Inside Singapore's Changi Airport | Spark

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[Music] there's a way to make an entrance my destiny it was now a conspiracy of witches download today in this show changi's airport emergency services face the ultimate test baggage detection are on alert for security threats [Music] and illegal stashes and missed flights leave passengers stranded at the airport after that when i go to cambodia they told me this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this changi airport singapore's jewel in the crown with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now [Music] for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the forty thousand staff who keep it that way but you see what you see it can be anything but [Music] i've had nightmares the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore where's the engineer it doesn't work really i'm going to cry man [Music] ladies and gentlemen [Music] with two runways and three terminals changi is one of the world's busiest airports with a thousand flights a day and 55 million passengers a year it's 40 000 staff work round the clock to please in this airport efficiency is king as is with a smile [Music] the immigration and checkpoints authority safeguards singapore's borders this airport has security systems to rival the world's top banks it's the ica's job to make sure that the movement of people and goods is legitimate and lawful at terminal 2's baggage collection it's the morning shift for immigration officer kumar and his team of officers in the baggage detection unit as they make ready to search all who enter here common detections uh flick knives night stakes uh handcuffs batons knuckle dusters all this is under singapore police caused more of a security threat apart from that under health science authority sex enhancement pills slimming pills and large quantity for commercial use that is also a main concern and yeah now another rise significant rise is vape or electronic cigarettes every officer has a role to play as they confront any would-be smugglers in an intricate game of looks signals you all have anything to declare with your and charm offensive you're running for this game just engaging with small checks helps a lot that few seconds we will be able to find out whether are they giving me any kind of telltale indicators [Music] do you have a knife in singapore knives are either prohibited or restricted depending on their type and design okay this is fine while kumar takes care of business on the front line another team are getting match fit on the tarmac but these men aren't here for fun they are the airport emergency services at any given moment they are ready for action action they hope they won't have to take these are the airport's dedicated firefighters [Music] watched over by operations commander alexander it's a huge responsibility after all you know the safety and the lives of passengers are in our hands i think the hardest part of this job is making sure that myself and my guys are ready and are prepared to handle a crash changi has three fire stations by the runways and a fourth on the coast so the guys at the sea rescue base are also under my charge and today i am going to conduct my routine inspection on them and check on them make sure everything is in place everything is in order the training is being conducted and conducted properly [Music] please advise our location of emergency over training is a way of life for all fire officers at all stations potential one over rescue living base now proceeding to crash location they're in constant preparation for any worst case scenario we arrive at the crash site there is immediate visual of two casualties straight away surface rescuers down to proceed with their rescue singapore is surrounded by territorial waters so in the event if an aircraft were to land short of the runway and ditches into the sea the resources here at the sea rescue base will turn out and they will carry out firefighting and rescue out at sea whilst his officers keep watch at the coast 24 7 most of the action takes place at other stations fire station two's latest recruit is 23 year old scheifel before i came here i'm a bit nervous because i don't know how is it like going to be at a station but after i came here yeah i need to learn a lot of things on the station routine mostly equipment-wise for alexander it's a stressful time of year yo wendy how's the preparation for coming along bobcat is code for aircraft crash exercise as commander he'll be under the microscope yeah okay you are coming okay let him know all right okay thanks [Music] the fire service has 180 officers on shift at any one time across terminals and runways to keep his men on their toes alexander carries out reaction tests often once triggered they have between 15 and 20 seconds to drop whatever they're doing leap into vehicles suit up and exit the station can you activate reaction test now thanks okay sir i'll move on to the directions [Music] success for now and alexander can rest easy inside terminal 2 changi's customer service teams known locally as changi's experience agents are at full stretch as they man 15 stations across three terminals and patrol the airport both ends at the center this army of helpers tackle passenger problems big and small today agent nina has a british backpacker who needs help this is kyle it's his first time in asia um i arrived at one o'clock so i came from phuket and it's just meant to be a connecting flight to bali he's been rejected from his flight to bali because he doesn't have an onward bound ticket to make matters worse kyle doesn't have enough cash to pay for a flight and he no longer has his credit card all i can do is pay for things online which i've tried to do and yeah they have lent me their tablet which is very helpful but for some reason or another it's just not uh registering even though i've used the same bank card to book flights and travel what have you um over the last six months um so all i can do is try and contact home and just say it's my sister bitcoin you can take the money back kind of thing is she online no she's at work in the uk it's probably about 8 30 but you already missed your current flight they gave me until 2 50. it's now 2 49. you have your sister's number yep it's not successful we'll try again so basically trying to call my sister back in jersey who's currently at work it's nine o'clock in the morning and she's not gonna be happy to get me a flight and get me out of singapore basically yeah meanwhile the baggage detection unit are eyeballing passengers entering singapore but nothing gets past kumar who has a hunch that a passenger who has declared three packs of tobacco is hiding something anyway this man may wish he'd given up smoking earlier kumar's team has also found an electronic cigarette or vape foreign [Applause] which is these three a point checking i found a few more packets including the electronic secret yep for the cigarettes or rather the loose tobacco it's more of a revenue concern it's under singapore customs which i'm going to deal with them later and for the vape will be more like a seizure i will detain the item on behalf of our alzheimer's authority [Music] yeah it's a nice looking one but unfortunately it's not a lot will changi's agents get this confused passenger on a flight you're going to manila okay this philippine airlines not sri lankan air will kyle reach his sister or stay stranded without cash at the airport you have your sister's number yeah [Music] and what will kumar and his team make of this suspicious metal object are you working here [Music] at singapore's changi airport precision efficiency and customer service rule voted world's best airport by passengers its three terminals serve over 100 airlines and connect to 320 cities but kyle a british backpacker can't afford to fly to any of them he was rejected from his flight to bali because he did not have an onward bound ticket you have your sister's number yep with next to no cash and no credit card he's stranded and desperate to get in touch with his sister for help ah just got a text off her so that's the full number that's area code nevertheless ah it's ringing thank you hello where are you i thought you were at work all right is it oh it's only eight o'clock back home she's in she's just got that bed um i'm in singapore right now lovely airport book some sort of flight and transfer from my account to yours i don't know whether just to go to oz all right cheers thanks very much so she can transfer over the cash um yeah well she's going to try and just book me a flight i'm thinking just to go straight to australia now instead of bali thank you hey how's it going i'm getting what it's a weird thing to hear but yeah let's do this um so we're just checking flights in a minute and funnily enough one came up to brisbane but it was um one changeover in bali [Music] thanks very much cheers bye you got it so close so that solves your problem you get to go to bali depending i get a confirmation in the farthest corner of changi airport it's a busy day for the animal and plant quarantine station here the hard-working team of vets and trained officers work round the clock to keep singapore safe from epidemics pests and diseases jan is waiting for a batch of resources arriving from new zealand our horses are can be quite dangerous animals are huge animals any wrong move if they kick it can cause serious injuries in the people around them and i also have to take care of myself of course because i'm doing the checks one mistake and these spooked animals will make a bid for freedom with a kick that can kill pulling prodding and scanning is not for the faint-hearted the team will have to hold their nerve when i was new at this i was scared now as long as you know where to stand where to go how to move how the horses respond i think you should get used to this i've written down the microchip number this horse is a little bit spooked out once one one horse gets anxious the rest will also get anxious [Music] oh there you go this looks like a skin abrasion um so it should heal up actually 12 racehorses are good to go after 14 days of quarantine they will cross the border and become singapore's welcome guests [Music] in terminal 2 arrivals kyle has news from his sister in the uk who is trying to help him get out of singapore my sister's currently trying to book my flight back in the uk it just happens to be the same website that i tried to do on last time and she's getting the same message as i am just saying that it was not successful and tickets could not be issued she's going to try and call them but obviously she's at work so i'm just saying if you have to wait a couple of hours until your lunch break so i don't want her to get in any trouble back at work it seems that kyle is now trapped in the world's best airport [Music] operations commander alexander is a man with a plan today this airport will stage a plane crash with casualties real fire and real people he will need brains as well as brawn to pull this off so what we're going to test the main objective is actually to set up rs within six minutes as well as to receive the casualty as well as the report to report to the do in the charge i want to see is timing for the rrs setup and then casualty management because during cpt if these two things we don't fulfill we were sure yeah definitely it would surely be nice okay so this is something else okay okay okay elsewhere scheifel is also being put through his paces this is to pump connecting two tanks from two fire trucks together to boost the water supply [Applause] all drills hurt this one hurts more water than your one tree i turn down come in we need to keep our fitness up to the standard scheifel may be fit but the going is tough and tonight it's going to get tougher [Music] every day passengers bring 120 000 bags through this airport and every day security teams check scan and search for illegal or dangerous contraband kumar's team have detected a suspicious object at terminal 2. there's some metallic genes item found in his luggage upon the x-ray machine you put your back there [Applause] oh yeah machine the traveler claims is used more for industrial purposes for cutting uh machineries rod metal items but we are just a bit curious why is it hidden come here huh are you working here yeah attending turning training yeah okay ken you have claimed that it's for his work purpose is to it doesn't pose any security threat so we are giving back to him in a region where many languages are spoken communication can be slow going but to protect and secure singapore's borders is kumar's sole concern have you taken all your items okay initially he was a bit tense and nervous because of firstly firstly we have been mindful more is because of the language barrier no that was a language barrier he couldn't communicate well however he was able to answer the simple questions why what's the his entry for and how long is his stay intended stay in singapore and his accumulation he was very um confident with his answers and we are satisfied so access our assessment on the whole fact he's clean okay meanwhile at terminal 3 agent jr has a tricky number on his hands i'll try don't worry this passenger might have had one drink too many he can't find his way to the gate he came from which airlines feel like an airline joining rich airlines you're going to manila okay this is philippine airlines not sri lankan air okay you go to yeah i understand you see that one sky train to t1 yes transfer d to get your boarding pass hurry up okay okay sir you take this train and then you go to terminal 1 you go to transfer d delta okay transfer d philippine airlines counter okay thanks thank you at check-in terminal 3 officer grace has a baggage problem of a different kind 400 of excess weight and a passenger who doesn't want to pay for it i go from incheon to beijing and from beijing back to the united states but tonight you're just going up to incheon yeah it came out like this the confirmation but the thing is i booked it all through united i'm getting like united points for this it's not an asiana thing so i mean i just don't understand if i brought three bags in right what do you want me to do with the other two bags when i leave i don't live in singapore that doesn't make any sense this passenger can't understand why the airline wants to charge her for the extra 23 kilos when she flew the first leg of her journey from america to singapore without paying a single cent it's not a peace concept because you're not traveling to the states so we're going by a weight concept this time because you're traveling only up to incheon what am i supposed to do with the other two bags it doesn't matter how many bags you check in them you can check in five bags you can check in six bags but the weight has to be there so uh for your gold status um economy is 20 at archenetes additional three and then the gold status will give you additional 20. so you're allowed to check in for 43. and then you want me to carry on 20 then i mean because right now i have 60. correct just make sure that there's no liquid in the one that your hand carrying yeah that's the liquid gels i think i have liquid in here so helen's plan is to transfer 20 kilos of excess weight to her hand luggage to avoid the penalty give me one second i have never done this before because usually i am a platinum status on united and i don't need to do this she's determined to make this work okay does this make it can you come and check this see if this works okay that works okay it's looking good [Music] it's all done back at arrivals terminal 2 kyle's on the phone to his sister perfect um yeah they're really helpful they said they'll print it out for me here cheers thanks very much she's booked two flights for me one going to bali tomorrow and then the next one she's booked me a flight to brisbane on the 16th from october but yeah it seems everything's sorted so it's a massive release thanks very much for your help welcome here i'll just like leave a note for them okay i'll just log out of this it's the end of nina's shift and after a missed flight and lots of waiting around it looks like kyle's finally back in the game i don't know if it's just been picked up by mistake so everything's been booked everything's finalized we've just got our booking from the airline and now the passports come walkies will kyle find his passport or is it game over for this intrepid backpacker so i don't know if it's just falling down will agent marbouba convince a passenger that she's been scammed it's a fake ticket man someone has edited it and what will kamar make of this rich discovery so mayonna why are you bringing so much of currency [Music] at changi airport there's approximately one flight every 90 seconds but kyle isn't on one yet he's trying to get to bali to party with friends terminal 2 in the world's best airport is not where he wants to be [Music] unable to board a plane to bali without an onward bound ticket this free spirit lacks the means to purchase one his sister has bailed him out and paid for a ticket but now his passport has gone walkabout cherry can you check with the lady if she accidentally picked up a passport the passport was yeah she was standing i don't think it could fit through there that's okay thank you accidentally oh i almost died there a passenger it's part of fun and games it's with him already okay okay okay i can go home now in peace thank you he has this passport and he has his itinerary please give it a check all kyle needs to do now is not lose his passport and wait at changi's customer service desks there is a never-ending stream of passengers with problems and sometimes the agents have to deliver bad news at terminal 2 arrivals a mother and daughter have approached agent mabuba the daughter has come to meet her fiance for the first time okay but she's received a call from customs to say that her fiance has been detained for carrying excess cash into singapore you had been in the airport since afternoon and she needs to pay a fine of fifteen thousand dollars into his bank account to release him yeah [Applause] but goes ahead and calls customs [Music] hi good afternoon sir there are two ladies here looking out for this passenger george haley uh he has probably landed this afternoon by malaysia airlines m8603 so what they're telling me is they received a phone call today from ica one of the officer has called them and told them that he was being held up at the ica because he was taking excess amount of cash without declaring as for them he is holding a u.s passport yeah i will let them know thank you yeah sure thank you the fiance is not at customs and it looks like the daughter may have been duped you can't get through this number you can call back but she he's not willing to talk to me which officer i just call them no such passenger it's a fake ticket man someone has edited it again what is the reason that he is bringing so much cash i want to marry him he's around seven dollars because he just finished malaysia so the company you need to trust what i'm saying is because i'm telling you from my experiences they are definitely trying to fool you to get some scam that's what my officer told me to get you more information we have been experiencing this many times in the airport which is also around information some ladies who are totally in love with the guy would transfer money and come to me and said i have a video transfer money what do i do most cases is totally scam some people boyfriends even send them a scanned copy of passport which is a fake passport here you can google their name and the passport comes in a google just print it out in terminal 3 transit agent jr has a second visit from a confused passenger who may have had one drink too many they closed the counter already no he's open but they are shouting all the time they don't want to serve us they want to abide returning back ticket our attorney cat going to saudi arabia like kyle he needs an onward-bound ticket but are you sure you don't have any return ticket to riyadh how come you didn't boo i don't want to go you didn't oh you didn't want to go back i don't want to go back you just want to go to manila after that i don't know i'll decide maybe i'll go to cambodia maybe i'll go to thailand okay it's okay but the thing is you just need an outbound cat how come your agent didn't know this congratulations they won't let you fly we're not a return tk what shall i do they have to book your return ticket then i'll book anything i pay i where shall i pay because you don't have a return ticket based on this itinerary where do you want to go then i'll help you to go cambodia okay we'll go to cambodia then oh but after that you know i go to cambodia they tell me where they can take it when you go to when you go to cambodia and you need a ticket again going to riyadh okay of course i must go now i don't have to just relax now we are trying to help you out because it's already the situation you still have a book on your ticket because they will think you'll be overseeing in the country this passenger may be a little light-headed but it seems he's already been on to his travel agent about the ticket i'm from manila you know yeah [Music] is [Music] all he needs now is a printout [Laughter] always on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary today the scanner has revealed a large sum of cash in a passenger's bag so holiday in singapore five days how much money you bring to singapore uh ten thousand thousand us can you show me it's not a currency control you can bring any amount but yeah you need to make a declaration anything that is above singapore twenty thousand dollars this requirement is in place to detect and monitor currency movements and to enable the authorities to take enforcement action against cash couriers financing terrorism or money laundering that's over 34 thousand singapore dollars so mayonna why are you bringing so much of currency that's your medication when is your appointment tomorrow and because this cash has not been declared kumar will need to establish exactly what the money is for pull us to the office please they have mentioned to us that they are here for some medical examination and uh sadly they don't have any documents to prove so we need to investigate further let's see how it goes before we hand over the singapore police force in terminal 1 transit this passenger has now made it to the transfer counter he now has the booking confirmation of his outward bound ticket all right if early on if you bring this thing the return ticket out you should have been on the flight i just pay it now because nobody tells you okay so now now they're gonna put you on the next flight so uh you just take a seat first once i've done the booking for you i issue the boarding pass i call it back at the baggage duty office kamar needs to establish why this passenger failed to declare that he was carrying over thirty four thousand dollars in cash if he's not satisfied with the answer he will hand this passenger over to the police okay earlier he was telling me that he needs to go and see the doctor tomorrow he have an appointment i'm repeating again does he have any documents too tell you what i'll send someone she's the one perhaps you'll scott he'll be escorted to meet your mom just get the relevant documents okay so you follow okay just you'll be able to assist me to interpret your debt okay this is a requirement finally they have conclusive proof of the doctor's appointment this is a chance i'm giving you because you need to make a declaration okay guys currency all okay okay sir so we're just waiting for the runway to close after that the logistics team will enter the runway to get prepped up every year changi airport tests the readiness of its firefighters with a full-blown emergency aircraft crash exercise observers and auditors assess procedures and proficiency and the prowess of their new commander alexander to be honest i was lying in bed i was worrying yes i felt i i've had nightmares but crash exercise newbie scheifel is more confident i'm prepared for it because i've been training for it so for physical-wise there's no problem for me so yeah [Applause] now chinese airport emergency services are moving to the standby positions they've been notified that an aircraft has a double hydraulic failure and is due to land in 20 minutes but putting out the flames fast enough is exactly what this new operations commander has to do trial by fire will alexander's worst nightmare come true and will kyle finally be able to celebrate don't damage the apple [Music] changi may be the world's best airport but all kyle wants to do is sleep but not before a well-earned beer i think if anyone told me that this is how it was gonna end up at the end of today i obviously wouldn't have believed them but you just gotta laugh about it now it's all over so yeah it's quite i mean i've got a beer i'm on a flight tomorrow um and i'll eventually get to bali so i'm just glad that i'm all on any time budget and i'll get there eventually niente i can't seem to find anything to open the bear with but we'll keep trying we'll keep trying apparently i haven't had a bad enough day so i can't be rewarded with a beer [Music] don't damage the apple snap [Music] trying to open his beard probably more stressful than the whole thing that happened today the flights and everything [Music] and nothing stresses me out [Music] it's beautiful every time it just gets better under alexander's command the men of the airport emergency services have to rescue 156 plane crash casualties and evacuate them to the triage area where injuries will be assessed and prioritized scheifel is one of the officers responsible for moving the casualties to the triage area from the collection point initially i will reach there i will set up a tent where we collect all the casualties [Music] has already been extinguished in just two minutes the flames are out alexander's worst nightmare is over but it's on to the next now that the holding area has been erected scheifel and the other firefighters can get on with the serious business of rescuing injured passengers the checking startups commander be advised we have rescued uh first casualty from the aircraft batch of casualties [Music] currently it's okay for me currently but i don't know about later the casualties are gathered to receive urgent medical attention from paramedics but with more than 100 casualties still to be rescued it's not over yet [Music] back at the crash site the casualties are stacking up because of a transportation problem and all of it is being recorded by the exercise assessors additional ambulances uh to be on standby at the uh cca for casualty convenience to ccs you copy over with the shortage of ambulances and scheifel having to take the strain fatigue is starting to set in the job of two fire officers has now become the work of ford as this crash test draws to a close new lessons have been learned and adjustments are to be made we were able to extinguish the fire really really fast and we were able to rescue all rescue out all the casualties uh and the important thing is that we accounted for all of them so that's good but the night is not over for scheifel and alexander technically after this exercise ends i'm still on duty i end my shift at uh 8 am it is harsh what to do the realities of being a firefighter next time on all access changing ma'am are you all right but you see what you see customer service agents deal with extreme cases why did you miss your flight purposely [Music] passengers lose precious things pets in transit are grounded they just started the electronic system today and another is quarantined if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in this episode a bird suspected of carrying the deadly avian influenza virus is detained if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down tiny travelers find themselves stranded they just started the electronic system today and changi's own army of agents are on the front line i think she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this changi airport singapore's jewel in the crown with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now [Music] for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the 40 000 staff who keep it that way it can be anything but [Music] the airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a busy morning like every morning at the changi airport service counters there's a hundred different questions in a hundred different languages for chinese frontline agents [Music] these men and women are the irrepressible face of changi their job is to please pamper it'll make you feel warm and problem solved outside from december this passenger has left a cake in the toilet which toilet did you use before for sign off that's right before you go down right yes the one closest to the escalator going down what kind of case ah this is a start kick agent john's problem is that the bag is unattended in transit mayna what is the color sir uh what color white color sir just to explain to you if if for example we aren't able to see what is inside the bag what will happen is we would have to activate the police okay okay today the canine detection team are on the trail of something canine used dogs to combat the ever-present threat of terrorism and smuggling they patrol the three terminals and lost bags don't last long good job [Music] the customer says he has left the bag in the toilet i'm looking for a white bag i had a shoulder bag that contains cakes inside john's is determined to leave no stone unturned he needs to find it before the canine team do although faber's job is to bring criminals to justice a bit of cake on the side wouldn't go amiss which toilet i am here right now i'm here right now toilet it's not in here like i don't know if this is the bag that he's saying but i don't know it's white bag it's not anti-you stuff is it and neither is this and it will only be a matter of minutes before he's pipped at the post by someone with a better nose but it looks like the doggy determination of this agent is about to pay off okay result one white bag found in the arrival hall after investigation and a thorough risk assessment to determine its level of threat this cake can be handed back to its all right so we this is like the kick inside right thanks to jon's this passenger gets to have his cake and eat it thank you i'm happy now he's a happy passenger [Music] it's not all happy endings at changi airport this morning have you eaten this passenger has been in transit for over 36 hours she has a problem and agent jr is trying to fix it singapore where do you live she is saying she has no money to fly home you don't have any money what can we do with this no money [Music] he needs to call a tamil speaking colleague who he thinks might be able to help lisa can you help me please because i have this passenger i don't understand her basically take water later i let you buy food okay changi airport welcomes a thousand flights a day and over 50 million passengers a year its counters are crammed with cases of precious things lost people lose a lot of things in changi airport cell phones bags ipads ipods um gadgets rings wedding rings engagement rings children they lost their kids there was once we had a lost child in terminal 3 we usually bring them into our counters so that they won't run away and then he ended up puking on our chair a lost child has found the customer service counter in terminal 2 this morning all right sit inside this boy can't find his mum he's being as brave as he possibly can but it's proving tough nina's first job is to find out some basic information how to spell your name [Music] tong will have to hold his nerve while changi's agents start searching [Music] there are families everywhere but not it seems the mother of one vietnamese eight-year-old boy [Music] the search is on but this mum is a needle in a haystack then a passenger delivers crucial information she's been in the orchid garden 20 meters away all along uh yeah according to patented his mind is there they were just at our counter getting the wi-fi password he was still there i think the mom walked up he didn't know where his mom was so he started to panic oh cry reunited once more tong's lost mother isn't quite sure yet what has taken place but all's well that ends well on nina's watch this morning [Laughter] [Music] at changi airport's animal and plant quarantine station it's a busy day this is where all four-legged departures and arrivals are checked for diseases by a team of dedicated vets and trained officers easier to examine her on here their job is to protect singapore's borders most pets receive a full bill of health uh yeah yeah but not tweety hi baby hi a mccall who has traveled far do you want some water he's had a long journey here it's a 22 hour flight from new york he had a 10-hour transit in frankfurt and before that he was in the airport checking in with uh the u.s fish and wildlife for like eight hours so he's been traveling for a long time this bird is a little bit of a special case it transited through germany which is a country that is affected with bird flu so because of this we can't release the birds straight away after the inspection we need to detain the bird here until it has been tested negative for bird flu again [Music] bird flu is highly contagious so in an airport environment if for some reason the staff there were not sure and put the bird together with other birds there might be a chance of exposure singapore is free from avian influenza but if there were an outbreak it would have serious implications so if tweety tests positive he won't be coming home if the bird has blood flu we will have to put it down [Music] what will happen when kevin tries his first pushback the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore what will agent mido do when he's asked to carry a mysterious package into departures actually for security reasons items are not allowed to be transferred from public to transit area and will this maid refuse to leave singapore you don't want to go home you want to stay here [Music] with 40 000 staff and a reputation to maintain at changi every day is training day front of house agents turn on the charm [Music] behind the scenes trainees are also put through their paces [Music] sats as always are on the tarmac changi handles a thousand flights a day each one gets pushed onto the taxiway for takeoff today sats have a new trainee this is kevin he's a pushback virgin and he has to get a boeing 787 into position with a tractor my first time push but it looks like this plane isn't going anywhere behind the energy fuel the electrical for the aircraft is not working anymore so it has to run on the ground power that's down here to start up the aircraft engine we need another ground power to start up the engine it's electrical to start up it's like a to start up a car a jump start it's the same thing where's the engineer kevin will have to push a 300 ton plane with the engines running as soon as the jump start kicks in [Music] there'll be a lot of force pushing and pulling of the push back equipment so it will be worse than the normal pushback the stress would be very high on him all right so now you know the engine to start up you're going to start this one so be careful go slowly follow the line and follow my instructions when to turn alright okay good all right this will not be any fun at least not for kevin he's been training for three weeks to reach this point if he passes the test he'll be a fully paid-up member of pushback straight up straight club freeze up straight up ready straight straight [Music] kevin is pushing back a 350 million dollar plane for the first time with the engine running his towbar is steering 247 tons while he braces the full-on blast go down rope hold your hand up hold your hand up today kevin has worked the ramp and passed the test not bad for a beginner [Music] in another remote corner of changi the hardest training yet is underway these are singapore airlines trainees and this is grooming class do you think this is a bit over the top measuring the bugs no on graduation dave i see this i'll get very upset today each girl will present herself to amy and be judged on makeup nails and hair because my ear is sticking out so i was asked to cut it to cover my ear shaman is afraid her bun will meet with the same fate my face is quite round so i'm afraid that she asked me to cut my hair what eyeshadow you're using okay so nails did you paint them yourself yes okay this part here you need to paint it's chipping off and there's gaps okay again for a while for me to fill in huh no gaps okay so check the back of your hair turn around here okay good okay i see a little bit of pins be very careful but overall good effort okay thank you okay you have improved since improved a lot since the last time i'm happy to keep my hair i've never tried having short hair before so when i first turn up um they're very ordinary people um plain jane girls but after the training program you can see that a little bit more polished um more sophisticated thank you even myself i get surprised yeah so you can really see a great transformation from ordinary people to cabin crew [Applause] [Music] mus is terminal 3's ever-present duty-shift supervisor heading up a jolly team of pre-board security screeners changi airport is home to some of the tightest and most efficient security in the world its secret weapon men and women who man the gates scan people of baggage and move passengers from gate to getaway in minutes they are certis security and it's muss's job to make sure they are the last word in customer security service waiting to spot on any mistake that is being seen by any of my officers over here it's kind of harsh but then it's my job to do that one time the person you're trying to give me a punch because i throw i'm throwing away his perfume which he say is cause him quite a lot of money but then i managed to actually cool him down after talking to him for quite some time and he unwillingly accept the decision for me on the singapore airlines flight to sydney no one is punching anyone but there are still some unacceptable liquids straight from the cruise ship two bandits are caught smuggling a souvenir from the ship's captain it's a bottle of wine okay i'm sorry ma'am this without a seal bag you can't bring it in it's more than hard enough oh okay i'm sorry about that that's all right can i just have to do that okay so i gotta discard it can i have the bag that's fine lovely champagne given to us by the captain of sapphire princess he's such a wish but yeah they say musa rules [Music] this man wants to deliver a parcel to a cousin in transit because of an emergency actually uh my mom suffered a heart attack and then there was some complication after the after the procedure and now i want to consult some doctors in india so i want to pass some reports reports to to somebody who's traveling to india via singapore but he has to convince agent mido all right and she suffered a heart attack and is not fit to travel for one month and actually after the operation right there's some complication he has brought hard copies of his mother's medical information to be carried actually [Music] mydoe needs to decide how to handle this situation it's an unusual request it's a security matter but it's also a special case actually for security reasons items are not allowed to be transferred from public to transit area or from transit to public area however when there's a serious situation or a sensitive situation like this we see the exception from the duty terminal manager and our management i thought this would be faster i knew just this morning that he's traveling so if i can catch up this this it will be like in person somebody taking it over the decision the airport now makes could help save her life i lost one me to him great so i've got the approval the airport authorities are allowing the emergency medical files to be checked and delivered to the passenger in transit this man's mother is in a critical condition now he can get a second opinion from their family doctor in india quickly the gate is closing in minutes but mido has just enough time to find the passenger in transit and deliver this precious cargo you will just need please your passport to photocopy and your signature here jr is dealing with a difficult case in the airport today a distressed woman is in transit but has no money he has discovered she had a flight but did not get on it purposely you don't want to go home you want to stay here his tamil speaking colleague is finally able to establish the situation the passenger has been dismissed by her employer and can't stay in singapore she's supposed to go to chennai she has missed two flights already i just need to get the flight number of this lady the one she missed last night from going to china i think um her boarding pass is there can i just have the flight number actually i don't understand her but i think she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore she's a maid and then she was sent to the airport directly by the boss jr has been able to negotiate with the airline in certain circumstances airlines will offer a new flight for a small rebooking fee she's gonna pay for no trophy only because tiger was so nice to her because she doesn't have money for ladies yes this is how much she's holding she has 2 200 rupees it's only um around 47 singapore dollars still not enough i'll call her i call her employer with just 47 this passenger cannot stay in transit indefinitely [Music] she no longer has a home or a job in singapore will three dogs make their flight to chicago no no we send morning ready to them means they never do anything will tweety the quarantine mccaw get to go home this is a quick test that tests for asian influenza and how will agent paul handle a woman who seems unconscious in terminal one excuse me man let me see what you see [Music] at the heart of southeast asia changi airport is a hub for all kinds of folk we're just giving them a quick squirt and there's not much that phases changi's intrepid agents where there are passengers there are sometimes problems now it's agent paul's turn to have a situation [Music] madam ma'am are you all right madam ma'am madam excuse me ma'am man excuse me ma'am i'm not sure how conditioning is i think it's faster sleep i didn't get lady to wake you up madam hi madam without making physical contact paul isn't able to wake this sleeping beauty but a female colleague might wendy wendy what you see queen check the pass on the lady hold the pass i shouldn't respond we tried to call her she didn't respond see when he pounds first up check if the passenger is still alive huh um supervisor first i had nervous she has a pulse paul and agent wendy believe that this young woman has passed out hey uh we are terminal 1 here there's a case of a lady and she's fast asleep and she's not responding to uh calling the parts of second is the what's building so we need you to advise us what next connection you want we should take terminal one opposite rule number six at door number two yeah okay sure i'll do i'll do it then first is to get her out from this stage and then from there i will move on you give me a minute i call mr professor i'm going to take a shot of her and send it to my supervisors all they can do is stay with her in case she comes around i'm going to get a real chain try to lift up to the wheelchair i'll be back suddenly agent wendy manages to wake her up she's confused but conscious when do you need a wheelchair she came about and she managed to move on to the rest area and she sort of recovered for a while and she claimed she's all right although we know that she's not quite so she insisted that she can to be left alone [Music] jr is still dealing with a maid who does not have enough money to fly home and has been in the airport for almost two days hello hey good morning jr here from changi airport do you have a situation here i think you're me she missed her flight last night she didn't take the flight actually we checked the the money she has the rupees i'm converted to singapore dollars it's only 40 class so it's not enough now she's very helpless and i think she really wants to go home based from what i can see and based from the conversation i had with her also i can ensure that she's going um to the flight are you willing to cash out the seventy dollars for her with tiger okay yeah have a nice day bye bye it's just a small amount you know it's turned out to be this big the employer is willing to transfer the money if we make sure that she's gonna be on the flight after almost two days in the airport this passenger is going home lisa please um just help me to reboot the flight tiger air transfer yeah hopefully there's availability in the fight yeah thank you thank you i just hope she goes back home safely yeah and i'm happy that we were able to help her [Music] at ava's animal and plant quarantine tweety a macaw is being detained he could have been exposed to the deadly virus avian influenza or bird flu you heard it so he's been staying with ava officers until he's been tested he's a popular inmate but not so popular that he won't be put down if he fails the test [Music] i'm preparing the reagents needed to do the quick test that tests for agent influenza this is the swap from the bottom of the cage it has a bit of 2d spoop on it so we just need to swirl it this gives us a good indication of the health status of treaty jan is performing an initial test before sending the samples to a lab for a conclusive answer there are all sorts of problems that arise with animals in transit paperwork is king and animal agents like lance are key to a smooth transition today he's taking three dogs who have been given a clean bill of health by ava to the airport [Music] usually we try to get to the airport at about three and a half to four hours before flight lance's job is to help those family members who are not allowed on the seats have a stress-free flight we just don't want the animals to wait we want to get them to the airport process all the paperwork and then the animal is settled in and they're ready to go these precious pooches face a 20-hour journey to chicago via frankfurt when the dog leaves they cry when the dog arrives they cry you know they treat the dogs and animals like the children there's 101 things that can go wrong with animal cargo but lance singapore's very own doctor doolittle has it covered i'll take them out give them a little pen bye-bye see [Music] it's you 15 minutes so it should be done in another five minutes it's just pictures to prove that i hand it over to the airline the dogs are all in good condition and it's also approved and i can send it to the owner as well [Music] but elsewhere the work is just beginning for sats cargo tonight they are particularly busy it's the night of singapore's annual formula one the sats cargo team have the nail-biting task of transporting hundreds of tons of precious cargo to japan the buck stops with jeslin who has the toughest job in the airport tonight today we are handling f1 outbound flights as the next f1 race will open this weekend in japan on her womanly shoulders rest 240 crates of cargo that would normally be shipped out over seven days she has less than 24 hours to get it onto six scheduled flights to make the race in japan [Applause] the convoy from trackside is starting to arrive at the cargo trans shipment center this is one of the problems that we are facing the taller units can't enter ctc so we have to pocket from outside having the cars stack too tall to enter their warehouse means sats lose time can you go closer forking is their only option to get this show on the road but jeslin has another headache we are supposed to have a transporter to transport the cargo onto the dolly so the transporter is inside here even the the cargo is here we cannot transport it on to the dolly without the transporter onto which the heavy crates can be rolled fast and taken to the planes jeslin doesn't have a hope of making the scheduled flights for the f1 f1 correct no just just the transporter jessalyn has no option but to use manpower now we are using men to push instead of transporter she may have a brave face but if her team can't get these crates onto the planes the japan grand prix isn't going to happen and then hope on the horizon the transporter is here sats are back in the game the race is on this is just the first flight and we have five other flights to go while f1 cargo is back on track lance's precious cargo has come to a halt the unthinkable has happened human error these dogs are grounded so there is a pre-launching that they will send to them they never say no information that was definitely sent to the airline has not been sent from the airline to cargo so they never send the fwb for lance and the dogs this is a disaster no no we send morning ready to them means they never do anything right okay we always send to them so the first thing in the morning the data is not in the system at the moment and because of that the dogs cannot fly the airline haven't entered the dog's information into the system yeah they just started the electronic system today sats have to do it and boarding for the flight is already underway will three dogs make it to the plane on time they're safe they're secure i give them plenty of water will jeslin get f1's cars off the ground it doesn't seem like it's stable with the blocks so we are getting some wooden beams to stabilize this jr is at the customer service counter transit terminal 3. he's running out of vital supplies how many do we have relaped for six passengers passengers love changi airport suites they will come to the information counter just to grab one this counter is a busy counter you must have everything they are here any news about the switch but do we have okay and who's coming but yeah you're gonna get some for us okay thank you we might get a complaint if you don't have candies simple things like that yeah we can encounter complaints and we don't want that customer complaints are a no-no at this airport agents provide all manner of creature comforts to pamper their precious passengers no more coming coming we have blankets water bottled water and sweets all for free we also have cookies by the way oreos biscuits they're here good job it's not enough i'm telling you take some sweets okay happiness animal agent lance has hit a paperwork snag he's waiting to see if three dogs can get on a flight to chicago but he gets back to hear the magic words from sats cargo okay we are all done here acceptance completed time to go they have to fly our job is done they're safe they're secure i give them plenty of water and i'm off [Music] [Music] there is some happy news [Music] the test results have come back negative tweety does not have bird flu boy i miss you [Music] i love you there are plenty of long-awaited cuddles and kisses for him hi patrick has he been like talking and whistling or sleeping whistling the whole time i was here and i think he made he's a very good friend with um hanif now yeah wanna shake hands good boy [Applause] good job dance dance dance dance dance it's all the tricks you know for the staff it's time to say goodbye to their most talkative inmate would you like staying here at the office get plenty of food to eat you want to say bye to your friends bye i definitely get attached to animals that come here i really love animals okay bye but obviously home is where the pet's owner is so they have to go home tweedy is off home for some proper creature comforts sir moving please first meanwhile passengers are trying to get some of their favorite treats onto flights [Music] deputy shift supervisor moose deals with bags of all shapes and sizes a thai president actually brought in a kind of food item wrapped up with a newspaper and inside was actually a live fish with some water in it you can see the fish is moving in the water what did you do with the fish uh we have to throw it away because it's liquids it's more than 100 mm changi bins as usual are overflowing musk as usual is fighting the good fight against waste today he's promoting 100 milliliter bottles one of the options actually uh you can uh purchase the honeymoon water at watsons okay they can transfer all these in the 100 bottles and you can have it with you uh do you remember you have any uh jar of marmalade marmalade um oh yeah arcade this is just not allowed to be on but because there's some liquids in it one pot of pesto will be rescued one option which i can have i can offer you whereby we can deliver this to your destination yes uh during using a speed post delivery 85 yeah it's too expensive i won't argue i don't like trading people items if you ask me personally i would like to save every single item that needs to be thrown away thanks a lot okay garlic pesto sauce it's quite a shame to throw this away [Music] jeslin and her team have worked through the night two planes have been loaded with formula one cargo they're on schedule for japan's race but jeslin has another problem with an unwrapped and uneven load it is like from the pellet dolly actually uh i think because the load is not evenly spread out the cars are heavy on the front and the back one is only strapped down i can't get some beams she's worried that these cars worth a million singapore dollars might fall the blocks they want can we get some from it doesn't seem like it's stable with the blocks so we are getting some wooden beams to stabilize this for duty manager gerard brand new car means age old solution gerrard hopes that common sense experience and two planks will rescue the situation there's only two of these 20 footers so that the rest of it will be easy the beams are going in gerard is orchestrating every inch of this procedure [Music] the plan works these cars make it out to the tarmac in one piece [Music] i'm glad it's finally over [Music] everything went real and i think this is a really a great success [Music] next time the annual hajj pilgrimage leaves from terminal three please give way thank you most of our family members are already at the gate with us goodbye passengers keep customer service on their toes take a sky train skytrain singapore visa you have singapore visa okay guys come come back get ready to post your barricades singapore [Music] and migration season means more threats from the air [Music] snowbirds anymore [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] in this episode passengers receive the ultimate call it's a special gift for every muslim who has the chance to be invited it's a golden opportunity actually kumar and the team discover something suspicious and migration season means more threats from the air might as well check what's it this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this shaggy airport singapore's jewel in the crowd with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now [Music] for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the 40 000 staff who keep it that way it can be anything but there was once we had a lost child and he ended up puking on our chair she purposely missed her flight because she doesn't want to leave singapore if the bird has blood blue we will have to put it down [Music] changi airport is a gateway to over 300 cities around the world and every year over 50 million passengers pass through its three terminals [Music] the annual journey of hajj is about to take place flocks of pilgrims will begin their journey here at changi to the holy city of mecca where they will join two million others in procession around the sacred shrine ishkanda duty manager terminal 3 is up early nearly 2 000 pilgrims and well-wishers are about to arrive we need four we need four those saying their goodbyes must be kept behind barriers at this changi's biggest mass gathering the idea here is to isolate the pilgrims from the well wishes so which is what we are doing right now in the past years the world vision has tried to climb over the barricade it's going gonna be nerve-wracking because we don't know what's the crop size and if it's gonna be huge it's gonna go crazy focus on the exits and then focus on the route to the departure immigration um i think hello hi coming up ishkandar has also been informed of a visit from the minister in charge of muslim affairs an accident in mecca involving the death of over 100 pilgrims has the potential to make today's event tense the minister is here today essentially to give assurance to the pilgrims and their loved ones here that the ministry as well as the islamic council of singapore is on top of things after the prayers are done they would then as a group collectively move it's almost like a migration per se and that's where we can actually assist if the well-wishers get over-excited they could make a dash for departures loved ones are here to send off all the pilgrims so it can get a bit emotional if they want to do their last advice let them be but keep an eye of where they exactly are last week one is for someone who goes missing meanwhile airside tarmac is busy with arrivals and departures of a different kind it's migration season changi airport has to deal with seasonal threats from the air its inviting green turf is a stop-off point for winged travelers in transit bird strikes in this airport are rare and seldom cause damage to planes but everyone is on alert at this time of year [Music] including changi tower 616 singapore tower lineup zero to center during the bird migration season singapore happens to be in a good geographical location where the birds will stop global sometimes you can see flocks of birds crossing the departure path or the landing path these unwanted guests are deterred from making changi their transitory hub with spikes to prevent roosting lines to prevent fishing birds from feeding and teams on the ground who patrol nizar is airside management's wildlife control officer he monitors anything that crawls or flies and is a potential danger to planes before i started this job i know nothing about birds seriously to me a bird is just a bird you know it's if it's an animal with wings that can fly that's all but after being exposed to this job being exposed to different species of birds you know i'm actually quite fascinated by them nizar's job is to study bird behavior at this airport they say that the birds are stupid but it's ironically the opposite you know and when somebody calls you a bird brain it doesn't mean that you're stupid when if you study the behavior of birth you find that they are actually quite smart these smart birds are perched well away from the runway so as you can see right now all the birds are up there perching on the tower right there and some of it are perching on the shrubs over there are they a threat to the aircraft i would say no okay because they are just settling down there they're not in this chest they're not moving about it's not going to affect any aircraft safety but these aren't the only birds in the vicinity of runway 2 today he has spotted some large kites hovering when they hover around the runways or taxiways they say sort of carcasses down at the runway or taxi that's like free food for them right it's like they just pick it up and go you save them the trouble from hunting these birds of prey are attracted to something near the runway worst thing that can happen is that the the big birds are getting ingested by the aircraft engines and when that happens the aircraft will have problems landing and taking off if a bird like this were to get ingested it would not survive and in a worst-case scenario could cause damage to the aircraft [Music] will this pregnant woman get to the gate on time five bags roasting at four wilson lost large pilgrims make their flight finding three people in this big crowd it's not gonna be easy challenge i gotta cover the sector by sector and will this man be allowed on the plane so if he cannot show that we cannot check his ladies and gentlemen singapore's changi airport is close to the equator which means it's an attractive stop-off point for migrating birds it's migration season and nizar airside management's wildlife officer is on patrol he has been monitoring the behaviour of some kites near runway too bird strikes in this airport are rare but nizar's job is to be aware of what could happen in a worst-case scenario two things can happen it gets struck by the aircraft and it died or in other ways he'd get ingested in the aircraft engines pose a problem to the aircraft he's not the only one keeping watch over changi's runways in the airside management center the foreign object detection team have noticed something on runway 2. their surveillance system has picked up a foreign object how long has it not been moving really they have notified changi tower who will hold planes in the air so that they can pick it up echo 4 make the right turn onto echo papa contact singapore ground on one two one decimal e5 thank you rover 34 expect a closure after this landing for five minutes the foreign object detected by airside operations is a carcass a free meal and attractive to passing birds of prey nissa is in cold storage this is where all carcasses from the runway end up before they are sent for analysis each month every week we get at least once or one or two wildlife carcasses found on the runway either runway one or runway two and mostly the weather practices are birds small birds to be exact these birds are stored for autopsy if what they are eating is established nizar will be able to determine what attracts certain species to the the airport is to have no birds in this freezer all right this is another swift looks in pretty good shape occasionally we do have birds right and lucky for us all the birds are smaller birds like those but in rare instances we do get bigger birds like the white balance eagles and by many guys sometimes just can't help but feel pity for them birds are not the only creatures that venture into this airport there are some that come in through the drains this is the monitor lizard carcass a lizard or burst for that matter can be ingested by an engineer because an engine works as like a vacuum right so whenever they are taking off or landing the suction power is dead i mean it's quite high right so anything that is less powerful than it can be just suck in by the engine this is set and for this particular monitor wizard all right here you go big fella off you go all will be dissected and analyzed by changi's wildlife consultants [Music] it's the day of the hajj departure at terminal 3. [Music] at the check-in counters sat staff are getting the all-important briefing they will be checking by family make sure you sit them all together they're about to face the hordes from their eight check encounters the minister in charge of muslim affairs is about to arrive hey hi no then just check with you of your doctor's car right is the black port right okay a bit of a problem yes correct so unless you want him to parallel park his parking space has been taken yeah correct thank you so much meanwhile the hajj pilgrims are flooding in to start their sacred journey this one of our five islamic pillar everyone as a muslim have this intention in their heart to have this opportunity to be chosen to go for this pilgrimage i've been invited by allah it's a special gift for every muslim who has the chance to be invited it's a golden opportunity actually this is our first time here and we are very thankful to the god and very blessed to god we pray our hearts so that god bless us and we will get blessing from the gods [Music] the minister arrives in time for prayer to lend his support to those making this journey in the crowd the hunt is on for three missing pilgrims who haven't checked in they're finding three people in this big crowd it's not gonna be easy challenge i'm gonna cover the sector by sector maybe from the left all the way to the right side and even outside the airport itself the check-in staff are also looking for the three lost souls the others have been checking we have to close on time so which is at actually around four o'clock but searching this crowd is like looking for three needles in a haystack you have cases where they stay at home they're still waiting for their relative to visit them at home before they come to the airport so i'm gonna find them time may be against tor leader yazid but he has faith that he will find them [Music] [Applause] changi is a garden airport lovingly tendered by a large horticultural team led by the head designer ashraf who is determined to spread a little magic in the farthest reaches of the airport with his green fingers [Music] when passengers touch down they look up from eddie they look at the airfie right there should be some amount of landscaping you know to tell them they have arrived in the garden city of singapore we're trying to landscape every bit of space we can there are some very strict regulations about what kind of plants you can put at the airfield and and how close you can plant to the aircraft in another part of the airport a decision has been made to remove some of the shrubs to help prevent wildlife from visiting [Music] all these traps spruced as an attractant to the smaller birds if you want to beautify the airport maybe we can use other alternatives so that's why all these sharps have to go until that happens it's business as usual for nissa dispersal i'm gonna select the type of birds the species that corresponds to the distress calls that gonna emit [Applause] [Applause] across the customer service counters agents think on their feet to help over 120 000 passengers that pass through every day let me try my best i will try to help and every day unusual connections are made this one over a lost ukulele [Music] how cool is that man oh my god so happy to see you this passenger is paying his favorite agent a visit with his most precious possession really but so i just remember him you never change and you're still with yo ukulele oh my gosh you see it's been five years and i managed to find his ukulele i was i was i just came back from college i just finished my college and i was anyway i was excited to go home and i forgot to take care of my things especially my passport and she helped me find it there's just enough time for a selfie and it's back to work i was so sad because it's like a graduation gift and for my friends i was like very sentimental value so she found it i was very happy i've got thousands of memories in changi airport for the past eight years but then you just gotta imagine flashing back five years ago there's one certain passenger that you have really put a footprint into his heart you know this is the beautiful thing about changi airport it's a crossroads bye fellaini have a good day everybody this man cannot get on his flight to manila because he doesn't have an onward bound ticket he needs to buy one or he won't be allowed to board his is before i can flight manila i need a plane out of manila and i didn't know that so i have to buy an outbound cigarette what time is the flight it's like 17 15 so counter close another around 15 minutes or 10 minutes i just need a text message to get sent to it sure i don't know if i've bought a ticket or not but i don't i'm running out of time now um i go tell them that i've bought a chicken and i'm just waiting for the itinerary he may or may not have a ticket but he's going to try and check in anyway he thinks the payment's gone through but he doesn't have a reference number that he can show checking so if he cannot show that we cannot check in place we're gonna give him another five minutes yeah you can use my phone sir which website we are trying to repeat the process again to see whether for now the payment can go through or not come on yeah you can show them success yeah we're trying to see yeah it's nice ladies okay so that right now you go straight to the boarding gate but after when you receive the email then you just give it inside your phone okay and let it show the immigration abilities okay then i need to access wi-fi in the philippines again okay thank you very much it's really a close call i'm glad he managed to get his uh boarding pass and go to manila okay certain right after immigration okay she was really stressed he cannot even register what we are asking him so that shows how pressurized he was for time [Music] across the terminals 120 000 passengers a day are on the move running [Music] crawling connecting [Music] the airport has a life of its own while most navigate their way some are in need of a little assistance oh yes there is a playground here agent paul is in terminal two today i lost my sister you're the sister my sister her name is tanya tisupia he's pregnant in about 20 minutes okay where did you launch the system how about just a moment yeah hello i need to know some details i have to know um gets d40 sorry we have flight at four four o'clock light yeah can i see your boarding pass that's confident it's not anybody this is my passport well boarding three four i'll tell you sir because it's almost good closing yeah i mean you need to good right now we cannot pitch for you because we you're not able to be we want to come so what you do now you go right to the gate hopefully she's there now okay okay can you check it yeah i'll check for you nine seven six focusing d40 you gotta go terminate let's go now because there's no time we'll take a train now probably she's there because if it's not there i cannot leave her where is she i don't know okay maybe she right now because it's going up you hope she's there if she's not there you'll miss the flight already she cannot be there you say she's here okay one two three four five six skytrain skytrain sq976 d40 okay thanks sir i have reminded my colleague to call them to inform me that one the president don't worry i think that should be okay will a group of passengers become stranded in singapore will the last hajj pilgrims check in on time they have to be here by 4 o'clock they're going to miss the flight and will a japanese band take changi by storm [Music] it's migration season at singapore changi airport and transit is busy with tourists traveling from east to west west to east and hordes of neighboring globetrotters with personal shoppers sunflower garden okay themed gardens and a swimming pool the world's best airport knows how to pamper its passengers in terminal 2 agent paul is with a pregnant woman and her family as they try to make their flight he has tried to buy them extra minutes by calling ahead to the gate i think most likely they will hold for them because they're five persons and one of them being a pregnant lady they will take them consideration welcome to terminal 1 this time they are lucky and are allowed to board their flight thank you sir welcome thank you goodbye have a good flight i feel happy for them that they managed to have cash flight and they will have a pleasant bangkok holiday three pilgrims have gone missing one has been found our counter closes at four o'clock that's five minutes to four now i have checked with our ln representative and he's going to give another 10 more minutes they have to be here by four o'clock the departure gate is open and everybody gonna board and they're gonna miss the flight there's also a last minute demand for wheelchairs no wonder we are waiting for wheelchair so i need another two more i've already called him earlier on from here to the gate it's a long distance walk so we'll prefer they will take the wheelchairs all of the chairs are in use as older passengers are helped into departures hello yeah hi uh triple s okay can you tell me uh did you send a wheelchair for fine nine juliet check-in is about to close and boarding is about to begin two pilgrims are still waiting most of our family members are already at the gate to wave us goodbye but we're still waiting for the chair two passengers need to be found they are about to miss their flight and their pilgrimage to the sacred shrine the boarding is like five [Music] by some miracle yazid locates the two remaining passengers they will be flying to mecca after all right we found last two and they are going in now we're so excited now at last we got a wheelchair now you're ready to go there are smiles all round on the wheelchair front boarding at last for these patient passengers [Music] in terminal 2 another crowd of well-wishers is expected this time fans have a japanese band and they may need some help restraining themselves the group's name is alice nine they have arrived from nh so this is how the deployment is going to be the band are about to arrive the barriers are out but the hordes are not this is very typical of changi we do get a lot of people that's coming in especially to come celebrities that come through this way their changi welcome is a fan base of two the vidcon rock band alternatively from japan and then just finished their tour in hong kong so they are coming over to singapore okay guys come come back get ready to post your barricades the group is coming up take note five [Music] hey [Applause] in departures agent nina has a group of passengers with whom communication is limited you speak bangladesh hello all bengali speakers are on cases at the moment so today they are dealt with by phone bangladesh nina can only get the basics and must take this on herself so their flight got cancelled and they were given accommodation and then today they're supposed to fly off at 5 pm but they cannot find the same person who actually gave them the information the passengers are trying to get to pakenbaru but for some reason aren't able to check in you have boarding pass putting past rooms the language barrier means detective work have you already been issued boarding passes there's a big problem with this group of passengers singapore visa indonesia a visa red flag on the system means they can't fly out of singapore no no sisters singapore cambodia their problem is not with their flight to pakenbaru but with a later flight to dhaka which transits in singapore singapore singapore i cannot clear the uh the thing is that he arrived here on the 18th the dhaka flight is only on the 24th which is like six days the system is saying that they need a visa to make their return flight to dhaka right now they are stuck in changi airport unable to fly anywhere [Music] inside the terminals is where the horticultural department reigns supreme house seems to be more golden more golden and shorter and a bigger center the 150 000 real plants grown on site feed the luscious displays providing the peace and calm for which changi is renowned and then there's this terminal 3's green wall it's a 4 500 square meter garden wall made up of 25 000 plants and from here ashraf can oversee his green kingdom we are we are actually in the green wall overlooking the baggage claim hall if you if if if i if i like push this screen aside you can actually look through and see the baggage claim hall at terminal 3. see a child there's a child there coming of a teddy bear you know they just arrived but the child doesn't know that we are up here working in this airport even gardening leaves no mess the green wall has been designed in such a way that it doesn't fall at anyone on the arrival hall there are catchers between the layers of the green wall to prevent it from landing on people right at the arrival hall in this precision airport plants are grown to fit the exact width and height for this giant display sometimes nature will not go the way you want it to go we found some gaps in the green wall where the plants were not growing so well because these other plants has grown so big and bushy they've crowded out the light so this poor guy here he can't grow so well so we are going to take him out and change him to a taller plant only the planting is done by human hands its automatic irrigation system means this green wall can take care of itself watering mist is dispensed every hour to create the perfect finish the mist is descending on us this mist is part of the green wall automation if you happen to be at the arrival level you'll be looking up and see this 4 500 square meter greens you know with clouds of mist coming down it's quite a wonderful sign what more could a gardener ask more plan to safeguard aircraft is to deter the flocks of small birds attracted to the airport's turf and in turn get rid of their predators if you eliminate the smaller birds then the bigger birds will find that there'll be lesser birds to play on and eventually they will move away from the airport and find other places where they can actually hunt good they are fighting [Music] there's no blitz anymore [Music] a party of passengers are stuck in changi airport the thing is that he arrived here on the 18th the dakar flight is only on the 24th which is like six days they're unable to fly out because of a visa problem with their return flight which transits in singapore indonesia they got returned flight to singapore yes that's the one who got written flight to singapore is the the main problem one then 15 flight to dhaka is only one game the flight desk have now found out that they are a party of 15 12 12 ask them to come down now now total 15 15 stuck in the airport is a bigger problem for changi so they override the outward bound tickets these passengers will be allowed to travel to pakanbaru but they will face the same problem when they try to leave indonesia but it's one day at a time we are happy bye okay four o'clock okay [Music] at baggage detection what will kumar and the team make of this souvenir and will changi find a locksmith in time i cannot come back tomorrow with my bag still look at me this is the lock [Music] okay singapore changi airport is a world of its own where people and cultures come together he wants to print it out now some want to build a better life for their families others come for the big asian adventure emotional farewells and happy hellos go hand in hand with everyday drama the immigration and checkpoints authority are as always securing singapore's border kumar and his team at the baggage detection unit are on duty waiting for a flight from bali thank you passengers are out bags are out the scanner has picked up something significant [Music] you guys are here for holidays yes and how many days would that be three nights a week switzerland okay these tourists have brought what looks like a dagger into singapore dagger actually it's not a dagger itself it's it's it's uh a jagger is two-sided blade but this is more of a one-sided and it's just a normal uh decorative kind of knife open one-sided blades under 30 centimeters are permitted you have anything to declare customs yeah i work as a chef kitchen i'm working in indonesia 67 days lovely lovely lovely it's in front there hotel reservations get the best deal just engaging with small checks helps a lot that few seconds we will be able to find out whether are they giving me any kind of telltale indicators right there you go thank you so much there's yet another sharp item that has come up on the scanners the fourth on a single flight items knife yes he has a manually open knife we are searching for flick mechanism usually there's a button it's a flick mechanism the police guidelines doesn't allow that another day on the beat is over for kumar travellers are good and so are the borders they are perfectly fine the genuine travellers as i mentioned earlier bonafide and nothing found against them so we create a changi experience for them it's a busy morning at the customer service counters just walk straight that way yeah we have to go down there for the airport's frontline staff no problem is too great or too small they will rise when they can to every request this man wants a locksmith i just need someone to help you to open you he has locked himself out of his suitcase with the world's smallest lock my mom nahari my passport's upstairs yeah yeah so i'll just wait here not a problem they they will come as far as possible they're here in the airport and yes yes i've just gotten from town i've got a flight to catch seven and then i realized that i no longer have the key to my bag i've been you know all over the place wondering what what's going to be done for certain i cannot go back to bombay for one day without the bag locked and come back tomorrow with my bag still locked his gate closes in 15 minutes of course this being changi airport i was told go to customer service they can do this for you they've done this before so i'm hoping i can sort out the problem [Music] thank you thank you man thanks a lot are we good [Music] this passenger has lost his glasses how does it look like better frame metal frame um the bread [Music] so you'll have a seat first let me go and check at the internet station that's nearby here it's better for you you just have a seat first [Music] i can't find any glasses so i'm going to the next stop sometimes agents will demonstrate their devotion to customer service by running in transit this is one of those times i know where the nearest internet kiosk is so hopefully i can find it the passenger has a flight to catch and he can't see a thing taken into mind that he's quite old it could be a bit difficult to remember things so all he remembered was he used a computer i just hope he's happy already but he will come back so we'll just try to see from lost glasses to lost passenger but at least she's done her daily cardio hello would you believe we found your glasses [Music] one a passenger has lost his phone he last saw it in the snooze lounge usually the phone space yeah i think we just try to go back and check something yeah i'll first check okay you can try to check for sir and then she will go with you in over there sir if not then we can just do the loss report here and maybe you can just double check inside your bag nah this is the mobile phone this is the only one that you have okay maybe you can just yeah you can just go back to that place this is my second phone and on just for just six days i lost one phone in pakistan that was snatching by gun points in pakistan and this is the second i lost while sleeping it may be just a phone but it's the only way his wife can contact him my wife will be in trouble she will be waiting on sydney airport it's here there are no bandits in this news lounge the phone turns out to be exactly where he left it okay actually that's your phone check okay yeah yeah this is my phone yeah i got it okay then good that you found your phone sir thank you thank you sir have a good day okay thank you [Music] the hajj migration is about to take flight 270 pilgrims are leaving for the holy journey of a lifetime some could be saying goodbye for the last time [Music] ishkandar has succeeded in making changi's largest mass migration a smooth and peaceful transition to departures i always have a soft spot for this moment and sometimes you can see the expression of those sending the pilgrims off it speaks for themselves [Applause] [Music] boarding gates are now a holy place for final prayer [Music] next time of all things that's toppo valley trip a volcanic eruption in bali leaves thousands of passengers stranded in the airport bali airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded what's four hundred dollars in terminal one the kinetic rain has stopped how long you need because almost final it doesn't work really i'm going to cry man and star wars comes to changi you see life science is just i have you know words to describe how i feel actually as a fan star wars [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this time holiday season tests the airport to its limits a natural disaster threatens to disrupt its famously smooth operations well the airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded a brand new terminal is under construction this project is one of the iconic project in singapore this moment and a passenger hits the jackpot in terminal 1. [Applause] this is singapore where the old world meets new metropolis at its heart is this shaggy airport singapore's jewel in the crown with unprecedented access we go inside changi voted world's best airport to find out what makes it tick it's lightning in right now [Music] for passengers it's an oasis of peace and calm but for the 40 000 staff who keep it that way it can be anything but if an aircraft were to land short of the runway they'll carry out firefighting and rescue out at sea they have to be here by four o'clock they're gonna miss the flight i can't even see where it's arrival now [Music] singapore's changi airport is one of southeast asia's busiest hubs the lure of lands that lie close to the equator bring millions of extra visitors looking for adventure and hoping for the best holiday ever but mount rinjani has erupted and the airport for the super popular holiday destination bali is closed there have been no flights to the island for 24 hours and changi is bearing the brunt with stranded passengers well the airport's not functioning so i'm sort of stranded and i've got no money i've been running around the airport all day to try and find a charger cable i haven't slept in two days i haven't showered i feel disgusting brothers kirsh and mike have come to asia for an excellent surfing adventure in bali they are a long way from home and will not be catching any waves for a while a volcano like you know of all things to stop our valley trip yeah i would have liked to be on the plane though while it was happening just in the middle of the ash crowds just like epic visuals that would be nice now they must hatch an escape plan hopefully the flight's in the morning i will just be try and guess them hopefully hopefully the situation will improve i want to get some waves i know that's what we came here for like so if we can't make the dream now mike what are we going to do we'll have to try and get the samata i think and just try and snag some waves over there in the meantime yeah or some bower no way look at that we're just stuck here man [Laughter] [Music] meanwhile this airport has weather challenges of its own i think it's going to be a rough day today peak season comes hand in hand with monsoon and the danger of lightning on the tarmac sats are working and a storm is coming so later just for our drive singapore is one of the serious place for lightning strikes i have sometimes phobias about lightning because i've gone through a lightning strike and if it's a bad weather or if there's a lightning warning i'm always sometimes very cautious to not be under the aircraft keep myself safe onto a place that i would not be striked by lightning with the southeast asian monsoons come frequent thunderstorms and planes on the tarmac act as a conductor for electricity the tail is the highest point on the uh on the ground so the lightning will go through the tail and then come down i'm the end point that will go through me and then go down to the ground edward won't be sheltering under a plane when this storm hits and it's close the pushback team must get as many planes as they can as fast as they can in the air we hope to get the aircraft out as soon as possible before the weather change was signaled in their world every second counts when the lightning hits these teams will have to get off the tarmac to safety [Applause] [Music] rinjani is still releasing ash [Music] bali airport is still closed and changi passengers aren't going anywhere these newlyweds had planned to spend their honeymoon on a balinese beach but it's not to be the idea was to end our honeymoon in a very special way in bali relaxing in the beach now what we find out is that a volcano does not allow us to go to bali and we cannot go to thailand and anywhere because we don't have beef so the only visa we have is indonesia and the only places they they are asking to go is cheryl jakarta [Music] the airline hasn't given them many options they have come a long way and they don't know the region but it has some places that are like shopping is jakarta nice very congested decision time for this couple sats are no longer on the tarmac control tower are handling air traffic in low visibility conditions many pilots won't land in this weather air traffic controllers will have to space the aircraft further apart to ensure safe operations during bad weather you can really you know you can hardly make up where is the aircraft like i can't even see where it's arrival now [Music] if visibility diminishes further many pilots will decide to either stay in the air or stay on the tarmac there's an aircraft that's supposed to land but he has just aborted the landing and just pull up again [Music] there's a lot of challenges now to make a safe landing but aircraft are still waiting to come in to try it out but she's having trouble getting cash to buy a new ticket so agent mabuba is playing mum has your card been activated for international use no no because since his mastercard's like a store like no you have to call your bank and tell them to activate it for your international use i think we go to the info counter and sit there hi i want to see my mom because she did not make it for the my graduation so i just want to go and see she kind of squatted me like how could you miss your flight grown up mabuba isn't scalding but she does need to take care of this young passenger the next step is to see if her card works online it's not going through most likely the flight is fully booked it's not going through the one on twin one yeah it's taking a lot of time you see i can't say i can't fly today i have so much hope i can fly today will bali passengers remain stranded in the airport i'll have to just wait around airports until they open up barley i guess will this couple get to have a honeymoon what's four hundred dollars and what will happen when terminal one's main attraction stops working i won't feel good if the system is down [Music] the hypnotic kinetic reign first in the world outside germany where it was made has won the hearts of many the raindrops dance non-stop for passengers in terminal 1 every day [Music] but today it has come to a standstill [Music] over 1200 drops are not sinking they have to be serviced and it's a big job for suresh the engineer in charge of this display i won't feel good if the system is down so i used to eat so i don't want to disappoint any passengers suresh has taken care of changi's most iconic display for the last four years i am unable to start the system because our slave 0 is unable to restart slave 0 is code name for one of the panels the one that's out of sync with the rest but the technology has to be remotely accessed by the makers in germany who are still asleep i will try my best to reset if not i will because usually there is a seven hours difference between germany and singapore right so the guy will be back to office around 1 pm singapore time this means that terminal 1's main attraction will not be working properly for the rest of the day this stranded student has missed her flight to johannesburg she can't buy a new one as websites are jammed and her bank card is locked she's stuck so agent mabuba is using her personal mobile to phone this student's bank it's an international call it's very expensive okay i'm going to transfer you to the customer service for the bank when you talk to them tell them that you're stuck in singapore you're in process of buying tickets this little girl lost has played her cards right i need you to activate this card hello so i'm stuck in singapore and i need to like to use my cards to buy my ticket so can you activate my card thank you so much so is it done yes finally i'm going home she gets to go home to see her mom on time [Music] peak season brings more holidaymakers to singapore changi airport the more travellers the more work for the staff [Music] singapore is entering the holiday period so we can expect a high traffic of passengers normally changi can handle the heaviest of traffic but even it can't handle the forces of nature mount rinjani has erupted in indonesia and thousands of passengers are stranded you have one many can't afford a hotel it's gone and so are staying in the airport until the ash clears i'll have to just wait around airports until they open up barley i guess and luckily i've met a friendly fellow who said he'll even lend me the money to pay for my visa into bali there he is always help her brother out in need he's a good bloke he's fun i know from his face i strongly believe that if i was in this situation i'd like someone to come to my rescue and i'd you know it's out of your control you know that kind of thing and you get to meet good people along the way that's it that's it that's it these two good people from argentina booked a honeymoon in bali at a bad time [Music] the airline has offered to fly them to other places they don't want to go but they've now decided to stay in singapore and want a cash refund for their indefinitely cancelled flight if we stay here they are giving us a refund voucher for the flight but the refund voucher is only good for air asia airlines that's america that airline doesn't fly in south america so the voucher is good to us as toilet paper basically with a voucher they cannot use and extra costs to cover the unavoidable change in plans this couple will have to economize what's four hundred dollars to an airline to us it means ending our honeymoon in a very good way to them it's nothing it's just change if only i could get the money back from the flight ticket at least i could use that money to stay in singapore which is a city i like i mean i really think i was going to be somewhere else with the summer landscape with a smile like this in my face now i have a little smile on the tarmac one storm at least has cleared and flights are back to normal it's good now looks like the storm dissipated the airport can now resume work on its brand new terminal terminal 4 for 16 million new passengers this massive operation has an equally massive workforce who get up early building this terminal is hard work it's the job of these men to construct an ambitious terminal with boulevards of live indoor trees green walls and giant lanterns on this project every marble floor new roof or last truss is celebrated and sanctified by visiting vips but the datelines are tough and the pressure is felt by every member of this enormous team terminal 4 cost a billion dollars and all eyes are on site managers like robin changi airport terminal 4 project i think we are being looked at by all people from all over the world so if we fail to achieve the schedule and the opening date of the terminal four many people will be looking not say looking down but they will be disappointed that we have claimed that we can achieve but we fail to deliver project manager leslie's challenge is to build a bridge across airport boulevard the only road into changi airport in a two-hour time frame so the delays to airport traffic are minimal this pier is going to support a beam that spans across the highway this is going to be a closure whereby traffic will be diverted out of the airport yeah it's simple [Music] meanwhile grounded bali passengers are looking for some entertainment sweet if nothing else fails beers brothers mike and kirsch are going to bali at least that was the plan for a surfing holiday of a lifetime but rinjani has put pay to that they are weighing up the options basically the options are we either stay here the night and just kind of cut a lot losses and just hope that a flight comes up tomorrow there'll be regular flights to jakarta all the time yeah yeah yeah but or flight to jakarta park meet jakarta tomorrow i mean sorry tonight and then just get a hostel for the night it's too much fun in the boat though what pretty much effort or yeah like for tuning up late and doing everything late and dark and everything it's an hour's fight though it's should we have luck just to see then when the flights are i feel like now and it won't be so bad then will they their problem is that no one knows when bali airport will open so they either stay in changi and hope the dust clears by morning or carry on travelling kirsch wants to stay in a hostel in jakarta no chance mike wants to camp out here at the airport spun around have a bit of a drink in terminal 1 suresh from the mechanical engineering team has a problem with his main display the airport's iconic kinetic reign it has developed a fault and he has been waiting for a remote reset from the makers in germany see please wait okay all system back you can proceed servicing remember to load the show before you start next time it's all good all that needs to happen now is to buff up each and every drop to a shine [Music] [Music] time to raise the display and start [Music] or not the reset of panel slave zero has worked but now a single pesky drop is dangling will mike and kirsch get a flight to bali not being able to get in the safe is just horrible will the terminal 4 team build an airport bridge in two hours we are going to run into a couple of hundred thousand dollars of loss if everything were to fail and how will horticulture fill the holes in their giant noble fir tree [Music] [Music] is still spewing ash and all flights to bali from changi are still cancelled the airport is a free hotel for many passengers tonight and wave chasers mike and kirsch are looking for somewhere to sleep probably gonna be in the same predicament it's definitely first time to asia yeah so uh it's a new experience pretty much but uh yeah because i can't wait to get to bali now that's the only reason why we're here for the weaves yeah and uh yeah not be able to get him to see if he's just horrible yeah yeah they've decided to join the crowds of others take their chances with the morning flights from this airport and bed down for the night i can't believe we traveled halfway around the world to sleep in singapore airport while passengers sleep christmas comes to changi the horticulture department have ordered a giant noble fur tree from the usa i'm just praying that it will be a perfect tree she needs it to be perfect because it's changi airport and it's terminal 2's holiday season centerpiece [Music] but it's not to be [Music] the tree hasn't traveled well don't be so rougher not only are the branches broken there are giant holes for salvi this is a horticultural mini crisis she's not the only one dealing with problems tonight terminal 1's kinetic rain system is not working a rogue drop has a fault [Music] suresh is working late to solve the problem there's some error it can't align with the rest of the drops so now try to fix it why why why the drop is not responding to remote alignment it's not a human brain noise automation system uh i think so mission is not so powerful than a human brain sometimes mission may misbehave since all his machines are misbehaving suresh sends his men into terminal one's roof to try to manually align this drop do you feel the pressure um yes i won't saw it in my face but instead yes agent genevieve is taking care of a new zealand national his mother has passed away and the funeral is in two days time he has flown from new zealand to singapore to get on an urgent flight to india he's not able to go on a flight today because he doesn't have a visa to go to india there's no way the ground handler is going to take the risk and get the boarding pass for him i had to travel such a hurry that i would attend funeral but now it is difficult that's living now do you have any business or employment visa can i take a look at your passport i'm looking at his itinerary his icu hospitalization certificate and also the deaf certificate there's nothing much i can do now because all this is actually all up to the indian immigration although i'm actually from originally from india born in india genevieve hasn't given up let me see if india has transit visa so that you are you just look like you are transiting in india instead of staying over there he looks really calm he looks like he's handling this situation really well but then i can feel that he's really going through a lot of turmoil inside i mean it's it's not i'm not distressed i am but i'm helpless that is the case here i am sorry sir from the internet it says that it takes about three to five days for the process yeah so transit visa is not applicable in this case genevieve has one last piece of information for him it will give him a chance one option is you wait till tomorrow you head down to india embassy and apply for the emergency visa yeah just let me write it thank you for helping me i'm so sorry about this changi airport is building a new terminal for 16 million new passengers tonight is the night that the terminal 4 team have to erect a 200-ton airport bridge over one of the roads that carries passengers to changi's terminals very stressful because we have a pipeline for this leaf we are only given certain hours to close this room they need to close four lanes in one direction to lift the concrete girders into place these two 100 ton blocks will arrive shortly it's two o'clock in the morning quiet time the enemy of the operation is tail back on the live road too much and passengers won't make their flight so the operation will be called off we have seamless nights because this project is a very tight schedule 25 months and a very big project sum of 1 billion no we didn't even do this we didn't even do this right if there's any disruption we have to pull off the whole operation and that involves a lot of manpower we will lose weight if we fail to deliver they will also lose money we are going to run into a couple of hundred thousand dollars of loss if everything were to fail now the beams have arrived before the scheduled road closure [Music] the team's sudden start ahead of schedule is under more pressure because as feared there is instant gridlock [Music] basically other than the traffic itself there's also the taxi queues that is coming in for the passengers but it's hard to move fast and safely with a hundred tons of concrete any swinging or booming uh in the correct improper position will actually jeopardize the whole repair vision time to lift for speed this team is doing a tandem lift using two 750 ton cranes to get these concrete girders in place in such a tiny window [Music] a missing person has been reported in terminal three somebody's granny has vanished into thin air her relatives have reported to agent alicia that she boarded the flight which has arrived and there is one unclaimed suitcase on the belt you saw this passenger already the relatives i think the daughter is waiting outside but why don't you yeah she arrived at b2 if she approached us let me know the passenger has been missing for two hours if alicia can't find her the police will have to get involved the passenger's back is still at the carousel in arrival so with two confirmations of the immigration and the back 100 percent i or 94 the passenger is still in transit i'm going down now to check to find a daughter okay thank you as the night draws to a close the terminal 4 team have kept the airport bridge operation on track by doing a tandem lift using two massive cranes to get the giant girders into place fast they have combated too much queuing traffic and are about to complete [Music] nothing is going to stop leslie from making memories do you feel slightly emotional about it or not no you shouldn't get emotional with work no come on agent alicia has been looking for a missing grandma for over two hours and was about to inform the police but the relatives have news the itinerary is supposed to be sq833 okay then we found that there's also another update that i can learn as in updated itinerary as in she's supposed to go on sq 835 instead after two hours of searching the information turns out to be wrong grandma is on a later flight and the suitcase belongs to someone else my name is thank you welcome [Music] breakfast is decision time for the stranded and now bonded for life yeah cool man take it easy catch you after all the best pretty uh shoot right there bali airport is still closed it looks like jakarta is on epic so that means one step closer to the bali can't fall back now actually some some positive news yeah yes cheers thanks sweet let's get this groove on back on the road at last gotta keep it fresh [Music] this holiday season changi airport is being invaded star wars has come to town overnight terminal 3 has been transformed changi's event teams have been out in force my favorite character is r2d2 darth vader obi-wan hanzo he's the biggest fan we're going to the event and after that we don't have plans so we're really really here for that [Music] it's a chance for changi to spread the christmas magic and give its beloved passengers a star wars experience before the film's release and the airport gets a little limelight too when my son met the stormtrooper he really loved it [Music] he really needed to touch them by his hand [Music] you always see them in movies and read them in comic books or you collect them as collectibles you see life-size is just i have you know words to describe how i feel actually as a fan star wars if you can't beat them join them horticulture are decorating the tree with some star wars plush toys there are exposed areas that we need to cover up they are filling the trees holes with them but the team are unsure about the colors against the green you see the color you see brown green black white really didn't stand off with the three colors we have to make it stand out we're gonna add in more of the gold hopefully that will bring out the color it's had a shaky start but as the centerpiece for terminal 2 selvi is under pressure to make sure this tree has the wow factor [Music] bali airport is now open but the disruption is not over after 48 hours of closure flights are overbooked and changi's agents are picking up the pieces the gate number is f54 the gate opens at 5 20. this passenger has spent three days of a seven day holiday in singapore trying to get to bali she can't get a ticket it was seven days but it's only five days if i don't fly today it will be three days or four days what did you originally jump on she's a long way from home for a short vacation and it's been impossible to reach the airline on the phone i cannot fly how many days have you been waiting three days today i believe there's a lot of passengers on the same flight that's facing the same problem so they might be having a lot of call also from other information cards i believe i spent a lot of money there i put the hotels everything i cannot stay there that's my vacation this passenger has only four days left of her holiday and it looks like she's facing yet another day's wait in singapore who will win a million dollars i'm voting for my auntie to win will this passenger salvage the rest of her holiday and will it rain again in terminal one [Music] in terminal 1 the changi peak season mayhem continues someone is about to get very rich [Music] happy shoppers that spend over thirty dollars in the airport's malls get a chance to enter its legendary annual grand draw changi millionaire rook that's seven lucky passengers have won a place in this year's final [Music] one of them will be smiling all the way to the bank the prize is one million singapore dollars this is me yes i believe in in luck or karma when you do good to others it you'll fall back on you at the later stage these hopefuls are about to play a game of chance i'm just hoping for miracles to have fun [Music] all part of the season's entertainment i've got my lucky celtic fairy on for my mum and i've got my lucky niece with me i think you've always believed in luck but probably a bit more so now that we're in singapore and everything's quite exciting i have a good feeling about today [Music] this passenger is not having a good time in terminal one her holiday has been ruined by a volcano and she's been waiting for three days to get on a flight her airline have called to say she's booked on a flight to kuala lumpur and she can get to bali that way but that flight too has been cancelled but they didn't inform you that uh the flight to uh from kl to bali is cancelled they talked to the hotel it should be no problem i can't promise you yet but uh but because we have early morning flight singapore airlines actually flying direct to bali so let me see whether we can check with the airline when they can put you on the next flight agent jasmine has been trying these swamped airline representatives for hours can you just give her a flight to from singapore to bali instead like no transit flights because she's already frustrated then you can just walk there okay with only four days left of her holiday this passenger is in danger of not having one i spoke to the reservations and then she said she can book to uh book her to other flight uh by garuda airlines even with her new flight she now has a 12-hour journey with one stop to bali agent jasmine has managed to get her a three-day holiday before going home are you happy yeah i'm happy i'm happy i don't believe that before i enter the plane [Laughter] thank you thank you okay thank you bye six contestants are about to try and win a million dollars carys has traveled from the united kingdom with her aunt linda i'm voting for my auntie to wine they are playing knockout in this game they have to know how much things weigh we packed for the trip but we had a bit of an issue with waste hopefully this time out most of the contestants are struggling with this one this is the end of the journey for you time for some to step down from the stage unfortunately i underestimate the weight of the books and the way the linda is through to the next round horticulture's christmas tree in terminal 2 is finished salvi's boss ashraf has come to check it it's wonderful after you've set it up you decorate you can patch up the holes and all that it looks just fine no i'm just so amazed every year we bring the tree and then we are able to make something different out of it you know and this here with the star wars flash tourette it's it's just such a fun mixer isn't it it's fun some of those clusters look like they are picking up the tree you can hold this and take a picture you don't want to stand together okay ashraf is happy perseverance has paid off this year's tree is bigger brighter and better it's just so wonderful thank you so much [Music] back in terminal three more contestants have been knocked out when i got onto the final four i already got it but it's all right and linda is in the final with another brit tracy loyal family members are at the front on opposing teams they have to pick the matching boarding pass stub to win a million singapore dollars linda is going to try and fit this key for 40. [Applause] almost almost almost cinderella please number four please stand right here tracy here is your bowling pass bob how does it feel in your hands right now but it's already very easy given the price is a million dollars again oh linda has handed over to niece carys to pick a number [Music] [Laughter] she would get a major treat uh perhaps a holiday if it is really three okay all right fingers crossed okay [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] now to the family to be like oh my god this feels amazing it's incredible i love single thank you suresh from the mechanical engineering team is also hoping to be victorious the kinetic rain has been out of action for two days three hours and 47 minutes it doesn't work really i'm going to cry man it's the moment of truth [Music] the kinetic rain sculpture is in sync again finally tangy rains again suresh has done his job 1 216 magic drops are once again working together and all is as it should be a changing [Music]
Channel: Spark
Views: 1,499,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air Travel, Airport Artwork, Airport Baggage Handling, Airport Construction, Airport Customs, Airport Efficiency, Airport Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Airport Immigration, Airport Maintenance, Airport Management, Airport Operations, Airport Retail, Airport Security, Airport Staff Training, Aviation Industry, Changi Airport Baggage Claim, Changi Airport Lounges, Changi Airport Restaurants, Singapore's Tourism, Spark
Id: p049RKzPvPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 28sec (10708 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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