Flying Dagger: Full Interior Tour! 2018MYS

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okay so this is a flying baguette I have managed to drag my way on board I'm gonna go and have a look round I'm gonna show you some of the guest areas which I don't normally get to do but I'm gonna also try to get the access to the bridge and to the engine room if I can I'm not sure where they'll feel about that thought I will don't find out right let's try okay here we go okay so I'm on board mostly up flying dagger registered in the creek came announced one of the islands that I mentioned earlier and let's go and have a look around well one of the things about the Utz insides when you come inside the eyes you can't really I don't know whether really reflects in the footage but everything you see is absolutely the best quality everything like from the marble to the stones of the to the metals that aluminium thought the light switches everything is absolutely top quality another thing in my elders especially yeah this is chrismole they have they used Easter lies every bit of space so backwards here the lights better you see this on the floor you might be able to see it all right so you see the little handle there that is on the event and that was a little thing open that up and there's a space underneath is the kind of thing I love to love the sea deck ends they use these fender protectors so when they put the fenders out this goes on top and then the fender is fed into it as you can see and it protects the paintwork and then once they finish securing the tender they make this nice tie with the road I love this stuff just it's just otherwise it's just hanging down there you know so so under the inside of this box is all the controls for the bridge wing for the bridge and when they dock in the ship or the boat they'll come out here I'll dock from here so this is always near the bridge and if you come back if we come back here you can see the bridge is covered this is just to stop the heat from building up once in the British because it kind of captures the heats like a greenhouse and then here's the door so they can get out so I can just open this out and straight out onto the bridge ring English waving and the captain's up here and he's ducking and he's going alongside starboard side he's got a great IV bird's-eye view of the boat so there's the bow and then he's looking down here and he can and he can lean out and you can actually see that the it actually is actually like a little bars come out like this to give him more space so he can actually lean out and while he's ducking the ship the supermodel girlfriend of the art owner won't be lying here with their friends chilling out taking in the Sun nice little canopy there as well okay I think we'll this is leading us into the master suite let's have a look yeah okay very nice so that's a pretty big bet you can get yourself into supermodels and they're no problem this is what I'm saying look at the TV oversize our TV probably doesn't actually you can probably can't see how big guy is I'd say that's probably 55 inch but it's probably got a cover on it as well that closes when it's not in use it's probably down just to show that the TV's there this is this is a lift I think this this thing here's the lift and it will rise up when the TV's off then we just cut it down so you can see you can see everything is everything's being thought out so well the cupboards here have all the storage space you've got here I mean this is a big room for a relatively small yacht forty-one VTL but it's obviously the owner's suite so looking you got a balcony out here so you can go outside sit out there in the morning with your cappuccino you've got the controls over here for the for this door here lights but you see it says inflate as already you can see that it says inflate and deflate so what happens is obviously when you're at sea you've got water splashing up and if the if it's not inflated then this is going to get water's going to come through so what they have around is around the edge of the door is is it like a rubber seal and when you inflate it inflates and you hear it sounds like a bicycle energy being inflated and it inflates and then it seals the door so if it does get any water over then it's not a problem so at the bathroom this is show this goes straight through it's like a saying the quality of everything the novel the tops everything is absolutely top quality little soiler here so you got his and hers toilets everybody standing the building their needs are more with the switches I like these switches never seen this before you got cuz you need mood switches right in your bathroom so go on there's a rainforest showerhead as well which I love so while I was shooting this video what you'll notice is music music in the background there's obviously a sound system in here there's a TV system in here that TV will be controlled probably by an iPod there's an iPod on the table there so that that iPad will control the audio system all the sounds are the TV system put most likely through a system called Crestron which which will switch on the TV which will also control the lights which will switch over all the different channels they'll have probably Apple TV probably TV reception and all the different features that he will have are all controlled through that iPad but one of the things you look you won't see in here is any actual equipment there'll be an amplifier somewhere there are speakers there are all the Crestron equipment all of that equipment is in this room somewhere but you can't see any of it it's all hidden so when you when you actually go to work on a boat it's actually interesting because initially you don't know where any of this equipment is obviously there's wires running everywhere running to the AV room there's you know there's all of the all of the the electrical cables and all that stuff is hidden in here and sometimes when you have an issue you have to pull down these decades and that's where most of its hidden in there but the amplifier and stuff I would say if I was going to guess under that desk or in one of these cupboards or even behind the TV it could be that the TV pops out on a bracket and and the equipment's behind it but it's just interested in that in no other place do you have all this equipment hidden this way sometimes you can't even find the light switches on boats this one's actually quite good because the light switches are quite obvious let's have a look at the iPad probably shouldn't be touching this / there you go you got Apple TV it spots of Phi and then this thing mr. Smith and there you go so you've got mu I don't want to press it because if I press it will switch on but this is how it all works so you've got YouTube down here movies TV shows TV music and this is how they control the whole boat hello I've never seen a bridge like it Wow very nice what company what's this the company for Runa okay well look at that that's you CCTV right Wow the only controls really there on the actual physical and Charles are the thrusters right so on the bridge rings two wing stations right okay well okay change right so you can control all the engines you can start the engines from the bridge you don't have to call the engine the chief engineer and say start the engine boss right so you can do you from here fry in general means the same you like okay okay this all of this equipment behind here okay can you open the door so I can see thank you Wow okay so we got navigation lights up here right emergency batteries and this is also Michigan for example door open closed so the photos titles talking at the beach okay - I think wow so everything's everything's right here on the bridge back okay generator VMs my missus boat built what year was the belt built yeah this year it's brand new so everything's brand new how long did it take to build okay okay so from from from projects you or from the keel being laid until okay so here we've got speed log that's the gyro compass okay okay okay and you've got rolls-royce engines rolls-royce okay all right okay actors who all your targets showing all the all the boats in the marina so you can see how busy the marina is has a maximum speed a read on it has a maximum speed of 34 when empty 20 21 22 okay okay all right so I mean so it's okay so here it bends well for the wind I knew obviously in sea trials you would have tested full speed I was that I was it good is it stable no you don't get many vessels that do 30 knots these days especially yachts they're not really built for speed usually are they they're built for comfort he said if you were to find the fastener here right 2006 sound powered seats 300 trained port aside the starboard side and Boozer okay I love I love the of the comment station and everything is just all digital what's it like at night can you turn it right down to zero is that night in my experience on the bridge that the officers are always sticking things over lights you know because they irritate them so that this is all you can turn these right down to zero brightness right but they go right down yeah so it's not like it's not annoying at night right exactly yeah yeah but yeah so that's that was my concern with this kind of equipments is that you can't turn it down dark enough but obviously they okay all right Justin oh yeah yep yeah yeah okay thanks very much Kevin thank you okay so up here we have very top deck you can see it's very busy up here just wanting to look at the technology here so so you got three domes here I would say that the middle one at the top is there is for visa because it's at the top of the mast and generally that's what it should be and then you've got two of the domes here which will most likely for TV to TV ah rows one on either side because the mass gets in the way so they have a switchover system so if the boats anchora say for instance and it swings around and it just reaches over from one antenna to the other you've got the furrow no radar band the longer one is the s-band and then the smaller one is the expand that top one is expand nine gigahertz and the bottom one is the s-band 2.4 gigahertz and then you get a lot of little stuff up there if you look just the book the white Faru know whether you can see that there's a flare camera which is a night vision camera well I won't speak to Flair I'm sure they're here they were here last year I'll speak to them and we'll go through what the camera does and then up the top day you've got lots of little VHF antennas and then you've got mr MRC antennas gps antennas lots of other stuff up there yes I'm saying that it's a lovely boat unfortunately I can't get in the engine room you've asked I was I just kind of walked onto the bridge I wasn't expecting to be even allowed on the bridge but their gracious watch and I can't get the engine room it's all closed so so we're gonna move on I hope you enjoyed the little tour of this boat hopefully we'll get some margin on the show all right so I just spoke to the broker about going into the if I can get down there so fingers crossed okay Oh okay nice you're the chief engineer I thought you were the captain I just I just realized okay okay oh okay okay no control yeah Michael generator yeah great No I love you when you normally run like two engines and then you want all three it all the time keep your first will never get you should kiss them look at this thing we have in navigation we have 2014 video oh yeah the only system before and coming one nice a syndicate okay it's in the garage wow that's tight as well well so this this launches out the side is it side so you have the shell door opens out okay it's very small yeah it's it it's well packaged as necklace everything's right there how many how many crew how many engineers just just one that's it you're the chief engineer and the motorman everything so you do all there's a problem with the TV but then Lisa Internet that's all you you're a man of many talents okay before to check everything so it's all who did the installation of the EIT who installed it when he was built that company that vvh Oh mr. Smith all right I'll go to a lot of chat to them I see them in Parma bait they have an office in Palmer I think of me okay okay okay great all right great thanks very much thanks together yeah are you the only the captain's not here today yes it usually the Chief Engineers left in charge of all the Catholic girls please
Channel: eSysman SuperYachts
Views: 174,327
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Keywords: super, yacht, mega, hyper, tour, monaco, show, yacht show, yachting, boat, boating, 2018mys, #mys_monaco #monacoyachtshow_official
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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