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[Music] hey guys i'm aaron and this is sketchup square one where we take a look at the fundamentals the basics the beginning of sketchup today we're going to dive a little bit deeper into follow me follow me is a great tool it's actually we saw last video it's pretty easy to get into but there are some i didn't want to call them advanced use cases but there's some ways to use it that go a little bit beyond what we did in the last video we are going to step into a couple things that uh as of this filming have not been covered in square one video things like like groups and welding um they're still coming if you already know about them that's great if you've already been around use follow me a bunch hey maybe you'll pick up something new but do your best and that's all we can ask let's take a look okay so what i want to look at with follow me um is the idea of how grouping works of follow me so right here i did this i drew i drew four lines and then i created a profile that i want to extrude along them that profile is inside a group so if i do like we did in the last video the last video will be linked to down in the description by the way so if you're getting here and haven't seen them one before please take a few minutes to go watch that one because it does cover the basics if i get that and then i go to follow me when it asks me now it's saying select face to extrude when i hover over this face you see you get a little anti nope can't do it won't let's do it i can click as many times as i want and it's not gonna let me do that so i'm not out of luck i don't have to explode this what i can actually do is i can right click on the group so while i'm still in follow me this whole time then i can say edit group still inside follow me look at my cursor i saw the follow me icon on there and now i can pick the face that will take that shape do the follow me and now i can just right click close group and now here's the cool part if i look underneath here and go into select here's my original line that i followed see that going there there and there and here's my follow me shape because it was in a group when i started that face pulled around and the new geometry is all inside that same group so this is kind of a weird or simple example obviously this is square one is what we're doing right we're at the beginning so this is a weird example but to take that a bit further let's look at this shape over here so i got a mocked up building right here what i might want to do is i might want to have this follow me shape come around the top of this building but i don't necessarily want the geometry of this shape to meld or connect to the shape of the building so this is something else we didn't do too much of but i don't need standalone lines i can actually select a series of lines to follow me that are not by themselves so all these lines that i'm picking right now are actually edges of this top face so i can select all those tools follow me right click on the group edit group pick the face and i can right click and close the group and now this geometry this geometry right here if i move that up look so i can take it right off of there it doesn't connect if i hadn't done that if i just done it with raw geometry i would get this so it would follow me but guess what that geometry would then be connected to the house and i don't have the ability to move it i can't set the the the visibility separate i can't add it to a different tag i'm kind of stuck there and keeping it in the group is sometimes a good thing with follow me all right one more example of some nice way to use follow me so here i have a uh pipe so so a line that i want i want some pipes to follow this so one thing i could do is i could draw a bunch of circles i could draw these circles solid select this path and then say follow me then select the path again say follow me select the path again say follow me or you can see what i did right here i drew a rectangle and then cut the cer the circles out of it that i want to follow now you're to follow just just trust me on this one just follow me through this example what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab all these lines and one thing i might want to do when i use follow me is once i have my line selected like this if it's a throwaway path this is a path this line i don't actually need once i get my pipes extruded what i might want to do is select right click and click weld edges this is a function in uh 2020 or newer but you can weld those edges together like that then i have one line to select i'm going to go to tools follow me and pick this shape so the shape is again just a rectangle with holes punched in it let me go ahead and run that shape there we go now once that's done what i can do is if i delete these shapes on the outside look what i'm left with i could have done that one pipe at a time but it would have taken me a while because you have to select the path then choose follow me then choose the face so i had to do that same process multiple times what i can't do is i can't select the path once and say follow me this one this one this one and this one this by figuring out what the profile would be beforehand allows you to have multiple shapes follow in a single follow me session okay so like i said a little bit more advanced than normal square one but it is fundamental to thinking about how to use follow me i mentioned it before if you haven't already watched the the original follow me video is linked down below in the description um but they're good concepts to keep in mind even if you don't fully understand how to use them right this second they're good concepts to think about how you're gonna go about using follow me getting the most out of that command if you like that please click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos a week skill builder square one sometimes a live video and you'll be notified of each and every one of those if you subscribe most importantly though please leave a comment down below most if not all of our content nowadays is derived from comments from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 13,697
Rating: 4.9885058 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling
Id: 6hnQlNv_DE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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