FROG FINDS GIANT TOILET, MOON & BALLOON JETPACK - Amazing Frog Gameplay (New Amazing Frog Update)

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I just threw it I did I just threw it like it was garbage okay well it's gone down there we'll find it afterwards it's fine for now we need to get at the jive frogs mouth oh my god this is crazy this update is so crazy how's it going everybody my name is Finn pyre we're back we're playing amazing frog this games finally had a pretty big update for Christmas apparently there's a magical toilet a big giant magical toilet and we could do something with it we can put stuff in it I don't know the specifics yet and they haven't actually gone into too much detail in the update notes I haven't played this game in a little while though so I'm a little bit hazy with some of the the controls but I'm gonna go and try and change my costume let's see what we got it come on no no no not that way not that way let's get any dude what have we got in the way in costumes all right we have special outfits oh man I've got loads of outfits loads of them okay which one should we be okay I'm gonna be yep I'm gonna be Donatello let's do it I think that's Donatello is the purple one right pretty sure he's the purple one yeah smack your butt against the wall here we go come on let's get up let's get up let's do this let's go we need to go investigate Swindon find out what's going on with giant toilets okay here we are we're in Swindon this is awesome man it feels so good to be playing this it's been so long mayors private toilet blocked by flatulent fiend well that's no good what's going on here pipe neutrality scandal okay well what are we got here we've got the Santa oh nice look at this we've got the Jack Skellington costume and we've got the Santa costume that's pretty good I'm gonna go and be Santa let's do it let's be Santa so apparently they've added in like a bunch of stuff so this is gonna be really cool to check out oh yeah i'm sanna who's gonna smack my butt all over the place let's get up here sani let's do this what's this gun mmm Santa's little oh wow now I've got my head court my beards flying off oh this is not good okay I think we need to unstick ourselves okay come on let's do it yes Hey yeah I'm out of here it does a little roll afterwards as well okay Santa's Little Helper here we go we have an infinite mo as well so that's pretty good where's my aiming thing are who is this oh nice that is pretty cool let's make everybody Santa Claus oh that is good that's good up we get sani up we get come on what's this thing is that a is that a big giant snowman yeah it is it's a snowman helmet and everything's going on blue great love this there's snowmen around here as well so this update came on on Sunday just in time for Christmas I never got notified on Steam that there was an update and I've had this game installed so I don't know I find that a bit weird but anyway get this dude pick it up pick it up apparently they've also updated the grappling hook so that you can actually cancel a grapple which is really good before you couldn't do that yeah there we go oh I keep dropping my gun that's like fall over that's annoying I can't okay I'm just gonna give up on the Snowman thing but I'm gonna make everybody Santa yeah oh god this this thing is like really slow get up dude get up jump jump no get up Joe hey get yeah you're Santa Claus as well now okay this is good this is working out pretty well what's with that snowman what why is he there what do you bet what's your business what's your caper um can we can we pick this up I'm just gonna drop that I'm gonna try and grab this now we just head part of me oh cool we could pick it up what do we do with it I don't know we need to find where the giant toilet is though it's gotta be around here somewhere okay in the meantime I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take it with me this has got to be fun Hey Oh for a second there I thought the mayor's office was closed up that was kind of strange oh man I can't wait to find out what other secrets they've added into this game is gonna be good I reckon one of my favorite secrets what was that look like something broke one of my favorite secrets so far has probably been like the giant toilet it's a police officer santé frog it's been the the giant toilet down the sewers I thought that was really cool and down in the sewers that was like loads and loads and loads of just different costumes and things to find it was great oh what's this this stuff over here now look at all these people what are these people up to what are you doing I'm gonna shoot that you're a sinner you're a sinner I can't hit him yeah you're a sinner now take that I'm gonna get it from back here clang bang bang bang okay yes yes Oh gotcha gotcha champ what's this oh the batter like a little little racing track here I'm gonna go check it out you gotta do some races come on get up you just did a flip okay here we go yeah rape rape okay it's time to do some remote control courage get okay I'm gonna give up on that one let's try this one oh yeah now take two whoo awesome we're on the track okay just need to reverse it up all right time to do some racing yes this is pretty good this is pretty good we got to get a new lap record Oh all right we're smashing into the stuff no no no no this thing is so hard to steer it needs better brakes it's pretty good it's pretty good where'd he go smokey that's the name my frog I named him smokey in case you don't know in case you haven't been following my amazing frog series I've named him smokey just cause he smacks around the place whenever he falls over it makes like a slapping noise and he runs and it makes his slapping noise so why wouldn't you call him smacking it just makes sense nice bit of drifting bit of RC car drifting and now we've crashed okay all right let's just leave that behind pretend it never happened let's go find the giant toilet oh cool it's still some Santa's run around all right well that's good hey what's that I didn't see that before it says what's to say let's say coca-cola ok so there's a crook of Cola truck there um I don't I don't know what that's a bet let's go check it out maybe we can drive it and maybe we can deliver coke to people Oh crook we need to go deliver the crook come on get in here get in this truck let's do it let's do it let's get what is this cop doing I don't know I'm gonna get in here though let's drive this all right we need to deliver cut no no we just got out of it ok we need to deliver coat to the people oh yeah inside radio F that says radio F down the bottom there that's why I said it and I didn't just randomly randomly say that this is good this is good I feel like my driving has gotten way better I don't know where I'm taking this this rig but we're going someplace oh there's a pig over there just hanging out by the tree just fondling the tree ok let's go this way oh gotta look at all go we jackknifed the truck I can't keep going where's this toilet we're still looking for the giant toilet it's a Saturday I think we need to nail the Santa with this truck look out buddy Bank coming for you I'm coming for you I don't see giant toilets gonna be around here somewhere though they're hidin they're hiding all the Giants and that the poops maybe it's on the star guard there's no there's no recovering from that let's be honest ok we need to ditch the car truck crew coca-cola truck hey dude I'm just gonna smack into him here we go through a good fart on his head it's my favorite thing to do this is fired on him rub a bum on his face and fired on him come on get get on there it's not happening it's just not happening today what does that say escape Swindon ok I thought it was a platform 9 and 3/4 kind of scenario where I could just run through it but clearly not German 9 8 5 it's one of my favourite youtubes I like that guy here we go looking for stuff let's go look on the other side of Swindon see if we can Christmas tree sweet all right gonna cut through the buildings here Oh God oops okay sorry Gemma let's go get this car what's this one say uh a co2 h2o delirious all right let's get in let's get in here here we go still looking still looking random okay let's just jump this thing let's jump it yeah sweet jump man sweet jump let's do a flip oh we still good we still good all right let's keep going we lost a few doors but it's fine it's fine who cares maybe there's something we have to do with these trees I don't know I'm gonna go smack myself into the tree and see if something happens here we go here we go oh I have the tree up my butt and now I'm the under tree ornament Hey whoa nice see that that was tree fart power let's try that again oh oh you have downloaded are you just gonna knock him down yeah I've done that one already okay that's fine not on this save game but I've done it I've done it Hey all righty okay where we gonna fight our way over to hmm maybe over this way oh yes let's go let's go nice we're coming down oh we just blew up the the bus okay I was hoping to just bounce off it Santa is going to space it's gonna be brain mm-hmm no go back ow ow okay let's try this again oh dude get in there get in there yes all right after space all right so we need our space helmet otherwise we're gonna be dead we will die straight away so let's go get our space suit on okay here we go got the space suit on we're free to go outside without exploding right you watch what happens when we go outside those guys are gonna be dead they're gonna get sucked out of there and their heads are gonna pop all right here we go heads are gonna explode and where is it oh he hasn't stopped yet ready oh cool there's a little rocket ship are you serious I wish I had the jetpack I should have got the jetpack that would have been good it's fine we'll just jump in this what is this - cleaning services cleaning your toilet in any location so what is it that we'd need to put in there it's got to be some tips or something like that round we've pretty sure yeah we've collected all the samples there we've done that one all right we could probably do with a jet pack so I might go get the jet pack okay jet pack acquired it's time to take this business seriously we need to find out what it is we're putting in there I don't know what it is cleaning services cleaning your toil and Nanni location I don't know I'm gonna fly through one of these little portal thingies get foot what what is that what is that there's a picture thing up there hang on I'm just trying to get get up this Maggie get up there we go dude fly all the way up here let's go up oh god oh god that would have hurt that would have hurt so much okay so we need to go up over and find out what that is what is that nothing is massive okay come on come on up the hill up the hill uncle we've got a got a real view of smack East but there it's not great it's certainly not great it wouldn't be so bad if he if you actually cleaned it once in a while but he doesn't so it's a bit messy okay oh this thing is huge its massive okay what's what's going on what's going on with this giant thing what's the purpose of it what is it I need to know why is there a giant smacky up there what is he doing what is he doing do we need to climb him maybe we need to get up on top of him and and you know hang out see what it is maybe there's something on his head that's best possible how do we climb up them out we need a trampoline we probably need to go up the satellites oh I just noticed there's something over there there's another satellite going on that wasn't there in the past maybe that's got something to do with it oh I can see him over there now what if there's something in his hand it looks like he's holding out his hand for some reason it's gonna land on the satellite here we go here we go let's get up let's have a good look around no get up get up stance Macky okay I wonder if there's something on his hand how would I land on him that's gonna be like a massive jump I don't even know if I could make that all right I'm gonna try I'm gonna try and land on that giant frog at least just on his head okay I think I'm coming in I'm coming in it's good it's good it's looking good all right he's held now he's hand there is something on his hand what is that what is it I don't know I just land on his head though that's that's okay it's fine we're up on the Giants Macky um what is that over there a little bit scared to go over there and find out what it is I'm gonna do it anyway okay okay don't be scared don't be scared hey looks like there's a little toilet not a giant one a little one and it looks like there's a magical plunger what is the magical plunger a word and it looks like it's it's attached to a skeleton frog hand hang on let's just can we use it on this no can we use it on this toilet no okay let's just drop it can we sit on this no oh god oh god let's just stand on this toilet put not put your face in it that's disgusting okay it looks like this either rock or big giant poo in there I can't tell I can't tell but it's like a Stonehenge type scenario isn't it I thought oh what is this okay okay we've got this we've got this thing I just threw it I did I just saw it like it was garbage I okay well it's gone down there we'll find it afterwards it's fine for now we need to get at the joy frogs mouth oh my god this is crazy this update is so crazy I can't even I can't even this is just intense okay let's just fly over there all right we need to go in the frogs mouth in his mouth okay he's in his mouth are we in here I think we are yes okay so this is basketball hoop I guess a basketball hoop and then there's the weird sign thingy I can't remember what it's called you guys can let me know in the comments what that symbol is called it's like some company I'll get some basketball hoops you could probably do some shots let's do some shirts here we go do some man shots into the basketball hoop there champ here we go yeah we're gonna get it in that was terrible we missed anything down the back of his throat yes a cookie and a pig a cookie and a pig okay I probably would want cuz I think that's a grapple hook there yep all right let's get this grapple wait a minute wait a minute oh wow okay get up get up dude grapple hook yeah and now it's now it's business time time business sir sorry let's go down here let's have a look at this what are they we have a John cookie just a big cookie and a pig cookie and a pig okay it's a skeleton pig okay all right I'm not gonna worry too much about that elbows I'll just get scared okay so let's just suck ourselves up here that's fine now we need to how do we how do we retract this thing again like that oh cool okay gonna put my grappling hook on my back I'm gonna go down here and we're gonna find what we're looking for looking for the magical plunger all right I dropped it down here somewhere so B should be just down here I'm somewhere around his knees must have look around would have fell just a yeah there it is we found it okay what do we do with this though what do we do with the magical plunger maybe we have to take a back to back home okay and then not home but like the space home down there down there the space station and maybe put it in that little rocket maybe that's what we need to do I don't know where the giant toilet is though I'm yet to actually find it oh we're gonna hit the rocket Wow get get out of the rocket dude get Oh God we're stuck in the rocket no we're not we're fine okay here we go let's put it in here is this can we do this yeah nice okay where was that other satellite just over here let's go scope this one out this one looks new I don't know what it is but I need to know alright we've done that that was where we collected all the cats that was fun okay we go we're flying we're flying so trip laying around here we could use to get up there hmm I don't see one oh there's one over there I see it all right ruff here we made it and there's a is it a weapon launcher like a weapon a weapon spawner I should try what is this oh no it's the ray gun okay is that is that it is that all that's up here it seems that way oh cool I can sit on this and write it with nobody isn't that sad it's terribly sad maybe there's something inside this little satellite let's check this out what's in here let's go in what do we go we've got a grappling hook we have a soccer ball like I'm not finding much else I'm gonna go down anything else on in in space that's new I don't think there is I think this is all I think that's it we found the magical plunger maybe we should go back to Swindon okay we're all set forget our shades on so we don't burn our eyes in the Sun that'll be the worst hang on a minute let's just go back here and see if anything has changed in this back section remember that was just like Halloweeny kind of Christmasy area that was like a TARDIS here can we go in the TARDIS yes okay out out what what why are you doing that okay oh jeez alright so we're back here everything seems pretty normal can we do anything here this thing feels like it's moving around whoa why is it moving around so much it's big giant frog up there okay I'm gonna get out of here it's too much wobble and round okay I guess we need to have a bit of a look around see we can find this toilet there we go oh there it is did that just spawn out of nowhere cuz it wasn't there before was it like that's that's different that's different hang on I'm gonna put a soccer ball on the toilet because the actual update said you put stuff in it okay let's just slam dunk a basketball and name I know that basketball it's a fan oh no we're slammed on yourself it's a football like most sports okay okay what happens let's put that in there where's it gonna go okay a bunch of who just came out and the football came out as well but now it's massive what hey okay hey look how big this thing is oh man can we pick it up I don't think we can pick it up it's so huge okay all right let's all let's put the pig in it let's put the pig in there let's flush the pig down the toilet yummy Pig come on buddy come on okay we just need to ride him need to ride him let's ride this pig yes okay are you serious right now Pig what kind of ride you'll be better than this I just bought it this isn't going anyway damn it pig I ate too much or something there's something up with that Pierre go don't know what it is could probably do with a grappling grappling hook - maybe grapple him into the toilet that's something we could do okay so what happens if we flush ourselves down the toilet we need hate - no here we go ah we just got crapped on what is this a balloon pack you took your jet pack in the toilet and it became something else works the other way too balloon pack now available in wardrobe what how's the bloom pack work hey cool oh nice oh look at this I'm the ballooning Santa oh that is so good he looks like he's falling asleep oh look at me flying around oh this is the best this is so much fun okay this is like the easiest way to travel now there's so much better than the jet pack look at this I'm like spider-man if he had balloons attached to him we need to grapple more stuff into the toilet we need to do this let's get all the things and put them in the toilet yeah falling down oh there's a Christmas tree there what's yeah oh wow you right there cop what's he doing I know what he's doing let's get a grappling hook uh undo you last shot by pressing reload all right so what's what's reload is that ah ah it is you press ah it stops that's really good so you can cancel a grapple if you want to which is awesome if you've accidentally grappled some things together all right time to get all the balloons we're ballooning around so what happens if we grapple us up to the ground now oh we just get grappled to the ground okay oh this is so much fun how many balloons can we spawn a lot it seems capes Oh God we're going up we're going up into the sky so quickly okay oh hey guys that so what happens if we keep going up we'll probably hit the ceiling soon the invisible ceiling that there is okay woah oh my god they all popped and now I'm going down I'm going down okay that's fine I don't mind I don't mind so much fun okay here we go here we go well there's the clouds through the clouds we're gonna just come out of here by the toilet am I gonna grapple the pig where's the pig where's it going did the pig die oh there's the pig alright grapple the pig and put him here come on Pig come on how do i how do I pull the two together here it goes now he's coming over this way what dude no no that's not how grappling works alright there's my outworks let's put that on our back and if we oh god I didn't want through that I didn't want to spawn any Oh doesn't matter let's oh yeah there we go there we go that's one way to do it okay so now we need to get our grapple we need to grapple the pig to basically the like the lid of the toilet we missed come on Pig missed right all right between the eyes oops come on Pig I'm just gonna fog into him yeah turn the flush a pig oh my god this is so good here we go we're gonna flush the pink let's do it oh he says he's in the lead alrighty let's get on here alrighty Pig you ready huh got my balloon for his celebration of flushing the pig down the toilet grappling hooks down there I dropped it okay I have my grappling hook right here we go I'm gonna flush him all the way from back here just cuz I don't want to drop my grappling hook again here he goes he's going in flushing the pig what happened he's the same Pig you say there's literally nothing different about this pig it's the same old Pig you right there champ he just looks he probably smells better if anything now that he's covered in in poop who knows alright let's flush a car alright here we go sucking the car up there look out Pig Oh God Oh God okay hang on what is the pig doing oh god I just attached it to the point get out of the way Pig here we go car up there all right come on car pull that there pull it that way that'll get it over the lump and then we'll go like that and then that'll pull the car up no no that's not working it's not working alright hang on let's pull it back this way no hang on it is working keep going keep pulling the car up what are we gonna get maybe we'll get like a truck instead so happens when you flush your car it comes out a truck here we go it's going in oh it's a tiny car no it's the same car it just flushed it and then exploded okay let's flush the giant football then come on football yes all right there we go drop the football in flush a football what comes in tiny football okay so we shrunk it and then made it bigger again alright I'm gonna get another frog and I'm gonna flush another frog let's see what happens where we do that let's get the Frog come here dude I got you I've got you by the face it's time to go for a swim we're gonna teach him how to swim in a toilet some do you get your swimming lessons they chant we're gonna fly in there dude did it dude did you do come on fly up over the toilet we way a little bit more because we're carrying another frog here we go we're just gonna pop a couple just that we're not going so fast here we go we're gonna drop him in oh and add a few more balloons so would I flush ourselves well no way to flush yourselves what Catherine did that frog just turn into a gun what just happened a lot of love to go around what is that that kid this here's a poop emoji hat oh god oh god okay it's gonna knock him down I don't know I don't know what's happening right now okay Oh am i changing his outfit is that what's happening the poop emoji frog oh that's Matt Shay oh we can change what's on their shirt look at that they're all the different youtubers okay that's cool there's so many pungent so many different youtubers have played this game oh look bears cheroo nice I was looking for true awesome okay that's done let me know in the comments below if you have any ideas of some stuff that we can flush down the giant toilet alright I might even like put in a I don't know like a pole or something like that or even on my community tab if you want to go ahead and comment there as well let me know some stuff we can put down this toilet and we'll see what comes out like getting off with the crazy guns and all sorts of things going on man this is cool I wonder if there's still the zombie pig up in the blimp there we could probably flush him I don't know but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked give us one of these ones and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 444,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Amazing Frog, Amazing Frog gameplay, Amazing Frog game, Amazing Frog let's play, download Amazing Frog, Amazing Frog part 1, Amazing Frog early access, Amazing Frog alpha, Amazing Frog beta, Amazing Frog update, balloon, balloon jetpack, amazing, frog, giant toilet, toilet update
Id: DvUJjqdQlg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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