Let's Dive for the Best Treasure in ARK Ascended

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[Music] you're right kids it's Ras Clark welcome back to another Arc survival ascending stream today we're not giving up we're going in we're going in deep so let's load in uh mod I've got a mud today by the way as well but um I don't see anyone actually here that's weird never mind let's load up let's go Islands single player go there we go I'm oh there you are hello people D Jimmy emu liit PM DJ Ashley Emma been for six months damn grow every didling we all right we all right hello everybody having a good day it's the goat himself Ras in coming here we go we been waiting for the live camps PM hello everybody hello it's good to see you we're back again let's go right respawn at the bed beautiful right right and I need to start recording so yeah I'm going to do that intro once again right from the off why not recording 32 1 lovely you're right kids it's Ras CL welcome back to arand once again where we flopped we flopped hard we went into the sea cave and we lost it all but I ain't giving up look at me floating on the rg's back I ain't giving up I ain't doing it we're going to go back down there and this time I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan it's going to work all we need is a bit of wood and a bit more than that and then because um in Arc ascended in arendes in Arc evolved we normally do this on the island we set up a thing in this cave where we're going to go where we flopped yesterday and if we do this right we're going to get infinite resources infinite resources infinite loot it's going to be good how we all doing in the chat we all having a good day don't forget to hit that like button it really does help it helps me a lot oh you be you'd be surprised um right let's just get a few bits of wood I look so weird on the RG FL man on RG this new Hatchet by the way or axe Hatchet no pickaxe no Hatchet no pickaxe pickaxe is um no is a hatchet what am I talking about is um very good it gets more wood it gets lots of wood we've also got a mod installed today ladies and gents boys and girls a pool mod I think I hope I thought I did I don't see drop all there's no pull option there okay maybe it doesn't work we'll see Ras clock is god um I'm pretty sure I installed uh pull mod but it don't I don't think it it is working there's no like options up here all right well maybe it didn't work never mind this won't be a repeat get morning wood get box I need a box one of them there we go right and then what we're going to do we going to do is I'm going to take this bed with us I got some sleeping bags somewhere haven't I yes right we'll put these sleeping bags here and we're going to go down with all of this it's it's going to work it's going to work and all we got to do is place this down and we're living the dream people and then we've got a little spot for us to get anything and everything that we want it's going to be good and hopefully my scuber gear might still be down there as well which would be nice right that sounded like the shark not a good start about here let's go replace your bets people am I going to make this let's get a bit higher but about here so we can get a nice dive here we go in three two one Dive Dive Dive fingers cross we can make it will we try breeding absolutely mate breeding's coming don't you worry we'll be doing all of that jazz soon enough Manta baselo there shark there I'm pretty sure I can at swim him I ha swim him before I can just about swim him I think that's that feels super close to me where's that cave where's the cave something saying super close I'm I'm a bit nervous there's a cave here please have the Cave's here please have the Cave's here cave is here okay okay okay we're good we're good we got to the cave okay okay that's a win that's a win are we are we looking sharks are still following me was that Dolphins is that Dolphins that's a dolphin well I wish I had some meat for this dolphin man all high damage ones we're back in okay step one are we drop hunting not complet fully today we did some drop hunting yesterday but we really wanted to check out is cave now we can I hope yeah screw the dolphin we had one we lost one if I can do this on foot without movement speed then I'm proving a point right but well okay the point being proven is that this cave is pretty empty right now or at least it was yesterday has it been patched changed I don't think the devs right now aren't patching stuff in game they are currently working on stability which means this shouldn't have changed at all it should still be as vacant as it was yesterday looks like it is so we good we're super good we're in we're in so far there's a surface up there we ain't got far to go we ain't got far to go if it please say it's exactly like it was yesterday no and nothing new was spawned in if that has we could die we could die I think we're good okay step one we've made it this far let's go daughter hello mate it's weird how empty it is well little fact for you uh Ark Island on Survival evolved back in the day that this was empty as well if anyone remembers that far back this used to be super empty unevolved so somehow the devs have managed to replicate whatever happened there with this which is a bonus for us for now we're using it it's not fully baren there's there's there's still a few things but not nearly as much as there was which is good for us I to go into let's just check this cave out first save it's great idea nothing here okay everyone save save save save yeah crashes weren't too hot uh yesterday right let's keep our eyes peeled all we got to do is get to the next land location and then we're good man and then we we're tip to we're set up and then we can make all the runs we ever want in this cave and this is what a lot of people do uh un evolved this is what I used to do in the old days on the island I had something set up in here to do exactly what I'm trying to replicate right now and so far it looks safe I don't see anything okay good good good good good good good don't see any eels I just got to get there there was a bat there before don't see it at the moment there there's a note back there yeah but we're going to save that Ras Clark is my real name we'll having a nice Sunday people am we up oh yes oh that's good get the bed down get the bed down right let's well where do I put it where do I put it let's put it there that'll do that there there's our bed oh we're set up we're living a dream now we have our drop running area which we can now just keep running for drops lovely artifact we can now can run without the fear of losing everything brilliant and I want to get that cave drop that red one need a Barry who needs barries when you have feet is that drop still there it's not there do you know why I think it's because it's single player and it sometimes the game just takes a hot minute to spawning drops I'm going to I'm going to go with that basis and that's fine we can we can now spawn here at any point and run this however I am going to jump in the water let's go save all right jot there's a brute is there literally nothing here where's everything come man L gentlemen boys and girls we got our first artifact in the in the Bruce cave in the west sea cave what the hell the artifact look nice by the way I didn't really stop to appreciate that it looks a lot better than uh they used to uh we haven't got close enough to a Loot Crate to really appreciate them yet we saw a red one there yesterday but it's not there now so never mind I guess we'll resawn back here later and have a look there's there is I'm sure there's meant to be dinos in here there was to be honest there was yesterday um I don't know why there isn't there but there's neither there's not a drop either so anyway we can come back here for loot so that's fine all done all sweet all good can you carry multiple artifacts no I did you know what didn't even check let we'll do that again let's drop this artifact off just to say we've got one locked in and done right and then we'll go and get that one and then drown I guess cuz there's nothing else yeah casually swimming to the West C C yep yep well there was no Caves at the time correct M oh is that that's a bit of a win that's a bit that's a big win is not a bit of a win that's a big win but the C the the the uh the stuff hasn't spawned yet which Super sucks so I guess we'll we'll come back in a bit Bob clock Rad's Dino wiped before going in check the hunt account no check my stream yesterday it was as empty it was as empty as this dude feets op yeah we're not getting the note yet we're going to save it till we need it one last double check that's a shame let's see if oh I ain't going to be able to pick up the artifact again am I Dy 1,000 people watching good grief people R of Applause for you I'll Cheo it in I hope you're enjoying the [Applause] stream does anyone know any good base locations we're bu we we're at one people we're we're totally at one I should have I should have stopped to admire that why did I do that there's not one this is a lot deeper as well this area did you notice know what I'm I'm kind of curious does where are all the Ws is it worth $40 look at it man look at it what which Doo you think have improved a lot I've got to say I'm liking the Argy right now I think the Argy looks lovely so originally there used to be like a load of poles right here but there's not oh good Sarah I'm asleep while listening to the live do you do you need a bit of um what's that that thing called people like like the the voice to today we're playing Ark survival ascended what's that what's that called um that voice I can't I can't remember the term therapeutic whatever it is that one yeah it to be fair I think definitely when it when it kicked off it was always empty near can't believe how much oxygen I've got I did put a few points in oxygen 1,000 viewers in 15 minutes damn indeed all right but we're drining we're going to come back here in a bit then ASMR that's what it is jeez that one ASMR with Ras Clark [Laughter] right there we go we're draining now London thank you very much for the $10 when do you think Arc survival ascended is coming to Xbox first of November or close to the end I I really hope that you're you're going to get it sooner than later I it sounds like it's all dependent on the certification of the consoles and as a result oh look at how Bloody and beat and my body is and as a result it's so relative mate we were we were afraid of this we were we were super afraid of it um I would hope like if I I don't want to guess mate um I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know what to say I just hope that it you definitely do um do get it early early I I yeah I got nothing man I'm sorry if I was to guess I wouldn't want you to feel like oh no is that too far out oh no it is too far out what why is that oh okay come on whistle whistle whistle I'm going to get hit bit by a shark in a [Applause] minute maybe maybe the first um week there you go if you want me to guess but I don't know man I don't know I I just hope you get it soon I really do mate like as a person on Playstation back in the day waiting forever I get it I get it dude I do get it um we were the last on PlayStation and I hope that changes I really do I really do something that to be like yeah right okay let's um let's get clacking let's move all this that thumbnail feels a bit basy no I I thought didn't think that would go as easy as it did but never mind it did so that's good right that's a good thing what's going on here there we go um slap that off what did I got bit of meat Bower I can't remember what was in my last last lap right come on let's go I need some arrows as well uh and I guess any drops we get will get on Route end of November oh don't say end of November mate that sucks oh yeah check this out right uh we found out a new cool trick if you hold alt on a creature you can you can change where you want to be in terms of the camera on the creature and I think for us and for immersion this is what you want right so now we're much much closer I think aren't we yeah look the camera like pulls in oh oh that's nice oh that's lovely I like that but for PVP you do it the opposite way I think that's that's really cool right super nice so we're going to do a little wi birth run back to base drop all the stuff off get the base a bit more tided up and then we're going to go out and T something uh but in fact no once we Ted everything up we'll go back into the ca cave and uh check out what we get if there's anything in there Landon R of a ten thank you very much mate that's okay what a good price for a PC what's a good price for a PC that can run I mean it it's relative on if you want to play on the best settings right or not that's that's kind of the one if you want to play on Epic you're going to have to 4 out a bit of a a small fortune mate and guess what I got affiliate links in in my description but I'm I'm hearing you know 30 series you should get a DEC enough rig um but yeah what Landon what Amma said I think I'm no PC expert though I'm not going to pretend to be I'm really not all right blue up there let's get that and by the time we get back to base hopefully I just need to get my coffee and G it's on the other side of my microphone there we go ah I'm cold what my f am I cold anymore not cold anymore I guess it's a cold day on the island today yeah 38 is recommended yeah 37 say barely managing 60 FPS with everything on low it's got to be improved surely I'm really fascinated to see what this is going to look like on on Console super fascinated definitely but like I think let's let why why I think they've done the right is future proofed this right and tried to you m really what is this did it just expire there and then but now let's let's let's the same keep on playing and tempt me Hayden coming in with a New Zealand 10 thank you very much have you watched the new Netflix series Life on our planet with Morgan Freeman um plus love your work I've not mate no that's the life I nowh pled or Planet I've not right no thank you very much um actually you know I think I've heard of it why is the S going off I I I think the um I think I've heard of it I've not seen it though totally did get ared KT y I got absolutely arked what a joke do you know what I'm going to save it I got I just got a dreaded feeling it's going to crash at some point is there tech there is Tech apparently there's some cool Tech as well where in fact where are all the drops no no no I don't oh there's one oh dear I wasn't paying attention to my stamina please say wherever I land we'll be safe it's dark it's smuggy how the atmosphere just completely changed what the hell oh we're back here again in mistland that's wild love the RO love the content thank you very much uh are you going to watch the Friday Nights Freddy's movie yeah man probably I never really caught onto the whole Friday night at Freddy crazy's uh thing um me into scary games but you know I I probably still will watch the film yeah and super creepy waiting for something look at this but we're just above the clouds now so we can we can see what's going on that's wicked I love that oh behind me get back yellow drop with a ring on it in Rod wus coming in with a big fat 75 thank you very much have a little r Applause for that mate good gr King of the ARs love your videos bro you inspired me to also return to my YouTube channel keep up the great work as always well good luck with you your YouTube channel uh rod and hopefully yeah I want to see a lot of creators new creators being birthed out of uh this definitely I want to see uh many new creators it's it's high time right the game just came out anyway sorry I was saying before that um that drop came out and once again thank you r that that massive appreciation dude that's that's wicked man everyone ledge to to uh rod in the chat um the the drops what was I saying no I think they future proof this right and they've maxed I'm think I'm rendering in the tech the tech cave and they've maxed out um like the performance right for a 40 series cards because they want a future proofy because in like a couple of years everyone's going to have 40 series cards or you know at least 30 and above you think right so they're future proofing as mess as they can so they they they they're putting it right at the high-end spec of course they are makes sense Joshua have I tried fishing uh I haven't mate thank thank you again for the the Dono that's very kind of you uh I'm not mate no what what's going on with this trap dude what bugs don't say I've just lost a yellow drop you're kidding me where the hell did that just go are the drops oh have they like stop you getting drops no what the hell what what is going on what what is going on what so I think what's Happening Here is I'm rendering in the cave I'm rendering in the tech cave when I get that close which means I can't get that drop I think but the drop's still there hang on hang on hang on let's see what happens I got it I got it oh I got it there it is up he goes Ascension oh 407 ascended crossbow no we just got some monster fur gauntlets right sweet I had camps bless you man you don't have to 699 Canadian camps I've been seriously thinking about starting to stream yeah you should do get out it man every I want to see come on if you're thinking about doing cont content joshu did I answer your question I hope I did properly uh fishing I I've not yet know I hated fishing in ASC maybe I will be convinced otherwise maybe we will do some more today um yeah I what am I saying what am I saying yeah I want to see like if you are thinking about doing content don't think about it do it do it do you know why cuz I was that guy uh when as came out I didn't I I I I was watching all these people doing content and uh just watched and wanted to but didn't really put the effort in um and until like yeah Co so just yeah don't mess about do it do videos if you if you're thinking about it do videos man what the hell is that credit edit what is that what is that your what what is that name credit edit 117k views 28 minutes ago imagine red drops confused to what that comment was then save thank you very much there we go James comeing in with the tenner thank you so much dude you left this at the side of my mom's bed just returning it's your handsome bass what what was that what is that comments you left this at the side of my mom's bed what did I leave what did I what did I leave what do you say look at that flickering thing there just returning it your handsome bass James ain't a lie mate ain't a scuba do what you just said there man you're from my end part 10 right you meant to S my lingo what what are you saying bro we got some massive crossbow we need to check this crossbow out and see see what it's all about right also I didn't fix the leveling on the blood creatures oh you wanted to drop me 10 quids right I'm there sorry I've got sometimes a bit of like small brain cell and um that that happened there everyone everyone got the joke apart from me going to hang my head in shame going to hang my head in shame sorry discipline Hunter with $2 thank you so much dude Canadian and now the end is near and so I face the final curtain I see a purple drop what has it got I'm just not certain but I know blue dragon came and gifted members for everyone H yes you can save manually mm4 come on we're going to lose lose viewers at that point I'd take a bit to get the jokes I get there eventually I left the ten with your mom I got you I got you dude what's that graphical bug going on there oh there is some bugs happening today that that's a that's a bit odd whatever they patched uh recently has certainly it feels darker as well what's with my fur look metallic what what did you just say got some Gunpowder chalico saddle good grief keeping that F all right we we might be going we might be going to get more drops on Route if I see another one I might have to Do It Disco drops I guess we save at every drop save at every drop save near the grounds what the is that is that a drop coming down here it's a new one oh sweet just right on top of us perfect these drops are insane and it people if you want more sing songs or not hit that like button with your nose bsh Let's Do It smash it sniff it now take it uh I guess we're going to get this drop we might as well another purple drop look how like Eerie the uh the M looks there not see many right now did you enable the mod in the mod list I got a yeah yeah I enabled the mods we've got currently got the uh the polar Auto po mod in um install but for some reason it's not working I don't know why but never mind when it crashes we'll check it out cuz it's going to at some point Dragon just become a russle do you know what to you dragon and to everyone in the chat who's just hit the like button who just Tunes in you leg just said there have a little this p on the back to you all hope you're enjoying this stream it has been sniffed did you sniff the uh the like button like at the keyboard when you pressed it okay that's what I saying it's like I'm just a picturing somebody going to the doctors and then say doctor I got a I got a I got a key stuck up stuck up in as ar thoring ar thoring here we go drops coming down with a $2 a a A2 Australia maybe thank you did you end up getting the cave drop dude at the start of this FD no we uh we set up something and we're going to go back down there very shortly why does my fur look like chain mail right now let's put the light let's get a bit of light going on I'm running up that hill three gig left it's so hard I broke my nose I got a I got a k stuck up in asro right what we got what we got hello from oh Gilly I've been hearing nothing but good things about Gil I haven't tried it on yet I'm looking forward to it ascendant Gilly mate we could have a full-blown preab space do you think the mods are broken maybe uh to But to answer your question about the stream last night it didn't end well that's that looming making it like that oh red drop here we go here we go we're here we're not on official servers we're not on any server I'm I'm right now I refuse to play on servers I'm hearing nothing but just pain uh of servers running so these drops do feel like cheating right but why would I not why would I not take advantage of this howy you oh mate mate nice name we're um we're living the dream now we we set something up once we've got a few of these drops we're going to go back to base and then we're going to we set up a bed over there at the start of the stream so we're going to go back over there and start checking out what these uh Cave drops are the these drops are Godly these drops are Godly dude in fact this arj is almost overweight we might have to make a move oh and gone this be a nasty place I remember once upon a time not the water's still bugging out I remember once upon a time one of the first times I came down here a spino caught me off guard and killed me but I think we're okay save always saving that there is a Barry let's kill it look it's level 10 I didn't even check it level like a donkey no no the these drops are meant to be like this well they're not meant to be like I I don't know if they're meant to be like this but like I'm not the only one having this everybody's having this right now everybody's getting these drops which is crazy bro so why wouldn't you abuse him right you see a be that my safe to jump out yeah AA where is there a beef of them yeah we got we've got a base location the video just went out earlier about about that the edited vid what's the end game I think the overseer that's the end game right flipping NE riot gnets electrics Riot helmet and Polly these drops these drops bro where's the uh where's the Dum isn't that one in the water what what what are you seeing in the water I'm hearing something in the water I don't see no damn dude right saving it screw it Seth don't use cryopod mods they are corrupting dinos and unofficial oh no yeah do you know what I wasn't planning to download the cryopod mods anyway the only one to be honest I was going to avoid mods for the imedia but like I saw Auto puller out and I'm like I got to have Auto puller in my life dude it's just it's such a convenient mod I don't feel like it's cheating it's just helping you from moving about why is the lighting feeling not so weird right now it's just helping you to move about and um like craft stuff quicker without like carrying wood from box to swiy and that jazz you know I think why not what right there's a drop there let's get that one let's admire the view at the same time that's beautiful look at that in fact in fact we got to do it right we got to do it sometimes you just got to do it oh oh oh oh that's nice let's see the lighting is we're going to test the crossbow that definitely that side oh dragon gifting members thank you so much mate much appreciated D that is beautiful that is beautiful right for some reason when I'm getting screenshots at the moment it's not working like so I'm going to have to do the snippet tool um there we go have you noticed that Saddles yeah they do have durability but I've not seen them actually have an issue there we go sorry I was using the Snipping Tool then let's just save that I don't want to lose that man uh desktop downloads there we go right done close I should I don't feel like I should be messing with this too much man feel like I'm going to screw myself over or something there we go amazing right right let's go I'm running up that hill just tastic thank you very much for making those members man it's very kind of you yeah I saw awesome spy glasses in in mded in mods but also broken that's a blue ah never mind we'll get it anyway we're here now do the bite how people can compare this is beyond me it's beyond me too mate did you rebind the Dismount button no why shouldn't I there some there seems to be some bugs with these drops at the moment this wasn't happening before that's a shame um there seems to be some graphical glitch since yesterday where the the the end of the drops it's just pure bugging out the members are coming baby making the raso rasol is ever stronger we might move where's that you I just heard a you raw where was that those are the members I've got a display turned off cuz I'm recording it recording this moment have I crashed yet plenty of times but not right now okay all right you use close dudes if it come is it going to come this way go okay holy hell what did we just get them let's fly up a bit even the blue drops got a pedestal sickle right come let's go that Sun's just gone away restart might fix the problem maybe right it's it's very dreary right now it's very dark underwater drop we're going to go check it her is the loot incredibly op right and we're pretty waiting now so let's get everything back let's chuck all this off and let's go into the cave come on stop messing about now stop messing about I'm just going to K mod though just in case only if we see a red and a yellow I'm going to get distracted now stop being distracted and I don't see any so that's fine okay yeah save after every DRFT definitely apparently sickle is op CLE gets lots of fiber and not one uh crop plot BP what's going on where's all the crack plots how's ASA going yeah having fun living the dream getting drops getting op drops we tried the the shiby stand not yet because I have no chibies how what like how can I make chippy St like put things on chibi stand if I don't have chibi we've not seen a giga I've been checking we've been checking all the spots and we've not F any IX Dam right by Raptor fantastic where is that oh my God oh my it's down there somewhere just get the stamina and go oh jeez it's too dark for this dude two bushes 600 F yeah we got a rally point right there that's our base location really handy I love that I love setting these rally points very good the new girls beautiful as well photo mode is thumbnail Creator right it's great chippy in K drops that's the dream yeah I guess not chibies just aren't uh AR thing yet maybe they're coming maybe they're coming oh we good we got let's keep moving baby do baby giggers and car cars exist I don't know I haven't seen them yet to to confirm that I haven't seen a gig car car yet just you are coming in with the $5 thank you very much mate the ADHD is strong with you hey ad Doo yeah man do you know I'm not diagnosed with ADHD but I wouldn't be surpris wa casing point where did this come from oh got it un rote be rude not to just got myself some soap and some more structures to build with fantastic pillars I'm pretty sure we've got like a fullblown base now we just got a better sickle sickle you pickle right yeah the AR is overweight though now yeah I wouldn't be surprised if I did have it it would make sense but yeah don't I'm on on that harsh line of cracking jokes about it and I think yeah maybe I shouldn't be IES don't know maybe I shouldn't be uh when's the monarchy starting do no do no at some point Mike cover in with 199 thank you very much much mate is there a pole system on the Smithy setting o okay you think there is well we're going to find out we're getting back to the base we're 400 m away from finding out let's get there good grief Ashley thank you for the two quids uh you're making cottage pie dude I love cottage pie I haven't had cottage pie in ages actually like I used to have it loads as a kid it was always a clear winner right bit of mash on the top bit of meat job done that's it like especially where I live I think it was quite well known um although isn't it wasn't it called something else rainb c not Cottage P something else but there was a few names for it there was another name is anyone remember what the other name is I can't think what it is at the moment yeah drop settings are on default I I kid you not I'm I'm not like I kid you not drop settings are on default right okay let's chuck all my stuff on a creature and let's go and change oh this is the uh Grill by the way looks nice and let's go into the bed let's see if the drops spawn there now which I'm hoping it might have in the uh sea cave where's my bed where is my bed did I never did I not put the bed there oh shepherd's pie that's it shepherd's pie thank you that's it yeah it's called shepherd's pie up this way right let's see if any drops have spawned let's go taroo I really need to see what a cave drop looks like running up that hill I need like if those drops are that op what do we get from a cave drop nothing it seems when did the cave drops start coming do you reckon they're invisible too cuz these DRS seem to be a bit visually bugged at the moment am I seeing something there am I tripping you can pull items for crafing from Tech dedes I miss something no oh we're timing the quits don't you worry about that is that a drop down there I see a light there let's go let's check it out no still not a be here either save good idea no there's a drop there's a drop oh look at the light it's emitting feel pretty safe right now look at the lights are missing oh look at that just got a flack chest BP a disgusting Flack chest BP at that let's get this artifact as well at the same time whilst it seems relatively safe in here can you show your R frames I can't mate I've got a do a thing with my graphics card that looks lovely as well by the way um my graphics card uh to get the frame counter up and I haven't done that that is a sex drop that was a flack BP right wasn't it it looked like a flack BP ascending ascending Flack indeed holy hell save save good idea yeah now that that's a chest now that my friends that's a chest that's a chest indeed I can't get up here will you go penguin sledding you want to build a penguin 1K J was it at least we know there are BPS yeah let's have a look yes that's a BP what's the cost [Music] oh that's a chief right well there we go Flack BP in East no East West brute cave confirmed to be fair I'm sure this is where you used to run for all this right dude the lighting seems super rough I I don't feel like I feel like something is a bit bugged out with the lighting what am I drinking a coffee Coffey hey we do on the likes people when we hit one those and don't forget you get a little treat you get some sweets and treats anyone here in chat unofficial to confirm um like the drops are as op unofficial I'm I'm I'm really interested they can't be this op unoficial surely I think we need to restart oh everyone's saying it okay let's restart let's let's see if that improves everything hang on uh and also mods active mods automated Arc that's the one I've got okay so that should be good or maybe it's the mod what you think maybe I should take the mod off oh no that looks that looks way better right yeah yeah that that feels way better okay anyway right uh and you know what before I go anywhere let's go to the other drop location with with my scuba with scuba flippers the drops are not OP unoficial got an ascending bike be Pike BP un official what's automated Arc well have the wor to see all right go no will the drop be back I and I've just restarted the game now there'll be no there'll be no drops now i' I've just restarted the game no they won't they they they take a hot minute to um drops to to do anything now I've restarted the game I just realized that I won't I won't find any right now we got to wait we got to wait came through here when we started the game and there was nothing so that's that right they I like G one and first release and official d n man I like everyone like I'm not the only person everyone is saying the drops are op everyone right let's sort his space out let's see what his sickle does I could actually Che get the crossbow as well what you see how much hide I have you see how much hide I've got right now no way no way what sickle it's a bit op that is a bit op good grief that is a bit broken holy hell anyone want some I did some Fiber in my diet that's a plenty of fiber there kid right well uh stone structures then let's have a look what do we get we got we got a few things we can work with here didn't we get some metal as well um we got some ramps let's have a look at all at all of our our structures let's see what we can make here that is broken that's that's your F that's your fiber done we get some lighting going on maybe we can make a j I reckon we could cuz we got electrics we can definitely make a j bit of paste bit of this bit of that got a platform saddle so many crazy mats right let's make a Jenny in fact let's before we do any of that let's sort these out these F foundations which uh one I need make two more Doo or Dio die Dio thank you for the $2 got to put that on a mantis oh imagine the sickle on a mantis disgusting disgusting right um I need to make more foundations mate disgusting Stone fatch Woods yeah I reckon we can get a Jenny down like now and uh get all this ah one more Foundation more Stone here Stone War forget all that fatch we still got the Behemoth gate as well which is wild um I just need a bit more Stone dude I could I could throw this down and just get insta Stone you know what I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I'm going to do it Behemoth gate we're just going to demo the gate we're going to keep the Gateway am I close enough to the smoy there we go there's your mats there's your mats done foundations two three four toony covering in with the F thank you so much mate this for me Ras as a local lad Crumpet or piolet what the hell's a picolet I think i' answer that question to you crap it's all day man I don't know what the hell of pickle it is mad kitten he's a man not a God uh Ros are on the island we've seen him got the annual drop Loot on ASC in one day bro we got so much we got so much oh yeah so can we pull in the Smithy then so if we go let's have a goat let's just go click on that there's no like pulling or anything what does this mud do this mud doesn't do anything what does it do okay I I don't know it's not working I got to pick up the Behemoth gate keeping that for now um we'll use that for something else I've never heard of that other thing what is that man there we go uh is that thatch there as well I need to get my torch on where's my torch sorry people you're just watching me build in the dark right you need dead storages oh we're not quite there yet mate but yeah there we go I need one more Foundation I think and then that's this done and then we can start putting some walls in on [Music] that I need more Stone holy hell how much stone do I need is trap still work in ASA yeah uh fire crutch um yeah cap D fat dog has already built a very cool RG trap design mate um so make sure you go check that out traps are coming but you know me people you know what I'm all about screw your traps not not screw cap like you know but screw your traps I'm all about doing it hardcore no traps that's that's what my game's all about Stone we got some more stone structures I just a puck uh Hatchet uh this the thing Hatchet that one didn't I have a better one I put it on something you there we go let's get a bit more Stone I hear something time of do we do out we do have a do saddle we could do we should do on we're going to put this down though first get get some lighting going on so we know what's going [Applause] on excited for Crystal Isles and rag visuals it's do do thank you do do do thank you Keo yeah um what are you all looking forward to what's your favorite map people that that you can't wait to see ASA in now we know what it looks like we kind of get a good idea of what we can uh look forward to for me it's 100% sent I think sent is going to look absolutely stunning it's it's let down bipo Graphics right ALU no is that wrong Al Al what you say what you say about M Mama are you using G modes what is g modes I just need like one one rock bro where's all the Rocks aberration I need One Singular Rock where's all the Rocks I just need a rock one tiny Rock in my life that I can use for a foundation there we go that's also metal man I don't want to be uh ruining my metal game there we go bom done yeah the Sens is going to look amazing it's going to look incredible man oh nearly fell then I got to get a ramp there bro very soon right uh let's put these materials away in there for now just for a second let let's appreciate the uh tools on there that's cool I'm really looking forward to seeing what this this uh omnidirectional OST can look like man right what are you turning to don't know scorched Earth from dragon with a sack 50 thank you so much dude it's very kind of you what is what the hell is this oh the quarter walls hey I heard about these we'll forget them for now let's box Us in just the sides though for now going to keep the back open it's going to be an open plan open plan living we also need to change these walls right that's that's a stone wall someone someone said I used some they're all walls broke someone said I I put hidden walls down they're okay for coming in I don't know what that is isk 1,500 it sounds like a lot thank you so much uh just discovered your channel love your positivity I was wondering if streaming is my full-time job it is mate it it pretty much is I do this live and breath this life mate um yeah I I enjoy doing it I enjoy that you enjoy it that's what it's all about right that's what it's all about uh well in fact then we've got the the stuffs let's put all these around the back for now we've got the stuff to put a wall around here as well there we go not beautiful yeah we can box it in but we won't box it in just yet we're going to have to move everything in here then press e what is this noise the noise normally I've got a thing above my head oh I'm going to stop recording I've got a thing above my head that goes off um normally 10 American dollars well which sounded like a lot I appreciate you anyway dude thank you thank you very much all right recording again so we're going to make make what is this is this does this work as stairs it does work as stairs right that's our stairs for now then let's throw that down and let's change that to oh some nice metallic stairs o That's nice it's so weird to see such tall walls right that's great mate it's great uh then all of these roof pieces I don't know what to do with any of these right now to be honest I need like I need to probably go up by well no we'll do like a a a roofing so we'll keep these walls to one time for now gate pipe that that that that that that that that that that although I want to check out these PS for a second little trim little trim on the base o That's nice oh that's hot and then I guess you can flip them right he oh and then you can go around like that and make a trip a d yeah we're just going to do this for now there we go did you place a hidden door by accident apparently I did but I I don't know where it is I can't find it anywhere right come on let's get this this uh going we need a Jenny oh oh that's the mod then is it is that the mud that's the IIA mod Wireless Jenny oh no well um um no I'm not going to use that I want I'm curious to see how cool the vanilla stuff is yet we haven't even checked it out yet so there we go turn you on journy cable L some cable wait till you start messing with tree platforms oh no really uh wire Outlet what how did lck what the hell what's all this then Jenny how do you wire is it all Wireless all generators Are Wireless name no need to maximize the space of it better as it is oh let's put you let's put you there so if I put down this light what where like all here for now and we turn the journy on it turns everything on oh oh it's like s+ it's like s+ Let There be lights oh that is wild it turns everything on no no more gasoline needed for your grills or your your Fabricators dudes it's almost like the ESL St works for wild card wow there you go there's the map oh wow all right let's move all the this in then can we make a fridge can we make some more uh uh gasoline I'm going to need to make gasoline then it's totally going to need some ma some gasoline now uh oil oil oil oil oil oil we're going to move all these boxes in soon am I totally out of oil oh w i don't this did I did I really go through all of my oil oh no I didn't need some more hides Wireless crafting oh oh that's hot that's hot hide no hi than you we're going to we're going to get everything sorted soon as well where is my base location it's it's in a good spot I I'll show at the moment it's dark so you're not going to see toughy all hid hid oil where's my hi gun I swear I had some there there we go hid didn't I have some more hide did I put it in the Smithy I did let here there we go right sweet that's some more gasoline coming I ever sech grass IRL what is grass what is grass I'm I'm curious let me know open them map easily shoe Awards Sho there you go oh the new stoes lovely right can we make a fridge let's make one with the 25 Crystal Crystal and ingots have we got all of that Crystal and ingots Crystal metal Crystal metal Crystal metal metal yeah we we haven't even like you know what I could have done this off cam but I've been so busy man is this Minecraft yes it is Minecraft how did you know let's keep uh enough for a A TRU I need like 20 I think or I I can just mine it afterwards man it's not the only what is my favorite dish depends what you cook it I want I did want pun of tree and uh yeah I needed a me had a boo boo ref fridge more metal we got the metal hold options yeah I just I press right click for for for it and uh no pulling so don't know so don't know refrige let's do it that was me clapping we're there we're there people we're stepped up we've stepped it up TOS um I guess for now I'll just put the fridge there why are you stu there we go there we go we got some gasoline now that's the Jenny on they go beautiful that's nice man bit open air at the moment but you know right now we can move everything perfect I don't know what you said 40 what what did you say 2K watching damn Round of Applause for you all tuning in watching this right now hope you're enjoying it if you are press that like button please with your nose Rush sniff a keyboard sniff a k not even you don't even press K to like to like it you can't even hit it you can't even like with a key what am I saying right now it's well ventilated exactly um just you know keeping it nice and roomy right let's move these boxes in uh which I'm betting I'm not going to be able to pick up all at once I and we'll put these boxes lost them already where did that box go there we'll we'll do this way I think side on up there uh which I think we can press e to rotate there we go oh that's so nice look see that's even giving off a light as I'm trying to place it so good dudes and we'll yeah start moving these just all in one go bum bu bum hold e for options on Smithy prevent Wireless crafting so how do you wirelessly crack I don't know what that means use lava in Forge what what you say oh so move sweet just get Hena done no eel today no eels no thank you right moved all this almost oh perfect there we go there we go hey the new base it's all been set up it's looking good perfect perfect I need like a door right to I think I'm going to keep mys on this end no no no oh went did the save it no no oh does the generator show area coverage and options I have a look at that in a minute thank you very much for the donation oh no when did I save it last people hey far back we're on 700 likes at 300 300s ago and you get a sing song so that's when I got the flak that's rough now that's that's that's rough man I feel hurt by that that one I feel super hurt by that one dude that is cruel all right well you get to watch all that again a to okay we know what we're doing now we figured out everything there we're just going to Blitz through it we we'll do it much quicker I think um damn it man roll backs in single player are brutal they are brutal is that is that not a rock that is a rock there we go oh it went back a bit oh it went back a bit oh it did there's no point saving yet we're just going to have to save a bit often every often get some farming tames I we will uh just not yet mate uh I can't find where the hell where's the Rocks where's all the Rocks there's more rocks than that there we go can I change what the banner what Banner [Applause] what on the top of the YouTube channel how does it look creepy set a time of 15 minutes interval to be fair that that was like what 10 minutes that wasn't that long yeah it was a metal node right that's enough stone for what we need definitely we're going to we're going to Blitz through this now super quick super quick super quick uh let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go right foundations who's got all my stone stuff you got my stone stuff right we'll do all the stone building first then we'll save we we we'll save save save that's the sa is going to happen now that's all been battle yay it's all good though I'm not I'm not I'm not worri it's fine you shouldn't be worried I'm not worried it's okay it's okay it's okay keep it's okay and enjoying everything he does I see I like playing slow what you mean Kevin just become R thank you so much dude much appreciated hope you're having a good day mate s me a s make me feel better all right uh let's just make the rest of those now wooden thatch there we go wooden thatch and then we can make make as many of those as we can in fact what we're going to do we going to do the same again save us some time uh where did I put that before looking for the spot where was the spot where was the there there we go we're going to use that as our easy mode there we go foundations perfect it's a small after all yeah no shortcuts man I know I like doing things twice as well did you not notice I'm a big fan doing things twice it's it's wonderful one more one more one more then we got it um there we go yeah we'll get the walls up I know I have more walls than that that Ain the wall is it it's that one there we go we'll get the walls up and then we will get the saving there we go buom buom bum bum um right lovely that's all that apart from the ramp in fact we'll have a we'll have the uh a stone ramp this time now it's been given to me e no R there we go uh move you out the way it's gr like day press e on some of the walls I know we we know this we do it to make that mate in fact in fact in fact that's what we're going to do I got it I got it right save yeah yeah right let's get some gasoline let's got the oil burning uh oil and hide hide hide hide and oil hide and oil hide and oil oil and hide oil and hide no oil and hi see this is why I don't want to be Ming up out this Mo need a bit more wood in there to start making into gasoline wasn't there a generator there before welcome back to before the game crashed and rolled us back hide hide hide there we go beautiful right let's get all that burning let's get some gasoline and turn this on where's my cable La some cable put you there for now you've got my gear right yeah you got my gear going to get that super sickle do you fight Asa feels like normal yes that's a good question um I am starting to kind of get used to it I'm still in all though there's Still Moments where you go nice that looks nice dude um so it's still kind of happening we just got like fiber anyone want one of me fiber fiber fiber who's got the the lights it's not a light light bulb where was it where was it where was that light Omni Omni did I have that somewhere else it was that omni light what that omni light where did I put that I definitely have one where did I put it is it did I put it in here no hey where did I put the omn light got a serious case with dja Vu where's the omn light go where where where was it m um is it not on the arch um right we're going to make a jetty we already unlocked it so sounds didn't roll that back did he electronics and metal G and metal some more metal there bu bus Jenny there we go sh Deja Vu bro done uh gasoline please there we go there we go we're kind of we're there're pretty much there there people beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful now just got move the box and boxes and then we've reset apart from that I make a fridge X hello mate you're right I'm always lost to confused we uh had a lovely roll back just now so we're repeating what we just done which is which is wonderful to pop in take it on enjoying this game it's all right a it have you seen the drops have you seen the drops they're a bit wild just a tad I got a full-blown base going on right now yeah save again thank you very much definitely I got a fullblown base going on this is all pretty much all from drops which is madness is that all the crystal there all right throw that in the grill yeah the grill looks lovely right I love that just these a few Burgers let's get them cut fing man turning them uh into some nice delicious uh devouring things in buns drops of fire they're going to patch them soon surely do you still n Jenny's fullblown Wireless no more cables anymore she's mad look at that no cable toay in fact holdy on the journey for a second show range so there you go so anything placed this is vanilla Arc this is vanilla Ark employing the s+ guy was the best move ever anything placed within this is automatically powered wow I tell you what raiding is going to be a lot harder now wow that's amazing mommy milkers mommy what I got to say that what I got to say that out loads a than I just turn off there we go yeah going to be it's going to be a lot harder right I can't believe they uh pick up as well that's really surprising that they allowed that that can't be unofficial no way I don't believe it I don't believe it no more dirty pipes in the air and like going up like like 20 ft into the air and then doing a right angle and going another 100 ft that way it's all nice delicut beautiful buildings together it's nice it's nice man it's very nice uh hold up hold up what is that a bookshelf bookshelf bro all right I'm going to put the bookshelf by me let's try and get the Gap right about there oo oh that's nice fact I don't need a bookshelf what am I say what am I say not right not yet I I'll need one but just not yet that's nice dude right there that'll do for now get it moving over if you cook on the grill does it show no I don't think it does I cook some food right is officials fixed it sounds ropey mate new message from DL there you go meets in there there's not it's not live cooking though thank you for the Dono by the way the $2 Canadian what did Dolly say about it they made the C4 do four times less damage y oh the all these building changes they've made so far it's all wonderful I like it I like them I like them there we go there we go all right moving all in nothing can stop me moving on nothing can stop me right beautiful all in jump on now we can box ourselves in and I was a bit worried about like you know what I was going to do uh to get access to my creatures and then I remembered something where is it now if I need to get get to the back of the base oh that's so nice so nice I love that save thank you saving we never have to do that ever again hopefully guys look nice looks [Applause] lovely everyone saying safe right right cool that's that that's that's us back to where we was more or less um why can't I access you why can't I access you is it cuz the Wall's in the way no you do it AR you oh oh oh no oh no no what is this why did you go into the mesh oh crap crap crap crap I'm getting on gear off it I can't move uh drop that minute drop back there what's time on that 30 minutes I'm a bit worried jeez you better not we better not lose you please fly out of the mesh no no no jeez what is this what is this why are you sitting down there uh mesh BB I I'm hoping if I jump out there I might be okay yeah don't ask a land no matter what yeah I need to jump that way I'm I'm I'm frightened okay um let's go over here please oh no oh that is stuck in the mesh no no no not like this what the hell well how do I get around this one right let's transfer beds I need to move this loot um it's not good man it's not it's not good why did it cry it yeah oh mate oh mate I need I need some SP just going to throw all this in here for now take the fiber out I'll take that Fiber Well what we'll do we'll transfer beds go out of render then come back and we'll see if that fixes it you're all saying load say you all reckon I should close the game and reload it [Music] he got pushed under under because of the wall everyone's saying loads okay uh yeah but I can't just load the I can't load a save without like crashing this if I don't if I exit it's going to automatically save so I can't do that look at it look at it look at it the chat are all conerns jeez oh great great jeee everyone's saying task manager when did I save it though was it just before that before checking out cheese all right you're all saying it you're you're all saying it end task okay all right here we go I apologize if the stream ends at the same time as a result it might do I hope not uh end task there we go right our force closed it I force closed it there we go there we go I just yeah I use control or delete Paul per on PC Paul power right what's your bets people but how am I going to get it a the door definitely pushed it down the war pushed it down this isn't good this isn't good man there we go and we're back the game is currently installing and updating muds what mud all right so like two seconds good luck should have admin pick up the door good idea good idea it's a great idea dude that is what we're going to do that is what we're going to do GG while push elf you could try ghost cheater hey if it's a bug there's a time in a place right there's a time in a place if it's a bug fair enough if we can do it we can do it right funny that the game when it crashes but when I tried to crash the game you pets you pet all right let's get where we can all right we're going to have to change beds and hope you for the best ready for this ready for this is it going to work we're going to swap beds right like these Stone things will go away right oh there's a red trap there as well dude ah ah hang on put this away put all this away put all this on theana D eat cheese shees his now storage box yeah let's jump on the PC once we still got it un follow let's just fly away if we go out a [Applause] render what' you say did I miss that Mar does I thank you very much for the $5 mate sorry does giv a dino mutagen increase the chance of mutation on ASE uh no it doesn't mate but thank you for thank you for asking uh no yeah we're going to leave render see this is going to benefit you though right like w i could go in ghost it's not going to benefit people no would have reloaded it anyway in fact that red drop's further than I thought it was why how is this thing so a still carrying oh no oh no landia landia landia can't cry it we have no cryos there's no more cryos I think we're at render now we don't we can't make the Argy it's our only Ary dude they sadly yeah they did move the shift uh plus button just get the red drop I can't this PT sucks mate I can't use the PT to get a drop sucks so much right we're going back knock the RG out give it that thanks fry but that's just going to surely make it fall oh no I wonder if oh no if I go down through the mesh maybe it'll pop at the bottom I can't admin a cryo the cryos don't exist yes let's go yeah jeez is's back we're Goods oh thank God for that luckily I was built in a spot that allowed me to do that I I might not have been normally right go throw all this on for a minute get rid of this so I got some stuff oh jeesus back what good let's get this red drop quickly before we lose it sp there flipping I think we just lost that we just lost that drop right no save thank you everyone everyone save quickly lemon lemon is that red that red drop's just gone right I'd never have got there anywhere on that PC I think the red drop's gone I think he's gone I think he's gone no he's not still there go go go go we saved the cheese cheese still be alive there we go cheese rescue complete tick tick off tick done all right come on red drop red drop red drop red drops are great man we need more of them T more argies we possibly do need to and we should breed some this red drop is far come on man get a backup we do the back up thanks man Mar the five thank you I've been playing for 4 weeks trying to get create a line of HP in melee mutations and anus so basically just keep breathing yep that's it it's pure RNG mate with mutations just got to breath breed breed breed breed bre breed until they pop out I did a mutation guide I'm I don't know if you watched it um there is a dirty sponsor at the start but after that it's worth a watch Nicola hello when did you change from console to PC what made me change content creation made me change uh I was on Playstation started making vids on PlayStation and um yeah eventually was like it's time it's time to move to look into Mods and all that get a bit of proper like streaming setup and that jazz and that's why we did it that's why we made the move CS yeah it's the OG spot man J well it's it's it's isn't it's not it's it's different same too we're just going to too saddle no it's uh same same but different I'm going to show you I'll show you I'll show everyone actually I bet not many of you seen this yet same sim but de we maybe we should yeah maybe we should get a second Ary right start popping some eggs I could probably make some truns just got two zole I mean to be fair consider with the other drops that we've got yeah isn't the best place to be saving it but yeah I hope they don't drop Nerf drops too hard is there a drop there did I see a I did see a be po oh that's that's that's not even down yet uh we'll wait for it we'll wait for it we'll wait for it we here we might as well right we're about to get thrown off by a filer I think we're okay I think we're okay no now we're [Applause] saving h where's it go I can't even see anything just trees everywhere I think I'm good where is it where is it where is it it's dead that's where it is it's dead nice Jesus maybe the next one CR coming down near yeah nearly yeah nearly yeah people let's get it how we doing what's the like K on it' be close 2,200 of you we are [Applause] damn dirty ants give me a kitan I got no kitan I got nothing brilliant did get some prime though Prime is good Prime is good we also got some P I didn't even notice that war drums oh oh oh we're totally doing a ballad when we get back where is my base spot I'm going to show you cuz a lot of people haven't seen it properly yet I'll show you now especially as it's uh nice and light now are we on 1,000 we at 1,000 likes Ladi J boys and girls Round of Applause to you all oh that drop just hit the bush of the tree the leaves to make it B give me a [Music] song This I think is my most favorite feature of Arc survival ascended I love it I love it Gillie we got some more ghilly on us and a forge right going going back now let's hit 2K now let's catch up with that truck are we getting on heck yeah man should we play a ballad on the ward drums that's what we're going to do anything Taylor Swift I don't I don't know any Taylor Swift SGS I don't already T Swift SS I'm afraid um I think it's something totally totally saving I've been waiting to check out the Ghillie as well I haven't seen the Ghillie yet apparently it's like super camo super camo top of the te some to of the tears ah yeah right as well so yeah so this is our location right here people um right here you you can't see it like we got to wait for the light is it is it morning still okay yeah we'll wait for the light to pass over and then I'll I'll show you properly cuz we can't you can't see anything right now it's too dark right never I'm going to just leave this open for the time being I'm never going to move that ever I'm I saving it right now right w t coming in with the 5 thank you very much if you want to hunt drops the area around car Island always has drops coming in uh onc yeah it did uh one these don't worry though Tommy we got B drops we checking out in a second I'm got to show you them in a minute kids don't you worry don't you worry what you do today cheese Sunday dinner and was Ras Sunday dinner with Ras I might you know I might wear my Ghillie for the moment as well why not right that's badass where's where's the gy gloves so got a minute if I oh that is come on let's have a look at it that is camo I've got I've got some blur Focus going on right now um that's wicked I like that let's just change the focus a bit so I can see a bit better uh there we go try take field off I see oo that that's the one where did he go where did he go I can't see him hang on let's put me in a bush right let's put me in a bush it's like too darker to do this at the moment it's way too dark there we go right there I a where did he go I can't see him is the RAS there in the bush oh are you pleased to see me oh that's going to be good dude that's me not even in a bush mate look how camouflage that looks you ain't seen that and this is why we have the green throw people this is what it's all about that's great that's great man I love it I love it that's cool all right anyway for now let's let's keep that Gil to one side we might need it later let's slap on a right helmet which I haven't checked it either in fact how much Riot do we how much Riot do we have I got distracted I got distracted I was meant to be doing something we got we got loads of Riot we haven't got the riot set have we your hair looks like a shrub green fo beautiful in practice exactly all right there we go uh I got everything but the boots but the legs but in the boots um put that that away that way I need to like make some more storage space here open NE h z to become a r off thank you very much much appreciated hope you're having a splendid day and uh something I did say I was going to do for you guys give me a second ghilly hat we haven't got a ghilly hat at the moment got a magnifying glass uh want to check that out twoo saddle put that Prime away in fact speaking of which yeah there's Prime on the on the Argent you yes yes boom boom boom boom take it all take it all take it all the M useful if we get it refrigerated keep it to one side for now as long as it got in here 5 hours okay maybe maybe right uh anyway we are putting that lemon in there as well put a little bench down don't need that bench um drums drums look different buddy you're a young man h M standing in the street going to take on the worldsome day you got blood on your face you big disgrace wav your banner all over the place we will we will do we will we will rock you to there we go that was awful I feel I I was dying inside as I was thinking that I'm afraid it's the one you got to sing right can we move on AR you oh thank you right there we go what are we doing arq what why say AR uh my poor family that's a cense I need right I need to make some trugs man I need to make myself some TRS I need some SPO meat and uh in fact no Haven I already got some can you spawn Griffins no I try I don't need any of them I have plenty right fine and we've got the monster crossbow I wonder how quickly we're going to knock out a a uh AR you know right so I got that uh the prime I can come back for in fact I don't need to oh I got an egg we got an aigon egg pick it up put it away oh we got yeah we got go and check the traps as well thank you we'll go into do that before we turn the time the RG I need like a I need a a load out mannequin are there load out mannequins in this no because we don't have Gen 2 content damn it all right throw that on the yard you then for now we will cross you thank you pry did did no one just die inside when I was thinking that surely that I felt I felt myself cringing singing that one right come on um to the cave let's go yeah you can change your crossbow yeah on the Fly we uh we learned that one quite recently thank you very much though why does it look quite light in here don't don't know I should have done that that was silly off to get a mate for cheese we are we're going to get a little mate for cheese so we know we've got spares and we can raise an Ary mate save game thank you it was a song from the art Gods can you time the spino maybe but we've got a really good crossbow now so technically we can tell him what the hell we want I can do whatever the hell I want like we can right restart recording thank you very much three two one I dropped my dies again keep forgetting about that I bet so many people are going to miss that uh is a couple of dollar and never never do that again cheers man thanks dude I'll take it all the same man just pull uh very difficult to tell if there's drops in the water but we're going to find out screw it Dive Dive Dive and we got that water glitch again that sucks I don't see one this time but there's probably one back the other way we'll get the flippers and then we'll go we'll go back that way mate yeah notes yeah we're not we're saving the note we've got a spawn down here now so we can we can do whatever the we want right I could just I could get the brute I might as well get the brute again baby Bell baby Bell G A Time what is this man doing what is this man doing I don't know looks electrified does right doesn't look quite right well there's no drops here but there's it's definitely enough time has passed so I think if we go the other way mate we might find a drop can you carry two artifacts I said I'd answer that didn't I let's find out can we carry two Uno do how many likes for me to see be rapidity 2K Ry rasa thank you very much mate much appreciate dude appreciate you for hitting that button man very kind of you mate and uh spirit comes yeah you can't you can't carry more than one still and uh spirit comes in with a five quid thank you I can see everyone in the collab steam using the drums en chanting as a great opening yeah right why not as a great opening seriously now what is he trying to do we're here for traps mate that's why we're here it's spell stream but it says stee what are you going to do can you show us the increased structure distance render The increased structure render distance oh yeah we could do that couldn't we yeah we'll do that after after we've checked the drops I might reload again you know I think me transferring beds created a bit of a a lighting bug I think that's the issue right the song was the prize wasn't that not was that not enough was you not entertained you have majestical fasia hair bro thank you I use Olay for men uh hit that like button with your nose anyone got any bloody noses yet right let's um yeah let's get some flippers I might reload it is the lighting looking dodgy to you it looks dodgy right this definitely dodgy we're doing it we're doing it we're going to reload we're going to reload it takes like the loading is rapid by the way look at this oh buom bum I could have pressed join latest game but I didn't the loading is really quick compared to ASE super duper quick there we go I'm in oh no but in loading I just reset the traps damn you I forgot okay well we'll come back here again if it was the prize I don't want to see what the loser gets ah I forgot about the stupid we got the crossbow from a drop the drops are op mate he the drops are incredibly op right I need to put these Dy somewhere as well mate I'll put them in there there we go all right anyway right so I'm going to show you first off let's have a look to see the riot gear first kind of serous what that looks like that's nice yeah right gears M I like it I like it and then we're going to see uh how far away before the structures D render let's find out right we all watching it we all see it syac bad Ras clar gamer what what' you see all right we all watching it we all see it still there still there still there let's fly fly fly still there still there still there still there not going away still there still see it still see it still see it still there still there still there still there don't got pretty Misty I think he's still there right no way oh it is look how far have I got to be away to not not see that look I any further I'm just going to hit stuff that that's going to get in the way of seeing it oh it's gone now though oh there we go we must we must have literally just hit it right there well there it is that's your Ender distance right there Frosty giving out members thank you very much mate much appreciated making the raw Souls ever stronger man have a little round of applause for you and for everyone here that's tuned in watching this watching me watching this watching you watching me we're all watching each other so yeah this is the base location people I like it right what do I like about this it's a nod to Alpha pillar but not like Alpha pillar it's all changed it's different so you've got a whole Plateau here right it it Ledges out there so it's all elevated here and this pillar goes all the way around but what's cool about this pillar that I like especially for PVE was perhaps PVP wouldn't be a better option is somewhere here I can't even see somewhere here there it is there it is so that follow the trees are all in the way so this pillar goes all the way around and then it ends in a bridge right here there's one one land bridge in and out which will put a behemoth gate on or something and uh that's it I like this location it's a good one with a decent enough space nice cheeky waterfall you know nearby for easy uh water okay not not that it matters because you can get Wireless water in the game now um all good all good spinal level that's a valy question if the spal level's good maybe right uh let's put some weight in you yeah time to SAR and we're going to check out this um Spiner as well where is it okay iguana dead who Canen what it what was it a whistle was it following me track it I got a Tracker we got that's what that's why we got a Tracker people toast right don't put dinos at the back we put all the dinos here at the front I don't know why that's happening do you know what I think it's to do with that uh exploring out there I I reckon it's to do with the exploring out flipping X son yeah yeah we put nothing behind this can't even you the tracker is a handy thing indeed Ras pillar yeah it's it's going to be used to an advantage I reckon it's the Explorer note it's been too close to the Explorer note cuz that was sitting right on top of it right RG does pick up aanan I didn't even know that either right come on we're taming we're taming we're taming we're taming let's do this let's do this what level is the spino 85 not quite my Tempo let's go for argies will it run on Xbox series X apparently so it's coming to you and uh PS5 players soon build them a deck AR Clark I did get arked I got super arked froke what am I what we doing at 2K again Beeman rapidy a don't man like it's painful you're going to you're going to hate it like there's one thing singing it drunk on the mic there's another thing entirely trying to sing it right perer right we're looking for a uh a good level RG there we go there's one there 55 I want a 150 baby what G am I male I need I need a Strunk female 65 are you damn somewhere in the trees somewhere in the trees that's 25 damn it now keep moving I left Alfred in the river no no did I really can't leave we can't leave Alfred I will pay you not to [Laughter] sing yeah I I tell you what we'll do at 2K likes I will talk in my um actual accent for a short while I see a little silhouette with a man cracky to Cy dooo can you see that man's hair though that's great need to make that into a s that's the song off flipping NE man Alfred sorry Alfred oh that's okay man just don't do it again or I'll Bop you on the head and now I'm just going to go for a little bit of a rock out with with my feet out something else that I decided to change last video that's Alfred by the way sorry he's good I give you my I give you my real accent at 2K likes there you go that's your goal right ARG let's go let's do it let's find one love the PC thank you Andy I promise you I am more yam yam than you not Bry I'm not a Bry save thank you very much doing that leave him up on the bookshelf that's it on the bookshelf paper wasn't even anything that wasn't even anything that wasn't even words have I have I seen quel I have seen quitzel I have seen quitzel right we're looking for a good high level female Ary now oh there's a Ru in here I want to show you where is it where is it where is it somewhere here I've seen it Daniel just dropping in a nice cheeky six EUR thank you very much mate very nice of you there's a there's a ruin somewhere here cuz um I was going I was in spectator getting some shots and I found a cool ruin somewhere here where is it you say not the region I live in but maybe that's your YouTube voice this is my phone voice now I've just I I've changed my voice over a long time here it is um years mate years yeah there's a cool ruin here look at this this scaff oh I haven't got me uh me torch torch light something here trying to have a go where's that some Liverpool oh Sabers you stood no chance against our strong cheese Liverpool man let's have a little look in [Music] here yeah it's not really the most expansive uh ruin but damn I can see some people building a base using this little stairway here little nooks and crannies to uh sit in it's cool right you just subbed well thank you very much for the sub mate much appreciated dudes I I really do I I've been in fact massive love to everybody who's been subscribing lately honestly like it it really means a world man like the the last few days have been ins sh they really are um so much appreciation I hope in your subscription I can give you lots of entertaining content I am your dancing monkey and I will always be your dancing monkey that's so yeah right oh jez back on it good place traper Giga oh good place traic go level five female NPA what's up free Giga trap I guess it could be right yeah maybe look big love from Singapore big love to Singapore ah Eli the 999 thank you very much thanks for the great content and always putting a smile on our faces cheers man much appreciated dude thank you very much for the donation mate and um yeah man I I'm it's I'm I'm humbled I am look at it look at you all here watching this I hope you're enjoying it can you can tell you you've changed it lightly oh yeah I was definitely more yam yam and I will I'll show you how much yam yam um where we hit 2K the be people in the chat going how's yum yam what is this yum yam well you'll find out soon kill low levels it's a fabulous idea this is aran's right here I don't need to go yeah my realax does pop in from time to time yeah do the Saddles actually have durability mate because I like I've noticed but I don't see them being hurted much love from safe Africa much love to to Safe Africa yeah let's kill kill the the ass argies instead of leaving them cuz if I leave them where are they going to go nowhere they're just going to sit there until I don't like and fill up the area until I've got no decent argies to same address the Jordy what what does the people think com Jordy why I like TR just become a Rie Round of Applause from you mate flipping thank you very much message me on Discord dude and I'll get you into my special chat place where not at the moment cuz it's been a bit manic but normally I share like you know what I'm working on and uh and that little early previews uh no you know incentive to to do it please don't people but you know I want to do something as thanks for your support so you know right RG eat it now smell it that hurts oh he's dead though he's dead he's got no chance he's got no chance Saddles have durability okay right okay so we just got hit hited I don't see that dropped at all really does it maybe oh yeah 988 out of 100 well well well well well well okay no durability is actually working so I will need to repair it um that's it's interesting it's interesting for PVP ain't it definitely let's kill this one holy help we're looking for that magic level hold in the RG Wings when it gets attacked yeah everything um even your player now looks busted up when it's game time this thing's healing dude come on come on E it was it stamina going up was it really do you reckon it's it's boost JoJo Love to You rash you are one of my favorite Arc players of all time thanks for the entertainment thank you thank you thank you for your thank you a very uh very honed it's very card of VI whales isn't yum yum either but it's lovely it's lovely B all fact I'm like we're pretty close whales it's surprising like how not Welsh influenced ER acent is or maybe it is check durability after flight do you think the flight hurts the durability cuz damage doesn't it seems to be flight that's very interesting h lovely party uh yeah let's go up to the top of the mountain let's find some more Ares we haven't been to the location where you usually find a ton of them that's in ASC no idea in ASA and we've yet to find a giga maybe we'll do like a pass hello R City down here ar City Y City oh whack though whack whack whack though there's another one there another one there 45 behave yourself Matt popping in a cheeky 999 thank you very much thanks for the positivity over the chaotic last few days buddy enjoying the streams thank you very much dude uh do you have any plans to start pushing for boss fights absolutely absolutely made definitely we um we just got to tame the stuff right but we've got one artifact only a few more to go holy damn dragon just bust out 10 memberships to people throwing them out like Smarties more members R members in the chat thank you so much dude that means a lot man big love big love look at all that green in the chat good grief a what's with these whack Aries know I can't bother to kill them let's go and fly to the volcano we have a little whip around the volcano uh see if we can find a Giger at the same time time dude if we find a gigger we're taming it no we're not got the knocks like oh I I'm going to need to make a lot of knocks if if uh to T one don't I can't see that happening if you get a baby Argy can you take name it cheddar yeah I might have to we we're going to have this cheese theme with the ARG are we is that is that what's happening you the want a bit of cheese in your life well um I do like cheese what's your favorite type of cheese me personally I like a bit of smoked cheese man I do quite like it I could almost eat it like a Mars bar but I I choose not to because I saw someone eat cheese like a marsar and it looked revolting and I said when I saw them do that I said I will never do that ever again no thank you I would never do that ever again I will never do that full Stu cuz it look it it didn't look great nobody should ever eat cheese like a Mars bar will Monarch return for ASA maybe I need a horse I need a horse um I do need a horse I need I need Argy we need to make pair of argies lacto free for me but a lacto free smoke GAA with a ston a pepper jack look at it I love all these different flavors better mozzarel cam birth C bir sorry not cam birth smoked GAA what is smoked GAA I don't know yeah sha American my character looks like me do you think if it does then that that feels like an absolute win halumi caral Islands absolutely yeah we'll do that we we'll do a whip around the volcano first cuz there seems to be an absolute lack off here and we'll go to Caro we're looking for a good solid Ary hello hello 45 45 not happening mate good that can you get Char car from the burnt trees like rag what burnt trees those burnt trees let's find out 25 us y y can we get charcoal from these trees let's find out no that's a shame that does feel like something they could have done but they didn't do cuz you know why make it easy when you got drops that are giving you everything anyway save good idea you have you checked at the very top the north the north you are my queen um yeah we we've been to the north a bit we've done the north there there's like no Ares here right let's go Caro we'll go to I tell you what we'll we'll cross uh East Mountain how am I I'm like by a boiling hot volcano here are my C how is that possible it's just one of those days ain't it typical me is typical that's uh who's that kooing it man I had that album in ages winter is coming you are my I've ruined it now I've lost the accent you are my queen no that gone top of this mountain I mean the volcano yeah we have but when we did it last time we we got lost we got Mega lost mate you are my queen we need where where PD Aries everybody saying check up I mean I can go that way I guess have a little look so much Crystal we do need a bit of Crystal yeah there's a weird lack of dinos up here actually uh in fact let's get some Crystal we do need some we're completely out we just we just smashed it you are my queen I want to see does this get more now hurting my ear though that is all right there we go Crystal for dayon lovely all right keep going 75% less what should I do how will this affect LeBron's Legacy you know what we've not been to hard snow yet we've not um we've been near it but we've not been in it we've been around it but we've not been in it you heard the car cars by the tech cave that's te cave I ain't see nothing you the traps I'm getting that cave loading issue again I think am I yeah I've still got the sound of the cave therefore I am still within render of the cave there we go worst sound in game here but it do be tasty there's loads of mountains save save save save this save save please believe me right come let's go in let's get this drop then we'll do a save then we'll go to Carno put a Caro in me life lovely what you got for me oh we got the Gilly troes now we're stepping it up a DI bear SLE flippy neck that's the music for D Bears if you didn't know when you level them up in ASC they make that sound they do they make the Star Wars tune um do they do it in ASA though don't know need to know though have you seen what blue up looks like at night I would argue red up looks better uh but what we can we yeah we've been there we've been around it I've not know is anything particular did I just save it I'm not even sure if I did did I save it I save it I save it all right K bung a m somebody who's got it SEO Soo fisy just become a rasshole honor rasshole get involved watch it from the past cheese is saved cheese is saved cheese we was cheesed out of its place of comfort where's all the solid where's all the big wins man where is the member button I don't even I'm not even sure modate I think you have to have it as an option to to to do members saw some light here I was wondering what the hell it was what is this light nothing okay do you think we should check the cave no no no come on come on get an RG get an RG and then and then we can drop and then we can go back in the cave see what other loot is in there are there baby Flyers no I haven't seen one yet oh almost 1.5k likes we're almost there to the big one not fig the polling system it's not working for me it's not working for me at the moment AR's there 10 NE man I see they made sure they kept these the same horrible levels Island levels for this very kind of them very thoughtful there anyen was that I got a Ring on It come [Music] on oh oh flipping neck these drops mate K it coming back with another five just making it R members damn thank you so much she's got bullets he's got bullets Ang it's got [Music] bullets it's got bullets right where did that uh AR you go there there you are 60 nah so much green in chat the chat what's that bean yeah man I got a ring on it right if you like it that one right we're going to go over this one here over this mountain that's going to be going off for a while all the members coming in for some reason I've turned off the overlay but the sound's still playe I don't know way me just like turn it on enough I was a bit rud like mess up or then something then oh I did just get super laggy as I did that what D know you going to breef mutations RG I know and then we'll see what else is next I like this m this is definitely by far my new favorite mounting mate it looks nice it looks cool I do like it yes 2K likes if you're just tuning in thank you all for tuning in we're currently trying to tonage you right now whil the video may have said we was deep diving sunken treasure we was we did and we will do again uh well we've already set a bed now for where we we sunk to um so we're going to go back there shortly to see if there's anything new any new treasure because the treasure in there is of the highest quality it's of superb quality we'll get this and then we'll save me what the hell was that oh stretching curvs nice look next son these drops I assume you've seen the ruins stairs yeah this one here B chance with a lack of argies all right caror it is I always join the stream to hour in it's all good man you you join precisely when you mean to all right we're going to Caro will you time a griffin no because there is none I already sank to new levels what what's singing Beyonce I got worse than Beyonce bro I got I got the worst of the worst it smells like 2,000 hours of Asa oh we got hours are coming man the hours be coming oh they certainly do they did you redo is I hear a drop oh no no no is that just just spawned I think it has right yeah yeah yeah a but the drops are so good do we wait for it chat on you wait for drop or keep going it's your choice I'm I'm going to put it on you it's your decision I'm going to kill the Scorpion though at the same time WAP some Kanye West it's better than that oh that hurts raps some blood Kano barely raps man you can't be putting in Kano there if you're gonna say rap white [Music] drop lash she don't believe in shoots and cars there you go there's your rapping all right we're waiting for it you the majority you have said wait the majority of you have said wait it's always worth a wait when it's great when it's purple it could be good I want to use these magnifying glass as well on the RG don't forget to save periodic saving always Tom Jones yeah 1.5k o Slim Shady Slim [Music] Shady um trying to think of the sh that without without swearing in there's lots of it there's lots of language man UBS that's it's horrible horrible na what you got for me son oh oh oh that's Ghillie boots we got collect the whole set that's some interesting boots all right well we're going to have a look at the old Ghillie set soon more shotgun shells oh baby all right feel so empty without me ah I've created a monster cuz nobody wants to see Mar no more the one Shady un CH liver well if you one Shady this is what I give you a little bit of me some I jump start quicker than a Shar when I get shocked at the hospital by the doctor when I'm not cooperating when a rocking the table while he's operating hey you will this long to stop debating cuz I back I'm on the rag KN you leting I know that you got the job is Janie but your husband's heart problem is complicated so the FCC won't let me be let me be me so let me see they try to shut be down on MTV but it feels so empty without me so come on quick come on the lips no that I don't say that quick little bit get ready cuz this thing's about to get heavy heavy heavy I just said a lot to something deby now this looks like a Japanese so everybody just follow me in a little controversy and it feels so empty without me kids right trying my hardest not to swear there that was difficult save oh oh oh we got some Riot we got some electronic kit lovely dude I Love karaoke man I'm I'm a big karaoke fan I'm all about the karaoke life oh 50 come on come on give me a win where the hell's all the Aries at yo why is this so Baron bar like Baron ain't even a word what's going on please for the love of God stop singing yeah there's always there's always a few people that certainly don't want it and I get it you know like who the hell wants to listen to me sing I get it I get it check cave drops we've got no beds we do have beds actually we just picked one up um I'm here to tame I I got a foundation I I got a foundation I got I got metal medium platforms what we're here for Aries bro 10 10 what's that 35 Rex where are all the arges single class spawns are bad plus island isi has 75% less dinos than ASE well yeah cuz just the Island's out right like what you going to do there's a lot less um maybe I should have gone for that female RG you know maybe I should have gone for it there's another drop here trying out loads I got to do it I got to do it just oh look at the size of the crossbow on me I just realized that look at the size of it this is so big that's good 2.1k people watching oh 1.5k likes only 500 likes to go the dino spawns are 75% less well that makes sense it doesn't make sense um yeah I mean I don't mind it too much I've not really noticed it looked too uh unpopulated apart from the The Brute cave there we go Evan come coming in with the cheeky night di thank you very or not not not 99 Euro thank well one Euro let's just round it up thank you very much Evan much appreciate you mate we're not on Christmas songs we're not we're not yet not until next month mate and well the month after next month we're not there yet we can't do Christmas songs yet I need to think of a new AR CP art Christmas rap art Christmas song all right give me your give me your stuffs oh more knocks more knocks for God try to mash pit try to mash pit stret canas right uh what's the mash pit A Nightmare Before Christmas man there there's a Halloween for syntax character everything is too small yeah he's picked quite a big character right nah they they've patched out shift plus you can't do it anymore the jerks right come on let's go to the snow find an ARG there or a quetzel that's a high level it's not 10 um and if we fail flop to get one there we'll go back to the metal m and get one there oh no is that just come down if it has if if it's oh hello oh all good stuff zombie Queen just rose from the dead to hit that rasle button thank you very much for coming a member I'm I'm much appreciated all that green winter is coming yeah yeah we're going to go this way check out if there any args there and then we're going to bear back to the metal Mountain we got to get a second RG get them breathing get a baby going off and look for dinos I mean honestly yeah I've not seen anything good in terms of levels yet anything barely anything above 100 right but I think we've definitely got it fixed s so that's good level 15 Rex not good it's insane that you can make a character in 3-2 in ASA and one that's 86 I saw uh a size comparison of of the players of like the smallest versus the the biggest crazy man it's crazy difference is insane I'm really surprised they they allowed small characters G uh for as a for PVP super surprised by that I just heard a u 15 so these whack no that's a 135 ut oh right oh we just changed the plan people I've got it's time to check out this thing let's see what it's like right we need how am I don't know I think that you you stuck there as well all right let's see what this is made of that's big numbers mate is that already running no it's just it's and stuff see if we can knock this out we feed it mutton still going oh that's on the run now that on the run now you know I think we might have knocked it out I think we didn't knock it out is's that yeah wait wait wait wait I just got get one more shot in I reckon where is it now there it is there it is there it is that that let's go oh no no oh crap crap crap crap crap no where's my rgy he fighting stupid cardos who there's you see on we knock it out let's go right right oh yes we are taming a u and we're getting some prime everyone wants be to save everyone sh the safe oh look at his like head like like Cricket on the [Music] rock all right on what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing uh I put the timing back up to what it was at the start three times that's a 135 Rock pillow uh T in where s time's in progress is that okay there we go okay let's see what one does I am starving dkey and I'm freezing holy hell UT achieved I'm going to I need to get some more Prime probably first hang on there's an Ary right here as well imagine if that was a high level imagine can hear some all right all these Dions are whack yeah I'm dying I know I know oh good we're we're at half Health we're okay we're okay we're okay let's kill these half he [Applause] okay was that a baby place your beds we're okay we're okay we're okay I'm not I'm not too worried [Applause] yet right come let's get away from here now and uh warm up not yet not time yet more Prime from RG RG gave me no Prime rg's don't seem to give you prime anymore in ASA I'm convinced but babies will we just got to find one Ned Brew we just got to fight a few babies there was a baby Carno was was there a baby Caro did you all say that you all said that damn it all right let's well once we're healed up we'll go back there just got wait to heal up man U how's my hungry level doing I'm not going to heal damn it damn it uh I got my Brew I have my there we [Applause] go let's go reset recording thank you very much one two 3 go all right I'm going to save it again just in case right let's find out this where this car baby Caro is get us some more Prime this is a pleasant surprise getting it home though could be an issue didn't think about that did I didn't think about that didn't think about that I might need to go and get a UT saddle let let's see how much it's going to EAS so fast I'm kind of curious that mate this is going to take forever to time I think we'll just leave it we'll just get some new Prime on it uh let's find that baby car that you saw where did you see baby Caro where did you where did you all see baby Caro over here is this light here no lights no music t a wolf make a raft what's what's everyone tripping about it is weird without cryopods but I like it uh don't know where this Caro's gone that be Caro I I never even saw it in the first place no timing a quests is going to suck how did I do how how I going to do it on my own how am I going to do it on my own it's too cold here right now uh hopefully that mutton's going to help though that I I think that mutton might help a lot maybe ASA no tech there was an ois where was the ois just then there was a nois she was a dois and she looked like she had some mutton on her where was ois I saw no ois where do we where do we where was the O put Fair on I got no I got no fair man where was the ois if you think that was the ois you are strangely mistaken I just flew over the baby car now problem is I don't know how how far the chat is behind that was no ois people are saying I flew over the baby Carno difficult I I I I can't see this stuff man no no no Carno up on the Storm Cliff up here I can't see it I don't see it those but where are you all seeing this baby Caro bro I think the D it I think the trolling man there must be all right you want me to kill the CH I'll kill the CH but you you'll see oh then why I'm not going to question it all right charie then yeah I think so a it all right keep moving we came for RG we we found UT that hasn't ate nothing yet getting it back's going to oh yeah he's good good there a he all right come on then Charlie Charlie yeah sweet man sweet got bit Prime that was did the mutton oh there we go he did eat the mutton yeah I need I I'm going to need more 10% a pop I'm going to need more all right come on quick we're good to toa's fine got loads of torper we just we got to find the sheep or anything that gives Prime and this is the place to go for Prime Sim Sim pson thank you very much for the $10 thanks for making content for us man it has been difficult being a console player I even use my uh PTO PTO for October 31st was was left sitting with no ASA a that's pay time off right I've been able to cope thanks for your content yeah sorry dude I I yeah it really sucks that it was left so late to tell console players um that they weren't getting you and like what's just bizarre is they they were so short I was so sure it was coming to console and right up until like the day before yeah AR you got toor toored man right so we should find well sheep are more common in the snow uh will we find some I don't know we're going to find out wish I have my fur with me I got to find prime prime or or mutton mutton's timing it pretty well I don't see the timing bar on it which is really weird a you used it as well how close to 2K likes are we are we any closer what's this there go lording over the skies across the island column has few oh my godal rivals it is a small constellation for the Island's other Aven creatures then that argentavis seems to have interest in anything alive is going on argentavis is actually slower than the islands far more common Pteranodon but it possesses significantly more St and can sustain flight for approximately three times as long its weighty stature in comparison to the Pteranodon allows it to utilize its talents to support the weight of an additional passenger considering its saddle doubles as a mobile crafting station it makes Argent haris an excellent creature for traveling and Hauling cargo over long distances quite apart from what I would have guessed Argent Harvest does not have the stooped neck typical of modern buzzards and vultures I don't know if it adapted this stronger neck to deal with the Predators on the island or if its lineage deres from before the common in carry and eating birds whichever it meant to be it has enabled argentavis to carry smaller creatures with its beak yeah I just they thought the same what what is going on all right we use the U as a guide we got some prime anyway so we can slap that down I'm not even sure mate I'm not even sure up there I've got no idea we're okay though what whatever whatever we just face then but okay I thought I had gone through the mesh then the new f is so realistic right I'm not sure I I I don't I don't know I I have no idea what just happened I have no idea that but yeah my Arch was shaking like mad oh what happened there oh I'm still I'm still getting it maybe I just need to this m right I'm I'm getting it as well oh oh this is a new one oh this is lovely it's a lovely bug lovely bug this is 56 jeez I'm going have to reload then save that and reload grief what's my fortitude super high mate super high gig spor in the snow area maybe I hit the top of the map I think I was that close to the top of the map the Rhino just just knocked me into next week what's going on okay full restart of Arc I think um oh dear oh dear that broke the whole game that broke the whole game it's easy to glitch in the ground with a dino gate there's not already Mission going on it's there don't say there is don't say there is yeah we're restarting the entire AR man what's the like how's the likes getting on are we close are we close are we close are we close I think the thing is my my torpa is my because I'm not leveling speeds anymore oh there we go we're fixed cuz I'm not leveling speeds anymore it's um it's easy enough right to like level fortitude also yeah my torch is about to be done in I can I can repair this though I just need a bit of wood and a bit of this bit of that and G repair our thing what is it to repair stone stone flint and wood let's repair our Torch Mate we need 400 more likes and then we're there oh and then you got a little treat coming to you absolute delightful treeses coming to you all you're going to like it there we go torch repaired this torch is so cheap consider it's an ascendant right back up to the top we are what are we doing we're looking for stuff UT us us use us us tribes uh times in progress oh it was there oh now I see the T thing let's go go go go go so hello you're right thank you for the 999 if you type in R volumetric Cloud zero in console commands it will clear the clouds in the distance and helps higher elevations ah okay good to know thank you um but I assume that does that ruin the experience a bit at all mes B mesh bases are for people with smaller PE than you for the Dono soap it's probably kind e Come good body you beautiful we're looking for sheep we're looking for sheep and we're looking for Prime maybe we should just go set up for Prime right anything that gives us Prime cuz I'm I feel like I'm traveling far and wide I can't find a bloody Archer I it removes the cloes I want to remove the cles entirely that's a bit ass that's part of the Ambience right yeah you can still put torches and Saddles but I'm keeping myself warm at the moment I don't think un Saddles torches keep you warm do they there we go Caro that'll [Applause] do two car knows that I'll do even better lovely that's Lo that's the primary needes that's good sorted we'll get this drop as well and that's going to be the Y times elements become a roie thank you very much very kind of you could have sworn you already was well thank you so much make sure to DM me on Discord mate um and I'll I'll give you a nice cheeky roll in there where we talk about what stuff that I'm working on although at the moment things are a bit crazy manic as you can imagine feels like Christmas light out here looking at that these drops are so weird it's going to go for the higho but then my my rubbering went stop it stop it right we got the pr we got the pr for this this is definitely going to time now name UT fluffy save thank you save save save save you're going to bring him back what walk it home I guess I'm going to have to right it's not too far um I reckon we drop the prime off we see if we can make a yuk saddle what do you need for a yuk saddle fiber F oh my God that's a lot of hides okay maybe we can't we going to have to protect then we're going to have to protect with the Argy I think still haven't found still haven't found a um what's it called an RG what's going on we came out for RG we see no RG where be RG where is where's all the flying flapping Birds I think there's one here there is one here right I tripping did I just felt like I just saw one there is I can't see that did say 425 for a primitive uty saddle for a primitive UT saddle you kiding all right got let go here that you is totally going to tell now I'm not I'm not wor that at all how much high do we have in the arj we do have a lot hard in the RG oh maybe we should make it you what else what else is the S need uh UT pearls we might have that fiber we definitely got that metal we might just have that all right yeah let's make a you saddle then all right screw it let's do it let's go back go back and then on Route maybe we might find an an Ary right thany dead anky I'm hearing anies are really rare to find so I need to keep my eyes peeled for them as well I also dropped that anky the an oh it's already dead it's already gone it's already dead never mind where where all the AR at dudes there 25 damn it when is ASI come to cons we don't know yet sometime in November we're not sure we are yeah we're looking for another RG because we recently almost lost cheese to an unfortunate glitch which made us think we definitely need a backup uh whilst we have one that that's 85 dude am I really going to T at level 85 I might you know what I might just not this out mate just to say I've got one right and then we can find another a better one later see follow me follow me I can tank this for a minute which glitch is also po available not working mate B spam sniper it's a good name it's a good name d let's get this just for the M pair for now right tank in a hits oh no no mountain fog no go away from that is still following me all right it's there it's there it's there I see it I see it I see I [Music] see yeah that's that there we go I knew that' be out in seconds right sweet I like it I like them this thing is a monster um time's in progress is is that the youy tames YY tames okay cool right we good in there we get the saddle pop the meat on the on the RG and they jump done what are these 25 we already see he right 65 25 don't know too far away five all right fine yeah we got the Iguana done yeah this bow is disgusting disgusting it is right we're going to make yeah we're going to make a U saddle get some prime throw that on that on the RG R to the UT oh in fact now do you know what the rg's um torper like is is in Shane we'll go and get the U bus back job done try the western coast a AK the mush pit thank you for the Dono beond what what is mush pit western coast never eat shed weeds what is what is mush pit I've never I've never heard of this this phrase before what is that oh PC specs are all in the description if you're interested oh here we are home sweet home nice open plan uh Y saddle then come on then let's do it let's do it let's make a Y saddle save chat's done quiet I see I see I still see lots in the chat mate it hasn't changed for me UT hide silica pearls metal oh yeah we got all this stuff oh my God we got I got to try and put all this somewhere I don't know where um facts yeah oh we we we are we are out of room yeah out of the room man uh let's get rid of ver Berry there we go slap that on that I'm going to throw all this on to sort out later I guess loads of sweets and treats so much stuff oh you're you're maxed out as well oh my God okay oh my God yeah we'll we'll get I'll get all these sorties um organized afterwards it's fine it's fine it's fine just got to try try and utilize some space here can't put that in there damn it damn it does he that the game not have auto save doesn't feel like it I think know it does but I don't it just happens when it happens right there's no way of knowing uh so we need the pearls out of there you know what I'm going to turn that these off though just in case they use more gas Le a maybe they will maybe they won't is that all the poles we got is that all the PS We Got You See oh I was shy by like two yes there we go youle coming let's go yeah the drops are insane uh single player pretty stable there's still bugs blueprints are a thing we have one right now there's the RG looking for TPA D's got loads of time right let's get this yussi home come on debating do I ride the UT or do I ride the RG what you think people remex I like that name but go on let's see what names we got love your live streams from capat thank you very muchoo look at [Music] it and Scott cheers man um the $2 the island 1683 has AR 6 83 683 the island 1683 Carno we just been there mate uh there was not not not been 16 83 that's just that's all all C what do you mean thank you very much how are you all doing you all having a good day if you are hit that like button if you're not hit it anyway yeah yeah R the you yeah all right yeah let's see these UT names what you got oh there's some good UT names coming out here people damn I'm sport for choice oh I do like that first one though that was good man what did you see the rumor of console coming on the 31st yeah it's just a rumor mate I wouldn't I wouldn't listen to it too much I really wouldn't why you say load why you say load so many good names there's so many creative names in this one damn it Everyone likes a username then ah if your nose isn't broken and that's a problem exactly some stos all right let's get this baby in always lucky di was that a micro Raptor I was lucky he didn't have a pop at me oh so yeah check this out people hold Al and then you can decide to play like that which obviously benefits PVP or play like that which helps for immersion love that very cool fa new thing about ASA you going to see it right now mate this thing right here I love this every time I really enjoy this animation so cool it's badass man might say no a look at that FL [Music] piece oh that's good all we'll put that in there so it doesn't spoil too quick uh that is some flak man and that's a pleasant SLE right drops drops op that Flack is uh much better what's the call resistance 17 30 massive difference there we go stream lagging please don't say it's lagging okay cool save game just in case uh don't say it's lagging oh everyone's saying it's lagging don't don't stream smooth okay not everyone then just a few people hopefully he comes back please say it's going to whole YouTube is lagging all right all right fingers crossed I'm recording all of this anyway you know in case in case you miss anything I hope you know that that's not going to happen another drop there I guess we'll get that on rout massive load lag really that's interesting okay cool we're all good we're all good it seems to be good we got to hit that like goal people we're so close can it be done 2K likes and then you get to hear my real accent here we are here we are here we are here it is z done our first decent land creature and it's a uty and as a result we got to call it right you got to be done got to be done let's go oh yes a the stamina on this as well oh great thanks your help AR that need your help arj RJ come on do something man holy crap fear all them there we go get stuck in cheese sadon beyond help F 50 thank you R the five 50 11 I'll just going to town I'm going to fear Roar all these and they can't do nothing cuz they're feared what are you going to do on that one there I about St there we go there we go there we go there we go oh yes I want to see this thing in the light dude totally needs more Stam Doak oh I've got the H in the car the wrong way around screw it I'm going to keep it like that just just to annoy you rip St right let's go go go go go we got we've got an ARG same still can I get up there no damn it RG 30 eggs feriz eggs we're going to get one that's a High Dam default will I do a PVP series I don't know what I'm doing at the moment I right now I'm just enjoying Ark discovering Ark finding out little bits about it um and then we'll we'll see what happens as time get goes on mate really that's that's that's it EA SLE take it all s it all oh light's coming through now we can see there's some allows there though o ooh oo that's not a fight I don't know if I want to have you looks gorgeous though oh dude I'm I'm I'm have to take this home so I can take this home get the RG get that t throw some meat in it and then we're good but we got a bit of an Alo situation here at the moment um anyway up to the right a damn it I was already up there you're all falling down now stream smooth yay there we go good wored then is he a little blue he's a little blue da all right oh maybe we can take on two cuz there's only two now yeah yeah yeah go for it go for it go for it I didn't do nothing get stuck in oh we got the oh we toally got these oh f baby baby alello don't kill [Music] it time it I I just what how is that all you have to do is you press e on him you know I don't care if it times it times if it doesn't it doesn't you should play small tries be good to watch the pro the problem is we PVP as much as I want to right now well the problem is uh servers aren't managing aren't doing well at all um it's it's it's being stream sniped right that's the problem we found that with the Atlas series like eventually they just catch up with you and and they Relentless oh a courage Rory what a dkey what a dkey all right let's see if we can get this aloe back give him food feed the baby that's a Val points we do need to do that there we go job done I'm now stuck in it great right let's go let's go let's go oh cheese just nearly became a Theo stack how far from base not far there we go 1,000 M good to see me uh cheesus helping worst father ever forgot to feed his baby pick up baby Al Alo with RG good man just keep keep it moving keep it moving come on Alo why you so slow do king okay now we got to go up here just killed the baby Caro if you on a crossbow you can change arrows we can we can indeed when you get the UT right now we just we just Ed the UT right now look NE man what does Dre i't going a sco do what that means mate can we get through here we can we can what are you doing son did that just decide to go up the top if it did people that is some serious serious that's true d alpha up crap bad news bad news bad news help help help help help oh no where's where did my Ary go he that vo him we win oh he's lot he's [Laughter] adult [Music] wow and that's why what what the hell are you trying to bite right now did it have an imprint did it h did it have an imprint holy crap howy do we get that crossbow from drops mate cuz these drops are insane [Music] look okay that was not so much insane wasn't the best example I'm going to show you one actually in a minute I can't I can't even print yellow it's it's it's gone did did I harvest the loot from the the alpha I I don't even know mate what's going on oh putting through screw it save in the thck of it now yeah we're chopping down trees to get home oh my God I see a stting things yeah I how did the AL get the last hit probably not the best why really is it never mind he the aloe be it's a whack oh no it's a whack aloe anyway it's not the greatest aloe come on D Alpha loots in my inventory on we push oh we got a new pick did we get a new Pick O we did oh yes oh yes oh that's nice that's very nice there we go we're nearly home we're nearly home come on show the love people look at this we just come home with a yussi and an aloe what what where are you going what you look at that and now we're about to tame one more and which prime did we get oh so much prime right we'll take all these to our Alpha Raptor what's on me name grass minir Rex 1.8k can we hit 2K people people can it be done let's go stand RG so we got a m pair nothing's following me right sweet stream is freezing then fast forwarding is it really oh save yeah yeah yeah thank you like up that stream come on me hit the magic 2K nice out need Dino parking we do need Dino parking do do get stuck anymore they there's definitely better path finding 100% that aloe was navigating well was navigating super well dude reset recorded now all good thank you not quite there yet stream is fine the hell is the sergeant kind of bummed out about thato that was that was yeah [Applause] swear man I up about I don't know where it landed did it die did it die I think it died I don't even see on we got we got the old tracking system where is it how this one here it died well that sucks how do I how do I feed something that don't that can't feed that just changes level I'm tripping let's go and try check this AR one more time what is that crossbow it's a monster man it's a monster man a monster man 1.9k LS are we are We There Are We There Are we near on the big 2K you reckon loging out will improve this I'll tell you what we'll give it a wall we'll give it a wall if if you know it's worth a shot and it if restarting it fixes it it's worth a shot all right save game let's give it a w just ghost it you killed it I killed it LOL oh well uh can you harvest Rock on the RG [Applause] um see it dude where is he time's in progress so according to me it's right there that was even close to it right what is this what is this yeah we were we're going to go back into I know that yeah the thumbnails changed probably not very accurate uh but we we put a bed into a cave now that we're going to go back to I just want to T this bloody AR I can't there's no way nah hello Texon you all right just join what's going on we we we we t a few things uh creatures falling into the mesh H is happening a little bit and that happened so yeah that's great I'm going to I'm going to just find anything now honestly and tame it any any female RG the first female RG I find I will time after that abysmal abysmal this there's none here save AR totally AR average Arc experience you're bad ooh yes look like ages to wait though maybe that's how Rock Elementals are made ah an Ary falling into rock maybe it is maybe it was right that's a good possibility that's a good theory a bro I don't like that that sucks so much all right screw it let's go and check out the cave here comes the L five [Music] [Music] female even that man a bad is it do you know what it's wooden structures they might be usedful even that dude not even a wing TI visible then again if we T it would it be stuck in there anyway anyway you know maybe it would be right maybe it would be silly Argy redwoods mountains 100 % higher level hold the phone a that's whack uh yeah you know what go on go on let's do we're not far from we're not too far not too far a I did just reload no all right well we'll go into this then and then by the time we've done this then surely right we're getting come on why do you promote the server rent stuff what you mean to promote the rent why why are you disappointed by that what you mean promote the server andent stuff how am I promoting it please enlighten me yeah right come on we're going Che drop on on Route got to check out the drops on Route kid out even greens can be winners you never know I don't even want [Music] this keep moving keep moving yeah oh I'm totally going to get finally jumped it's going to happen it's imminent all right now we're going to restart the save there we go three two one bash uh AR just are usually everywhere you they are right not today it seems not today it seems we're not having much joy got some great gear though every likes are we from what you had preh anyway 15 likes to go people and then we're going to go going to show you reveal to you my uh actual accent 20 I level suck five as he said the first one I found didn't I was that first one female prehistoric just like regardless of me promoting man like none of that crap in here man like I don't promote hate and negativity man and nothing I think there's ways to talk about stuff and that's it are we there 2,000 likes we hit the magic one little round of applause to you all thank you very much I guess I'm timing a level 20 RG in celebration of it where's it gone and uh as thanks for hitting that magic number got to give you me uh me accent as we're we're finding this Argy so [Applause] um uh it a bad if think if I put it with me uh some TR I'm knock it out I need a W for blow okay you come here B put a fster in your ey I one oh that's Lely that is I oh look look get that kid guys she could have a little skip [Laughter] up there you go there you go all what I'm saying that's how everyone talks by me man yeah Joe mama gets it not even a he it's not even as he mate better than the singing is that my real accent yeah man it is born and bread born and born and bread n man not BR me we're different breed over there bro I'm a pass on this R CL verion this is jimbob just Jimmy a Jim Jimmy oh no jimbob is an um what you what are you doing where they go got a bit from these laugh dogs dags you like dags good what from the black all I'm trying me Aries to get away from the accent man I just honestly can't express to you how much I've grown to like dislike my own accent man honestly that's just kind a f man it's ain't a fan bro I got some right come level 28 might be sing like a bit like an hwk yeah well little little bit of uh information for you mangoes um Lord of the Rings was based on on the black country uh in the Birmingham area it was wrote about that it was a Sy symbolic of that and yeah it's it's that is why the Orcs sounds a bit like it yeah I love that about Lord of the Rings that yeah it was root on about where I D Fe [Laughter] off I feel like we've just lost we lost like 200 viewers since I started talking to me aent horrible okay broken it's AR look look at look the state of its eye where's your eye gun man damn so ah it's too much the arrow man I can't live I can't breathe flipping e right that's going to take a hot minute I was really hoping that one mutton might have done the job but I don't think it's going to yeah Orcs are accurate Fu little troll on the station I can't come on we got to move on we got to move on kids you got put that in there let's put some of the uh and then we got to move on from that accent man it's terrible it's killing me it's killing me man bsh maybe it'll T in one it might do mutton right ey patch has gone on the stream for 4 hours oh there we go bit of crackers lovely right let's go we can get a a baby RG breads let's take it home we went straight into crackers it's it's it's fitting it's fitting oh just does did look messed up did look messed up man you gain knowledge there we go mate yeah the ax is fighting it's like it's like a dual personality man has anybody told you you look like fuse somebody said this before I can't remember who Dragon making more members in the chat throw them out like sweetties you ledge thank you very much time team one I'm not surprised level 20 man level 20 got to be done right lucky people very kind of you dudes got another member we got another member bro yeah we can make these now and we can get some bated Aries po baby oh we've got no nanny I've got to I've got to raise an imprint myself man oh it's been so long do you reckon The Nanny mother come soon hopefully y LED all right come on we need the do Kink cold check out what we got people the base is coming on it's looking good we got an ITI really good ITI actually y it's right here mate we got a uy and and an Alo Liv in the dream son no no oh my God wa why why where you going to go screw it let's find out uh land are you coming out good man that'll do that's why did you fly so far away what the hell screw it let's just m him now get get it done oh there we go we're going to get our first fertilized egg lovely someone needs to get the the nas definitely mate don't forget to where's tost tost there to all right what rates we playing on three times apart from maturation maturation is pretty high there we go we're M now oh oh oh ho ho I can't hatch it though ho no but still ho ho ho it's coming have to change the pickup button I don't know if you can eggs back on the menu eggs back on the menu boys yeah Dragon after this that was the the the the planning deed and save eat it eat it eat it eat it no no no no bumblebee coming in with a 5 just nice and clean no messing about straight in title donation I like it thank you very much mate it's very kind of you thank you thank you thank you you might not get imprints if maturation is too high yeah Pro probably I'll have to have a little player about with it to be I don't even know where these settings came from like they must have come from my arc single player um which might would make from my arc survival evolved uh single player which would make sense all right come on anyway we're here to witness a breeding animation let's see it do they do anything different in art survival ascended when they breed no that's looking neeg though all right sweet hopefully oh they should be safe there all here fantastic all right uh put the egg away for now and and we need to put our gear on something can we just make one more box oh you okay up there front you know what my bag will be right I'll be okay uh let's go to the C uh let's take oh oh no oh there's creatures here now oh there's creatures here now oh dear what heck what can oh oh no can you open the walls yes uh you can make secret secret wall crap crap is there a drop there oh my God nothing there has to be PG though pgps I hear something why why is where do all these come from oh my God oh my God my name is Ras Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe that's always peace out oh n I'm um I'm going to stop it there I will be back I'm going to go take a break uh have some to eat in that but I will be back I will see you shortly much love see you in a bit
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 46,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark raasclark, raasclark vs veno, ark survival, raasclark, ark taming, ARK Survival Ascended DAY 1 LIVE First Impressions, xbox, evolved, ps5, pc, survival, gameplay, creatures, news, switch, raasclark news, ark news, ark raasclark news, ark switch, ark ue5, ark survival ascended, ark new map, ark mods, ark survival ascended gameplay, drops ark, supply crates ark, Let's Dive for the Best Treasure in ARK Ascended
Id: B_oiFdDKyC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 247min 36sec (14856 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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