Flying the BRAND NEW TBM940! - IFR Flight VLOG

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throughout my professional pilot career I've been fortunate enough to fly TBMs for quite a few years today we're gonna bring up the new TV I'm 940 see what this thing's all about let's get to start [Music] cage and climbing 13% to introduce few to the light light up no idle light up ITT on the rice oil pressure on the rise and it's going also the timer's automatic with the onion starting out we don't have to set a separate his time is Right there--see on to start it's all in one your saddle rocks 40 percent and 30 from the second when it was generator engages charging has put a fire idle bastard caution [Music] percent the propellers becoming unfair [Music] alright welcome aboard everybody a really special treat today we are onboard in the TBF 940 with my friend waving waving how are you doing guys thanks for having us on board first thing I do is just tax away from this hangar so we're not a mechanics of a raging echo and we are listening to the 80s right now look at that perfect formation echo 1 2 5 0 Zulu weather wind variable of for visibility 1 0 sky clear below 1 2000 after 2 9 or 2 point 2 3 alpha 2 3 0 0 5 landing at a particle runway 1 0 information echo taxi etre to spot 5 and we'll get our ifr clearance you're gonna have an IFR flight plan on file up to Cedar Key up in the northwest part of Florida it's a very short runway I believe it's one of the shortest runways public runway evolved 23:55 2003 are 55 feet we're gonna have fun practicing let's pull your Bahamas flying skills to the test in the TBM exactly and poppin a crown PBM Army's what kind of want with the information anchor like the copyright for experiences you turkey the grounds clear do see turkey we have 400 6 departures under transition then s filed maintain 2000 expect flight level two eight zero one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one-one-niner point seven score 3 6 7 6 we've gotta work here to see Turkey be at a Fort Lauderdale 6 departure time to transition 2000 taken to 8 0 the pleasure frequency three key points here at Sparky 3-6 7-6 she's got a one read back correct and runway 1-0 taxi via alpha cross only six at alpha and will you be ready upon reaching sir god I want to exit the runway 1-0 via optical every six affirmative will be ready in two you just got one rush crossing one zero or pressure cross or no a six-month I went to five point four and they'll call you soon as we get the release alright AXI instructions and we're cleared to cross around way six here clear to the left and clear to the right so women I am really excited to be in this brand-new TV up 9:40 it's got so many cool features up looking forward to see it it's gonna be a fun time alright we're gonna pull up and hold short of once you're here they're gonna let us go I believe first there's the hold short bars just got a one run we 1-0 clear for takeoff fighting drew Niner zero we're not practice a short field takeoff here I'm gonna Rob the full power holding the brakes and we'll release apply zero nine zero go up to 2,000 feet this is one zero hold on up here in centerline alright see your key here we can't pull the brakes how is that there we go brakes are released it's red 93% right now now you can fill the full 850 shaft horsepower on this takeoff there's our rotation speed positive right way up here select it up unfortunate downfall shot left turn on course proof run one I like to do handle to know it's beautiful inks red Bank years up left mark you could a 19-7 good day okay now half an ounce I found I was gonna kiss 2406 I have to slap in a bunch of for cattle one 614 now beginning to nine zero the final one mommy unfortunately that's not that mommy paying 3,000 3,000 what kind of one Hey cleared up to 3,000 4,000 4,000 kind of what 4,000 set 21:9 up with four or five foot four yeah you can feel a lot smoother engine with the five later prop good you offer a left wing down the boats bobbing or beach you just throttle back two hundred percent and we know the other tourists engaged because the 80 light is on auto throttles okay yeah right here the 80 so it's got an automatic engine protection system two seven zero to join Thunder transition there's our two seven zero heading again we're going out level out here at 4,000 feet all right we'll put the autopilot on all right the autopilot is on we're captured 4000 feet on a270 heading to join the Thunder transition the 1904 try three ten o'clock and expose them you look down here at the iPad you'll see you know here we are just took off at a Pompano this is our routing we're gonna intercept that magenta line which is the Thunder transition labelled Lakeland radar vectors in to Cedar Key up there we do have quite a bunch of weather off the Gulf Coast we'll keep an eye on that we do have an alternates that as an Ocala will go there if we can't get in to see your key and we're going to climb maintain well we got two eight zero on this flight so twice one coming to a Niner thousand thousand that doesn't set up flight level change and now it's going to go when we pitch for 170 again with the autothrottle it's actually gonna move on its own it's moving that's really we went from 80% to 90% torque that is awesome so good manual mode just by switching this to manual from the F M s and now we could dial in 1/3 you know hold 130 with the plate a little change but exactly that's what I like climb rates with TBMs I like use 130 usually oh yeah there's fast get I've taught to do a real quick in 1-0 them how cool is that we are socata wanted a touchscreen so for 2327 departure kimono writer contact club maintained oh that's a different features so there's 130 now the airplanes gonna pitch right for 130 hold 130 in the client communicate 1-0 Palvin Hey look at this now it's throttling up to 250 knots correct yep and then thought of not slowed it down see it moving up real slowly and for me that's a new feature of TBM it's generally TVM this a new feature all the TB amps prior to this do not have any auto throttle so that's a really unique cool addition to what they added into this airplane yeah it comes in really handy with flying into the tub in our area the class Brownwood are you living it to 200 knots and when were descending we don't want over speed here torques there we go it's a throttle bad music it's saying if you go in the yellow for a little bit good torque there it's at a hundred percent now we're out over the Florida Everglades we've got the left wing there get the cool winglets to on TBM 9:40 here so I believe this may be one of the first flights of the night for United States oh yeah this helping came in uh just a week ago you know that is on your demonstrator for the 94 to 2019 came in from France Steve you notice there's no what capacity circuit there right there normally is where what's the deal with that wait if you got a one got a mommy to the 1/3 2.45 doll - Miami center so we do 45 circuit one could be Miami center so kind of one let's now join their Thunder transition kind of one my everything for you isn't it Rogers new cutter one does that by Mid Continent has a built-in compass which is which is with its own battery and that is uh look at the place of the word compass smart so what happens if you lose all your electronics that has a four-hour backup battery Oh for our backup bag so that's the story broke me off but just in case you were to lose that yep okay if you can't get on the ground for hours you know bigger issues all right so we're now in the Thunder transition or by of United this way to get higher what's cool about GBM as you know we go up to 31,000 you can also go in and land and take off you bike on twenty three hundred foot long runways so the one thing different with the newer TBM is compared to be for the FI is the center console here you only have one lever which makes it really easy 850 I have you know you got your coddled Everton for torque your prop rpm LLC your condition lever so it's a lot less stuff you have to mess with I really do like to set up at this cockpit though it is beautiful the G 3000 and you know I've always been a steam gauge guy but ever since I've been getting more on the Garmin 1000 you know one two three thousands there's so much information available to you it's amazing how much stuff we have available toys just like pushing all these little buttons that to zero their regrets the Emmanuel vote on this one go to change you dial this back to 1:30 I wonder you said Juliet the safe way to climb with disabled change your plan will not stall out I'll always hold what you have set up into the airplane you still want to monitor what you put into the computer sometimes computers to mess up a lot safer Bo's compared to the climate of vs mode and since we're now going to the flight levels will go to 992 on the altimeter and to 992 also said understand by 1,000 feet to go got a good 3,500 feet a minute climb there a little rocket ship what about our pressurization so dramatic automatic pressurization - yep Wow we have Hill landing elevation 11 feet at City K right now we're a 5.2 Kevin differential with a cabin altitude 5500 wow that's really cool so all your whole cabin pressurization system you know it's a manually adjusted anymore does it all on its own very sorry alright so we've leveled out to 0-0 just passed labelled on the flight plan here next stop is Lakeland then we'll be gone directed to see Turkey so we're going to joy cruise altitude and we'll catch you guys a little bit further down the line everyone women as we descend into cedar [Music] [Music] mm we're kind of want these that maintain 2001 with the heck does the s at 1,500 feet a minute now so there is no weather available at Cedar Key we use cross City right next door over here what they've got it looks like light winds out of the south-southeast 1 4 0 and what was it five knots yep the kind of 1d of the latest growth study whether a 4m got on another city airport 12 o'clock 2-0 miles apart when you have the fielders but this will be my first time planning a TV out this short of a runway so I'm excited to see how it goes well you could as a the TBM is a perfect record if talking about shortened fields with their logo on three co-chairs bad your honor I know an airplane that good currently over the Gulf of Mexico the windows it's one thousand ago three thousand two thousand they kind of wanted to the airport twelve o'clock one girl mom we're kind of want yes we do have to Turkey so I got on there to clear visual approaches see turkey airport report cancellation Wi-Fi this frequency in there on the ground through flight service changes rather efficient super mercado unlike the council autothrottle complete repeat repeat rugby apart exchange crude every day I don't want peer partners all right we've got the airport out here in front of us a sight let's better get across 502 to dress up with silicon one Cedar Key traffic PBM coming over the airfield we'll be joined again that's downwind for runway 2 3 meter so we're looking out the left wing here and you'll see the windsock it's like we're gonna have a little bit of a left cross one very slight yeah that runway Wayman is scarier it's very short well good good pilot I know if you could go into cat cave going here with the TBM yeah mr. going to kick key out there in the Bahamas and that's about the same size now with Kodiaks oh man that should be the money shut up of your left window it is beautiful I can see why you like to come here our score this is definitely a really cool looking Airport excited to try to land this thing yeah I think we'll be all right you gotta remember go-arounds that are always an option when in doubt go around all right well the first not just lapse speeds check selected indicate - turkey traffic PBM 12 Delta alpha downwind went away to three-hitter key back here down selected and indicator I put you're heading bug on one on runway two three set it will start turning left base here aunty Turkey traffic TVM rope tell Papa turning that before one we did three turkey it will go full flip selected labor like they do never go arounds they're always an option here I don't like the way this feels you know we're all right mr. separator on three greens full flaps photo flutter off autopilot off before landing checklist complete thank you let me pitch it for about 85 knots pretty good got a little bit of a crab sure look at that it's like a little aircraft carrier oh yeah we're a little bit of displaced threshold as a trucker come hear us good just hold the crab here it's not much other you can see the windsock off there right it's the buffeting with the wind that's the tree line like to play title stall stall airspeed stall stop there we go go in the reverse one dynamic break centerline there you go awesome not bad we where the girl Stevo floated a little bit right there any longer into the float I would have definitely wanted to go around but I still felt like we still had plenty of runway so they're welcome to Cedar Key guys you know what morning here yep gorgeous well go under the ramp over here to the left the town hope you guys did enjoy that video if you did be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel you want to see more videos like this it's really a blast having you guys right along in the new brand-new TBM 940 and we'll talk to again someday soon Waymon thanks for having us on board anytime Stevo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 666,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM940, Career in aviation, Pilot life, Becoming a pilot, Pilot, Flying IFR, ATC Audio, ATC, Aviation, Airplane, Aircraft, The new TBM940, Travel, Cedar Key, Short field landing, Taking off, Miami, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, S1K, Jobs in aviation
Id: -UKBYumJ05w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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