Authority vs. Authoritarianism | Dr. Ed Young | Woodway Campus

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the operative word today is fear wherever you look talk to anybody go most anywhere and the conversation sooner or later will center around fear everything that most of us thought were nailed down in america seem to be coming up for some people the change that is taking place is getting america right side up a lot of us would say it's getting america upside down but the operative word is fear between 1800 bc and 1600 bc egypt was the strongest country in the world and the most affluent country other nations other tribes were always invading egypt trying to conquer them or get something from them because they had great great prosperity egypt threw them all out until finally they had no country no people that were challenging their power or challenging their security but the leaders in this particular period of time discovered something they said unless we keep the population in fear we'll lose our power and so they manufactured through innuendo through rumor that we're about to be attacked things about to explode we're about to lose our whole country and with that kind of mentality that people dare not change leadership fear beginning way back in the bc era all the way till today is a fine thing to keep on the dashboard and on the refrigerator and on all the news to keep a people under control by those who are then in power basic principle of history and today we look at a myriad of things that are frightening most clear thinking americans i'm going to show you a list that's not exhaustive i'll not exhaust every aspect of all of these items because we want to get a little nap before lunch so let me just touch on some things briefly and succinctly we're concerned about our economy there's great fear why we keep printing money money we do not have and it goes on and on 1 trillion 2 trillion 6 trillion dollars who buys up our debt primarily china and so we see the history of printing money leads any people ultimately to a country that is bankrupt bankrupt and by the way don't tell anybody keep this a big secret i hope nobody tells washington what comes after trillion keep that down does anybody know lift your hand what is it quadrillion quadrillion you know what a quadrillion is it's a thousand trillion and we're running there as fast as we can get there and that brings fear and i ask the question why would any government do this why the economy education the curriculum from kindergarten through high school and certainly in all of our colleges and university is radically changing and that post-modernism philosophy that has been taught for a couple of decades in our college and university has made its way all the way down to the lowest level and therefore we see a whole new method of i think basically rethinking and indoctrinating our sons and our daughters and this causes great fear anxiety what is happening what is taking place as far as education is concerned and we ask the question why why our economy is being mishandled why education is going through a whole new metamorphosis why what about our borders we've addressed that many times we're very aware of that because we live in texas why would you open the borders first a million and now two million and it grows and grows every day with very little vetting i've talked to many people who've been down there and what they basically do when they apprehend someone they get their name and who knows if that's accurate and then primarily they give them a bus ticket and i've discovered only recently all the children who were coming in some young children but the largest percentage of those who are called children i have been told by those who've been there and have talked to border people they're primarily 14 to 17 or maybe 18 or 21 who knows their age and what's happening all the central and south american countries are emptying their jails and they're sending all of their gang members in and say go here's a ride and the coyotes are being paid to bring them in and they're bringing with them read keep up with the statistics of the drugs the sex trafficking and it goes on and on and on and on and now we have no way it seems of stopping the millions and millions who are coming in why balance strategic i am for every citizen of the united states of america to vote i want them to vote that is a part of our citizenship i am far voting but you get to vote only once and you make sure that that person who has voted has authenticated by signature or by picture or by identification that i am the one who has voted that is considered now to be racism concerned about the balance we see an exploitation when people are depending on the government for funding for their existence and millions and millions more depend on the government for their funding their existence in fact their jobs available everywhere if you've watched it and people cannot find those who will fill those jobs because they're making more money not working with the trillions going into our economy do you see the problem and now all these who come in illegally being supported totally by the government they have no credentials and that leads us to the next problem that we have it's the last one on the list but i put it here with security with the police you ask why a desire to weaken the balance why the desire to take people who are not citizens put a ballot in their hand and give them substance so they can live and these people cannot live any way unless the police come in and by the way i stand here as a supporter of the people who wear the blue i want you to know that but now you have i just have a peep somebody pulled from the internet i do not do internet i had somebody pull all the statistics of crime in america for the past two years and it will frighten you murder rape kidnapping armed robbery the list goes on and on and i'm telling you it is blowing away all records we've ever seen i wonder why all of a sudden you have the police are diminished in number all of a sudden you have guess what in new york in colorado and the issue before another state now every policeman is personally liable for litigation as to how they carry out an arrest think about that therefore in the past couple of months over 9 500 policemen in new york city alone have resigned or left and saying i can't take that personal risk and for example you're a man in the blue or a woman in the blue and you arrest me and you don't put my handcuffs on properly look what it did to my hands i'm going to sue you and i can tell you there are lines of lawyers ready to take that case lines of lawyers ready to take that case so who would want to wear the blue the academies have very few people training and they're limited as to carrying out their job as they should carry out their job to protect we the people why defund the minority communities need more police than any other area why define and take the ability of these who protect us to protect us away from them why would any government do that and then we look at the family there's a very conscious movement to do away with a nuclear family a nuclear family a man and a woman married with children and nuclear family by the way why do you think there's a movement to redefine the family to eliminate the nuclear family maybe you haven't studied marxism karl marx says the best way to lead to people not owning any property is to destroy the nuclear family and you can trace that down through marxism that's a first step why why would a company a country an education economy borders ballots family police why and church church the ultimate target the evangelical church most quote churches churches will not get in the arena because they've already sold out hook line and sinker to the culture so there's not many standing let me tell you that what's happening i want to be very very accurate here in canada last week the senate canadian senate passed overwhelmingly a law to paraphrase that if any the morality of the bible is spoken out in any kind of public or private reference you are breaking the law and you are under criminal indictment with a sentence up to two years did you get that any religious book any morality they professed it will be deemed hate speech and i want to read you exactly an explanation of that this is the canadian bill 250 c-250 the interpretation these rulings display the secularist ideology of government government leaders who don't mind people listen they don't mind people who believe in religion as long as they don't act on it or teach it i couldn't make that up you can be as religious as you want to be but don't teach it and don't live it out or you'll be indicted this is where we are and i ask why and by the way parenthetically i hope i am wrong in this statement but i think a bill much like that reworded in a certain way would pass the house of representatives in washington as quick as zig zag lightning why why i've grappled with that i've asked a lot of people all of this is a prescription by anybody's definition progressive liberal anybody's definition who can think logically for a second leads to chaos it leads to chaos inevitably why would leadership want to lead to chaos and then to let it be stated again the president's address on the state of the nation had 73 percent fewer people watching it than four years ago when the address was made and in that address he said a lot of things but one thing just stood out for me what was that when he said the 27 amendments to the constitution none of them are absolute now go back to fourth or fifth grade civics our constitution has been totally totally misconstrued and so squirreled out in interpretation through post-modern thinking it can mean almost anything and now the bylaws and the amendments are totally up for grabs and i said well how do you change one of them i'd forgotten you could do it by a of states and conventions or two-thirds were vote of the house and the senate bang you could change any and all of them therefore we are seeing the preamble and the introduction of a desire to tear up all the basic documents upon which our nation stands fear powerful powerful thing why why why why why one reason authority one nation under god is being changed from one nation under the state there's no other logical explanation and you say are we a nation under god yes we are in the sense that these foundational documents were written by a couple of deists and primarily bible-believing christians if you read your history not under god under the state in god which oh no in the state we trust i don't see any other logical rational explanation if you have another one tell me quickly because i've looked all over the place to find one so what's the answer what would god say to us the church the answer first corinthians first corinthians corinth was in a situation much like ours it was a situation that was totally dominated by caesar and the roman government it was absolutely a situation in which you yielded you bowed you conformed to the constrictions of the government and the result was almost many times anarchy what is anarchy it's the last verse in the book of judges it said every there was no king in the land everybody did what was right in their own eyes that's anarchy so you must have authority but it's one thing to have authority it's another thing for that authority to be authoritative you know the difference and so what is the answer we read in our scripture we're going to look at 14-21 of chapter number 4 of first corinthians and we begin by saying what's the answer very simple very simple look at verse number 14. paul says i do not write these things to shame you but to admonish you speak to the church as my beloved children for if you were to have countless tutors in christ yet you would not have many fathers for in christ jesus i became your father because of the gospel through the gospel what's he saying he's simply saying look at it look at he's saying a very clear thing he says father knows best he does a father has authority but a father is not to be authoritative you have to have authority to have order to have semblance of things some people just resist any kind of authority but there must be some kind of authority and here paul is saying i am the authority and i've earned the right to be the authority because i am your father i brought you to faith in jesus christ and i founded that church and i found it with the gospel now what is the gospel the gospel involves truth and grace you got to have both if you lose one the gospel comes invalid grace alone is licensed man i can do anything say anything live any kind of life i'm all under grace god will forgive me that won't work that's not the gospel truth oh truth is big but truth is not the gospel law because with only truth you have legalism don't do this don't do that legalism so the gospel has to have grace and truth and paul said i came to you with grace and truth and i am your father therefore i have authority and he didn't come with someone who was exercising authority in a sense and became authoritative explanation authority is someone who has a position and they're in charge and they have a mutual goal with all of those who would follow them and that authority person would come and try to get all the input that he can and all the giftedness that he can and all the ideas that he can and use all the creative that was there and the authority then would subjugate his authority and all of a sudden it is a family with a structure of a father that would lead out together all the mentality all the creativity all the ability and the father is a cheerleader and encourager and someone who tries to put the person in the right place at the right time that's the right kind of authority that's true leadership but there's an authoritative thing here man i'm in charge you do this you don't do that you move over there hey i'm speaking on behalf of god just saith the lord i'm an authority here and i run the show that's authoritative leadership it's not true authority leadership paul says father knows best i am coming to you in this position i'm coming to you as an authority under god he said you may have a thousand people who will have input in your lives and tutors that will direct you you say you only have one dad you don't have one dad i said it a thousand times i'll say it a thousand more times if you want to change america you let the fathers in the home stand up and be a spiritual leader and a lover and you'll change our land [Applause] how does this work how how does it operate it's like the conductor of a symphony orchestra uh you have a lot of gifted people in and of themselves in a in a super major symphony every one of the instrumentalists everyone who participated they they have a lot of ability their soloists they have talent they have creativity they're learned they may be degreed but the conductor stands up and you're going to present uh beethoven's fifth or something then all the orchestra have to submit themselves to the score and to the music and let the conductor be the one who does how we interpret this particular piece of music or otherwise you have the piccolo player going over here and the symbol player going over here but together under a conductor my goodness there is beautiful music because all the creativity and giftedness is bringing with bring out and it contributes to the whole that is leadership that is leadership that is authority bam and underneath that there's not an authoritarianism very very important paul says i come to you as your father and father knows best and then the next thing he says imitate me imitate your father my goodness that's dangerous for most of us who are fathers verse 16 he says therefore i exhort you be imitators of me you know what we say all right kids don't do as i do as as i used to do i want you no no no you mean what happens to us with our children pretty much do what we have them to do until they get to be about 12 or 13. and tragically mom and dad they begin to live like we live oh yeah we we we we we train and we guide and there's a process in a family it's like an illustration of of a a coat is born in a stall and the coat stands up and stays in the stall until the coat can be in the barn and then when the coat gets ready to barn the coke goes out into corral and finally when the croak matures you open the gates and the coats are in the field and everywhere there are restraints there but if we bring up our children as we trust them and build the right stuff in them they have more and more responsibility still when they're in the wide field there are fences out there there may be physical fences but primarily there are fences within when mom and dad have systematically built the right stuff of god in their lives that's how we progress that's how we grow and paul stands up this father stands up he said i want you to imitate me they imitate us whether we like it or not folks that's how it happens be an imitator of me a father george washington was called what the father of our country why well he was general of the army and the revolution yeah and he presided over the continental congress all these documents came to be yeah he's our first president man and anybody who studied history seriously know that they would have made him king and washington was inferior history will show this i've read a biography of two of every one of them through the years washington was grossly inferior to all of his contemporaries anyway you measure it franklin madison hamilton man all of the basically inferior anybody knows that inferior knowledge and research and foreign affairs and economics washington wasn't the most brilliant person who's ever walked around by a long stretch read a biography of it by an honest broker but i'm telling you all those people around him franklin hamilton oh my goodness madison jefferson franklin benjamin i mean washington was way down in a building what did he have george iii of england his leading antagonist said this about washington he's never seen someone in leadership like him king of england he said washington had the ability when he could have taken more power he gave power away when power would come to him he would give it away and refuse to assume it he said he had four times to assume more power and he did the very opposite he moved away from assuming more power and george iii said that's unprecedented leadership that's why these brilliant gifted founders of our land looked to washington because they knew he could handle power you see what we're saying father father of our country father of a family father at this moment of history what is the answer and then paul goes on to address the situation current and do you realize the bedlam and cars i've gone over this man anywhere you look confident in trouble immorality name it we're going to get to it hang in there how about the court system and current did you know in current in the court system many times they had a thousand jurors a thousand in the jury sometimes they had over six thousand they were in the jury taking the case and all those in the jury guess what they were paid by the state every one of them if you need any money i'm gonna join the jury pool today i'm one of four or five thousand on this case you see how it works everything of the state by the state from the state no opposition to the state mussolini defined it i've been over it authoritarianism leads to totalitarianism and leads to socialism and socialism always without exception leads to some form of dictatorship read your history and this is where we are what is the answer father knows best what is the answer imitate the father the father god and then paul says about you in the church at corinth what happened to corinth say it one more time the non-christians in corinth could not be distinguished from the christians in corinth that sound familiar a non-christian no different than a christian and the culture had swallowed the church and paul is trying to address that to show them that god's principles are not arbitrary they're not mean they're just simply saying well what is the book what is the bible some would say the book the bible is an authoritative book don't do this do this conform that get under the bible it is authoritative it is not it is the book of authority and when god is there over us and our relationship to jesus christ you know what you find freedom living god's way in christ is total complete celebratory freedom that is the authority and paul says to the corinthians he said i'm sending you help father knows best imitate me as your spiritual father and then he says i'm sending you help he said i'm sending timothy to you look at it it's an interesting thing he said verse 17 for this reason i have sent you timothy who is my beloved and faithful child in the lord and he will remind you of my ways said paul which are in christ just as i teach everywhere in every church he's saying he's going to remind you of the abcs and the xyz so that you as christians may grow up and be adequate and be my representative in a culture that has overwhelmed you i'm sending help and then paul says hold on he said i'm also coming verse 19. but i will come to you soon if the lord wills and i shall find out not the words of those who are arrogant but their power oh there's a big word for the kingdom of god does not consist in words but in power oh what do we do what's our answer to all this fear that we have maybe pretended fear maybe genuine fear what is the answer father knows best under the authority of god in christ the imitation of those the father there he said would be god in jesus christ as a man in christ was paul and then he said timothy is going to come to you and remind you of the abc's and hopefully he says you'll grow up and get to the xyz of your faith in maturity he says but i'm going to come and i'm going to come and see if all of those in the culture and even in the church who become arrogant with words with words they've redefined words have you noticed they've redefined titles have you noticed they've redefined everything they have been a modification of history he says i'm going to come and see if all of these who have all of these words are of the kingdom of god is it just words if it's of the kingdom words with them have power you get it remember the kingdom of god basic principle the kingdom of god the kingdom of heaven and the bible interchangeable kingdom of god kingdom of heaven what's the kingdom of god it is already remember the kingdom of god comes you draw a circle get in the middle of that circle if the lord jesus christ runs your life and he is in your life and you're in christ a man or a woman in christ in the middle of that circle is the kingdom of god jesus came he says i have brought to you the kingdom the kingdom it is already but also it's not yet remember in other words thy kingdom come in the lord's prayer we're praying for the second coming of jesus christ but also thy will be done on earth as is in heaven not only in heaven but right now as we are kingdom citizens not just in words but in lifestyle in commitment in lordship and therefore the kingdom is here now in christ and those are in christ and in his body of the church and the kingdom will come it's already but it's not yet and therefore paul is saying i am coming to see if those who are talking so much bragging so much instructing so much contrary to basic abcs xyz's of christianity with law and with grace truth and with reconciliation he said i'm going to see if they've got any power let's have a power contest in light of all the fear that we documented and there's a whole lot more how do we how does a church at corinth how do we then live and then respond we need power right power power in the face of fear whoa what do we get power flip to your left to john chapter 13. verse 3 jesus knowing that the father had given all things unto his hands and that he had come forth from god was going back to god now listen it's always a mystery and that jesus was totally man and totally god there are reams of theological debate when did he know he was totally god when did he have a life that was totally human human divine divine human how does that play out if he were always human his his his always divine his human life would have been a charade wouldn't it but by the same token if he's so there's always a mystery but here we see and i believe it played back and forth that's in the hands of the almighty of the father man god god man but here at this moment did you hear the verses it says jesus now we know at this moment at least he knew that all power was in his hands whatever he'd known or not known before as god man at this moment he said all power is in his hand what he's going to do with that power folks what's he going to do with it man maybe he'll call down lightning zip and destroy the roman empire bank he could do that he could do that ten thousand angels bang he could do that man he could part the red sea or the atlantic ocean he could do that he could take mount sinai and move it to california he could do that oh power was in his hands ladies and gentlemen we are here in an oppressed moment of great fear and my goodness if all power you know what did jesus do with all that power read the next verses he read around to his apostles he took off their sandals and washed their feet strange use the power and then in just a few hours a day or so he who had all the power omnipotence omniscience omnipresence all the power of the almighty god was nailed to a cross and a cosmic event took place as all the power of god invested in him jesus of nazareth died for straggly human beings like you unlike me what what's the most powerful thing in this world first john tells us it's very clear first john chapter 18 it says by his love is perfected with us so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment because he jesus is so also are we in the world listen there is no fear in love but perfect love that's christ cast out fear because fear involves punishment and the one who fears is not perfected in love we love because he first loved us the most powerful thing in the world at our disposal as christians and as a church is love and love is not just mush and emotion and feeling love is something you do and love also implies discipline father imitate me timothy is going to come and teach you the abcs of churchianity and christianity and i am going to come and establish the kingdom of god among you and it's based on the power of love which cast out all fear now let's get very simple and very practical if all of these things that are happening to us is to cause chaos we as christians in the church what are the first couple of steps okay it's just very practical number one each and every one of us sells out to jesus christ and lives a life empowered by his spirit with humility and grace every one of us begins to do what i say over and over again to have narrow worship every day i thou myself and god you and god with scripture and prayer narrow worship every day and then we have wide worship when we come together as a family of god that's power and we begin to be lovers lovers lovers when individuals live like that under christ and the authority of the lord jesus christ and of his book i say this theologically not as a profane thing when you and i begin to live like that it scares the hell out of those who are secular the second step is the family father knows best father says imitate me he says here's the kingdom here's how it operates and you're in the kingdom and therefore when in our families family one a family of 21 we begin regularly daily systematically to worship as a family families kneeling before god every day going to god every day and worshiping on the weekend every day in our secular community in our culture that is overwhelming us families like that i say it theologically scares the hell out of the godless
Channel: Second Baptist Church, Houston
Views: 574
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: second baptist church houston, woodway, 9:30, dr. ed young
Id: s1NouO9m1WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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