Abandoned HONDA FOUR WHEELER Will it start?

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yeah let's say it looks a lot better mm-hmm considering that right this thing sat in the bottom of the pond I swear here's the hundred and fifty dollar quad this thing was abandoned literally out behind a barn for he says four years I'm thinking more I've never seen rust like that on everything I mean look at the headlight bezel all the levers just it's thick the carburetor it's you know we've kind of taken it down taking it apart a little bit just to see what we got motor looks good oil lines fuel pump we turned the key and the fan came on for a minute but then it stopped and I don't know what made that come on or why it came on but there's a fan in there we found some wiring I don't know what it this switch is completely frozen every lever was frozen we got him somewhat working throttle not stuck we're gonna get into this thing see if we can't get it started see what we need to do but that's for now we took the front rack off in case we got to take these plastics off to get inside there that's the rack that was on there you can see it needs to be wire wheels it's crusty I mean I have never seen crust like that before my life just thick you could probably push through that bar but either way we took that rack off the boys are cleaning up pieces and parts that axle guard was you know in the same state if not worse it's got a differential on the front this is actually a pretty high-end quad in its day it's a 1987 it's got you know key starts got electric fan but most of all it's got these LEDs on the side I've never seen a 1987 quad with LEDs on it I mean and then it's got you can see this long cord out front basically you fold these out yeah which is amazing it still works and then you got your spotlight you can see the cable so that's cool for signing dear you can literally walk around with your headlight never seen that before and that just slides in these two rubber holes then these flaps just fold in boom this is what our air filter looked like right here nasty this whole thing here was full of mice nest I vacuumed it out took the air tube off that went here make sure that wasn't full of mouse nest and what's nice is they put someone put a screen here in front of the carb so it has never sucked anything in the ORV sticker on this thing is from all four but you know that doesn't mean a lot on these people could have written it after all four just not on trails he says for years motor kicks over sounds smooth so let me get into this a little bit more see what I need to do to start it make sure that I'm not going to suck anything in or hurt anything if I do start it well see if we can get this thing running $350.00 quad though it was this was top of the line in its day I couldn't believe it when we found it we drove an hour and a half to go get it I didn't even try talking him down I saw it on market I was like holy crap got to go by grab the kid we took off the guy said bye time I got there he had gotten over 50 is on it 25 people wanting to buy and then 25 more he said the tires they aren't all cracked up and for some reason the rims don't match the quoi you know everything's covered in this crust but the rooms are clean check this side out you know how's that either way the more we play with it the more crust falls off of it I mean this is here you can see fuel pump right there let's look at the carburetor carburetors here she's got rust all over it yeah let me check the plug let's check for spark soot we got had to move it back out of the sunlight my lens is messed up from the last video where I built that bumper and I shot the lens with sparks but the boys are making headway there's a staffing looking a lot smoother I think I may keep the top rack off grind east I don't know I almost should leave that top rack and keep it stock I mean this is far more quad USA Hunter quad but I took the plug out the plug seemed nasty so I cleaned it up I tested a new plug we do have spark we've got fuel down here in the fuel filter this feel pump though I don't hear or feel it working so I don't know how that works or what knows that I also this ground wire there's a frame that goes over this carburetor that I took off to get this big boot off so I could look in the carb and see if there's any mice nest in there took that off reground this down hook that ground up I mean it could only help what else did I do oil lines seem to be working there's oil up there so I checked the oil we've got we're full of oil I actually added a little bit of yama lube so we got good oil hey let me stab it in there for you got good Yama lubes and that's about it that's all we have to check the valve for the fuel on/off switch is off or missing there's just a little flap or that screw goes in there hold so no biggie to replace eBay item it is on the on position so we're good there battery is great on the charger actually the Chargers not plugged in right now is it holy cow the battery came back to life yeah that was just on the battery awesome so that's good I can't believe the tires aren't all checked out and cracked up I had to bust the clamps off you can see this clamp right here you couldn't even get your screwdriver in the head of a Phillips that's how bad they were and taking off this rack these bolts down here they're uh you got a hammer a socket on there otherwise you'll round them off you can see Maddox is trying to get the rack off they want to paint them up got the other rack out there BAM Bam's working on it trying to get the crust off there and then I think we're about ready to try to fire this thing see if the fires we got spark I don't know if we have fuel because the fuel pumps not kicking on but I mean it should still run if I it should cop if I put starting fluid in there so I'll spray some starting fluid in there and we'll see what it does Gyan see should I try it with the choke on first mm-hmm yeah yeah oh my god it's a Honda she's a Honda no way I was expecting to get some coughs out of it not Bert's start 4/5 kick probably work and I know that yeah I don't think it's getting gas there's no way you started like that Honda dude yes four years old you can't kill these things well it works it runs that's amazing it almost looks like it ran already they're working maybe a mouse a two-wire so yeah it's definitely getting gas once on this long yeah pumpkin cap old gas I don't think I old gas too our it'll idle so freakin Honda man that's how are you going by this Jesus you guys know because it's a Honda we don't have any powered any lights or any other destry's though so we have to figure that out which could be a rusty connection here we're gonna take we're gonna get a new battery for it we got a new filter coming oil change and I have to try to get that fuel out of that tank I mean I could add new gas no not yet it looks like we've got bad smells this doesn't smell too horrible but we've got about I'd say it's just under half tank of fuel oh yeah the batteries or attention neutrals warmed up well I've got the charger on right now see the batteries coming back don't look at that still on so we're gonna keep tubed I think this is my battery gauge so dude just had no hold for you didn't think I was gonna work probably we knew it start that easy probably what it done working so honestly it was too easy he was an old man and he was asked worthy he wasn't like some some you know guy who's lying trying to flirt her I see it was sitting behind his barn floor ever then he said it ran very smooth ran breathe when it did run he just hasn't ran it mm-hmm here come over here does anybody know what this is some kind of power outlet yeah again look at that rust you can't even get a screwdriver in there if I wanted to to is a thrower though for the salt well I believe it's a stock power supply well what do you plug into it is what I'm wondering right I mean it's got positive negative I could probe that see if it's got power we need to continue to clean this up yeah that's the quad it runs I can't even believe it 350 bucks there's 350 dollars worth of parts here you know these parts on eBay go for go these old Honda's man they're they're the best farm quad or farm all quad you can get I wish I still had the attachments and stuff to it that'd be cool so what we are gonna do though is we got to get new gas in it we got to get this filter on it my dad is out getting that today new battery that one looks like it's coming back but who knows if it's gonna hold a charge we are going to continue cleaning these up get some black paint on them try to paint this cage without getting the headlight all messed up we've got to figure out the lights and then we've got to take this thing out and see how it goes through the gears so once you get it going through the gears for five minutes then we'll change the oil we'll get it all cleaned out swarm test this four-wheel drive any four-wheel drive quad is worth $700 any four-wheel drive quad so we couldn't go wrong there big rock for the back where did I put that off that's right here so we've got a rack it even opens up it's actually a pretty modern quad for 1987 super modern that right there just gets me yeah it's got a fan if you leave the key on too long there's a fan in the front blows through the oil cooler so man I just want to ride this thing alright we're gonna continue to plug away on this thing clean it up and make sure she's gonna run good for a long time my mind is still blown kids got these racks going they ground them all down with the wire wheel got some good help sprayed this front axle guard in rhinoliner but I got to tape some stuff off I do want to paint more down there but I don't want to just blast everything to where it looks like crap but now it's got coating on it I think I'll paint that front deck there this steering arm behind there but I don't want to paint the shocks the fan and all that stuff so let that dry so I can tape it off we got put some cardboard in this front end so we can paint this front rack took the headlight bezel ah that needs to be ground down and repainted the front rack need to grind that down and repaint it just get the crust off of it so just goes to show you could neglect a Honda and it'll still keep kicking I'm excited we need to get this back rack as well and let that battery charge a little longer I've showed it cut it on this charger all night but I put it on a trickle charger and it didn't do anything still haven't figured out why I don't have power to anything there was a mouse nut so maybe in here there's a wire or something our fuse actually wasn't there a fuse box here's a fuse here which it's good so that is that might be this starter so that starter solenoid that it might be CDI box or the brain I don't really see any fuses anywhere I be I really I just got to trace that wire all the way down back to the battery figure out where it goes what it does the racks are off so we could start unbolting all this helmet holder what do you mean helmet holder gosh look at the clamps on the amp there's nothing left of them how did it rust so bad man I mean slowly she's coming back she just needs to be moved around worked played with everything needs to be you know used and I think it'll come right back I'm excited you're not gonna find many out there like this for 350 bucks not running anyway we ordered parts spent a couple days I just let it sit over the corner I still haven't figured out anything with the electrical but check out what we bought we've got a new seat cover off eBay made for that seat it's gray I think this seat used to be this color honestly so we're gonna be fixing that we got a new battery as it needs it we charged it it comes back it actually it'll light up the handlebar lights but it's not enough to push the starter so need the battery got an air filter because well there were mice nuts in there so gotta always replace your air filter got some filter foam new clamps cuz the clamps were too rusty grips she needs new grips this is the tool for replacing grips and new oil we ran it around the yard it's puting in sputtering so today we got to get this thing all cleaned up get this carb cleaned get a new filter in it get the seat done grips changed rest to the racks painted and we can post this thing for sale and you know I think we're gonna get I'll post this thing for 1600 probably get 1400 for it I'm holding out you know I know it's worth that at least so we'll get some new grips on this thing a new seat on this thing clean these plastics up still haven't cleaned it so I mean it looks it looks pretty good for you know the way it sits I did put a little bit of plastic restorer on this black piece you could see it no it kind of came back so let's get busy need to get this card cleaned out see if we can't get this thing starting and running a little better and then we'll go from there all right got the car back on trying to get this off the boot look at these come on look at this screw that's how rusted it was you can't even get a screwdriver in it but what is cool is they put screens in here so the mice nuts that we're in this box they never made it into the carb so that's awesome but I need to get this clamp off here so I can get new clamps on it like so and we're gonna put this air filter on actually let's see how this filter fits looks a little bigger than what we had basically that's gonna go there that fits good obviously we'll roll it get some moose racing action sticking up like so I got to get the tube on here pull the car apart and surprisingly that's super clean inside there the guy did say it ran really smooth when he parked it it's just sad so aside from the mice nuts they never made it in there and the gelling of the fuel if there was any you know we drained the fuel I've got we did drain the gas that's a there's about two gallons of turpentine in there so I so I went to the gas station and I bought because gas is very cheap right now I filled up both my cans with premium and I filled the tank completely with premium gas that way you know it's gonna wash the wall or the whole inside of the tank and then it's just gonna be cycling through premium I had the kids when we did it I had them part of the wrong the yard and it was still kind of putting you know trying to wash all the gas out of the system get new premium in there we parked it a couple days ago and then you know obviously just pulled the carb didn't really do anything in there it's it's pretty clean you know it just kind of blew air through it car cleaner and just you know the basic car clean so I yeah now it's trying to put this thing together I think we can start by we'll get this airbox back on I'll get this filter all nice and oiled up I did get that's why I have two new clamps because we need a clamp here on a clamp here so we got those this thing should be airtight so let's get busy doing that I only have two clamps that'll fit this so I'm going to run this on a little bit of an angle hopefully catch some of that and some of that I mean it'll hold the boot on it's not like it has air pressure let's see if that's gonna hold yeah I'd say that's good we're air tight and then seeing my hands PJ one foam filter treatment basically oil so when you're you know you get dust you could not it stops the dust and going through the phone it smells good so then sauce all that in --see didn't go inside but it's enough to coat the outside mala next step I think I'm gonna work on these grips but check this out this was posted for free yesterday works good works great so that was my big score for yesterday make money while that compressor is there enough bambam I'm gonna have him peel this cover off basically you just got to get those staples so get in there you can use this round part as a you know to pry like so you want to get all these staples out like so get them out all the way around and then we'll put a cover on there this is my way to get grips off a lot of people who use disco and it'll help me slide on then when the dish soap dries it acts as the glue sometimes but this way here just get your nozzle not easy also check this out while we're here this I just put that filter foam filter oil out here it's dry the top but it's still shiny so we'll see how much better these Chiefy grips look on here they got to look better than you know old Honda they're almost like two new looking for what this is but I mean they're cheap they're OD eyes so I mean ODI grips are my son's favorite guts for his expensive bike and then it's got this here so I'm guessing that goes on the bottom that you there get it on there there's that dad bother her now we're all the way to the end that's a tight fit we'd have never got those are new grips for the win all our levers worked again all right what's next let's get working on this band get our vacuum and vacuum that out I mean no no no look better look a lot nicer keep it from rusting more right yeah it's already rusted but I mean it's got slowed it down a little bit I'd say she runs whoo wait let's hear that again holy cow here I'll fast that started up here the fans everything's working again checking out lights being there door now I don't don't have have like but we got almost I Eagle starts up quick to yeah I mean it as fast as the starts and items per say you got about 20 seconds I think it's just going to get better it definitely likes to see air filter on there it likes the battery so they have been one on twisties get that lighter out of there we do have a fuse to our solenoid which I mean that's good what else do we have to do here battery all right mm-hmm all right we're getting close all we've got left is change the oil and the seat let's get it done see take this thing out for a spin all right we'll let that sit and settle for a minute and then we'll check our levels what can we do now so you cover let's work on that seat cover real quick alright first things first you want to pull down right here get it recessed inside that hump we'll get it nice and stapled from say here to here you know do this area first and then we can pull it out and then work our way to the back but if you start stapling here and work your way forward and then here this will be a big bubble so you won't get it down so you really got to work that area first and then you can you can work out all the wrinkles but for now we just need to work on this area here get a real nice and tight and then do the rest don't mind my staples my gun sucks so I mean every once in a while a staple will Bend instead of going you got to put a lot of pressure on it but we've got it you know you can see we've got it from here to here so now we're gonna pull to the end and well i'ma pull on the center over I'll do a staple there and then I'll pull to the end and that'll pull up out and then it's gonna pull it this way if you don't do it right you'll wind up with wrinkles in your seat and it'll look weird right now you can see we've got a good-looking seat so far not a bone mountebanks there's a seat what's good yeah eBay see really cheap CGI the guy sells good seats nice stretchy like pleather whatever you call it alright can see if this thing starts I'd say Iran yeah it does all right I'd say we fixed it I'll get the racks on it no need to see that you saw him come off we still got to paint him goes to show you can buy a quad that's been sitting especially a Honda and get it running if it was running when they parked it it will run if you clean it all up inside I mean those motors are sealed so nothing gets in there the only breath the only thing they could do is get inside the carburetor in the airbox if you check that first you won't suck anything in and maybe broken wires from animals but for the most part I could tell it was good because I saw the tires and the wheels it was rustier than I thought when I got there but I already knew I was gonna buy it for 350 bucks these things go it's for my car it's a 4x4 Honda these things go for 1500 minimum so the cleaner I make it the better I will clean these up here I'll clean the plastics up I'll make it look really nice and we'll post it for sale and we'll see what we get for it make sure you come back and see maybe we'll buy something thanks for watching see you later peace we need to buy more quads that's sold in 20 minutes for 1,300 bucks we bought the bike for 350 hundred in parts do the math you can see the car's not even done being cleaned yet we posted it the guy came bought it left 15 minutes I had 85 messages we need to get down on the toy train and start finding toys because we just knocked down a week's pay for ya for freaking having fun playing with a quad kids all got to ride it so if that don't tell you what you can do with 350 bucks nothing well beast yes peace
Channel: KB MOTORS
Views: 5,085
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned quad, We found a quad, Abandoned 4Wheeler, Abandoned Will it run?, Honda quad, honda foreman 500, honda foreman 450, mudding quads, fixing quad plastics, how to fix a 4 wheeler that wont start, We Found An ABANDONED Quad, how to flip, diy honda, quad, will it run, kb motors, barn find, atv mudding, can am
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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