The Tin Can πŸ₯« | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children | #Can

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[Music] what else goes a flashlight [Music] it's good to have when you're camping listen tom thomas just leave a little room for me in there i'm good to have when you're camping too i'll leave you some room just hide in there so dad won't see you and you can't tell simka anything about me going with you all right and last on the list a few cans of meat hi tom thomas [Music] have you seen knowledge no then who did i just hear you talking with i uh [Music] i was just reading the label ha where did no like run off to [Music] simka do you know um how come these cans have no way to open them so you can taste what's inside what do you mean don't you know what makes canned food special it comes in a can [Music] the thing that's special about canned food is that it can get stored a long time without spoiling you see meat and vegetables spoil when harmful bacteria start multiplying inside of them so if you can get rid of the bad bacteria or stop them from getting into the food the food will last a long time that's why jars and cans are sealed very tightly this stops harmful bacteria and air from getting inside and spoiling the food [Music] but you're telling me that nolix not here right [Music] huh [Music] so it looks like he's really not here who is that where all right now i remember there's another can i should take with me there's something fishy happening here hey guys my mom threw this can out a long time ago but i hid it for later i knew i'd use it someday and who were you talking to when you said guys mwah uh you're here and i'm here and that's two of us look at this great can i got there's nothing great about it put it down on the floor you see what oh it's crooked and so what so what it's all swollen and when it's like that you know that inside the can bad bacteria is growing and spoiling the food that's in there it went bad there's a way to check on every single can you can find the date it's good until sooner or later even canned food will go bad and of course dairy foods like yogurt or milk can spoil in just a few days when you buy food in the store it's very important to always check the expiration date the expiration date's the last day that it's safe to eat that food without worrying that it may have gone bad you can find the expiration date on each box jar or can of food so pay attention and be very careful not to buy or eat any food after its expiration date has passed and if you see that a can is swollen throw it away immediately if you eat it your belly can swell up too unfortunately when food spoils it's impossible to unspoil it and then even the fixies won't be able to help oh my mom probably saw that this can went bad over a year ago that's why she threw it into the trash right shame on you for picking it out of there you could have poisoned yourself and poisoned your dad as well yeah [Music] and the other cans are they swollen too they're fine goodbye then it's a shame i couldn't find no lick around here papa's wants to give him a brand new pack of mat as a present to me i gotcha i had a feeling you would try to sneak away in tom thomas's bag you lied that's not fair and hiding that's fair right tom thomas are you ready i'm ready great and let's get going hooray we're going camping [Music] i wanted to go camping too don't worry i'll go camping with you really really really really to that house outside our window see how huge it is [Music] in the home what is the greatest danger of them all well dogs are dangerous for us but what is very scary for us and for humans fire where i was just answering what you asked us although your joke was awful fire your answer was actually correct nothing can be worse than getting caught inside a house on fire don't know much about chemistry but i can handle cert kitri that's an interesting idea i have to try it out and that's why every pack-a-mat has a fire extinguisher inside of it and how do you turn them on well i'll show you at the end of the lesson listen yell fire how come i just want to find out how the professor turns on a fire extinguisher forget it fire i won't do it for you yeah fire [Music] you again i was joking it's a stupid kind of joke and i want you to leave right now actually i should call your parents to discuss this terrible behavior fire is no joke at all remember never full with fire of course you should never play with matches or with lighters everybody knows that but those aren't the only things that can cause a fire inside of a house so can a stove or a fireplace and don't forget electrical appliances like electric burners space heaters and irons if you act carelessly around any of these appliances they can cause a fire and we should never forget to take extra special care with sparklers candles and fireworks sparks can jump off of them and set fire to highly flammable things like paper wood or cloth so what do you do if a fire suddenly breaks out that's right you call the fire department by dialing the number for all emergencies 911 [Music] [Applause] huh what's going on no way no way fire it's birding for real fire what do i do oh yeah i need a fire extinguisher [Music] where are you and that's how apache map can become a fire extinguisher do you understand we understand there's a fire it's over there enough you don't know when to stop fire i'm not joking this time please believe me it's there try fire oh look he even used smoke this time no simca that smokes from a fire uh-huh i'm sure that this time it's for real it's the truth i swear i'm not lying this time i think it's true he's not joking we've got ourselves a real fire here tula simca turn off the soldering iron uh-huh [Music] be careful kids you have to stay back here away from the fire and what can i do to help take out your fire extinguisher [Music] ago people used to put out fires with just water or sand today people also use fire extinguishers fire extinguishers are cylinders with hoses they're usually painted red so they're easy to see the cylinder is filled up with a special powder or foam if someone needs to put out a fire they point the hose at the fire pull out the safety pin and squeeze the handle the foam or powder shoots out of the extinguisher and puts out the fire our fire extinguishers are just too small for this fire we have to find professor eugenius to put it out i already did all right where's the fire huh [Music] you fixies are just the greatest thank you you saved the whole laboratory not at all colleague if not for you fixies i can't even fathom how this could have ended and what i'm wondering is how the fire got started at all fire i had nothing to do with that yeah sure then who was yelling fire fire you know what maybe it was you that set the fire well if that's what happened don't even think about coming back to school without your parents colleague colleague wait it's all my fault i didn't turn off the soldering iron forgive me now we know whose parents the school should be calling [Music] hi there tom thomas why is this mirror been standing here in the hallway for a whole week already my dad can't seem to find any time to hang it on the wall are you sure it won't fall it hasn't fallen so far so no look do i look like spider-man no you don't look like him at all you can't climb on walls like spider-man yeah i'm sure you can do it i can do it just give your chewing gum to me [Music] see that like in the movie oh like that's really hard just keep watching [Music] that's hard feast your eyes and see what the only spider fixie in the whole wide world can do [Music] whoa [Music] long ago the only way humans could see their reflection was to look into water the very first mirrors appeared about 5 000 years ago they were made out of silver or bronze legend has it that the greek scientist archimedes once burned down an entire enemy fleet with the help of mirrors like these but humans only became able to see their reflections well after they started making mirrors out of glass and we still use glass mirrors today but of course mirrors are not only used for looking at our reflections they are also used in telescopes to collect the light of distant stars and humans also use mirrors inside of automobile headlights so they will shine even brighter just look at all the things mirrors can do for [Music] you looks like it didn't break help me lift it so we can lean it back up on the wall [Music] thomas i've gotten a reflection in the mirror that's impossible cause only vampires can't see their reflections or ghosts but i'm not in there so then i guess you've become a ghost [Music] no not a ghost i don't like them hey what's all the racket did you guys get yourself into trouble again sukkah me and tom thomas were playing spider-man and i i turned into a ghost for some reason yeah it goes that's silly they don't even exist oh you don't have any reflection either sinka you're a ghost just like i am that's just goofy [Music] look just look here i am well hi there but why couldn't i see myself over here it's probably because the mirror is scratched on the back tom thomas do you think you can rotate the mirror it's just like i said some of the special coating got scraped off of the back a mirror is not just a piece of plain glass plain glass lets light pass through it but a mirror reflects light to turn a piece of glass into a mirror people spray a special shiny coating on one of its sides that reflects everything and then to protect the shiny coating an extra layer of paint is put on top of it but even with that protection you still have to handle mirrors carefully because mirrors can easily scratch or even break and do you think that this one is possible to fix yeah we can do it it's a good thing you have a pack of mat with you i thought we might need it after you started screaming over here don't tell me you've got paint in there for a mirror a pack-a-mat's got everything you'll ever need [Music] it's all ready oh my dad's coming [Music] tom thomas what are you doing here checking if you hung it yeah right i'll definitely hang that mirror on the wall soon hmm like tomorrow [Music] or next week oh tom thomas that door of yours squeaks terribly yeah and it's not easy to open either well that's because the hinges are rubbing that's why your door is not working right how can i fix it just reduce the amount of friction how with some oil on the hinges i can do it for you because i've got to pack them up all right [Music] simka can i help you sure you can wear the pack-a-mat all right is the force that tries to stop something from sliding or rubbing smoothly against something else rubbing can make things wear out quickly if there's a lot of friction if you want less friction you need to put something on the parts that rub against each other like oil there are special kinds of grease used to keep clocks and wheels turning smoothly and for skis a special kind of wax can be used to make them go even faster that's it now the top hinge it's all done go ahead and check how it's working it's not squeaking i told you you guys are the best i gotta go go where i'm gonna go sledding maybe you'll take me with you sorry nolik you don't have a sled to ride on i'll see you later [Music] simka should i grease the saucer what for it'll slide down the hill just the way it is ah okay then [Music] um wait here for me no look i'll be back real soon with a surprise for you yeah oh you're slippery i know what i'll do hmm [Music] wow talk about no friction [Music] oh hey uh anyone help help santa no lick are you all right just stay where you are i'll be right there [Music] who called for me help is on the way hey what are you up to grandpa stay away from here you'll fall over what did you say stay where you are [Music] what happened here i poured some oil on the table why to do that to reduce friction that's brilliant nobody move i know exactly what to do [Music] and what was the problem you had with the friction i want to see all of this oil gone in five minutes huh engineers are in a constant battle with the force of friction they want less friction so that cars will run faster and their parts will wear out less quickly but just imagine what the world would be like if all of a sudden there was simply no friction at all everything would start slipping out of our hands and falling off the table knots would untie themselves and that's not the half of it cars wouldn't be able to run without friction either wheels would spin around and around in one place unable to grab onto the road we wouldn't even be able to walk because when we walk we move forward by pushing off the ground with our feet and how can we do that without friction we can't so now i think you can see why it's not so bad to have a little bit of friction in our lives [Music] we cleaned it but it's still so stinky no like i completely forgot i promised you a surprise look what is it i made you your very own saucer for sledding oh that's great only what good is this thing without snow no look hey look what i've got for you snow yeah is it real snow really yep now you've got your very own hill to sled on this is great what an awesome surprise and you don't need oil to make it go quickly [Music] tom thomas what you doing no look leave me alone no really what is that quit distracting me will you [Music] nulik look at what you've done i it's all because you wouldn't quit it you quit what i was struggling with that thing for half an hour and you ruined it [Music] hey tom thomas can you hear me tom thomas let me help [Music] no look is that you banging yeah and how did you end up in there none of your business why are you so rude to me cuz i feel like it oh yeah enjoy sitting there well who needs you goodbye [Music] oh simka what happened to you did you bang yourself and so what does it hurt leave me alone tula you always have to be fussing over everybody come on why are you so angry huh no look what's rude to me that means you have to be rude to me forgive me tula and where's no like right now there let's go see him no look it's tula are you all right i'm fine why were you so rude with your sister cause tom thomas was rude with me i get it it's a chain reaction a what [Music] setting a log on fire isn't easy but it's easy to light a match use the match to light kindling the kindling to light a twig and the twig to light the log have you ever seen a fire grow it's an example of a typical chain reaction so be extra careful with fire because just one match or little piece of smoldering coal can lead to a huge disaster yes they can make a whole forest first into flame and burn down to the ground and all because of a simple chain reaction i don't get you watching reaction what do you mean thomas was rude to you then you were rude to zumka then simka was rude with me so there it is a chain reaction yeah and the rudeness was like a little spark it just spread and spread and spread like a forest fire will you forgive me simka yeah all right i've got an idea why don't we try starting our very own chain reaction the other way around what do you mean well instead of spreading angry and rude feelings we can spread happiness but how it's simple all we need to do is smile and say nice things to each other what a great idea we could work together and fix tom thomas's mood and i know how come help me pick up this domino will you everything in the whole universe is made up of atoms particles so extremely small that you can't even see them through a microscope but when a tiny atom splits it makes a tiny explosion and that explosion can start another explosion and another explosion and another and now you've got a chain reaction and that's how a lot of tiny explosions work together to make the gigantic explosion of an atomic bomb the deadliest weapon known to man but atomic energy can also be used for peaceful purposes for example nuclear power plants use this energy to produce electricity and hot water and nuclear-powered icebreakers can break through the thick arctic ice so ships can sail on their way [Music] they're all done no look bring them in and now we're gonna teach tom thomas how a chain reaction can work to make you feel really good he's coming on your marks now what's going on no really tom thomas watch this [Music] [Music] [Applause] that was so totally awesome i can't believe what i saw how did you do that it was just a real a chain reaction what reaction it's about me pixies it sounds like she's angry with us i wish i knew what that mad dog was thinking about i'm thinking about you you better hide or people will see you i'm leaving see you later it's going to rain choose soccer i have no time to play right now i'm not playing his feet are going to get soaked tom thomas i'm off don't be late that's enough no i need to go to school he's got his math class today and he's leaving his math book i'm trying to serve like a good dog but no one understands me dogs have been serving people since ancient times along with cows horses chickens and other domestic animals but of all of these animals the dog was the very first in the beginning domesticated dogs looked like wolves over time they started changing and were developed into dogs of many different breeds from big shepherds to tiny chihuahuas so a dog is not only a human's best friend but his very first friend as well [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think she's going to eat us together with the box [Music] we're done for oh come on look the outlet is sparking oh no something must have broken in there are we going to fix it kids should never touch outlets and you know it too it's forbidden then how do we fix it go find papa's and i'll stay here and wait for you but where's pompous i know where he is i don't know what she's barking about but i think too sokka wants to help us then come on chusaka help us [Music] is that you there's an outlet sparking over there and it smells like it's burning are you sure yeah chusaka found it really great job there are many kinds of service dogs dogs that help people by carrying out a wide variety of different jobs like protecting a house or a flock of sheep if the dogs are shepherds some working dogs help guards protect their borders while others work for the police there are sled dogs that transport people and loads in the north where there's only snow and no roads some service dogs help blind people by helping them get to the places they need to go and there are dogs that save people trapped on mountains and that's not all dogs went up into space before humans but don't think that dogs are just given these jobs oh no like humans dogs study for a long time before they're allowed to take on serious work [Music] yeah that's all there won't be a fire not today hooray well done chew soccer you're a real service dog no doubt about it yeah i'm working i'm a real service dog [Music] oh saka go away i've had enough of you already today don't say that because this working dog just saved your house from burning down what do you mean she smelled smoke coming from the outlet it could be that chusaka means well and wants to do the right thing but nobody understands her that's a bit hard to believe then what's this book oh my math book that's where i left it remember how chusaka wanted to make you take it to school this morning you're right i had a girl choose soccer well done that's what a rain my feet got wet to the bone but this morning chusaka tried to get you to wear a different pair of shoes hmm that's something i should listen more closely to this smart little dog of ours [Music] finally they understand me
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 2,765,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики Π½Π° английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, Π»ΡƒΠ½Ρ‚ΠΈΠΊ Π½Π° английском языкС, the fixes, фіксіки Π°Π½Π³Π»Ρ–ΠΉΡΡŒΠΊΠΎΡŽ, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: G5qm35dOg8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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