Detective Blippi! | Learn About The Police for Kids | Educational Video for Toddlers

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[Music] look at where we are we are at a beautiful park and look at what we have yum a tasty lunch like this grape this raspberry a red strawberry and we have some vegetables a sandwich crackers but we'll get to this in a little bit let's go play first come on wow this park is so beautiful like these plants they just look like plants but they're so beautiful to me look they're so green and alive and they smell so great wow hey i'm kinda hungry let's go eat some more wow oh whoa what happened where'd it go oh no my lunch is gone hey officer officer oh hey there lippy what's going on my lunch was just right here i was eating it and it was so good and then i went over here and then i looked at some plants and then i came back here and it was all gone well looks like we're having to investigate this lucky for you i have my crime scene bag with me i got a really good idea do you want to help me blippi i would love to oh i got this special badge just for you oh whoa wow look at that it even has my name on it whoa i am honored whoa and look at what you rode up on a police bicycle can i look at it of course you can blippi oh cool okay look at this a helmet wow this keeps you nice and safe okay and oh look up here do you see that it's a light and the handlebars and one big giant wheel and tire and then a second big giant wheel and tire and then we have the pedals and the kickstand let's put that up right now yeah and look at this this is the crime scene investigation bag he said this is going to help us find my lunch but first let's take it for a ride [Music] whoa whoa whoa that was so much fun it is isn't it blippi yeah well i think we should get started on the investigation what do you think yeah i think so too all right i think the next best thing sending the canine ooh canine that's another word for a dog officer feed checks in the k9 oh he did it police dogs have really sensitive noses and police used those to help us track to people and evidence to help us with our investigations he did it he found some evidence [Music] investigator blippi this is the evidence that the k9 tracks too oh look this is my glass this is my glass that had all the water in it what's it doing all the way over here huh well there's the glass what do we do well we have to collect the evidence using the bag that we talked about earlier so the first thing that we're going to do is put evidence tape up to secure the scene okay oh thank you whoa look it says crime scene do not cross go around the bumper [Music] here we go and we can tie it off okay let's tie it there we go oh almost there oh good job lippy thanks okay it's nice and tied off now what that was a great job blippi now we have to take pictures using a ruler okay hey here we go so we have the ruler let's put this down right next to it then we have a camera let me turn it on smile oh you are so beautiful class okay close up [Music] okay turn that off and here you go all right now that we've taken pictures we actually have to collect the evidence okay but before we do so we got to put gloves on so we don't want your fingerprints being on it right okay so we have to put these gloves on and this first glove is the color blue and the second glove is also the color blue all right i got the gloves on now what okay now the gloves are on we can actually pick it up and put it into a bag okay an evidence bag okay here we go pick it up wow okay let's put it in the bag all right so i got it in the bag now what that was a great job now we have to get down to the police department to process it okay so how do we get it there well we're at the call in the motorcycle okay officer feed check can you sit in the motorcycle for transport of evidence okay i guess i'll go meet the motorcycle go there waiting for you okay [Music] whoa look at what it is wow it's a police motorcycle and this is what's going to be used to transport the evidence here come here wow look at it okay first things first let's put the evidence in the back of this motorcycle okay now it's safe back here oh and back here here's a compartment with a laptop see there's a laptop and a printer too what is this oh look it's a picture for me oh nice picture okay let's put that down right there okay oh so many cool things to show you but first maybe i should hop on whoa whoa this motorcycle is really big way bigger than the average motorcycle okay um let me show you this yeah kind of want to show you this first this is a radar gun see this is what's used to check the speed of everyone driving on the road so you should drive the speed limit or lower because that's the limit of safety um let's see what else can i show you oh yeah the lights watch this ready oh yeah red and blue lights that's to let everyone know that there's an emergency and what else is also used to let everyone know that there's an emergency is the siren here we go [Music] oh that's so loud and then also the horn yeah and then the police officer on the motorcycle took the evidence to the police station whoa look we're inside the evidence room with our evidence hey how are you good hey that's the evidence what do we do so we're gonna process it for friends okay how do we do that first you're gonna need your lab coat lab coat look yeah it's the color blue wow i like the color blue it's one of my two favorite colors blue is one of them and orange is the other all right now i have my lab coat on now what now you need your gloves gloves are they okay they're right here looks like oh look at these blue rubber gloves so we wear these so then we don't make our own fingerprints on the evidence all right so now i have the gloves on now what now you're going to need to fold this brown paper down okay oh here we go thank you brown paper hey all right now you can come on over to the side all right and now so we have this we have the paper right here and gloves on so now what do you need now you're gonna need some tools okay let's see first of all you're gonna need your print dust ooh look at that print dust it's the color black whoa okay next you're gonna need your brush brush look at that brush whoa so now what do i do so take your glass out of the bag okay okay okay now dip your brush into the dust okay just a little bit okay i got some dust do you see that now what now paint your brush on your fingerprint like a fairy dancing on the leg fairy dancing on the lake i like that you're funny okay here you go all right whoa it's showing something wow all right okay i'll take that okay and next you're gonna need your print blender oh print lifter so the print lifter looks like a sticker so can you hold this for me sure okay so now i'm gonna unstick this and this is really sticky and then i'm gonna put it right here here we go oh okay and then should i peel it off gently peel it off okay just like that oh we did it wow okay let's close it up like a book and look at that wow we just pulled a print off of the glass yeah the evidence glass okay so i'll give you that and then what do we do with the glass now so the glass needs to go back into a paper bag okay so i'll go get a paper bag and yeah here we go let's see perfect there you go okay now what now you need to seal the bag with evidence okay evidence tape oh okay check this out let's seal it up all right it's nice and sealed now what don't forget to sign it oh gotta sign it will you spell my name with me ready b l i p p i blippi good job all right let's put the pen back now that the evidence is all taped up and secure we need to put it in the evidence bowl whoa here i go [Music] what is that hello hello hey i have some evidence for you oh hey we got the results back of those prints oh whoa look at this it's a photo of a raccoon so a raccoon ate my lunch so much to learn about it'll make you
Channel: Blippi - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 15,215,714
Rating: 3.637079 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Nursery Rhymes, kids songs, toddlers, children, kids, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, kids learning videos, wash your hands, home school, online school, 123, abc, kids video, baby videos, kids cartoon, videos for kids, education, children learning, Baby Songs, toddler songs, babies, moonbug, kids tv, bus, animals, vehicles, videos for toddlers
Id: 8ikQe9e9-iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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