Super Cool and Inexpensive RV Hacks, Tips and Tricks

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hey welcome back today I want to go over with you a few super cool and inexpensive RV hacks and mods that are going to help make your camping experience a lot safer and a lot more enjoyable so let's go check them out here's a nice inexpensive mod that we did to the wardrobe storage slide-out that's really inexpensive and really makes a big difference in the storage let me bring you in a little closer and I'll show you how to do it okay so the wardrobe storage slide is usually meant for hanging clothes and you can see it's nice and mirrored in the front but what we wanted is a little bit more Longway storage so what I did is and you can see that you can see the clothes bar is still there what I did is I went to my handy dandy Home Depot and I got some command hooks and I put four command hooks on each side there and there and then I got some of this nice wire shelving and I measured it and I had a cutout sanded the sides and I just hung it on the command hooks and if you want to use this as hanging clothes storage both of these shelves are totally removable and they're on with command hooks then we went to the discount store and we got some of these little bins and these bins just slide right out and they can hold all of your items t-shirts socks whatever you want to put in there and they slide right in there and they act as little drawers we got a couple of them got one on that side got one on this side but it'll fit three in the middle storage area so now we've got two wonderful shelves and that's just that just tripled our storage area if we need some hanging clothes storage we still have the hanging clothes storage on this site but this is nice and inexpensive all it took was eight command hooks and two pieces of wire shelving and bam you have shelves let's go in the bathroom now okay so coming in the bathroom a couple of cool little items the first one is get these little velcro take on lights and this just sticks on with a little circular piece of velcro and if you if you need to use the bathroom at night or something and you don't want to turn on the huge bright light all you do is just tap it and it dims and it's off and that if you don't want to disturb whoever else is sleeping that really throws off just the right amount of light so you can see what you're doing in the bathroom at night these are really really cool very inexpensive and they just velcro onto the walls another suggestion is inside the medicine cabinet this is a good one it is inside the medicine cabinet it's a good idea to just measure the medicine cabinet and get some cheap curtain rods and put them in your medicine cabinet you can also use these for the kitchen cabinets we've got one on the lower and one on the upper we don't have anything in the upper because we're not traveling right now but these really help with your traveling so that your stuff doesn't go sliding all over the place and your medicine cabinet so just an inexpensive curtain rod one on the upper side and one on the lower side really helps to keep your items from sliding all around in the medicine cabinet here's another cool and then I did to the shower first thing I did was I took out the cheap shower head and I replaced it with one of these nice oxygenic showers shower heads and this is really made for short people because you'll notice that this bracket is actually upside down there's a screw right here and then there's a screw right in the middle of the ball what I what you can take this apart and what I did is I took off the old shower head I took out the ball and I just rotated this 180 degrees use the existing top hole now it's the bottom screw hole and I put eight and I put another screw right through the middle in the bottom where the hole was so now it's my shower head is about three inches higher than the other shower head and I'm Stuart and I had a heart getting under that that now I can really get under the oxygenic showerhead so all I did was take the existing bracket and I rotated it 180 degrees it raised up the the showerhead to a perfect height another pretty cool thing I did was I was getting a lot of sunlight and a lot of heat through the skylight so and this one's on with about ten screws I don't know whether you can see him it's kind of bright you know it's on with ten screws so what I did is I just took down the inside part took it into my bench and I put a piece of that non-slip shelf liner on the top of the skylight to give it a little bit more insulation and it cuts down on the heat at least 50% before it was burning all the way down to where my hand was now it keeps the heat all the way up there and that diffuses the light also and what it was doing is it was actually turning the inside of my shower stall yellow from all of the sunlight in here so that really cuts down on the brightness of the light it diffuses the light and it really helps keep the heat out let's go check out a few other things all right we were talking about those little curtain rods that I used for the cabinet in medicine cabinet in the bathroom I had this little spice rack cabinet so I just got I did the same thing I got a couple of little smaller curtain rods and now all my spices don't go flying out when I'm traveling along the road you know use your imagination on this you can really help yourself out another thing I did is I added a set of these little Midland walkie talkies these are really really cool you know if I'm backing in my wife can have one and I can have one and she can tell me when I'm getting too close or if I'm walking around the campground we don't have to use our cell phones we can just you know it's calling these little two-way radios and these are really really cool and inexpensive and they're actually have a pretty good range another thing that I did was this is just a Walmart clock okay and this goes this is powered by one double-a battery I believe and this tells me a lot of things that tells me the time it tells me the date it tells me the day so I'm not all confused when I'm traveling and it also tells me the inside temperature of the RV so that I can check it against the thermostat so this this is one of those multifunction clocks I think that you can get these for seven or eight dollars at Walmart really really good purchase you can get a lot of information off of this let's check out a couple other things all right here's another pretty cool item no it's not a club for intruders what this is is it unrolls and it's a little dish strainer so when you're doing dishes and you're washing them in one side and it'll go on either side you know so when you're washing dishes and you've got your dishes all clean now you can just set them down and you have a dish string you can still use the underside for stuff to put other dishes in but now you can strain you you can dry all your dishes and cups you don't have to lay them on a towel on the counter that's a really big help because as everybody knows counter space in an RV is really really limited so anything any time you can get something easy like this to help it just works great and these just roll up like this and they store right in a cabinet pretty nifty huh let's check out some other stuff here's a good one everybody should have one of these because this this doubles your counter space that all this is is a cover for the stove and this isn't hinged at all this is just one piece you can pick it up and you can lay it over there and then you can get to your stove or when you're traveling or when you're at your destination you know this just doubles as additional counter space so that really really helps it really really doubles your counter space it's got this shelf liner sticky shelf liner stuff the same stuff that I put on the top of the shower skylight on it and we've never had that move in all of our travel so that'll stay right on there and it really makes a big difference in counter space so that's a really good item to have all right another couple of things now I'm inside the refrigerator and what I did is I went to Target and I got this little thermometer this is the outside unit so you put batteries in there and set it on the counter and it tells you what the temperature is outside the unit and it also hooked up to a sending unit and the sending unit that I have is that little guy right there so all you do is you put batteries on here and all I did is I just I just zip tied it to the bottom rung it's out of the way and what that does is it that sends the temperature to the sending unit and it tells me what the temperature is inside my refrigerator and this has got a pretty good range I can sit this in the house and I can monitor my refrigerator you know you always want to turn your refrigerator on a day or so before you go so it cools down and your your refrigerator is only gonna cool down one to two degrees per hour so I the day before we usually go or usually load the refrigerator I'll turn this on turn refrigerator on and I'll turn the sending unit on and I'll put this in the house so the refrigerator can sit out here all night and cool down and when I get up in the morning it shows me the temperature refrigerator so we're ready to go so I got that at Target I think it was fifteen dollars really really helpful unit another helpful thing was I rigged myself up a little fan and this is an old fan from this is an old CPU fan from a computer what I did is I took the old computer apart took the fan off of the CPU and I took an old phone cord and I cut the phone cord and I just soldered the wires tape the outside and I and I zip tied it to the shelf of the refrigerator and I power this with these little four hundred milli amp power supplies that you get at Best Buy these goes on these go on sale for and on three or four bucks apiece what you do is if I can get it from one hand you just plug this in let me plug this in okay there we go plugged in as you can see the fans running you can probably hear it what that does is that draws the air the cool air up and it circulates the air around and it circulates the air across the cooling fins these are the cooling fins for your refrigerator so this circulates the air up and moves it on those cooling fins and it helps your refrigerator work a lot better and it helps it cool down a lot quicker so they sell these regular fans that that are battery powered fans and you can just set them in the bottom I decided to make up one out of a cheap little CPU fan because I'm cheap I don't want to spend any money on anything and the little power supply will power this fan for about 18 hours I carry a couple of those and just just charge them up and just swap them out as I need to so a little refrigerator fan really helps your refrigerator cool here's another good one this is just one of those little furniture cubes that I got at Target I think for 20 or 30 dollars and you know it you can move it around it's got the nice feet on the bottom of it and it's nice and padded on the top you can use this as an extra seat you can use it as a footrest but here is the really cool thing because storage is so paramount in an RV it's a cube it opens up so you can put a lot more stuff in there that's about a foot and a half cubic foot and that's like 1.5 cubic feet in there so that's a really good item to have just an inexpensive furniture cube and it stays right here and it doesn't move let's check out some other stuff here's another cool item this is just a cheap ten dollar auxilary fan that I got at Home Depot and what this does is when your air conditioner is on and you're trying to cool down your RV you just turn on your fan and this really helps circulate the air through the whole entire RV and it really helps the air conditioner put down it's hot plus it's you know it's it's not very loud it's got three speeds so you can you know you can just have this running continuously if you want to but here's a good idea nice little cooling fan really helps circulate the air in your RV really inexpensive you can catch these on sale for I think the regular price is $15 you can catch them on sale for $9.99 I think I got this for it so that's a really cool tip okay so there's some of the super cool and inexpensive RV hacks and mods that I've made to my fifth wheel if you like some of them try them out leave me a comment down below on what your favorite hacks and mods have been I'd be very interested to see what you did the yours so if you like this video please leave me a comment below and like and subscribe and this is Matt from Florida boy RV travels and I will see you on the road
Channel: FBS Overlander
Views: 360,268
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Keywords: rv living, rv life, rv tips and tricks, upgrading our rv, how to maintain your rv, rv maintinence, rv hacks, rv mods, rv upgrade, rv gadgets, custom rv, rv lifestyle, rv, rv videos, travel trailer hacks, rv travel, rv upgrades, rv modifications, rv tips, rv accessories, rv mods modifications upgrades, rv modifications ideas, floridaboy rv travels
Id: sSKd48iGn1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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