ELECTRIC SHOCK! ⚡️ | The Fixies | Animation for Kids

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the short circuit are you sure we're allowed to play in your dad's office We're Not Gonna Play in here we came here on a tour I think this place is like a real Museum just take a look at that I have no idea what it is and this thing is a complete mystery keep it down this is a museum you know what a great museum guide you are you know absolutely nothing how can you say you don't know I know [Music] I'd like to run a test here on the capacitor on this one don't touch why can't I it's not a museum because it's dangerous if you touch it the shaw could be deadly but you two are touching it all the time I've seen it the only time is when the device is turned off and right now the device is running for many centuries the fixies only had to work on Mechanical Devices but after the discovery of electricity the fixies had to master electrical devices as well at first fixies were getting terrible shocks and they really really hurt over time the fixies figured out that you can't fix appliances when they are turned on and bare wires should never ever be touched fixies also learned that electricity can travel not just through wires but through plain old water so that's why if a broken wire ever ends up in a puddle of water you must never get close to it or you could get a terrible shock fixies learn all these important rules and they hope humans understand that they need to learn them as well [Music] look now here's one I know about it's an old radio my dad got for my grandpa more than 60 years old can you believe it your grandpa the old radio that was a joke is it still working I don't know let's check [Music] what was that it looks like the electricity got turned on maybe it was a short circuit I'll go find out foreign [Music] circuit I was in here showing all these things to nolik and we wanted to turn on on the radio we flipped the switch on and then suddenly Kaboom the lights go off they're off every where in the apartment so then how can I even warm up my pizza now soon it will warm up all by itself now that the refrigerator isn't working Simco oh what is that thing you said a short circuit electricity goes back and forth from an appliance with two separate wires for example an iron uses the electricity it needs to get hot but if those two wires start touching each other without the iron in the middle then the wires will get hot instead and this can cause the wires to burn out when this happens it's called a short circuit short circuits can happen when the coating around a wire is worn out or when an appliance is broken on the inside of it so when you tried turning on that old broken radio the wires in the apartment started burning does that mean all the wires got destroyed don't worry in our apartment there's an automatic switch to stop that it turns off the electricity when the wires start getting too hot oh and what about that uh uh automatic switch is that something you need your mom and dad to turn on no question you definitely would but you have us here and we have papous and Mafia I'll go tell them what happened here and you guys you turn off the radio but we'll get electrocuted being electrocuted thanks to you there's no electricity [Music] are you ready pull it up [Music] hooray [Music] so Tom Thomas what are we doing next hmm why don't we continue with our tour wait for me [Music] fixing the television with papoose and mafia they asked me to come here and stay with you on your awesome Museum tour that way there'll be less for them to fix in here later [Music] the combination lock [Music] foreign [Music] stop your hiding I'll still find you No Lick is that you hey come on that's not fair you saw let me go again I don't want to you want me to play hide and seek when I got a brand new game to play with where is it I don't see it anywhere in the room I took it to school with me listen to show it off [Music] wow awesome game time and I play ER uh-uh cause I'm not done playing with it yet now just try asking me to do some favor for you hmm wait was it a three or a four could have been five I forgot what about I forgot the combination and now I can't even do my homework everything I need to finish is inside of there I'm not climbing in to find out your homework don't even ask me Tom Thomas why do you look so upset the code for the lock I don't remember it don't you worry we'll open it I know all about a code lock a simple code lock is built with a few discs that have numbers on them in the center of each disc is a hole with a notch when all of the discs are turned so their notches line up in a straight Row the locks pin can slide out freely and to get The Notches to line up just turn the discs to the locks code and the lock will open it's that simple it looks like we gotta take a look inside the lock ah I see no look where are you there's work to do I won't do it I'm not gonna help such a Greedy Boy no look won't you help me out here and I won't be so greedy anymore all right you broke me down only as soon as we're done you're gonna let me play with the game right [Music] there's no room in here hang in there we'll start turning the discs one at a time and you yell stop when they're lined up turn the next one now stop stop now try yes hooray [Applause] and your code was really simple way too simple the secret numbers and letters that you use to lock something up are called the code or the password and to make sure your passwords are really good one here are some things you should know never choose a password that's really simple for someone else to guess like one with numbers or letters that are all the same or are all in order it's also a bad idea to make a password out of your birthdate or name it's better to think of a password that's a bit more complicated and don't forget your password once you come up with it write down your password on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place but don't show it to anybody else and then if you happen to forget your code or password you'll be able to remember it with the help of that piece of paper [Music] and why did you ever put a lock on your backpack I was hiding the game from the other kids then why did you take it to school today I wanted to show it off to my class and did you show it no way if they would have seen it they'd be like I want to use it I want to play and so you hit it and didn't show it to anybody not to anyone then why take it to school silly to show it off there you're just some show-off you're just some greedy sorry once Greedy Boy will you let us play now play away [Music] we're not bothering you are we can you jump a little easier you're shaking the whole desk [Music] oh the pen not here either Tom Thomas are you looking for me huh no for a red pen I need it right now what do you need it for here look what my teacher wrote in my assignment book bad behavior during the lesson fidgeting and talking what are you gonna do with the red pen your teacher left something out I thought maybe you know I could fix it a bit I hope I find that pen [Music] what [Music] what what oh wow good catch [Music] so what do you want to fix on it I'll just add a couple of no's and then it will say that I had no bad behavior during the lesson no fidgeting and no talking see no problem cool and then add this to the end Tom Thomas is a perfect student nah then they would guess I did it what is it clogged up a little scribble will do it that's not a pen it's more like a pen knife oh look look the ball's missing what ball it's a pen it's a pen but it's a ballpoint pen old-fashioned pens work by dipping the pen into a jar of ink but with the ballpoint pen the ink is stored inside of a tube that has a metal tip on the end with a small steel ball well small for humans that is but of course for fixies it's quite large when you drag the pen across the paper the ball spins around and gets ink on it from inside the tube then it turns over and the ink rolls out onto the paper so without the ball a ballpoint pen won't write at all so what am I going to do that's my only red pen [Music] hi everybody why do you look so sad uh we lost the ball from the tip of this pen where it's here somewhere then you're in luck boys in the pack a mat there's a metal detector you can use it to find different kinds of metal objects foreign [Music] that's not it I can see that myself it's not on the table no look until not that long ago humans used pens that had to be dipped over and over again into an Inkwell this was quite inconvenient and so to make writing easier the fountain pen was invented a fountain pen could be filled up with ink so it could write for a much longer time but fountain pens were often leak leaving blocks of Ink on the paper this problem was solved with the invention of the ballpoint pen ballpoint pens are simple handy and reliable except that you can't write with them on a wall or upside down for a long time that's because the ball uses up the ink on it and the ink can't flow up to the tip but even this problem has been solved there are now special ballpoint pins that can be used by astronauts floating in space foreign [Music] you're right that's it don't you just see how awesome my metal detector is is that what you're calling me now [Music] Tom Thomas help us and now titties cool by the way why do you need the red pen for well Tom Thomas and I needed to fix something in his assignment book what if I knew that I wouldn't have helped you out so no fidgeting and no talking hmm and your teacher she writes in your assignment book when you behave well uh-huh whenever we behave well she writes a note in our books right away ah did you see Simca how Tom Thomas managed to outsmart everybody since I see nothing else hear from your teacher does that mean you behave badly the other days uh-huh what well uh did you see no look how Tom Thomas just managed to outsmart himself [Music] [Music] get away from here so where did it go oh here it is hey there Tom Thomas so what's on the disc hi there now look hi there Simka it's a cartoon about Gulliver in the land of Lily Pooh my friend Genie let me borrow it I have it till tomorrow and what's the story about well it's about this guy who gets Shipwrecked where people are just so teeny teeny tiny fixies you mean no not fixies lilliputions know what Simca I think that you fix these might have come from those little abusions no way our grandpa told us a completely different story of the fixies when something is very well made then the saying goes that it was made with just a little bit of soul in Old Times Craftsman made things to last and in each Appliance they would leave just a little piece of their soul those little pieces of their soul would turn into tiny Craftsmen called fixies who would then make the appliance their home and take care of it every day and that's how the very first fixies came about but as the years have passed fewer things are being made by hand and more and more things are getting made by machines and factories that means there are less and less new fixies coming from Human Souls luckily Pixies can fall in love with each other and have their own family raising their children and teaching them well so they'll grow up to become skillful and honest Master fixie repairman so you're mistaken we're not lilliputians at all we're fixies yeah fixies listen Tom Thomas why don't you show us the movie yeah yeah I want to learn about Lily pushes too really I do sure I'll show you [Music] oh no what's going on I broke it up I can't give her back a disc that's messed up Don't Panic we'll take a look at it come lay it down over here foreign Thomas why is this disco covered in jelly because I was touching it with my fingers I mean what else it's obvious you don't know how a disc works at all and you know how it works yeah I know yeah if we take a look at a digital disc through a powerful microscope we can see rows of tiny valleys of different lengths these valleys are actually a code for the cartoons games or music recorded onto the disc inside a disc player a laser beam reads the code and helps turn it back into pictures and sounds but if you scratch the disc or smudge the disc with 30 fingers the laser can't read it and the disc won't play that's why you need to keep discs clean and stored in cases so that's why you should only hold discs along the edges and when you're done watching them you have to put them back inside their boxes and what about this one do we have to get rid of it not so fast nolik this calls for a major cleaning let's get the brooms foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thomas check the disc there you go now you're holding it right [Music] hooray the disc works fine hooray now we can watch the movie about the little patience hey Gulliver why are you sitting there you've seen this movie already I'm knowing what what what look at that pile of discs where do you need to put them in their boxes [Music] the alarm clock it didn't ring again No Lick let's go fix the alarm clock Simca wake Tom Thomas up [Music] hey you'll be late for school Tom Thomas get up already oh this is really something and where's the battery in here no this is an old mechanical alarm clock it doesn't work with a battery it uses a spring how's that work people wind up the spring tightly and then is it slowly unwinds it turns the gears which turn the hands of the clock what the alarm clock broke let's hurry and get you washed up [Music] Tom Thomas are you just getting up Dad the alarm clock didn't go off it's broken here's the problem it won't turn cause the feather's stuck in the gears no look help me [Music] like it's an earthquake huh it really is broken bad time to throw out this old piece of junk [Music] Tom Thomas I'm off to work don't be late for school I won't where are we trash can and what's gonna happen to us well you see no lick people throw out broken things without a second thought even appliances that can still be fixed end up in the trash all the time and the trash is taken to a horrible deadly place called The Dump if a fixie happens to be inside a broken appliance he will come face to face with great danger once my uncle got thrown into the dump buried inside an old TV he barely managed to jump out of the bulldozer's path and it was a miracle he didn't end up in the incinerator after that he just roamed around the huge dump trying to fix anything he became totally crazed good thing the fixie Rescue Squad managed to find him and bring him back home [Music] I don't want to scare you but we might be taken to the dump my boy Papa's I'm scared huh where is the alarm clock maybe my dad took it to get fixed yeah but no like and Papoose are in there now just a little bit further ah oh I want to go to the dump no tears there's only one way out of here we need to fix the clock and make it ring but how inside the clock there is the mainspring and there's also a second spring the second spring is held still by a break and so it waits when the little hand reaches the time the alarm was set to go off the spring jumps off the brick and the gears are free to start turning that makes a little Hammer beat the cup of a bell very very quickly and that's how an alarm clock rings so this feather is stopping the gears and knowing the hammer strike the Bell exactly I'll start rocking the gear back and forth and you tug it [Music] fish Simka I think I can hear my alarm ringing run to the sound quick [Music] quick uh-huh someone turned the alarm off whoa and here comes that earthquake again [Music] oh like No Lick I'm here no leg we fixed the alarm clock so what was wrong with it a feather got jammed in the gears and how could a feather get in a clock oh it's probably from when I put the alarm clock under my pillow so it wouldn't wake me up huh so you mean because somebody doesn't like to get up in the morning we almost ended up at the dump by the way if that somebody doesn't hurry off to his school soon he'll be late oh you're right huh the electric kettle [Music] that's four come on sometimes just one more come on now Tom Thomas I know you can do it hmm five that doesn't count that doesn't count no your chin was below the bar oh that's all I can't do anymore yo weakling you're the weakling I'm not I just haven't eaten in a while and that's why I lost my strength you're a slave to food Tom and you see that's the difference between us fixies and you humans many people wrongly assumed that the only way fixies could live is by stealing food off of humans tables or worse yet by stealing it from their refrigerators that's just a lie it's not true at all fixies don't eat any kind of human food so then where in the world do the fixies get their energy you're wondering it's very simple affixy's entire life is connected with devices fixies not only live inside of devices but they take care of them and help them live longer and in return for their help these devices share part of their energy with the fixies so there you go the Pixies help devices and devices help the fixies yes we fix these and machines have a symbiotic relationship so we don't eat leftovers like cockroaches cause we are fixies [Music] one two three low how is it possible that a big boy like you doesn't know how to make any food for himself I'm able to cook but I'm not allowed to turn on the stove what can you make without it oh yes we have instant oatmeal look do you like oatmeal you're joking only my folks say oats are healthy and make you stronger great well then how do you cook it it's not hard all you gotta do is add hot water and I'm allowed to turn on the kettle stop and check if there's water in there if there's none you can burn out the kettle it's got enough then you can turn it on [Music] tell me how does the kettle turn off I mean how does it know when the water's hot enough [Music] outside of an electric kettle there's a heater hidden underneath this bottom when you turn on the kettle the here warms up the water until it boils and the boiling water gives off steam that heats up a special metal plate at the top of the kettle the heat causes the metal plate to bend and that turns off the switch so you could say that an electric kettle feels when the water is boiling [Music] okay now I understand hey why do you need three bowls you don't need to make any oatmeal for us it's not for you guys it's for my mom and dad start out here no he's pouring into this one and I say pour it here and I say first you should pour it into mine oh nolik where are you I'll find him hang on I'm going in [Music] she was right over here [Music] no like over here ah here there [Music] hey where is your other boot it got lost up there in the oatmeal that must be your parents let's get out of here hey and what about your shoe oh don't worry I got another one hi Tom Thomas we're back you must be hungry we'll make you something to eat but I already prepared us some food and the water is already hot wash your hands Tom Thomas don't touch that kettle if it's hot I don't want you to burn yourself foreign [Music] So today we're eating oatmeal for dinner delicious uh maybe you have something else why something else you're the ones that say that oatmeal is great for you and that it makes us stronger well yeah that's what we say I'm glad that our son pays such careful attention it's delicious really huh what's that oh look you found the boot Dad what it's nothing just eat your food and don't get distracted I'd like to see that oatmeal all gone okay and whoever doesn't finish won't get any candy the lever [Music] [Music] you're so strong that's so light I could lift it up with my finger oh my but do you think you could lift up your nightstand don't know never tried it so then go on [Music] no way and you are so much bigger than that nightstand but watch I can lift this big pencil and just look how much smaller I am so who's stronger you or me hmm well I guess it's not me the fixies may be very small but they are actually much stronger than humans yes it's true what you don't believe me well who's stronger an elephant or an ant you think it's the elephant well of course it's so much bigger but did you know that one ant can lift up 50 ants its own size and an elephant it can't even hold up one so it turns out that for its size an ant is much stronger than an elephant and the same goes for fixies fixies are incredibly strong for their size they can lift things that are a hundred times heavier than they are and fixies can jump 50 times higher than their own height if humans were as strong as fixies are they'd be able to lift an automobile all by themselves yeah Tom Thomas it's time you built up your strength well how start lifting dumbbells or if you want to you can use my barbell no thanks I'll use the dumbbells my dad has they're in his office I think [Music] this one one aha there you are I'll get out of there come on [Music] come on up all right move aside I'll get right out what is this glued to the floor or something hey what's all the Ratchet hi there Simka we can't get the dumbbell out from under there well of course you can't the sofa is pressing down on it so that's what it is and I was worried that I lost all my strength well that means we have to lift up this sofa we can't do that it's too heavy for us we can do it Tom Thomas get me your hockey stick from your room we can't move a sofa with a hockey stick don't worry you'll see here I brought it what is it for we're gonna use it as a lever a lever well yeah a lever works the same way that a seesaw does with a board resting on top of a piece called the fulcrum but with a lever one side is longer than the other and that's the secret to its power with a lever's help it's possible to lift any weight all you need to do is get the short arm of the lever under the load and push down on a long arm and the longer the arm the more weight you can lift and that's how a lever makes people stronger well can we find a fulcrum in here maybe this dumbbell can that be our fulcrum great idea now you're thinking the right way you ready to go let's go lean on it Tom Thomas [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so strong did you see now watch how it looks dad's heavy weights for you look I can do it it's just like I told you you'd be better off training with my weights didn't you just see me lift up the sofa you didn't lift the sofa the lever did did you ever hear the saying knowledge is power I've heard it although some physical power won't hurt you either so pick up your lever and go out and play some hockey you know how I built those hockey players are the screws okay Tom Thomas what you thinking about huh for school I have to write an essay my very best friend I don't know who should I write about what do you mean who aren't I your Closest Friend Of course how could I forget to write about you and you can keep forgetting that's our secret right don't you remember the promise you made when we met oh sure how could I forget [Music] shusaka why are these screws bothering you so badly [Music] what's with you leave them alone already will you just calm down you're gonna destroy my plane [Music] let's get out of here [Music] what's going on [Music] what's going on hey if you don't turn back again I'm not letting you go oh please don't be afraid I'm not gonna hurt you too I'll just ask you one question and let you go no look we can't don't worry about it but you're staring ask your question boy no way you can talk just just just tell me who are you fixies that's all we answered now you let us out I'll wait but what's it mean that you're fixies that's already question number two you promised to let us out didn't you I'm sorry you can leave now it's fine I can see from his look that we can trust him ah all right well tell them you gotta swear that you don't tell anyone else I I swear it sies we're the little people that live inside of machines and appliances and take care of them fixing them cleaning them and oiling them humans never suspect us they think that if something breaks and then suddenly starts working again that it happened all by itself well nothing happens by itself it happens because we the fixies are living inside yes without the fixies humans would have so many more problems with their machines that's awesome and so what are your names that's already question number three you can call me Nolan and her name is Simka and my name is Tom Thomas will you come back over oh well I was this close to becoming the first kid in the whole world who made friends with the fixies I thought you guys would never come back over and we didn't plan on coming back but then we thought it'd be really great to be the only fixes in the whole world who are friends with the only kid in the whole world who is friends with the Pixies and who has told no one about us the fixies do everything they can do to hide from humans they are afraid that if humans discovered fixies they would hunt them down and capture them and start keeping them in cages just like pets and worse than that they would take them into their Laboratories and start examining them under microscopes even conducting scientific experiments on them or suppose that humans thought we'd do all their work for them and so they decided that they didn't have to take care of their appliances any longer well then let me tell you this if humans decided that they didn't have to clean or fix their own appliances then not even the fixies will be able to stop them from breaking no matter what they do that's why the fixies are very smart to hide from humans [Music] okay then I'll write about someone else [Music] I have the very best friends ever period when something's broken he repairs it he's the one and only no the one and only Nolan the refrigerator [Music] good job my homework is all done [Music] thank you [Music] okay you're it [Music] I'm stuck help me just stay still oh you really suck Simca We're Not Gonna Leave me right we aren't but I'm afraid no like you'll be stuck for a while Tom Thomas hey what's going on look this blob of white stuff grabbed onto nolik and it won't let go of him oh it's a piece of gum it's my bubble gum oh thanks a lot Tom Thomas now what's the plan to get me unstuck from here here's what we do it's Gotta Be Frozen Once I sat on gum too and my mom put my pants in the freezer the gum froze up and it came right off I don't want to go into the freezer don't worry no look I'll stay right here with you just hold on it won't take long at all why do I need to hold on the gun's already holding on to me so cool [Music] explain it to you a refrigerator has a pump that pushes a special liquid through a long tube inside the refrigerator the liquid in the tube wants to turn into a gas to do that it takes the heat from everything inside and that makes the refrigerator cool then the pump sucks in the gas and pushes it out as a hot liquid into the tubes on the back of the refrigerator that lets all of the heat collected from the inside Escape into the air outside I wish I was somewhere warm hold on I'll go get us some warm clothes to wear I don't want to hold on I want to go with you just hang in there I'm hanging Tom Thomas open up [Music] oh [Music] do we have any warm clothing to wear why in the world do you need it I just do well I need to know what is happening [Music] hooray Tom Thomas Simca open up the door it looks like I'm gonna freeze up in here for good [Music] I think she is constantly surrounded by all sorts of danger inside a dark freezer a freaks he can lose his way and freeze to death if he's not paying attention he can drown inside of a washing machine or inside of a dishwasher and a careless fixie is always at risk of getting an electric shock or suppose there's a short circuit inside of an appliance that starts a fire if this happens you need to run away if you want to survive and what about humans well they don't even believe that we fix these exist at all so they can accidentally drop something on top of a fixie or step on one or kick us across the room so if we don't get out of the way in time ah so what I'm saying fixies you need to be careful out there and pay attention so be smart and stay safe fellow fixies I don't understand this at all he was right here poor nolik I wonder where he went look at this footprints [Music] No Lick you're alive you scared me off to death how did you get out of there well you told me about how a refrigerator works and so I found that cold tube and started crawling on it until it got hot and then I was here hey there's smoke coming out of you we need to cool you down right away huh where I don't I don't refrigerator I was joking look how it froze I could break my teeth on it you aren't gonna chew it anymore I'd never do that not after nolik sat on it well you didn't need to stick it where it doesn't belong hey I apologize I'll go and throw it away maybe you'll try the trash can the electric train [Music] [Music] and suddenly the Earth is attacked by an alien spaceship [Music] it help arrives here on time we'll be saved move faster faster come on get off the train move it move it way to play ah finally you're here I need some aliens for this game what kind of aliens are you talking about just plain old aliens you know the ones they come destroy the Earth in just about everything we don't want to destroy anything at all why can't we be the train Engineers huh train Engineers you don't know anything about driving a train oh we know plenty about trains humans invented the railroad long ago but back then the rails were made out of wood people didn't start making metal rails until the end of the 18th century but the first railroad cars had no engines to give them their power instead they used horses to pull them along later horses were replaced by the steam engine wooden coal would burn in their furnaces to boil the water in the boilers making the steam that turned their wheels and the Pixies were there to help those trains go making sure all of the parts could work together smoothly but now steam engines have long gone away the railroad uses electricity now for its power these electric trains race along the railway at almost the speed of an airplane [Music] so you might know trains but you'll still be the aliens this railroad is mine so you're gonna play the way I want the train is unloaded and leaving the station you can play Tutu by yourself and I will you [Music] hmm hey why did you stop [Music] this doesn't help either it's not going at all Simca [Music] No Lick where are you did I hurt your feelings or something mom is Dad gonna be home soon no it's something to matter we've been attacked by evil aliens the train has to be fixed right away or will never Escape them you want some tea ah I've got to think of something Simca no leg I know you're in there please forgive me if I hurt your feelings I'm really sorry there's nobody but you that can save the world from the evil aliens [Music] talked us back into it well let's go and check the rails no look follow me I'm faster whoa well so much for being faster but it looks like I found the break Tom Thomas the rails are broken I know and so you know but that's why your Train's not running just like a real train model trains run on electricity but there aren't any batteries inside the locomotive to pull the other cars the engine gets its electricity from the rails the rail has a wire in it if the rails come apart the electricity can't blow through the track and get to the train and without electricity the trains engine just stops going so reconnect the rails and your train will run again uh-huh put them together ah yes hooray the Train's running way to go so will you play with me now and which way are we playing this time whatever you want I'm with you train rushes down the track with no Legacy engineered when suddenly from out of the sky comes an alien spaceship [Music] [Applause] greetings to you of people of planet Earth I come from far away from another galaxy oh I've come to fix it all oh [Applause] [Music] the toothbrush once I finish you my top secret growth potion I will create my own giant canine crew and then I'll rule them wow this is super you're better than a TV show oh yeah it's fun but it's gonna end badly Tom Thomas get ready for bed I'm going dead but first my secret recipe we start with a bit of carbonitorous and now a little bit of bread and butteris and finally aside [Music] Don't Be Afraid drink my baby and you'll grow ten times your size what it doesn't taste good oh right I forgot it needed stirring this Hypersonic mixer will do the trick Tom Thomas you shouldn't use what doesn't belong to you that's your father's toothbrush yeah out you're acting crazy [Music] boom boom [Applause] oh you said it uh-oh you Tom Thomas are a big boy but your brain is smaller than nolocks all right thank you just go put the toothbrush back in its place I'm like you never touched it nah that's not right at all Tom Thomas what's up I'm almost done Dad simcanolic please I really need your help no panicking first we need to understand what could have broken inside of there an electric toothbrush is really simple as long as you know these three parts the battery the motor and a very clever mechanism that connects the motor with the bristles the whole secret to the toothbrush is Ryanair that mechanism uses the spinning of the motor to make the bristles move very fast very fast forward from left to right from right to left and that's how it brushes your teeth so what can we do about it here's what we do First We Take out the motor then we take the gears out and then the mechanism how much time do we need to do that one or two hours what no just listen here Tom Thomas you need to open up the battery compartment wait for me right here [Music] are your teeth well I mean they're not your teeth but you get what I'm saying nowadays we use a toothbrush to clean our teeth but it wasn't always that way the ancient Egyptians used a chewed stick to scrape their teeth while the ancient Greeks rub their teeth with a rag and the Vikings well who knows what they use and then only 200 years ago an Englishman named William Addis came up with something better he drilled holes into a meat bone inserted Bunches of bristles into them and there you go the toothbrush and here's what I need to tell you all as a fixie that is as a master repairman you need to make sure to brush your teeth often especially after eating or you'll be getting them repaired often at the dentist the mechanism no it's fine is the motor burned out no then what's wrong with it you're not gonna believe it battery died that's all I know what to do I'll put in new ones your dad turned the toothbrush on looks like everything's fine it's working way to go excellent your dad will never find out what kind of slop you mixed up with his brush [Music] what slop how dare you know like how dare you refer to my mighty potion like this Tom Thomas somehow soap got all over my toothbrush can you explain that yeah [Music] you got what do you say now [Music] the spare part [Music] hey what's going on it was just working hi there Tom Thomas look I've got a time no time to play we're busy busy with what we got put in charge here for the day we even get to use one of the packamats and Mafia went out to visit our fixie friends happens just to be with them at the Space Center years ago ever since he was a boy pop was dreamed of going into space then why not fixie's work on Rockets too he even got a job at The Astronaut training center he was put in charge of the centrifuge and he made sure it worked perfectly the centrifuge is a sort of very fast Carousel for training astronauts and and Papoose trained inside of it too unfortunately pop was never knew the rocket was scheduled to fly on his day off and when he found out it was too late and the rocket blasted off without him since then Papoose hates his days off but he still longs to fix something like that centrifuge you know something turning around like a washing machine too bad for purpose that the one in his house seems to keep working perfectly fine so that means today you fix everything uh-huh well then it's your lucky day because my car just broke down who ain't got work to do no like [Music] well what broke down here wait a sec here this part burned out it's all covered in Black I wonder where we can get the same part but a clean one a clean one hmm oh look kiss there's the same exact part inside the dishwasher we can take it from there come on do you have any idea how all these parts are connected to one another with this thing right under you it's a special part called a circuit board laughs a circuit boards made like this first the board gets covered with a thin layer of metal then pads are laid onto the board where the electricity is going to flow after that all of the extra metal is washed off of it with a special cleaning liquid leaving the metal paths that were drawn on the board these pads work just like wires to connect the parts and the board to each other and then all that's left to do is attach those parts to their places on the path oh Tanish [Music] a Tom Thomas hooray it works again Tom Thomas I'm about to start the dishwasher are there any dirty dishes in your room nah Slow Down slow what down slow down your mom we took the new part out of the dishwasher see mom wait don't start it you need to put put yeah putting this one up dirty cup follow me inside the TV is the same part [Music] now back to the dishwasher [Music] we're barely made it we grabbed the part from the TV in the living room not the TV uh my mom's favorite program is about to start [Music] the television is working now and where'd you get the part for it can you type computer in his office hi everybody I'm home hi hun are you ready for dinner in a bit I've got to finish a little work on the computer all right stop that's enough running here take it back from the car and then we put the part pewter and oh that was really silly remember you little experts never repair any device at the cost of another one I understand now and I understand if you were smart you could have taken the part out of the old radio in the closet purpose but you know the radio wouldn't work then that old thing hasn't been working for years Marcia and I have pulled out half those parts already [Music] the balloon no way you'll miss for sure no problem [Music] anybody can do that but I bet you can't do it if you tried bouncing the ball off the floor first just look [Music] oh what are my parents gonna do to me maybe we should call Simka and what's Simka gonna do to us when she sees this so got yourself in trouble huh you shouldn't be playing with a ball inside and now we have your lamp to fix but how only my dad can reach all the way up there why just your dad you have a hot air balloon over there that doesn't fly it's just a toy see well it might be just a toy to you but for us fixies it's absolutely real if an object is lighter than water it floats up to the circle and in the same way if something is lighter than air it floats upward did you know that hot hair is lighter than cold air well it is and that means if you warm up the air in a balloon it will float up hot air balloons use special gas burners to heat up the air inside of them so they will get lighter and the bigger the balloon the more people it can take up into the air I know what you're saying but where do we get a burner you think fixies don't have their own burners sure we've got them bring it down here and I'll go talk to our parents yo yo and no the human child must never see us listen now Simka we already don't approve of him seeing you and nolik he won't look Papa's please you're the one who told us how you dreamed of flying since you trained to go into space yeah for two years I waited on standby but I never went up and you've never flown in a hot air balloon either honey so let's call it a deal I talked them into it there's just one condition you can't watch okay [Music] you can come in now [Music] now prepare the burner coming right up permission for takeoff permission is granted and off we go hooray it's flying don't you peek turn around oh it was an accident [Music] I'm going to evaluate the damage maintaining proper altitude [Music] so they've reached the spot air balloons are really awesome I wonder who figured out how to do that it was the monkeys the hot air balloon was invented in the 18th century by the montgolfier brothers from France in those days there were no gas burners so they heated the air inside the Balloon by burning straw at first there were no passengers on their balloon not counting the fixies of course I mean how else could a balloon get up in the air without them unfortunately the names of the first fixies who took that flight were not recorded in the annals of History Halloween the fixies flight the next passengers were animals a ram a rooster and a duck and it was not until those three safely landed after flying a full four kilometers that humans dared to fly and hot air balloons themselves ever since their invention hot air balloons have also gone by another name montgolfi age [Music] hoorays [Music] all right Simka please let your parents know that I'm so very thankful okay by the way now you can turn around you know Simka let's fly the balloon just like them there's no way no like we would need to use the burner and kids aren't allowed to play with fire I'll give you a ride look I still need to put it back up on the Shelf so climb in and let's do it [Music] what do you mean like brothers okay then like brother and sister [Music] the keyboard here we come [Applause] and where is T hiding this time Tom Thomas Tom Thomas you didn't forget about your grandma's birthday did you no Oops I Did we found you this time hey that's not fair it was my mom that found me not you and go and hide again not now I have to draw a birthday card for oh my grandmother so we need one clean sheet of paper when's your grandma's birthday tomorrow but your card won't get there on time oh then what can I do come on and use your Noggin pick up the phone give her a ring your grandmother will be really happy to hear your voice no we've got a tradition we send each other birthday cards and what the internet's for why don't you send off an electronic card to her Simca that's genius oh this one's cool now go ahead and type your message [Music] the letter D isn't working how can I write Dear Grandma without D just let her be a Play-Doh Grandma without the deer but the letter G isn't working either it looks like we could use a pack of mat here a pack a map what for to clean off the keyboard's contacts that got all dirty what contacts a t on a computer keyboard works pretty much the same way as a doorbell does when we press on the button of a doorbell the contacts inside touch which lets the electricity flow that makes the bells ring and when we press a letter on a computer keyboard an electrical current runs from the keyboard to the computer and that letter appears on the screen but if there's dirt between the contacts that stops them from touching then the current can't flow [Music] oh Thomas what did you drop in here that is so sticky it's probably the soda I was drinking and so you shared it with a keyboard here's the reason why it's not working [Music] where did so many crumbs come from uh they fell off my sandwich [Music] foreign [Music] stuff down here that must be the sauce for my mushroom pizza oh no like well now it looks like we're gonna be out picking mushrooms the fixies are always ready to help people out but there are some people we really don't feel like helping I remember when I was working as a fixie back in one house it was a disaster one day the owner spilled coffee on the remote for the TV as I was running to clean the remote he starts pounding the TV with his fish because the channels won't change so now the TV is broken too well with no TV he decides to listen to some music and he carelessly pulls the Music Center onto the floor so he tries to fix that himself and manages to break it for good and then he sits down on top of his telephone and breaks that to bits meanwhile I'm still busy trying to clean the coffee off of the remote there wasn't a minute of rest with this guy around in the end I couldn't take it any longer so I got out of there and now I'm here teaching kids [Music] foreign why are you eating food at your computer yeah they don't feed you in the kitchen or something now I know it it's not allowed you said now write your message and write the address on there too uh-huh Mom do you know what the email address for Grandma is grandma doesn't have an email address we went ahead and fixed that keyboard for nothing I still need it and my grandma I'll give her a ring on the phone you said you had a tradition of writing each other cards and what Grandma will be happy to hear my voice that's some original idea huh [Music] the remote hey Simca the button got stuck on the remote how can we get it back out of there look and learn no like please help oh come on come on come on come on come on oh oh should I let it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] no like hide somewhere [Music] [Music] no look she stole the remote no look where are you hiding No Lick hello there fixies hey where are you hey Tom Thomas you got here just in time to Saka ran off with the TV remote and so what I can turn it on without it and my favorite cartoon is just about to start forget about the cartoons will ya nolik is missing I'm afraid no lick hid inside of the remote and you sucker took it oh no no it's in Big Time trouble Tom Thomas soccer [Music] come here [Music] where is that dog hiding I'm gonna go look in the other rooms foreign Thomas here I am I'm over here for now I'll wait here shusaka's not out there where are you hey Simca I ran to get a pack of Matt what are you gonna do with it I'm gonna search for the infrared Ray that comes out of the remote that's so great but what is it I'll explain it to you inside of most remote controls there's a special type of light bulb called the light emitting diode or LED for short when we press a button the LED sends an invisible infrared Ray and in the TV there is a receiver for these invisible rays he understands the command that comes from the remote control and carries it out like changing the channel or the volume foreign [Music] goggles that can help me [Music] and now what yell to know look get him to close the contact on any one of the buttons no lick you gotta push one of the buttons down on the remote a button but how am I gonna do that wait one second two soccer shoes last with the Rainbow Rocks [Music] [Music] nothing for you here but here's something there he is he's over there [Music] come here do you want a hot dog so you want to play tough all right then [Music] you're in one piece how did you find me by looking out for the remotes race it's just a shame it's impossible for me to see him what are you saying you can if you want to see infrared Rays all you have to do is look through a digital camera try it for yourself turn on the camera on a mobile telephone now go ahead and press any button on the remote control and point the camera towards the front of it you'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera that's the light emitting diode working it's letting off a special light that can't be seen by The Naked Eyes it's also possible to point the remote control at a mirror and then through the camera you can see how the light emitting diode turns itself on so what that means is that invisible Rays bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular light does so you can control the TV by bouncing the light from a remote control off of a mirror you don't believe me then go ahead and try it yourself okay by the way if your toys weren't all stuffed under the bed we would have found the remote without the goggles don't worry about it when the cartoons are over I'll put them away [Music] so you done watching time to clean up the stapler [Music] Tom Thomas gets the ball he makes an incredible move he's wide open [Music] [Music] Tom Thomas stop kicking that ball your school concert starts in 30 minutes and I don't want to iron your pants again all right Mom [Music] just one more time huh no I'm sorry Mom said I have to quit kicking the ball said nothing about dribbling the ball [Music] s thank you [Music] Tom Thomas your pants this can't be these are my special concert pants uh yeah how will you go now well your mom does have enough time to sew them I'm scared to even tell her about it she said that I had to stop playing hey I'm ready I think we should fix the rip in his pants with a stapler yeah isn't it a good idea oh I gotta try it out you do like this why what's wrong my nose hitches that's all let's go you're right Nola it works that is super yeah the stapler is really great do you guys know how it works just keep stabling and I'll tell you the Staples for a stapler are lightly glued together that way you can load many Staples at once instead of one at a time and a spring pushes the Staples to the front when you push down on the arm a metal tooth pushes the front staple down through a thin space and the staple punches holes in the paper next the pointy ends of the staple push down onto a plate and that makes the staple Bend behind the paper and there you go the papers are fastened so you could say that we're sewing but using a stapler instead of a needle yeah and it works even faster huh what's going on could it have run out of Staples [Music] there's still a lot more Staples but one of them got jammed here in the slot [Music] Tom Thomas we're leaving in five minutes okay mom so did you get it no why don't we get Papas to help us because he's really strong and he's gotta pack a mat we can do this ourselves Tom Thomas find something we can use to push that staple out the stapler is not a very new invention it's been said that the French King King Louis XV had a stapler made out of gold and precious gems unfortunately it could only hold one staple at a time modern staplers are much more convenient and people have come up with so many kinds for paper for Plywood And even for skin yes surgeons often use them during operations then there's the staple gun that's used to upholster furniture and its older brother the nail gun can even be used to hold together the walls of a building and here's an invention almost as important as a stapler it's the staple remover with its help it's possible to remove the Staples put in by a stapler [Music] how about the screwdriver that'll work look the screwdriver fits perfectly into the slot Ah that's great now push that staple through only keep your fingers out of the way or you won't finish sewing Tanish it's still not tadish you haven't fixed your pants yet that's it they're done [Music] now we can say Tom Thomas are you ready of course my idea what the stapler was smart wasn't it and Tom Thomas's mother won't notice a thing will too just wait till she washes them the microwave [Music] thank you okay children for today's lesson we're going to learn about the microwave oven it's a very special appliance that people use to heat all sorts of different foods up oh wow is there any chance that we could get heated up here you'll find out about that too if you'll pay attention of course whoa got it now listen carefully I'm listening I'm listening of course young fixies go to school just like human kids but their parents teach them a lot of important lessons too fixie parents take their kids on tours of all sorts of different devices and teach them what fixies can do to keep them working properly they'd like to show them how the computers or televisions or gaming systems work or any one of the many appliances they take care of inside of the kitchen like the stove every once in a while a new device appears in the house something that the fixies have never dealt with before to learn how this new thing works the fixies gather together and read the instructions that the humans keep printing up but almost never seem to take the time to read for themselves [Music] and so now it's time to look at the magnetron that's what emits the microwaves oh and so the food absorbs the microwaves and that's what heats it up that's right and now look carefully to your left [Music] hooray Freedom oh Tom Thomas what do you say want to watch cartoons I can't I need to do my homework then just do it quickly for some reason whenever I start doing homework I always get hungry for some food then just eat faster no the faster I eat the sooner I'll have to start doing my homework [Music] you're already got cold [Music] [Applause] one minute should be enough [Music] these aren't just ordinary wires these are four [Music] what's going on it looks like it might be an overload the microwave might burn out then we better run what do you mean run we need we need to save this microwave foreign [Music] [Music] oh what's wrong with the microwave it looks like it just broke who cares if it broke what matters is that Simca and Mafia are broken look there's no one here it's not we were [Music] oh you wouldn't believe what happened in there oh oh there you go Tom Thomas why did you put that fork into the microwave why not you mean I'm not allowed remember never put any metal objects into a microwave if you put Forks or spoons in a microwave you can burn it out and then not even a fixie will be able to fix it even a thin metal border on a plate can cause serious problems also never warm up food in sealed packages or bottles inside a microwave and one last thing don't even think of cooking eggs in their shells in there they'll just explode [Music] sorry I didn't know any of that no like and what were you thinking why didn't you warn Tom Thomas about this hmm oh I uh oh today you skipped school and now you don't know it either like where are you going to you oh where else I gotta go study all about microwaves and I'll go do my homework now but first you'll sit down and eat for a while right no I'm not gonna eat food first I'll go and play some games for an hour or so [Music] the drain [Music] the fan in the computer needs done right now me and Tom Thomas are painting a card for his parents anniversary oh look who are you you must be so tired hi Simca it's really great you're here I have a question 12th anniversary is it spelled with an F or is it with a V uh you know what first put down the number 12 and then put a dash on there and then a th oh right but first I'll change the water I'll be right back oh mama left her in here [Music] whoa oh no what have I done I spoiled my mom and dad's special day where in the bathroom my mom's ring was lying there and and I dropped it into the sink and now it's washed away uh there goes the day it didn't wash anywhere don't you know anything about how a drain trap Works about a what a drain traps a special curved pipe under the sink basin water flows out of the faucet and flows down into the drain trap and after that it goes down to the Sewer but when you turn off the water not all of it washes away some of it stays down in the drain trap it's made that way so the smell from the sewer won't get back into the house a ring is much heavier than water so if you happen to drop it down the drain it won't wash away it will stay at the bottom of the drain trap [Music] so that means we still got a chance yeah but how in the world can we get it out of that trap who knows I don't know how to swim don't worry it's all under control do you have any thread plenty of it go get it and I'll be back in a Flash I can't fix it like this I need my welder I need to borrow your pack of Mac for a little while now that's a coincidence I need to use it too yeah then I need to use your pack of Mac what I'll bring it right back hey where are you going just watch what you're doing dear [Music] just like the name says fixies live to help machines and appliances but machines are very big and fixies are very small so they can't get by without tools long ago fixie's work with just about anything they could find Little Feathers threads fins but now they have backpacks called hackamats inside of hakumat are all sorts of tools just push the button and the packamat spins around quickly shooting at a hook or a magnet or even a parachute every adult thinks he has their own pack a mat but before children can get them they have to go to school and study hard and then pass an exam before they have the rights of a full-fledged fixie and it's only after all of that that young fixies get their own pack of mats laughs and what you're going down there with just that on not just like this yeah like that huh she was just saying when I tug on the thread you need to pull me up I got it he just said I got it she said she doesn't need me to repeat what you say foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Simca nolik thank you you really saved the day before I said that's what fixies are for Tom Thomas who are you talking with in there oh your mom came back no one hey can you turn back into fixies I gotta ask you a question I forgot should I write 12th anniversary with an F or do I write with a V just write the number you're right SMS hey hey all clear oh take a look a mobile phone you think they bought Tom Thomas a new one oh wow no let's stop awesome [Music] Tom Thomas help us please we're trying to save your telephone that's not mine oh Katie left it behind Katya Katya she's gone it's too late oh an SMS just came in you won't read it will ya of course not but what if it's something important Tom Thomas don't you even dare go and read her letters uh-huh pretty interesting looky there's just a ton of these messages now Nolan you go and distract him from the telephone uh-huh foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] done well power's off now huh what's up it stopped working all of a sudden oh it looks like you've broken it what no way you did too well Tom Thomas now you'll have to give Katy her phone back like this I just don't get it it happened because you were reading someone else's mail it was just an SMS an SMS is no different from a letter it's only shorter people send sms's through their mobile phones and that's why looking inside someone else's phone and reading their sms's is just as rude as reading someone else's mail and that's why when we fix these work inside of a phone we always put our headphones on when a call comes in so we won't overhear people's private conversations by accident just the polite thing to do I promise I won't read anyone else's messages but that's not gonna make the mobile work again now what tell them the truth don't you worry Tom Thomas because we turned the phone off and now we'll turn it back on [Music] see that the contact's barely attached we just need to write a note to the fixies who work over at conscious I'm sure they'll fix it there are fixies living in every home and the work they have to do can seem endless the TV starts acting up then the doorbell breaks the washing machine stops running and then the phone won't ring and besides all of that there is cleaning and there's oiling like the appliances in the kitchen are kids toys and all those other things modern houses are literally stuffed with all sorts of devices and that is why the fixies keep working day in and day out unfortunately this can make fixies get carried away by their jobs and they can forget about their fixie relatives and close friends that live in the neighboring houses and apartments and that's not right just like humans fixies have to remember to go and visit each other more often and write each other letters or at least send their regards [Music] that's all it's working again you're the best now I can give a call to Katya and tell her she left her phone over here [Music] yeah and two Katya and her phone is where laughs Tom Thomas good catch but fast like a like a like a fixie [Music]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 757,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: V6MKQn3dT8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 23sec (5843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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