FNAF Is FINALLY Solved?! | MatPat Reacts to @FuhNaff "The Clue That Solves FNAF Security Breach"

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the following discoveries are the reason I decided to make this video so hold on to your seats so I am sufficiently held [Music] on give me prizes complete tasks want to earn gems Matthew yeah what's up we sorry we just rolled intro yeah cool oh hey hey guys welcome to GT not live for today we are doing what Ash um living large and enjoying retirement cuz that's what I'm doing woo I yeah apparently yeah you know it I you know I started this episode with the intent that we would watch uh John fnaf's new video um I love John FNAF yeah right reacting some FNAF lore yeah let's do I hear he solved security breach oh he solves a lot of things I feel like he solved security breach like three or four times at this point and I'm so proud of him thank thank goodness someone did because let me tell you that was not me I the man who did not solve security breach this guy right here go um yeah so uh what are you doing right now uh I'm clearing trees from my from my little Homestead for my dragons you are clearing trees from your homestead or your dragon yeah it'll take about 5 minutes oh yeah okay just clearing some trees I'm going to clear this medium tree as well um there we go yeah clear that tree chop it down it's like Minecraft except you know I'm tapping things I why what what is this Ash Ash yes Ash Mt if I don't clear these trees and these rocks my Dragon City can never Thrive Your Dragon City that's my it's my Dragon City I am a retired man now I have got all sorts of time on my hands and I got games to catch up on playing and I have got 1,946 dragons that need to be collected oh my gosh and I am going to collect them okay so is this the game Dragon City that you've been playing during your retirement from the channels this is the game Dragon City that is uh our sponsor for today's episode whoa thanks Dragon City for sponsoring this episode tell me more about the fun features of Dragon City oh my gosh Ash can I tell you I please can I can I tell you how there like I said there are nearly 2,000 dragons like there's 1,025 Pokémon in existence there are like 2,000 dragons th000 dragons yeah you can got to catch them all Dragon City here let me let me let me pull up that's at least over 1,000 dragons here we go here's my dragon book look I've got a Terra dragon I've got a flame dragon I've got a flaming rock Dragon I'm currently in the market for a volcano dragon and a sea dragon whoa that would be nice I'm working on them you know I got I got a crazy oh my phone's dead I got a crazy Dragon the other day did you when I was playing this there's like dragons that I didn't think could be dragons yeah oh like elemental dragonsa dragons my one of my personal favorites that I just pulled up right here is the dragonfly Dragon which is basically redundant the dragon yeah it's a dragon and he's flying the the the dragonfly Dragon nice yep love it but no you you got everything Platinum dark pirate drag who does want a pirate dragon I mean you simply got to get a pirate dragon also got to appreciate the petroleum petroleum Dragon whoa he is literally a a ball of petroleum goo little little drop of oil Dragon yeah he will be you'll be fossil fuel in you to the end of days I I just saw him like flop into a big puddle of Goo yeah and his eyeball pops out and stuff 100% And also hey you're in a city can you change anything about this city oh absolutely I can build whatever the heck I want right now my so I'm I'm in the process of knocking down this tree right but I can ALS also upgrade my little fire level here my flame habitat I can upgrade that to make more space for more of my awesome flaming dragons boom I'm upgrading it right now I'm confirming I'm confirming that I'm using my gems there we go I'm using my gems and upgradeing this guy so that'll be that'll be done in a couple hours but then my my fire habitat's going to be tricked out it's going to be fire it will be it'll absolutely be fire so you could scan the QR code on screen right now or click the link in the description and if you download Dragon City by that link or that QR code you can get a special bundle with and hear me out 15,000 food wow 30 that's a lot of food that's a lot of food though to be fair dragons eat a lot of food they do so you know it makes sense you'll appreciate that 15,000 food and then 30,000 gold and then the very very black metal dragon black metal black metal dragon who is he like playing hard rock I yeah man Metalica wow that's awesome so make sure to click that link or scan that QR code so that you can get all these cool features and then you could be like Matthew during his retirement right it's great I'm expanding all over the place look at this I'm going to buy this expansion over here so we get some more land over here boom nice I'm flying through this my dragon city is going to be so tricked out Ash uhhuh it's going to blow your mind I can't wait to see it you just wait you just wait I I do kind of want to move this it feels kind of cramped over here though you know what I can't wait for though yeah this reaction to John FNAF yeah you know that's a great point I guess there is still work to be done huh a little bit all right well I've I've tapped on a couple rocks and trees to clear out of the way I've expanded out into the upper area we can we can move on I'll I'll let these sit for a while okay sounds good so we'll do that I'm excited me too and even though I know the answers as we've established in this weekend's videos I have ascended I'm now the keeper of the lore I will not I will not expose any of my knowledge oh gosh and sworn to secrecy yeah and he's been waving it like a carrot in front of all of our faces that he knows one day one day Ash maybe you two will be blessed with knowledge one day one day is there a statute of limitations on that probably that's like many years down the line when you two become Elder theorist oh gosh theorist Lord Ash when you two become theorist Lord when I'm checking into the home I'm going to get a text from you be like by the way let me tell you about the Box oh my God yeah you'll be like what box like oh you know the box I finally after all these years I waited this long we can film the exact same outro except this time I'm the one opening the door and like come we have much to discuss and I'm the one walking in yeah and you're the walking on walking in wow that'll be an amazing call back it'll be right that maybe some people will be alive to see I won't be I won't be alive at that point also I I said theorist Lord I like the idea of a mobile game where it's just a bunch of like cast and crew of the theorist channels as little chibi Collectibles that you got to collect you know it's basically like FNAF like you got your withered Bonnies and your chocolate Bonnies and your black heart Bonnies and this and that you've got your like withered mat pad you got your like stylist mat pad you've got it's like pocket Morty does this too reck Rick and Morty does that all the time too where it's like here's the new characters we could do that and you could collect all the like mat Pats and I have my little repeated this is my repeated animation in case you wonder why I'm suddenly jazzer sizing on the couch jazzer siiz on the couch I'm retired Jaz fast this episode oh my god I've got my retirement all planned out dragon lord jazzer size wave FNAF in front of your face or without me telling you anything right right of course cool so should we should we react to this yeah I'm thinking so I'm very excited about this okay so without any further Ado let's find out the clue any predictions based on the thumbnail which is a lot of Post-it notes I'm assuming it's Post-it notes oh yeah that room that room in security breach that's going to have the key that solves everything no it's those white he's using those white posted notes he he likes those white posted notes on the bulletin boards oh like remember Jimmy yeah remember Jimmy like number question mark question mark yeah that they repeat a lot yes you know oh maybe it's there perhaps maybe we can finally get the backstory of Jimmy Jimmy I want his story that's the character I care most about yeah really Jimmy Jimmy of the entire FNAF lore you care about Jimmy well I was told explicitly to remember him we we' also been we've also been told to remember Jeremy in the past are you are you so quick to forget Jeremy we all have remember Jeremy Jeremy had his time he's been remembered for so long wow this is the Jimmy era yeah serving some Jimmy Ser it's a new day it's a new day Matt Pat's retired and Jimmy is now the new Jeremy wow does it ever drive you crazy I don't know how I feel about that really feel bad like just because there's a new kid on the Block doesn't mean you forget the old kid no no of course we never for old kid just because there's a Tom doesn't mean you forget the map pad no absolutely and I agree there's just room in different ways yeah in different ways right keep new friends but make the old or make new friends but keep the old one is Silver the other gold what they say so true so true in this moment important to remember wise wisdom from grandpa Pat the glue that s have security let's go in July of 2023 we were officially introduced to the next big bad of the franchise the mimic this is great but I keep going back to the same remember that works question was this always the plan when Scott and steel were making security breach was the mimic always going to be the big reveal well probably not that would be that would be my guess really yeah that would be my guess um I I I would assume and and I think it's important to disclaim even though I made the joke about it earlier uh the the whole Scott thing am I keeper the lore I'll leave that for you to judge I don't know uh but I will continue to theorize about things as if I were always theorizing about them and I will continue to react to things as though I'm always reacting to them I'm able to separate church and state I would I I would say that I do not think that that was always the plan that would be my prediction there I think that the that steel wool and Scott and whoever saw the reaction that security Chad and everyone's like WTF afton's back again blah I think they saw that and they're like uhoh we need to come up with something else here's the mimic and and I feel like that's the case although to be fair I guess that would throw off the fact that they're that the mimic is a big plotline in the books and that the books had kind of let we'd have to what's the release date of some of this stuff hold up well hold up hold up hold up okay uh release date of tales from the pizzax one first reveal on October 14th 2021 the F series first begins on July 19th 2022 and when did FNAF come out FNAF security breach was do you remember when security bre came out oh rele States 2021 right it's wild to it's wild to think that security breach was that long ago I know that's crazy like when I came on the show security breach y'all had finished up that wrapup like oh my gosh less than two months yeah that's wild that's it's nuts to think that it's hey we here we are in 2024 and it's like oh security breach is like it's not 3 years old cuz we're at the top of 2024 but like it's this is the year that turns three that's nuts that is crazy pants to me that's toddler that is right that is a toddler that that kid is walking and starting to talk and have opinions about you um so so if this came out December that is a quick turn around to get like a mimic story in the books cuz you think about how publishing goes and you know the amount of approvals and the printing and the shipping and the coordination and all this stuff I mean here's here's the clue that solves FNAF security breach like if if he's saying that the mimic was was seated out in security breach and that it was always the plan of the mimic that would almost require that the books were also part of that right and this is the this is the clue right the fact that let's we would have to look into if I were making this Theory maybe I'll pass this on to Tom but if I were making this Theory to be like hey react to John fnaf's video right if I were making this I'd be like look at publishing do an episode about publishing timelines and how quickly you can add in an epilogue or change a story last minute into a book to ship it widely a couple months later like is that possible right cuz at the end of the day if the epilogues which is where the mimic is first introduced in these books right if the epilogues and the mimic were always in there and that was always the intention then then security breach yeah was probably always intended to have the mimic if all of a sudden they're like oh no people really don't like the bur trap thing let's have the books you know fix the lore or like fix the story or like make things into a place that people are okay with it then all of a sudden I'm like well maybe they were able to shove us that last epilog in there like 3 four months before they hit the public I think that's that's the clue that solves security breach right there wow that's really interesting right I think so it's like you could also look at because I think these books have they have multiple authors correct yes yeah so the multiple authors coming together and collaborating then you have an editing and an editorial process then there's the sense of like design the actual book and the layout of that your covers your illustrations like literally chapter structure um yeah that is really interesting because that would be a really tight that would be a speed run no 100% right and that's actually one of the reasons why my gut says I don't think the mimic was intended at all right I think that this idea of you know oh here's this old ancient robot that is trained via AI you know to mimic others and and copy them and and that's actually burn trap and this that feels like a big stretch to me feels like a big stretch that being said if it's in the books and the books were seating it out and the idea of the books is like to to clarify the story of the games or whatever like it would be hard to retroactively do that that quick like uh oh panic button shove it into the books so I I don't know enough about publishing and and especially publishing at the scale that you know the AFK series and Scholastic are doing with this with this franchise I don't know what those would be I would assume that there's really long lead times for this sort of stuff you know and that you would probably need like at least six months to make that happen but I don't know CU that would require all the books to Pivot cuz you have Storyteller in there which is about like a mimic program and an AI program you have you know what no I guess I guess I guess I don't know I'm I'm I'm going through a lot of emotion right now thank you very much I'm going through a lot of emotion because I guess I guess it does cuz there was a lot of clues in there that then are seated out in the stories and so you knew that the what it's it which came first the chicken or the egg right the books the book stories or the game story and and that's the thing that you got to solve I think that's the thing you got to solve there and I that's the clue s speak security breach anyway continue after diving back into security breach I think that answer is yes this theory has been months in the making and I can't wait to share it with you let's get started during my research I found that the tales from the pizz Plex books were really trying to point us in the right direction basically yes that is 100% agree more so than any of the other books in the past it is very clear that Tales from the petx is like hey here's the story right I think everyone like when we first came out with like Gregor's a robot and he was the villain the whole time right de's like no he's not and then GG y came out and they're like yeah this pretty definitively says that he maybe not be a robot but was at least a villain right where GG Y is there and it's like he's the bad guy he kills these characters he and it's so direct with what happens in the game it's like it's hard to deny that that's really one for one right and I feel like at this point The public's opinion at least of that storyline has shifted a fair bit where it's like okay yeah Gregory may not be as innocent as we were all hoping and wishing he was whether or not he's a robot neither here and we there right so I do agree with this point that the tales from the pizzax books are much more a strategy guide to the games the story of the games than anything else that this franchise has ever done before also this is the first time that I'm really looking at more of the details of the Tiger rock poster here outside of J or the cover outside of the eyes I think the eyes have always been interesting but uh this hand position is kind of driving me nuts he's like playing that right his hand is like this right it's like interesting right he's literally like breaking his wrist there it it feels like he's supposed to be like offering a hand to you like hey come out and join me or what it's like more of like this but the way it's actually depicted is like ah someone's twisting my arm and giving me Indian rug bir I was going to say wow this guy is clearly hypermobile and I was like it's a robot Ash it's a robot it's a robot it's a robot also I again appreciate I'm I'm seeing things with new eyes now right because I'm like oh retirement land um the fact that tiger rock is dressed like Elvis Presley oh yeah he's an Elvis impersonator that's that opens up a whole new can of worm like forget suvin whether the mimic existed or not forget AI programs and remembering Jimmy let's all remember Elvis for a minute shall we Elvis the pelvis has now been reconstituted into the form of tiger rock oh there's um there's there's tiger man excuse me what tiger man the song an Elvis song so really what you're telling me is that the mimic is actually Elvis Elvis is alive and trying to leave the building Elvis is doing his best to leave the building Elvis again are these references that people get anymore at this like growing up Elvis was still such a omnipresent thing in pop culture and just like get carried forward right that you know his Legacy carried forward my Grandma had a a a velvet poster of Elvis a velvet like painting of Elvis in her living room like that's the seriousness that that we took Elvis um but the whole thing right the whole meme in in some ways one of the big memes around Elvis right was like Elvis has left the building and that was always a big deal because all the fans were like Gaga over Elvis and so him leaving the building was like okay he's he's left we can leave now like oh he's not here anymore and so you know Elvis has left the Bel we get this right so now I think FNAF is Elvis oh my gosh this is this is it because in security breach right we have a bunch of animatronics that are maybe trying to leave the we got the mimic who's trying to leave the building he's trapped down there but he's trapped in the building the mimic has left the building but hey that's just a theory a bad theory that I don't have to worry about anymore cuz I could just pitch him here on G not live maybe maybe that'll be my retirement project slowly try to sabotage Tom be like hey Tom I have a really good idea I think we really should do this for Game Theory now hear me out yep oh MAF Elvis one and the same let him cook the the career of Elvis directly maps on to the storyline of FNAF here's the real Theory Elvis never left the building he's been here the whole whole time exactly that's amazing and it ties back to FNAF they took the spirit of Elvis they put him in an animatronic will the remnant of Elvis the remnant of of Elvis well think about it Ash when you rearrange the letters in Elvis it spells evils way evils multiple of them there's two mimics two evils in the building that will not leave the building now all we need is to find a peanut butter and banana sandwich because that's what Elvis was known for eating was his peanut butter and banana sandwiches then we're set we remember Jimmy remember Elvis Jesus I was going to make a joke um another meme around Elvis is the way that he died wow I was dancing around that but yes yes so for those of you who do not know um died on the toilet the poor guy the poor the poor man but the poor man I was going to make some sort of joke revolving around like whether or not this was assembled in a restroom or in that area oh my gosh Ash what you know what I just realized why' you just realized man I remember way back in the the animals of GT live oh way back in the animals of GT live back when I believe when it was GT live okay there was the whole meme we had this realization that if you walked around pelvis first you done got scooped pelvis first D got scooped and who was known as the pelvis Elvis you can't spell pelvis without Elvis and now we know why Elvis the pelvis cuz he was known for shaking his hips and that was all taboo back in the days when people are like oh no dancing welcome to history on GT live so El Vis Evil's inability to leave the building now we just need to find some toilets there you go slap slap a thumbnail on that one we've got ourselves a theory the bathroom is the real key to solving security breach that's the clue that solves FNAF security breach better get to it fast Tom game theory is in great hands see everyone everyone thought I was unhinged before Oh buddy I get to be unhinged now the felis evils I really like evil oh man the events that take place in the books also happen in the games but they aren't completely the same and the first of these events revolves around how the mimic got to the pizza PLS in the books they make it this is important we got we got to figure out how the mimic got to the pizza Flex right right of course yeah it wasn't on a tour no okay no or maybe it was who knows maybe they're all on tour at this point maybe Aton just stand he was a he was a roie oh my God traveling with that Festival I mean El Freddy and friends are on tour right they are musician I'm just saying tour bus is passing in the night the the similarities here are too close to deny like can't be denied truly I know people were a little bit skeptical about Gregory's robot I see that I feel that that's fine you cannot deny Tiger rock is Elvis and therefore Elvis is a robot El is a robot I see the thumbnail now Elvis on stage half his face ripped off little endo1 face behind there One for the Money Two For the glow oh wow he ain't nothing but a robot at the pizza Plex it was shipped to the pizz Plex in the books before The pizz Plex was done being built there was a construction crew working on the FNAF 6 Pizzeria under the pizzax suddenly a big shipment arrived out of nowhere and this shipment included a bunch of quote state-of-the-art animatronics and the mimic the mimic stuck out from the rest of the animatronics because it was old and burnt correct right yes good this is a recap his as someone who has read all these books more than once sadly um this is all accurate also fun fact just by the way I I think it's it merits calling out over the weekend the first game of my post game theory life oh yeah GNA have ruin oh buddy ol Oli was like woke up on Sunday morning and was like hey Daddy can we play some FNAF and me being parent of the year you know what bud sure we can play some cuz FNAF ruin isn't particularly scary like I know the scary parts so I could like be like okay get ready this is like a jump scary part or whatever you know yeah so you know and like and he he would either like run away or he'd be like hide and like Steph came in it was like cuddling with him like oh let's be brave together or whatever oh was he like genuinely spooked uh the only part that he like really uh scares him which he like knows and kind of runs away from is at that point is the headless Freddy in the fazer blast with the stomach mouth chasing you which is legitimately like frightening like legitim all the rest of them are kind of goofy but that's the one where he's like no I don't want to see that and I'm like yeah that's fine um and so I like prepped him like Hey okay we're getting close to it so and he would run away and like okay great but yeah no nice so he was like little little theorist heart of his he's like well maybe the mimic is actually like is the vanny network and the mimic the same thing and I'm like yeah yes kind of he's like how Freddy lose his head I'm like well that's up for debate let me tell you there's some a lot of endings and Freddy's body gets beat up why does it say prototype on like go you and everyone else wants to know oh my gosh yeah it's cute but also it is me living my life just theor like the consequences of your actions FNAF may leave the my videos but the video the FNAF does not leave my heart yeah yeah anyway Elvis to pelvis meanwhile the other animatronics in the shipment looked brand new the construction workers were told that the delivery was happening but were confused about what the delivery contained saying quote state-of-the-art animatronics it was weird to be receiving these now when the building was a little more than an open framework that is a strange detail from the epilogues yes it is very odd that the animatronics are delivered so prematurely in the process they do call that out it was one of those weird detailed notes that I'm like that's something I should fin in my mental bang cuz that seems like a thing that might have Merit at some point and so him calling it out as like part of this FNAF VR in the background for those of you who don't recognize what that scene is from it's from the two-dimensional version the flat version of the first Help Wanted game so it was a VR game and it had Easter eggs in there but then it was converted into a two-dimensional game which we also played here on the channel at one point to get the secret ending which is like a bonus secret ending that shows you the pizza Plex being built which is what we're seeing here animatronics it was weird to be receiving these now when the building was little more than an open framework this is how the mimic got to the pizza Plex in the books but what about the games well throughout security breach there's these white sticky notes scattered everywhere everywhere you turn in this mall disagree they're not stickies false false not stickies John if they were stickies you wouldn't need the tape up there okay Counterpoint sometimes stickies lose their stick and they were once was stickies the these are this is paper this is paper that's been cut into different shapes and sizes you don't have sticky notes that like this might be a sticky note cuz it's a square this this is a sticky note this is a sticky note this they're not making sticky notes that big I think anything can be a sticky if it is sticking if you really think about it oh it's it's a sticky because it's stick a sticky note very specific yeah a sticky note yes I agree but he's saying stickies he said sticky note he said sticky note get out of here oh my God this is how the mimic got to the pizzax in the books but what about the games well throughout security breach there's these white sticky notes white sticky notes oh you got me there but actually it's not a sticky note some of them are stickies but some of them are not what are the other ones wait yeah what you call those other ones with the L details friends scattered everywhere everywhere you turn in this mall you can find more of these white sticky notes which tells me I'm just giv a time that SK W really wanted us to see them and if you look at enough of the sticky notes they actually start to tell a story and I can actually put this into a timeline a white sticky note timeline first even put it in why scking no time are you okay I'm choking on my my my beverage I you know what that's okay we were just talking about Elvis and his pelvis and it happens to the best of us it does oh he even put it in text Ash white sticky note white sticky note timeline more like white paper timeline General notification timeline but sticky note is so much more interesting he got the SEO on that it look like my brain SEO yeah yeah Ash's brain SEO you like you like sticky notes you know how you have like personal words where it's like that is so much more appealing to me it's true that's like your personal SEO it's like it's like when they tell you that this is a food the I never got to do maybe I'll pass it on to STI uh when they say Applewood smoked bacon they actually are yeah instead of just bacon mhm it's same thing it is it's just but they're able to charge you more you feel like you're okay paying more for it because it sounds fancier like oh but that's apple wood smoked I'm just I'm attributing extra flavor value to that right and I will pay more for it cuz it sounds like a more premium item there was a show that did that uh years and years ago it wasn't a successful show on Food Network U it had like three episodes I think maybe or Discovery where it was like food experiments like that and I always wanted to do some things like that but maybe one day we see import pending 6 a.m. indicating that a shipment was scheduled to arrive at the pizz Plex at 6:00 a.m. we then see a label confirming that the shipment arrived at the pizz Plex along I guess because it says return along with a package number and the word return next to some question marks the question marks tell us that they don't know where this package came from then things get worse we get a sticky note saying unknown in a bunch of scribbles followed by a bunch of package labels with question marks on them if you haven't picked up on it already this is almost the exact same scenario from the books a shipment arrives at the pizz Plex and the workers are confused about what it is but it doesn't stop there yeah yeah I mean it is pretty similar I'd say one for one is there any other exp I feel like there's been so many shipments of things that people don't expect in these games though but I I I see his point so yes I I I agree with that I feel like there're must be another shipment in here whether like maybe during the AR games or something like that where they're like oh we didn't expect to receive this thing either it feels like suspicious mysterious shipments are just a recurring thing of this era of FNAF in General that's just my thoughts there in the games we actually learn who sent that shipment and what was in it in FNAF AR we learn about the Fazbear Funtime delivery service this is a real delivery service in Universe where you can have an animatronic shipped to your house for special events kudos to John for working on the AR game like for for making the AR game a thing like for like making it a thing into the the lore cuz I know I personally like my own personal bias kind of like devalued that it's like okay we got the you know we got the the details that we need to out of here Vanessa vany NES done you like there there's a lot more in there there's like the dlz solution stuff there's you know there's the hey there's a virus spreading throughout the program that's making things act weird you know there's a lot of other details in there that to me I was always like oh that it's pretty self-explanatory you know we it it shows that Vanessa and NES and vany are all the same thing it show like it felt like a connector Point like a like an interim hop over of you know hey here's where Help Wanted ends and here's where the next game security breach begins fine and and there's a couple of like dots we have to connect that are pretty rudimentary like oh the the virus has spread and so that's the virus that you see happening in the pizza Plex or whatever that's the glitch trap virus you know um so I appreciate that John has taken a deeper dive look into a lot of the details around this stuff cuz it admittedly it was one of the ones that I in my own personal research and bias around the franchise I'm like AR game I don't know why I don't know why I always did that um I think it's because I felt like I had gotten what I wanted out of it or i' gotten like what they had intended out of it but John is always I feel like AR game is like his like one of his big white whales of like this is this is the thing that breaks the whole thing wide open which I app in order to do this Fazbear entertainment actually rebuilt all of the old animatronics from the past and the responsible for shipping these animatronics to people's houses was dlz shipping Solutions we see Jimmy from the shipping company talking to Fazbear entertainment in the FNAF AR email remember Jimmy of course I do of course you got you can't forget Jimmy you simply got to remember simp is asking Jimmy for help concerning a virus in their system but he never responds later on in the emails finally does respond and it's Vanessa Vanessa created a fake email address and proceeded to take over for Jimmy and gain access to dlz shipping Solutions Lewis from fazar entertainment calls her out for this quote I didn't want to put this in writing but over the weekend did you happen to create an IT department email address for yourself and use company credentials to reach out to a subcontractor and access their system with Vanessa now in control of the shipping company she sends a shipment to the pizza Plex what a complicated plan right also van how old is Vanessa at this point like cuz you see her in security breach right and she's about a thing she's pretty young yeah right and yet here she is going off and doing this like multi-tiered email conspiracy scheme young women can do amazing things right and and to be fair you know like to be fair you know she's got a a glitch trap in her head do like forcing her to do this right like you know whatever you consider glitch trap which again the lore it's one of those things where it's like whatever you consider glitch trap to be right I think like for a while everyone's like oh yeah it's just like this Afton virus that's been uploaded system but now more and more it's like oh no it's the mimic program imitating afon it's like well is it though because we talk about it as a virus here and we talk about how um you know and and it's making Elizabeth or it's making Vanessa do things so that feels very different from what the mimic program is in a lot of ways I don't the delineation of what exactly glitch trap is and how the mimic program is or is not also glitch trap I think is again one of those things that I think is one of the reasons why people at this point are kind of like oh man the storyline of the games like we think we understand it and then it feels like it's been like retconed or or re-evaluated or Rewritten in some way and I could I could get that right cuz it's like oh yeah we have a solution about what glitch trap is it's like but do you you the mimic um so to see the mimic or glitch trap design this crazy system it's it's pretty impressive but yeah Vanessa Vanessa did a lot of work she did a lot of heavy lifting through this period of the game's lore with Vanessa now sh sends a shipment to the pizzax this shipment is the one we see on the white sticky notes I know this because grouped with all of the shipping sticky notes is one that says remember Jimmy is the ex IC Butters oh yeah no remember Jimmy see the clue everything referring to Jimmy from DLC shipping Solutions so we know Vanessa unknown shipment to the pizz Plex but what was in it well I believe it was all of the FNAF AR animatronics and the mimic just like how in the books it was a bunch of state-of-the-art animatronics and the mimic need more proof Rockstar row and security breach you can find a bunch of things on display including this empty stage from FNAF VR instead of just closing the curtain display including this empty stage from FNAF is it how do we know it's the same security breach you can find a bunch of things on display including this empty stage from FNAF VR I mean he's showing us the image come on go back uh okay there's a bunch of plates back there the lights they're a little bit different is it the same it's missing the Stars maybe oh no the stars are back there I see the stars okay isn't one the say I I believe I I don't I don't doubt like I I mean I doubt just because I feel like I need to double check some of this stuff but yeah okay and you got the curtains on the side which I I if I remember correctly are there for sure okay FNAF I'll go instead of just closing the curtain they left it open to show that the stage is empty this tells me that Freddy Bonnie and CH were once on that stage we know it couldn't have been the OG Freddy Bonnie and Chica because they're long gone at this point we literally see Foxy's rusted torso in a display case it had to have been the rebuilt versions of the animatronics for the Funtime delivery service I think this because if you look in front of the stage you can see the shipping label with the question marks on it the FNAF AR and I guess I'm confused as to what this is proving so this is proving that the shipping dlz brought in the FNAF AR animatronics but then why is that relate to help wanted cuz Help Wanted is a VR game are we saying that the ones in help that the animatronics and help wanted are AR animatronics but it's a VR game so is and and it's established in Universe to be a VR game they're like welcome to the VR experience right so I I he's making connections yes and and and I would agree that JN is making a lot of good connections here about like oh this stage is this stage and it's likely that the AR animatronics are heing this and that I don't necessarily think that the the clues or connections that he's making though are leading to that same conclusion right I don't think he's wrong in what he's saying what I argue with is that the the things that he has found are necessarily proving what he's trying to ultimately prove which is you know that the mimic came along with them I think they are animatronics coming in sure maybe um but I don't see how the VR stage and the question marks there all relate to each there's there's a couple of logical leaps there that I think it is interesting that the the number question mark question mark question mark is in front of the VR stage that's odd to me but it also seems to imply that those guys the number question mark question mark question mark are the like are things right like why would I assume that that's also the mimic in there outside of just like in the books it was a thing um not 100% sure but I but I again I like the dots that are connecting I just it's looping the mimic in is like one extra step and the AR and like why is it AR when they're VR and stuff like there's there's a couple extra steps in there that I'm like I'm not 100% sure but we'll see animatronics that were shipped to the pizz Plex were once on that stage and now I believe reside in the blob this is why we see a bunch of animatronics in the blob that should no longer exist these are the rebuilt versions of them for the Funtime delivery service so so you're saying that these are not the originals why not though why would exist I feel like the aam's razor right the simplest solution is is the one that you try to get why would they not be the originals he says they should not exist anymore they've been retired they've been burned were they in a pizzeria that burned these are the rebuilt versions of them for the Funtime delivery service I'd love for him to call attention to some of the details between the two if that's the case so like prove to me that these are the same thing so like for instance if I if I were giving notes on this script right if this was like a Tom script that he submitted to me or if John was like Hey read the script I would be like prove that to me by showing me the design details that show that like show me original baby show me AR baby and show me blob baby right and now you know hey these blue head these blue hair ties are they present here can I see them or hey she's got four eyelashes bo bo bo she's got four eyelashes does the original baby have four eyelashes I don't know is there something about the patterning or style of this face that is specific to the AR game and the AR version of those animatronics I am I see where you're going with this and I and I don't dislike the conclusions that you're going with but I as an audience member aren't 100% sold because I don't necessarily follow you on this like why would I assume that these are the AR animatronics I could see you making the argument of the AR game was about harvesting uh Remnant slh harvesting uh you know whatever they are game was all about harvesting like Remnant from people right like that was the whole shtick was like to harvest Remnant and like people energy so it could like scale out the business in a lot of ways I believe that's the official like that's kind of like the lore that's implied as well as I believe that's the official lore that's revealed via like one of the character encyclopedias so that's fine and and therefore the blob is the embodiment of all that coming together in some form right the the tangle is that all realized as one conglomeration it goes out of control sure that's fine but I would love and and from a circumstantial evidence it's the difference between like hard concrete physical evidence and circumstantial evidence circumstantially yeah you're absolutely right like that makes the most sense like that seems to flow in the timeline it makes logical sense that that is a thing that could happen in this universe and kind of plays by the rules that this universe is operating and that's fine but I would love just a couple more pieces of physical proof to solidify that for me to really Hammer home those connections and say like oh no it has to be one for one because if you look at baby AR and baby blob they are the same as opposed to this other thing that doesn't exist in fact I would challenge it because did the AR game ever have the Marinette the puppet I don't think so right FF AR puppet was it the air game or no I don't think it was I could be wrong peace party for Space 2 was in there's like everyone in FNAF AR um but I don't think he was only that's Marinette that's that's VR night terrors come on know the difference between AR and VR are not interchangeable even the FNAF franchise confuses this sometimes that they are not the same um I don't think he is right I don't think he is and so when you say hey these are the FNAF animatronics from AR coming together to form the blob I'm like cool explain how they're all in there and I know that uh FNAF puppet blob right I know that the puppet is in there right like I know that the mask isn't there without the tears and there's a big deal about like why is the mask not crying and it lost its Spirit or or whatever why is baby why is baby's eyes glowing and why is Right baby's eyes are glowing and the puppet has lost its tears right those are two of the details that people are like why is that mean what's that mean and so you can't say oh they're all AR animatronics but then the puppet is in there oh and by the way he's also here but he wasn't in the AR game so that would be my counterargument to a lot of that is hey did you consider that and you could say like oh well the blob picked up things around the pizza Plex and this and that but that weakens your argument you know that makes your theory less strong because it's not accounting for all the evidence and all the details that are in that that entity's design or in that character's design you know following discoveries are the reason I decided to make this video so hold on to your seats so I am sufficiently held on oh yeah he's gripped under the cushions y hard grip oh my God white knuckled oh uh more like kind of like peach or slightly reddish like even like even if you grip onto something very hard I feel like achieving White Knuckle is difficult really paler than you you are pale you can get it see my my my Knuckles are red are they not I it's like judge for yourself you can see the red on the outside you have weird cuts going wrong your knuckles are you good I don't don't ask oh no what happened you know what they say every scar is a story a story you're not going to tell I have to leave something a mystery now it's time for you guys to solve the lore of matat who mhm was that the subtle clue drop right there perhaps whoa perhaps all right yeah let's let's let's are you holding on to your seats uh shoot there's not a lot of the cushions are weirdly shaped it is it that chair really cups the Buns I understand I please never say that won't it won't ever again thank you certainly not it's one of those it's a bucket seat right yes I believe is like the proper definition of a it's a bucket seat I've never um researched the the shapes of seats before well it's the classic uh bench seat versus bucket seat right oh yeah yeah it's like bucket but like a little like swoopy it's a little swoopy bucket yeah it's like a bucket with swag swaggy bucket swaggy bucket swagy Mr Bucket swaggy bucket B deal in the books and the games but they're not 100% the same the same things happen but some details are swapped out like for example in the books the shipment arrived to a construction crew before the pizz Plex was done being built but in the games this shipment arrived after the pizz Plex was done being built so the question now is does what happens next in the books also happen in the games in the books after the shipment arrives one of the construction workers takes the mimic and basically tricks it into doing his busy work the workers were were told to tear off the limbs and heads of a bunch of endoskeletons and pile them up so the construction worker proceeded to plug his laptop into the mimic and program it to do the job for them the mimic then began tearing off the limbs and heads of the endoskeletons but once it ran out of endoskeletons it started tearing apart the construction workers just B just Bop his head goes away disappear if if if JN all of a sudden says like insecurity breach here is a pile of animatronics with heads and arms popped off he he's one me if the the next images or words out of his mouth are here is the pile cuz cuz also the book makes it very clear that there is a distinct pile of these that exist in the pizz Plex or in in the abandoned Pizzeria that there's a big pile of these abandoned animatronic endoskeletons with heads and arms removed and then uh-oh there's also a pile of humans oh no so if whoopsie and so if the next image that comes out here is is a big pile of of headless Bots and stuff that would be huge oops all bodies oops C crunch oops you know oh though to be fair we're joking about oops all bodies and and he maybe he's going to bring this up but think back to the Post-it note Room what do we see bunch of heads like like as I as I was saying as I'm talking through my thoughts in real time I'm trying to think back through security breach and thing like there's a lot of broken up and ruined staff Bots there's a lot of just ripped apart staff Bots all throughout this thing like they're they're they're decimated in every way shape and form but I can't to the off the top of my head come up with like oh here's one where there's a bunch of headless bodies but there is a bunch of Bess heads got a point post it room boom now let me point you towards the games in security breach you can find a duffel back message titled job security the message reads as follows where is one Leo was the only one who had a copy of the maze control key but I haven't seen him for months maybe that creepy we're going Direction I didn't anticipate we're talking about emails I was really excited for a big pile of bodies well we could still get there I was ready for the bodies to hit the floor okay there's still time there's still time fingers crossed Leo was supposed to train it to work the maze instead he tricked the bot into doing busy work under the daycare theater I'll check after the all staff meeting tonight so we have an employee that tricked a creepy bot into doing his bus and now he hasn't been seen for months this is exactly what happens in the books just with some details swapped out this creepy bot is this creepy bot Leo was supposed to train it to work the maze that he tricked the bot into doing busy under the daycare Theater what's under the daycare under the daycare theater is where they train up all the endoskeletons right like that's where they you play Red Light Green Light with them you turn them on and then they start chasing you and they're like what what is else going on under the daycare the cuz if this was like doing busy work under Roxy Raceway cuz again this whole thing is like uh oh the FNAF 6 Pizzeria is under Roxy Raceway under the daycare the that's weird what's under the daycare theater it's nothing really it's you go over to the theater you go under it and and there's so there's sun and Moon's place and then underneath it there's yeah it's like the red light green light with the endoskeletons down there not whole lot elseed before I can't think of anything else this could be referencing other than the mimic creepy bot is singular they're talking about one specific animatronic which means it can't be one of the many glamrock endoskeletons the only it can't be one of the many yeah I that might be reading a bit much into it but I I see your point that it is a differentiated singular creepy bot as weird that it's a creepy bot but when I think creepy bot I think of like sun and moon more than anything else cuz it's connected to the daycare theater and maybe sun and moon just kind of gets like promoted through the ranks there because sun and moon is also a creepy bot sun and moon is also as we've done in previous theories connected to the mimic in some way right like we've shown and I feel people are doubtful on this but I I actually challenge that on their their biases when they disagree with this one cuz if you look at the the design of the mimics endoskeleton especially with like its teeth design and you compare it to the design of sun and moon eclipse and especially its teeth design they really are like one one and the same and I I don't know if I they feel like they're of the same style you know they feel like they're of the same family of endoskeletons and so maybe mimic and Clips both work there at one point but when they say creepy bod and I know that there's a connection to the mimic there like I think sun and moon only other character I could see this applying to is the daycare attendant but even then the daycare attendant has a name why use creepy bot also because he's creepy and also daycare attendants a weird name Eclipse sun moon it's never been great like the the execution of sun and moon always in a very questionable territory just throwing it out there get it's also interesting too because in ruin right daycare attendant Moon takes Center Stage like he is the antagonist of of Ruin for some reason you know he appears in the the vany ending he is the recurring villain throughout all the like hard mode mini gamess he is his role is much more important than I think anyone realized or anticipated and and and steel wolves like well we got this guy let's let's plug him in more and so his importance has not really been fully realized I think in a lot of ways um um so I could see it you know hey we have this creepy bot it's this this character and when we don't know what to do with him we Rebrand him as Sun Moon maybe I don't know the duffel bag message about a kid having nightmares after visiting the daycare which implies that the daycare attendant is already working the daycare and wouldn't be Avail the dayare my son's we don't know what the time of this is I will say if you're trying to construct a timeline we don't know what the timeline of the one email is versus this one which implies that the daycare attendant is already working the daycare and wouldn't be available to do anything else so Not only was the mimic included in the shipment to the pizzax the staff were aware of its existence and it was openly being used throughout the building need more proof in the books we learned one important piece of information glamrock endoskeletons are version two of the mimic EST this is not technically confirmed it's my theory okay endoskeleton basically Fazbear entertainment took skeletons are version 2 of the mimic endoskeleton basically Fazbear entertainment took the design and functionality of the mimic and used it for the glamrock endos they took the functionality they took the AI functionality for sure 100% I agree I don't know if they necessarily took the design but the AI functionality 100% yes the mimic was the Prototype that the glamrock endoskeletons are now built off of right like the reason Monty is the way he is the reason chica is the way they are is because they were AI that were trained up to be those personalities be those characters in the larger Network AI Network the vany network that is running the pizza so 100% this is backed up in the games in security breach you can find blueprints for the glamrock endos and on those blueprints it says that the glamrock endos are the new generation of endos implying that there was a previous version which was the mimic and there yeah you could say that about it like I get it that you could say that about literally any of the endoskeletons in any of this franchise right there's an endo1 there's an endo2 there's so many different versions of endoskeletons here to say like oh this is the new Endo you're ignoring the long line of endoskeletons that have just been established in this franchise up to this point there's one thing that the mimic and the glamrock endoskeletons have in common they're both drawn to sound in ruin helpie drops a piece of information about the glamrocks that we've never heard before he says experienced employees use intercom recordings to direct animatronic performers to specific locations you know for autographs and photo ops a key game mechanic in ruin is using sound to lure the glamrocks away from us this feature directly came from the mimic in the books it's established that the main way to lure the mimic away is by using sound and among the sticky notes about the they do use sound to lure him away in the book but I mean that's again that's one of those where it's is it expressly drawn to sound I I I'd have to revisit it because or or is it just like literally any creature is drawn to sound right like if I make a sound over there I'm like oh what's over there and then I go check it out right to say like oh it is drawn to sound it's like well that's really anything like and it I don't believe in the epilogues that are specifically focused around the mimic there is it's like oh it is sound specific it is just like it's this monster and he's you know oh he heard a sound in that part of the pizzeria he's going to go check it out just as if he like had seen something in that part of the pizza where he's still going to check it out right I don't and don't quote me on that but him being drawn to sound I don't know if that's like a specific feature any differentiated from what like a normal person that the main way to lure the mimic away is by using sound and among the sticky notes about the unknown shipment to the pizz Plex there's one that says it is drawn to sound just like that's so that okay that's interesting it's now that he calls that out I do remember that as it is drawn to what else would that be it is it singular so he's talking about Creepy bot it singular is drawn to sound what else what else could it be is there anything else that's really drawn to sound I mean like not really it the tangle not really it's not drawn to sound that's that right there okay that's really interesting to me that one gets me cuz it's singular it is random that it's called out and it's and it's differentiated from anything else it is drawn to sound yeah that's fascinating that of of everything so far there's been a lot of like I said earlier there's been a lot of circumstantial evidence that one right there that's really interesting from like a phys IAL piece of evidence I'm like ooh I'm really compelled by that just like the creepy bot description from earlier it is singular which means whoever wrote this was talking about one specific animatronic and I believe that to be the mimic so we know that the mimic was shipped to the pizzax and we know that the staff knew about it but what happens after that well let me point you towards the Endo daycare in security breach this area has been overlooked for so long because we didn't really know what to make of it until help wanted to came out in the Endo daycare Endo we learned that the endos areally toddlers that to be taught what's right and wrong this is why this area resembles a daycare here young animatronic endoskeletons learn how to associate with guests motivation chips encourage our youth to one day develop a personality and become the next Freddy chica or TBD pizzax star yeah and and and this was one of those ones where I I felt really validated when that mini game came out the way that it did cuz I think when we first pitched out like oh they're all AI I think a lot of people were either it's and it's a tough concept to be fair like oh there's one AI governing everything but each individual robot has its own separate AI that's been trained up in a very specific way right like this one was fed all the data about a chicken you know a chicken who loves pizza and is named chica you know this one is trained up using you know this this code this code this code and that idea of like one AI a mimic program appearing in multiple different copies or versions based on the data that you feed into it good data goes in good results bad data goes in bad results and so I yes this is I think this is pretty solidified as Canon at this point you know I think we can all say like yep that's how the robots work is they're being trained up and Ruan really made like kind of tied the bow on it and really like like he played in that clip like really is the thing that seals the deal on it there's even this Easter eggon security breach when you bring GL Rock Freddy into the end of daycare I have never been allowed in here before this must be where I was born he says this he there's more to that quote I've never been allowed here this is where I must have been born look at all the endos they're all the same have I always been a Freddy am I a Monty with a different shell that's that's cool so again getting to that point that you start as a blank endoskeleton and then based on the data that's fed in you could be anything right you could be a Monty put into a different body you could be you know whatever is fed in here doesn't necessarily reflect your outside that's really interesting what if I'm not the first glamrock Freddy are there still more of me at other pizzerias do we all feel the same am I special if I am mass produced am I still art great question there Freddy asking asking the important questions were you ever art to begin with FR he says this in same room The Help Wanted 2 mini game takes place in this is where the endos are given their personalities and taught how to behave when we teach the correct Behavior it displays a check mark this is actually laid out on the doors in this area in security you see right and wrong behaviors matched with check marks and exits but you'll notice that V's famous purple spray paint is all over the doors which begs the question what was vany doing here well to figure this out we have to look at the door in the room where we trained the endos on the door we see glitch trap spray painted next to an endo with bunny ears on its head right this is so confusing this I I this image because I agree I think that's I think the Endo daycare was giving people a lot more clues than any of us were able to utilize or or deal with what is this telling you so if this is good approved Behavior you as a ro like you trained as a glitch robot like you as glitch trap lure the kids in and that's a good thing very distinctly remember seeing this in my playthrough I very distinctly remember always like leaning on this as a clue and like obviously this very important very explicit in what it's trying to say or it's very obviously this is a clue to something and I think now that we know AI Network training up endos skll it took us a while to get to like oh I understand you know they're training up the robots to become these other things and cuz at the time we were still thinking about it as a virus and then you see like a physical re manifestation of burn trap at the end of the game it was confusing the I think if you had just given me robot with bunny years I would have gotten the point this thing is infected with the glitch trap virus and now it is taking on the role of Afton to kill these kids right the the bunny behind is the thing that always got me um I know we have what s minutes left in this video so it's it's a hefty boy it is and I want to make sure it's it's getting its its due course we've talked about evils we've talked about Elvis the pelvis right what uh I I think we should probably wrap it yeah yeah I think we should okay because I have another Dragon Battle and I have to check to make sure that my my lands have been cleared as well oh okay so if if I could do that that would be great yeah for sure thanks again the Dragon City for sponsoring today's episode click the link in the description or use the QR code on screen so that way you can get the very special bundle of 15,000 food 30,000 gold and the very black metal dragon for Your Dragon City collection thanks again Dragon City oh Deus pet dragon he's in his own little world he's he's a little bit too expensive for me honestly but I could get oh I get a claim that booyah baby what' I get I I just got a 100,000 fruit Ash 100,000 wow man so happy for you I need a 100,000 fruit play button that's what I need you want a play button I I'm I'm claiming all that buddy oh man I've got so much I'm well on my way to becoming dragon lord all right rock on anyway yes we will be back for more next time as I collect my HP oh oh 25,000 gold I am in it man retirement is good and I am rolling in gold bars oh my God yeah look at that um thank you John FNAF for letting us react to your video uh I look forward to finishing up and I'm curious what conclusions you reach towards the end of this um so stay tuned for that uh stay tuned to see if I truly become dragon lord as always my friends remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 657,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddys, fuhnaff, security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf sb, fnaf dlc, fnaf ruin, ruin dlc, security breach ruin, help wanted, help wanted 2, fnaf help wanted 2, fnaf vr, fnaf vr 2, fuhnaff security breach, scott cawthon, scott cawthon fnaf, matpat, game theory, gtlive, gt, matpat fnaf, five nights at freddys matpat, matpat scott cawthon, matpat reitre, matpats final theory, matpat reaction, matapt fnaf reaction, reaction, react, fnaf reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 19sec (4039 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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