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[Music] hey guys what's happening welcome back once again today I want to throw another warning out there about I know I just did a video on this but this is the second one that's come in you can see I'm flustered about it this is another warning video to not use aftermarket phasers on the 5 4 3 valve okay don't ever ever ever use them now it's happy with this truck behind me is this customer he's a retired mechanic he watched my video series on how to do the full timing job in a 5 for 3 valve he bought this kit this full timing kit from freedom racing which I'm calling off freedom racing right now this kit that you're selling is garbage okay and the problem is they're hodgepodge II a couple different parts together to make a kit that seems more cost-effective than the one that I'm linking to an Amazon which is all Ford components now what they're doing here is they're giving you the option they're giving you the option to use the Ford phasors the Ford tensioners chains all that good stuff and when you go to order it they're gonna it's gonna be up charged to buy those pieces otherwise it comes with these junk aftermarket phasers and it's the second set that's come into my shop from long distance away because the customer put it in this kit that they talked to freedom racing and they said these these atpc NC phasers are actually more reliable than the Ford phasers we're seeing less problems with these compared to the Ford phasors now believe me I am NOT got to Allen horn here but guess what right now with these being out of warranty I probably install more timing kit than any other technician in the country I do so many of these a year it's probably over a hundred a year I'm doing about 3/4 a week right right now during the summer a week I'm doing full timing kits on these vehicles I know them very very well I own use all four components effort a melon oil pump and I have zero problems so I'm gonna know it's my customer be on that phone hey I just spent 2300 at your place and the phasers come apart hey the phasers knocking I'm gonna know if there's a problem with the phasers then I'm putting in and I only put in the fort phasers so for them to say these these ADP CNC phasers are more reliable than the Ford ones at a fraction of the cost it's just it just blows my frickin mind now it's happy with this one like I was saying is that a retired mechanic filed my series he called them up they said use these other ones that said the Ford ones will save you some money they sent him out to me put the whole kid in follow my series of videos and guess what he got it started up and it has all kinds of issues it barely runs and we drove it down to me thinking hey I just missed a coil or something like that there's no way I missed I'm - it's a colored link system when you Tiny's engines my video on how to do this is very clear it just can't be I'm a retired mechanic how can this be I said what kind of phaser just used for the aftermarket yeah they said blah blah freedom Racing uses aftermarket ones I said I already know right now the phaser has phased and got stuck there or it's moving when it shouldn't be in this case I knew because the whole Bank was missing their bank 1 1 2 3 & 4 I can see the power balance was had misfires and then you go to the timing error pit for bank 1 and he started up it goes from zero way over here okay it just stays there doesn't go all over the place whereas the other side it's holding okay I already knew right then and there he had a timing issue was that the components the new components he put on he spent nine hundred dollars spent to three days doing this and he made his vehicle less reliable that's the key here the four components may make a little knocking noise and whatever but believe me they're not gonna come apart okay they're not gonna start phasing on their own and getting stuck there they're not gonna the pins aren't gonna shear and I'm not service parts the original factory parts yes had a proud pin sheared cheering and in all kinds of issues like that the fact that the service parts for these these phasers from Ford do not have issues has gone to about three revisions and they're there at the point where they know what they're doing and they're good to go you want to use the Ford phasers now I just pulled the valve covers off of here and sure enough as I just I just told the guy who came in guess what you just spent $800 but now I'm gonna charge you seventeen hundred and fifty dollars it's like twelve fifty for the labor and then two ford phasers at my cost i'm selling them for 250 each $500 total is about 1750 so he spent the 900 plus he dies paying me to install the correct Ford phaser so he doesn't have problems they engage truck back so I put just pull the valve covers off and sure enough this Bank you'll see the whole the whole secondary part of the phaser has phased and it's stuck there that's the part where the tone ring trigger we on the front that actually lots into the cam and moves and that's what the cam sensors reading it tells how far advanced or the timing is okay so that's part that's actually moving with a sprocket on there that doesn't move it's it's it's chained it's linked to the chain and that said the inners parts actually move okay so sure enough they pull off the valve cover on here and it's stuck it's stuck it's falling apart the phasors falling apart you can see I'm aggravated here so enough yakking let's go over to Vic I'll show you right here I just pull the bell cards off you'll see it it's coming apart and maybe I'll prop up the camera also once I loosen the chain on there and I start pulling stuff apart you may see it relax back to that locked position yeah it's a really poor poor product let's go over the end I'll show you how it's coming apart on their brand new fazer made about thirty miles and it has this issue made the vehicle less reliable all right so let's take a look at the engine real quick I'll show you you can see all the new tunning components a phase are the chains guides all down in there these tea salon lines both sides okay now the reason why I didn't pull the front cover yet is because I don't want to disturb anything anymore and I Ray did because I don't want that phasor that's failed you can see it right now I don't want moving back to that lock position before I catch it on film now what's happening here this is a Ford phaser right here is that where these work is that this bracket is splined to the chains as you can see there that doesn't change but the center part of it that actually attaches to the camshaft can move independently of the sprocket itself and that that's controlled by oil flow to change it and advance or it now once that will flow goes away there's a big old spring on here you can see right here it's really tight it's really strong spring it's gonna bring it back and it's gonna lock it into that base timing position okay there's a little locking pin in there brings it back automatically as a fail-safe okay these ones obviously are not doing that once it moved off that base idle position it's not locking back in there for timing is wherever it wants to be on that bank and we connect down to idle the timing is off and timing is literally off on that bank so look at this one right here it's the way you tell there's three triggers right here for the left-hand side see that how this is lined up perfectly with this tooth get you in there right and it's covering the L that's the way it should be in a locked position whenever the engine is off it should be in that position that's fully locked until it gets will flow from the beastie solenoids once again after about 900 rpm okay so it should look just like this now let's take a look at this one right here you see the L right there yeah it's a little bit off now if it should be lined up with that one right there that one right there that Center one should be lined up with the L look how far off that is that's way off you see it right there and that's the way you tell this one's really stuck in a phase position instead of locking back in now the other issue I have with these the last customer came in same garbage phasers is he actually had an issue where they would just kind of be all over the place while they're being actuated therefore he had a three off pl3 43 44 and 345 349 he had tiny error codes that weren't there after the fact okay it was getting that intermittent or inconsistent cam signal because the phaser was just doing whatever it fricking wanted okay same brand any what that brand is that's the brand right there now I'm all for aftermarket okay I'm all for a smoggy you save some money you get new parts in your vehicle but for whatever reason not even Dorman a bit coming like Dorman can get these freaking phasers right no one can get these right besides Ford okay that's it the Ford ones do not come apart like that they will lock back in after hundred thousand miles and show them I had that little knocking noise from that little locking pin inside of there that's it these do not come apart these ones will come out of the box brand-new and come apart you see that now tell me with this not aggravate that heck out of you if you spent all that money and the summer heat working on this stuff and then you have these new issues afterwards with new components on here and good luck getting your money back too so I hope this really drives it home this is a second one and it's paying up a week and a half here that they got duped by freedom racing and those cheap ones those cheap phasers that brand right there and we're having these issues and the customers are coming in spending $1,700 for me to fix it and fix it right with the Ford phasers [Music] and there you have it you saw once I start pulling scam caps off of here releasing the tension on there went to go bump that last cap to get it unwedge din there this thing all sudden came back on its own moving on its own to that lock position and started squirting oil out the passageway here in the cam as it was returning back to that lock position that proves it right there these things are coming apart doing anything they want instead of doing what it's commanded by the PCM and when they're not command by the PCM they are not locking back in like they should right there proof positive all right so that's about it that's enough ranting a rave I need to get back to this one get in there put the four phasers in time and again and do it right for this customer so you can get back on the road and get back home the point is this should never happened in the first place and freedom racing should be telling people shouldn't be telling people lies like this that these phasers are more reliable than the Ford ones not one thing on the market is more reliable than the Ford phasers and planet right now I was not used anything but the Ford tiny components and neither should you okay you use any aftermarket components on there you're really playing with fire I'm telling you not just this company not just freedom racing it's any a smart company but the fact that they're pushing them on customers which are not my customers coming to me with these problems is aggravating me and now they're you know they're spending a lot of extra money they shouldn't have to and they're having a lot of aggravation that it shouldn't have to and they're they're flat-out lying to them I didn't get back to I'll see you guys next time
Channel: FordTechMakuloco
Views: 381,767
Rating: 4.8892126 out of 5
Keywords: FordTechMakuloco, ford, fix, problem, repair, 5.4, 3v, 3 valve, triton
Id: hhQq9Iw_JUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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