Forgotten 1957 F100 Hot Rod Pickup Truck!! Abandoned for 40 Years! Will it Run?!?

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well hey there boys and girls of youtube world today duff dog and i are going to see if we can't get a 1957 ford f-100 hot rod pick them up truck running [Music] picked this thing up a few months back down in the big city of sioux falls south dakota where it's probably tropical right now and they're not moving a foot of snow like we had to do all day today but let's uh take a look at this thing so i found this thing on msra line chaser minnesota street route association if you remember that they sent out a flyer every month on a flyer it's a more of a catalog and uh it's got the classifieds in the back so of course that's the first thing i flip to this thing was in there it's actually been in there for quite a while price is pretty reasonable and it uh it's a fridge and it's my favorite year of fridge 57 is the only year that they got the single headlights they kind of got the same grille that carried over from the 56s i think it's similar anyway this one's got the chrome version of it i'm not sure if this bumper is original but i don't think it is what do you think duff is that original bumper he says definitely not then i think 57s and eights got this what i call the washboard hood on it pretty swanky and yeah this thing's got some hot rod history he picked it up at an auction in iowa he's had it for like five or ten years never did nothing with it so we picked it up the dead giveaway is the uh scamper white letters on the back 11-15 lts yeah those are sweet these things came with factory nine inch 57 was the first year of the nine inch in both cars and pickups fun fact 57 ford cars i think 57 eights and nines are all the same but they're the narrow east nine inch that came in a car and i think 66 to 77 broncos are the narrowest nine inch that came in four wheel drive or suv whatever you're gonna call it cars are four and a half bolt pattern pickups are five on five and a half duff you wanna check this thing out oh yeah look at that custom vinyl door panel shag carpet these things are always rotten in the steps seat's been recovered pontiac taco meter yeah that's right she goes up to 7k don't look like they did anything with the headliner i think that's a mopar stereo where they got the uh tuner knobs over to the right there duff sure likes the shag carpet though stuff show them the shifter it's got a hurst boot on it i don't know if it's a hurst kind of looks like a water shut off knob duff says this thing's mine i'm driving it seat isn't too bad floors are wasted oh floors are wood so they're fine we'll just uh get some new green treat and uh the seat is also mounted via the wood as well nothing but the finest wood billies down there in iowa land i'm sure somebody with khakis was driving this thing oh look at that they wrapped the whole dash well not the whole dash with the insert there got a nice drawer pull knob on the glove box freaking sweet oh that shifter is pretty awesome a gas pedal is not correct i don't know if that's i think it's out of a ford or a mopar i'm guessing ford i'm guessing that's what the engine came out of there's a surprise there too of course duff is camping out there let's that must be that bracing underneath the step we just won't worry about that they call these 5760 fords the fridges this is a short box fleet side the box really isn't that bad they're single wall so anything that's left in the box likes to rust out the box sides yeah the floor is there it's pitted up but she's there there's a lot of snow in here it's now turned to water i think that's a factory rear bumper which is chrome so that's kind of schwanky yeah tailgate chains they seem better days we're going to need a tail light i'm sure it's been repainted looks like somebody put some custom pin stripes on her when they did it it'd be cool to find some history on this thing looks like those are some custom made 15 by tens i'd say on the back i'm guessing the windows broke out on that side this side's busted out winglet was delaminated windshield seal is rotten missing a wiper and that wiper looks like it's got a great big washer holder in place sorry i'll quit picking your new pickup apart missing a hubcap over here i did have to take the brakes off on one of the wheels to get it to roll i don't even remember which one it was you want to open the hood or what no oh you're good at that she was uh pretty bondo'd up there wasn't it duff yeah the old chin has been whacked pretty hard it looks like they uh filled her in with bondo of course that didn't stay so this is the hot rod part of it he claims this is a 351 cleveland and i could tell just by the valve covers that that is not a cleveland ford likes going by how many bolts are in the valve covers looks like this has got one two three four five six bolts um so i'm guessing this is a 289 302 or 351 windsor it says 351 2v and then it says c98e so c is and nine obviously is nine so it's a 69 engine i do believe they had the 351 windsor in 69 so we'll have to uh do some digging to see what exactly this is i don't know how you tell on a ford other than to measure the stroke if we get to that point we'll measure it then looks like they got a cute little car radiator probably out of that same 69 whatever that they grafted it in here since it is an automatic they left the master cylinder for the hydraulic master cylinder in there looks like we got the ballast resistor for the points ignition in there oh yeah no cdi box or whatever ford calls their dura spark box so must just still be the old 69 points looks like they got a couple of voltage regulators over there one probably from the 69 and one original one yeah only two of the three wires are hooked up on the original one so it looks like we got a lot of wiring going on over here we got the easy to steel starter solenoid for fords you get a voltage regulator off of what i would guess is the 69 i believe that's the horn relay probably the original one this looks like the voltage regulator for the original ford 57 version and uh only two of the three wires are hooked up so i'm guessing they just bypass that one the wiring doesn't look that bad actually i mean other than these two wires that are just twisted together here no block heater on this thing must have been a summer ride how about uh heater hoses oh yeah i got a heater hooked up i'm guessing if we could date this presto light battery we could see when this thing was taken off the road there's no plates on it so i don't know and of course it wasn't punched out for the month in the year well maybe it was but highly unlikely what else we got going on here i don't know jimmy check the dipstick it's way over full so that's always not good probably a bunch of water in the bottom coolant remove slowly okay looks like they got that wedged up against the core support she's pretty dry in there so that ain't good originally this pickup would have came with a 223 six cylinder or like a 292 y block so thank goodness it's not a y block but look at these custom engine mounts you can mount a snow plow off of those that's pretty neat right there that's pretty neat there's some pretty ugly wiring going on up here but we won't worry about that so much let's see if it's set to barrel i guess we're gonna have to uh get players to get that does the throttle linkage work oh boy carburetors frozen not off to a good start here how's about turning the fan uh no this might be a very short will it run video yeah right like we ever just give up that easy i suppose let's start ripping into stuff whereas the first thing we do is drain the oil to see how much water is in the bottom of this thing probably not the worst idea i've had i guess we'll crawl underneath it see what we got why does ford always have to use the largest drain plugs ever i mean a 7 8 really you drain the oil that much faster what's gonna be behind door number three i'm betting water lots and lots oh no there's some oil we're gonna miss the pan for sure oh no she's got oil i'm half tempted to just put the plug back in but we'll just dump the oil back in the valve cover if need be so you can see by the axle here that this thing has been sitting in the dirt for a while and also you can see they use the crafts member from whatever they stole the engine out of because ford like these i don't know what you call them tubular engine cross members and they just took that whole thing and just kind of graphed it in here which ain't all bad i mean i've seen worse speaking of worse i just seem worse so we uh thought we were getting lucky by not having any water in the oil pan but uh i just noticed the main leaf spring is busted so we should probably find some leaf springs um because this is the good side the passenger side it busted them all must have been from all those wicked hard launches neutral drops i don't know not good looks like they stole the cross member out of the same car and the torture open a little bit to get the [ __ ] crossmember in there but again not the worst work that front cab mount is wasted there's that cross member that goes in the step area that rots out super rotten duff is over there sleeping in his kennel because he gave up on this thing he knows the luck we have with ford's class facts our favorite and rotten and that's where the exhaust stops on that side driver's side glass backs way better oh dumped it right before the rear end use a little number nine wire quick dick mcdick this has been spotlight on the number nine wire until next time this is quick dick dick reminding you a man will never get tired of pulling on his number nine wire in combination with a rubber hanger oh goodness oh goodness what do we have going on here they took two drive shafts and just kind of sleeved them together oh now we gotta get this thing running to see how bad it vibrates it doesn't look like they're in phase either usually you want to get the front yoke and the back yoke you know on the same plane it looks like they're a couple degrees off and there's a giant dent in the drive shaft so this thing is going to be a fun ride if we get her going i really need to know how they made that work i presume this thing was running and driving at some point typical nine inch needs a pinion seal what if it's got a posie in it probably not dog legs on the back of the cab by the cab corners are m.i.a as well again pretty common on these fridges so while the oil's draining let's pull that air cleaner off and get a better look at that carbonator this thing has definitely not been off in years i like when they use lug nuts as spacers classy iowa things oh just a little mouse house not bad i'm just [Music] doesn't look like they made it through the air filter i believe this is a motorcraft or holley 2100 huge bolt pattern two barrel and she's stuck so now what it was real fast it had one orange plug wire should we pull the valve cover off is that an old mud flap or a floor mat for a battery mount what's rope i thought it was a bungee cord oh no she's a rope wow iowa is getting after it i think i'm gonna go underneath and put the drain plug in and see if there's anything we can get at on the flex plate of this ford but i don't think we can because ford doesn't give you any way to get on the flex plate i think it's the only gm that does that because the mopars don't either so we might have to make a tool for the crank on this silly thing too so on a gm there's an inspection cover on the bottom of the flex plate so you can get at the teeth and you put a bar on there and try to turn over all the ford the inspection cover is on the front so you can't get in there i know some guys take the starter out and you can kind of get in there but that doesn't seem that good either so i think we'll try the uh crank turning tool that we made i think that fit on the 360 that we had on the ford didn't we oh yeah [Music] oh no fit on the mold bar we're gonna make a new one we'll make a new one and uh we'll pull the spark plugs out so we can take a glance in there and look at the spark plugs and see what those look like duff's interest is waning significantly yeah it's getting late long day of moving snow all right let's pull some spark plugs out see how that looks and we can always uh spray some croil in there that'll loosen it up right overnight put the vinegar in there i know that plug don't look so bad champion 860s again not rusty little bit of carbon oh that one's going to be a problem i think these fords they number them starting on the passenger side front one two three four five six seven so number sevens got some humidity in there oh why eight looks good too oh my gosh the mice ate this heater hose down to nothing just the insides worth mentioning though that this swap is so good that they use factory upper and lower radiator hoses see it can be done engine swaps not requiring flexi hoses well done iowa well done yeah a little uh a little bit of rust on number one there not too bad and a little bit of rust on number two as well number three looks pretty good four pretty rusty well i think we know what we're gonna see but let's take a peek in there see just how bad these cylinders are well let's see what the schlong tells us ah number one looks pretty good number two got some cobwebs but not a bunch of rust in there three oh what's that oh she's at top dead center i can't see much but i think it'll be okay four all four looks real good very nice number five again top dead center so can't see much but looks pretty good six looks good seven here's the one that the plug looked the worst some cobwebs charlotte is that you i mean i can't see real well but i don't see anything uh too scary in number seven and last but not least numero ocho oh that looks freaking phenomenal the schlong does not lie so i think we'll uh spray some coil in there maybe pop the valve covers off see what they look like so we don't bend a bunch of stuff up because that's what these fords like to do when we crack them loose oh shoot because these rockered arms are stuck it bent the push rods oh so we uh we screwed it up but um i think it was already pre-screwed and then see if we can't put something on that uh crank pulley down there to turn it over maybe we just stick a battery in and it just turns over how dumb would that be easy enough to try i guess spray some lube in there first busting out a new canna mr benoist croil well what's holding these battery cables on oh boy they've been on their while our collectors are looking for uh crystal light batteries oh let's slide a little nancy in here sorry nancy you're not old clean those up a bit no smoke all right i always get these mixed up [Music] 50 50 90 rule 50 50 odds if you're wrong 90 of the time [Music] i told you i think it moved she's just a little sticky oh uh is that fan hitting that radiator is that just dancing around that much oh yeah fan definitely hits a little radiator hose oh i just noticed all the stuff that they cut out down here but that fan is definitely hitting the lower radiator hose so the radiator's got to go down or the engine's got to go up better yet we just take the fan off and then that's not going to be a problem for now my guess is that the engine mounts settled rotted deteriorated left the building and the engine sank down a little bit in the cradle there and that fan is hitting that mower radiator hose so engine needs to come up we got time for that though ain't nobody got time for that so we're just going to pop fan off quick we'll put it on later if need be we get to that point but this thing freaking turns over how sweet is that carburetor doesn't turn but we're getting there so we need to pull that off half inch let's just take this whole belt off so well yeah that wouldn't be any fun let's put some bolts in it short ones couldn't find any bolts short enough 5 16 fine thread and i'm worried about them i don't know hitting the cast thing on the water pump on the back side so in the spirit of cobbling things together we just put a stack of washers on there that's right we're not above it and definitely no need for four bolts pudding says if two don't hold it four never would have i just noticed the crank is just about touching that little radiator hose too so i'm gonna just push on and make a little clearance no problem i guess since we gotta turn over we don't be picking up any old fuel i think the fuel tank is behind the seat in this i guess i didn't even pay attention that's where it should be let's uh pull that fuel line off oh man she's even wet with fuel doesn't smell like fuel doesn't smell bad but water maybe i don't know maybe the rona made it so i can't smell anything i don't know what to do now we got to turn it over i guess we could check for compression we should probably put oil back in it we're going to be turning it over a bunch we could we could check for compression and that would happen on it it's not going to hurt it right sure hope we didn't bend a bunch of push rods by some blocked up rocker shafts we haven't had a ford windsor on this channel yet i don't think just fes and uh 223's they like ben and rocker arms arms push rods rock arms like seasoned ben and push rods but this one's turning over a lot faster than any of them ever did let's uh do the quick finger compression test nice part about no fan is no fingers are going to be lost it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up famous last words good real good seven was that rusty plug that one's not so good looks like a pile of oil around number eight on the inner fender so eight's good one that's super good two is good well that's actually three two isn't so good four's good now one good i think she's worth putting oil in and then we'll get some spark and either have to clean up a carburetor or see if we can find one of them i think we'll get her cleaned up i mean everything else is cleaning up all right so maybe we'll even spin a new filter on it maybe look at that found a b2 baldwin filter on the shelf fits forwards you could tell cause i wrote it on there and we got some chevron dello dilo dello 10w30 with iso sin advanced technology it's good for diesel engines heavy duty it's sin blend so it's way too good for this but that's what we got comment down below are frams as bad as everybody says they are a lot of horror stories on the internet i've never had any issues but i gave up on using them about 10 years ago this is most definitely not like mortsky repair to uh change oil and filter on an engine before they ever even get it running one that was stuck just moments ago what does the world come to get our oil changed got our positive battery cable unhooked i'm gonna spray some lube on the carburetor and we're gonna shut her down for the night she's getting late and uh we got a big day of getting this thing going tomorrow so we're gonna call it a night a little croil is good a lot's better that throttle shaft will just free itself up in the morning i bet probably free right now nope definitely stuck all right enough for today cutting out wanna get back at it today you just hang out there and relax okay capisce well let's see if our carb soak did anything overnight throttle shaft's gonna move i bet not [Music] sure enough let's put some leverage on there you know really get after it oh there we go probably not the right thing to do oh never been in the bracket yeah we better take it apart so did a little research last night and turns out if you got 16 bolts holding the intake down eight on each side it's a 351 windsor if it's got six on each side similar to a small block chevy it's a 289 or 302 so we got these two up here one here two here one more here two back there that makes eight so it is a 351 windsor so i guess that's better than a 289 302 maybe i mean horsepower wise but i think they're harder to find parts for from what i've seen anyway right farmstead i'm gonna pop this cap off to get these wires out of the way and then we'll get that carburetor off [Music] the base of the car doesn't look too bad doesn't look terrible on the inside so hopefully we can get it freed up relatively easy oh boy [Applause] see i don't know what we're gonna do clamp her in the old vice and work her back forth a little bit let's put some movie doobie on there see if she comes out of it this does have the automatic choke option on it let's see if we can get her loosened up posted a picture of the old presta light battery to instagrammer last night somebody said check the date code so the code is 5k2108tp tv i'm guessing five means the fifth k is the eleventh month which is november two would be the year maybe so the fifth of november 1982. so if that's the case this thing's been off the road for almost 40 years well provided since that battery was new so let's say that battery lasted five years let's just say 35 years she's been off the road seven 34 years whatever you get it let's get a carb loose [Applause] is ready to clamp this thing let's put a new gasket on it let's leave that one on there so we can clamp on it not worry about mounting up the surface how about that the dumbest thing is we snap the ear off by cranking on it they're moving a little bit [Music] there we got a good bite nope not on the carpet [Music] all right and it almost oh it is return on its own it's pretty good pretty good duff he's not impressed carburetors are not his thing rides are though see if we can find a fresh base gasket for this thing hopefully we didn't screw the base the carb up or the linkage too much she was stuck pretty good looks like we found a car quest g26746 carburetor mounting gasket oh made in the good old united states of america i think that'll work for what we need that'll do pig that will do that oh my gosh this is some freaking napa-esque stuff right here though fort up yeah somebody in usa needs to learn how to spell front i was so excited that it told us which way to put this on but i don't know which is the fort side we need to work on our spelling america get the old super scraper out ford and their silly heat riser vacuum adapter plates now let's uh install our gasket for it up it does have this little opening right here but it's blocked off so should be good to go [Music] i'm sure that carburetor is going to be no good but at least she's uh free-ish [Music] i don't like that gas pedal linkage maybe tighten her up some more seems like the gas pedal definitely isn't getting full throttle for sure we're getting about half throttle so a couple things that tell me this thing wasn't a real hot this guy said it was a drag truck that's what it was that's an old drag truck so i was thinking like yeah you know dual quads this and that no it's a single two barrel gas pedal hooked up that only gets half throttle this thing should go back to about here i think the gas pedal is binding on the floor in there we could fix that really all it needs is just a shorter throttle linkage and no headers i mean if you're gonna go fast you gotta have headers especially back in the day whatever let's see if we can get some sparkage now it actually it looks real good in here surprisingly enough that's a ground that wire's bare but that should be fine points are a little crowdy oh yeah just give her the old mortzky flick with your finger should be fine now so let's hook the battery back up run a jumper wire over to the positive side of the coil and see what we got we're gonna need the coil wire back off that distributor too all right see if we got sparkage what's gonna be grounded no fan to worry about no spark now we got power there because it's turning over and we got that hooked to the other end of the loser switch the positive side of this so let's open till the points are closed give these suckers a flick got power in there now still nothing might have to clean them up like our power wire stick our ponzi file in there give them a couple flicks yes for a gun lock now let's see what we got all kinds of good hot spark okay put our plugs back in give her some hot sauce right just that easy let's give her a little hot sauce somebody was kind enough to send us some two-stroke oil so now we got two-stroke gas for all the upper cylinder lubrication where is the vent on these i'll see things guys hopefully well there goes nothing first start in 35 years slingshot engage slingshot engaged sounds like i can hear spark in there nothing [Music] oh she's trying we need more gas she's close i can see an oil leak on the floor so let's check that out is that engine oil hopefully it's not coming outside of the block i don't see anything up here pretty steady drip whatever it is well that's definitely transmission fluid the [ __ ] cooler lines wrap along the oil pan here and one of those must have rubbed through or rotted through perfect other thing is i don't see a dipstick for the transmission anywhere around here [Applause] so how are we filling that up where's the dipstick jimmy that's the vacuum hose clearly with that leak we're gonna need to address that so at some point we'll go underneath figure that out but see if we can get it running first and then we'll worry about fixing the [ __ ] cooler line and finding the dipstick so we can top it off don't run we don't need to do that but i think she's gonna go let's give her some of the good stuff that's got upper cylinder lubricant already in it even though we don't have a nozzle for it we can fix that come on someone's got to get in there ho ho you can hear the transmission hissing all over it's alive i think it'll go we gotta fix that [ __ ] cooler line cause it's hissing pretty good down there yeah we're definitely losing transmission fluid we should fix that and holy buckets for soybeans and rust batman and smoke i like it i like it a lot i'm sure the mice were carrying the beans up in the exhaust good stuff smoked up shop a little bit duff still has zero excitement we'll go for a ride now he's got the excitement i was just teasing you it's going to take a little bit yet i'm going to unhook the coil maybe shut the battery charger up too she's getting a little weak i think we got to hook fuel up to it too i think that'll help the whole situation what would really help is a different carburetor because that thing's not gonna be good i'm gonna go underneath see what you can't do to fix up that [ __ ] cooler line and then i'm also gonna see if we can't find out why there's no dipstick wish me luck only makes me have to take a leak too so underneath unhook the transmission cooler lines going into the transmission and we're just going to put these barb adapters on and some 5 16 transmission cooler hose see that transmission oil cooler hose sae j1019 you can't use fuel hose it'll work for a little while and then it'll fail and uh then you probably won't have a transmission anymore if you don't catch it in time always use transmission oil cooler hose i don't know what it is about it but i seems like whatever's in transmission fluid eats up fuel line and uh they cause issues i don't like to use hose i prefer steel lines but this will work for what we're doing here then i got some of these inverted flare to barb adapters they're slightly different but they got the chamfer on the inside so they'll work with inverted flare nothing fancy and we'll get some good old american-made hose clamps should be good to go all right i'm gonna go do that oh and while i was under there i found the dipstick it's hidden right here by the manifold of course so that's good we don't have to worry about finding a dipstick so we got our boat tank hooked up get an electric fuel pump if we need it we'll probably use that to try to prime this mechanical fuel pump let's uh see if we'll take off now oh we got nothing why do we got nothing no for cheese and rice well now i don't want to crank over we know we got power because the fuel pump's running if our solenoid decided to give up the ghost or what let's bypass the starter solenoid you're kidding me the starter just up and decided to go out i guess i'll go underneath to check the connection on the starter that somehow went bad was that why you're always laying there probably looks like a ground i don't know wiggle the starter connection down there see what happens now i don't get it what could we have possibly screwed up i guess we're due to work on a starter maybe it's just stuck in gear starter bendix or if we try turning the engine of course the belt just wants to spin well now still nothing what the french toast i guess i could go underneath hit it with a hammer that always fixes them now it's gotta go right i mean it doesn't guess i'm pulling a starter off i mean what else would you guys expect i just don't get how that thing went bad when it worked fine but mere moments ago all right we got this thing out now i'm sure we'll bench test it and it'll be just fine so i guess i'll just put it back in and it'll fix itself for dome so before we whammy this starter on when i was trying to figure out my engine size debacle it said that look at the casting number but conveniently forward to hit him behind at the starter so since we got the starter off look at the casting number here the casting number for the block is c90e dash so that decodes it as a 69 351w now a little tiny date code up there says 8d18 so that means it was cast on april 18th 1968. that doesn't make sense should be 1969 but whatever maybe they were building engines way ahead of time like eight months at a time so that just confirms it's a 69 351 windsor all right now let's stick that starter back in there yay yay and that's your useless information on ford engine identification the more you know [Music] okay here goes nothing what the heck did our cable go bad we have a bad connection i don't get it i guess we'll try some new battery cables the battery shouldn't be that dead i should at least make it go thud sure enough seven volts well i was away for lunch i left it hooked up and uh must have just drained the battery i just did all that messing around because i'm too lazy to just check a battery and check the simple things tech tip of the day just start with the simple things i guess we'll throw this on the charger see if we can round up another battery perfect we could edit this out we'll leave it in there because uh i'm sure some of you have done dumb things like that too i said i didn't put a new starter on i don't like those posts being up underneath there but it's a ford battery you can tell because it's got the f which means the terminals are backwards just the way ford likes now she's gonna crank by the power of grayskull dumb i guess i'll put everything back together now maybe we'll bypass some of this wiring that they got on the solenoid up here because guessing that's where our draw is at one two three four five eyelets coming off that solenoid i feel like that's a bit excessive what do i know now i couldn't go over with loser switch perfect try number two she just wanted some fuel [Music] it's alive [Music] actually didn't sound too bad cheese sounds a little boggy i don't know if that's timing crappy plug wire crafty plugs or that carburetor but she's running sounds like the timing's off oh yeah we don't have the vacuum advance hooked up whoopsies so i bet if we hook that up that'll help look who woke up to come see what was going on yeah let's see if we can get some coolant in it i noticed that this really chewy hose is chewed right through so i think we're gonna just plug the heater hoses also we to figure out how to lift the engine up and get clearance for that radiator hose down there and the fan and everything else i'm guessing we can't move the radiator down we'll have to move the engine up and we need to find some leaf springs too probably and get brakes let's work on the uh cooling debacle first what is the bracket isn't even attached to anything this side it is well this set they wanted it to be up high like this side but they couldn't because then i would run in to that lower pulley let's work on cooling system things [Music] [Applause] so okay so here's what we're looking at here's the engine mount here's the bracket that holds it and there's a 7 16 or a half inch bolt going through right here that mounts it so i think we're going to do is take that nut off jack up on the oil pan and then try to slip some shims in between here oh you can see the engine mount is torn so that'll be temporary maybe if we can find some new engine mounts that will be the long-term solution because i can't imagine that they put this thing in here had that interfering like that but maybe oh look at those welds not bad ray charles not bad at all all right i'm gonna pull these off and i'm to measure these springs while i'm under here see if we can find some leaf springs well i found us a pair of springs they're on an axle i always got to go pull them off in a snow bank in the dark if we got everything you need because it's a couple miles out of town too probably best we do this in the dark just kidding we're not stealing them got a pry bar hammer socket set impact grab some coil flashlight gloves what more do we need stuff to protect me from wild animals that's all well duff supposed to protect me from scary things [Music] tech tip of the day always bring an extra battery or at least bring a full one and not the one that's on one bar dang it all right try number two we brought fully charged batteries times two what do you think we're gonna get it this time you're just gonna be looking for rabbits i know [Music] thanks man you were a lot of help couldn't have done it without you such a good poppers such a good poppers well if that wasn't a bunch of dinking around huh duff but at least we got the springs we need i didn't even measure them i know they're out of a 58 long box should fit a 57 short box ford would be so dumb to change it from the first year to the second year they made the fridges though right duff says yeah so we're gonna let those thought warm up and uh i think we're gonna punch out for tonight i don't have any engine mounts for this thing so we'll have to figure out some shims i looked and that tube crossmember thing looks like ended in 64 in galaxies so i'm guessing they took a galaxy crossmember and engine mounts and put it on a later 69 because i looked at all the 69 models and all have a through bolt instead of a vertical single stud so i don't know it's a mishmash of parts i'm thinking either way uh nobody's around here's gonna have engine mounts until significantly later so we're just gonna have to shimmer up call it good what are you doing you lunatic is it that late in the night that we need to uh put you to bed weirdo or punch down what do you think you want to go underneath and swap some springs quick you look way too comfortable in there all right well duff crashes out i'm gonna get this thing jacked up and on jackson oh now you're gonna help just put it on jack stands maybe okay that sounds like work yeah act disinterested put on some jack stands and uh start pulling some u-bolts and fighting all the bolts that go through the bushings because yeah those usually never come out that well looks like these are uh pretty chewed up too so that'll be fun such is life oh we did find an engine mount boom tube did some exhaust for us on the jeepster he's a ford freak so he had a slightly used engine mount on the shelf hopefully it's the right one that stud looks too big whatever ford things [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i'd like to say the hard part's over now we got to get the bolts out of our two new springs those springs ain't the greatest either but duff come check them out what do you think they're better he says so we gotta get those bolts out these things are gonna need new bushings but it'll get it so it's safe fish to put on the road inspector duff says so let me get those bushings out and then we'll slide these things in stuff says hurry up so you can go for a ride don't look too close underneath there you might find some other stuff we got to address all right back at here [Music] that one fell right out you'd see they got this metal sleeve around the outside and this one was worn into pretty well usually those stick to the bolt and that's why you have to torch them out and since we don't have that sleeve in ours and the rubber bushing is pretty much wasted it's it's gone now completely gone and they were worn into the spring before so they need new bushings but at least uh the main leaf's in one piece so if i was going to keep this thing i would put new bushings in and i would probably pull a couple leaves out to get her lower and i would probably find another axle and send it off to sids or somebody like that put a couple inch drop into it and new kingpins and brakes and everything else but we're just going to slam it back together because as always we're on a budget showing you guys how to do stuff cheap so i'm guessing these leaf springs that i got from muffins brother are probably gonna cost us a case of beer so at least we won't lose the shop on this one well yet it's a ford so we're a long ways from driving stopping steering enough yakityak let's put these springs back springing into action since we had to torch these rear hanger bolts out they were a 7 16 by three and a half inch fine thread we don't have any 7 16 fine thread that long like to be honest i didn't even look so we got a four inch 7 16 coarse thread it's just gonna have to do good enough for the girls we go with right now why isn't this lining up i hope these are the right springs ford you didn't change something mid-year did you okay front's in place hopefully this goes now nice part about not having any bushings you should do one a lot easier baby spoke too soon for cheese and rice got it yeah that's how tight she is without any bushings it'll be fine it's got new bolts right good to go now we just got to do the other side and the fronts and u-bolts and shock mounts i'm done easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] [Music] front end is in place there was a original crossmember that ran across right here underneath the original engine and the brake line was tied to that now we just got it held in by hopes and dreams so no big deal just breaks we'll let this down we're going to pull the bolts out of the engine mounts we're going to put a piece of wood in between the jack and the oil pan and lift the engine up see if we can make ourselves some clearance clearance we have clearance clearance roger roger what's our vector victor between the harmonic balancer and crank pulley and that rad meter hose should be fun [Music] be strong little oil pan well here's part of the deal it looks like there's a rubber mount and then that metal bolts the engine then there's this metal mount that has the stud that goes to this mount it's bolted to that and that's loose plus the rubber is tore significantly so i don't know if this is a factory mount or something they cobbled together because i think that this mount is off of like a 64 on down galaxy this big tubing and then this does not that mount is looks like what we found i don't know i don't know what's going on here ford guys comment but this does not look like a 69 mount it should have a through bolt going all the way through it according to the interwebs the rock auto but so we're just going to put some washers in there try to shim that should be that easy right yeah right yeah i feel like there should be another bolt or a stud or something there what do i know and that rubber shouldn't have that giant gaping crack in it just how deep is it only a couple inches ick so i just took a peak up top we got all kinds of real estate up there for a fan and between the lower radiator hose and the harmonic balancer and crank pulley so we try to put a couple of these shims on each side maybe we can only get away with one but we're gonna try two hopefully we get enough threads sticking through worst engine mount design i've seen all day well got them in there let's see if we can get to the other side why doesn't that want to line up all right ended up going with just one shim on each side because there wasn't enough threads to catch the nut on there i thought about actually putting like a c clamp just to hold it because i checked up top and we had all kinds of clearance with two shims but i don't know let's put the fan on see what we got with one so we could always put a longer bolt in there but let's be honest it needs new mounts and maybe even needs to be re-engineered all right let's take the weight off this jack go up top spin the fan on and uh see if we got any clearance oh yeah i almost get my finger in between the pulley and the belt the radiator hose so i think we'll put the fan on because that thing was really making contact let's see what we got i'm sure it's going to smash right into it and we'll have to do something different like not run a fan oh yeah right up there with flexi hoses and craggers electric fans nothing i hate worse than you're sitting at a car show and the guy next to his fans are running on his car and he's nowhere to be found the best is when he comes back he throws his lawn chairs in the back and he's got a dead battery because he wired his fan up to uh constant power instead of key power yeah then i like hearing them idle by and they got super quiet exhaust all i hear is [Applause] yeah sounds like a freight train coming through because he's got this big electric fan mechanical fans they're the wave of the future of the past whatever they work great all right rant over mechanical fan time [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like we got plenty of real estate in between that little radiator hose and the fan blade so good to go before we set it on the ground i'm gonna see if we can't get some sort of brakes going i think what i'm gonna do is take that cap off see just how terrible it looks in that master cylinder and then we're probably gonna cap off the line going to the rear because i took one of those apart to make this thing roll i'm pretty sure hopefully that wasn't a front i don't remember this was months ago yeah we don't need rears burnouts scampers let's blow them off so we'll cap the rear off just to make sure that that thing isn't super nasty i don't have much faith in that master cylinder but it's what we got so here we go surely this can't be stripped out surely you can't be serious i am serious and don't call me shirley oh for cheese and rice oh well we got a nice access hole for filling it duff you're not impressed are you oh who puts a threaded mouse or cylinder cap on and then makes it out of a dissimilar material nice work ford motor corporation i wonder if we can just ear chisel that son of a biscuit right off there whatever we're just gonna fill it through the top is what it is seems really fighting us isn't it pal yeah well we gave up on the brakes because that set of brakes is right there i capped off the rear because we didn't want rears and the left front wheel you can turn the wheel but the drum stays stationary so either i torched that one out or somebody else did but we got no front brakes and we capped off the rear so i guess the only thing we could do is run a new line to the rear but the master cylinders junk so the only thing we could really do is replace switch parts you know we're not about doing that so what do we do instead we got the throttle working didn't we full throttle and we got crankage see if it starts it ain't gonna but oh popped right off i didn't prime it or nothing well i guess we should probably put some coolant in it before we smoke ourselves out of here and then top off the transmission and hope that works and then yeah i think we're pretty much ready for a ride i did move the fuel tank to the inside so duff can keep an eye on that and it doesn't slide out on us we also replace the old bungee cord with a made in usa 40 year old tarp strap our fuel pump up here which i don't know if we're gonna need it or not but we got it in line we can hook it up shoot let's uh throw some [ __ ] fluid in it see if it goes forward and backwards and throw some water or coolant or something in it see what happens there pretty exciting oh weird it's not even on the stick duff go check underneath see when he's running out don't drink it if it is i love spilling coolant just spilling in general that fancy funnel we got just thought about that now coolant's topped off jump in start it up running through the gears see if the wheels turn and then we'll uh check the transfusion fluid it's like a clam i think so oh you are alive or the odds it starts up again way too easy you want to bump it into gear or bump the throttle keep it running get a lot of help [Music] i think we might need to turn the idle up just a hair okay a lot whatever now we'll try it [Music] wheels are turning on i did spin the wheels by hand and they both spin opposite directions so she's not a posi the drag truck myth is completely quashed other than and probably pulled a sweet wheelie it came down really hard and that's how it broke the leaf springs yeah not likely only stubby bob can do that you know why stubby bob can do that no not because the short wheelbase because it's got a chevy engine in it just kidding we love windsors and cleveland's and y blocks flat heads all the same little's good a lot is better did you know that transmission fluid is highly flammable i don't know what highly flammable but you spit it on some exhaust manifolds and things turn ugly real quick [Music] the whole pickup's shaking surely because of that driveshaft and we gotta hook that fuel pump up fuel pump hooked up how's it gonna go oh boy don't stand on the steps let's just been running off whatever fuel was in the carburetor got that line unhooked we got nothing gotta turn the shutoff valve on on the uh fuel tank whoopsies you got gas now let's try her again all right here we go you got plenty of fuel now [Music] i did put a new uh spark plug wire on the number two cylinder because that one was pretty much busted all the way through so maybe that was good ah our pontiac attack don't work we got reverse oh yeah this thing just shakes violently just moving the tires that slow i don't know if it's the wheel throwing that out of balance or one square or that drive shaft but it's we're just gonna shave out the jack stands [Music] let me go check that fluid oh and that seat gets worse every time i sit on it well we got reverse and we got carbon monoxide poisoning let's uh hope this thing's full let's get out of here get the door open anyway right duff now we can use a little bit more i should about do it under here i don't know what i'm forgetting something i'm sure hopefully that don't fly open first time seeing it on the ground since we put leaf springs in it yep definitely sits too high i should clean out that windshield maybe no i'll clean off my side anyway i think it's on the inside kidding i think it's laminated into the middle of the glass i think we're about ready to go one thing i'm worried about on this thing the big thing that i'm worried about on this thing i should say is the tires the uh scamper maypops back here i don't even know those only like a street tire those look like something should be on a swather and that drive shaft combined with that she's gonna be a shaky ride what do you think duff should go over ride hold up let's go let's go go for a ride no all right suit yourself [Music] well you see how the old red rocket does see if she's really a drag truck yeah what he said let's uh let's just hope we don't lose a tire here we go i really don't like the shifter [Music] she steers hard [Music] oh man that steering is real stiff [Music] it does spin them but it shakes violently [Music] there is something wasted in the front end because it's like fighting you going towards that ditch and you subtract it and it goes that ditch [Music] hey we hit second [Music] oh my yeah there's something in the steering box that's bound up [Music] hopefully the township's got the road cleared off [Music] he's kind of squirrely not because the horsepower bronchus have tires in the snow but no speedometer [Music] no any gauges it looks like she rides uh rougher than a cop it's a little nippy good thing i brought my gloves what you had an extra pair of gloves this whole time yeah we're in the rockies maybe you should wear these extra gloves my hands are starting to get sweaty you've had this pair of extra gloves this whole time yeah we're in the rockies oh drag truck she runs all right there's a good ford good board just watching the roosters fly across the road i'm just trying to stay on the road this is like in the movies where people just kind of swerve back and forth steering is not good on this thing oh man we did hit third gear let's reverse well we made it to donut corner duff what do you think should we try a donut end up in the ditch no brakes super sketchy steering i hope we're not stuck right here these tires are not good there's a baby donut good news is if we got stuck with all the vibration in the driveline i think it would shake us right out that was kind of fun if we had brakes and steering pretty good this steering is so bad like i'm literally more afraid of the steering than i am on the brakes this is like a new distance trigger well because i ended up facing the wrong way and i don't have brakes just like i used reverse this hasn't been plowed out yet this year oh this driveway isn't plowed either great well folks we're doing one of these new distance record things because none of the turnarounds are cleared off and i know as soon as i get off the road these tires are going to spin me out of sight whatever even if they don't i don't want to find those i don't know who we're going to call the steering is so bad i cannot believe how good this thing runs for being on the road for 35ish years literally all we did was hook up fuel to it oh this railroad approach looks better-ish [Music] i don't think transmission's like being thrown into reverse when they're rolling forward maybe ford's like it things don't slide sideways when we back up [Music] oh boy [Music] [Music] sorry though driven big rigs turn better than this thing thank goodness they didn't put one of those little three pronged superior racing wheels like pudding's got hanging on the wall never be able to turn this thing [Music] the nice part about all the snow is if you got a leak you can uh identify it or you can see it behind you you can tell what color fluid it is quite easily oh this thing is so terrible i mean you drive great for it you're great you're fine everything is fine this is fine i'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently this guy thinks i'm getting out of the way we're stopping he's okay too fast this thing get louder doc didn't start driving any better part of the reason we're doing this is supposed to be the nicest weather we're going to have all week the joys of living south canada [Music] this thing got louder and running worse or something didn't lose a tire i think this thing's true but i think she's not i also did not notice a transmission [Music] it's just well looks like we're gonna make it back to town well looks like we're gonna make her home i think i'll make it up the hill not a chance it only shakes [Music] what am i gonna do once i get it up there shut it off well between the steering lack of brakes and all the snow that was one of the uh more exciting rides the tougher i've ever had yeah i know you see all the birds all right go get the birds good stuff good stuff a little warm a little warm i'm just uh pushing a little water out not bad dang it waste a bunch of good coolant on that too sure it's not that cap that doesn't have a seal in it oh there's no pressure on that why's that thermostat stuck put that on the list get a new hose while we're at it duff did you find those birds duff loves the hoover sniff don't you yeah get your face right in that hoover sniff i'm kicking up a little snow on the back huh duff yeah these tires are like glass not good well kids we got a hot rodded 1957 ford f-100 back on the road that probably been sitting for roughly 35 years going by the age of the battery that was in this thing i'm guessing the tires are even older than that the shag carpet giveaway this thing was built in the mid to late 70s but anyway we got it on the road we took it for a test drive this needs a lot of work she needs floors clearly got a cooling issue use a little wiring some tires brakes steering i don't know what it is with that steering box between being worn out and just bound up from i don't know the springs being broken or if it was in a collision or dropped or sat in the dirt but it needs a steering box or it needs something because it steers super hard and super sloppy and it's super dangerous so if you need this thing because i don't duff's not in love with it he doesn't approve of it more info down in the description this thing could be yours it's a great start to a project actually outside it doesn't look that bad you know the dog leg stuff a little bit in the bottom of the doors and the cab corners but clearly it needs all the stuff on the inside but the box floor is good tailgate's got a few huis in it but super good start to a hot rod another one in the books i gotta go inside and have a sandwich warm up remember doesn't matter to get it done i guess you're having fun i don't even know if that was fun scamping around in the snow that was pert near scary stuff wants to go for another ride you like this thing huh you told me just didn't stuff where did all that rusty water come from sorry greta how dare you it'll be okay ford [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 161,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford f100, ford truck, ford fridge, ford mustang, 351w, 351 windsor, 351 cleveland, will it run?!?, vgg, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, puddins fab shop, pfs, jyd, junkyard digs, junkyard mook, watch wes work, chevahaulic, waylon wire, mr heavy chevy, drag truck, cobra, straight axle, shortbed, shortbox, fleetside, shag carpet, bench seat, hurst shifter, floor shifter, rat rod, hot rod, hot rod truck, chevy, dodge, mopar lil red express truck, gasser, custom truck, pickup, nos
Id: ZscExYbe4c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 27sec (5307 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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