New York to Los Angeles by Amtrak Sleeper Train

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today I'm riding this sleeper train for 62 hours Across America from New York all the way to La I'll show you exactly what it's like to live on board from my bedroom to what food you get to taking a shower there's even a sightseeing Lounge to enjoy the many states will cross from cities to mountains to deserts all whilst following the route of the iconic Super Chief and I'm bringing my dad along for the adventure let's pick up my story at the beginning of this Mammoth journey in New York City well hello there and welcome back to the channel let's go check in get my ticket sorted go get on board this incredible Adventure all the way to California Amtrak's long-haul Services depart from the newly completed Moynihan train Hall opened in 2021 firstly we'll need to collect our tickets which can be done promptly at one of the automated machines this ticket will grant access to Amtrak's Metropolitan Lounge accessible only to those in first class or sleeping car accommodation given it's pretty much brand new it's an impressive space with ample seating and a variety of complementary drinks and snacks in what seems like no time at all our train is ready for boarding down in the basement let's go and get on board [Music] with our journey requiring a change in Chicago the first leg of this trip will be on the Lakeshore limited service which has operated this route since the early 90s 70s the service continues to run daily between Chicago and New York with a section splitting in Albany Bound for Boston right let's do this [Music] for the first segment we'll be in a roommate though tomorrow we'll be changing to the much larger ensuite bedroom [Music] oh well welcome to my roommate it's a little difference what I expected I haven't tried this sort of roulette before there's a couple of quite strange features that I've got to show you in just a second I think we've got about five or ten minutes before we depart from New York I'll catch you when we're on our way if few minutes later bang on time we set off and so begins our 62 hour Journey Across America I don't think it's quite sunk in the magnitude of this journey this evening will continue all the way up to the Canadian border and overnight we'll travel along the Great Lakes finally arriving in Chicago tomorrow morning ready to catch our connection so we're well on our way now before I show you around this really cool roomette it's actually a special guest that you may have seen in the background of the shot so far of course look who it is hello Dad welcome back to the channel good to be back yeah how are you yeah good thank you what are you thinking to Amtrak for your first experience are you exciting it's cool isn't it well we've got a long way to go haven't we yeah maybe I won't be as excited by the time we get there we shall see as we run in parallel to the Hudson River Northbound let's take a look around tonight's living quarters there are a total of 12 roommates in our Carriage with only a third occupied the rouettes are a small yet smart space designed for two with an upper bunk which lowers from above when it's time to sleep and no dad and I won't be sharing on this leg but we will from Tomorrow other features include individually adjustable climate control a power outlet adjustable tray table with wait for it a checkers board shame there's no playing pieces provided now perhaps the more unique part of this roomette are the toilet facilities yep it's not just a sink in here and really not overly convinced given it's right next to your bed but hey ho there's thankfully a separate restroom at the end of The Carriage though unfortunately only one shower which isn't working so we'll have to work out a plan B for that later [Music] I make it dinner time and it's not far to go either located just the next car along you can choose to dine anytime from 5 30 until 7 but given how quiet the train is today it feels pretty much deserted [Music] Amtrak call this service flexible dining and that's because this isn't full Silver Service which we'll get on our next train rather a watered-down version [Music] as we wait for our meal dad goes for red wine whilst I go for the obligatory DC [Music] I've got the pasta and meatballs whilst dad has gone for the salmon and shrimp both for served with a warm bread roll I wouldn't say this is presented in the best of ways though this is Tyler from Amtrak's covered Cuts I will say it actually tasted great so appearances in this case may be a little deceptive the dessert dad went for a butter cake whereas I choose the chocolate brownie we're just rolling into our first Smoke Stop and it's a prolonged one welcome to Albany Rensselaer station Amtrak's ninth busiest in the network well we have made it to Albany um definitely gonna have to get this on it is pretty pretty cold built originally in 1968 the station plays host to the famous cross-border Maple Leaf train which runs from New York to Canada the current station was completed in 2002 and offers a great place to stretch the legs foreign we're going to go and check out the very front of the train we haven't seen it yet here we go then to Amtrak p42 locomotives with a combined eight and a half thousand horsepower this should be more than enough to get us through the snow to Chicago I make it bedtime now your cabin attendant will do this for you upon request but I've got to be honest I want to try it myself my bedding is all stored in the top bunk which consists of a pillow a mattress with fresh bed linen an Amtrak soft fleece blanket I mean it's not perfect but looks inviting enough especially after my earlier eight-hour flight from Europe let's boot the Tim's off then and Stow these under my bed it's worth noting that your roommate does lock but only from the inside after using my in-room washroom facilities let's hop into bed I'll catch you all in the morning the next day good morning from Ohio actually a new state for me I make it breakfast time let's Mosey on back to the dining car for some scram [Music] there are three options to choose from and I'll kick off with the pancakes served with table syrup I'll be honest it wasn't great dad went for the more sensible option a three egg omelet which he said was pretty tasty the elevated dining service on the next train though can't come soon enough [Music] a little bit apprehensive about how cold it's going to be um it's minus 20 degrees Celsius I'll put the conversion to Fahrenheit except for example when from it would probably get no colder than about -2 in the winter so uh so yeah also we appear to have made up some time overnight in fact we should arrive early into Chicago with that we spy our first sight of the Great Lake Michigan and with our entrance into the state of Illinois yeah [Music] well welcome to Chicago Union Station where we'll have a short layover between trains [Music] built originally in 1925 Chicago Union Station is stunning taking up an entire city block home to Amtrak's long distance services and a variety of commuter trains it's actually the fourth busiest in the US well welcome to Chicago dad are you enjoying yourself so far I am but I'm cold it is really really cold so we had an idea we had a brain wave we're gonna book a hotel just for like a few hours so we can have a shower because there was no shower on board just now I think we kind of need a shower um this is true and I think it's quite dawned on us yet hasn't it you're about a quarter of the way there oh dear right let's go find the hotel the hotel I found is around a 10 minute drive away perfect for our four hour layover so what does one do priorities of course work off that brownie consume my body weight in Chicago deep pan pizza and a shower tell me a better for our combo well it's about time we head back over to Union Station now we've been prudent to allow time to spare here and no we don't need to get our tickets as of course the same one will take us all the way to LA right let's try out Amtrak's Metropolitan Lounge recently refurbished it's a pleasant space to wait for your train it's fascinating to observe the other departures from here from the Empire Builder to the iconic California Zephyr which I took this time last year it's not all too long but we're called to board a side door spits you out right next to the platform Promenade we're departing from track 22. and there we go this Southwest Chief our home for the next 42 hours or so originally called the Super Chief with its first service in 1937 the Southwest Chief is one of the great Amtrak Scenic trains with a total of 31 stops across nearly two and a half thousand miles [Music] we all wait patiently in the freezing cold in preparation for boarding finally it's time to get on and thaw out let's head upstairs on the superliner 2 to our room for the next few days well welcome on board our room and I say ah because Dad is sharing with me on this leg of the journey how do you feel about that Dad uh looking forward to it I think well given that we've got a little bit more room than the previous leg hopefully it'll be manageable but I think it's fair to say yeah it's going to be an interesting trip but this is what the adventure is about we depart on time at 2 50 and so far we've not experienced any kind of delay touch wood let's hope it stays that way foreign over the next 42 hours will be heading south west through the flats of the Midwest before reaching Colorado tomorrow morning time permitting there should be extended stops in New Mexico before our last push to California in a couple of days well given that we're now well and truly on our way I think it's time to have a look around in detail the room that we're staying in and just before we take a look around our room it's time for a quick word from today's video sponsor PayPal honey honey is America's number one shopping tool and in just a couple of clicks it can be your online savings sidekick honey automatically searches for discount codes and applies them for you saving you hours of searching now as you'll have seen I'm trying to focus more on Fitness this year which of course means some new running shoes and by applying Honey's discounts I'm able to save in seconds it works for things you're already buying on lots of sites you're already shopping on from hotel bookings to takeouts to video games to name a few it's fun to use unexpectedly finding savings it's certainly a thrilling surprise I mean who doesn't love saving money where you can get honey by adding it to your browser for free oh yeah it's free at forward slash track trendy and by doing so you'll be helping to support my channel which of course means I can continue to take you along on many more exciting Adventures around the world thanks again honey for sponsoring today's video the upper level hosts five bedrooms and 10 roommates arguably offering the best views outside being at a higher vantage point it's around double the size of our previous remats with space for three adults to Lounge during the day and two to sleep at night you can even get room service and eat at your in-room table which neatly slides out to reveal yet another Checker's board I really need to pack the pieces next time usually this is an ensuite room but the sink is located in the main space it's certainly seen better days but it will do the job for our journey we'll take a proper look at the ensuite shower and toilet in just a minute there are a couple of power outlets dotted about along with the all-important AC controls there's additionally a small closet space for jackets and coats and must join this cold snap [Music] as the beautiful snowy landscape of Illinois drifts past the window let's crack open a DC with dad kick back and enjoy the show or should I say snow goodness I'll see myself out as Darkness Falls will cross over the Mississippi River into Iowa due to the darkness outside and by the magic of editing here's what the crossing looks like by day so we've now entered Iowa and wither is off for a smoke stop at Fort Madison best wrap up warm it's a Brisk one outside this evening [Music] well welcome to Iowa specifically to Fort Madison this is my first time actually setting foot here in Iowa I did come through here on the California Zephyr uh last year but uh never got the chance to actually get off and have a walk around so we're here for a few minutes let's stretch the legs we have to get on board again and I think it's dinner time in a minute as well well we don't need to say that one twice let's throw my coat back in my room and head straight to dinner the dining car is located just one Carriage along just past the roulette it's a stark contrast to what dining facilities we've enjoyed so far with white linen tablecloths and silverware provided this is also communal dining so we'll be joined by another passenger in just a minute the menu has changed somewhat since I last took Amtrak there are unfortunately no more tamales however there is still the famous Amtrak stake we get chatting to our new friend Jeff from Minnesota over our appetizers of baked brie and raspberry empanadas it's delicious so we're off to a good start for entree are opt for the signature flat iron staked cooked medium very tasty indeed and for review purposes of course I must check out the white chocolate cheesecake this is absolutely Divine those still half Frozen but it's certainly not stopping me with both of us now rather full let's head back to our room which has been made up for Sleep compared to last night's remet I think Dad is quite happy to enjoy the near double bottom bunk certainly the better of the two options as with the roumets the bedroom locks from the inside only with a privacy blackout curtain to Aid an undisturbed sleep it's time again to boot the Tims off and head up to the top bunk I've actually not slept on the top bunk before on Amtrak so here's a first goodness me the Elegance [Music] well welcome to the top bug my sleeping quarters for tonight I'd have to say um it's certainly quite cozy but anyway I'm gonna get some rest now dad's probably gone to sleep so I better keep it down I'll catch you in the morning well good morning from yet another state welcome to Colorado we've actually gone through both Missouri and Kansas during the night which is a shame as I've not had a chance to visit Eva before right let's head down off my perch and head for a shower [Music] Welcome to our small ensuite not sure if you've showered on a train before but as far as they go this is definitely one of the better ones powerful warm just the job dad has managed to utilize the small sink for a shave quite the challenge on a rocky train okay I make it time for brekkie let's get those Thames back on and head to the dining car I'm happy to say that breakfast is a far smarter Affair than the flexible dining of yesterday's Lakeshore Limited with the menu offering several freshly made options for us to choose from I'll start off with a filter coffee yeah I'm still battling that jet lag dad goes for the breakfast quesadilla whilst I entertain my sweet tooth some more with the Amtrak signature French toast it's delicious but possibly a little too sweet for first thing [Music] we're just about to pull into our first Smoke Stop of the day so let's grab my coat and head downstairs for some very fresh morning air welcome to La Junta Colorado a major stopping point on the famous Santa Fe Railway and the aforementioned Super Chief the ultimate in comfort and luxury a large word in modern just how comfortable and train travel be it was the primary mode of Transport for the Hollywood Elite from the 1930s through 1950s funnily enough and relative to my previous travel it was actually part of the connection to the transatlantic ocean liners Bound for Europe the hunter would have been a Transit point to catch trains Bound for Pueblo and Denver anyway these days it's somewhat less glamorous but still provides the iconic connection across the U.S even in Sub-Zero temperatures [Music] well a very cold good morning from Colorado we've arrived in La cunta it is freezing okay you can really trust an Englishman to constantly talk about the weather we can't help it it's just in our DNA with that though I think it's time to hop back on board into the warmth with luck the further west we travel it should start to warm up also as we're now in Colorado we're in mountain time so our clocks go back an hour [Music] I make it time for a mid-morning caffeine hit Amtrak provide coffee throughout the day to sleep a car passengers in the center of the carriage and our lovely cabin attendant Mary Lou constantly keeps this freshly topped up thank you Mary Lou with our Newfound caffeine treat let's head down the train to the sightseeing car this has got to be my favorite part of the train to kick back and watch the world go by accessible to both coach and sleeper passengers it's also a great place to make new friends [Music] first and foremost we're here to experience the famous Raton Pass this is the highest part of the route at 7834 feet in elevation [Music] it's remarkable to me that we can relax drinking a coffee in this comfortable train car all whilst looking outside on the harsh environment of the past it's unfathomable to me how treacherous this route would have been to the early pioneers and settlers on horseback right I'm a bit peckish and what does one do for snacks on Amtrak well there's a cafe of course just downstairs in the sightseeing car you'll find a fully stocked Cafe complete with a selection of crisps or well chips chocolate sandwiches and drinks you see the thing is coach passengers don't get access to the dining car so if you're taking this long haul you'll need to either bring your own food or rely on this just like that we roll into the city of Raton Raton was founded at the site of Willow Springs and in 1879 the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railway bought a local toll road and established a busy Railway line from there it developed quickly as a railroad Mining and ranching center for the northeast of New Mexico territory well I'm happy to announce we've arrived at a new state welcome to New Mexico first time for me but uh let's go and check out the Golden Rule and New York stores foreign [Music] where is he off tea well thankfully dad didn't run far which is a relief as we're about to depart [Music] [Music] believe it or not it's time for yet more food let's head for lunch as solid 6 options are available two of which are vegan which is really positive to see I don't remember this being the case last year right let's crack open my new favorite drink which I've discovered watermelon aha I've opted for the natural Angus burger which goes down an absolute treat talking of treats look at the absolute state of this dessert introducing the chocolate toffee mousse oh my wow after lunch I think it's time we take a look at the other classes of travel first up coach class located at the rear of the train this features the newly reupholstered seats laid out in a 2-2 configuration they're more than comfortable for a few hours of travel during the day but for a long-haul multi-night Journey I'm not sure I'd be the first one to try this [Music] thank you [Music] of course the Southwest Chief also has a version of the roumets which we slept in on the first night however these are a better product in my opinion we'll be taking a look at room at 19 unlike the viewliner this does not have a toilet and sink so there's more room for both seats there's a power outlet and AC controls and a fold-out table and like the viewliner this can sleep to passengers with the second bed folding out from above room at restrooms are located a level down and are not too dissimilar to an airline one thankfully you can get access to a communal shower which is kept clean and well stocked throughout the journey at this point dad and I are informed by Mary Lou will be approaching Albuquerque the most popular city in New Mexico this will be an extended Smoke Stop as it's time for a crew change and refueling for both of the locomotives [Music] good afternoon from Albuquerque this is a prolonged stop that we've got I think for about an hour's time um we are being risky and deciding to go out in Hunt for a beer pretty crazy given that we've got all our stuff on there and hopefully the train doesn't leave without us and because it will um but but yeah let's go and explore very briefly downtown Albuquerque [Music] wait hold up Jesse Pinkman [Music] with some alcoholic beverages obtained let's hot foot it back on board [Music] this should do nicely a perfect Sundowner with Dad whilst we sit back for our last push to California [Music] we in fact still have the State of Arizona to cross but this will largely be when we're asleep it's that time again last dinner on board the train we sit in our usual spot with our Newfound friend Jeff [Music] to start dad and I opt for the coconut crushed shrimp which is delicious nope no utensils needed here the main I choose the rigatoni Bolognese which believe it or not is actually vegetarian it was spicy and really tasty I make it time for Sleep back in our room it's been made up for our slumber time to precariously make it up to the top bunk and settle in for our last night on the rails good morning California our last date of the trip it's early so the priorities remain of course for caffeine as we Glide ever closer to Los Angeles let's talk cost our journey across the entirety of the USA both dad and I was 3131 now I've got to be frank that's a lot of money however personally I loved spending quality time with Dad on this one and for the experience of travel across the US I'd do it again in a heartbeat travel by rail is not about saving time or money but instead it's escaping to a bubble of a simpler time and for that I love it foreign [Music] happy to announce that we have arrived in Los Angeles after what has it been four days Across America I am pretty confused about where we finally are now uh Dad how was the experience it was great but I'm tired yeah I have to say it was quite tight sharing a room wasn't it it was it was it's taking it out of it but thanks to this guy for it was a real treat and great to spend some time oh yes that's the main thing it's been great to spend some quality time even if it was a very close quarter well anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you all again next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 2,885,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak, amtrak sleeper train, sleeper train across USA, sleeper train, southwest chief, new york to los angeles
Id: A5Y1Zc15_Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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