Money Makes us Fools | Dr. Ed Young

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[Music] proverbs 25:11 a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in baskets of silver beautiful flowing verse isn't a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold and baskets of silver the picture here we receive in Proverbs is one that King Solomon must have been familiar with when a potentate or a wealthy King would have a celebration invite all of his peers to come other kings other leaders to sit around his table many times they would take silver and they would have their craftsmen to make them into baskets of silver and in those baskets of silver they would take gold and and melt it and they would shape it in the form of apples and they would put those baskets of silver in those baskets they would put golden apples real gold and the king when they got through the meal would sort of say with the back of his hand if anyone would like to take an apple home with you it's sort of a souvenir a memento of this occasion they never had any apples left and the writer of Proverbs is saying here a word rightly crafted at the right time with the right unction were the right sincerity properly spoken is like an apple of gold we know the pen is mightier than the sword words are powerful things but someone has spoken a word in the life of I daresay every one of us here and they affirm something they encourage something they applauded something they spoke truth into you and urghhh went into you a belief into you and a belief into me and that's that moment in your life that was a life-changing moment that was like an apple of gold right I can remember a coach I had in junior high school and they were giving out the Letterman Awards and I was the youngest person on the team and a class below all the other players and when I got my reward he said Edwin's going to Rio player because he hustles that's all I had was hustle no talent no athleticism but I hustled do you realize what that meant to me just a little thing way back in junior high school here I remembered it wasn't Apple of cold how we need to be individuals who give out those apples do we not sincere not just bombastically bow the greatest furnace I know my best friend oh no no no no from the heart when I first started speaking I was absolutely petrified because all the weights in school I made my lowest grades when I had to publicly respond I did and when I had to give a book report or something my my knees would knock together but I'm grateful that they did because had they missed I would have broken both legs but somewhere along the way there was that word of encouragement that word of admonition that word of saying hey maybe you can do it and I learned something about public communication let me share it with you briefly keep it simple say it clearly and let it sing or to communicate keep it simple don't try to impress anybody the making a difference keep it simple say it clearly as clearly as you can communicate it and just let it flow let it say boy Jesus did that didn't they do you read his words most of our little words someone said are like lightning bugs you know just flirt that's my words and your words but the words of Jesus are like lightning sure it's exactly like me and we encounter those lightning words in our scripture I hope you listen to them carefully because it's a word about materialism materialism and we to understand our scripture we have to see the setting you have to see the context when you're reading the Bible you have to see what's going on around what's the city for example the Sermon on the Mount when you understand it was delivered from a mountain that helps write what Jesus was in the middle of a storm it helps to know that he was in a boat right that helps and here we see the context of these words of our scripture that's we're going to look back look at the first part of chapter 12 we read beginning of the 13th verse but look at the context of this under these circumstances after so many thousands of the people have gathered together that they were stepping on one another this is the environment Jesus was in this was the circumstances he was teaching his disciples those who were following him but thousands came to try to get close to hear what he was teaching his disciples and that interesting and they were stepping on one another they were pushing and shoving they wanted to hear his words that were directed to his disciples but sometimes look at the 41st verse of the 12th chapter that the disciples didn't know Peter said oh these words for us are are they for all the thousands who are gathered around are these exclusive words for those who've already sold out or following you or are these words for the thousands that are pushing in to hear what you're teaching us see it see that's the context of it and Jesus if you read the first part of of this chapter chapter twelve Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit profound doctrine he was talking about if you confess me before men that I will confess you before the angels in heaven he was giving profound doctrinal truths to primarily his followers his disciples when in the middle of that he was interrupted and a man broke in and interrupted him not from his disciples but from the crowd and then jesus answered that interruption with the question and then Jesus put up an SOS sign a word of warning and said beware I read the interruption Jesus was teaching in a man said master teacher make my brother share the family inherence inheritance would be he's cheating me out of money and stuff and property that belongs to me now I imagined that his brother was in the audience here's one brother over here here's another brother over here his Jesus teaching his followers and suddenly the brother says hey make my brother over there be honest with me interesting isn't it we have to ask the question why in the world that he interrupts Jesus profound teaching about the Holy Spirit great doctrinal truths with a pragmatic thing about embarrassing his brother hey my brother over there he's short-circuited me he's a con artist he had you followed the inheritance of our family make him set that right why in the world did that man ask Jesus in the whole audience of thousands of people that asked that question why do you think it's because Jesus was always talking about material things did you know that he was always talking about money stuff he said well why did he deal with materialism like this because that is the only way to really check to determine where you and I are sincere about our following of Jesus Christ we can check on ourselves others can check on us if we allow them to do that that that's a measure there what are the three cardinal virtues I think most people say it's faith and hope that's confidence we've discovered right and love I can stand up and say boy I've got a lot of faith in Jesus you know I am confidence I have hope for the future I'm not worried about that I have great confidence and I love people I love the body of Christ I love what this church does in so many ways in so many shapes and forms how it fixes the automobiles of single adults who can't afford it how we we give benevolent around the world how we spend twenty six million dollars since 2003 to 2009 and missions I love the fact we feed we clothe we house we give the charities are eroded by sleeves we share our faith I love men I can just go on and on about this too I really love this church but how do you know that how do you know that I have faith how do you know that I have hope how do you know that I have love it's how I handle stuff and how you handle stuff you can measure it I've got faith that God is doing great things and wants to accomplish great things in this world and his name I've got faith how do you know how I handle materialism how I handle how generous I am in that area of my life check my check stubs that's how you can do well what about what about hope and confidence check my check stubs that's how you can tell if I'm the real deal if you're the real deal oh I love people I want to help people I want to see people come to Christ I want to be a world changer check my check stubs to see what not I love you see Jesus was talking about material things because so many times possessions in the possessing you and possessing me before we know it and then this man said hey tell my brother to get right about the inheritance and look how jesus answered this with a question in that interesting he was interrupted here's his question that he asked he said man who appointed me a judge or an arbiter over you she's saying I'm not I'm not to judge you does that surprise you Jesus said he's not a judge while all the way through the scripture we talked about Jesus being a judge we've already talked about the final judgment the sheep and the goat he's going to be a judge right he's always drawing lines and separating people if you're not farming you against me he's been judging judging judging throughout his ministry this guy says hey tell my brother to get right with me he said I'm not a judge or an arbiter over you and in the same 12th chapter Jesus says he is a judge I want you to look at this everything is contradicted himself at first blush look at verse 49 chapter 12 Luke I've come to cast fire upon the earth and now I wish it were already kindled but I have a baptism to undergo that was the cross how distressed I am until is accomplished do you suppose that I came to grant peace peace on earth good well toward men did you just say he didn't come to grant peace Oh a lot of contradictory things here ah peace on earth I tell you no but rather division division the Risto same word up he said I didn't come to Marissa he said here I came to provide Marissa oh I didn't come to divide or judge oh yes I came to divide in judge what does this mean when the man asked for justice in the inheritance jesus said I didn't come here to judge or to be an arbiter with you what was he saying that man what he's saying to all of us ladies and gentlemen God isn't interested in anybody giving anything to him until first of all you've given yourself that's what the Lord is interested in God is not going to help you with anything or me with anything until we've given him our everything relationship with God in crisis primary that's what Jesus came to establish and this man will say Jesus helped me with my agenda men I want the wealth and the property I was left jesus said I didn't come here to judge to be an arbiter between you and your brother to help you with your agenda I came here to take your agenda and make it my agenda see the difference see the difference your agenda Oh No so if you go to God and say Lord I did this for you and I gave over here the worst thing anybody can do who is an unbeliever is to give anything in any money to the body of Christ you want to end up on a dead-end street you give as an unbeliever say well I'll give this to the church that are that's the worst thing you man God doesn't want your money the church doesn't want your money the only thing we understand is we give ourselves that's what it's all about that's what Jesus was saying this guy man I'm here you have to give yourself you have to join these group of disciples over here before you get in the giving business I'd save that to anybody here today when I understand I'm not here some on the tree trying to hit us there's money absolutely not our Heavenly Father owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills in fact he even owns the hills he's interested in you and me giving everything to him and then everything is open to you and me so he answers this accusation this challenge were the question and then there's a big warning sign up here look at this yeah I wish I could sound off some kind of foghorn now I might wake up wake up man Jesus says beware when Jesus said beware I would advise you and me to beware wouldn't you that's pretty big thing he said to them beware be on your guard against every watch this form of greed for not even when one has abundance does his life consist of his possessions every for greed has so many fold you could be rich and be greedy and be poor and be greedy and so Jesus here then comes and tells us a story it is a devastating story let me read it to you the land of a rich man was very productive and he began reasoning to himself saying what shall I do since I have no place as told my crops then he said this is what I will do I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I'll store all my grain and all my goods and I will say to my soul soul you have many goods laid up for many years to come take your ease eat drink and be merry let me paraphrase that here's a man who's an entrepreneur everything he invest in just he makes money anything he expands it fills up all of a sudden he's just a little over 40 and he's worth millions and millions and millions of dollars he's poured himself into the economic stream and he's been successful successful he's built a giant company that is expanding and fine he says I've got enough I'm going to turn all of this over to all the employees and and assistance that I've trained and I'm out of here I'm gonna take the profits and man I've worked so hard I don't even know my wife I've been married to her 25 years I'm leaving her my kids they didn't turn out too well and I don't care about my family I am starting over I am gonna get a bigger yacht I'm gonna get a faster and bigger plane and I'm gonna tour this world and I'm gonna bring all the beautiful women that'll go with me and all those who are in the jet-set climate to go with me and I'll tell you I'm gonna eat and drink and be merry and you have there will have nothing on me let the good times roll baby that's it isn't it let's let's go on record before we lacerate this guy that's what he did was right the bigger barns expansion the vision the success nothing wrong with it where did he miss up where did he mess up his life where did he fail let's look at that first place he failed was he thought life was primarily about the body ah hedonism pleasure satisfy the flesh well that's what life is all about if I can get more flesh I'm in my early 40s I got another 30 40 years they'll live and math I'm going to enjoyed and enjoyed and I'm gonna drink all the pleasure I could find in every activity on the planet every athletic event every Super Bowl every fair I'm gonna go out there to enjoy all that cotton candy of the world the body he thought this is all there is that was primary with him other problem he had was he didn't think about anybody else it was all about me he really had an eye problem look at this passage here there are Levin personal pronouns there hi hi me myself mine my soul by the way do you think your soul belongs to you where did you get it where did it come from that eternal spark of life when we were created image of God do you think your soul is you my soul I'll tell my soul no thought of others finally it had no thought of God that's for sure I wonder who gave the sunshine for his crops that were bound I wonder you know where the rain came I wonder how the market was timed perfectly I wonder you know where'd all that come from all just no concept of divine intervention divine leadership divine blessing see that was a problem that was a problem and then in the middle of this life of celebration life of moving out moving away drinking all of life in you've got two little words here in our scripture look at them they're just dynamite it says verse 20 but God said to him you fool not electro food but a moral and spiritual food he had the idea that life was just all stuff he didn't know that when you leave this life what do you have over there if you just died right now bang how much would you be worth well I don't know no no no no in that other place in that spiritual permanent supernatural dimension how much would you be worth but God tonight your soul required of you but on the young man have you noticed God we just don't die in chronological order anybody notice that I'm amazed how many people younger and younger are being taken out of this life for so many reasons I'm amazed at that staggers me unexpected hope but it's becoming commonplace but God tonight your soul required of you he died tonight and then look what happened so is the man who stores up treasure in for himself and is not rich toward God this night your soul is required of you and now who will own what you have possessed the question here that Jesus is asking you and me is we're rich with ourselves as we can be right are we rich with God how can you determine were you and whether I am rich with God you're rich with God if you make much and you give much you make some you give some very fair you plan for ever you invest in this light and things that are going to be there after you take your last breath do it that's how it works what else happens we were rich with God we hold this stuff loosely you know it doesn't take much for your possessions to possess you for your possessions your position to say well I'm secure you know I've got plans I have worked this out well we get life out of balance there's another factor to giving remember I said Jesus teaches that generosity is the basic determining factor of what a Christian is and what a Christian does it really does so we breathe in we take in stuff I'm taking stuff I'm expanding I'm having more and more but then you have to breathe out we receive we take em you can't just keep receiving you'll explode there's old battles of nature we breathe in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide the animal of the plants breathe out carbon breathe breathe a brief in what carbon dioxide they breathe out oxygen if you only breathe in that's the way a lot of people live like john d rockefeller was asked me but how much money Rosetta satisfy somebody John D he said just a little more you see we empty our barns God fills them we have to build bigger barns we empty them God feels them with bigger parts that's the genius of divine biblical stewardship what ladies and gentlemen doesn't profit a man or a woman who gains all Wow and loses their son [Music]
Channel: The Winning Walk
Views: 4,556
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: The Winning Walk, Dr. Ed Young, Ed Young, Radio, Broadcast,, ed young ministries, ed young sermons, SBCHouston, TBN, Television, bible, Discover, Transformation, Gifts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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