Official Forts Tournament XXI! (1v1) - Forts RTS - Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey and curses how you doing man [Music] yeah we just need to get our first contestants in here while we do that very exciting to be having another tournament another 1v1 um you changed my uh status to observer yep it has been done and we have rome with us too uh so uh last weekend uh we had the qualifiers uh for this event which was really cool and bob retto uh kindly uh hosted that one um and that was really neat to see a few newer players come in and uh compete and um and then of course uh this tournament has a bunch of uh with seated pre-seeded i guess by a bunch of uh previous uh top-ranked players so i'm expecting uh the competition here to be quite fierce and we're gonna see some highly skilled fort playing here [Music] and the other thing we're going to be doing is we will be having commander bands a game so before each battle starts uh the players each ban a commander for that match which has added a very interesting angle to everything because you know people get quite used to build orders and you know particular strategies with certain commanders and having them banned suddenly really makes you have to think on your feet i thoroughly and i i do really like the commander band system that has been that we've been playing around with it's it really changes things up it's no longer just pen fits rushes or pinch fist rushes or just everyone chooses spook yep exactly and that makes me it makes me very happy it looks like the looks like our first competitors are here with e10 reverses blood parasite yep and uh eaton is team one yeah parasites team two we have the 15 minute time limit we have our observer tools i think we might be ready to go uh which map are we starting on this time oh we need uh rome to give us the he wants to play battlegrounds 1v1 so let's do that it looks like we're good to go we'll need to do commander bands and yes as the top player on uh this matchup should be on team one yes it is correct uh okay so i'm just gonna see which commanders they would like to uh yep eaton is banning scatter scatter okay curious and but parasite is banned spook interesting that one is not terribly surprising to me spook can be very tricky being able to see into the other person's base is like oh yes so powerful it's the one time a lot of these high skilled players most of the top bracket top players of forts will get extremely greedy and take the uh the high percentage play but it is still a risky play as it were as if no one ever goes around and and [Music] makes a fully defended base instead they leave some very specific vulnerabilities very hard to capitalize on vulnerabilities but nevertheless they're cheaping out the cutting corners and it lets them get further ahead because they have extra resources to put into weapons or more more important things but it does leave their base vulnerable and spook spook lets the opponent determine exactly where those vulnerabilities are exactly um could you please set finn to be an observer um saul's work and finn are streaming this tournament in german on their appropriate channels so if you prefer german version uh seek them out excellent so make sure to check them out i don't have a a command to link to cells work within this channel i imagine they're very simple to find if you go onto twitch they will be the top forts streamer in german yep so make sure to check them out if you're looking for look if german is your native tongue and you wish to hear in that language but otherwise it looks like we're good to go here yep i think we are excellent so with that let us jump right into this first match our contestants are ready let's do this jumping into eaton vs blood parasite round one let's go so it looks like on the left hand side we have eaton probably the strongest player we've ever had in forts choosing the pinch this commander we could expect to see a lot of redesigns a lot of reconstruction and selling off particularly greedy play out of this player especially given the pinch fist commander which assists in that style of play on the opposite side we have eaton's opponent it is blood parasite hanging on the side of the wall going with the firebird commander fire interesting choice it's i think i think that is the perfect word to describe firebird as a commander it's like firebird is fun but firebird is gimmicky it doesn't do a whole lot in terms of in terms of assisting build orders for firebird you don't say oh i have this particularly strong weapon and i'm going to use that strong weapon no it redesigns you have to design a strategy around firebird because firebird gives additional power to weapons that typically aren't meant to deal significant amount of damage you have weapons like the incendiary mortar these are weapons that are more harassment weapons they don't deal real damage they destroy exposed things like exposed gunners exposed turbines exposed mines which is all fine and dandy but those don't end the game unless you're using firebird and it looks like we're gonna be starting off with the first mortar's launch before the two-minute mark but eaton is prepared for it already a pair of gunners takes mortars out of the sky and it's still clear in the skies blood parasites second set of mortars is coming online bringing them to a total of four where's on the other side eaton newton's not going for heavy weapons oh but a border lands and takes out a sniper with it exposed snipers exposed weapons that's what mortars are good for ah swarm missiles okay so eaton is going for a very fast at a very greedy swarm missile rush whereas his opponent is kicking up the aggressive power a little bit a little bit quicker dropping these mortars oh and a miss eaton was hoping to use that buzzsaw to expose the mortars and then snipe follow-up to clear out some of blood's mortars and stop this aggression against him but this time it is not going to be the case eaton's uh uh anti-air is being really effective at the moment isn't it i mean it's hardly missed a shot yeah it's surprising usually gunners are known for their inconsistency as most as most uh anti-air is all rng based in this game so you kind of have to overwhelm with firepower uh however blood is transitioning out selling off the mortars decided that there's enough anti-air so that's painful that's an expensive that's an expensive replacement but a nice nice retaliatory damage i'm curious as to what blood strategy is going to be at this point since blood does not have oh the laser switch interesting i'm surprised to see blood deciding to sell off his mortars this early if he's gonna go into the heavy weapons tech true i would have tried to keep them and continue the harassment yeah just to delay your opponent a little bit more but now blood has no pressure against eaton and eton is doing what he wants and what he wants is building a nuke and expanding to the upper island where i suspect there will be additional additional missile emplacements curious to see how that's going to work out yeah a well-placed buzz saw will slow him down absolutely though i suspect not too much as it doesn't look unstable oh mortars across the top okay so that's how he's playing this game so he's going to have a nuke go straight in and then he's going to have mortars come from above which is going to be going to be a potentially devastating combination of course on this map there is an island above the player's bases and that does protect against mortars to some degree but it isn't it isn't a complete protection motors are not useless it's just not they don't have free range as it were i think i think eden is just content to sit back build up for the moment it looks like he's aware that blood is not being super aggressive just waiting for the perfect opportunity to alpha strike and that i think that moment is right now with the nuke incoming it gets taken all down mortars are launched and no damage for those wondering with the firebird active all bullet weapons are incendiary that means even these little gunners anytime they land a shot it starts a fire and that fire can deal massive damage look at that burning down sniper and wind turbine alike this is almost a stalemate at this point i think eaton doesn't quite have the energy production to make a meaningful strike here he's just trying to do what he can whereas blood parasite similarly doesn't have weapons constructed there's the first placement of a fire beam yep a little bit slow at this stage but maybe he was uh um struggling for resources maybe struggling for resources and also struggling to to stay on top of his opponent's aggression i think they're both trying to whittle each other down notice how much blood parasite has spent on additional additional not just bass but anti-air very afraid of those very afraid of those missiles is doing everything they can to keep keep his opponent in check and keep himself safe has chosen to slow himself down in exchange for staying alive in exchange for safety whereas eaten on the other side uh he's just now getting the energy to fire a single single combined volley sending out a nuke and a swarm missile neither of which make it across curious we're halfway through the timer and no damage has been dealt to either player a single mortar lands oh he's made those incendiary and they don't make it a mini gunner he's retaliating in kind no more machine gunners for you says eaton coming into the mini gunner to gun them all down and here comes another launch oh the swarm missiles aren't ignited this time at least mostly just a bit of fire fire everywhere but no significant damage the sniper did manage to take out the fire beam which is very unfortunate for blood parasite as i was there one one heavier weapon when actually capable of dealing damage but this does mean that eaton doesn't have any serious pressure against them at this point a blood parasite was had already begun construction of a second fire beam that's going to be nice but fire beams aren't the end-all be-all of weapons they don't deal significant amounts of damage much like the incendiary mortars they're meant for removing weapons they're meant for removing things like internals they aren't designed to deal structural damage they aren't designed to destroy forge they're designed as as harassment weapons and so blood parasite needs to step up his game and damage output in order to uh needs to add a plasma mm-hmm either a plasma or just have so much fire that it it burns eaten to the ground which to be fair is kind of the points of of a firebird here yes firebird's whole gimmick is that it takes weapons that don't typically deal damage or at least serious structural damage and causes them to deal so much fire just damage over time that it it ends up burning the base to the ground so mass fire beams is something you fairly commonly see with firebird unfortunately we don't have mass fire beams here it would seem that blood parasite is being defensive to the point where they just can't get any damage output onto the field whereas eaton eaton does have lots of damage output lots of potential here uh if their shots land eaton will break blood parasite space but blood parasite look at all of these gunners look at the thickness of these defenses here eaton's got a lot of work cut out for him and blood parasite's not making it easy oh damage has been massive damage and with that officially core damage has been dealt to blood parasite bringing it down to 81 and that will mean in four minutes time eaton will be victorious on timer at this point it is up to blood parasite to deal damage in return so i'm curious to see what blood parasite will do given the lack of time blood is really going to struggle to bring out uh blood is going to struggle to bring out a heavier weapon such as the plasma beam it may be in blood's interest to attempt to fire beam their way to success here but they will need to bring multiple fire beams out and they will need to focus fire on to the core or some similarly important structure yeah foundation firebeam firebeams is as like defensive almost you know taking out or at least setting swarms a light as they launch and they peter out as they get to him but he's not issuing any damage yes and that's gonna leave him in a in a bad position it's it's left him in a bad position so far he's not actually threatening his opponent here and that's i mean that's what the timer's for uh eaton has done actual damage and when the timer exp when the timer runs out eaton will be victorious for it yep looks like he's gonna try again for another heavy push fire beams shutting down the swarms and sierra shutting down the nuke eaton's mini gunner taking out some of the anti-air but it isn't enough oh blood is targeting the base of the extension up top and sand durian motors actually doing damage it looks like blood is attempting to disconnect that top array of water speeds or just aiming at gunners in general as also seems to be the case with this other fire beam fire beam being hard blocked by sandbags very effective defense oh boy the fog launchers that's gonna shut down most of the gunners the nuke doesn't land anyways and the mortars crash into orange a straight mist which is unfortunate poorly aimed out of eaton uncharacteristic of him and i think with only 60 seconds left i suspect we're not going to see a serious change in [Music] in the strategy these players here the nuke is gonna make it across largely uncontested no damage this time it could be a hefty repair bill but nothing nothing of value is lost as fog launchers doing extremely the smoke launchers doing extremely well blocking off all of the blood parasites and sierra yes very good usage uh usage of uh well it's just such a good harassment weapon isn't it yeah it is it really is another nuke flies oh uncontested taking a chunk out of blood parasite space that's not going to be rebuilt soon that actually took out most of his energy production that's going to leave him in a rough spot and the swarms lands more damage dealts but this goes to the timer gg eaton with the victory all right ladies and gentlemen so that will be eaton taking his victory in round one going up to round two over his opponent blood parasite all right let's get the next set of players in and we should we should be good to go here at the moment matteo versus geiger now that's a good matchup mateo very well known for their extremely accurate laser play matteo is uh the one shot one kill of sniping in forts i think is a good way to describe it you can never count out matteo when there is a uh when there's a laser in play and geiger geiger another content creator here in the fort's community also of the german community so if you guys are looking to see geiger in his native tongue or perhaps are just a fan there you go this is the match for you and as as mentioned before sal's work is streaming on twitch right now actually is geiger also streaming i know geiger does often stream these i um actually i don't know i would assume he'd be streaming his own uh participation yes he doesn't he doesn't often commentates and he doesn't always he doesn't always stream the entire usually doesn't stream the entire tournament but he usually does stream his perspective his pov as he's playing it yes uh geiger is live right now with his match excellent so make sure to check them out so you guys can see the first person perspective as much as it is nice to see through the eyes of the spectator you can see all things sometimes it is nice to see to feel the struggle alongside um okay so i think i have things set up on my end uh mateo is on his way and there he is i actually need to swap team numbers here there we go excellent and it looks like we're about ready to go for those in chat asking we have two voices here jordan we have nose head one of the developers of forts coming in to oversee this tournament remember this is the fort's official 1v1 tournaments and we have noah's head here to support us hello as well as romero lagus who i just usually call romero yeah i'd refer to myself that way too now romero doing all the behind the scenes things the most the cat hurting taking care of things to make everything go smoothly always always a big thank you to romero for keeping keeping everything going looks like mateo is banned seep and geiger is banned pinch i think it's pronounced salzburg because german i will have to take your word for it uh my pronunciation of german words is not particularly not particularly on point i would have to practice them much more [Music] but i'm always happy i'm always happy to stand corrected always happy to learn okay everybody's readied up uh all right yep we're still round one and it's mateo versus geiger tao on team one we're good excellent let's do this we're off all right ladies and gentlemen here on the left hand side we have mateo i think my favorite to win on this on this particular matchup oh yeah okay known known for known mostly for his heavy weapons play and his pinpoint accuracy with his weapons uh she and also choosing in this surprise of a mirror match it is scatter shot scatter shot is a commander you typically only see when the players are going for 20 millimeters and similar style shenanigans uh facing off against his opponent it's geiger currently live streaming his pov right now make sure to go check him out on twitch so you guys can see what horrors he plans to bring against his opponents also choosing the scattershot commander i'm curious what is it about this map or perhaps about these players that would make them choose the same commanders of course both of these players are very well known within the forged community and both of them are quite skilled so i'm not not at all surprised but it is the answer to that will be buzz saws that is what i expect as well on a map such as this one where you have a base that is effectively separated between two significant areas having a buzz saw that can disconnect things is quite quite good remember with the scatter shot commander buzz saws fire one extra saw or launch one extra saw which is a fairly significant damage boost it enables enables some extreme cutting and slicing action which can destabilize a base when it is when the base such as these relies so heavily on connecting to two different foundation nodes you can see here geiger expanding to the lower area trying to keep his base as uniform as possible without any kind of deformation which is not quite succeeding perfectly but it will suffice similarly scattershot does give access to some upgraded 20 mils a 20 millimeter cannon so i am not at all surprised to see geiger going with the heavy weapons tech the munitions plant to get out those 20 millimeters or the cannons in general and uh off we've seen the first use of the buzzsaws actually eliminating matteo's sniper up top just hitting it with giant metallic sauce until it falls apart what a way to go i know i'm sorry i love i love the way it works out here we're playing forts where we launch giant saw blades at each other even so the double sniper shots the double sniper is another feature of scatter shot scouter shot themed around applying around adding extra bullets onto everything extremely extremely satisfying i am being corrected in chat that it is too extra sauce which is correct it is not it is not one extra slot it is it is two extra sauce which is a serious damage output increase and that's why it's quite popular on this map you can see here disconnecting the mines of course the bus saws only really do structural damage and no serious damage to internals or devices things like these mines here are not in serious direct threat uh but the connections to them absolutely absolutely destroyed by such things here we can see geiger bringing out those 20 millimeters geiger going more for a fast and greedy rush not even getting the lower expansion not expanding downward really at all for any meaningful amount commandability active that's going to be that's going to change these 20 mils into basically 20 millimeter shotguns and uh that's a lot of damage his opponent do you think he should have waited for his second 20 to be up before doing that no no no no i think the early damage is worth it yes especially considering that he's fully aware that his opponent is going for the later game build yeah right it is matteo is not rushing exactly mateo is here to get all his minds all of his economy and just survive like he's geiger is not going to be punished by firing early here geiger's got free reign to do whatever he wants so by all means just shoot things adjust fire the more the merrier in this case the only thing he has to be concerned about is that uh the sniper retaliation in fact it would be best if geiger actually took advantage of his current map control and focused on his opponent's weaponry does he get the snipe does not get the sniper close close but not quite looks like despite two two 20 millimeter launches uh no serious damage was dealt some interesting door setups there in front of those 20s uh yes for both players the the tiny door strategy ever popular these days i've been doing more of that myself as well it's it's just good especially when you if you're in a 1v1 and you don't need and you don't need a to worry about having to quickly adjust your aim to a second entirely second region of the map uh by all means the 20 mils are just or the tiny doors are just better they're just more cost effective they're faster harder to door snipe cheaper yep an unusual choice building a standard cannon in a matchup where you are scatter shot but canon's traditionally the stronger weapon between the two the standard cannons looks like geiger is going to be redesigning the front of his base a bit tanking it making it ready to receive cannon rounds no longer putting weapons in front of uh no longer putting weapons in front of his part of his core and a cannon round hit poor damages core damage which is nice but here we have retaliatory strike from geiger oh geiger's not gonna fire he still has an opportunity if he fires right now which he will do yep heavy damage yeah 20 mils do so much damage for those wondering the difference between a 20 mil and the standard can as you can see the 20 mils fire oh oh that was a good shot that was a beautiful shot the 20 millimeters softening everything up and then the standard cannon coming in and just straight up penetrating and destroying over penetrating the base it went in one side out the other taking everything in its path along with it yeah and then splash damage on the core indeed that's gonna put mateo even further ahead leaving geiger down at 67 hp yes the 20 millimeters as a weapon deal more damage overall than their standard cannon counterparts oh and again that's uh yeah that's a game ending right there yeah and he is going to concede here which is a uh with six minutes left there's still more things he can do but it's i don't i think that that's not an incorrect not an incorrect choice there yeah it's it's i don't generally like to see that but i like to see people try to you know rescue it from the end but that was pretty much one-sided yes it would have would have been the hailest of mary's and attempting to come back from that one with that mateo moves on to the next round defeating his opponent geiger in the match congratulations to matteo coming in with the 20 millimeter and cannon with scatter shot just straight sniping every weapon geiger had yeah slow methodical extreme accuracy never missing around and taking geiger apart one shot at a time okay [Music] so now we have firework versus amberullo excellent we have ambroulo on the team a2 versus firework on team one it was nice to see some of our newer maps first up there from the um recent uh map making tournaments and stuff yes that last map actually the last two maps actually were from the uh the fort's map making tournaments some of the the top end maps very very good maps and i i especially like the i especially like the last one we just played uh yeah yeah kind it's in the spirit of course you know what i mean like that's uh definitely something we look for in desert ruins i think is my my favorite of the lot personally i just find it the most fun like that you've got these very stable bases that can be disconnected and can be destabilized but they're it's easy to stabilize you've got options you can have a sniper that you can put up in a little sniper nest just super easy to put to place there like nothing is too stable nothing is such that it's impossible to break or destabilize it's and there's so many options and because it's such a long map you can fit so many weapons like it's satisfying not enough energy on that map that sounds like someone who hasn't put wind turbines in places they're not supposed to go okay so the commander band's coming up now yep uh firework goes first isn't he yes he does well hello there think now is a good time to shout out those who have come in with the support i know we don't have the alerts live right now that's where today we are focusing on the contents today is the day when we go through and show you guys the best sports matches but shout out to jack the ripper coming in with scatter the support as well as mo fg coming in with good absolute megaton dropping the 50. thank you so much for the support i look forward to seeing you guys when we do the more chatting aside of the stream but for now enjoy the content and i'll see you guys soon looks like we're good to go excellent glad to see it all right let's double check with the players make sure they're ready to go that's a yes for all so let's jump right into this next match and we're off all right ladies and gentlemen here we have on the left hand side and playing on stalagmites 1v1 it is firework going going with pinch fist so here we have a match where no one banned pinch fest and therefore it is a pinch fist mirror that's usually how that works it's uh pinch fist versus pinch fist firework on the left hand side versus ambroulo on the right already going for some very different builds uh ambrelo going for more pinch fists base build which is this is what i would expect from finchfist build here everything being sold off everything being redone rear wind turbines because why not and a very fast technology whereas firework is going for a different build hasn't sold off all of his things still sitting on only three mines opens upgrade center first oh what do you think he's doing he's getting the fastest ap sniper he was trying to punish ambroulo pinch fist builds if you remember extremely greedy an ap sniper early is usually enough to just end the game um i think heard the upgrade sound and panicked and then suddenly has added a ridiculous amount of wood on front because he knows he's about to get hammered by something probably an ap sniper and he would be correct oh wouldn't ya go for the core i think seeing that all the extra wooden fronts the firework knows that he's not going to be able to get the core so he's just checking what is obviously going to be weapon platforms he's checking to see if those weapons are there now we can see i'm not sure if firework is going to be able to see without testing we can see that there's enough wood struts there overlaid on top of each other to stop the ap rounds from going through now once doors are placed and it's all opened up those ap rounds will be able to go through but the emps will at least be able to complete so firework will be able to deal significant damage with unless ambroulo goes through and spends the extra time to make his doors safe which he probably will do because uh he's aware that yep there's the door stopping the bullet yes it's opening up and i think i think um brulo is going to get he's already double doing typically these rockets would have launched already but and brulo is aware that if he does that he's just going to get a hard shutdown and that's going to get firework the additional time now we'll see we will see what happened did he just fire through his own door he did he did and it slowed the slowed the bullet down yeah that's how that works okay so ambrello with the exposed sniper is not able to deal with the fireworks doored ap sniper upgraded sniper and it looks like with the mini guns in place the shotgun though that's going to be tough shotgun's pretty satisfying i have to say yes when now rocket onslaught so i'm curious to see i think firework was was betting this is not quite an all-in but firework invested heavily into early game aggression and was hoping to capitalize on ambrello's greed and ambrello noticed that and just stopped being greedy and hard defended leaving in a position where no one's doing any real damage and bruto is delayed ambrelo has got some serious firepower doesn't have it's taken him a long time it's canada clock already and umbrella hasn't done any damage because he's just delayed the inevitable he's he's delayed his attack just to make sure he doesn't get hard countered by fireworks attack and firework realizing that has not attacked so now we've got a situation where they're staring at each other not doing anything about it and firework has decided to switch out of his early greed his early all-in as it were and is now now getting an upgraded swarm missile and brulo having stabilized his base is no longer vulnerable to the early shenanigans that firework was threatening to fire is uh starting to open fire and we're seeing mostly anti-air getting picked off by the shotgun but nothing crazy has happened just yet i'm curious to see what's gonna what's gonna hit first going right through right through the base that's something you don't see every day another swarm missile launch so one missile is not really able to deal serious damage here but is is threatening to do something it's trying you know it's doing its best oh you cheeky he opened the doors and immediately closed them knowing it would be umbrella uh firework to fire at the opened doors yeah i love seeing that that makes me happy oh ap sniper taking vengeance and mini gunner oh tried to use the mini gunner's anti-year didn't quite did it quite make it but now we have the first nuclear launch and ambrellos doesn't have a whole that much aaa he's got two machine gunners in a flat it is enough the swarms make it through dealing superficial damage the nuke does not the nuke was the main focus there so it's a sufficient defense out of embryo though but and brulo is in a risky risky world right now yeah he doesn't really have a finishing weapon does he well rockets you could potentially do it with rockets but it's you know if there's a a going on then that gets neutralized oh the nuke gets hit it goes drunk but that's it massive damage it doesn't outright destroy anything but it has fully drained ambu ambroulo's bank and brulo has not even able to repair look at that he's running out of money entirely oh he just shot his own rockets that hurts remember rockets as powerful as they are they aren't they aren't burst damage they aren't penetrated weapons they win the game by draining your opponent of economy you win with rockets when your opponent no longer has the ability to repair the splash damage in this world where ambroulo is not the aggressor rockets are not landing the shots they need they're not doing the damage and so he's not able to win with them he can keep firework in check he can make fireworks spend on anti-air he can occasionally land a single rocket of the volley and do some damage but it's not going to be the lethal amounts he needs and he knows that so he's he's already begun switching over to the laser tech and at this point is just hoping to survive the nukes and that's that's a disposed shotgun and i think he gets the cell off in time he does get the cell off on time he recovers the money from the shotgun and now he's just going to try to survive until he can get out the heavy weapons until he can get out that plasma laser however yeah this is a clumsy transition a very clumsy transition forced upon him by fireworks fireworks extremely i'm gonna say like reading him like a book like this is this is i don't want to call it a build order win but it put him in a serious it puts firework at an extremely extremely advanced well advantage and brew has been fighting from behind ever since knowing full well that both players read and reacted as best as they could hmm like like you said um firework did a a gamble on the rush right with the upgrade center and ap sniper yes uh and that didn't necessarily i don't think that achieved what he was going for but then he transitioned out of that and started going the towards the nukes and once you have something like that you you know you're giving yourself a chance oh look at that 50 damage yes and that that is exactly what happened we saw both players go pinch fist and brew though go for a traditional pinch fist build and fireworks said okay you're doing that i'ma take a gamble on this and i'm gonna try to hard counter you by attacking you and trying to end the game before the three minute mark ambroulos saw what was coming with his own scouting and reacted accordingly and so now we have this position where ambroulo is fighting from behind has chosen a strategy that is getting effectively hard countered by firework and is now and is now just playing from behind firework was able to transition into what is now the double duke play but it's able to do so because he had such a great advantage over ambrello's opener whereas ambroulo is just trying to make work whatever he can fireworks um still adding new tech he is i think you know i mean that's aggressive right and that's ultimately if you want to win that's what you got to do right you just got to keep keep upgrading keep adding weapons cr keep increasing your damage output yeah that is that is how you do it and at this point uh firework is getting greedy with his things he's got an exposed battery and uh that could come back to bite him or at least prevent him from increasing his damage too much that was an interesting choice placing a placing a wind turbine causing it to collect the nuke and detonate further out i guess saving the flak launcher but did cost him the cost of a wind turbine which is a little bit much i'm not sure that's worth it although it is pretty close at this point umbrella has successfully constructed two plasma lasers there are not two flat two uh fire beams both of which are capable of dealing serious damage to fireworks base remember that firework in his greedy early game rush has not built himself in a way that lends toward a survivability if those fire beams are allowed to connect which i think they will be and we're going to see huge amounts of damage here yep those mini guns which have been such a pain for so very low oh that was a shock fireworks still has the ap snipers has not got rid of them and with only one door on each of those fire beams the ap sniper returns returns with um on yielding vengeance dealing even more core damage after the fire beam explodes well uh ambrulo did manage to return fire taking out both mini gunners and his sniper so that was that was nice that hasn't solved the problem of there being a mess load of weapons firework is still bristling with offensive firepower and is it even putting doors on things at this point because well umbrello can't really fight back oh one gunner saves ambrello from getting nuked once again it just hurts so much seeing that but here we have it and brulo with no weapons one minute left in the match yeah i think pretty much this is it i i would have to agree um there's a moment there where those fire beams could have been a hail mary if you got lucky with them but um just didn't happen yes and that that was a very real threat like umbrella was doing well 60 seconds left umbrella sniper can i don't know if he knows uh none of none of fireworks things are defended so that sniper can actually just kind of ruin urine firework uh but it's not gonna actually destroy firework and that's what that's what umbrella would need to come back in this game man that one ap sniper just ruining ambroulo from the start of this match all the way to the end and bruto not able to get the defenses he needs come on at least get the emp you could do it on brulo just take vengeance upon the emp launcher trying to hit he tried to hit the nuke i mean if he had hit it it'd have gotten it'd have gone drunk and very likely hit the emp we talked about knock it out with style but with that with that firework is our victor in this match gg all right and brulo knocked out firework moving on to the next round to face off the victor of ours upcoming match mary ggs you all involved i'm sorry i i love the strategy elements of forts and that was just that the first three four minutes of this match was nothing but mind game there was not a shot fired it was just player pretending to do a strategy and then getting countered and reacting and it was all it was all in the heads of the players with no actual shots fired and i love seeing that yeah it's really good it's really interesting as night i you know i like the the the cheeky rush at the start and watching that work that's just amazing when it does but it's kind of rare it is and this is this is i think one of the reasons why we don't see a lot of these super cheeky rushes early game by the by the more experienced players because you're going to get you're going to play against a player like m brulo he's going to know how to defend against it and sure it won firework beat ambroulo with the super early rush but he didn't do it by destroying ambroulo he did it by just getting ahead of him burula relatively and being able to feel the transition way before ambrello could that's right and that's that is the real power of a lot of these early game attacks you're not most of the time you're not trying to actually eliminate your opponent you're just trying to delay them and you can delay them so cost effectively yep that by the time they your opponents are able to transition out of it and stabilize you've got heavy weapons you've got a paradox on the field and that is what ends the game not the not the ap sniper it's not the the mini guns it's it's what follows the mini guns that eliminates your opponent yep our players are in the lobby it is time for commander bands and brillo didn't get beat he got disassembled i think i think that is a good i think that is a good way to describe it magna 20s oh no we only have a 15 minute timer here guys yeah it's just keeps things moving along you know what i mean it does we do occasionally have a match that isn't decided by the 15 minute mark but that's kind of rare especially for 1v1 like in a 2v2 like okay sure but i think it's really the 3v3s where it starts to get a little bit longer the matches usually even in 2v2s it's someone's rushed down one of their opponents and then it's 2v1 which lasts all like 30 seconds but it looks like we are good to go the players have selected their bands scatter shot and pinch fist are banned this time around we have our map moorings so let's jump right into the match sounds good all right let's go noah versus gruze and we're off all right here on the left hand side it is noah on the map moorings this is a map that we see fairly often but it's strange it's very strange even by standards i think yeah it's it's it's a it's a hanging you're hanging off the side which is not terribly uncommon but you can also build into the wall and this allows for some very safe construction but in a weird way the fork because of how far it hangs off the side is unstable so you have this mix of super safe nigh invulnerable parts of your base coupled with oh my god my core is about to fall off at all times yeah it has a lean to it right off the start doesn't it it really does a lot of times you'll see on this map where players just go mortars just incendiary motors and break one wooden strut and the entire thing falls down it's just the wooden shred right here where this machine gunner sitting on that breaks though but the base is gone it's just done that's the end of it but no it looks like we'll be going for rockets rockets another decent choice curious to see how that's going to play out grutsa is going for grutsa is going not rockets on this despite being seep i'm curious uh so the commander choices are noah on the left side is gone for spook so has access to see all the weapons selected all the technology built by grutse further during the commander ability active has full vision of the of groots's base just as we do currently and can do a little bit of stealing oh nobody's gone for heavy weapons take the munitions plants uh i question so their opponent gritsa is gone with seep seep specializes in rockets and missile weapons um rockets and missile weapons are quite good on this map with the two swarm missiles you can get four mines and two swarms so so you have a strong economy and still have additional square missile weapons he's even put the one up here she's going up to three that's something you usually don't see because that one's just kind of expensive i mean you've got four mines so i guess why not i mean the why not is it takes a lot of energy to fire and he doesn't have that he's only got two turbines uh his opponent noah is reacting by building anti-air which is you know that's that's good steep special ability or passive enables the faster launching of missiles and they fly slightly faster and then during the active they get even zoomer and go sonic speeds across across the world which is generally causes a pretty big problem for anyone who's attempting to shoot them out of the sky as noah is going to have to do going up the three flak probably will not be enough at all to stop the three swarm missile launchers i would say also fielding some buzz saws that would explain why noah is building [Music] building metal in most places to prevent the buzzsaws from doing things um i am very concerned for nilo right now noah's wind condition involves building a cannon which noah is minutes away from doing and will likely be even more minutes away from doing in a few seconds when groot say launches their first volley oh never mind just got sniped uh glued said no longer has a sniper and therefore cannot launch the swarm missiles it will be a brief period of time before guruze can actually launch his first attack giving noah any amount of breathing room which is oh the cannon is placed that's the difference between a cannon being placed and not that's a standard cannon as a buzzsaw immediately slices off the sniper and the swarm missiles are launched one flag to flack taking out a bunch of the swarms mostly superficial damage in this versus volley the nuke is on the way core is very exposed with only uh a single piece of metal in front of it yes yes it is it is ap snipeable although yeah noah does not probably does know that actually uh but does not have an ap sniper nor the technology to get it there is a real scenario where noah is able to complete this cannon and fire a single round into the core of routsei yep that's what i was thinking which is becoming even more real considering gurude has upgraded all three of his swarms to nukes which means that there is going to be a solid 60 seconds of build time uh noah's cannon is going to complete could say without any swarms has no way of stopping this um is realizing this i think at this point and is defending his core which is good because noah will be able to fire that cannon and kudzu cannot stop it now of course it is one cannon versus three nukes um three nukes is a disgusting amount of firepower so uh i could say way higher in the firepower potential output i'm curious to see that gurude is not attempting to vie for map control here it's just letting it happen both players are building up and no one's interacting which favors noah um [Music] should be doing everything they can to shut down every amount of anti-air like don't let noah have a foot on the map because you're going to be launching missiles cannon launches cannon fired 77 remaining buzzsaw retaliates takes out a hefty chunk of noah's anti-air uh grootsai can fire two of the three nukes right now and is going to do that to nukes fire flak flies out duke makes it across well the swarms make it across some minor damage dealts swarm split oh it makes it through massive damage and that's it remember when i mentioned that that one single brace is all it takes to break and the fort falls down uh it broke and the fort fell down noah coming in with the one shot hitting the foundation of grutz's base tearing it and ripping it from the wall i think i'm gonna have to replay that i think that is a beautiful idea the one cannon round to end it all oh he put batteries on it too oh no that's just guaranteed you didn't even have to do much noah just landing a shot in the vicinity was enough to rip it off the wall and the one cannon round is fired so i'm going to watch that a nice slow motion here oh yeah nice and close right here watch this strut this guy right here this is the one that's critical as it comes in clean through that one strut falls and with it the rest of the base just collapses down that's i'm not going to say was unexpected because i kind of called it but that was unnecessary that did not need to be the case could say absolutely had the opportunity to to get his uh insurmountable lead but with that noah is victorious and moves on to face firework so we have eaton noah firework or eaton versus matteo firework versus noah which is i think about as classic as it gets for these uh for these tournaments that's right and we're uh we're doing that double elimination this time around so we've got the lower round to do next if we're following the flow of children so we've actually going to go to blood parasite versus geiger yes the next match coming down from the winner's bracket you're getting knocked out of the windows bracket it's blood parasite versus geiger the player who wins this will move on to face the champions of this of the next match but or should i say the losers of the next winners bracket match but the loser of this match is knocked out of the tournament yup forever yeah you get two chances looks like our players are here it's time for commander bands that's why you reinforce that place yeah uh you either reinforce or just i personally a fan of background bracing that spot or like i'll put my technology there and then just background brace that one particular i like put my technology on the slot over to the left and then background brace the other one just so it doesn't get destroyed out right like it's it's still vulnerable i don't generally do stability tech on that map because ability tech can be a bit expensive because you have to add additional foundations most of the time but um it is it is absolutely it is absolutely a uh an option and is quite good if the match goes long enough to be worth it then sure looks like our commanders have been banned spook and scattershot the next map on ledge grab let's go and we're up blood parasite versus geiger here we have on the left hand side it is blood parasite choosing the phantom commander oh i'm excited to see i'm excited to see where this is gonna go facing off against his opponent it is a geiger now there's something there's a few things to be mentioned here uh geiger has chosen the moonshine commander which is i think a fairly average commander doesn't do anything particularly well the most notable feature are there's two notable features about moonshine one you get energy shields are doors they are upgraded to doored energy shields which means that you can actually have energy shields in front of your weapons and not have to toggle them on and off the reasonable energy shield doors which is incredibly powerful it makes for some makes for some extremely strong defenses especially against laser weaponry additionally during the commander active all weapons have an emp effect which can do terrible terrible damage it's amazing how quickly you can shut down a base just something as simple as 20 mils or rockets which are weapons which traditionally have to rely on dealing massive amounts of damage to your opponent to drain the mirror economy if you hit them with emps and shut down their economy to start with it can very quickly death spiral that vortex of doom is um and yes interesting too is is that um you know a lot of people don't build a lot of turbines on this one because you're getting extra energy from your because you have two cores right so if if uh when geiger starts firing off his emp here he's gonna neutralize um uh parasites um energy production that is a very good point that i didn't think of yes on this map you have two cores and cores give a ridiculous amount of energy production it's up at 100 energy production per second so most of the time as you'll notice here players have outright skipped wind turbines as they've just outright skipped them because they don't need them because they have so much energy production that is just entirely unnecessary however when you're using moonshine or emps in general when you shut down the enemy's cores you've also shut down their entire energy production line so it's quite quite effective uh the counter uh parasites put on some ablative spam there at the front and that's neutralizing that emp entirely yes as it causes the explosion to occur too far away from the core and therefore no emp effect is is applied now i've not mentioned it but or at least i've not gone into depth with it but blood parasite has gone with the phantom commander phantom commander is the mind game commander i think it's a good way to describe it has a few interesting options none of which relates to direct power level of the com overlay commander uh phantom enables placement of fake weapons fake devices so you can provide false information to your opponent phantom also allows you to move devices and weapons around at no cost you can just move them from place to place so it means that you can either mind-game your opponents by providing them false information so that your opponent has no idea what you're doing or you can just straight redesign your base in a way that your opponent has no way of really dealing with outside of blowing up your entire base so it's it is unusual choice for these kind of for these kind of matches is mind gaming is generally extremely hard to do against your opponent as most of the time as we saw in the firework versus zambrule match most of the time your opponents are able to hard read things extremely well and so trying to mind game them just doesn't work because they're gonna figure it out anyways and then moving you're moving your bass around doesn't work like redesigning your bass doesn't work if your opponent just blows up your bass and by just blow up your bass i mean geiger is already sitting on 320 mils so this is going to escalate extremely quickly no amount to moving your goodies around it's gonna it's gonna solve that problem case end points with no more energy production and having lost a mortar already blood parasite is already feeling the heat but parasite does have three mortars across the top they are invisible that is another passive of of phantom weapons are invisible until they are first fired okay the sneaky uh portaled nuke indeed geiger did see the nuke activate and did actually destroy it once already so geiger was expecting it as you can also tell by the plethora of machine guns phantom activating their ability this will render blood parasites base invisible of course we as a spectator can still see it oh no the heavy mortars the heavy mortars landing geiger was prepared to deal with the front-facing nuke built all of his anti-air in a way to destroy the nuke did not oh this is bad none of his anti-air is positioned in a way that i can angle upward those mortars are flying freely and landing already taking out two of geiger's geiger's 20s which they desperately needed but shredding the top of geiger's base and dealing actual core damage in the process bringing geiger's top core to 76 percent hp oh those mortars are still largely uncontested geiger does not have the anti-air a couple gunners have been added oh i love i love the defensive the defensive turbine taking hits it just cracks me up so very close so very very close the defensive turbine just taking hits for the 20 mil giving it just enough time to be sold off recover that cash that's beautifully played and brulo reduced to nothing blood parasite with surprise borders actually actually dealing real damage no geiger loses everything yeah it's going to be death by sniper no no geez that just feels bad there were five machine gunners five machine gunners shooting at the nuke and they just utterly failed and there's nothing you can really do about that like you can't and what do you do five machine gunners isn't enough to knock down one missile consistently there's it hurts so much when that happens welcome to rn jesus yeah yeah this and that's exactly what happened there like geiger had everything they needed to stop it and it just it just happens and with that blood parasite is the victory in this match knocking geiger out of the tournament and moving on to face the loser of the next winner's round all right then looks like we have uh ambroulo versus uh groots or gru i don't know how to pronounce that actually i don't either but i can try anyways i i i call them and i tend to rule the r because [Laughter] and still in the lower round one lower bracket yes and see um brulo is in the first position so perfect the gunners were well trained stormtroopers oh no this next match will be on balls a fan favorite everyone loves balls absolutely it's it's weird how many like any time it's an option to play everyone just jumps onto that one yep and i'm entirely certain has nothing to do with the layout of the map [Laughter] good lord all we need is a to return to the lobby and then we can get our bands going about to see new names in the tournament uh there are no new names in this tournament which is actually kind of strange uh usually usually there are usually there's at least a couple new names i think it's because because we had it i'm sorry i wasn't there for it to see the list of all the people uh last week there was a i'm going to say a seed tournament as it were sure qualifier sort of thing qualifier and i imagine there were a fair few newer players there that just didn't quite make it through the gauntlet [Music] usually on these tournaments because these tournaments are open but usually the uh usually there's a fair few newer players and it's nice to see them uh they don't tend to they don't tend to make it very far which is not at all a surprise considering that forts is a game with an extremely high skill cap and it takes a long time to learn we're getting word that looking back geiger did pre-fire three of those machine guns and missed so it wasn't entirely rng my pronunciation of groot says almost right i am excited to hear that okay that's good but i i would have to actually spend time to uh to learn which is something i'm happy to do at least a little bit but the commander bands have gone through ambroudo banning seep and a killer banning pinch yep so we have our bands on balls so let's jump right into it let us go and we're off ladies and gentlemen here on the left-hand side it is ambroulo going all the way around his islands to build rear wind turbines this is something we see a lot and i'm not a lot of players are split on this especially some of the earlier rushes will tend to just put turbines loud and proud in front because spending the extra couple extra three foundation notes here is kind of expensive and you don't really need to uh don't really need to spend that money when you can just put a put a wind turbine up front but uh we do see umbrella going for the rear turbines here which is something that you see sometimes i mean it does make them quite free or quite nigh and vulnerable whereas his opponent is going for [Music] going for those turbines that are just out there just right down below super cheap super fast doesn't have to spend the extra money on it spending that extra money on adding going up to three additional mines so six mines which is a lot of economy it's a lot of income both players choosing the scatter shot commander just like the previous match where we saw a scatter shot mirror this is another map where buzz saws are quite powerful as this map allows for two fairly easy expansions one above one below expansions that are quickly dispatched by a single buzzsaw both players actually building a buzz saws so i suspect that's what's going on there do you think we're gonna see a course wing uh well no we've already passed that point although it is possible the core swing on this map yes you can literally swing your core we saw it in the last time we had a tournament here swung his core all the way behind behind his ball and still lost by the way spoiler alert despite being nigh immortal oh the one i was thinking he did that and he's i think he survived and his core even got touched by a laser and we're talking about eaton if i remember yes unless you're thinking about somebody else because you i think oh look at that we have core damage already yeah that's something you don't see every day double shot snipers taking advantage of the greed of his opponent oh he's gonna do it again um brulo ambroula oh you missed oh you missed again oh ho ho ho it's still vulnerable is that that metal can be destroyed okay no because it was converted metal so that could have been destroyed but no mass no more down to 40 percent can you believe that that's something you don't see every day that is a uh that's a pretty hard yikes and brulo coming in with the ap sniper cheese attempt almost ended the game it would have ended the game if he didn't miss his shot he missed two sets of shots and that would have been game ending if either of them hit would say oh nearly did not survive that but man uh that's actually going to put on brulo at a pretty heavy back foot here and brulo was basically that was basically an all-in what is umbrella's transition here just expand down to swarm missiles whereas grutsa already has a 20 mil just being placed yep like look at this expansion it's just dangling down here and that's one buzz saw away from complete disconnect and remember if embroider loses this connection doesn't have a solution for dealing damage anymore like he could build swarms on his existing island but it's not a great spot okay we have the commander ability active for ambulance scatter shot not sure why oh he's gonna try to burn through the doors i guess that's interesting decision nope okay curious ap snipers kind of scattering their damage around which is good buzz saws i still i'm not sure what ambrelo's strategy here is going to be as the 20 mils are firing umbrella i think is realizing that he needs to do something drastically different as there's uh losing his snipers has now lost any potential counter damage yeah buzz saw is technically counter damage because well greedy turbines that are just out there and exposed but that's not something that's going to work for any serious amount of time i'm really building mortars i mean sure we've seen them work before especially if you can blind blindside your opponent with them hmm i don't like that isn't the solution to the problem that you're about to have that problem is multiple 20 mils especially losing his fourth mine and brulo's down on economy at less than half of the mines his opponents has roots is gonna be moving very quickly in any direction he wants and brulo isn't yeah despite having a damaged core yeah like at this point i would say umbrella's best path to victory is just trying to survive for the next eight minutes and win off core damage but i mean we're talking about groot say here bruce has got sitting on now 320 mils uh you try surviving 320 mils scatter shot 20 mils for eight minutes um that's a tall tale right there and brulo rebuilding his fourth mine well he does have the three mortars maybe you can get critical damage down at this launch not quite not quite needs to aim a little bit lower routes is going to need to do more than just sandbags on the defenses and brulo better ideally he wants to hit on the doors of the lower agrees the one that's firing right now that's where he wants to hit it oh well yep the 20mm is doing the 20 mile things damage both sides yes so all of all of the mortars are gone uh yeah group say still has 220s so money was ambroulo came out on top because that is a heavy weapon that's going to take longer to rebuild it's very rebuilt and is very expensive however ambrelo lost every weapon period so that's just going to leave ruta further ahead because i can just rebuild that because he's got a massively larger economy not an efficient trade for groote but one that he's more than happy to take any amount of time 20s are firing again just trying to build up some of that commander ability active hmm this is going up to 320s again oh no and the mortars are back yes uh so this time route has built a couple machine gunners although that's not enough to stop the motors and mortars are launched yes one mortar does make it but commandability active oh again the one sniper shutting down but it's shooting there it cuts yeah interesting and brutal loses the upgrade center and that's a pretty nasty repair bill uh without the upgrade center those mortars will not be upgraded so he's going to be stuck on two heavy motors and one incendiary for the foreseeable future yeah he's just selling the incendiary which i wouldn't do because it's at least something that's going to pull up some uh some distraction especially considering got a few resources for it but probably not worth it especially considering roots is going up to uh the counter snipes and bruh those snipers overwhelming rude say i could do you gotta get a sniper if you're on there good sir like come on don't let that sniper do what it's doing to you that's 320 mils at this point that's too many machine guns like you cannot and brulo cannot yeah he's going through he needs to transition now to something hmm roots are selling the munitions plants interesting but saw doing buzz saw things disconnecting the expansion that's going to be convenience for ambrello still a huge amount of an overwhelming anti-air curious what is your plan it's a mystery can he hold off for another three and a half minutes i think he can at this point uh off the back of the sniper mostly just that sniper is terrible terrible damage to all of grootse's weaponry he's building up to the no he's just building up a little bit i don't like that's gotta be it there's there's three minutes left ambroulos got nothing but snipers at this point i think is just going to try to survive the next three minutes don't let him do this to you you've got 20 mils you have map you have everything literally just replace that 20 mil that you lost with the sniper and go to town please pick up the other sniper please you've got already double doors they're tiny doors don't let them do this to you just get rid of those snipers he's building a tower of snipers at this point yep just stop it alright good that's removed some of the snipers nope nope okay interesting oh nice oh there it goes okay wow problem solved yep that was that was always on the cards wasn't it yes yes it was 20 is straight to the core with 40 40 health yeah nice comeback okay so that was beautiful for those who didn't catch it uh and he splashed an emp on the shields in front of a brutal's core and then slammed him with cannon shells yeah that's uh that's how that goes very effectively commander was active too wasn't it it was it was burst fire shotguns of cannon rounds solving problems multiple canon rounds at a time i didn't actually expect that to happen i was a possibility of course but i didn't expect that to actually happen because there was a fair amount of fair amounts of well more armor on his core but hey you know well aimed well timed it was great and with that uh guruza moves on very nice that was a entertaining game very entertaining she's like surprise now we have eaton and mateo in round two oh i'm so excited for this one eat it and mateo classic matchup and as always guys if you'd like to see more content just like this or to see continuing tournaments and the like make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button and let the developers know this is the kind of content you guys want to see and we're off eaton has arrived taking the top slot there's no way he knew there were shields shields are very loud any time an opponent builds shields you know about them yeah the whole uh what you can and can't hear has been an interesting uh thing to make decisions on um like we recently made it so that you can no longer hear your opponent paint a target um which i thought was going to be a bit contentious and it seems people have accepted it and the reason why i changed it is that it was actually never intended to be heard from the uh opponent because it's meant to be like a radio to the commander specifically right so but of course we can hear it as observers um but you know it's funny like because i think there was one where i was even experimenting and i think i made it so that doors couldn't be heard and uh um and uh it it that was that was a big that would people were really not happy with that okay so there's certain um uh you know what i mean like there's a fair amount of uh information that comes from the audio that's very gameplay driven you know what i mean and yeah and while you know i mean technically should you be able to hear a door from two kilometers away i don't think so you know what i mean but but if you took that out it would just make well make it a lot harder wouldn't it you know yes yes it would all right looks like we have our commander's band with pinch fists and seep so i believe we are ready to go uh what is ambrulo doing here uh and brulo has been knocked out of the tournament they will not be participating as a player i believe umbrella is also streaming right now so we i do not have any issue with them being in the lobby for casting reasons um okay sure another german commentator we have so many german commentators here for those wondering we have a cell's work as well as finn and ambroulo so you guys have plenty of commentary and lots of options for any desire make sure to check them out on twitch and big shout out to umbrella who is also a participant in this tournament despite having been knocked out already but it looks like we are good to go i think we are so let's get this match started time's up let's do this and we're off here on the left-hand side it is eaton going with spook and starting out with his favorite the rear commander the rear turbines protected from everything facing off against his opponent also spook it's mateo doing the same thing that his opponent did that this is already a restarted last match we have one player going for rear turbines one player going for the cheap and early fast turbines you can see here eaton's turbines are still under construction materials are already completed and did not cost anything to place or at least no additional no additional nodes were required this is a very spooky battle hey in this spook mirror match oh jeez ah this is well as expected matteo is slightly ahead in the build order race having placed his technology slightly faster has an additional mine as well wow eaton going so far as to sell all of his things oh here we go it's uh okay he's playing pinch fist that's what he's doing okay redesigning his base changing several of his fundamental struts to the long four length struts which is good for stability very good for stability more importantly he's going for the upgrade center so we can expect to see turbines oh not turbines not mortars no nukes it's nukes why did i suspect that it was offensive turbines just don't don't count them out i'm sure i'll find a way at some point so it is going to be nukes versus cannons mateo on this right side here uh speeding ahead in his build order a bit faster than eaton is uh is going to be going with the heavy weapons facility specifically the ammunitions plans oh he lost his uh he lost his technology interesting one buzz saw eaton why you gotta be so greedy all the time you leave yourself open to all the things every single time and you never get punished for except for right now and you just got punished pretty hard uh so eaton just lost his upgrade center and with his upgrade center gone that's going to be no nukes for the significant amount of time uh it's it's an indefinite but significant amount of time so ethan is going to be locked to swarm missiles basically for the foreseeable future whereas mateo is absolutely going to have a cannon placed and good to go before eaton is able to get those upgraded nukes fired which is uh very good for matteo not so good for eaton i'm curious as to if eaton will just straight up change his strategy here because that's a huge setback nope let's go over the center again funny enough it's still vulnerable to the same exact thing mateo would have to move downwards slightly to get it would he i mean i don't probably doesn't even have to do that but it would be a pixel perfect shot and i'd mateo known for his pixel perfect shots probably isn't going to be making that shot particularly uh reliably so i don't think he's going to do it again but it is possible to make that shot a second time especially if he moves his buzzsaw down a single block as expected uh matteo already has his 20 millimeter placed or rather it's gonna be a standard canon on a 20 mil what am i talking about who uses 20 mils when you're not scatter shot and on the other side eaton launching his first set of swarms looks like he's going to be spread fire in them sending them all over the place just a nice splashing of superficial damage a little paints off of the unpainted wood the nukes are just being upgraded now it's in starting the upgrade process whereas mateo here is placing a second cannon and is preparing to fire his first actually has his commander ability active at this point in time taking a peek at eaton's internals probably looking for a vulnerability he's going to have to start building some anti-air quite quickly here i imagine uh matteo is aware that there is a nuke on the way at this point in time so he does want to get some yes he's placing some gunners way up here in the corner where they're gonna be left largely alone curious cannon round yeah he may have been trying to we don't know double swarms launched auntie are coming in to assist no say no significant damage dealt the nuke has completed remember if this nuke lands on mateo's core uh bad things happen by bad things i mean eaton just straight blows up matteo period there's not many defenses on anyone's core at this point and the nukes should be launched here no he's not he had the energy too but he chose to build turbines instead curious the sniper wars are here eaton sniping out all the anti-air possible i think at this point eaton knows if he goes straight to the core with his nuke he just wins and he's not aiming for the core this time he might be aiming for the cannons yes oh defensive cannon shot that was awesome that was necessary that just saved him that nuke was absolutely going to land but mateo just shoots it out of the sky with an entire canon round yep okay at this point matteo kind of desperately needs to get some pressure on because he's just yeah eaton's firing it again and uh as much as he would like to say that he can do things that's what i was hoping he would use just oh oh there it goes there's the damage i think matteo was trying to end the game knowing full will he wasn't going to stop that nuke he was just trying to go straight to the core it didn't work out and uh he damaged eaton's core but at the cost of all his weapons yes and um mateo has nothing but anti-air at this point and not much of that no longer has anti-air at this point um [Music] that puts eaton extremely in the lead i don't actually see a way for matteo to reasonably or reliably come back in this game it goes down takes out a turbine but nothing of value oh the mini gunners they're so annoying they are they just they do so much but also so little the banter i love the banter [Music] so this is a beautiful launch oh wow that one gunner and he pays with his life oh no [Music] that one gunner taking out the nuke saving mateo but paying being repaid with a uh with a sniper round this is the kind of match i've come to expect from eugene and my tail extremely experienced players situation what do you do you just armor up and try and soak up the hits at this point i build mass sniper machine gunner and prevent eaton from existing from having anything with an open door ever yeah like he's got five minutes mateo wins in five minutes on damage to the core he does yeah eaton also doesn't have a strong economy he's got he's relying entirely on having map control as his as his defense and offense if you can take out his snipers if you can stop him from having those buzzsaws you can straight up snipe these these swarm missile launchers from above an angle you just gotta get map control first that's the name of the game eaton loses if he does not have map control mateo can spend the time just getting map control like sure you can try to face tank all that damage but that's just a mistake like mini gunners snipers machine gunners don't let you know he's surviving okay so far yes he's surviving but it's costing him he is in a spiral at this point it's he has some play to work around it the spiral is not closing in on his immediate demise but it's still not at a good position for him to be he's fueling himself by selling his tech he's fueling himself sold his wind turbines he's got not much left to sell he's a skeleton of a base and he's having to pay even more repair bills like this is this is a limited he's got limited time on his life here and it's uh it's starting to close in the fires are burning he's losing control matteo is not in a good position but eaton has only has three minutes to close it out or at least deal significant core damage massive damage not enough to push him over the edge but that but doesn't know that yes currently eaton has 56 core damage down against matteo's 61 so matteo will still win given the timer but it is close enough that neither player knows who is actually in the lead here so at this point matteo should be reacting by attempting to get more damage done oh man it's so much like matteo does not have the money no that's that's it matteo is bled dry he needs those snipers that he needs to get that sniper out and dealing damage and mateo i'm sorry eaton is able to not only apply pressure but he's just being the better player at this point he's applying pressure with his weapons while sniping while mini gunning and comboing his nuke with the buzz saws make sure it goes even deeper it's he's playing this better this latter half better the first half not so much first half he got kind of he got kind of wrecked but the latter half he is just out skilling mateo here and it's um it's showing but i think matteo's mateo is keeping it keeping it unlocked uh he's got 60 seconds left to hold and eaton hasn't been able to break him i'm surprised to see that eaton hasn't upgraded to oh that's it yep that was a lucky nuke that's what he needed 33 45 seconds remaining and eaton will win when the timer reaches zero it's actually possible that matteo doesn't survive that long with no money the nuke is launching again oh yeah this might just eliminate him right here oh i am convinced that the wind turbine actually saved him there keeping him alive i swore missiles aren't going to penetrate that i was wrong they did penetrate that with a few seconds remaining eaton fully exterminates matteo in this mirror match eaton is our victor knocking matteo down to the lower bracket very cool always entertaining those guys yes that's i think my favorite matchup in all of forts so far seeing those two play especially in a mirror match i don't i don't know what eating's asking there yeah i think that's correct okay so firework versus noah round two all right my commentators curse oh no yeah so yeah firework versus noah in round two firework versus noah the teams are correct battlegrounds 1v1 the players are here it is time for bands that last match was so [Laughter] eaton eaton with his sniper ring is just oppressive and i love it yeah he's so consistent with this game and it just seems you know he seems to also there's a little luck goes his way as well but i'd say he's just at one with this game yes he is i think the best player we have seen in fort's period yeah all right the bands have come through pinch fist and scattershot are banned and with that we should be ready the players are in the commander's band the match-ups made ambrello needs to ready up let's get this one going let's do this i like the uh the background of this map i do this is one of my favorite backgrounds actually it's the uh training grounds it is it's one you really don't see often no all right so here on the left hand side with the spook commander it is firework starting out with the mine at a workshop this is a fairly standard starch that for most any matchup especially this one where it is a mirror match also it's using the spook commander it is in noah on the right side starting out with a very similar build going for four mines and then tech going also with the workshop technology i'm going all the way up to five minds both players actually nova slightly ahead on mines whereas fireworks slightly hidden technology curious to see how they diverge in the coming seconds is clearly also building a sniper platform in the same exact space that fireworks building a sniper platform looks like firework is ahead on the swarm missile rush having a swarm missile placed already also going with a buzz saw which is not unsurprising although another player is vulnerable to such buzzsaw shenanigans noah placing his swarm missile launcher somewhat behind fireworks fireworks is actually two-thirds of the way complete by the time noah places his hmm noah has uh tier two tech building yes and this is where it gets diverse the reason for the delay is that noah has placed a cannon because the cannon production facility the munitions plant this will enable noaa to build cannons whereas firework is gone with the upgrade center looks like it'll be relying on mortars and potentially a nuke along the way but noah will be transitioning at the cannons very quickly it would seem just using the swarm missile as a stop gap before the cannons arrive hmm firework testing the waters with his own sniper curious to see that they had not fired their swarm missile just yet uh both players are aware that there are sore missiles in play and yet neither player has actually used them hey he's secretly in in perfect sync both swarm missiles are fired at the same time and across the way they go largely uncontested dealing insignificance but annoying damage their opponent which is the best kind looks like firework will be directly upgrading his mortars to heavy mortars before revealing them or firing them although to be fair given the spook commander even if even if his opponent did not see the mortars which he probably did the spook commander enables vision of those so noah is prepared for the motors already or at least has gotten some trench to gunners an upgraded sniper firework coming with the ap sniper does not successfully eliminate noah's sniper oh machine gunners surviving we have some more upgrades looks like firework actually upgrading to miniguns those waters are so very close so very close but very far away getting taken out of the sky once more hey a mortar actually lands a little bit unexpected although a single mortar landing is not of a major concern mini gonna oh did the mini gonna get sniped but he gotta go just got sniped that's painful that is time and a fairly notable amount of money drained but noah's noah is at two-thirds of their way toward completing a cannon uh noah's just here biting time launching the swarm just to be annoying and for no other reason swarm does nothing but it does annoy his opponents whereas firework is now launching a nuke nuke somewhat more devastating actually dangerous here um oh it's going to land oh yeah that's some good damage that's some very good damage core is still 100 yes it did a lot of deformation remove the sniper didn't deal critical damage noah still has 100 core and their cannon was untouched which will be firing now nice shot a beautiful hit removing two out of three of fireworks mortars here comes the nuke once more oh no that was about the most damage that nuke could have done slamming directly into the cannon over noah of course it was protected from the nuke so it will it will survive but that was a nasty repair bill in the process buzzsaw causing a little bit of deformation on fireworks base but nothing that can't be nothing that can't be worked with yeah and a bit of a wayward cannon shot there just taking out a gunner the new clunch is once more i think noah at this point is just panicking then these nukes keep landing and his anti-air is not sufficient yeah i think he's given up on something these gunners and he's just saying okay gunners you aren't getting paid enough or something let's just remove remove the rng hard wall them off entirely [Music] interesting nice buzz shot slicing off the top of fireworks little extension that's going to be a bit of a costly repair bill but isn't critical to fireworks strategy in any way looks like firework is actually going to connect to his upward expansion potentially additional nukes up there or additional rocket missile weapons of a kind noah returning sniper fire with sniper fire i'd like to see another cannon from noah if possible i think that's what he was originally planning on and then got nuked and decided that he'd rather just uh survive for a bit i think is what's it's what's happened at this point he's got a extension of of panic he grabbed it like a hand it was funny uh and then that's what the buzz saws do your best nice shot there's our first core damage yeah it's going to put noah in the lead with the cannon so firework has replaced his lost mortars with mortars on the above platform the nuke is going to land once again it went inside the base and then exploded oh didn't take out the cannon though no but it certainly hurt same location as last time i mean he didn't he knows that he didn't deal actual like real core damage or anything critical it was just enough to put him in the lead but nothing of significance was lost nothing of value whereas i think noah just doesn't want those endlessly annoying mini gunners around anymore i can understand that sentiment and there's some threatening mortars happening from firework now the top yes and noah has no answer to them kind of noah does have a couple gunners that are pointed upward but no real answer to them that's not enough gunners and hasn't invested heavily nice shot all three are all free mortars land uh noah will not be able to sustain many more hits like that oh it's getting a little bit risky counting around assuming a miss okay good mortar hit removes a gunner which will enable a good new kit roosie gunner which will be able to assist the mortars in of all these yeah that was a good shot with the buzz saw and find a little bit of time more time and honestly time oh a beautiful hit removing both weapons without that mini gunner uh noah's machine gunners down below will be much more free to deal with that nuke this firework seriously needs to stop and step up his firepower here it only has three minutes left to do so remember the cores have been damaged we have noah sitting at 88 percent sorry firework at 88 while noah is still at 100 in three minutes time if no player is able to eliminate each other then noah will win off of core damage alone and uh firework hasn't been able to change that the duke is going to try oh that that could have been way worse almost was but detonating at the very tip away from everything was about the best case scenario for nowhere there penetrating all the way to ground that cannon shell takes out two of fireworks turbines it's gonna leave firework with zero turbines remaining that's not a lot of turbines it's not a lot of energy production certainly not much to fire to swarm the two missile launchers and four mortars along the way looks like firework is rebuilding its turbines up top the one space that has been perpetually harassed and disconnected by the buzzsaws i cannot shell over penetrating once more actually breaking some foundation nodes this time some integral struts fireworks base is starting to get somewhat deformed i say as if it hasn't been deformed for a notable amount of time nice shot again more splash damage on to fireworks core bringing it down to 74 percent oh that one much i'm trying to think like where what could firework do to come back in this uh land a lucky nuke you would have to be i think it would have to be a nuke specifically where noah's turbines are currently if that breaks it's possible that this rips off but this isn't like ledge grab where your moorings where uh your base falls apart if you lose your one strut there but i mean 30 seconds left yeah that is one more nuke the mortars could potentially do it yeah yep this is the last little bit firework doesn't really have the energy production to fire his mortars reliably he's only firing two of them luke doesn't do it no mortars don't make it 10 seconds and uh that's about it yeah oh and then yeah disconnect gg noah that's good with the victory goes up over firework to face eaton in the semi-finals firework being knocked to the lower bracket where they have a chance sorry uh firework being knocked to the lower bracket where they have a chance to uh return good job noah i think firework plays again i believe so this next uh no it should be mateo versus next oh you're right that's right chalange does a thing where it jumps down doesn't it that always catches me matteo versus groot say in the lower round two hmm that was such a slow match that one like it was just one cannon getting chip damage and then yeah going from there if that had continued i do think that noah would have inevitably defeated defeated firework noah was disassembling was slowly grinding away at at firework but it was very slow even if even if firework had landed the lucky nuke it would not have been it would very likely have not have done enough to destroy noah entirely just mildly delay okay we need to know the commanders oh we were waiting for matteo that's why all right mateo and groots are here let's get the bands matteo ban scatter shot and spook not entirely surprising i think our teams are correct yeah we're looking pretty good actually all right we are good to go all right yep everybody's ready now let's do this matteo versus and we're off on the left side on a map we've seen once before it is mateo going with the pinch fist commander we actually have a pinch fist mirror match this time facing off against grutse are they actually doing the same start they are both going for the cheap and early turbines behind i like how you can just kind of build your turbines all the way out to the rear of the cabin cavern with a few extra ropes both players starting with two mines and are starting with two turbines and expanding down to connect to their mine curious to their technology choices green say going with the workshop and matteo also going with the workshop so these are these are a this is a mirror match both players are going for the same strategy the same everything so far and uh doing so on an equal timer even getting the additional the additional mine curious if they're gonna go for the third mine it looks like groot say the third mine and also matteo the third mine okay so we're going hard economy on all fields that's um that's what's happening here yep a pinch fist classic selling off some of their foundation making their base more vulnerable and yet it boosts along their build orders quite nicely okay so i'm curious to see where they're able to diverge and it looks like right now it looks like route going with the going with the laser production facility you're going to see some laser weaponry out of it whereas mateo the heavy weapons or should i say the cannon protection facility the armory the munitions plant i'm sorry so that will be a difference in weaponry and play styles i am interested to see how this pans out who are you leaning towards in this one given that both players are aware that they are going for greedy builds and heavy weapons rushes the one who comes out on top is the one who fires first the one who fires first is the hip is the plaza is the energy weapons player assuming they have gone for fire beams doing a double fire beam start is going to destroy anything any heavy weapons rush that either player can bring out assuming that they are both on pace to do the same thing cannons typically will come out and arrive faster than the energy weapons however if you are aware that your opponent is also going for a heavy weapons rush you can bring out a fire beam which does not require the additional placement of a battery and additional metal storage so you don't have to spend the extra resources on that and because it's cheap enough you don't have to you can get it out before your opponent places a cannon and therefore you can interrupt the cannon building process with the fire being right [Music] is going for plasma laser which is not the counter so remember that the firebeam there is a firebeam timing attack in which you can slam your opponent with multiple fire beams at the perfect timing when the opponent is in the middle like halfway through constructing their cannon whether howitzer or whatever heavy weapon it is even other laser weapons like the plasma beam and if you get that early control you get that early snipe then you are insurmountably ahead of your opponent so i am kind of surprised that i didn't see double triple fire beam out of bhuta here given that you can see what mateo is doing and they're doing the exact same thing but uh here we are and now matteo is going with the howitzer cannon play which is game ending if they can land the shot which is quite easy to land especially at this range we'd say should be able to fire first with their plasma beams they're plasmas but um i don't think it's going to be enough the plasmas do not have the damage outputs of the howitzer cannon and yet arrives ready to fire only a precious few seconds before the [Music] cannon and howitzer are ready to fire that's not enough at least with the fire beam you can straight up eliminates matteo's things a whole you know 60 seconds before matteo is ready but with the plasma beam it's going to be it's going to be too much like the plaza is finishing right now and in response the howitzer is finishing in five seconds and this is all the advantage that groots is going to get for the rest of the game and it is gone [Laughter] i still suspect root simplifier first because ideally mateo wants to wait until that cannon is completed cannon's another 30 seconds out yeah but matteo can absolutely just fire and be reloading the howitzer while the cannon finishes building looks like route also not too keen to fire everyone's just building up look at all that beautiful bracing extra doors being added everywhere this is when both players are sitting back and turtling and waiting for the first shot to be struck before the world war starts everyone's weapons are ready and a beautiful door snipe all right and that's that's basically gigi right there um with a extremely accurate and perfectly timed laser uh neither player neither player um i think planned that uh i'm not going to credit good side with attempting to specifically door snipe they just decided to fire it happened to be the exact same time that matteo decided to fire and coincidentally made it through the tiniest of doors eliminating matteo's howitzer as it was firing mateo decided to aim for groot says economy and hit it but didn't destroy it took out the sniper and all the defenses there which is cool um unfortunately matteo lost every weapon so has nothing but snipers which to be fair snipers are quite good versus the versus the laser weapon right but um that's if gruza did not have that stroke of luck lucey would be irrevocably behind fortunately that's not the world we live in right now and mateo is struggling to figure out what to do i am surprised to see mateo is not immediately replying with energy shields just in front of his weapon placements you can freely build an energy shield there and then build a howitzer behind it or you know in front of your core uh looks like mateo is going to attempt to door snipe roots weaponry manages to hit one and groot said thinks twice before firing it opens the door gets hit with a sniper and decides let's not fire this right now closes it immediately without risking getting shot once more matteo i think that is his plan he's going to attempt to suppress with snipers to keep those energy weapons closed behind doors by him the extra time he needs to rebuild his cannons which he is currently in the process of doing laser hits and snipers fire one down and see in an interesting twist uh is down four damage yeah not just cord damage that's 45 percent hp remaining on his core that's down below half yup so as it stands grutse with a plasma cannon and two firebeams is behind yep mateo who has three snipers four snipers and nothing else that was a really interesting twist [Music] i expected i i i did actually expect that to happen that was the entire purpose of mateo going with the sniper spam if you notice you didn't even like manually aim those he pre-aimed them and the moments they fired he just spammed re-fired them and managed to land the shots he needed yep that's that is what happened and mateo came out on top of that it did cost him two minds which is unfortunate the fire beams are making it through there's yeah there's another one oh more damage down to 23 23 remember guys just because they're not cannons doesn't mean they don't explode these heavy weapons they explode violently when they're destroyed and the second just the explosion is doing enough aoe damage like look at the repairs on these are on fire the core is down to 23 percent he's lucky that the splash didn't touch those batteries behind his core uh those are i think too far away to detonate those the batteries are tanky enough they generally don't chain react from plasma laser explosion but the core takes some pretty heavy damage it's also a lot closer yeah ah so now that matteo's cannon has finished construction it looks like he's getting ready to fire it it's got one two three four five six seven doors in front of it uh did not save it last time as it was a doors tonight that took it out but rude is very brave i think given that he's rebuilt his his weapon oh oh ho ho ho so very close both of those fire beams got sniped but at the perfect time where this where the sniper round didn't get ignited by the fires fire beams well beam yep which is rare because remember if a sniper round is ignited when it hits the fire beam it just straight destroys the fire beam the incendiary sniper round so i'm surprised to see that looks like mateo has adjusted the pre-aim on his snipers is going to be aiming for those fire beams this time i don't think he has confirmation those plaza beams exist again after they both got sniped because uh i think if this lower plasma beam gets sniped again it will leave the core at either one or zero percent but not destroy it if the top plasma beam gets destroyed this game is over matteo will be your victorious mateo looking to finish up construct reconstruction of his howitzer so he's going to use the emp to try and take out the uh oh you should have used the emp one more sniper rounds and that's it yeah he did it you got it he did it the wrong way around yep paid the price oh gosh you did that was that was close grizza was trying to shut down the energy shield and then use the plasma laser to cut through yeah got it backwards firing the laser first causing a reflect which didn't help or hurt anything other than just leave matteo immune but more importantly the open door was enough mateo with his array of snipers eliminated that plasma laser once more and er disturb causing the secondary explosions to just rinse through grits's base and finish him off and with that mateo with his sniping accuracy moves on to the next stage of the lower bracket okay so now we're on match number 10 which is firework versus blood parasite in the lower round two very interesting seeing a bunch of familiar faces making their way through this bracket oh i love it sometimes i'll do uh just for standard live streams i'll do like a key credit curated lobby will i have some of these top players just come in to play games just because it's fun to watch them they're so good yeah yeah yeah it's pretty impressive all right the bands have come through with firework banning scatter shot and blood parasites banning a spook cool it looks like we are ready to go i work just team one yep we're all good time's up let's do this and we're off ladies and gentlemen into the last round of two match in the lower bracket we have firework going with the pinch fist commander on the left hand side facing off against his opponent it's blood parasite with firebird we've actually seen firebird once before in this in this map was it this map no it wasn't this map but we have seen firework once before yeah firebird sorry yeah firebird uh was it with blood parasite parasite i can't remember i'd be checked help us interesting um curious to see how this is going to go remember pinch fist specializes in redistribution of resources is typically best used as a a supplement to getting out the fastest possible rush whereas on the other side the other side firebird firebird one of those commanders that strengthens the harassment weapons to make them somewhat more lethal it's always a difficult commander because you have to it in order to take advantage of firebird you have to use weapons that are traditionally not particularly damaging that are not game ending so while you do see these weapons often like these incendiary motors you typically they're they're a stepping stone in the strategy they aren't meant to be the end of your tech tree the end of your build and yet firebird motivates you to make them the goal of your build so you don't often see firebird just because it's partially because it's strange partially because it's difficult to make it work it throws off what is effectively the fundamental elements of ford's strategy in terms of build orders and such which is fine it's just weird and most of the time it's not terribly effective the same things that defeat these weapons and the same reasons why these weapons are not game ending weapons doesn't actually change it just makes them somewhat stronger and yes i do want to point that out uh firework with his flack has managed to wipe out most of the mortars of blood parasite just manually fired air bursted with a shrapnel dropping down into blood parasite's base of course with these boosted mortar incendiary mortars they are doing a bit more damage they do actually manage to destroy some key [Music] foundation bracing of firework causing him to lose some of his weapons he built an emp on a strut that collapsed due to his base being on fire looks like that flak will fully take vengeance upon all the mortars the air bursts destroying anything inside blood parasite space leaving blood parasite with nothing which is not the position you want to be in as the firebird commander oh this sniper and note the fire that's because snipers shoot incendiary bullets and incendiary bullets very powerful they leave fire everywhere which is infuriating to deal with just inserting fire into his face unironically quite powerful as it just basically deals chip damage to anything it hits and yeah that could blow things up they can blow things up quite a lot curious as to what blood the parasite is going to be doing has not rebuilt the mortars looking to transition but hasn't actually built the weapons you want to transition into is going with the upgrade sensor which means that they're going implies they're going to be upgrading some of their weapons and yet has not built any weapons that would for which they can upgrade uh so i genuinely have no idea what's gonna happen there whereas firework has finally gotten his shotgun and is upgrading his rockets as we speak so we're going to see not emps but standard rockets flying across the map uh blood parasite looking like they figured this out which should not be a surprise considering blood is actually already engaged and destroyed those weapons once already we should see the defenses coming out for blood as indeed we do there should be plenty of plenty of anti-air to stop this looks like blood is rebuilding mortars in a new position in the upper right there firework adding in a swarm missile launcher i guess because why not but we're about to see some some rockets flying across the field and a pretty heavy attempt at a firework to control the map i suspect opening with the shotgun or perhaps the sniper before following up with rockets there's the shotgun taking out multiple multiple machine gunners the buzz saw to chop off anything left and the rocket follow-up the one machine gunner insufficient slams into the front and splashing the core even using the shotgun once again to take out the one gunner that blood parasite had left here comes the rocket refire remember the rockets reload very quickly yeah oh this is going to go quickly 50 hp remaining on blood's core this is generally how rockets tend to do things they just are 60 uh they just deal a lot of damage very quickly is that an ap sniper that is an ap sniper at a blood parasite i don't know if firework did notice it as an ap sniper has hard walled off his expensive weapons and hope to keep things to keep things alive to keep his expensive goodies alive the ap sniper of course during the active will ignite anything that it passes through leaving fire to rinse through fireworks base taking out some of his lower weapons as well led parasite responding with mortars of their own flag yes he's attempting to use flack once more to take out those mortars did not nail the shot no all right i think he's gonna manually fire that flak again nope i'm not sure he knows where the motors are launching from more core damage 49 okay uh oh dear i think blood does not have oh snaking through the base that's going to be a hefty repair bill hitting the economy shutting it down and having to pay a lot to repair those quite expensive structures where is that shotgun uh he's upgrading the shotgun because it exploded more core damage firework with just the pair of rockets poor blood is not able to get the damage done he needs i am curious to see he's not at least trying to fire the mortars more often like i understand that firework does have sufficient defenses to knock them out of the sky fairly reliably you should be at least firing them though yes you should be at least firing them put the pressure on sometimes you get the chance that it makes it through anyways it's stopping the flak from shooting at his base and dealing damage he's blood parasite has actually managed to to stay to get some map control here he's knocked out a sniper and two of those machine gunners like this is not this is not one-sided as much as as much as firework is the only ones who have done damage it's close this is not an easy victory blood parasite is fighting back he's just deciding that he doesn't want to fight harder selling off his mortars and replacing it with a cannon decision oh that's contested yeah damage has been dealt the nuke will be launched oh that's gonna be it isn't it there's only one gunner and it's enough the gunners pays with its life the shotgun clearing off the rest of the base oh no that could be a massive damage those hit they do 22 remaining on the core oh jeez the ap snipers try but at this point firework has double doored his things yep the flaming buzzsaw is dealing extra damage igniting everything along the way but the firework is covered in metal the rocket's dealing more damage but not penetrating to the core this time there's not quite enough blood parasite actually managing to scrap enough together to completely cover his core for as rough as a position as he is in the fog launchers uh they tried but the nuke should oh no firework doesn't have the energy to fire it again firework actually struggling for power at this point with only two turbines to his name not nearly enough to keep up with the damage output curious to see the commander ability acted by blood parasite without there being a oh nice i didn't see him build that yes he when he sold off his when he sold off his mortars he built the cannon gotcha he's actually about to open fire with his 20 millimeter as well he has made the transition successfully but it came at a heavy price yeah and it may not be enough considering the massive amounts of damage output using the 20 mil as anti-air it worked successfully that's actually a huge hit yeah that 20 mil managed to go through and take out all of the wind turbines for the firework firework already playing underpowered by underpowered i mean does not have sufficient energy to wield all of his weapons so he's just staving off he's not shooting his weapons and building up energy very slowly so that he can actually fire anything no longer has any wind turbines and has now resorting to defend them with an energy shield which will apply further tax onto his energy production and that hurts that hurts a lot fireworks going to need to fix that problem before really continuing in this match whereas blood a little bit more stable even if just shy of dead i think is going to attempt to be saving up his own energy so that he can fire off his howitzers not his howitzer his 20 mil followed by his cannon there's a little extra wobble added to fireworks base here comes the 20 and then we should see the cannon follow-up oh with there it is oh he took out the energy shield interesting he did he was aiming for the turbines once more hitting the energy shield this time which is actually a good trade for him yep the energy shield is quite expensive metal-wise clocking in around about 300 metal so that's that is a good trade it's just not going to be enough trading at this point is not what blood parasite wants to do he wants to actually deal significant damage there we go now he's getting some damage in there and with the anti-air basically removed from firework blood's parasites motors are starting to land they are just incendiary mortars but of course being firebird they're a little bit more scary than you would otherwise expect or normally expect those poor machine gunners blood parasite they're just they're just getting sacrificed the nuke fires and there's very little to stop it the 20 mil i think is going to be his biggest hope and there it is yep 20 mil to stop it we'll likely follow up with his cannon just to take advantage of the remnant splash damage off the 20 mil and there's the cannon shell one minute left one minute remaining and yeah i know the ap sniper penetrating ah this one's gonna hurt my soul so much because blood is actually coming back at this game and yet there's still 45 seconds to the end the nuke again that's amazing he's using the 20 as both offensive and defensive at the same time i mean unfortunately blood parasite hasn't been able to cause any sort of core damage yeah it's it has been a slow and long grind but parasite has brought himself back into a decent position in this game and with 10 seconds left it's not going to be enough firework has just been in the lead for far too long shoot the cannon quick that's all you can do isn't enough oh late late nuke if only if only and there we have it ladies and gentlemen firework will be our victor in this match knocking blood parasite out of the tournament and we'll be moving forward to face mateo in the next lower bracket round yeah so we're over to the lower three uh match first yes so this will be firework versus mateo so fireworks should stay in the lobby so welcome welcome back firework into the lobby the firework versus mateo another matchup we've seen several times i'm curious to see what the commander picks and bans will be this time around oh we need firework to come back yes yes we do come back dude firework returned to us [Music] firework yes yes the four most common names we see in these tournaments [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jeez i do i'm sorry i love these tournaments i just i love watching these matches they're so very good the players are mesmerizing to watch they are the strategy the skill of like the aiming uh i mean you know uh awesome to see the flack being used with its uh you know burst location setting you know all the subtleties of even the shotgun you know being able to control the spread whether you want a narrow shot or a dispersed shot you know people using these subtle little controls with such precision you know yes ah fire burning key struts on that map is scary it is a lot of the strength of firebird comes less from the comes less from the harassment weapons being buffed like the incendiary motor and such but from the basic weapons like the sniper it just does slightly more damage which can change the matchup it ignites racing which can delay firing of weapons because now they have to be repaired and such a significant amount of strength comes from that yeah even something as simple as doing a light dusting of the machine gunner spray all over the base can hit exposed weapons and ignite them which can then burn to the ground something that never happens if you aren't firebird firework bands pinch and let's see our work should be team one yep he is [Music] all right i think that looks correct looks like we are good to go pinch and seat band on ledge grab i am not at all surprised to see seep banned on this map uh so what are your bets for what commanders they actually gotta choose pinch uh spook uh hey one of the the only there's three commanders chosen two of them are banned all right let's do this time's up let's get this match started and we're off oh look it's actually it's not a spook mirror here we have on the left hand side it is firework going with the scatter shot commander for that bonus buzzsaw as well as the 20 millimeter destruction devastation and on the right hand side it is mateo using spook he's going to see everything that his opponents see and potentially more the side of stealing a few resources exciting i am curious to see what their differences in build order will be uh looks like scattershot opening with the workshop which is not at all surprising to me i suspect both of these players are going to be going for a more heavy weapons focus build we might see a rocket rush out of mateo maybe i think firework will be going for heavy weapons with a side of potentially buzz saws and snipers to keep him alive on his way there and matteo is saving up a lot of money and betting right here yep right there that's exactly where his munition plant is going all right that's about as i expected it to be um where is firework going to be placing his munitions plants my question um i do not know is he going laser no okay all right so right there there it is beautiful there it is right beside the stone wall yes i always get a bit nervous about that when basically we have we've seen it before where the wobble happens the recoil knocks everything around causing the technology to slam into the wall and self-destruct yeah you know technology is technology is fragile you got to keep it nice and safe and not thrash it into this against the hard rocks of a cliff so two heavy weapons rush out of each of these players not surprising at all uh i would not have been surprised to see a fire beam rush out of mateo especially given that it that this match did have the appearance like fireworks did have the from the player's perspective it did have the appearance of a heavy weapons rush and if heavy weapons rush is in play well and you know it's in play then fire beams are always a good time but hey uh matteo is just straight up rushing a howitzer and is at one of the fastest timings of a howitzer you're going to see in this tournament so quite quite effective we've seen you've seen matteo do a howitzer rush before and be quite successful with it even though i would think it really was the snipers who want him to how it's a rush match but true preparing for the buzzsaws already everything is meddled up and safe here we have firework constructing his first 20 mil we can expect to see that become a shotgun cannon soon 20 mil is placed i think mateo wants to get a cannon but he doesn't want a cannon more than he wants defenses i suspect yeah i think he just doesn't want to have to deal with the fireworks shenanigans so he's defending himself he's going to sit with the howitzer for a time [Music] i wonder what this what the tactic is going to be for matteo if he's not going to actually get a cannon to follow up the howitzer is good don't get me wrong it doesn't have the penetrative power of a cannon typically you want to mix the howitzer with a cannon so you can splash everything weak and everything and then once everything's fragile you send a cannon clean through and blow up whatever you want um that's not quite what's going on here we just have a howitzer and a howitzer alone it deals significant damage but it isn't game ending usually uh you will generally get some splash damage around so maybe he's just gonna hope to touch the core and hope that that's the end of it that's all he needs uh we see a position here already set up for a cannon will eventually be placed although he's not prioritizing that right now we see energy shields being used as the defense energy shields for those wondering actually deflect like fully reflect uh the 20 millimeter cannon round so that core is effectively immune to those cannons sandbags extremely good versus cannon shells as well although they uh they aren't immune so they will have to be replaced fairly frequently you're seeing some sniping out of matteo par for the course defensive 20s i mean it works the 20 millimeter knocking the howitzer out of the sky is a good trade for firework that 20 mil is cheaper to fire and uh generally more expendable than the howitzer so it's if he does that every time it will be in his favor mateo using spooks commander ability to take a peek into fireworks base sees that there's not really much not really much in the way of vulnerabilities although nothing is nothing is particularly well defended just no immediate targets i imagine uh matteo with his pair of snipers is wrecking absolute destruction upon firework right now and it's making me happy to watch yeah it's very systematic isn't it it is and it's it's quite it is quite the good is it time for the 20s fireworks commander ability is active he can simply activate and fire i suspect that is what matteo is waiting for here come the 20s and he phase tanks everything are we going to see a retaliatory how what's her strike while the 20s are on cooldown he has not repaired his doors which indicates to me that he wants nope he's building doors never mind a lot of times you'll see players after they take hits will not repair their doors so that they have the opportunity to use the doors before repairing them that way they can actually return fire that would be what i expected here but was not the case now it's your fires howitzer is shot out of the sky this is kind of the expected outcome this right here is why matteo was investing so heavily into snipers and it's i mean it's working out for another reason to have a cannon available is that cannons cannot be shot out of the sky by anti-air it makes for a nice it makes for a nice consistent amount of damage and return chelatory sniper nope uh yeah that's gonna prompt the howitzer firing he hasn't landed one of those yet no he hasn't and he's not likely to given the look at the width of this base oh oh oh no oh that's bad uh yeah he's going to have to he's going to have to do some shenanigans to keep that cannon safe rescue turbine very difficult position mateo has just been placed in there but he manages to recover it very nicely played most players would panic and fail that even if you know what you're doing there you have to the level of precision and swiftness you have to combine to make that defense possible is impressive mateo taking a peek at his opponent's base sees plenty of anti-air and nothing you can do about it sends a light dusting of projectiles and frustration unsuccessfully well he fires howitzer anyways yes yes he will and the expected outcome of that response fireworks firework responding and kind i've been in this position before you look you can see the base you see how just how much anti-air there is and you know you have no solution to it's like all right i've got machine gunners they can do anti they could they could pull up other machine guns you try sometimes most of the time it fails and it's like okay well what am i gonna do now i guess i'm just gonna fire the howitzer anyways what would you do i mean to try and get rid of uh you know protected aaa uh he's already got an armory get a shotgun like you gotta there there are solutions to these things sniping this is where sniping is a trap oh a beautiful shot that right there is what he was hoping for this whole time penetrating through actually dealing core damage uh not much but it's something when you think about it you know that was pretty much luck because i mean obviously skilled to to do the shot but you know all the other uh howitzer shots were getting taken down and that one just happened to sneak through and as soon as he did he took advantage of it you know yes there is a significant amount of rng when it comes to forts and it's a lot of times about managing the rng more than anything else but yes uh as i was saying there are solutions to these kind of problems a shotgun being one of them uh yeah but most of the time and i suffer from this heavily sniping is technically in practice and income in theory more than in practice it is a solution to these problems as a better player as one of the more experienced player it is easy to use a sniper to solve these problems but it is at some point you're just forcing the issue and it's not an actual solution it's not an efficient solution it's just you are good enough to make it work and sometimes you just aren't good enough or there's just too much or it's just not like it's a solution it's just not a good solution and against players you can put a a in multiple locations and spam it out and have the economy to always have the highest uptime on it sometimes it just isn't enough oh yeah that's huge oh there we go ouch just straight disconnects that's uh that's it his core will burn to the ground and there it goes wow mateo has been eliminated what a play what a play congratulations the firework coming out on top yeah in this matchup that was like a one-two punch it was very much so the same strategy that mateo was going for firework i think eventually just said okay these 20 mils they're not cutting it my opponent knows what he's doing and he's able to hold off almost indefinitely uh let's just swap to a howitzer and it was kind of kind of close to the end of there but he only needed one shot and that was all it took yep impressive very well played thank you for matteo for coming out and showing off that beautiful play and good luck firework moving on to the next round at the lower bracket next up we will have e10 vs noah in the semifinals agent exciting firework get out of the lobby there we go excellent welcome welcome all right so it is e10 versus noah in this matchup the number one ranked player versus the number two ranked player very cool in the semi-final [Music] [Music] curious all right so eaton did say he had to be right back i don't know if he's returned just yet but we will be doing commander bands next [Music] yes as i was saying toward the end of the last match as someone who is comfortable with sniping you kind of rely on it a lot and it's very easy to get carried away to get focused on sniping it's like oh well i'm working well with the sniper and it's kind of slowing down because he's just got too many machine gunners but i still i'm still on top of it and i just have to spend a little extra time to do it a little extra 8 pm to do it and most of the time you can but most of the time but sometimes there'll just come a point where it just isn't better it isn't more efficient than getting a proper solution a more fit solution something like shotgun would have worked far better in that instance it's just as much as you can as good as you are with the sniper sometimes it just isn't enough that i think was a good example of it where that's true as you've seen matteo does ridiculous amounts of work with that sniper it just wasn't enough and he was so busy you know taking up trying to take out uh fireworks um a.a he wasn't maintaining his own aaa and then when howardser came there was just nothing to nothing to counter it yes exactly all right the first ban has been has been since it looks like it will be scatter shot and pinch fist band for this match on stalag tights 1v1 all right let's do this eaton versus noah and we're off on the left side it is eaton going with spook pinchvis band uh eaton most known for his extremely greedy builds facing off quite a surprise to me his opponent has chosen chosen the architect commander that's something we haven't seen in a tournament quite some time that's true so noah here has chosen the architect commander the architect commanders their passive is that wood wooden structure builds faster and is cheaper it makes wood spam a much more well it strengthens wood spam and can kind of sort of throw off a few a few economic destruction based attacks as something like mortars or rockets rely on draining your opponent of economy and it's hard to do that when your opponent doesn't have to pay repair bills because they're just building out of wood which is cheaper and also importantly and this is one of the reasons why we see architect a bit more in team games is the commander active ability enable it gives bonus construction speed to weapons and devices so we see this commander used quite often in larger lobbies like 2v2s where one player can go aggressive and build up the commander ability and then use it giving the other player on their team bonus build speed which if the other player is going for heavy weapons it just means that suddenly they're getting out heavy weapons at twice the build speed as they would normally normally be able to normally be able to field so it's quite an interesting choice to see it in the 1v1 i'm curious to see why some well for example i don't know spook boys and chosen or one of the other commanders that can work well in a 1v1 but hey you know it's going to be an interesting matchup nonetheless on the other side eaton with his spook ability is doing what you would expect him to do with a pinch build which is go swarms and also go for lasers yeah uh that's not something that you'd expect to see out of this out of a pinch build or really any build typically you don't do both at the same time i don't know if it's because he sees that his opponent is going for heavy weapons i know he can get away a little bit more uh eaton is going for an extremely greedy has sold off his entire base has sold off everything has no defenses has no additional economy is just building swarms and is gonna have fire beams out to to help get them across he also has an upgrade sensor down uh which is going to enable him to upgrade those to a nuke at some point along the way and the first swarms land no serious damage was dealt but the cards are revealed it's like noah will be going with the howitzer i suppose that does make sense uh for those wondering uh howitzer is a little bit easier to rush out as architect as architect does also have some additional base storage so you don't have to build as much storage at when you are architect as you do with the other commanders that will make that he doesn't need the extra battery in order to get down to that howitzer which is quite convenient if relatively trivial i think he's hoping that eaton's gonna hit him a little bit harder and enable that double build speed to get the howitzer out quicker than would otherwise be possible i think that's kind of the hope here hit me now hmm that's a fire beam that could do it not quite oh but if i eat if this if the nucle so that's the thing by the time this new glance meeting which should be launching in now uh by the time this lands it's gonna be too late to really capitalize on the architect active like that he's gonna activate it i'm sure oh flaming yeah and there's the active and that'll finish up the howitzer real quick saving a total of like three seconds of build time so that's it he's fired oh but there's lots of aaa yeah yeah spook is a good unit we should have had uh he should have accounted for that i think yeah remember the uh swarm missile builds with the most missile builds rely almost entirely on map control so e10 is going full greed map control here i mean if a single howitzer hits uh eaton's just done but uh that's that's gonna be a very hard ask giving eaton's ramp into dominance at this point come on one sniper shot oh you probably didn't have the angle but one sniper shot could have ended ethan's career there oh oh the howitzer lands something to follow up with wow that was so very close to dealing game ending damage yep come on noah one sniper round is all you need he's gonna fire the fire beam no it doesn't have the sniper oh no it lands but noah is able to face tank that with no serious damage it's just it's not a fun repair bill but noah's got the income to do it yep all right come on noah don't waste trying don't try to counter snipe here it's not worth it you just need to hit those fire beams another one lands fire beam destroyed sniper down eaton has no defenses at this point just that noah has no uh secondary shot to follow that up with he doesn't and he really can't given the aggression that ethan has put on but at this point eaton doesn't have the ability to fire his weapons or fire his fire is nuke uh he lost the sniper in the secondary explosions of the fire beam no it's regaining some measure of map control here and noah did a quick build of a cannon yes taking advantage of that commander active ability to swiftly construct the cannon which is quite nice that'll give him the follow-up damage that he's been missing this whole time so once the howitzer lands to be honest he doesn't even need to i know noah doesn't really know this although i suspect he may have some inkling um okay just a a raw cannon shell is all you really need to end this game this is a surprisingly effective choice of commander given the uh yep typical matchup oh this is oh the sniper he just fires the howitzer he just fires the howitzer it makes it across oh i just shot it a bit too high he doesn't have to worry about the nuke because he's hard waltz and then the cannon follow up anywhere he doesn't have the energy to fire the cannon that's understandable maybe not the angle either there it is more damage noah on the back foot down to 87 percent core hp sorry tonight incendiary oh noah does not have the economy to repair that that's a lot of damage just raw damage oh more damage i think he really needed that minigun to work that minigun was his last real hope of staving off against the howitzer and it's not panning out too well uh noah has the very real potential to get ripped off of his foundations here remember that noah just like eaten has sold off much of his foundations and you can see the stress in his bracings there cannon does this follow he doesn't have the energy he doesn't have the energy unfortunate but a cannon would have done it yeah [Music] oh and that's going to take out the cannon oh it doesn't look at that that's close is the sniper follow-up uh nope uh architect strong insta-solidifying wood you don't need to do the wind turbine trick if your wood comes out faster more damage oh that's not much and the nuke he should be able to solidify nope does he let it happen he lets it happen okay curious i'm surprised to see he didn't try to build a single shred of wood out there to get a further out detonation especially considering he had his architect active which would have made it build way faster that's another thing about architecture interesting okay at this point eaton is using background bracing as armor against the howitzer oh he takes the howitzer out of the sky this time around the nuke lands no serious damage or dealt noah desperately needs to bring that cannon some more consistent bear eaton quick reacting closing his door at the perfect time as to what would have been a door snipe very very close um this is a match i did not expect eaton to be in this long eaton's build is meant to end the game quickly and does not survive very long and yet here we are 13 minutes in amazing there's another cannon around straight to the core eaton has no defense against that it's just gonna take more and more damage eaten down to 58 core versus noah's 76. there's so many look at how many points on eaton's base are just vulnerable to a cannon round i am seriously rethinking the strength of architect in one so am i and i mean solely the reason for that is the ability to deal with nukes one of the strength one of the reasons why nukes are so strong is you can't reliably stop them and that's about it the um nice sniping by the way noah architect kind of works around that the only quote the only the closest to reliable anti-air defense is just have wooden struts out the front oh okay oh good solid hit but could have been game ending if it was slightly lower yes as i was saying as we see noah is doing an excellent example of here uh the only reliable way to stop aircraft to stop the rockets is to literally cover your basin wood architect is the only commander that can do that fast enough and have the wood become corporeal before the nukes land every other commander you have to react differently you have to rely entirely on machine gunners or mini gunners or something that's the end shot wow [Laughter] how it's around sewers foundation [Laughter] wow that was awesome beautiful great job seriously no the number one absolutely is noah the number one player defeating eaton in the tournament taking his taking his spot here we will be moving on to the next match eaton getting knocked down into the lower bracket to face off against firework uh and that's the next match isn't it that is indeed the next match versus firework and this is the lower bracket for um and i will be right back all right firework is in the lobby it is commander band time on a desert ruins oh jeez all right it looks like scatter shot has been banned and who does firework ban pinch so pinch and scatter have been banned on desert ruins you will be waiting a moment before starting off this next match of eaton vs firework i suspect eaton will come out on top of this one but eaton has been filled before oh geez i saw in chat uh a few questions being asked for example how many what percentage of the viewership is is german as we do seem to have quite a fair few and yes for those wondering uh it is it is that forts is a very popular game especially among the the german community it would seem i could actually give you those numbers if you give me a moment to search the statistics looks like clocking in at 11 of the viewer base far more than any else all right welcome back hello all right let's go and we are off eaton vs firework lower brackets let's do this so here we have on the left hand side a reigning champion it is eaton as spook facing off against his opponent firework firework choosing warthog that's a commander we've not seen chosen this commander just yeah we've heard this architect and now warthog interesting not one of the more meta choices as it were but extremely powerful warthog does actually make his appearance fairly commonly on some of the larger maps like battleships for example this map is generally not one where warthog is chosen very often if we do if we're playing a larger lobby map warthog is almost omnipresent i'm curious to see what strat's firework could be going for remember that warthog gives bonuses to heavy weapons including heavy mortars although mortars don't tend to come into play on this map given that motors are largely unusable the overhang makes very difficult motor play uh you can do mortars uh if you hang if you dangle them very low you can arc them up and make them land around core-ish area uh alternatively you could just have them slam into the lower area where eaton's two mines are currently residing i'd just like to say quick hello to the thousand people that are watching this live right now i think that's pretty cool a big shout out to everyone who enjoys make sure to hit that like button the subscribe button as always share with your friends because when the developer himself enjoys seeing you guys come to play come to observe that's that's where the joy is it's really awesome it's great to see everybody's support now we're still going strong five years later yes oh i'm i love how there's just so much growth in the community even even now and how the meta changes after seeing noah's play i'm oh god there's gonna be a whole wave of testing on architect it's gonna be a show book and it's gonna be okay c versus architect a new meta yeah at least to see which which builds maybe pinch fists versus architect might be a thing but probably not c pacific i think still comes out on top of the architect i'm not sure that's what testing's gonna be for what are you doing eaton why are you like this what's he doing you have perfectly acceptable wind turbine positions right there you don't need to do them all the way out here this has got to be a meme this is not yeah it is okay uh this is the portal the portal yeah there it is uh this is portal mortars uh actually one of my favorites something you don't see often ever at all which i guess would make more sense as warthog wouldn't that uh yeah um but that's not what we're seeing here no uh so for those wondering uh triple heavy mortar is the single highest dps cluster weapons period uh it is the most cost effective cost-effective that costs the damage output heavy motors are the pinnacle but they are a little bit hard to use and kind of specialized and can be fairly simply defended against portal mortars makes them horizontal this used to be a very common thing especially when i especially when i was doing most of the my competitive play horizontal motors was basically the end-all be-all of of strategies and you're about to see why they do devastating damage and uh extremely hard to defend against especially when combined with snipers as you kind of sort of require that you have undoored gunners and undoored gunners are food for sniping and i love my sniping that's very satisfying to watch those fly out of there yes yes it is remember when you could do this without without having to portal it's there's a shot up there yeah so these the first the the batch of mortars that's arcing across yeah the damage is just ridiculous it does it does more than a cannon of damage and of course it's because you know it's three weapons it costs more than a cannon to fire but it fires more frequently and it does a little bit more damage and it's just brutal like it's like a match having a set of three mortars like that is like having two cannons just constantly firing of course they can be shot down but if you have a person like eaton who's very good at this sniper and you can keep keep up your uh map control then it's a real problem at this point easton's struggling for energy that's why he's not firing them very quickly it's just the occasional keep your opponent in check kind of firing she doesn't have the energy production to maintain the fire rate like it's these are expensive weapons to fire the damage output is ridiculous if you can upkeep them but upkeeping them is a is something you cannot easily do chat saying snipe through the portal i think that would be effective uh yes yes it is until eaton puts a door on the portal which is something he hasn't done yet i don't know if he's just betting on firework assuming that he's done the correct thing of not putting a door of putting a door there or not because like typically you would put it over there because you can but like sure to each their own it's going to be a mess i think it looks like firework is trying to get invest a little bit more into anti-air trying to keep his gunners safe which is going to be quite difficult to do he's finding these very odd angles like this gunner over here which can actually aim down and get a few of those shots off that one's a very safe gunner it's a position that i don't often get to use but i love the opportunity for it looks like eaton with his energy troubles has managed to let firework live long enough to actually get a cannon place firework actually at uh three quarters completion on his cannon so it's not far off hmm i think we're almost at it but no eaton is still struggling he doesn't even have the energy oh he did it the sniper went through yeah one mortar has been removed oh and a flack flat goes through taking out another mortar is firework gonna survive this like that cannon's complete he's building a door on it right now typically you would see like i've never done this and had a second set of mortars there's just no amount of upkeep what a shot oh oh geez the accidental anti-air the mortars taking out the cannon shells it flies across yeah i've never successfully done this and had a second set of mortars it's just it's too much it's too much energy upkeep he's sitting on three he's sitting on six turbines and it isn't enough which is the state of the game eaton missed his shot that could have been lethal yep it's okay he'll have another opportunity in him momentarily there it is i'm kind of surprised he did not defend against that yeah especially after the first shot yeah you should have seen that would come in a mile away but eaton in style removes very stylish removes firework from the game and with it the tournament still yeah very entertaining i i love the border motors that make me so happy noah versus eaton i guess again excellent so this will bring us over to the finals oh yeah yep that's right um yes so do you want to preface this with a little bit of an explanation as most mostly casual viewers are not familiar with the double elimination style tournaments uh this is double elimination that means every player has two lives in order to be knocked out of the tournament you must lose twice those keen on observing may have noticed that noah has not yet lost any of his lives so noah will have to be defeated twice to be knocked out of this tournament whereas eaton has already lost one life therefore if eaton loses this match will be eliminated however if eaton wins this match he will have to replay the match once again and win twice in a row in order to come out victorious over this tournament all right that that is going to be these next few matches i wonder if eaton is going to play nicely or is going to do something wild or zany i think he's gotten the wildness out of him with the uh defensive mortars yeah it's between the portal motors and the extremely fast rush that flopped against noah's impenetrable defense uh we may see eaton go for a somewhat more consistent strategy looks like the players are here so commander bands will will start all right i think uh i think noah goes first for uh choosing a commander band because he's in team one i wanna say a quick shout out to matthew lang coming in with the support the absolute megaton not even a message just showing a support thank you so much your support is always enjoyed i know the developers love to see you guys come in here and enjoy these tour events big shout out to all of you guys out in the viewers thank you for the support make sure to share this with your friends so they too can enjoy the joy that is for us no spying for eating all right noah with his victory over eaton does actually claim the top spot and will be given first ban choice banning spook so no more information games probably the right choice probably the correct dress i mean yeah i mean as spook is like sounds super dangerous to me yes yes yes he is then again there's also pinch fist which is eaton's yeah he plays pinch fist even when he's not playing pinterest is a good way to describe it this is true all right so no spook and no scatter shots a pinch fist still on the board for this match meaning well pinch fist is one of the meta three to pick and uh we are good to go let's start for the final for the finals we have noah versus eaton here on the left hand side choosing pinch fist it is noah starting up with two turbines and a mine gonna be getting that economy going before anything else facing off against his opponents it is eaton also pinch fists big shock in this pinch fist mirror match at the finals both players are going as hard as they can no holds barred no punches pulled actually going up we have eaton for once going more economy than anything else not instantly so no there's the selling officer's metal all right eaton going with the workshop technology mirroring noah's choice although noah is slightly further ahead in the tech progress and slightly further behind in the economic metal construction hmm [Music] oh yep there it is starting with the upgrade center we're going to see oh now i'm [Laughter] confused yep okay this is purposeful what is he doing this has got to be a swarm missile into this is swarm missiles into shotguns into rockets with maybe mini gun support like he's he's gonna be building a swarm missile i just questioned the europe the armory choice is for he's building mortars with shotgun support okay i'm wrong it's mortars or shotgun support on the other side we have noah going for a cannon rush bog standard not too greedy it's pin pinch fists optimized but not greedy about it uh eaton's gonna kill him that's what's happening here yeah eaton is going to blow noah out of the game and we're die trying i suspect i suspect die trying is gonna be the uh not the option chosen uh noah unless he over commits here it's defenses which he kind of sort of is will be able to get a cannon down before eaton fires his first shots and in doing so with this i'm gonna say poor priority choice will not have a can in place and then we'll be stuck in a spiral because once these heavy motors launch and start landing there is no coming back from that by that i mean you're going to have to spend the rest of your time building defenses and repairing the damage here we go all right it was fog launcher smoke launcher support not shotgun support also a second also a good option but not solution eaton ever the greedy leaving his smoke launchers exposed which is these mortars are for the course uh core damage has been dealt this is super spot as expected so here noah has enough material to place a cannon but nowhere to place the cannon and is going to have to spend basically all of his apm just rebuilding and uh eventually it's gonna cost him more to rebuild because that's six heavy motors which is frankly a lot of heavy motors and a lot of heavy motors are going to cost a heavy repair bill and there's not much you can do about that other than stop the mortars and the solution to stopping the mortars is having a cannon which he has not yet even started production i can see what he wants to do he wants to build his cannon in this safe spot underneath this overhang where it can't be mortared yeah and he just doesn't have the apm to do it and very soon won't have the money to do it and i'm still expecting a swarm missile out of eaton's coming soon i think ethan is trying to aim for the overhang trying to keep that cannon no is he going for he's going for a howitzer he's not even building a cannon you mad man noah oh no that's so much more expensive oh that's pain that's why he doesn't have it yet he's gonna have to survive so much longer and the damage is gonna keep scaling he can't rebuild his things every time he rebuilds his gunners that's just longer on the placement of the howitzer oh no noah why are you like this he places the howitzer and that puts eaton on a clock but that is that is a clock that eaton is happy to race oh geez he still has to protect that howitzer during his creation eaton did the thing again where he doesn't have enough energy eating gets a little bit too greedy every single time like it's fine to have more weapons than you can reliably upkeep it just means you have to reduce their fire rates and burst fire them which is what eaton is doing it does mean that you cannot apply constant pressure to your opponent and noah is taking advantage of that lack of constant pressure as he should whereas eaton is struggling to increase his economy that's a lot of mortars yeah there's that burst fire damage and the buzzsaw disconnecting the howitzer that howitzer is not very stable up there nor is his connection to it oh no with the smoke it's gonna stop oh oh that's it there goes his hope and that's why i was extremely concerned is that how it's hurt it is it takes too long to come out you gotta just build a cannon and use the cannon with a rush this quickly the eaton is not safe from standard cannon shells you do not need the overwhelming firepower that is the howitzer you just have to hit him with a cannon and now noah is in he's in the vortex he's in the death spiral where the mortars are coming through the damage is dealt noah is out of money and mortars specialize in reducing your income and um there is no clock anymore for eaton eatson has stopped the clock it is now just eviscerating his opponent one explosion at a time motors launch and orders land what is he doing with the uh repair centers i i had two of them there he was to get rid of the smoke that's that's why he's got them because of the fog launchers the smoke launchers but he's investing a little bit more into them and i anticipated and that's not helping his economy much not that there's a solution to his problems anymore he has already already conceded his win condition and eaton is aggressively pushing his own win condition and there we have it eaton with the victory all right noah loses a life off into the grand finals the decider as they say all right into moorings will be our final match once more now eaton why are you why have you left eaton come back we need you [Laughter] oh gosh all right so there will be commander bans and then once more i don't think he knows how double elimination works hmm okay oh oh technical difficulties okay no no okay so he just had a he had a brief internet hiccup all right then commander bands time for moorings yes the map is moorings and the bands are um so eaton should be team one is that correct yes that is correct and so the bands for moorings will be pinch and seep all right so we have our commander's band what i think is gross [Laughter] [Music] i love mortars they're my favorite weapons that was gross thanks eaton does that a lot eats and eden is a huge fan of the mortars as well all right time's up let's do this eaton versus noah and we're off surprise it's a mirror match spook versus spook here on the left hand side we have eaton going what seems to be an economy first build here with spooky to build his favorite turbines off in the corner where he likes to build things yeah behind where they are safe from direct fire is eaton's favorite construction of his base and on the other side his opponent going 1-1 in what is this best of three lineup it is noah actually getting started a little bit sooner on this technology noah's gonna go with the armory tech so we can expect to see rockets or shotguns rockets are an interesting choice on this match and this this map um traditionally and maps where they're you know just very horizontal front-facing open maps rockets do very well um this map swarms tends to outshine and also it's a little bit larger than most other 1v1 maps so you end up so you end up with a chat well also you know like with the rockets if your opponents sold off their their first layer of armor you know it's pretty prone on the front yes the uh we're going to see both players selling off the entirety of their forts here that's just how they play like that's it's already there we've got exposed internals welcome to the party uh but as i was saying rockets and swarms to some to a lesser degree are a little bit more vulnerable to anti-air than on most maps just because the map is slightly further apart the forts are slightly further apart in this map it's a slightly larger map it means that rockets tend to spread out a little bit more and also have more time to get shot down so rockets while extremely powerful in this map tend to not be as prevalent as say seep swarm missiles or steep nukes or just nukes in general but it is quite rare that we see these maps decided by canons or lasers and here we have noah again going for the heavy weapons technology specifically the canon tech and on the opposite side we have eaton who looks to be going for his mortar build again mortar is also extremely effective on this map i wonder if this time he's going to be building sufficient energy production yeah uh so eaton i'm sorry noah immediately responds to the mortars with machine gunners he can in fact see the mortars using spooks passive uh technology insight abilities so yeah noah is going to be aware of this and given his experience last time i'm sure noah is going to overreact to this quite heavily and make all the anti-air possible however i think we're going to see out of eaton a less committed builds into mortars nope i'm it's just more mortars okay i was thinking there might have been less of a commitment more of an attempt to transition but that's not what we're going to see here it's going to be six mortars once again probably again going to upgrade directly up to straight upgrade to heavy not even going to apply any pressure beforehand we see noah preemptively getting the repair bays which is going to remove any kind of fog or smoke ah the repair bay is a bit deep in there and i think will not be close enough to actually stop the smoke yeah no uh it stops some of the smoke but doesn't stop all of it and it doesn't even stop enough to let the machine gunners really fire that sniper it's doing good work and it gets he again gets both smoke launchers which is so far a perfect repeat of last match except that noah has decided going for the howitzer isn't the correct play he's going for the cannon which in my opinion is i have expressed several times at this point a far stronger solution than this i think noah actually doesn't quite have so much anti-air i know we're going for a bit of a dangle here getting some dangle gunners in a trench that's not going to last very long i'm sure as eaton is going to be building a buzzsaw at some point because e10 and buzz saws the mortars are are going to get cleaned out of the sky no damage dealt oh very close but not quite looks like noah going to be building a second cannon and he's preparing to do so will likely get shut down by mortar hits and mortars landing noah's cannon is completed canada clock is here and eaton takes a heavy hit this is what noah wanted needed to do last round uh put eaton on a clock it is canon o'clock and uh eaton is eating is taking a heavy hit he loses two of his motors and a turbine to boot which is not the position he wants to be in if six mortars wasn't enough to make it through four is not going to do it either kind of surprised to see kind of surprises you know it hasn't built a flak here like we know nobody likes to can airburst his flag i i would like to see noah just shoot at the core uh yeah that works too i mean the reality is just work really well right yeah it would and i it isn't necessary like he can he has options remember that noah is going for a late game builds once once you make it to the late game stage once you survive eaton's opener you've basically won the game and you could win at your leisure destroying the mortars is a perfectly acceptable option for surviving the early game there's the buzzsaw there's the dangle by dangle you will be missed notice how eaton has prepared himself to take to defend against such such a buzz shot on nonsense so at this point i think noah has done significant damage to eaton he should probably start considering aiming for the core but yeah he still has time and eaton isn't going anywhere fast noah knows this he will probably aim for the core once that second cannon comes online that way he could actually penetrate anything that eaton has there and get splash damage it's likely what he's waiting for just using his first cannon to remove eaton's offensive potential his mortars aren't landing anymore the second cannon will be coming online for next volley and then uh i think we'll see a noah victory here in this tournament that's a big call it is a big call it is a big call neither player is written out it is eaten and uh it is entirely possible i think eaton see eaton has figured that it's it's time to defend himself because he's too vulnerable which will leave noah having missed his opportunity to deal with splash damage onto eaton's core but i think noah will [Music] just continue what is all right so at this point noah kind of uh excuse me he's got backroom oh no why are you like this you were winning all you had to do oh god why did you leave your it didn't even have a door on it it was just exposed why also related very good shooting from eaton that was an extremely hard yeah that was an extremely hard shot to make uh trust me that's more impressive than you guys know um come on come on noah what are you doing you just need you weren't even using that angle you could have hard walled it off entirely you're one strut away so that's gonna put ethan at an advantage technically uh eaton doesn't really have the ability to break through noah's and there was antsy hair but it's mortars versus versus gunners which is which is rng and if noah fires uh eaton fires enough mortars noah will eventually have a shot bleed through which can spiral you know the typical mortar trajectory on things how that how that works out is he gonna do it again yeah bye cannon huh so here we are and always learned his lesson he's putting a door on first he hasn't learned his lesson okay mortar lands dealing some damage nothing significant but all it takes is a little bit of damage to go through for it to matter uh here we have what was being upgraded on each inside oh mini gunners okay that's gonna be his solution he's gonna blow through the front and if those mini gunners take out really any amount of gunners it's going to be the edge or no that's it mortars land and now there's not enough ants here to stop the next valley of mortars and wait for it yep there it is wow he caught that from falling water is incoming how how limited lifespan okay and exposed battery in front it's getting sold off and uh well no i got some cash out of that so that's nice he builds and the second volley there it goes it's done gg wow eaton reclaims his spot as the number one tournament champion good guy i want to replay that that was the moment where eaton where noah grasped defeat from the jaws of victory with eaton's god tears sniping where does he actually notice that it's that it's fully exposed does he even commander ability it and he or does he just see it and fire he just sees it and fires he's just like oh there's no bracing there there's just a gap where the green if you guys can see there's just a gap where the green and the door almost they're touching but they're not it's not filled in there's just nothing there no so [Music] eaton is just like oh he's literally got an exposed cannon uh imma just shoot that and he did and then you would think noah would have learned his lesson and then noah did it again and it got sniped again and that moment right here is where eaton wins this this championship and with that ladies and gentlemen we have the conclusion of our tournaments tournaments 21 xxi eaton takes and bests noah and moves on to claim yet another badge on his name everyone oh good lord expand the capacity of the game to hold his medals this is wild well done though i mean he's so consistent and you know and good on everybody else who came in running up or runners up there you know to to i mean we just saw some great playing today that's really nice are you kidding me i love every moment of this uh and interestingly i didn't have to update my winner screen i took a hunch and just took a bet winner of the 1v1 tournament it is eaton it's in number one yeah he's done very well um this went really smoothly too it did it was solid as a rock you know so shout out to uh b-man and and blammo for keeping the game running smoothly and uh looking great and playing great and uh really awesome to see the the players were ready nice and early for the tournament doing the usual cat herding in the background and uh keeping things running smoothly and yeah it was a really good tournament yes yes it was and i look very much so forward to the next tournament i love these these are so good just seeing like no one expects that sniper shot i mean i mean no i should have because he he left his door open and by door i mean he didn't build a door but i didn't even see that until it was getting shot no and it's like music wait a minute wait a minute pixel perfect sniping oh good god i'd i want to as much as no as i know what happened there because i've done that before noah was just like oh there's technically a gap there but no one's good enough to snipe that and then eaton exists and that's that's what happened right there good god eaton coming in and rolling through congratulations once again thank you one and all for stopping by make sure to hit that subscribe button and give fort developers an opportunity i believe fort is on sale now isn't uh it it was i don't think it is at the moment i think it or did it just end so it was on sale tested me it was recently i was recently is no longer on sale okay so it's back up to its normal 15 price if you guys want to play for yourselves make sure to check that out on the steemit page but for now have a good one everyone and i'll see you guys in the next video see ya excellent you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 58,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gDred9MY4T0
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Length: 254min 0sec (15240 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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