The Answer to Hate | Dr. Ed Young

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[Music] what is the operative word the basic factor that leads to war what is the thing that is there we look at mao we look at adolf hitler we look at tojo we look at stalin we look at edr mean and we can rattle off all of those who led in war in the last century and what is the characteristic what is the underlying word that best describes those individuals different situations to be sure but i believe the operative word is hate read their biographies and you'll discover hate hate hate now here we are in the 21st century as we look around the world there's so much division conflict someone has this worldview someone has this worldview someone has this cultural background somebody else has this cultural background and they're deep lines that divide us divides the world internationally without exception virtually in every country and certainly there is an overriding feeling of hate turn on your television set switch from channel to channel you see this hate is so apparent everywhere hate hate you can feel it we hear it we observe it and many of us rejoice and participate in it what is the answer to all the hatred that seems to be about everywhere we turn what's the answer to hate the days of jesus there were two big groups that you read about in the bible they were always at one another's throats the sadducees and the pharisees the sadducees were secularists they ran the supreme court the sanhedrin basically they they admired the roman empire and their form of government they wanted to take the greek culture and establish an israel instead of the theocracy which they had and they did not believe in the supernatural they did not believe in demons they did not believe in angels they didn't believe in the resurrection and therefore i remember being a young child and someone said the way you remember the sadducees is that they do not believe in life after death and that's sad you see so that's how i remember that there were the sadducees on one side and they opposed jesus there were the pharisees on the other side they were the supersonic religious pietists and they not only kept the ten commandments but also they followed the oral commandments that all the rabbis had written down there were some 613 thou shalt knots and a few thou shalt and they lived up to all of those everything you do you all had it programmed and if you step out of line there'd be 20 people to push you back in place the pharisees or they believed in the resurrection life after this life first of all you read there in matthew chapter 22 that the sadducees challenge jesus and they will listen to him and they ask him about life after death and they gave sort of little riddle and said if you were married to this person and they died you married to this person and they died and someone moved away and said who would your wife be in heaven i mean one of those crazy unbelievable silly meaningless questions to trap jesus and jesus said look the lord of abraham isaac and jacob is the lord of the living and not on the lord of the dead so he just sort of put down in a brief scriptural passage the sadducees the pharisees were encouraged and said maybe he's on our team so they also sought to entrap him and a lawyer asked the question of jesus one of the pharisees what is the greatest commandment out of all the laws all the rules what's the number one commandment and jesus quoted part of the shema the pious jew would read and recite deuteronomy 6 every morning of their life and jesus said i'll tell you what the number one law is love the lord thy god all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind man that's big and then he added in leviticus 19 said to love your neighbors you love yourself that's pretty lofty and the lawyer said hey you've answered right you got a plus jesus but then jesus added two to this you go to luke chapter number six jesus says you're to love your enemies whoa love god with everything you've got how's that working for anybody here are you loving god with everything you got what about loving your neighbor loving those that around you those you can see those that's in your how's that working and it's tough to love all of our neighbors and then on top of that jesus says now in luke 6 you're to love your enemies anybody here doing any loving of your enemies would you lift your hand and go right to heaven you're loving your enemies well let me add to it jesus even made it tough jesus said do good for those who hate you how's that working for you anybody doing good for those who hate you we've got one i'd like to question you at the church you see folks this is so high love god with everything you got love your neighbor the way you love yourself now sometimes i have a tough time loving myself so my neighbor gets off light but we love god with all we got we love our neighbor as we love ourselves and we love our enemies on top of that we love those who hate our guts and we do good for them who hate our guts now let me tell you something that is so lofty to truly live up to that only jesus has ever absolutely done it you mark that down underline it put a star by it there's a little bit of dogma there and jesus gives us the power to be lovers we are to be lovers what's the answer to hate it is to be a lover love is the antonym to hate and hate means we feel aggressively antagonistic towards someone that's the best simple definition of hate so we are not to be haters hate drains anybody and everybody of any sensibility uh recently in london their group of scientists got together and they did some kind of mri and they had 70 people come in who they knew they hated certain individuals and with mri they looked at the frontal cortex of the brain and when somebody came in that somebody else hated they saw that frontal cortex just light up and fire up to fight or defend here comes someone that i hate and it showed up on the mri and they went through 17 different illustrations every time the same thing happened then they brought in 17 other people who had a special relationship of love with people particularly individuals you know a grandchild would come in a wife would come in and a good friend would come in and they would have the same mri there and this frontal cortex would just be placid no response here comes someone you trust you love totally difference hate like unforgiveness will eat your lunch and sep all the strength out of your life and in my life we're called to be lovers we're not called to be haters in light of this i picked up one of my big old concordances strong's concordance this concordance it has every word in the bible listed the and every word in the bible listed and a biblical reference as to where that word is to be found and i looked up hate and i said you know let me find out about hate this thing and you know what i discovered in a page or two of hate and hatred god hates stuff and things god god hates whoa wait a minute god is love how can god who is by his essence and being love hate hate and i looked at the classic scripture there are many of them it talks about the things that god hate but proverbs chapter number 6 verse 16 following it says there are six things which the lord hates yes seven which are an abomination him by the way when in the bible you'd read six names and the seventh thing that's listed that's the word abomination it means it makes god sick god throws up at these things and look at the list that's here there are six things which the lord hates yes seven which are an abomination to him haughty eyes lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked plans feet that run rapidly to evil a false witness who utters lives and the one who spreads strife among people by the way that's the final one that's the seventh one and that sums up everything else god hates all those things spelled out but he sums it all up it is it is an individual who spreads strife and controversy among people the tongue ladies and gentlemen james talks about the tongue it's like a bridle with a horse it's like a the rudder of a ship it's like a fire so god hates all of these things he specifically lists but especially with our tongues which we sow deception deceit and sometimes we'll tell things that are true in order to do harm that's even a deadlier use of your tongue in my tongue so this is what god hates and by the way this is what we should hate we should hate but how in the world do you hate what god hates without becoming a hater do you get that we're to hate what god hates we're lovers we're not to be haters but yet we're to hate what god hates without becoming a hater how do you do that we learn how to speak the truth in love now that is a challenge a lot of us say i can speak the truth but how do we speak the truth in love now that's a challenge for anybody and everybody in other words if you love me and you see that i'm going over the cliff you would halt and you'd grab me and warn me you may have to shout at me and grab me and we need to do that as we see those that are in our orbit of influence learn how to speak the truth in love and things that are destroying are eating up their life the church is the place ladies and gentlemen where we can best be informed and instructed as to how to speak the truth in love and when people come we hope in the welcoming attitude anybody anywhere anytime any background doesn't matter it doesn't mean that we compromise basic biblical principles we accept everyone in the choices that they've made but we do not necessarily affirm the choices that have been made that's a big distinctive difference but we are learning how to speak the truth in love we are a welcoming a welcoming people and this is how we're learning that love language that love language not only are we a welcoming people but we're a non-judgmental people we're not in the judging business let me show you exactly how clearly this is stated if you have your bibles you might look to me in the gospel according to matthew and you'll see exactly what jesus said about judging matthew chapter 7. jesus says do not judge by the way this i need to explain that anybody need to exegete that do some word studies look at an etymology of some of those words it says clearly and simply do not judge that's not above anybody is it did i miss you is that not clear plain do not judge and then it follows do not judge so that you will not be judged if we do judge we'll be judged ourselves by the same standards by which we happen to judge others whoa for in the way you judge you'll be judged and by your standards of measure you will be measured to you why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye oh how can you say to your brother let me take the speck out of your eye and behold there's a log in your own eye you hypocrites said jesus first take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye to speak the truth in love so we stand up and here is someone who is living this area of rebellion against biblical principles and someone else is living this area and we judge someone else in order to make you and me feel superior or better in the stuff in which we're involved in there's nobody no human being who's qualified to judge only god god and god alone doesn't mean we do not discern and we get confused here doesn't mean we do not discern many times when i my boys were coming up i'd say son i'm not going to let you play with that guy again and i would tell them why i would discern because i knew that that particular kid and his family and what they represented was not where my son needed to get involved and my son needed to go i exercised discernment i wasn't judging i was protecting i was being i hope and pray a wise parent and i look back on those events some 20 or 30 years ago and i look at the trajectory of the lives of those kids my boys would have been running with and whatever their mom and dad and others in that family and i can tell you without exception i'm thankful that i exercise discernment so that's that's a different thing from being judgmental we are not in the judgment business ladies and gentlemen god does that god will handle that and don't run around playing god i'm not qualified you're not qualified i've messed up too many times i'm too messed up you've messed up too many times you're too messed up so we are not to judge we learn to speak the language of love and in this place this place this is not a place where we exercise judgment which is not what we do so therefore people can be receptive here therefore we are a loving body of christ we're in the welcoming business in this place we're not in the judgment business in this place because in this place grace is in place we're in the forgive me business we're in the reconciliation business and therefore churches that do not have this welcoming do not have this non-judgmental attitude let me tell you what happens those churches are a long way from living up to the biblical principles that are here let me show you something that i really really like is found over here in first corinthians chapter number six you read a horrific list and here paul is talking about those who are outside the kingdom of god and he says in verse 9 he says do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god he says do you not do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolatrous nor adulterers nor the effeminate nor homosexuals nor thieves nor the covetous nor the drunkards nor the revelers nor the swindlers or those where they will not inherit the kingdom of god and he gives a long long list a long list that they're not going to make it they're outside the kingdom but then there's that little phrase there and i love it and he says so it were some of you such as it was some of you this this puts you in that list this puts all of us in that list he said but you were washed but you were sanctified and you were justified in the name of the lord jesus christ and the spirit of god in other words that church at corinth was a welcoming church it's a non-judgmental church it was a church of grace and all of those in the congregation as paul lists all these horrible heinous mean spirited immoral things that happened instead of being pisces a lot of you were like that that's who you used to be that's what you were about but look at you now that's the church as we learn to speak the language of love now what is this language i love a little verse in proverbs chapter 25 verse 11. the background of that verse is that in the orient some of the wealthiest of kings would have a dinner party and at the dinner party they would have baskets of silver filigree of silver and they would have their craftsman make apples of gold and those baskets of silver they'd have apples of gold at the end of the meal they would pass around those baskets of silver and ask all the guests to take home with them an apple of gold when you've loved been on that guest list and they could go back and say this is what i had dinner with the king an apple of gold and in proverbs we say we read a word fitly spoken a word spoken at the right time in the right circumstances with the right spirit a word fitly spoken is like an apple of gold in a basket of silver that's how we are to learn to speak the language of love to one another and to anybody and everybody in church outside of church in family outside of family wherever we find ourselves a word crafted thought out prayed out fiddly spoken it's like a apple of cold and baskets of silver baskets of silver 2004 you remember isis was running roughshod over a whole part of the middle east and they had totally saturated iraq and you'll remember they went up in northern iraq now northern iraq is an unusual part of iraq in a section of northern iraq they speak aramaic not arabic but aramaic aramaic was the language that jesus would have spoken in conversation he knew hebrew from the synagogue but the conversation of that day would be aramaic and so those christians for thousands of years there in northern iraq they continued to speak aramaic the language of jesus and you remember reading of how isis went there and they were just slaughtering and killing christians wherever they found anybody speaking aramaic and they said we want to kill the language of jesus that was their call isis says we are there in northern iraq to kill the language of jesus they spoke aramaic we read the atrocities there churches burn artifacts ancient history going back thousands of years christians christians destroyed just because they would speak aramaic the language of jesus one man escaped the plague of isis and made his way back into civilization and he was interviewed by a member of the press and this person asked him tell me what's going on and he said this is not a surprise to us because he said hate 2 000 years ago tried to kill the language of jesus and hate only drove jesus to the cross and on that cross was the biggest explosion of love the world had ever known up to this time and the world has ever known today the language of jesus the church is where we learn to speak the language of jesus and it's like an apple of gold given to you and given to me and given all who come around it's like an apple of gold taken out of a basket of silver you
Channel: The Winning Walk
Views: 6,413
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Keywords: The Winning Walk, Dr. Ed Young, Ed Young, Radio, Broadcast,, ed young ministries, ed young sermons, SBCHouston, TBN, Television, bible, Discover, Transformation, Gifts
Id: NxXGTMNaueo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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