Follow the Tour Guide | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] hey everyone we're so glad that you've tuned in for this message today i believe god gave me a word for you and i believe the word of god is going to bring you strength i believe god's going to bring someone comfort and take someone to a new level i want you to watch this message that the lord gave me and at the end i'm going to come back and we're going to pray for you god bless you enjoy this word how many have your bible say amen take your bible out and go to john chapter 16 and then put your finger on first corinthians 2. i'm going to begin a series today it's going to take me a couple of weeks to teach this but i want to begin a series today called getting to know the holy spirit how many know we need to know who the holy ghost is [Music] and i just want to take this opportunity to teach on the holy spirit because i think he's the most neglected member of the godhead i think he's become optional for many christians i think we treat him like a denomination or some sort of i said this last week the flavor of the month but the holy spirit is god he is not optional and without him you're not even alive spiritually if you don't have the spirit of god you don't belong to christ and for the next couple of weeks we want to talk about the holy spirit because i want you to know who he is and i want you to know that he knows about you so today and for the next several weeks this is going to be uh i i think i'm going to teach more we'll see where we go um i recognize i was telling pastor richie this this past week our church is full of people who've been pentecostal all of their life but our church is also full of people who just started coming to a pentecostal church today and we take for granted that everyone sitting in this room has been taught and understands the person of the holy spirit and the work of the holy spirit in the life of the believer but the reality of it is there is such little teaching on the holy spirit that if you don't hear the truth regarding the holy spirit you could spend your whole life loving god in the shallow end of the kingdom the kingdom of god there is so much more for you and i to know there is so much more for you and i to understand and i believe god led me to this assignment and i feel him because there's a spirit of wisdom and revelation that he wants to rest upon you how many want to go deeper i don't mean weird i mean deeper it might seem weird to some people but deeper is good right and we want to stay in him but we want all of him that there is to have and i want you to go to john 16 and i'm going to read there verse number 12. um through 13 12-13 and then i want to go to first corinthians chapter 2 and i'm going to read verses 9 through 13 there so john 16 12 and 13 and then first corinthians 2 9 through 13. look at your neighbors say neighbor i don't know what it is about what you're wearing [Music] but you look thinner today than you did last sunday come on tell them [Music] hey help me welcome our athens family right now i love you pastor devin and ingrid pastor chris and amy the entire athens family we're with you in spirit you're in the house we're grateful for what god is doing there let's read john chapter 16 verse 12 together jesus these words are written and read in my bible that means they come from the lips of our lord and he is speaking regarding the holy spirit everyone else has talked about the holy spirit i think we should hear what jesus has to say about the holy spirit how many want to hear what jesus has to say about the holy spirit jesus says in john's gospel the 16th chapter the 12th verse i still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however when he the spirit of truth say the spirit of truth has come he will guide you say guide you say he'll guide you tell your neighbor he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things that are to come now go to first corinthians chapter 2. first corinthians chapter two verse number nine when you got it say word but as it is written eye has not seen neither ear has heard [Music] nor has it entered into the heart of man the things everyone say the things say the things say there are things the things that god has prepared for those who love him next verse but god has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things somebody say things the deep things say deep things of god for what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of god except the spirit of god now somebody say right now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from god that we might know the things say the things that have been freely given to us by god last verse these things somebody say things how many know god's trying to get us to see something here today these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the holy spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual today i want to talk about this this is going to be a little different i want to talk about this today and i want to preach a message called follow the tour guide look at your neighbors say neighbor just trust the tour guide they're not trusting the tour guide tell your other neighbor neighbor trust the tour guide follow the tour guide he knows what's up pray for me i'm praying for you give me give me a brother uh it lay your hand on pastor alvin right in front of you right there would you do that father we just pray for pastor alvin today and his family thank you for this great and godly woman that has gone home to be with you to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord i thank you today god that a spirit of peace and rest come upon him and his entire family now we don't sorrow as the world we sorrow but not as the world we know where she is and we know that everything that she committed to you you kept it against that day and now she's seeing you face to face blessed pastor alvin and the family today strengthened them in christ i pray and everyone said amen god bless you is receded in the presence of the lord so um so we love fishing right the wallace family loves fishing my i get that from my dad my boys get that from from me and we like fishing most of the time we fish in freshwater places um either on the bank or in a in a bass boat but a couple years ago um devin and i had the opportunity to take a sabbatical and we had gone like seven straight years and really i don't know that we ever really missed more than one sunday here and there and uh we just gutting it out and doing all that we could to build the church and we were just tired and the lord had blessed to supernaturally paid the debt off on the building we had built it was an amazing season and for the first time ever devon and i took 30 days and we got away with our kids and we went to a a remote location in florida and just sat and prayed and spent time together and and it was amazing it was incredible and while we were there for those 30 days mom and dad came down to visit us one of those days and i decided we were going to go out and go deep sea fishing so we had never been deep sea fishing together like that i wanted to catch some fish so we we get on this boat and uh and this guy is is uh got this boat we go out this is what the crew looked like the crew looked like this so you know it's a pretty amazing day already when you get spent three days with samford and sons it's incredible it's uh um uh dad was if you know my dad you know that joke um so we get on the boat and the guy takes us out and he just keeps going it's an eight-hour trip and i'm like man where are we going we drive and drive and drive and drive and drive and we get out and um he said we got a couple of stops to make today um and we're gonna catch some fish went to the first stop caught nothing second stop caught nothing um and by the time we'd gone to the second stop we'd been on the boat a couple of hours by then three or four hours and we were getting frustrated you know you pay money you want to catch fish you trust the people that that are taking your fishing to know where the fish are and so the guy says to us i know where the fish are i'm getting ready to take him put you on the fish so we go out a little further and he's looking at this this thing called a depth finder a sonar and he pulls up he says get your rods ready boys get your reels ready boys i found the fish and we're like you know whatever we've heard that for two stops and we've caught nothing and all of a sudden we start catching fish so quickly we caught our limit and we had to go back in because we couldn't keep any more fish than the ones we caught chad show them a picture of what we caught in like 30 minutes like 30 minutes we caught all these fish and we're going crazy and we're reeling them in and we're i mean you know my dad is a smack talker when it comes to fishing and and so he's he's out there and he's talking smack and my kids are catching fish it's almost pulling jeremiah and isaiah in the water and and it occurred to me i don't want to go fishing and follow somebody who don't know how to find the fish i want to follow a tour guide that knows where the fish are and and there are a lot of people i believe sitting in churches experiencing a christian life in which they don't need a tour guide you're living the kind of shallow end christian life with just a little bit of blessing a little bit of jesus a little bit of god a little bit of holy spirit a little bit of church and a lot of everything else but today i want to tell you there is something beyond the shallow end of christianity that is available to every born-again person in this room and if you're going to live in those places in god and experience the fullness of god's kingdom and the fullness of god's promises you're not going to be able to get there guiding yourself you're going to have to have a tour guide who knows where he's going in fact living without the holy spirit as your tour guide is like fishing for deep sea fish without having a sonar or a depth finder that man could have driven us around the entire ocean that day and we never caught anything because he didn't know where the fish were but when he turned that sonar on and showed me that picture of all those dots on the bottom in the deep part of the ocean he knew we were getting ready to catch fish because he had taken us successfully to the place where the fish were just like that god who knew where the fish were the holy spirit is the god that takes you into all that god has for you and i and jesus says to his disciples he's getting ready to die he's getting ready to leave the earth and he says to his disciples i think this is fascinating because as i woke up this morning the spirit of god just reminded me please be remember be reminded that the disciples didn't have the bible they didn't have the bible they didn't have the treasure or the opportunity to wake up every morning and hear the voice of god spoken through the written logos they depended strictly on the voice of the holy spirit so jesus in john chapter 16 is telling them things that that's getting ready to happen he's telling them that he's going to die he's telling them that the spirit is coming and then he says to them there are other things watch there are other things i want to tell you that you can't handle right now the spirit is coming and when the spirit comes the holy spirit of god will guide you into all truth watch the word says he will talk and speak the things which i show him and he will show you things that are to come the spirit of god is not an energy he is not a force he is not an ethereal cloud or shadow out in the mysterious beyond he is the he is the person of god i don't want to go too deep into this but we are trinitarian people in this house we believe in god the father god the son god the holy spirit not three separate because that's modalism and we don't believe in that we believe that they are so perfectly unified yet perfectly different the only way you could explain it is through a spiritual understanding of god all three in one that is accomplished by the perfect unity of the godhead never been a disagreement never been an argument never been crossed with each other never been upset with one another all three of them tied together one in unity three distinct yet all three one isn't that a miracle when i say the holy spirit i'm not talking about goosebumps he may make you feel goosebumps but he is not the goosebumps he is not the shaking in the floor but sometimes i've seen him touch people and they shaken the floor he is not the people who take off running although sometimes he's touched people and i see them took off running you ever seen people they're like why do they do that i've never seen that before you don't know what god did in their life well jesus never did that no he didn't but everybody he touched did i just want you to understand that the holy spirit is able to be known and he wants to reveal himself and he reveals himself as holy spirit to your spirit not to your body he does not communicate with and through your body this natural tangible tent that you and i are in is not the mechanism that god gave you to be able to receive communication by the holy spirit you cannot hear him with natural ears some people struggle in finding the voice of the spirit because they don't know where to find him at if you want to locate the place in you where you hear the holy spirit an exercise that i taught myself very early in my walk with god is that most of the time when i need to hear the holy spirit i have to close my eyes i don't always close my eyes but why do i close my eyes because often what i'm seeing with my natural eyes and hearing with my natural ears is not always in compliance with what the spirit of truth is trying to talk to me about come on the bible said elijah heard a sound of an abundance of rain but there was no clouds in the sky how can you declare rain is coming when there are no clouds in the sky i'll tell you how you operate not by what you see in the natural but by what you hear on the inside if you're not afraid to draw near to the holy spirit and walk in the spirit he'll let you hear things before you see things the bible said he would speak things and then he said it would show things and sometimes before god shows it he says it and you and i have to pick up on it and the spirit of truth jesus said guide you and i into listen all somebody say all all truth i want you to imagine that there is not just imagine i want you to believe because it's true there's more of god than you've ever seen how many would say god's revealed an amazing amount of stuff to humanity but can i tell you that there's more of god hidden than he's ever revealed as much as we have seen the revelation of god when i walk out this building and i look up at lookout mountain and i see the carved river that has its edges and and when i visit florida and i see the the waves roll in and and the water can only come so far and then i walk out at night and i look up in the cloudless sky and i i see the constellations and the stars and we look at the grand canyon and we see all the vast amazing things that god has revealed in nature in the beauty of nature in in the beauty of a child in the beauty of harry getting baptized in a pool today when i see the beauty of god he's revealed so much and yet in light of all that he's revealed he's hidden more than he's ever revealed i've often said this that's why eternity is called eternity and that's why it has no end because eternity is the vehicle listen carefully that god chose to reveal the fullness of his revelation do you understand that there is a reason why eternity has no end if you ever put an end on eternity it cannot be the vehicle that god uses to reveal the totality of who he is because the totality of his who he is will never be completely revealed he's that awesome forever and ever the angels have circled the throne crying holy holy holy and they never get tired how because every time they do another revolution around the throne it produces new revelation because the overflow of who he is can never be stopped you can't put an end on it that's why we got to have eternity we got to have a space and a place where it never ends because he never ends there is this place in god there is this place in god that paul calls and i like to call it the deep things of god the things of god eight times in this one little chapter of first corinthians chapter 2 paul calls it things of god the things of god and if you're not careful and if i'm not careful we will live a christian life in the shallow things and we will live in this superficial sunday morning only experience with god where we have compartmentalized our life and successively put god on our sunday calendar but we do not live with him being our tour guide monday through saturday and we stay in a shallow end and we work a job and we work for a boss and we raise the family and we buy our house and we do all these amazing things and and my concern is that we live our whole life and it's not that we don't love god it's that we don't understand that because we love god there is more for us and why don't people want the deep things of god i'll tell you why most people don't because they don't know they're available you can't have faith for or expect things in your life that you don't have faith for let me rewind that and say that again you can't have an expectation for things that you don't have faith for and you can't have faith for things you haven't been told from the word of god are available that's why paul said in romans faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god when i teach a truth from this book and it gets deposited into your spirit it's supposed to wake up faith and expectation some people today are are absolutely blown away that we prayed for sick people in the prayer time today because you've never been in a place that prayed for sick people and it's because they told you that god don't heal anymore well if you've been told all your life god doesn't heal anymore then you don't have faith to believe that god can heal but if you're in an atmosphere where people believe that he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquity and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed then you can come into a room and when leaders give you the green light that god is healing something ought to wake up on the inside of you and say i can have it today [Applause] most people don't believe because they haven't been taught and the reason they have been taught is because most people teach and haven't found the deep things themselves and god wants us to understand that there is this place we can go in god like that tour god took us to the deep places in fact that's what paul says in first corinthians chapter two let's just break it down right here look at this i'm going to teach today look at this verse number 10 for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of god if you got your pen underline deep things because in the greek that's the word buffos b-a-t-h-o-s anybody see the word bath in that bathos it's it's literally the depth the absolute bottom of the deepest places in the ocean when the bible says don't miss it when the bible says that the spirit of god is is the god that takes us into all truth let me break this down and see if i can explain this for you in a way that we can understand it the spirit of god went into the deep places of god and discovered everything that there was for you and then comes back to you and as a tour god takes you into the deep things that are intended for you god didn't just go to the shallow things the bible said that the spirit knows the deep things i don't want to talk about i'm today when i talk about deep things and shallow things i'm not trying to create hierarchies in the church no one in here is more special than anyone else no one in here is more spiritually elite than anyone else god is no respecter of a person but he is respecter of principles there are some people who are in or are invited into accessing the deep things of god that other people could have but don't get invitations to not because they're less spiritual than the people who got an invitation but because they don't have the principle of devotion oh come on in here that unlock the deep place that god had for them what are you saying i'm glad you asked there is only one stipulation given to us in first corinthians chapter two for knowing the deep things that god has for us what is that stipulation pastor i'm glad you asked it's right here in verse number nine catch this eye has not seen ear has not heard it has not entered into the heart of a man or woman the things that god has prepared for those here's the here's the one condition who love him if you love god i mean really love god i mean like for real pursue him you know why i i am married to her because i pursued her and loved her like no other man pursued her and loved her yeah that's what i said too when i saw her oh yeah now there were other jokers that came along that said god showed me i was gonna be with you but those jokers are not here today do you know why because it wasn't that they didn't love her is that they didn't love her like i loved her what i want you to understand is there are a lot of people sitting in this church today who are here today because they say they love god and they might love him but maybe they love him 10 to 12 on sunday but god said for those who really love me jesus i feel like teaching for those that really love me not just blowing me kisses on sunday not just dating me on the weekend not just hitched up to me to see what i can do for them but for those who don't even need another reason to come talk to me in prayer those who don't even mind staying up at night tears coming down my face nothing's even wrong i'm just glad i belong to him and he belongs to me i love him god said for people who love me it hasn't even entered your heart the f things look at somebody tell them things things things things things things things things i just want to tell you there are plural things multiple things major things little things miraculous things blow your mind things that god has prepared for those who in this good news i don't have to have all my ducks in a row i don't have to have a degree i don't have to be mr theology all i got to do is love the lord my god with all my heart all my mind all my soul all my strength and if i really love him more than i love anything else he has a way of revealing things and the one who reveals knows where the things are he's not finding them now he knew them about you before you got here when the bible says that the spirit searches the things of god this search has already occurred he already knew my days before eddie and gail got hooked up at the a w root beer store and had a hot dog together do you understand what i'm saying god knew what he had i need you to get this y'all he's not trying to find out a plan on the spot he's not surprised by the years of failure and the years of misery and the mess you made he knew it was coming i just want to tell you it doesn't end in misery and it doesn't end in a mess and it doesn't end in pain it might have started in a mess it might have had pain but in the end he's taking you to a place called the deep things and he's already seen you there [Applause] the deep thing somebody say the deep things now you can't access this place of deep things without intimacy with god casual christianity is killing the american church we don't want a god who is the absolute object of all of our affection we want a god who accepts our leftovers this is why few people operate in their calling and stay in the anointing and stay in their in their purpose is because it's not because god doesn't love us but the most dangerous thing god could ever do is send his glory to people who have not demonstrated pure intimacy with him and the holy spirit is the spirit of truth that guides us into all truth there is a reason why that fishing god knew where to go ready he had been there before the holy spirit knows where to take you today because he's already been there today watch i'm getting ready to flip you out and he knows what to do for you tomorrow because he's already been [Applause] in your tomorrow when the bible says he's alpha and omega that doesn't mean he's just the beginning and the end he is the beginning and the end and everything that happened in between he doesn't wake up and read the newspaper and get information he could have told him what was going to happen had they heard because he saw it coming before it ever occurred and the reason he knows how to take you and i to the deep things is because in eternity past before you and i ever showed up he searched in the deep place of god and discovered your purpose and your plan and when he put the dna strands together that created you you came and we announced your arrival the day you were born but god knew you before you came out of your mama's womb the plan for your life was actually already searched out and determined before you got here and it's a good plan you ready for this sender's in this room please hear me he has a good plan for your life the only reason it ain't good yet is because you haven't gone to the tour guide you're not talking to the one who knows what god puts you on this planet for you could be 50 years old and have wasted your life following yourself or the devil and today god could turn your whole life around and you could follow the one who knows the things god has prepared for you and if you'll follow him he'll lead you to everything god has let me teach this part say things let me talk about things real quick what what kind of things does the holy spirit reveal number one the holy spirit look at this this is in verse number i believe it's seven but let me tell you the right address it's in here i promise yeah verse number yeah nine first of all i want you to understand something the holy spirit reveals the things say things spiritual things say spiritual things say deep things the holy spirit reveals things number one that have been prepared look at verse nine for those who love him so number one the holy spirit reveals to you things god has prepared for you let me teach that this word prepared everybody say prepared it's the greek word hetoid mazzo that's big right and this is the word used for the ministry of john the baptist who prepared the way of the lord and we borrow this term from oriental custom this is where the word came from it comes from the oriental custom of when a king was coming to a city they sent an entourage ahead of the king because when you are carrying royalty you do not make royalty wait while you get the road ready you send an entourage ahead of the king to prepare the way so that when he gets to the city the valleys have been lifted up and the high places have been brought low come on in here and the crooked places have been made straight so that the king can be known when the king arrives in the city when the bible said god prepares things and that the holy spirit reveals those things verse 9 stay in the bible the spirit reveals things prepared for you if it hasn't been prepared it might not be yours this is where everybody's like oh he just no he didn't i was thinking about this as i was preparing this message today how this entire transition of us coming to this building occurred in our lives it happened like this someone called me and said have you heard highland park baptist church is for sale you may not know the history of the building you're sitting in it used to be a building from this stage all the way to that glass wall by the road that wall wasn't there it sat six thousand people this building sat six 000 people it was full every sunday twice and they had over 30 satellite churches in 1980 they had 30 000 people a week coming to the church between this campus and all of their satellite campuses the day the week before we bought it it had 130 people in it it died a slow tragic 30-year death i'm not throwing stones or being mean i'm telling you the facts and this is from people who came to the church there i remember someone called me and said have you heard highland park baptist church is for sale i said no i didn't know it was for sale now at this time we have we have a campus in utah and a little bit of campus over in the real hood i'm talking about the for real hood i'm talking about the kind of hood where they threatened me the the drug pushers chris would tell you we had to hire police because the so many drug addicts were getting saved that the drug pushers who were sending the drug addicts got mad and came over one morning and they were going to shoot me they said he keeps telling all of our our people that they're free and we don't own them anymore and i didn't even know when i was telling these people you're free that they were gonna go back and tell the people who said they owned them that they're free now the people that thought they owned the free people are mad at the preachers that the preacher told the people who thought they were on that they were free so they come over to shoot me that's the kind of hood we was in and i remember when god opened the door for this house i wasn't going to take this building when i first walked into this building it was huge and we were in a little bit of storefront i'm talking about a little bit storefront cram 150 people in i could manage that when i walked in here i saw this i said this is too big for me standing back there at that sound booth the spirit of god said to me it cannot hold what i'm getting ready to do [Music] it ain't big enough for what i'm getting ready to do i said oh my god what do you mean lord what do you mean we got 150 people what do you mean what do you mean and this is what he meant and we ain't done yet i said when he done yet we won't stop until chattanooga is in a church somewhere worshiping god i won't stop i said i will not stop i'm telling you right now somebody said when will you lay on lay off of it when will you ease up i will not ease up until every lost person is saved every sick person is healed every demon of racism is under our fear i will not stop i won't stop deep i remember i remember thinking to myself how are we going to afford this guy i was on a three-day fast you've heard me tell this story i don't want to waste a lot of time say deep things i'm on the third day of a fast i'm standing in the atlanta airport chris is standing with me i've preached i'm tired i'm trying to get home i'm standing at the at the train tram at tram at concourse a going to concourse c so i can get on a plane and go to my house and eat because it was the third day of the fast and i'm hungry i'm not more spiritual i'm hungry and mad i don't even feel like i can hear god i'm so hungry you walk past and go down concourse a and a popeye with a chicken biscuit and a bojangle with a chicken biscuit and a dab i'll get under my feet and i'm standing at the tram stop and the tram stop the tram stops said the train is sitting there and i'm trying to hear god about this building and the lord said and i'm about to say no we don't want it and the lord said careful don't know the woman's voice on the train operator speaker thing said careful doors are closing and will not reopen and when she said that i dropped my bag and tears streaming down chris jumps on the train he turns around and looks back he said bishop what are you doing i said i just heard god he said you did what did he say i said he came on the voice of that train operator and he spoke to that train operator voice and he told me regarding this campus doors are closing and we'll never reopen and from that moment i made two phone calls the next morning i was standing in this sanctuary with that young lady and two real estate agents i called the person that called me they said what did god say i said i don't understand this but god told me to take this building he said good make an offer i said the problem is i don't got no money he said i didn't ask you if you had any money i asked you if it belonged to you and if it belongs to you i got the money god oh my god i feel like running around here slap somebody tell them the deep things of god i feel faith in this room the deep things of i feel like somebody is about to get into somebody about to get a revelation that it belongs to you well the devil said i couldn't have it i don't care what the devil said the devil is a liar slap three people tell them it belongs to you it belongs to you it's a big thing god already said it's yours if you love him he'll open up the window by the society he'll open up the windows of heaven and he'll bless you with deep things oh i gotta go listen how can you take this and how can you how did you do it i can only tell you this is how it was prepared this thing was prepared for us i drove by this building every day in the summer of my childhood with my papa and my granny and they drove us down bailey and my my granny was going down to get a trinket at the dollar tree and we drove by this big old building every day never in my eight-year-old mind did i know that in the deep things of god he prepared something for us all of us this ain't mine this is the kingdoms say prepared i want you to hear me tell you something the holy ghost is about to bring revelation to some of you about things god has prepared for you why has he been waiting i'm gonna tell you why he's been preparing y'all miss it he's taking the crooked out of it he's taking the high things out of the way he's raising up the valleys so that when it comes time for you to get there you don't have to spend all your time oh god i gotta raise up the valley i gotta remove the mountain i gotta get rid of the cooking place oh no you don't all you got to do is get there and know that it's yours if you get to the place god will give you the revelation that it belongs to you and he'll take the sweat out of this y'all don't even hear what i'm saying he'll take the sweat out of it the reason some of you are working overtime and you're trying so hard and there's no oil in what you're doing it's because you're operating in something that wasn't prepared for you but when you get in the holy ghost hallelujah he'll show you what god has already prepared and all you got to do is show up and walk and give god glory for what the lord has done i got to go number two not only are they things that are prepared look at verse number 12. is the teaching helping anybody today okay thank you father look at verse number 12. now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from god watch that we might know the come on verse 12. thank you the things the first thing that they were are things that have been prepared the second thing the spirit does is lets us know the things that have been freely given free the given this is a wonderful word in the greek this word freely given it means a favor yeah i feel like hollering right here for a minute i'm already sweating we might as well jump all the way in look at somebody tell them hey neighbor tell them god is about to do you a favor [Applause] some people who are religious can't handle this because you've been trying to figure out how you're going to earn what god is getting ready to do but the holy ghost doesn't show up to reveal how you work harder to get what god is about to do in your life the holy ghost shows up to show you tell your neighbor say hey neighbor say god is about to do you a favor [Music] i know there are some things that you did that you know it was partly your deal and you had an investment in it that made it happen but i feel like god wanted me to tell you on this sunday morning that there are some things getting ready to happen in your life that are beyond anything you had anything to do with it was a favor [Applause] god is about to do somebody a favor in their business god is about to do somebody a favor in their marriage god is about to do somebody a favor in their children god is even about to do somebody a favor in your church you can't earn this you don't deserve this so you better find a praise and give the one who doesn't all the glory yeah touch three people tell them god is about to do you a favor i just heard the holy ghost say he's about to do somebody a favor in their finances anybody that believes he'll bless you good measure press down shake it together running over he's about to do you a favor [Applause] [Music] what kind of blessing would it be if when you got it you knew you did something to deserve it i'm not saying that we don't play a role but i'm telling you that there come a time in your life where god will do something so crazy good for you that you start thinking hard what did i do i feel the holy ghost on me right now what did i do to deserve genesis of my wallace what did i do to deserve devin hamilton wallace what did i do to deserve judah and lily as my niece and zion as my what did i do and god said when you come to the end of all your searching you will recognize that you didn't do anything to deserve something that good but i did you a favor [Music] [Applause] touch somebody one more time tell them hey neighbor god is about to do you a favor shut up like i'm talking to you right now [Applause] whoa i gotta go one last thing the holy ghost is a good tour guide he'll take you where the deep things are he'll take you to what's been prepared he'll take you to what's freely given and then watch this the last thing is the next verse says he'll show you things that you are to speak oh this is getting ready to do something right here can we put that uh next verse up there come on here yes these things things that have been prepared things that are freely given watch and now things that we are to speak oh i'm getting ready to say something right here do you understand that god is not looking just for your activity he's looking for your agreement you will not be able to work your way into the kind of things god is getting ready to do in your life but you will have to demonstrate agreement with those things well how do i demonstrate agreement i'm so glad you asked you simply find yourself hearing what the holy spirit is saying and accepting what the holy spirit is revealing and then you articulate what the holy spirit said oh this is too deep for some people well that's i thought you told me i didn't have to work you don't have to work you just have to declare it and i'm not talking about wish list and i'm not talking about naming and claiming and blabbing and grabbing i'm talking about saying what the holy ghost said y'all some of y'all can't handle this see i i should have preached this one first and saved the other two for last because you were shocked and now you all scream and show me but let me make sure you understand something when the holy ghost reveals something to you you got to say it good pigeon pastor thank you when the holy ghost says something to you you got to say it why do i have to say it because heaven is looking for agreement and witnesses [Applause] i got so much in my brain right here when the bible says that we received everybody say received the spirit of god the greek word for received is lambano l-a-m-b-a-n-o ce lambano lambano means in the greek among other things in two places in the new testament the word lambano is used for the word cult when they went fishing and they caught the fish it was lambano i'm going somewhere the father thought it the son bought it the devil thought it the spirit brought it but i caught it y'all missed what i just said i'm going to my room in a minute but before i go to my room and change my clothes and go eat up all your loco i feel like telling somebody god is throwing stuff in your direction and heaven's looking for somebody to say what the holy ghost said so that heaven knows where to send the package on this sunday i need somebody who's been hearing something in the holy ghost to say i hear a sound of an abundance of rain anybody hear what i'm saying today i'm not just saying what i want i'm saying what he said i got faith to believe it's mine and i came today to catch it the devil fought it but i caught it [Applause] some of you are about to catch a healing some of you are about to catch a spouse some of y'all are about to catch a business some of y'all are about to catch a new deal some of you are about to catch an outpouring of the holy ghost that turns your whole house upside down exactly people tell them catch it catch it catch it catch it [Music] [Applause] you gotta you gotta say you gotta say what the spirit of god said do you know why it's messing me up do you know why we have her because devon heard it when devin came to me and told me what she heard i said that ain't gone it's a year and a half ago a year and a half ago no i'm serious she came to me and said and judah judah i'm aground you judah for four years judah daddy we're gonna adopt the baby the lord showed me in a dream daddy i was holding a little girl we're gonna adopt a baby and then devin came oh the lord showed me the dream that ain't god y'all been listening to something else because i ain't hearing this hey god and then i'm down in florida last year in july and i'm preaching in a spontaneous revival down in the panhandle of florida and the preacher gets them one night to introduce me and before he introduces me he gives this little thing in the middle of the sermon that didn't even fit and he said the bible said that we always say that the bible says the fool has said it in his hot heart there is no god but he said in the hebrew that's not what it said in the hebrew it says the fool has said in his heart no god and when he said that the holy ghost convicted me and he said to me how long are you going to tell me no about this child i'm trying to get you to adopt and i said oh no i don't know that thing that's been visiting judah in her dreams and that thing has been talking to devon in in her bed it's trying to get in me now and the lord said i'm telling you i'm giving you a child what i want to tell you is that baby she's holding today was conceived in july the same time y'all don't even hear what i'm saying the same time god was trying to get me to see a deep thing he was working on a deep thing and the devil fought it but i i wish somebody will see what i'm saying slam your name and tell your neighbor say neighbors it's a deep thing can't somebody tell them it's your turn to catch it it's your turn to catch it it's your turn to capture if you're [Applause] it's your turn to catch it you're about to catch a breakthrough you're about to catch a miracle it's a big thing [Applause] somebody praise him one more time praise him all over this house praise him for the deep thing [Applause] staying with me i'm through preaching i'm through teaching there are some things there are some things i feel the lord worked in here there are some things that have been prepared for you there are some things that are going to be freely given to you there are some things that you're going to have to declare belong to you all you got to do is speak what the spirit has revealed belongs to you as long as you are in doubt you won't declare the word of the lord i'm not criticized because i've been in doubt before but there comes a moment where promises from heaven get revealed to you in such clear ways like mary you say lord be it unto me according to your word there's a reason why zechariah lost his speech you understand this remember remember that write a priest please an angel comes up it's just a priest saying you're gonna have a child zechariah gets a look on his face like he don't receive it god said okay i'm gonna deal with you since words are so powerful and what you say is so important i'm gonna take your ability to speak away so that you don't curse your own future if you ain't gonna say what i showed you i'm not gonna let you say anything at all we're begging people to praise god in the church and one reason they won't praise god they got a mute spirit on them and the reason they're muted because every time they open their mouth they curse their future i told them sat friday night at the marriage court which by the way the marriage ministry launch on friday night was bananas bananas some of y'all want your house to change before your house changes what you say has to change sisters [Music] you keep speaking to the fool in him and the fool keeps standing up you start speaking to the king and him and the king will stand up i can't get no help right here brothers what she does is nag nag speak to the nagging her she'll keep on nagging speak to the queen and her and the queen will stand up well my kids won't listen they keep on getting crazier and crazier well just keep on declaring that or you could say my children shall live and not die my kids will not be a statistic my babies will not get run over by this crazy culture [Music] well i'll always be broke my mama was broke my mama never broke my granny was broke i'll always be broke you could keep on saying that or you could tap into the deep things of god and you could say as for me and my house we shall be blessed i just want you to know this when the holy spirit starts revealing it it's not time for you to question it it's time for you to get with it look at somebody tell them get with it the tour guide knows where your stuff is the tour guide knows where your stuff is some of you fighting over a man with another woman if it's yours you don't have to fight with her for him [Music] god has some stuff that belongs to i feel the lord working in minds right now lift your hands holy spirit you're the tour guide [Music] you're the tour guide any job listen the greatest thing that god's taking you to is not just stuff and more people the greatest thing he's doing is taking you closer to the heart of jesus because if you get all this stuff and you don't get deeper in god you don't have anything at all some of you are in the shallow end god is saying i'm taking you deeper i'm going to talk about a couple of different things over the next several weeks i'm going to talk about walking the spirit life individually and then i'm going to talk about the spirit-filled church and what happens in a spirit-filled church and why do certain things happen in a spirit-filled church why do people fall on the floor why do people speak in tongues what is all it is i'm going to talk about all that but this morning it's not just an explanation it's an invitation for somebody to say i just want to love him more than i've ever loved him before i want to give him all of my heart i don't want to just seek him out of convenience and seek him for the benefits package i don't want to just get him for his stuff i just want him i need him i want to love him if that's you for just about a minute 30 seconds 45 seconds whatever it is can we just lift our hands and if you want to love him more than you've ever loved him if you just want to love i'm not talking about complicated things added to it just i want to love him more than i've ever loved jesus before lift your hands and begin to tell him that all over this room tell him that until your heart tells him that not just your mind because i'm telling you but somebody began to tell him that until your heart tells him that i want the tour guide i want you you know what my days are supposed to be i'm tired of living for me and being my own tour guide you know what you know what god has for me holy spirit you know what is in store for my life you know you knew the pain before it got here you knew the the hard chapters before they were written about my life you knew about the divorce you knew about the pain you knew about the mess you didn't do it but i thank you god that in spite of all the pain you're leading me into deep things and you're leading me into greater purpose and you're not through with my life yet i feel like the holy ghost is in this room right now to break the spirit of hopelessness awesome people who feel like they've come through some stuff that has hurt them and the devil told you it wounded you forever but i feel like god is saying to you today there's a grace of healing coming on your life you will not be a victim for the rest of your days oh god how about you he's taking you into deeper things he's revealing deeper levels of mercy deeper levels of grace deeper levels of his goodness and his love lift your hands and lift your voice right now it's a little bit too quiet right now i know god's working but somebody just needs to be beginning to say i need you lord i want to come after you i want to get hungry for you again i'm shaking off the pandemic i'm shaking off this assignment uh to distance me from you and from your people and i i want to come close today lord i want to come close today friend i believe god is speaking to hearts right now this message i pray has stirred you and there are some who are watching this message who are waiting on the opportunity to give their heart to jesus christ listen the greatest day in your life is the day that you give your heart to jesus christ and allow him to become the lord of your life and if you want that opportunity then right now i want to pray with you you know the bible says in the book of acts that god commands men and women everywhere to repent to turn from their sin and to turn to the living god and the message of hope today for you is that no matter how messed up you are no matter what you've done no matter how far away from god you feel he is only one prayer way would you turn your heart toward him right now just say dear god save me forgive me cleanse me of my sin and make me new i i confess you as my lord and savior jesus and i'm asking you to be the king of my heart in jesus name amen listen friend if you prayed that prayer let us know today we want to make sure you have a bible we want to make sure you know that as a local church here in chattanooga tennessee someone is praying for you we hope to see you soon if you're in the chattanooga area and if not get in a bible believing church somewhere and grow in your purpose in christ we love you we're praying for you today god bless you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 2,863
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens
Id: AvyZ2uGaG2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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