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the instructions [Music] hmm it doesn't work try putting it in the other way did you read the instructions why would i instructions are for dummies yeah instructions are for dummies all right oh what's going on wow my battery [Music] instructions teach us how to do things right instructions for a piece of furniture explain how to put it together with the instructions for a television we can adjust the picture and sound the way we like them print it on a box of oatmeal are the instructions for how to cook it the instructions for medicines tell us what the medicine is for and how to safely use it so always read the instructions if you want to do things right and avoid a lot of problems i found it here it is here you go tom thomas whoa we got your new chair but it has to be assembled and i'm afraid it'll be a little bit difficult for you no it won't don't worry dad i'll do it finish before dinner and we'll get ice cream tonight a creamsicle two okay first assemble the chair [Music] thomas can i help you put the chair together come on hey first you two need to read the instructions stop being such a bore what like i haven't seen a chair or like i haven't seen a chair [Music] so [Music] well tom thomas you done dinner's ready let's go oh dad no i need another two minutes hmm help me how what does it say i have to do in the instructions ah i thought you could do it without them ah all right i'll help you let's see take this part over here and that one over there no get a screw no the longer one it's over there the very first stools and benches appear as far back as ancient egypt the pharaoh's stool was special because it had a back it is thought that the pharaoh's stool was actually the first chair for a long time a chair was considered a luxury rich noblemen would bring their own chairs to parties and the more important the man the higher the back of his chair it wasn't until the 19th century the chairs became part of every house today there are just so many different kinds of chairs there are wooden chairs plastic chairs metal chairs chairs with legs chairs with wheels folding chairs baby chairs just all sorts of chairs well how could people sit down at the table with no chairs i think we'll make it screw it in quickly no lick we need one more screw but there aren't any there is you gotta find it i already looked everywhere tom thomas time's up nola you have to help help just for a minute that's all turn into a screw if it's only a minute i'll do it for you [Music] i'm done you built it huh great job son mom see how i won the bet can you believe it he put the chair together ah you're so brilliant go on have a seat [Music] ah now i see you missed a screw but i screwed it in it must have must have what must have what look here it is ah now this screw's not going anywhere and that ice cream you won well you just lost it well then mr chair builder time for dinner yeah in a sec where is that noah he ran away what a traitor no he's not he promised you he'd become a screw for just a minute and the minute was up well where is he then over there he's studying the instructions for the clock hey tom thomas it says that we put the wrong kind of battery into the clock we should use that kind you see tom thomas if you don't want to be a dummy instructions are for you the shadow play oh hi there tom thomas what are you doing here ah i dropped a paper clip give me some light [Music] [Laughter] what's so funny huh we're trying to help you out you've got funny shadows that's what [Music] hey check this out it's an eagle i think there's a goose she looks more like a moose i do huh all right you're like real actors performing in a show uh-huh actors playing a theater you know and we're just under a bed and so what how about we make our very own theater a theater with shadow glass tom thomas we need a piece of paper a huge sheet it's really quite easy to make your own shadow theater you can make the screen out of a white sheet or a big piece of paper next make sure the room is dark and shine a desk lamp at the screen now to make the shadows just put yourself or a cardboard cutout between the lamp and the screen your shadow or the shadow of your puppets will come to life but make sure that the audience sits on the other side of the screen the play will be much more magical for them from that side [Music] tom thomas light [Music] oh wow you look totally like the real red riding hood hello dear granddaughter hello dear grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you with my dear no look come on we're rehearsing the wolf's voice is funny grandmother i never noticed what very big teeth you've got there's so much better to eat you with my dear yum yum yum yep let them out wolf or out or out get them out whoa myself ha ha you'll stop me with that little stick hey that's not in the fairy tale but in the fairy tale it's a normal hunter and what do you think i am look for yourself you're way too small to be the hunter fine then go to your plate without me well i guess i'll have to make the hunter out of paper then that's all take a break i'm really thirsty she was so salty that grandma no lick don't be upset the wolf is huge and i'm so little then let's make you bigger you see now you're bigger yeah you're right and if we go back here then i'm even bigger now you know if you go back here near the lamp your shadow will get bigger on the screen [Music] there are just so many different kinds of theaters in the world in the dramatic theater the actors speak the lines of the playwright at the opera the actors don't speak their lines they sing them accompanied by an orchestra and here at the ballet the performers don't speak or sing their parts here the story is told with dance there are also theaters where the performers are animals in an animal theater you can watch performances by cats and dogs or goats and pigeons or even bears and seals there are also theaters where the stories are told by puppets to tell the truth the puppets are brought to life with the help of people yes there are so many different kinds of theater my favorite is the shadow theater i think it's the most beautiful and mysterious theater of them all hello dear grandmother grandmother what very big eyes you've got the better to see you with my dear and grandmother what great big sharp teeth you've got all the better to eat you up with my dear um oh just wait aha wolf i've got you the hunter looks so strong you're a hunter then where's your gun why do i need a gun you're so tiny i could use a fly swatter but i'd rather do it like this like what with my bare hands way to go [Music] [Applause] who is your favorite mine was the grandmother well i think red riding hood was the best for me the hunter he was so mighty and so fearless and for me the special [Music] if you effects a picture please don't let the secret up but if you need a picture please don't let the secret up but if you need a fixture please
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 16,720,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: 8Zxda1433IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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