them out good idea i was joking you have string watch this way you don't get lost [Music] when you're going on a trip think about how to keep from getting lost and how to find your way back don't just rely on maps and the gps in your phone take a compass with you it will show you the cardinal directions without needing phone service you can also find north and south by looking at the sun stars or even an ant hill in the woods take a good look the slope that's gentler faces south and the one that's deeper faces to the north and if you find yourself walking through a labyrinth don't get lost just walk with one hand always touching the wall and eventually you'll get out another way to get through a labyrinth is to tie a rope at the entrance and unreal it along the way then you can follow its path back out [Applause] [Music] here's the first one and a second and no look mummy is it alive it's me no but i couldn't find yours that's because there's none in there what you mean i got lost in there for nothing you're in such a hurry you didn't listen to what i said but without a mummy how can you win oh then maybe you could be my mommy no thank you [Laughter] well did you win a prize uh-huh my pyramid won and here's a special extra prize for being the only one of us who knew how to get out of the labyrinth again another box of those pastries that's fine with me i really love them they're awesome i wish fix easy food what a shame then i'll give some to your mommy the heart [Music] where's my packing net it's not here either i think my head's got a screw loose [Music] thomas why are you throwing your stuff around oh because i got a real problem what is it i can't decide which club i should pick johnny signed up for robotics and katya is gonna be in chess you call that a problem go with johnny and why not katya [Music] they go with chess but they don't have robots my mom told me i should listen to my heart do you know how to do that found it see you gotta go no look i could tell you she knows everything [Music] the heart is the main pump of a living organism it's a unique muscular organ with a multitude of blood vessels attached to it the main function of the heart is to continuously move blood throughout the body the human heart pumps about six liters of blood every minute even though this pump is not that large make a fist your heart is about the same size as that to make sure your heart stays healthy you need to strengthen it with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet nolik please come help me why me two is stronger huh interesting and do you know what is meant by the word heartlessness well i think it's uh some kind of human illness heartlessness is when a human or a fixie leaves someone who has a problem behind huh i thank you very much young man uh i mean young pixie heartlessness does it last forever of course not we just need to help one another more often here i am how are you how am i why do you care oh by the way i found out how you can listen to your heart you need this tube it's called uh stethoscope a stethoscope but i don't have one that's what i'm for the thing is way too tiny hmm ah your mom must have one oh yeah well it's beating loudly and what is it saying to you not a word and now it's beating [Music] huh what was that [Music] is just absurd a heart can't talk you know what why don't you just try again [Music] tom thomas oh who is that it's your heart talking boom boom can you hear me uh-huh i believe their robotics is right for you uh and what about chess who cares about chess robots are way cooler this voice reminds me of someone so that's what you look like my itty-bitty heart well i did it from the bottom of my heart when a human is at rest his heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute this rhythm is called the pulse rate place two fingers on your wrist or your neck can you hear it you can count the beats when you're sleeping your pulse slows down but when you get excited run or get worried or afraid your heart begins to beat faster and pumps the blood harder sometimes it feels like it's beating so fast that people say oh my heart is going to jump out of my chest but don't be afraid it's not going anywhere and when people say listen to your heart they don't mean that your heart can talk it means that you should trust yourself and listen to your feelings and then you'll definitely find the answer you're looking for looks like at the end of the day i'm heartless i couldn't help my friend at all no look but you helped you really did i finally figured out which club i want to join robotics like i told you not that i want to learn medicine the masquerade so tom thomas did you choose a costume for the new year's party not yet these are no good i've been a pirate how about a vampire did that and tonight mm-hmm this year i i want to do something that's original and what if i know what you can go dressed as me perfect no one's ever gone as a fixie ever long long ago people would put on masks and dance in order to scare away evil spirits in ancient theater actors would change masks to play a few different roles everyone liked the idea of hiding their faces behind mysterious masks so much that people started organizing fun outdoor festivals called masquerades there are countries around the world like brazil and italy that turn into one big masquerade ball during the holidays [Music] hey there what are you making a costume for a masquerade can you guess who i'm going as yeah but why does it have to be knowledge cuz i came up with it fired be a much cooler costume that's not true stop arguing i can go dress up as you and you [Music] now we're talking smart fixies wear glasses your glasses are too small to even fit on his finger that'll make glasses just like yours [Music] what a cute fixie splendid not bad only if i were you i'd add a backpack to your costume any fixie who's fashionable is wearing it and maybe add my girls to it please uh if you don't then our feelings will be heard [Music] class did we cover everybody oh we didn't include cinco and where are we gonna find room for her what can i do about it i already gotta get going then let's just not tell her see you later tom thomas thanks guys what have you been doing all this time while i was busy loading up the confetti but we were doing our homework and looking at this magazine and talking yeah all of that and more that's gotta be the worst lying ever tell me what you're hiding have you lost your mind sorry but there was absolutely no room left on tom thomas that's not what i'm talking about what is the number one rule for fixies well what did we promise we won't let out our secret right but you just let it out now everyone will know tom thomas wouldn't tell anyone about us i hope he doesn't well maybe everyone will figure that he's dressed up like some nutty candy what kind of nutty candy has a backpack on and glasses we're in real trouble i thought the glasses look sharp so what are we gonna do now call the professor right or we should call grandpas or puppies don't panic let's wait till tom thomas gets back there are many different types of masks and some of them are very important medical masks are used by both doctors and sick people to reduce the spread of illnesses oxygen masks help people breathe fencers hockey goalies and boxers all use masks to protect their faces from being hit the blue glass in a welder's mask is used to protect their eyes from dangerously bright light sea divers wear masks for swimming underwater without a mask it would be very difficult to see the beauty of the underwater world the masks that people wear at carnivals and parties well they're just for having fun and putting everyone in a good mood or as a disguise so that no one recognizes you right away it can be a lot of fun to fool somebody like that so how was it it was great they had a contest for costumes and i won hooray that's all say bye to us i hope you won't be upset guys but i couldn't tell anyone that was a fixie here's all i could think of grand prize for best costume robotic toucan hey come on do you think we look like two cans yeah yeah yeah yeah all right there fixie toucans we've got work to do oops happy new year the telescope [Music] that was scary is no look with you he said he was gonna help us out [Music] beautiful whoa just look at all those stars it's just like magic this telescope splendid [Music] the simplest telescope is a tube with two lenses they gather and refract light we look through a telescope at a far away moon and see craters mountains and crevices on its surface as if they are very close a telescope helps us examine stars and comets distinguish the colors and shapes of planets and find their moons but it's only possible to look at the sun through a telescope if it has a special filter to protect your eyes from getting damaged but what's really cool is that it spins no really well should we get going aren't we waiting for no lake he'll catch up i'm gonna leave him a note no look we're in the computer [Music] hey here i am hello where is everybody [Music] she was here a minute ago the only thing left of hers are fixing a huge monster enormous with sharp teeth and jaws like that mamma mia and horns on its head got everything i know you are but what am i what's all the screaming about you already what do you mean eaten by the monster that was after you the monster attacks fire [Music] oh yeah i think i know who that is it's a pixie eater he's gonna eat us but fixy ears they don't exist for real it could be from another planet this is our sun and the earth isn't the only planet revolving around it but people couldn't even imagine that idea until the telescope was invented then astronomers could finally see how our solar system is organized the closest planet to our sun is a small planet called mercury then comes the planet venus then our earth then mars jupiter saturn uranus and neptune the furthest planet is it possible that life only exists on earth so far not even living bacteria has been found on any of the other planets let alone human life but we'd like to believe that deep in space someone is looking through a telescope and just like us dreaming of finding their outer space brethren that's where it was come on out fixy eater we're gonna need to use live bait where are you gonna get it from it's me no like he knows you already don't be afraid we won't let him hurt you there's no way [Music] fix eater come out right now ah i'm not afraid i'm not afraid of you barely catching fire [Music] i got you it's buggy that's who you just caught [Music] then where's the fixie eater did you see the monster [Music] look at those jaws just like the monster no look show us where you saw the fixie here up there i saw him through the telescope buggy could you please go up to that corner over there [Music] [Music] what do you think [Music] the rock [Music] thomas is back hooray so how is your camping trip super you've got to check out what i found rocks that's just half of it wow is that a screw it looks kind of strange because it got petrified millions of years ago screws weren't around then they came much later and how do we know that it could be the first one discovered and maybe it's not just some screw know what i'm saying are you saying that we might be looking at a fixie fixies believe that their ancestors came into being not that long ago right when humans started inventing complicated devices but what if that's not true maybe millions of years ago before the dinosaurs there were a different kind of fixies that inhabited the earth and maybe there were people then too and fixies weren't hiding from them they were friends who they helped with everything together they used to create inventions construct buildings and make scientific discoveries but then there was some horrible catastrophe and this whole civilization disappeared and what if someday scientists find traces of that civilization then ancient sixties will be discovered as well that would be so cool my imagination ran away with me you're right he could be our great great grandpas or a great great grandma do you think maybe we could bring it back to life we could screw it in somewhere you get energy from electricity right what an idea but what if our great great get super scared because everything is different [Music] we can build him a prehistoric world to wake up to [Music] [Applause] time to bring him back to life and you tom thomas disguise yourself we'll break them like this we need a different way to do it [Music] we need more power for this [Music] there wasn't any electricity back then that's why shocking it won't work [Music] why is it always so difficult with relatives wake up wake up and what if [Music] [Applause] we've tried everything this is just a waste of time uh let's sing a song about the screw our song no look it's never gonna work you don't know that we can at least give it a try it's impossible it really did if you think the screw is hey well how was your camping trip uh seems to me quite a success yeah so let's see what you found there do you know what this is well it's a rock it isn't it's the stalk of a sea lily you mean a flower an animal who lives at the bottom of the sea its stalk makes it look like a flower like a lily on planet earth there are lots of rocks some of them are hiding deep below the surface and others appear with volcanic lava remember those fairy tales where an evil witch would turn everything living into stone well it's really happened just without any magic some prehistoric plants and animals were petrified way back when and they've remained that way ever since thanks to them we can get an idea about what life was like on earth millions of years ago and this one's a devil's finger the squid's ancestor how do you know all this stuff when i was your age i collected fossils and rocks let's go i'll show you my collection [Music] do you think any of our ancestors were sea lilies shame why did i let myself get so carried away there weren't any ancient fixies in the world hmm but i i still believe in them they just haven't found the right rock yet but don't find it i know they will [Music] you
Channel: WildBrain Wonder
Views: 13,801,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nz4zr10LNcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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