Ford 8N Tractor Brush-Hogging on the 4th of July - New X231 Video Preview - and More...

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hello everybody and welcome to the channel July 4th today Independence Day so it's a holiday I did not have to go into work but that only means one thing I worked like a crazy person around here instead long story short whole lot of stuff to do today we got some rain chances this afternoon so that further lights the fire under me to get going and get something done so instead of talking let's do it got the brush hog on the little Ford a10 tractor here today and I'm gonna go up to the field have a little bit of mowing some cleanup to do so we'll just see what happens here since I rebuilt this a couple of years ago I usually don't need any chalk we'll leave that alone throttle is set kion neutral let's see if it makes a liar out of me oh she runs good [Music] okay guys here's what I need to do or I have all my pine trees planted here I need to get rid of this grass that's growing up around them like I said in an earlier video I planted these back in 2012 to kind of start a little bit of a privacy barrier between me and the road and the neighbor over there and everything else so once or twice a summer I'll come out here and mow this grass down it's getting to the point where it's not enough to overtake them now they're starting to get established a little bit better but I still have to bud cap these for the winter time so the deer don't come in and eat the leader buds off some of these now that are getting tall enough that they don't need to be capped now I got the dang birds coming down and when these leader buds are young they'll perch on them bend them over so now I'm starting to have problems with distorting the trees and everything with the birds up there next it'll be deer coming in to rub their antlers on them I don't know seems like there's never a shortage of things that try to kill these poor little trees so anyway we'll get the a tent out start cutting all this grass down and here's the new seeding I put in on the piece of ground here that I worked up with the farm all H between last fall and in planted the spring I was out here with the a10 cutting this the other night until about dark the way the weather's been we've kind of had these Pig wheats coming in just crazy this right here that's what I call a pig weed tons of them out here so I went ahead and chop them down they'll make good compost they'll just return back to the earth but otherwise the clover and grass and everything else is coming in really nice and thick out here so I could do cover crops to try and choke those weeds out before they come in but I'm not that good of a farmer I just put seed in the ground and wait for it to grow but anyway I know a couple of guys been asking about how the new seating is going so far it's looking like it's gonna take pretty good it'll make for some pretty good hay by next year well that's about all I can do in here with the brush hog the trees are getting too large for me to go in between them anymore so I usually come up here with the weed whip and finish that off trouble is we've got some weather moving in it kind of rained on me a couple of times and we got some some thunder going on so it's about time to get off the field and tell this little patch clears this here driving into the rain look how wet the road is up there there goldarn rain wasn't supposed to do this till this afternoon oh well I got home just as it really kind of started so I might get up to the field yet today and finish trimming on those trees if this eventually passes if not I'm sure I can find something else to do so in the meantime let's just have a walk our own place I'll catch you up on what's been going on so pretty much got a little land clearing project behind the old little shed that's gonna be going away here done um got that last double oak stump out kind of filled in the hole and it's not leveled off it's not grated yet but at this point we're planning on leaving this piece of ground for the next year we're not gonna try and get this shed out of here this year we're gonna let all this stuff settle out let all the holes that we fill then you know pack in and settle down and we'll go and do the final grading next spring and then that little buildings going to be replaced with something right here still got the old double oak stumps on top of the ground sitting here I was able to scratch a bunch of the dirt out of them and chop a few key roots and I was able to separate the two that made it a lot easier to roll each one out of the ground but they're still sitting here because the old man decided he wants to take the pressure out pressure washer after one or both of these and get some of these roots out of here and cut into them and see what the grain patterns look like so he said just leave him sit there I'll take care of him if that was up to me those things would already be off in the woods but hey he wants another project he can have another project so there they set so for all intents and purposes the clearing project behind the old shop building is done we're working on a pretty good burden pile for this winter with all the clearing we've been doing behind that little shed building a lot of those tops have really been piling up and speaking of the clearing these are the logs that we have stockpiled to be made into firewood so this winter when I start processing firewood because I don't like doing it when it's hot outside I'm not gonna have to go far to find my trees to cut chop split up you get put in the pile so we've already got a good start on next year's firewood stockpile all right here so next we'll check out the garden see how that's going start off here we got 12 rows of corn and the saying around these parts is to be on track to have your corn ready for harvest before it gets too cold in the fall the saying is knee-high by fourth of July we have first two three four we have the first five rows yep five rows is an early corn so that stuff's actually halfway between knee high and waist high on me we're gonna have to move that sprinkler head off that barrel and put on a higher stand here pretty soon the other the remaining seven rows that is a later corn there's about a 13-day difference between the two of those that stuff's a solid knee-high so that's all looking pretty good so the plan is we can get some nice corn on the cob from that early stuff have time to process that and get it in the freezer and then by the time that's done this later corner will roll right in and we'll still be able to enjoy a bunch of that and get that process and in the freezer later this summer several rows of potatoes here looking pretty good onions we do consume a lot of onions so we we grow some these are spaced further apart they're gonna grow and be pretty good-sized we'll keep those over the winter I've got some bean plants they're more onions I've got some more beans again more onions we got carrots there's some radishes more carrots we have some squash and cucumber that don't really seem like they're too and much but some some years things take off pretty well sometimes they don't blueberries right there excellent blueberries for muffins cakes whatever rhubarb that stuff is like an invasive species you can't kill it and then we have a bunch of raspberries down here again make some real nice desserts and things like that still have the kind of home built sprinkler setup for when we need it pulling water from the pond down there haven't needed it much lately because it's been raining pretty good pee patch over here we got the grates up the panels and they're ready to climb they're looking pretty good too so a lot or keeping a garden but I do like to eat at the same time and it's usually enough to hold us all winter long without having to buy too many things from the store so that's a good thing too oh and almost forgot tomatoes behind the lean-to here we didn't put it in too many tomato plants this year because we have a lot of tomato paste can for last year yet but those four plants are looking like they're coming along pretty good so that should be just enough to hold us long as we're out on this end of the place let's talk gardening again this is basically the yard debris compost pile right here you can see where we started with all the leaves from last fall so it's pretty much the last third behalf of this pile that's the leaves that we chopped up and pulled up off the yard here last fall because with the trees we have if they get deep raking leaves mowing leaves in the fall is not a small task around here but what we do is we keep bunching and turning the pile and keep rotating it forward and eventually you can see it starts turning into a black dirt by the time we get to this end we have some pretty rich dark soil that we can go and we can take that and put that on the garden that helps a lot in this and the sandy conditions we have here so yeah compost we don't take that lightly that's quite a good Mon back there ok guys it's been a couple hours since we done our walk around to the place been out here with the weed whip finishing up trimming her on all the trees finally got that done the rain we got sure made it humid out here once the Sun came out man it's pretty hot right now I got everything cleaned up pretty well around all these trees hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them but it's looking a lot better it looks like somebody kind of gives half of the crap about the place anyway so contrast that with the new seating and weeds trimmed ready just to sit there and grow hopefully soak up this warm humid weather start growing some decent hay so it's getting about time to go maybe pick up a little bit of a late lunch I know I'm pretty much done out here in the Sun for a while so supposed to rating this afternoon anyway maybe get some shop time in yet I'll just like that the rain is back so we get that shop time that I mentioned I think I got got enough work enough time today I can do maybe another X 231 video so guess what I'm gonna do this tube arrived in the mail the other day I decided that rather than try and salvage the old to three-shift rail which is pretty tough I'm just gonna make an all-new ones so this is 5/8 diameter drill rod exact same diameter as these old shift rails were let's just check it and the bores real quick well that should be enough for another X 231 installment it's kind of nice to work on that I haven't been on that for a while anyway so I look for that video in the next couple of days so anyway I think I'm gonna wrap the 4th of July video up right here as you can see the rain is back so really not a lot else to do today I think it's a good time just to go in the house and see if I can get this video cut spliced and put together hopefully get it up in time for you guys to see it while it's still with July 4th although I haven't feeling most people aren't gonna see it until the 5th now but anyway that was July 4th 2019 you guys stuck out this long thanks for following me around back to work tomorrow but rest the afternoon I'm gonna get this thing this thing all made get it to uploading so there's always guys thanks for watching like I said stay tuned for that new X 231 video all upload that in a few days time so hope the 4th finds you all with better weather than what we have right now
Channel: Squatch253
Views: 80,130
Rating: 4.9590564 out of 5
Keywords: X231, prototype, tractor, ford 8n, 8N, Ford, brush hog, mower, minneapolis-moline, 445
Id: M9ljIFFTsdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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