How MatPat And I Made You Cry (MatPat's Final Theory)

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if you've been on YouTube at all this year then you've probably heard about Matt Pat the host of The Game Theory film Theory food Theory style Theory and GT live channels star of the FNAF movie and most importantly the co-host of my Five Nights at Freddy's recap video and how he has decided to step away from his channels after well over a decade Matt decided that he was going to leave his shows and bring in a new generation of hosts and as of March 9th 2024 it happened Matt Pat released his final game theory closing a chapter on YouTube history but who cares about that I want to talk about me gosh dang it because I actually got to be involved in Matt's final theory in a pretty unique way I think spoilers I guess for a YouTube video but in Matt's last game theory near the end he's like getting into his last monologue and then transitions into a compilation of a bunch of fans saying his classic catchphrase but hey that's just what I think I don't know you you know it and then the camera pans across all four of the brand new hosts for all of the different channels you got Amy for style Theory Santi for food Theory Lee for film Theory and Tom for Game Theory I'm going to close this door all before Matt hangs up his signature jacket high fives his partner Stephanie and then delivers his final thanks for watching and leaves and throughout this entire sequence there's a piece of music playing a very triumphant Orchestral Version of the Classic Game Theory themed science Blaster hi I made that so yeah hi uh my name is Ryder also known as foot of a ferret or FY on YouTube and I got to score Matt's final moments on Game Theory essentially that's you know different and while I know this is a channel that usually focuses on like cartoons and video games and trust me I'm getting back to that I'm finally doing that Avatar recap today I wanted to do something pretty different and just discuss this track you know how it came to be how it was made and what it kind of means because genuinely I believe this has been a massive and important piece of YouTube history and I've just been honored to be a part of it in what little way that I can plus I mean someone posted a tweet about the score on Twitter and it got 3 million views so you know this is my job after all so how did this happen well while some of you might know me for making videos about like Steven Universe and Animal Crossing and stuff I actually got my start way back in 2014 as part of Matt's game theorist Channel I started watching game theory in 2013 got hired about a year later in 2014 when I was like just out of high school 18 years old and for about 3 years I worked there full-time just editing for Game Theory and hosting my own show called a brief history I did a whole video about that it's not the point but I'm also a musician I was a musician before I was even a YouTuber I don't know if you can see back there it's a rack of about seven guitars so I play guitar I play guitar I play bass I play uh not much else yeah I can sing but I also compose and produce music of my own and even though I eventually moved on from doing theorist work full-time in favor of just focusing on this channel I did keep in touch with theorist pretty consistently and eventually Matt started tapping me for some music work I composed the theme song for GT live [Music] for food theory for style Theory though that one hasn't really been shown off as much I did my own versions of the game theory and film Theory theme that I performed live with the other themes at the St Jude Children's Research Hospital charity live stream back in [Music] 2021 and at that point I guess I just kind of become like theorist's de facto unofficial music guy so about a week before the final theory was set to go live Matt texted me and asked if I would be interested in making some music for it he sent me the clip that I'd be making music for and said that he wanted like a triumphant climactic Orchestral Version of The Game Theory theme to underscore the moment you know the Game Theory theme right it's that one that goes yeah something like that you know it you know it well it's actually a song called science Blaster by an arti called spelling failer music and having been part of theorist for so long I knew this song like the back of my hand so I immediately hopped into my studio AKA uh this guest bedroom I got to work and in a few days I had a finished track so first let's give it a full listen and then we can talk about [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I made that okay so let's dissect this a bit yeah I don't want to get too nerdy in talking about all of this but if you like music and are interested in making it you might learn a thing or two maybe I don't know so to make a track like this the first thing I needed was a digital audio workstation and a USB keyboard digital audio workstations or dos are programs for your computer that allow you to make music you know there's things like logic pro Ableton FL Studio or if you're new to this the one you're probably the most familiar with is Garage Band I use logic which is basically just fancy garage band that you have to pay for and really the only other major thing you need is one of these little USB keyboard things you plug one of these into your computer and then you can like make music in the doll so with all that hooked up the first thing I did was figure out what instruments I wanted to use for this song like basically created the virtual band in my brain that was going to be making this music I wanted the two primary elements of the track to be piano and orchestral strings but I knew that for like a little bit of extra texture I was going to want something like a nylon string classical guitar and of course we were going to have to have some drums not like big rock and roll drums or anything though that would have been [Music] fun but just like something to keep like the pace of the track moving and with that settled I started by just getting the basic Melody of science Blaster down verse and chorus in the right key picking the right Tempo Etc obviously with this being like an orchestral thing I had violins take over the melody but then moving towards like the violas cellos and double bases which are basically just violins but they get progressively bigger those I wanted to handle more of the Rhythm if the violin player is the lead guitarist then all the other strings are kind of that other one who's like in the background on stage and is just playing the same thing over and over again to keep the Rhythm yeah that kind of thing you know Rhythm guitarists similarly the piano was just kind of playing basic chords and then matching what the violas were doing with this arpeggio which is a chord split up into individual notes so like instead of playing like you're playing that's an arpeggio you just split it up it might be good to mention at this point that I don't actually play piano I I just kind of mess around in the Daw with my keyboard I don't really know what I'm doing like if you told me to sit down at like an actual piano and play a song or even a particular scale I'd be I'd be lost and because of that the piano part is rather simple you know kind of alt together it sounds like this right now while I might not be much of a piano man I am a guitar guy I am literally obsessed with guitar I have so many of them this is one of my favorites this is a Steve VI ianz gem that was actually a gift from Matt which is why I'm showing off this particular one even though I have way too many look at that Matt and Steph gave me this aren't they nice it's not on the song though they don't get that much I have too many guitars I know way too much about guitars but I also know when a guitar is not really necessary I mean we could have given this track Like big heavy metal guitars and given it that like boss fight [Music] vibe [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I kind of knew that for this track in particular the best thing to do was to just give it like a nice subtle classical guitar [Music] honestly you barely hear it but the extra texture that it adds really just does kind of complete the vibe especially on that last note the way the guitar kind of like revs into it with the strum it I think it was perfect uh the drums were easy I didn't want it to be too much again not like big rock drums or anything so it's literally just one snare drum just doing like one little marching beat with a roll in between it and again all of that is being done with the keyboard and the doll this is not a live drum if I had done that I would not be currently in this apartment in which I am filming because I would have been evicted you know maybe we could have given it like a slightly more triumphant Vibe if we had done some like tonies and symbols or something but I kind of like how simplistic it is legit that one snare beat stays steady throughout the entire track and that is all the drums which is also why it was important for the strings to be keeping the Rhythm steady and then my favorite part of the song and this is kind of getting a little bit nerdy is the tension when you listen to the chords that are building in the back of the track by the end there's a lot of what's called dissonance in there dissonance essentially being like when there are two notes being played at the same time that don't really go together they Clash have you ever heard like a car alarm or a fire alarm go off and it's just that piercing weird garbled noise yeah that's because there's two dissonant notes playing right at the same time you know these are two notes right next to each other play them at the same time that's dissonance but the cool thing about dissonance is is that in the right context it can actually sound really cool so like this doesn't really sound that great but this sounds really nice it's a little Out Of Tune but it sounds nice that's because the dissonance has been given context and here at the end of the track I use some dissonance in the chord structure as it was building to that final note to bring this tension to the track that was meant to kind of release to a satisfying conclusion when we hit that final note [Music] that's kind of the meat of the track but you know the intro is pretty unique it's actually the only part of the song that's completely original and not taken from science Blaster at least uh besides the chord structure I knew Matt wanted this track to be like hopeful and triumphant and epic I guess for a lack of a better word I kind of hate using epic unironically now he wanted it to have that like Avengers Assemble kind of vibe we knew that we were making music for what was going to be perceived by the audience as a very sad moment but we didn't want to lean into that sadness you know we knew people would be sad but we didn't want to make this a sad moment so when the actual science Blaster theme does kick in it gets a lot more hopeful and triumphant all those words I said but you know I started out as a viewer of Game Theory as well I started out as a fan I could identify with how the audience was most likely going to be feeling in this moment so I came up with this like slightly altered version of the chord progression split it between like some flutes and a harp just kind of whacked down an OBO Melody that I kind of made up on the [Music] [Laughter] spot and I created what I kind of see as like a funeral durge for the start of the track before we transition into the science Blaster stuff which gets a lot more triumphant and hopeful and the piano drums and guitars all just kind of sort of fade in from there and speaking of the science blaster theme this is actually the fourth version of the song that I've done over the years the first version was back in like 2014 2015 I did a version that was based off of old Sega Genesis music that one never got used for anything but like I said I did produce and perform a full rock band version of the track for the uh St Jude Children's Research Hospital live stream a few years ago and I also did kind of an old school jazz version sort of on a whim that actually made it into a couple of Bendy and the ink Ma theories and that one's important because it's where I came up with the idea of giving this song The repeats at the end and when I started working on this Orchestral Version I legit just added it without even thinking about it it was just pure Instinct and I think it was a good call because it really gave the scene this sense of buildup that allowed the tension to grow and during that section as those last strings are repeating you can really hear like our main violin like going off but it's not actually a violin and not in the way that it's like oh it's a synthetic violin using the keyboard no it's not a violin sound it's actually a stock logic pro setting meant to recreate the sound of an U I hope I'm pronouncing that right uh which is a traditional Chinese instrument it's kind of similar to a violin in that you play it with a bow but it only has two strings and you hold it vertically and it's built built completely differently it kind of has this more like horse kind of earthy sound to it see I don't play violin I used to back in like middle school but I don't now and when you're working with like all midi instruments for a song like this it can be hard to get a violin tone like a solo violin tone that really has that organic realistic tone to it that doesn't sound like a synth but I always loved how natural and expressive this preset [Music] sounded works perfectly for the track I love the way it fits in but the part that's really cute to me is the fact that I believe that this sound is the exact same setting used to make a lot of the Bendy in the ink machine music I mean just [Applause] [Music] listen it's exact it is one to one and I thought you know how fitting for the final game theory to have a nice little musical tie back to one of the game theory Classics I love bendy and the Machine and that's basically the track of course there's a lot more like nerdy nerdy stuff that I could get into like with the mix and the production and the chain of effects and all that stuff everything had to be compressed and eqed and given like Reverb and Echo and things like that all that junk the mix and master but I don't want to bore you with the technical talk is it the best produced track ever no is it the best produced track I've ever made I don't think so but I think it's really special I just wanted to talk about it a bit because I have been blown away by the reactions I've seen so many like comments and reactions to the video where people are genuinely crying over this scene and I get it I get it don't worry I was crying too uh we did like a watch party for the finale and I was a mess dude again this has been part of my life since 2013 it really it really hit me but like you know considering my output is usually like a bunch of goofy videos about like Gravity Falls and Bluey it was weird making something that made people cry I've never experienced that before it's a completely different vibe and this whole thing was just such an honor it's been really special to me so I really felt that I needed to make a video talking about it like I said I started watching game theory back in 2013 that's over a decade ago I was hired onto the channel only like a year later in 2014 and theorist has been a consistent part of my life ever since influencing literally everything I have ever done on this channel and Matt Steph the entire team theorist have just been such amazing people to meet and work with and be friends with I've been honored even just to be part of it over the years and I was absolutely honored to make this track I so glad people like it and I'm so grateful for what game theory is done for the entire internet and I cannot wait to see what the new generation does I hope they need more music sometime anyway uh thank you for indulging my nerdy little video about music I never really get to make music focus videos and I kind of want to change that maybe not on this channel but somewhere but for now that's about all I have to talk about for this like 2minute track and I got to go write about the entire plot of avatar The Last air bender now so uh yeah leave
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 182,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, matpat, game theorist, matpat final theory, matpat's final theory, game theory finale, film theory finale, food theory finale, style theory finale, goodbye internet, matpat retiring, new game theory, new game theory host, the game theorists, mat pat, mattpatt, matpat meets scott cawthon, game theory theme song, game theory intro, science blaster, game theory theme orchestral remix, game theorist symphony, matpat out of context, footofaferret, foafy
Id: HAlgeH2bJz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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