Forgotten Greedier Run - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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I just hit the record button so we better hurry up you guys we better we better start this make sure all of our mods are turned off new run and we got a do boss rush hush fights mega stan greedier and delirium the easy ones just like the super easy ones we got to do greed mode first I think and then greedy air mode unless they patch that but almost do mean they didn't install the instead extension for the best thing and included it with that maybe it's the new extension that you need to get then fire it upgrade pretty meaningless for me I get smaller - no we want to go big that gives me 6 bone hearts with 0 of them filled correct me if I'm wrong here but I want to say that's not good actually [Music] I'm doing it hey oh no no thank you 6 bone hearts yes you're correct but they also patched it says squat so we should do grittier greedy unlocks both now with that's just jump degree to you then I don't want to do this twice I don't want to be here longer than they need to be ok could someone just donate $1,000 so I can just go um you guys know I'm kidding right guys hello what's up everybody bow bow bow bow bow bow bow half-off bomb free pills sweet super helpful all right oh hey you know what we know a bit about pop pop there's a tinted rock back their souls so hearts though I gotta say they're a little overrated as the bone man I like to just be the bone man if you're gonna be a bone man you might as well be a bone man you know what I mean Yeah right guys am I correct in this thinking he asked while already knowing the answer we should definitely turn it into the the other dude to take on the exploding goat dude absolutely I'd be stupid not to so I'm glad I'm glad that we did that so you know safety first and everything like that thanks for the sob warmer that was golden white Hawk 26 months that's a lot you mind sharing those months with everybody else your big sub hog I saw huts how goes it oh it goes going all right today I woke up super early so I've been tired like on normal strands I can only imagine what today is gonna be like I apologize if I start yawning we're trying not to I'm on my second cup of coffee you know when you just wake up and just can't go back to sleep it's more like something was on my mind but it's white toy goobers one light one more time I think he might actually get me with this little little tongue he's got a little bit of range in that tongue can't range in many tune so casual two cups and zero girls oh my goodness that dip almost out dipped me almost got me there I guess he I don't like buying keys don't see cousin yet you get this one item that makes you look really cool I'm melting something's wrong just finish your breath of the wild streams there was like what 98 of them damn air smells like rain but there's no rain leprosy I know look at us look at me should we go for the tinted rock and Yolo we could get some money back from these guys it's my excited face did you like it press Q if you liked it did you stop doing that this guy's tough to actually he kills the bunny man not so simple not so simple can he pin first baby what was there already a hit by do it stop the suck is too strong when you're not but she keeps sucking ah stop it no no no no I said just press Q not Q and enter you guys jeez come on simple instructions there were simple instructions you couldn't even follow the Sally this is how we build trust you guys and right now you're failing miserably stop it don't don't do that what if you didn't though smack him with the bone smack him then I can't lose this bone heart don't make me how are you still alive oh my god that guy who's doing an M 24 months in a row oh my god that's uh Pam welcome back feels pretty good but that F got my bit Jinnah T mm-hmm there's nothing to defy I honestly think saving this red heart is gonna be worthwhile for us [Music] three cents for a guaranteed re-roll let's do this make it bombs and keys back bombs and money yeah good five hundred bits question why don't crabs give to charity because there are penny pinchers because they're shellfish see you know I attempted leprosy kind of makes me kind of makes up forgotten look like melting from nuclear throne you know people have said that before there's a yellow syringe Joey P get that a sub to Rio Undead two months Thank You Joey welcome Rhea then I knew Rio how are you only how are you only real how are you only two year only two months [Music] anyways Yolo syringe or not I don't have any monies oh that makes sense Oh hit that [ __ ] dude hit that [ __ ] like this [ __ ] hit it smack it punch it with my bone yellow syringe not I say I see I see - Yolo 303 yeses sorry four yeses five six - nose seven better fire eight better damage health stayed the same hey what does science do for me the science do anything with my bone I probably should have blow up those pots too though that's a lot of pot it's a lot of pot for one woman from below bedrock three months in a row welcome back oh goodness I'm glad that we did it plus we have spots now it looks like we're some creation from Spore [Music] especially with the bone stick how do you like my bone stick oh thank you lay controller for the 1000 bits I appreciate that hey let's have a good stream you know what make me cam you better be having fun but you guys are all like angry and stuff right now and I'm not sure I can handle this let's go for angel rooms absolutely there better is the bone man anyways here we go are we gonna want a bomb then before we enter the angel room you can spare one [Music] it's no science I don't think so does nothing at all I'm angry because Joe's wasting money on me WTF I'm angry now because you think I'm angry definitely had that happen before IRL are you alright yeah I'm totally fine are you sure you alright because I don't know if you're alright you don't seem like you're alright yes I'm fine okay but it just seems like you're off and I don't know it just seems like you're off and you're being short right now I'm fine I knew you were in fine see I knew it I knew you weren't fine and now you're lying to me you should have just opened up about not being fine in the first place blood shoots out of my neck yeah new ghosts hello noob ghosts what's up I'm now watching two streams that means you're cheating on me derman 17 months finally got to catch you online again how is the charity how was the charity it's still going on check it out we're going to 10,000 now what story Hutt stop yelling [Music] when bomb would be nice to just blow up that nickel face but I can't get one I cannot get one but to scab on my face sir give me speckles and put a scab on there make one of my eye holes especially large should we go for the card it's a really cheating if it's a 3-way it's not gay if it's in a three-way day after miles what's up pom Stubb appreciate that hunter bid some gold white Hawk like hundo boots I don't know what to do you guys I just hang on my arm arm split I'm split I'm gonna not go for the card I'm not going for the card I made a game time decision oh my god why I'm hitting all the buttons [Music] I said you have a good stream damn it says lay controller Shh can't swear during a children's cancer research stream skin cell twenty-one months thank you so much for coming back I appreciate you destroyer got 27 months hey Dad I'm having to cancel my subscription and go off the map for a while I've lost my job and a lot of other stuff but you but thank you for making it amazing and making me feel good destroy her God you know what take that situation turn it around say you're starting fresh you're starting new starting over and you're gonna make it like super it's like it's like when you like move apartments right and all your apartments are disgusting it's all like it was good it helped you it supported you not gonna like move to this other place you get start fresh and make everything like nice and clean and do it right I appreciate your 27 months in a row destroy our God and Lake why 100 dollars to me give it to the children but thank you so much 100 dollars is crazy what does this do the star of day nothing and I don't what I don't know what what pennies are you guys I've never heard of them before in my life no no no no no no sometimes you just gotta know ah I know it sometimes in life you just get out sometimes it's just best to like golden white Hawk if it's not gay in a freeway does that mean in all male 3 ways automatically no homo I'm gonna choose not to answer that one and you know you just you just do what you like really let's just you know just don't worry about society that's what that's what your heart tells you to do sending your heart is 18 we can't talk about this at a children's stream you sickos gosh you disgust me never heard of sex either what is that that's like Oh like you're like okay like when I fill out a form and I'm like sex male duh that's what it is what's your favorite German word [ __ ] volcano gosh twice back half I we can't say that you guys you can't say that right now it's official Lutz as a kid oh my god he thinks that your slice back is funny only children think that's funny children that children don't know what that is you I'm looking at you yeah that joke you just try to pull it doesn't even make sense I don't know where you got that joke from I think that maybe you don't know what it is if you think that children are talking about it and laughing about it I maybe you don't maybe somebody you know a human didn't have to talk with you know make so much sense that's okay let's let's have it right now because that's that's suitable for a children's dream you see when a man loves a woman can't thank enough and knows and then he spits in her mouth and she gets pregnant true story it's actually quite gruesome pins are down gives her a red belly and spits in her chest that's what the kids did to me on the playground now stop it hey had a rough life stop it spy oh my god would you hey would you knock it off Oh get him on that mushroom the mushroom plays and I'll make sense now that's foul on so many levels Christian channel hey you know that when you're married is it is ethically correct and you must you must procreate says so in the Bible I'm just you know maybe you didn't know that maybe you didn't know that so like just trying to fill you in with my spit by a key ha ha ha it's probably worth it to buy this I really really really don't want to lose my bone art I see a potential benefit of that there's another card though another one well let's just load up on cards then that one was looking at that one was bad I didn't like that one I didn't I didn't like that one that was a bust that was a bus there could have been so many good things there hey that's actually not a bus that's actually a really good thing and in fact let's just use our ace of spades now and take the two hearts with me to save more bone hearts 3 Keys is gonna be enough yeah scratch that bust and that your mom's bust yeah check the other last room it's not two of arts it's an ace of hearts right tab right give yourself scalable key what dancing leo eight months in a row did I say I be Kyle huts our traps gay where did that come from someone want to like you know that as this I mean it's so funny I totally get it haha I'm on the inner circle ah but where'd that guy come from no hey let's uh let's try to not cut them in half feel like nun's habit would benefit me here I'll play no playing something new later today you guys I'm thinking about swords of dito since I haven't Dovan into it and every time I start to do it on YouTube it's like ah I'll get this like mental block let's just dive in together I think that would help me get in there mr. Vieau redeemed a question so what are you gonna do when we somehow reach the donation goal cheetos gonna tape his butt hair to his head I think think good is that what I think that's what he said close enough at least okay so much for angel rooms no to you sir I will let that sit guess I need it but no know what that does anything hi Helia hi hi Lea is it hi Lea hi lien gamer hi the Hylian castle what is it okay I always say hey Lea in and then I'm pretty sure in the game they said highly in and I was like everything is a lie I have minus two pennies look give them to me then you owe me two pennies were further abominable owl bear dad six months woo welcome back friend feels good no one's donated a cancer yet something's wrong with this picture you guys up at a buck can we get a buck going once going twice can we get up buck ask ask too fast I just wanted to spend the pennies I only have two thousand five hundred seventy-five I don't know what pennies are you guys I'm not high you are another proof that we are superior huts you're still planning on doing horizon DLC yes your face is a penny I'm going down the whole I think I only have euros can we get a single euro do you guys have a 1 euro minimum to pay when you when you open up the donate lake is it 1 1 euro minimum it's like you you guys have to pay more by default because you should probably ride about that that's discrimination well there that's yeah that's I would never take that item well am i right guys high fives two diamonds though I would like to use my tooth diamonds you excited for Legend of bumbo I don't exactly know what it really is going to be about but yes Howie d4 as well we battle d4 versus missingno so if we if missing no screws it's over we just d4 it deal deal for deport huh you're a nut - laughs hey look at that oh my goodness what happened you guys I said one dollar link not one hundred dollars there that makes a total of six hundred for me that sounds gonna six six six I'm just saying thank you for 100 more dollars link it's the st. Jude hell yeah dude Romans at $7,000 and then five more dollars some star of day I said $1.00 star bait one dog you guys had one job five that's five times too many here it's not much but I haven't got my first paycheck yet so more to come thank you starve day appreciate that one fitty from Ivy Kyle here's a buck fitty pops once again did you I might do you not understand me and then Daft Mouse say hots is my second donation this week the charity puss volunteer hours first time I caught a stream for it so glad I could do it that's going to a really good cause you guys I appreciate that a lot so when I Requiem 30 months in a row 30 though you feel good about that 30 30 of your hard-earned months wasted no it's not wasted better not be frickin wasted I appreciate you guys the gifts to st. Jude it's very very very kind of you all we'll see how this rolls we have the jawbone which I think's oh hi no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no it's my personal Jesus no it's a boomerang get the enemy first enemy enemy please okay let's just let's just desert Bogaerts then no no good I like that yeah I'd love to oh I'd love to happy about it we're about to die I just D for but still friggin still though no no no no no no more of you no more of you no more of you no more of you who does I just I can't what this guy I can't know 66 from link hahaha he fell for it thank you lake for 666 The Children's Cancer I hope that doesn't mean anything bad I've summoned the devil to help hello mr. Devereau one dollar for mr. magic everybody round of applause Oh mr. magic one dollar he did it ah can we get two dollars going once going twice oh okay oh yeah I'm going outs in that one stick without let's get like mom's knife or something I'd love to I'd love to fight you oh that would be fun oh gosh oh that would be fun you didn't give me any help didn't give me health we're dead we're super dead we're amazingly unbelievably dad you gotta keep amico suck on my meat monstro more like money no oh my goodness I didn't see that I don't even see that [ __ ] why was that you take a little detour there what's that guy famine you take a little detour there he's like oops sorry I'm gonna bounce way over here here's my line but I think I'm gonna go over there this time that looks pretty good over there you're supposed to use the soul I had it in the bag I was fine I was totally fine twenty dollars from mr. magic thank you so much 120 from sea devil here is your euro mm-hmm thank you for cutting me on the current exchange rate appreciate that we're getting close to you haven't do a crossword puzzle you gotta let me know goals or I'm gonna keep writing some that seem reasonable links controller says he was not fine ax sister 13 months in a row hell yeah 13 months for me love your content let's keep it up your may be loving the content flaxen boo 100 bits hey dad it's good to see you again men thank you it's good to see your name with the purple bits next to it thank you appreciate that one of the art is fine what am I supposed to lock myself in place while monster just goes that's what what happened that's what would have happened I'm just surprised because I've never had a stronger start a stronger game rather than missingno or t4 it's like it's like foolproof so I don't know how we I don't even know I hurt my hand when I just punched it no it's not what it feels like to be in a fight give me a bomb that's no all right in there's no bombs to buy and there will be no bones that's nice it's quite nice as well right all right I already have more damage than he did last time 500 bits from equalizer sucks equalizer suck ass sigh cos that's not swear words sick Oz sorry I don't have $2.00 dad you only have five rip okay fifty two dollars from David Lee keep up the streams man I wasn't sure if you said two dollars or fifty two dollars so just take the donation appreciate that dude thank you so much generous people are generous you know what the best part about the magic mushroom is the size up hey no I'm bigger than you if I see anybody bigger than me I'm gonna tell them then I'm actually bigger and then I'm gonna kill them oh that was close cuz that's how I roll Oh fair fair stuff mm-hmm I just like to commend the game for being really fair I'm gonna write a personal letter dear ed my coffees all gone on you guys it's all downhill from here pump of good nine months in a row already oh my goodness that's amazing welcome back I missed the internet working we've dropped zero frames so far you guys yeah buddy my arm look weird when I do this gonna look weird there pop my elbow all right sack of sacks actually would be the answer here let's save up for that instead I highly a $5 good luck with the stream shots keep up the good work by the way you pronounce the eye is in hippo killya did you play breath of the wild though I'm pretty sure they said Hylian there's anybody out there on my back on that we played it together so somebody should know what I'm talking about right by the way thanks for the five dollars which were helping me do this awesome thing [Music] never I've never wanted to fight this little baby more than when I've got a bone bat that didn't maybe it didn't come out right I'm not sure you'd have to read it back to me hi Lia that's the nice right it's highly it is highly in highly in hide not not in hippo unless he say hypo which would be sweet they did say highly in it it blew my mind but I Helia I can say your thing it sounds better as Helia though it's what I would say to that random zombie noises yes tiny bones come get a taste of my tiny bows blurt or I could just smack them [Applause] yes hello 7-yard it's obvious what we do here we've got a little thing in the in my head I got piercing monstros long at this point in time spacey re-subscribe for thirteen months in a row what's up Spacey all right we need faster fire rate faster charges there's still no way to blow up that one thing now can't do it [Music] Edie and are you okay are you are you feeling alright is it a trap can I not get that III can't such back I can switch back I'll just die it'll lose all my bone hearts oh you [ __ ] tease Edie I see what you did there Edie I see what you did because I can't switch into my soul for mild I lose all my bone hearts you don't have a bomb what if I just witch like real quick you can't switch back when the soul has no hearts you just can't do it you just even if I push the button it just won't let me it doesn't let you switch oh my god yeah I think he heard me trash-talking him and he's like you know what you know what no I'm not putting up with us today stupid nuts take this jerk wow-wow-wow-wow kappapride boys asked a question Hut's I'm currently working on a backstory for the Forgotten and how he turned into a skeleton he is I also have backstories and all the other characters as well except Isaac wondering if you want me to send them to you also I got say the spire today and I am hi I think I got cut off there Kappa oh yeah you can do whatever you want you want me if you want to send that to me Sansa me you want to share it with like the discord or something share the discord so I just blow up was that noise I think was a troll bomb over here yeah yeah yeah that's what it was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hi revenge sure but I want any these things no that's gonna work out really nicely for me that's gonna work I think I think that's gonna work I don't need to buy any bombs or keys because we will be getting them I don't see myself being able to reroll that anytime soon a demon baby on the back of my on the back of my tail that's fine the further away from he is probably the better the Lord buh-buh-buh-buh-buh warp drop the blue truck a drop drop drop the Bloor oh yeah bore a sad blow job to blow up what do you mean when the board what is the board don't play dumb with me drawer yeah that's good super blow up soup soup soup soup herblore this is uh this is gonna work out pretty well for me someone watching Eurovision Beetlejuice Beetlejuice beetlejuice uh oh we just beetlejuice Tim he's gonna come back to even bait two months in a row it's up thirteen ravens Ivan her if you mean a while my friend hey man I finally found time to to my two jobs to work on the knife again she's coming along nicely I hope to send it out soon stay awesome Hut's love yeah thank you thirteen Ravens I hope the the best I think this goes planned and oh my god what's gonna happen did my eye that 15 shots though I'm not sure I'm actually seeing any any difference there there could be extra bones you'd think that it would it would proc every single monstros longshot under beds from Danny damn Danny D LM Danny D here have my last 100 biddies Papa Hut's thank you appreciate that gladly accept those seems very strong and might be in there you know it might be in there it's kind of open that that demon beggar wasn't gonna pay out that quickly I was kind of excited about using all of my red hearts that are gonna drop and there's it's free - a diamonds card this is like here you go you can have it uh-huh girl Oh yep maybe I don't know look at that look at the power should we go we locked ourselves in deals of The Devil's cell no complaining I suppose we should probably wait till we have 50 cents to two of diamonds we'll be fine until then just fine just give me the boney health please was the dyed beard at 5k yes Dyer up in here at 10k chena I don't have like better options I don't know man besides the fact that you're gonna shave your butt hair and eat it I think that's a good one for 10k I think that we should just roll with that one I think people are gonna you know really enjoy watching that do I want the Kiva meat I think I think we're fine without the keeping Meade I think it's awkward to use as the bony man hunter beds are ma'am mm mm um um thank you for that at 10 K dial in II can get more options ha I'm just gonna I don't know are we getting a $0.50 on this floor is it worth using our bombs to re-roll maybe do you like the ones I've been making by the way what is your opinion on the glorious curly but locks if you could braid your butt locks probably the world needs to know about it that seems like it takes some some some hidden talents I'd rather take read huh yeah read hell hurt read hurt health instead that hurt me [Music] stupid rocks stupid rack Chino no I'm into yoga into yoga oh I'm into OG yoga hoga I'm in the Holga so you do yoga and you eat hoagies now it's sign up for a hoga hoga all the way there are teen Ravens resub for months holy crap welcome back 13 alright uh are we uh are we ready to go yet we're almost at 50 cents what are we on for the donation $3.00 now or you ran away no bueno bueno no no that ow we could get a blank card but we're probably not gonna get a blank card so that's just you know count our blessings we've probably already won what more could we need nun's habit could be good what do you think about nuns have it you guys that's we don't have anything that works with yet let's just keep going why a rate increase I did ask for one of those let's try it out let's try it on for size skinny odd yeah a lot of D there some peelers some scabs half off pedestal maybe ah come on slow fire rate though is real good a one up already have nine of those foxy trinkets isn't so giving we already have a good trinket because this trinkets gonna keep us alive on the grittier fight could we get hit we drop money to pick up the money it drops health to pick up the health back up and we go forever it doubles trinkets it gives me more trinkets and it doubles the effectiveness but I don't think it doubles the effectiveness at this one to my knowledge oh I didn't even know there was a pin [Applause] tarney raid what's up Scott a geek appreciate the hosts there's actually a new host command now that's two-thirds guppy art is a raid commands you can legit raid people now what's the difference rip pen art to ask a question I'm sorry what is the new character's name again Oh Frank Frank I think it's Frank right guys also $3.00 going once going twice a st. Jude now Donna hat said lane for the 66 anyone read that link I'm sorry let me go get the Hat I'm distracting cuz I really got a p4 herp derped 16 months in a row two more months for second but baby have to move during my college finals might be broke for a month well just sell other people's shoes that'll get you $5.00 easy then go pee huts I can do a 30 second commercial Wow mr. bigshot over here showing off its mod powers Chino and enter of its host equals viewing through your channel raid is sending viewers to the rated channel right that's what I said duh okay still no bombs no bombs to buy and they give me one of these stone chests Ed's back at it again trolling me we'll get one during our sack Apple it could be really good do we get any razor blades coming out maybe some of them there are razor blades we just can't tell they're razor blades in my heart sounds painful you know what I want right now the void solely for the shot speed that it gives I want massive shot speed on this oh hi I'm a body with a floating head nearly headless how can you be nearly headless let me know saw who's doing stuff in things you guys hang on give me a break for a second would you page tier three four five months in a row you complain with Lenny's hair I have a cat and two dogs you know nothing Jon Hut's also make 10k donations and you do abortion birth polling again alright deal phage we'll do abortion birth polling if we hit 10k I said I'd never touched that mod ever again and I'll touch it I'll slap it around a little bit mic prize sub Lawrence to inner bits the only positive thing about starting work at 4 a.m. is be able to catch the streams Lowell and dad shadow Freddy tier 1 sub thank you guys appreciate all of you thank you thank you thank you abortion birth 24-hour Street stop [Music] to slow some guys shut up have some respect for the artist Oh close call I'm at $0.99 [ __ ] thunder thighs stomp just wanted to buy one just so we weren't at $0.99 Bobby shouldn't have now we're like incredibly slow [Applause] good candy and Concepcion the more damage we take the more demon babies we spit out sure fine that's fine I don't even have respect for myself Utz I didn't think you'd actually say yes okay I know we can still talk we just have to talk slower oh because of this slow song they're gonna make me cry six-six-six viewers we did it nobody come nobody go do I stay or do I go now I searched at the P you guys let's hurry up with this this rounds why do I drop a bomb when I got stung bite are you stupid huts wooden spoon come back to us lost cotton eye Joe her hug where'd you come from where'd to go where'd you come from cotton knob Frank she not pod ape adapt new show album known a long time ago we need to come home booty Joe we need to come from Pat now Joe I'm a mama that's not even is that my nose is that where my nose is well I said we gotta go fast and trolling me I got a piss that's not good you know what just use it now you don't even need that money ates of Kluber goobers what's a Kluber Boober I'll tell you when you're older [Music] $50 DS car Litella thank you so much happy to donate but I said $3.00 car Litella take it back no kidding $50 is a lot of money thank Yelp 50 technically is the glasses on the hippest hipster trucker that's ever truck to hipster hipster truck truck to your hip links like 666 though all right I'm just no brakes is world-record obtainer all right I always take whatever you guys say and do the opposite well that's that puts me in a tricky situation now doesn't it there's a battery for sale too i silver platter silver platter you guys I got piercing shots you mother liquor world card though oh my goodness what Oh what do you say princess Saffy fifteen hundred and fifty bits that thing okay not during a kid's dream I'm gonna read that no we'd be playing more of that wizard game says coffee yeah yeah dad shadow Freddy I said that one ready technically there was an embargo and we played it early and it's not supposed to be playable until the 15th so we broke the rules and I got in trouble so I did that for you guys we'll play it but only when it's actually out and I won't get in trouble deal I don't like people yelling at me you know if you guys have ever gotten a free game from a game company and they're like yeah awesome and then you don't follow their instructions and they're like I hate you you're an idiot yeah nobody was supposed to play that yet nobody was supposed to see that it wasn't it wasn't supposed to exist yet so I blame you well dead just well how about we just use it and tell blank car or until Yara give me my spot back no one touches sounds better is the kid just sounds better is the kid thank you so much for a thousand more bits link you guys are nuts two hundred bits two from Vardar all are you still doing a charity stream dad yes we are give that money to charity please I was back on oh just like a couple of euros would make a big difference here I think that's not it either [Music] that's no vacuous as a Thoth tier-one sub welcome welcome okay okay you know if that's what you gonna do if that's how you're gonna deal me more crawlspaces would actually hurt my chances of breaking the game if I thought if I fall in a hole but crawlspace is a lucky pull here is that great the egg sacrificial insemination I don't know what that is I'm not sure what that is I think we're up to four dollars in the donation and the to charity you guys four dollars going once going twice what is the surgery going for surgery sorry you got a text about someone having surgery what is it doing donation thing going for glad you asked four dollars alright should we open this hell yeah we should open that is that me yours are getting hotter in this room hmm hmm golden key please if you put it if you put it over the button I'm not touching it douche error I want to keep my bloody penny actually let's just store that in this room over here Oh Roscoe another bone heart I lost one of those [Music] $100 from barter all charity okay then oh my goodness I'm doing it I'm doing it [Music] what your hats levelling up Papapa Papapa your normal had evolved into stupid looking psychopath hats mega thick prime sub what is up son like someone was here you know and your music is like your speakers are so crisp but it sounds like this noises going on around you have you ever had that happen with headphones on like who's doing that behind me you know oh it's music I'm an idiot okay real message i watch your stream every day to sleep thanks for the hours of fun less than three thank you for the thousand bits princess staples and 13 100 bits super pumped - I'm getting a website set up also would you like an oak handle or a Purple Heart wood handle is that made from old melted down Purple Hearts no what what's a Purple Hearts that sounds exciting what would you recommend would you recommend Oh - diamonds Oh oh well yeah okay - diamonds that's fine that's it's over it's over let's pick this thing up right now let's go I want this I want this and I'll take this now let's all $4 hey Hutt's keep a lookout for your other birthday gift oh yeah if I gotta go on appeal box you guys let me know I'm assuming that's what you mean mail table 500 link stop it hey Dad they're touching my spots Oh gross anime mangas what's up anime you can swing at the spikes chest to open them without hurting yourself oh you know I did know that and I just conveniently forgot I don't want that but I'm taking it well they are filled I thought it was uh I thought they were empty I misjudged you Merrill and I apologize about that oops I didn't mean it two hearts that make me waste my she is and what's up Griffin owes twenty dollars got to save those kids also I know it's off-topic but I watched your guns in video recently where you were talking about the retro games you played and I was wondering if you ever played majesty that doesn't sound like something I've played but it could be but at the see probably like it's like a screenshot or something of it to jog my memory if I ever did quite like a lot of games a lot of old games too and it was basically at that point in time I was watching my brothers play them more so than RC doing it myself cuz I was really young but good time still [Music] skeleton with a belly button now it's frightening let's Skelly bug appreciate the tony big ones griffin else [Music] [Music] have you heard of ios/android dungeon-crawler called soul night you have like five bajillion bajillion gazillion billions million people have told me about it and I just like I've tried to play Isaac on iOS and it's just it's just Isis you know it just hurts it hurts it's gonna wear off my fingerprints so I just kind of said I'm not gonna get like do it you know we're up to five dollars by the way we've got five spare dollars for Saint Jude for the kids oh my gosh I'm a mushroom I'm a scaly fungus I'm a skunk as' I was gonna say be gentle with me oh yeah all hail the scum guess [Music] skon guests no this is Patrick a fungal tin stole Vin's $100 too hot any forged today going gonna be a tea tonight set those handles with some luck and epoxy Elkhorn spacer is gonna tie it all together and then out she goes sweet solvent starvin do you know thirteen the Ravens also doing things like they it maybe you guys could like trade notes and not compete my lobby France sounds awesome you guys I love I love things and okay that's that sounds wrong I I like feeling special all right and you guys definitely make me feel special all right that's that's what I'm getting yet hots only vices for giving us give him things you know if you guys gonna be a jerk I'm just gonna leave turn this stream around who's doing some stuff $5.00 from phaz thank you so much $2.00 from ex unka thanks for doing the thanks for doing this for the children friend absolutely absolutely that's what it's all about oh she dock a $20 hey hots I live in France where we don't have this medical system so I hope my twenty dollars may help someone out there question mark keep it up bro absolutely oh she daca it will it totally will Tina says I'll make you feel special winky face with Hunter bits Tina you back up on top with the bits now if you if you need to like take a break dude I I'll make extra effort to pay attention to the chat we do know each other and do often trade notes all love no worries okay good awesome sweet that sounds good wait a second is that that's stolen you were I think I was in your chat 13 Ravens and Stalin was there maybe it was giving you [ __ ] something he was giving you [ __ ] because you didn't have like something on your anvil or something is that right you were like hitting something on your anvil and you didn't have like a protector or something um that's what I'm going with Lane control I get them sub the Husky hell yeah I like Huskies I'd get one if they people didn't like threaten me like your dogs gonna run away and it's gonna hate you don't get Oskie we're so magical was I right you're laughing so I think that means I'm right to solving yes Ravens and I are in the same field but professionals work well and best together I'm sure we will collaborate someday in the future maybe that wasn't in you know today notes often somebody was in in your chat that was also was also a blacksmith and they were giving you [ __ ] for something I remember my tummy hurts [Music] these children gets to compete that's not such [ __ ] don't throw me into that I said let's be friends okay we blew it yeah we ruined it it was a super cool thing and now it's not a cool thing anymore if only I had like two competing blacksmiths it was a joke that was that was a joke just kidding all right at any point in time if you'd like to to hit me with what's it called only had anti grab tears anti-graft late doesn't do anything I need that thing that shoots it in a straight line what is that what's that thing that shoots it straight I just tip my tongue I appreciate the Betsi guys by the way I'm reading the messages and sometimes I don't say thank you I'm always meaning thank you off take Lama Tier one sub thank you thank you tractor beam thank you thank you finger that's what I wanted it's we're back on top - all right wiggle it wiggle it wiggle it wiggle that finger you like my finger wiggle whoo fingers definitely dislocated ah people have been telling me to get this I'm sorry what [Music] shoot straight on the tip of your tongue haha gasps big breath haha no thank you for those bits Qi no kidding I love you you know that right thanks for making gay jokes and money experience thirteen Ravens forge I got to go for now all right take care of my friends good luck on everything let's take the books here looks are gonna be good ping-pong tiny planet Ludo hit the tier how your son I get to smack it around - this is confusing you guys I seriously have to pee I'm craw I'm going cross-legged right now I'm cross-legged that's how desperate I am oh that sounds like fun right there venomous mutation $5 for the kiddies thank you my friends next up is $6 can we hit it is it even possible they had $6 probably not to find out next time the Dragon Ball Z I want to do who wants to be number six go pee no balls did you guys know that P is starting the balls [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you have all the complete marks on the forgotten yet no that's what we're doing right now well I got them on my other save file but I've got three save files so yeah you see you want you want me to take that don't you head no way Xen hyzers stop it that is not six dollars that is not six dollars that is not six dollars that is not that's not six and you guys even read that can you read that right there that's not six dollars I I did the math Oh God hot damn what the [ __ ] Oh xeni zanny baby oh my goodness one thousand dollars and they 50 from Diez Carlota Karla tella sorry it's additional fifty for the kids please go pee don't hurt yourself sir sennheiser from my best friend Phil I lost him last year cancer and for the children their parents and friends so they can see the little guys and girls growing up long life the Hutt's star star star Hut hots butt Hut thank you so much then Heiser that is you you you definitely went above and beyond wow wow wow Gopi before you damage the inner workings of little huts and his inner workings everything more about letting inner workings Thank You Karla tella and stall tvind here it is we can hammer out cancer we have to strike while the iron is hot $20 thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] alright we got it we got to plan this out you know here I think it's this one this Chino inner-workings also ha crossword puzzle for you with that 7500 oh you guys are awesome you guys are fantastic seriously you guys are unbelievable let's see here I want to go like this and this and then I want to do something like this [Music] [Music] buddies [Music] he's gonna try to knock the hats off [Music] I don't want a French kiss the aligning on I love you but that's that's next-level cat owning I'm not ready to take that step yet please [Music] I can't believe it raising this much money you guys this is insane this is so cool this is so cool I can't even believe it dude I told you was gonna knock the flippin hats off he looks so cool you guys look at him is that goofy his dad being a goof dad's being a goof again [Music] little man [Music] so incredible how much that cat loves you [Music] yeah I feel bad for me Suzuki itself bored he loves the butt scratches right here oh yeah oh it's all about the butt scratch probably $1,000 we raise I'll give him a butt scratch Friskies perfect time to resub what's up Friskies I just caught that clump of hair before it went right into my eyeball mm yeah not not so good I guess it would be the way I mean I think she's fine nice wouldn't know or whatever that means [Music] look all right there you go I gotta beat the game and I got a P so this this and some of this baby can I get some of that on there you mind picking shoe please I can balance it correctly alright nobody breathe who did some stuff sinking Sailor prime sub what's up sinking Sailor welcome welcome to the party you guys just want me to get back to the game I know I'm gonna get back to not having cat hair in my mouth that'd be super cool the amazing P is stored in the balls nice hat poof don't say anything about the title what does it say whoof don't care what do we want I don't know what are we trying to get [Music] we want the title Oh ed you want Isaac's heart or do you want the baggie of pills hey screw you neither I'll take a rear oh she's longing to get a battery with it no battery compound fractures sounds awesome d4 no balls that will make sure that we can take the Bhagya pills in the future I did I did say I wanted this I did you know I did call for that well it would do some damage in this current state to have to pick up all of that nonsense and I'm not certainly convinced I'd like to do that no battery all in the woods Rico its rest easy knowing I did not have a choice we've even finished this yet glorp oh that's right it blows donkey butt yeah I'm having a hard time seeing through this right now is look through my glasses up because because of the weight of the hats what just happens oh I'm bombing myself do you dippity-do did it if it is it you do I just I honestly just really need able no factor being sweet has a cinnamon roll eight months in a row what's up soon as a cinema all I hope life is good you made me sweet stuff lately no fortune don't care about these cards I don't think let's just get out of here we take Taurus musta get the bloody penny its wow you know whatever yes and they're off well the d6 is good I like that I like the half off item pedestal that's really good ah London Bridge is falling down doors Oh 50 more dollars this one's for the kids awesome cause huts just wanted to say my mom was diagnosed a few months ago with stage four today she got the news the chemo has been helping you yeah wow that's some big news best of luck I'm sending Hut's lucky way goodness man maybe I shouldn't send Hut's lucky wait I'll just send well wishes spar see so mm hunter bits okay can we just hurry this up though because I got a P I think we just go and tell we don't want to take either item and then we just run to the d6 through the rest of the stuff unless we have double charge or something I don't know we'll cross that bridge when we get to it ah we drop them take it up let me put these back up we do it like a smart little person eat take that baggie and pills trying to cock-block my half off Ivan pedestal I thought he was so clever [Laughter] that's a good item can I get a Steam sale though that would make it a three cent pedestal think up lul being a freak pity more dollars okay as my girlfriend and I are about to bring life into this world we have found a long line of cancer related illnesses in our family this means so much to the both of us I appreciate that loving a freak for the $50 best of luck with the life bringing and best of luck to st. Jude to take all this money in them kick cancer right in the teeth right in its stupid face appreciate all the nations you guys it's so cool I'm like I'm excited and they're like after this to be like ya know we did some fundraisers and we raised you know X amount of dollars this guy's gonna need to stay in my face though to put them on backwards there we go I look like that I look like a clamshell with a pink clamshell under the sea under the sea darling it's better down where it's wet to yank I wasn't a clan he was a crab shut up well we found the books I found the books everybody keep it rock get on that way appreciate all of you guys you look like a butt sir know what kind of you might want to get your butt checked at the doctor's office if it looks like this [Music] all right that's that's the W's terrycloth which is good and in our current situation and a yera which it's probably not going to be too effective here I found more books everybody does it did you lose any more books how many books 400 looking for books but man I got a pee [Music] books can't gift subs great lots is a Princess Peach why is it still like weighing down my glasses stop doing that could you not mate there we go no I look like super cool now I am super cool man super cool man guy buy the queen of diamonds no-one's been this cold before in their entire life all right this achieve a nose I just get I find another book but I got what I'm looking for though please [Music] what are we up to you guys seven dollars now pure delight down is pretty good too though seven six fire rate as the bony man that is unheard of [Music] [Music] you can reach one is the bony man I think [Music] I just know he's a much worse fire rate than the other guy yeah I meant one without without the other stuff is this dude but I'm not firing anything why am I not firing is this guy Oh cuz of Ludo yeah that's okay you get normal Ludo as the other dude that's incredibly I thought more books yeah more of them here's another one stupid books who am i yelling to who needs the books [Music] did you find the books someone stole all the books that sounds like something that would actually happened in like a children's novel of diamonds Emily in the curse of the hidden stolen books was it a scary ghost no it was Jimmy he wanted to read [Music] I'm looking for one thing here I don't want the double charged let's see if we can dump off our blank card somewhere else all you respawn them you dig we respawn button shits now where would I find somewhere to dump this [Music] Oh - holy crap I don't want the double charged but I guess we're just gonna take the double charge eros commie just keep being amazing thank you so much the $20 to st. Jude appreciate that very much you should d6 and pick stuff up you just think I should just D six now and forget about the blank card at this point in time I could do that I look really good right now by the way do you have goat head doesn't matter buy trinkets for butter there are no trinkets for sale just e6 max money first I'm Chad and I'm so smart oh wait you know we could do probably quite clever hurt ourselves first where do the where the razor blades coming from take take that the red hearts here I also need to hurt myself to take those [Music] actually it's no I didn't know I didn't want to do that because now I can't take his I lost bone heart I forget about the bone heart yes I remember their bone hearts you boneheads whatever let's just just do what I'm trying to do here at least once at least once and then we'll just forget about it whatever you guys $0.99 full v6 charge let's go looking for the tractor beam clicking for z3 Cather us did my donation go through earlier from ders Oh $50 yeah for the kids awesome cause house just wanted to say my mom was diagnosed a few months ago with stage 4 cancer today she got the news that chemo has been helping yeah I was like oh [ __ ] dude that's some heavy news and I said sending my hots luck and it was like awesome thank you so much to the $50.00 and best of luck absolutely thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you the simple stuff we don't need we can go without the simple stuff like like damage upgrades they're not a big deal you guys we got our eyes set on a bigger prize here [Music] all right doll is that the jawbone is that a broken [ __ ] slipped rib simple stuff we can do without we don't eat Godhead you guys well double charge is back double charges back the fundraiser is going really well HUD so I'm proud of you I'm proud of everyone here your community is awesome maybe it's a reflection of the creator of the community all thanks mr. bones appreciate the hundred bits as well hear that guys you're special you're awesome yes hit yes sock tag we can go without Plan C oh I love it but I'm gonna go without it what a cool dad looks like like oh dang I thought I was a cool dad [Music] only the really good stuff I don't even need mall the void I don't even need it Tim dog 17 months with Tim dog appreciate comeback past eight point four K we don't need it something's in my mouth it's here at 38 25 cents we can use our two of diamonds get breakfast it's best item breakfast is probably like one of my favorite things ever though IRL we don't need it okay fine we got the Holy Trinity and I didn't use my two diamonds ripped now I did don't eat it I need it a little bit how do I get in there she gone from the other way place I go called me son me no I don't like that item dude just give me what I ordered just give me what I ordered just [Music] give me what I ordered gosh dang it I only want mate only want one thing and it's disgusting how do I charge that thing again with with health good mr. mee shut up last chance we didn't get it we didn't get it give up nope I'm out I quit I hate this game it's the worst game I've ever played in my entire life wait we have one more chance [Music] eighteen fire right now no then get it old are whatever I'm leading I'm leaving now we're gonna starve this is proof that I just talk over pre-recorded footage what am I waiting for right now look at that scythe it's not even spinning it's like what am i doing what am i doing where am I going what am i doing who the site is broken now it's spinning okay bye I'll come I'm not blowing up with my own ipecac shots I don't remember picking up a host hat it's still flying around spoon bender we already had got head whatever do the thing dad says Lawrence this he breaks penis I don't want to do that I gotta pee you guys [Music] I guess tractor beam just doesn't exist d100 so go and stop whining but I love whining it's my favorite activity Ultra Creed huh but wait super ultra greed I didn't even see his health pop health bar pop up for a second time Wow hey knock it off did not see a health more the second time I don't think I've crushed him faster than that ever
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 54,220
Rating: 4.8858695 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: zhUf0MLh7TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 41sec (5681 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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