Fools for Christ | Dr. Ed Young | Woodway Campus

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in 2013 robert gilbreath wrote a book entitled a mystery novel he wrote a book entitled cuckoo calling it was published by a very prominent publishing house and released in the spring of 2013 and it sold just a few books by july the 7th that week on amazon it sold worldwide 43 books the very bottom of the amazon list virtually the week of july the 14th a week later that same book sold over 18 000 copies and they couldn't get enough for the demand and it soared to the top of the amazon best-selling list what happened what happened 43 books bottom bang top inside of a week what happened it was discovered that gilbreth did not write the book that was a pseudonym it was written by somebody called j.k rowlings who wrote harry potter and it changed how everybody reviewed the book how they thought about the book and somebody everybody then had to have a copy of the book what was the difference ladies and gentlemen between galbraith and rawlings what was the difference same book what was the difference absolutely nothing except name and recognition name and recognition in the right side of culture name and recognition is all all important is it name recognition in the upside culture of the church name and recognition aren't particularly important if they are imported at all because there is an equality in the body of christ that makes name and recognition not the thing that is most sought after by a million miles as it is in the secular cultural world that's exactly what was happening in corinth in the first century that's exactly what paul was writing to inspired by the holy spirit to instruct corinth the church and the city how to live in a broken world in a society that was totally messed up and we're going to see how crazy and confused corinth was and how the city of card had bled all the way into the church of christ the body of christ in corinth and we're going to see how then we are to live with divine instruction in a world in a nation that is in big big trouble everybody says what can i do so many say well we have to stand up what does that mean verbiage or action we've already been studying first corinthians i call it first houstonians we've already been looking at what paul said in the first three chapters now he's about to get with some big big burly tough moral problems we're going to get there in chapter 5. and when we get there most of us are going to say that's in the bible so hold on but right now paul is introducing the corinthian church and reminding them of who they are and what they have this is who you are and this is what you have that has been what we've been looking at and we've already seen we've given them some doctrinal foundations upon which to stand and then our last study in chapter three paul says that guess who you are as the church you are a field in which the word of god is being planted bang bang a field the church brothers and sisters in christ and he said the problem is the word is there and it's been planted but it sure is slow in growing up i still have to feed you pablum and baby food when you ought to be sitting down to filet mignon you're not growing up but you're a field and then he says you're a building and your foundation is solid on the lord jesus christ but as we say in texas you've got a foundation for a skyscraper and you put a chicken coop on top of it he said you're not building and growing commensurate to measure the base that has been put in and then finally he says about you and me and this is mind-boggling to me and i thought about it prayed about it looked at it staggering he said guess what the church of god the temple not just the outer courts but the very holy of holies where the shekinah is is inside you this is who you are you're still divided you're still partial you're still filled with pride and ego and pushing your way ahead you've got every kind of immorality you can name but you're still in deep deep trouble and then paul comes to this great fourth chapter remind you he's still trying to help these people this church to understand how they are to function in a totally corrupt society isn't that what you and i need to know divine insight divine commandments divine ability to discern and walk through this world as men and women on god's team he's telling us before he gets the specifics he gets them some very very general things chapter four first corinthians by the way hope you'll have your bible with you then break a bible look at the bible and the pew in front of you page 131 you'll be right here get in a habit we spoil everybody by putting scripture on the screens we may quit that bring your bible with you so you'll get a habit we get out of the habit of that have the sword with you i'm going to church i'm going to take my bible with you didn't bring one page 131 for all you men you'd take too long to find first corinthians but look at it so you can follow along we'll have it on the screen and help us as we go chapter 4 paul says that a man regard us christians in this manner in other words this is how the world should look at us in the culture of the church to regard you and regard me as we would paul and apollos in the church in corinth he says as servants of christ let's stop that word servant is a pregnant word what does that mean it's a very important word when i read the bible and study i always look for pregnant words words that are going to grow and develop and multiply key words now right up front we have a pregnant word it is the word service i know that word maybe not the real etymology means it you are an under roar who am i in christ who are you in christ who were these corinthians they were under roars and they had those big galleys those roman ships and they'd have those slaves and they would be down motivating that ship where corinth was between the aegean sea and the ionian sea that little isthmus that was there that big burstling international seaport they had slaves that would roll and and he says you don't know who you are that's a great you're an underroar you're in the roar that's kind of describes who we are and the corinthians man they didn't like that you mean we are under roars we're slaves and the master is um commanding us that's who we are and it's who they were a christian and he says and a steward of the mysteries of god a steward means someone who is doesn't own everything but is responsible for the whole household is responsible for everything it's steward and we are to be stewards we're under roars we're slave of christ but also we are those who are stewards who have responsibility and an accountability before god to handle that which we have been entrusted with and that's the mystery of god the greek word mysterion it's all the way through the bible the mystery what is the mystery of god it's the fact that god is the creator it's the fact that there is the fall it's the fact there is redemption what's that all about we have to understand that no human being would ever have figured out logically what we know is the truth of god and to most people that is a mystery and we as underroars as servants as stewards of this mystery we have to live it out and explain it and that is that god through thousands of years old testament working through his peculiar people and through events in history prepared for the coming of jesus christ who was god in human flesh god man in this world his birth his life his teaching his death his resurrection and his coming again to bring down the curtain of history now that is the mystery that's in us that we should know we'd be able to share it very simply we're responsible for that the church i say it once again is the container the container of the mystery of god because all of us are bodies and arms and feet and eyes and no one more important than the other we are to share that mystery it's been revealed to us and we revealed to others and then it says verse 2 and in this case moreover said paul is required of stewards and underroars that one be found trustworthy we're to be trustworthy in other words we are to be men and women of truth if anything is on the table today in the 21st century culture it is truth remember what sosa nietzsche said i quote him a few weeks ago don't live on lies we have to live on truth and as under roars and as stewards we have to be trustworthy that what we say and what we endorse is true truth and we don't step back and tolerate anything else but truth but in our society truth is at a premium now i'm going to be what some would say political here but i'm not being political if anyone thinks that god does not speak to contemporary life you are too ignorant to understand anything about how the bible operates and about the life of jesus christ who in the world were the pharisees who were the sadducees who were the rodeos who were all these groups and they dealt he dealt with the situation in that day and in that age and that is exactly what we do in the church let me tell you something if you're in a room and you holler fire and there's no fire you're breaking the law man's law if you're in a room and there is fire and you do not identify the fire i think you're breaking god's law in this church we're not here and i'm not here as a mild-mannered man speaking to mild-mannered people how to be more mild-mannered there's plenty of that about that's not who we are some illustrations and there's so many of them we don't have time to enumerate them and i will not be exhaustive in all of these and talk about every nuance cnn ever heard of it this past week it was recorded some conversation between those who decide the programs and those who oversee that and the man on top for weeks and weeks and days and days almost in every situation they put the number of deaths from the coronavirus on the screen have you noticed it's up there and some of the programmers said look the deaths are going down you know let's just let's just cool this off but the boys won't hide this is all recorded i'm paraphrasing but be very accurate said oh no no no if it bleeds its leads and they said you have to have fear or our ratings will go down you have to export fear people watch us that's what they want to hear and that's what we see and that's what they've done to me that is totally immoral on the face of it now we can just push that out a little bit more of things that we're dealing with here in the event the tragic event when a lot of patriots went to washington million or so we don't know and they were concerned about the election in a crowd like that you've got all kind of super sonic right-wing idiots that didn't think and they went into the capital i don't think a single one of them was found to have a gun funny kind of revolution with no guns but one of the capitol officers was killed and the report went out listen and i have seen person after person after person said this capital officer there he was virgin he was hit in the head and killed by a fire extinguisher let me tell you something i'm not making it up you can record it's all there and person like the person like the person the media this man was killed as a result of being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher now by the way they knew in advance that was not true because on the way home that night he talked to his mother and other people said how are you he said i'm fine and this this week they did an autopsy listen there wasn't a mark on his head no bruises on his body he died that night evidently of a couple of strokes by the report of the autopsy did all of these talking heads come out and say you know i lied to you it's the cause of his death let me know when you hear that retraction you see what we have to teach our society and we have to learn something called due process something called wait till all the reports are in before we just run to some kind of judgment that fits the ideology that we already have as we interpret what takes place in time and in history we must practice that we are to be trustworthy to speak the truth we're called to do that as under roars as stewards of the mysteries of god and we must do that in the 21st century and then paul goes on to say too many people have a sunburn have you noticed that everybody seems to have a sunburn oh don't touch me there oh no no no well i'm a redneck from mississippi man when you call me i'm telling you i must you have harmed me so deeply i'll never recover a redneck from mississippi that's who i oh i've got a sunburn and we've seen you touch somebody about anything oh that upsets me that offends me oh that break and we have all the people all the population running around with sunburns have you noticed it sure you have boy that word right there we are have people who are interpreting events out of context take a reporter a news person by the way i would love to sit in the class at one of these woke universities and hear what they're teaching those who want to be in the public eye or the news i'd like to hear what they're saying wouldn't you it'd be amazing it must be total post-modernism for example you bring a typical person who is to report the news printed or oral and you take them to the bible and say i want to show what the bible says the bible says judas went out and hanged himself look at it and then look over here and he says go thou and do likewise and they would take that you know the bible teaches i just read it that we ought to hang ourselves like judas does that's how crazy the bible is did you get it in context in context and so we see everybody with this sunburn and because we've got the sunburn we judge everybody like the old antique joke that i love the man went to the doctor he said doc when i touched my shoulder oh it hurts when i touch my head it's so painful i touch my knee it's painful doc what's wrong with me he looked he said you got a broken finger i mean it's not too hard i mean my point is we're so sensitive in our culture we're all sunburned i'm offended i'm upset you belittle me and and this is where we are and here we have paul talking to that day into our day say you are all in the judgmental business judge not that you be not judged all right let's see what he talks about three kinds of judgment first of all he talks about the world's judgment look at it in chapter three but to me said paul it's a very small thing that i may be examined by you or by any human court verse 3. in other words paul says the world examines us in this everybody with a sunburn everybody so sensitive paul said i don't worry about the world examining me i don't worry about the course examining me that's not what i'm about that's not who i am he would say continuing i'm marks at the beat of a higher drummer than man's judgment but but there are two things need to learn people who will tell you and me the truth about us two categories one would be those who don't like us they get mad at us and they explode and say you are so egotistical somebody doesn't like you they'll lay it out then you've got to handle that criticism or somebody who knows you and loves you who really cares about you has a relationship with you and they come and say you are so egotistical now what do you do with the world's criticism a couple of things number one whether it's your enemy or a close intimate friend or brother you examine it before god you say lord is there something in me the way i live the way i act the way i respond that in indicates i am really got my ego out of balance i'm the eager test lord you tell me if there is i want forgiveness and i want you to help me deal with it whether it comes from an intimate friend who loves us or comes from the enemy who doesn't like us that's how you deal with the world's criticism don't throw it out discount it see if there is truth there and god will tell you and tell me where there's truth there and then we'll begin to deal with it with his power and with his divine insight got it and then paul says there's another kind of judgment that comes and he says in fact i do not even examine myself let a part of verse 3 for i am conscious of nothing against myself yet i am not by this acquitted paul you know the athenians said know thyself nobody can know themselves really but we can we do judge ourselves and paul said we must not do that to an extreme why can't you and i judge ourselves it's because some of us over judge ourselves and boy i've done that so many times boy why did i do that that was a little thing and we judge ourselves too harshly and by the way when you have a low opinion of yourself in the quiet time alone or on your pillar you got a real problem you've got a real problem some are too severe on themselves they don't understand forgiveness and things that are covered things are eliminated and it keeps coming up and up and up and up in our life we never get over it so we're hard on ourselves it is tough to live with somebody you know is insincere to hypocrite every day and sometimes we too hard on ourselves right the other extreme we're too light on ourselves we've got our conscience trained i love some ignoramus who says let your conscience be your guide you can if your conscience is embedded with biblical truth but most of us have got that trained conscience oh yeah i can explain why i said that i can rationalize that oh i didn't really you know so we've got to train conscious because we can't judge ourselves on the basis of our conscience can we it's either too sensitive or totally inadequate paul says the world can't really judge us he said we can't judge ourselves then he tells us who does indeed judge us look at it's beautiful but the one who examines me is the lord therefore do not go on to pass judgment the time but wait until the lord comes who will both bring to light oh this is scary the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of our hearts and then each person's praise will come to him from the lord there's going to be a judgment time absolutely romans 14 corinthians 5 passage didn't matter we're going to be judgment time great white of throne judgment all that's in darkness will come to the light how many of us look forward to that is that going to be a great day boy i'm glad you know everything i've thought of everything i've done in my life boy it's going to be oh no no no no no only god can judge now on the side to put in context isn't it beautiful that when we confess sin turn from sin genuinely and god is healed and forgiven that's not going to be the agenda there but god will go up and check our motives why did you give that why did you say that why did you talk about it see motive that frightens me to death you sit down by yourself and ask one question what have i done in my life from a pure pure pure motive well i i love my wife well was that pure they have no so my point is motives are frightening and only god knows the time of judgment and he alone will reveal motives and he'll take all that which we thought was done with and bring it out into the light now we're not the judge but by the way that doesn't mean judgment should not take place god has already judged some things in his book has he not god said thou shall not bear false witness don't lie therefore it's not when someone lies we don't deal with it god has already pronounced the judgment there thou shall not kill and the word is murder independent of catholic punishment thou shalt not kill god has already spoken about that not to worry about what that is right or wrong so my point is god has already pronounced these judgments and on the ultimate judgment he will be there in the great white throne and he'll he'll sort everything out because he is the only one who can sort everything out if somebody may lived a beautiful wonderful life we took their motives here's someone who struggled but boy they they check their motives and they come out a lot better like only god can do this that's what paul is saying and all the sunburned folks that are walking around that includes a lot of us we have to understand that we're not in the judgment business the world's judgment self-judgment only god can judge and he's put that off thank god now the next thing paul says is very very and he said don't get ahead of your skis that's how i get verse six now these things brethren i have figuratively applied to myself and apollos for your sake paul is saying listen i've applied these basic truths to myself and now into apollos we've done it and now i'm applying it to you you know the hardest thing about my job the really hardest thing about my job is to take this book and understand it and let the holy spirit speak and this is a two-edged sword and it cuts me up constantly i bleed a whole lot because of this book and then it cuts outward as well and the problem is when we go beyond this book what did paul say here paul is saying he and apollos were judged by the book that was written that would be the old testament revelation that would be the principles he laid out for the church at corinth when he went there as their founding father he said don't get ahead of that don't don't move on beyond that don't get ahead of your skis what does that mean i had about a five minute skiing career until i broke a rib but i know on skis if you get a head what's going to happen bang that's what he's talking about he's saying look don't don't get ahead of yourself stay in the center balanced and grounded c.s lewis he said when we go in one extreme in life usually we find ourselves backing up into the other extreme you follow me there's something that we say as christian we ought to take everything we have and give it all away to god and live on basically nothing i i've fought and wrestled and thought about that many many times poverty the other extreme is i want to take all i can and make all i can hold on to all i can so what's the answer you got to have sort of a grip that's not like this i'm going to hold it all or not like a group like this there's a middle thing there another illustration this is personal day by day i run into so many people who are bleeding and hurting and crying and dying and all kinds of situations contrary to popular opinion they say oh that preacher doesn't know real life listen folks i know real life better than almost anybody here because we meet it by the dozens by the dozens by the dozens every day and here's the problem you can become so empathetic that you just weep and cry and moan and you you pick up every flag on the field and you try to wonder what in the world to do man god i want to intercede i want to pray i want to be there i want to give and your whole life is a brokenness on the other hand you can take all the problems and concerns and you can become a professional you know you just you know i don't really feel it i've heard all this before i've been there done that i'm a pro you know i can see there's two extremes isn't it i can't function because of all this you know what i'm talking about or i function and i just put a table it doesn't really mean anything to me because i'm calloused against the pain of the world you see what happens you go either extreme paul is saying stay centered stay centered stay balanced don't get ahead of your skis and sure not when i get back on your skis that's what he's saying and then he goes and this is this is something he gets in the grill of the corinthians what does that mean playing the sports you know what it means you have a watching you supporting with me do you ever see a coach somebody will be going in the game or going out of the game and they grab their face mask and they get in their grill that's what that means and they say son on the last play you didn't follow that and he just gets into him or they say son man i believe in you i'm sending you in for this specific purpose you get there in their grill paul gets in the grill of the church by the way we misinterpreted that in sports i've been on the sidelines for many many many many many many games all kinds of sports particularly basketball and football and it'll fool you you ever see a controversial play an official mate and the coach goes over there and he's just flying he gets an official he's shaking his head like this and boy you say man that coach is telling so many times you know what coaches are doing they're saying that was a great call you had so much courage to call that you're the kind of official i wanted see we don't know what they're saying right oh yeah and and the point is but paul here gets in the grill of these christians and by the way he's going to be in our grill in chapter 5. more i'd read that he gets in the grill of these christians and look what he says first of all he has three questions that are simply satirical questions it's full of satire look at it there in in verse 7 following paul says for who regards you as superior why are you such a big shot he's asking each one of the church he said what do you have that you did not receive and he says if you did not receive it why do you boast as if you had not received it folks does anybody have anything that you did not receive well i worked so hard i built i'm no you didn't grace the doors open the choice was made the decision and so all of life is grace not only our redemption our salvation wherever we are in life it's just by the grace of god we haven't earned it we haven't deserved it big little up or down makes no difference it's all grace god's riches at christ's expense that's the acrostic it's a gift for knowing to be proud about anything it's all grace he's saying what do you have that you did not receive and it's interesting here you look at the context of this there is an advantage to being disadvantaged got that there's an advantage to being disadvantaged if you're brought up down to the bottom of the line for some that's a challenge to move up and to give yourself and to work and to serve and get under god and make life count see there's an advantage to being disadvantaged but also when we're advantaged that can be a disadvantage the luckiest firm club it all came to me boy that that's a disadvantage too when you think i deserve it though i didn't earn it you see there's that balance in there there's advantage to being disadvantaged in disadvantagement there's advantage it works for ways so paul here is saying wherever you are in the in the spectrum man make sure you know it's a gift of god it's that grace and then he gets still in their grill he's saying you are already filled and the word there has to do with food he's saying you corinthians you you people there in the church you're already filled you have already become rich you become kings without us paul said indeed i wish you had become kings so that we may also reign with you see the deep sarcasm to awaken us and to awaken the corinthians it's by grace and then he says for i thank god has exhibited us apostles last of all as men condemned to death because we have become a spectacle hold on to that word it's a pregnant word to the world both to angels and to men what's he saying we've become a spectacle that's who we are as christians when the romans would take over and conquer a country they would march back to rome and they did it other places and their soldiers would march in unison and bring up the rear would be all the slaves they had captured would be all the goods they'd brought back home so they would march at the front and all the slaves and those who've been called and captured and all they had stolen from the conquests they had they'd be all at the rear of the parade that's the word spectacle and paul says we're at the rear of the parade we're way we're way back there that's who we are as under roars as stewards as those who really have been useless as far as the world is concerned and then he says verse 10 but we are fools for christ's sake by the way you go to a lot of places here a lot of teaching and preaching and they're always saying you you you have you noticed that you rarely hear that from me why because i need it all i i can't say much you it's we that's what paul is doing he's saying we we we're fools for christ's sake but you are prudent in christ you're weak we are weak but you're strong you're distinguished but we're without honor what's he saying he's saying folks as christians it's grace of god there's evenness in the body of christ and we're to be fools we're not to be prudent in other words paul's saying lay an eye on the line be an idiot be be disgraced by the world he's saying don't worry about your name and your reputation just feel food for christ's sake sell out go all in and by the way it's not going to be long before we'll be able to identify true followers of jesus from those who are not true followers of jesus you just mark that down that's a little bit of prophecy but you don't have to be a prophet to understand that's where we are do you realize today that christians are the most persecuted group in the world last year over a hundred thousand christians were martyred were killed because they were christians did you know that every hour eleven thousand eleven hundred eleven people excuse me every hour eleven people are martyred because they're christians around the world there are 239 countries excuse me 139 countries about three-fourths of the countries 139 countries who have in their documents passages that directly discriminate against christians that's three-fourths of the countries of the world roughly 139 countries discriminate because you're a christian by the way you can add one more country the united states of america and it's a tragic tragic tragic thing so many things are backwards so many things are backward you say all these children are being left here without parents most of those children are between 14 and 17 and how do you know they're 17 or 21 and most of them come from these countries they were gangs in that country there was a little children there were gangs they're emptying all the gangs from all of these countries and push them across the border and the coyotes take them there as they're sold and they move right across the border and now they're scattering them across america and we ask why is crime in all of our cities just exploded everywhere you look any statistical why is that happening why is that happening why is there an effort to take guns away from people as all of a sudden our da's are just letting everybody walk through and walk out without any bail or anything else and now they say well take away your gun to protect yourself why are they taking the police and and and releasing them of any kind of power the state of new york i was told on this morning by a law enforcement officer they decided that now individual policemen can be sued for any action they might do while they're trying to apprehend a deal with somebody and last and recently over 9 000 new york policemen in alaska have quit their job how can you have a job like that and by the way the lawyers say hallelujah you'll have litigation for anything you do for a traffic stop anything you try to do if that right comes colorado has done the same thing you won't have anybody protect us ah but you take guns away from this group and you give guns to that group and that's the bottom line situation which we find ourselves in the slowly systematic evil destruction of the united states of america now paul's incomes gives us a wonderful word of how we are to handle this first of all he says in 13 he says here's who i am we're slandered we try to conciliate we become as the scum of the world the dregs of all things even now he oh he's already said when we persecute paul's ahead of me i'm not there i'll have to confess to you he's ahead of me i want some kind of approval and some kind of recognition i want the glory of god to flow in and through our lives but paul's ahead of us we're not quite there but we're running there far too far too rapidly and then he says in verse 14 i do not write these things to shame you but to admonish you as my beloved children parents we're not to shame our children i told some men this morning i'd like a redo and being a father because sometimes i resorted to shame shame we don't do that in disciplinary we admire them and that is we we speak quietly after we've counted to a thousand a couple of times that's admonishment quiet voice measured tones not shame and he says paul is saying this is what i'm saying to you in the church he's trying to explain that everything is by grace and because he's given us this we have to hold it in these earthen vessels our bodies and to live it out especially now in this moment in history let me cliff barrows as some of you know was a very close friend of mine cliff directed the music for billy graham all those years he was one of the counselors of billy graham mr graham said that of all the people he knew that the two best christians were his wife ruth and cliff barros cliff called me years ago and he said i want to tell you what just happened to me he was in washington and he said i was going to the hotel lobby and said wendley phelps came up to me most of them may remember him he's an african-american singer he's been there many times beautiful voice pastor in washington he said when they came up said cliff i want to show you something he said whitney took me there in a little side room and sat down at a piano and he said you may not know this but all the spirituals all the spirituals are written in the pentatonic key and this means the melody is played only on black notes all the spirituals and he said when they played for me on the piano sweet little jesus boy nobody knows what trouble i've seen all on the pentatonic key five in these octaves there are five black notes only using the black notes of piano he says it is called the slave scale and he said the story of john newton is interesting he said newton was a slave trader he'd been a drunk after he was a slave trader he fell drunk overboard into the sea once and to get him out they had to gaff him like you would a fish and put him back up and before that he'd been a slave trader on those galleys and john newton beautifully came to know jesus christ a radical change in his life of a life that was as decadent and godly and evil as any life you could imagine and he said as he did that newton though he wasn't a musician kept hearing the cadence that he heard on those slave ships and he said those slaves as they would roll they had a mm-hmm a melody music behind it and he said newton couldn't get that music out of his mind and he said the music sounded something like and he picked it out and he finally came to see what it was [Music] and whitley said that that was what the slaves had roared to and he simply put words on it amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me and you look in a hymnal sometime and you'll find something very very interesting amazing grace will be listed it'll say words by john newton melody tune nobody knows i can tell you who wrote the melody it was god it was god newton just put the words to it to emphasize that all of us are under rovers we're under roars we're slaves to the lord jesus christ and that ladies and gentlemen is the beauty of the body of christ that's the reason the church as i've said sunday after sunday read there ii peter 2 9 we are a new race we are a new priesthood unto the lord jesus christ and that is grace and it is that grace that we contain that we must reveal in our lives and our walk and that's the way we live in a culture that is broken god fearing lives under roars for him our heavenly father we are astounded about your grace and your patience with us we love you may that love be expressed not only in words and vocabulary and adjectives and nouns and verbs but in the way we live is our prayer in jesus name
Channel: Second Baptist Church, Houston
Views: 3,292
Rating: 4.7272725 out of 5
Keywords: second baptist church houston, dr. ed young, woodway
Id: hdWtr5_bYG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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