How to use a Bush Hog With Ford 8n [[How to Attach and Adjust]] With Over Run Clutch

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all right today I'm gonna show you how to hook up and adjust a bush hog I've got to do some mowing today it's nice and warm out and quite a bit of stuff needs to be mowed so every time before hook it up I always check my fluids it's back here is your pump transmission reservoir you always want to make sure that's within the limit and on these this is a radiator cap you always want to make sure your fluid is good because you do not want overheat these you will have issues so on these let's see them in there but there's not have a reservoir but you can see ten at the top of the radiator down in there and you want it just about even with the top of the radiator there else once the fluid expands and gets hot just gonna blow all that off so make sure you fluids good check your oil make sure you want to check your radiator and make sure that it is not obstructed with debris but does that also make these overheat so that's pretty much everything you really need to check out something to make sure basically you're cool with it's always good so these are your draw bars and on these old aliens they or do not have a live clutch or a lot of pto I mean so this is an overrun clutch so on these tractors the drive line is cold directly connected to the PTO so as your push all keep spinning it will continue to push the tractor even when you apply a break it'll still push so I've got a pond down here that I move around so always use an overrun clutch just to be safe so it doesn't push me in a ditch or push me in the pond so alright now for the old old Forbush dog I think it's a Ford also don't know it's always I'll get out about time for a new one but pretty straightforward you've got your pins and drawbar is gonna go on and on you always going to use your stabilizer bars and make sure you've got some type of connection this doesn't have the quick attach so I've got a great eight hard and bolt in there to keep the PTO from falling off show you how to hook it up okay so you just gonna back it in line up your drawbar slide those in and then now for your your stabilizer bars they're been out on both ends so you're gonna want pretty much you want to make sure it's bent out to go for the other side a little bit easier straight but goes on just like that make sure the band is out all right so your top link goes in as such and these are made to slide so in the back of your bush hole hit something and kicks up it can slide up and not be in your top link or be in the top of the bush over so you want it start off right about middle ways and then once we get it to the elevation we want we'll set up the top link to the right length so that the back wheel is still on the ground but kind of favoring towards the side of lifting up whenever you go over a bump or something like that you don't want the wheel to be digging into the dirt so now it's got to hook up to the PTO that's pretty self-explanatory line up the bolt with the bolt in and you're good to go you can see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now I'll keep the back wheel pretty much right on the ground but it's gonna keep it where it's not digging into the ground quite as much on these things a lot of times these ATMs they do leak down a little bit I've replaced the packing and the cylinders on this one so it's not too bad legs down a little but not bad but these tractors you can get these tractors really cheap and I mean you can probably shop around on Craigslist and you can get a pretty good one for fifteen hundred two thousand dollars and they're really easy to come by because right now there's nobody wants them they want these little diesel tractors cost twenty five thousand dollars and you got to pay for it for years don't have a big bankroll but these things are super easy to work on and there's so much information out there where you can pretty much feel a little bit mechanically inclined and you got a little area to work or a little tarp to put up you can fix about anything so they're really cheap cheap to run this thing we run all day on five gallons of gas so but that's just my two cents all right so when you're running a bush hog on these eight ends you want to run and no higher than second character pretty much whatever the engine will withstand a lot of times when you're in thick stuff like this week here a lot of times you're gonna want to run it in first gear but the biggest thing is whenever you're making cuts on a really thick stuff this is probably hidden too bad it should handle this fine but when you're pretty much on anything over knee-high you want to take half cuts which pretty much you want to take right down the middle of the tracker half a bush hog with cuts because you can overheat these trackers but if you take care of them and do it right they'll work great for you so on these you're gonna want to run it about three or four so 3/4 throttle maybe just a touch past and first or second so I got the fish hook set pretty low because my plan is to get all this we don't we saved for dove season and playing point so normally painting a bean and be careful picking game well it's pretty much it so I hope that similar get something out of this that really wants to work bromelain be able to use the tractor and they what they're doing and not be afraid to do it's a help simply competin have much more videos to pool it's Bette Davis season I try to do quite a few garden videos see appreciate everybody watching please subscribe and thanks again
Channel: Fish Hunt Cook Tinker
Views: 35,545
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: how to bush hog, how to bushhog, how to bush-hog, how to hook up bush hog, how to hook up a bushhog, how to hook up a bush-hog, attaching a bush hog, attaching a bushhog, attaching a bush-hog, how to attach a mower to tractor, how to adjust a bush hog, how to adjust a bushhog, how to adjust a bush-hog, mowing with a 8n, 8n attachments, ford 8n, over run clutch, bush hog, bushhog, bush-hog, brush mower, old tractor, 8n over heating, 8n pto, bush hoging with 8n, garden prep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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