SuperYacht Owners hooking up with Crew-members? Q&A 5!

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has there ever been a problem with crew into relations with own with each other or the owner [Music] if you ever get a chance if you ever in Peru and you want a really good coffee go to place called pooh-coo pooh-coo this is their cup it's just there's a couple of them the one that's easiest to finds in miraflores which is in the middle of the lima and it's it's about two doors up from the marriott so if you go down by the seafront you see the marriott hotel woke up a couple on the right hand side boom best coffee in Peru as far as I'm concerned alright guys welcome back to the channel I thought it was time to do another Q&A I normally do I normally do them every couple of months on in normal circumstances but we are indeed not in normal circumstances right now are we so yeah I thought I'd do another one I've got a lot of questions these were picked up by my lovely lady so yeah let's get cracking so this is Q&A number five Dan Stewart in an Atlanta crossing for example do you cruise 24/7 is there ever a time excluding repairs in the open ocean when you would drift or in some way stop cruising to the destination there's not really any reason why you would stop a mid mid crossing before you leave let's say you do in Gibraltar to the Caribbean you before you leave you'll go into Gibraltar you'll you'll provisions you get all your food you get your fuel and then once you once you ready you set off and then as far as the the watch the bridge watch goes you'll have three qualified watch keepers on the bridge and they'll do for our students each depending on the size of the US you'll have three watch keepers doing a four hour shift each you I have seen it where the yachts been a small yacht and they don't have that many people so they have two people doing six hour watches and the same for the engine room they'll have usually they'll have three people again depending on the size of the yacht I'll have three people working shifts now in as far as the engine room goes sometimes on some yachts on the very big yachts though let's say over 100 meters they'll have dedicated crew 24/7 working in the engine room but on the smaller yachts under 100 metres let's say this is obviously this is not a strict thing I'm just going it's a guideline under 100 metres they might have something called unmanned unmanned watch so basically they'll all be on shift during the day and then in the evening they'll have an unmanned watch so basically it means that they're on call each cabin that the engineers stay and has a an alarm panel on the wall so if any alarms are generated from the engines whilst or underway it buzzes in whoever's on watch they set it to their cabin and then it buzzes and then they jump up and run out and they go and have a look and see what's going on if for any reason that person who's on watch gets the alarm and they don't respond to it after about 30 seconds there's a panel on the wall and they press the button to acknowledge it if after about 30 seconds they don't press that button then it alarms in the other engineer's cabins to let them know there's a problem and it's not being dealt with and there's always somebody unavailable I like I said on the bridge there's always a three watch keepers doing three shifts and they had usually have a deaf hand in there as with them as well so there's two people so they shouldn't really ever be alone on the bridge especially at night I have been on I did do a crossing a couple of years ago where we stopped exactly halfway across because the weather was so good that we stopped and everybody jumped in the water went for a swim halfway across the Atlantic obviously everybody except me and I went and got my drone and I took these photographs so so yeah so unless they they decide to do something like that there's no reason why you would stop of course unless you have a problem with an engine and you have to stop next question yeah I am I don't know amiss maybe say there's an issue among staff or underperforming staff who handles it is it the captain also who chooses stuff okay so who chooses stuff it just depends on the yacht again what will generally happen is let's say you're looking for a deck officer this is probably how it would work on most shots let's say the captain or the chief officer or contact the yacht agency and I'll put her up an advert and then people will will respond to that advert the agency will send the CV is to the boat and then the captain or chief officer or you know they'll look at them together and decide who they want to talk to call them whenever they are the email them probably and say that they're interested in talking to them that they'll call them on the phone have to have a chat same with the deckhands most likely chief officer would handle that in Syria staff chief stewardess would do it which chief steward they would make they would do the same same process and in the in the engineering usually it would be the chief engineer now on some yachts the captains do all of it I don't know why that is I don't know why the captain would want to pick an engineer because clearly the chief engineer would be better off interrogating or interviewing the the engineer so sometimes what will happen is the captain will contact contact you this has happened to me and then they'll learn they'll say you know are you interested and then sometimes they'll put you in touch with the engineer so you might call that person and they can interrogate you better I can ask you technical questions and stuff whereas the captain can underperforming staff generally what would happen is again dependent based on the department let's say there's an engineer and he's not doing his job very well then most likely the chief engineer will have a word but ultimately if someone's gonna get fired then it's the captain who will tell that person now very often what will happen is a long wait for that person to go and leave so they cause up because in the past there have been incidents where people have been fired whilst on board and then they've gone and sabotage something you know not not like dangerous stuff but they've gone and done something so they generally wait till you go home and tell you when you get home so you can't do anything so next question is CV Coco what is the minimum physical limit from any port where you can have guns international waters or another limit what I'm asking is if you can anchor one two or three or four miles out and then dinghy your way to port this is going back to a video I made recently about other firearms on board it's not really a subject that I wanted to continue because I got a lot of Eva lot of messages about that and a lot of quite negative messages directed towards me and towards the video a video is all based on my experience and also I got quotes from other captains who have been at sea for a long time and stuff like that so it's based on experience first most of the responses were based on just people who were mainly from the US who didn't like the fact that you can't have the cannons and stuff so okay so the so basically the way it would work is it'd have to be 12 miles out which is international waters could keep your vessel out there and then you're not infringing on any other countries laws the problem with that is 12 miles in the dinghy is a long way and you think about you right out in the ocean no one wants to get in a dinghy I don't even like getting in the dinghy when it when I can see London it's like a five minute ride I don't even like getting into small boats then so and they and the owner certainly isn't gonna want to do that you will know he's gonna have a bigger limo to get in he's not gonna want to do that so there was a there was a couple of others I saw on that list was one was keep a boat out at the 24 mile and then take your yacht in and leave them out there with the weapons well that would work if you if he was just going in for a couple of hours but what if he's going in for a week so this you've got this boat out there this small you know tender out there full of weapons how do you how does that work how do the crew get any sleep how do they get fed you know it's not it's not practical so you keep you bow out and take the dinghy and that's not practical or he flies the helicopter in well how do you refuel the vessel how do you get provisions you can't do it the only other one I've heard is some some boats have shadow vessels so like a full-size yacht which is trailing the manioc now in that situation you could do that because the shadow vessel could stay out there again it's not very practical it means that transferring all these weapons over to the other bow and the boats staying out there let's say the like Eclipse for instance I often see it in the summer it's it's it's anchored off drawn upon for weeks and weeks and weeks or Almere cab was in Bali oh simmer for like two months so what we're gonna have this other vessel out at sea for two months it's just not practical so tea back your shirt is awesome where did you get it and how much does it cost obviously it's not talking about this one he's talking about the one that was in the video and I'll put a picture in the top so you can see which one is all about I think it's I think it's the golf shirt unfortunately I don't remember where they're going from or how much was so what's his actual question if you are bright hard-working polished and professional how long from time of being a deckhand and training would it take to become a captain on average so okay so you're a deckhand you have to do you have to do certain amount of time at sea you have to train you have to you have to go to college and do your courses you have to spend so much time at sea you after her and when I say I'd say it I'm just mean on a boat the boats in port it doesn't count as sea time you've got to be actually at sea on a watch so assuming you get all right in and you get promoted up to chief upset and you're waiting now to be a captain I would say probably about eight years if you if you were very lucky what often that happens is captain's get promoted when the other captain leaves so because it very often on a yacht the captain it doesn't have an opposite rotation he's on there for four months so when he leaves he just decides to quit and then your chief officer usually has a captain's certificate right he's already qualified as a captain and quite often what happens is the management company or the owner will say to the chief officer you want a shot at the captain job I mean it's like yeah okay great so he gets promoted with from within like that it's called something we call dead man's shoes in the military so basically one guy moves out and then and then it means everybody moves up so that chief officer gets promoted as a captain the second officer gets promoted it's a chief officer a third officer gets promoted second officer so on so forth there's probably gonna be someone comment says I did it in five years it may be possible on a very small yacht I find that unlikely though what what you think of SpaceX internet do you think this will be a godsend and the must have on these ships I've made a video a couple of years ago about the shocking cost of Internet I'll put a link or all the videos I mentioned I'll put links in the description below and I'll put maybe a pod picture up here I've made a video about the cost of Internet and a lot of people have commented on the fact that SpaceX and Starling are building this system I think it has the potential to make a big difference in the industry what I'm gonna do that was because it's quite complicated subjects and I made that other video couple years ago now so what I'm gonna do is in the next in the next month or so I'm gonna make another video on that subject and I will talk about SpaceX and star Lincoln and the differences between the current system and the new system so people keep an eye out for that one make sure you subscribe and click on the little bell so you get notifications when that comes out now this next chap John Thompson he's a subscriber now if you look at the on the picture down below where I've put the question you'll see a little red icon and that it tells me from you can only see it when you have your the channel it tells me that this person's a subscriber so do you ever need to take a time out for yourself when you when you can feel your frustration has built up and you need to reset for a few minutes where do you go and who do you just assign someone to be in charge in that for that time that is a very good question actually because we all live in close quarters you know everybody shares a cabin except for usually except for the captain and maybe the chief officer and the chief engineer they have their own cabins if they're lucky but most of most everyone else you've got at least one other person in your cabin some some of the older vessels they've got three three bunks and they can so you very rare you get any time to yourself so if I need to get away from everyone I tend to go to my office I've even slept in my office in the past do I put anyone else in charge no because nobody else is qualified on board to do my job so I'm always 24/7 I'm the guy who gets called if there's a if there's an issue that's part of the job so I'll generally put my earphones on and listen to some relaxing music or something so yeah that doesn't happen quite often like I said you know you never you never get a minute to yourself even in your own cabinet because you usually you'll go in your cabin and there's somebody else in there and if you're and if you're unfortunate enough to be bunking with someone who works at work just shift you can go in your cabin at lunchtime and its pitch black all up curtains are closed because you're the person is on shifts and on nights maybe in these sleeping so that sucks so yeah this it's it's one of the downsides to to yachting Anthony G what's the coolest water toy you've seen a wealthy owner have like an underwater propelled device or something like that how about a submarine yeah I've seen I've seen submarines some of the I mean the helicopters is pretty cool that's I would cast that as a toy really and you know the sea bob is like a propel thing that takes you ones in the water CEO is a giant jet ski I think it may be not technically known as a jet ski but that's what I call it one of the things I saw was something called the sea legs which is basically like a Zodiac ribbed boat but it had wheels on it everyone jumps in then you go up to the beach and then you it has like this undercarriage like an aircraft and the wheels come down and he just drives straight out of the water that that's pretty crazy I would say that's probably one of the most unusual things I've seen you've got to see that when you're on the beach and this thing comes out it's like a James Bond seen Edward Dobbins could you tell me why I frequently see mega yachts that are on the way and still have their fenders out if you see a yacht with its fenders sell out it's most likely approaching a port and they're about to about to dock and the reason why they do that is because the fenders on superyacht are inflated so there takes takes them a while to get those things inflated so what and then once they do inflate them very often is they block the block the deck so you can't walk up and down so what they what they generally do is once it's inflated they throw it over the side and they hook it on then they get them all in position and then they just get get on with their other jobs because there's you know there's a limited amount of crew so they so they did that as quickly as possible and then they can crack on with the other jobs but usually when they leave a port they're usually pretty quick to to collect them and put them away so I would say that if you see a yacht and it just kinds of cells by and there's no crew around those fenders that it's most likely had and in support even easin box that sounds like dodgy dodgy name doesn't it is drug use common aboard the boats by both staff and owners do they panic when they hit customs payoffs different ports different prices contraband overboard and it's it's you're not allowed to take drugs when you are crew member if you get caught with drugs drug paraphernalia you'll get dismissed it instantly they do random drug tests on board so 100% you're not allowed to have any kind of drugs like that on board I got you might be surprised to know that I've never ever seen any drugs an owner with any drugs I'm not saying that they don't have them but I've never seen any drugs I've never seen any drug paraphernalia and furthermore I've never heard of any of the crew members talking about finding anything like that so I don't think it is I don't think it's a common practice I think these people are building is for a reason I don't think they go around getting stoned and and taking all these different drugs just you know because they can I don't think that's what they do I mean most of the owners I've worked for are constantly glued to the TV watching you know that ticker tape on the Nathan on Bloomberg and stuff like that most of them even when they're in the gym that was I worked for one guy he wanted in the gym that's what he wanted on the TV so most I don't think they'd want to take any of that stuff like I said you know I know don't be comments well we have to sure they take it and maybe they do but I've never seen it in my experience has there ever been a problem with crew into relations with own with each other or the owner okay crew into relations with each other is actually quite common for obvious reasons a lot of the crew are on a boat for maybe eight or eat maybe even ten months in one go and they just have two months off a year so yes of course you're gonna get instances where people are hooking up and I've worked on a boat where there were three couples on board which was not great because it's just causes some issues also it causes issues with from us so if you have let's say you have a chief officer and his girlfriend's on board and she's a stewardess then she can kind of like what I call as rule the world by proxy it's a quote so to quote somebody else so basically means that they kind of have a power because now they're the chief officers girlfriend and if you say something in front of them that gets back to the chief officer or the captain even worse the captain if the captain's girlfriends on board it creates it does creates problems I've gone off the question then I a little bit now the second part of the question is crew with the owner it's not very normal in my experience but I have I have heard of a couple of instances where crew member has been doing something with the owner beyond their position as a crew member and one of the boats I worked on there was a chap who was a bosun and he let's say he he became friendly with the owners wife and yeah so he he was all of a sudden was often in areas where the owner's wife was and and it became a problem because there's an interest in sort of dynamic that goes on on a yacht whereas if anybody has direct contact with the owner it can cause a bit of an issue with because the normal hierarchy is that you know the captain the chief engineer are in charge or in charge of the relevant I mean the captain's in charge of the boat the Chief Engineers and charge the engine-room and and everybody else is subservient to those right so if you have somebody all of a sudden who's got some sort of friendly relationship with the owner then all of a sudden they have some power right because they can possibly say something to the owner now this person is a crew member who's a low-level can now all of a sudden have some sort of power whether it's perceived or real then that the captain all of a sudden has to you know has to think twice about disciplinary action let's say for instance so in this particular instance the bosun was friendly with the owners wife and eventually the owner got track of it I'm surprised the guy didn't get some concrete boots he was let go other thing he was doing as well as was he would say to you know the chief officer was say you need to do this and even though I'm doing something for the for the madam you know so they could you know was that kind of problem so anyway he they got rid of him and but what was what was interesting is in like for six months afterwards all of a sudden they be in New York and they'd see this guy would be like hey what are you doing here and then they'd sail down let's say to Miami and then this guy was in Miami you can put two and two together there and figure out who was flying who to which location right Tony a watching the tutors on Netflix and the crew negotiating the super yacht is reminiscent of life at the court of Hank 8th what a bunch of BS they have to put up with I don't know what Hank 8 is I've never seen that show but one of the shows I have seen which is a it's kind of similar is Downton Abbey and I haven't watched all of it but I watched a few episodes a few years ago and I remember saying to somebody that is just like what we deal with except with iPhones oh the the discussions that they had and that and that and the way they behaved was very reminiscent of how it is on the soup yeah Oh Rovers is like a swan on a lake Grace and serenity above them demented kicking down below so I don't think a lot has changed I think if you could somehow take one of those people from Downton Abbey time put them on a super yacht they'd be like oh yeah this feels completely normal if that Tudor shows anything like Downton Abbey then yes it's very similar and there is a lot of BS a lot of stress having said all of that if you have been on lockdown for the last month or so and I only been going out to go to the supermarket then you now have some experience of what it's like to work on a soup yeah because working on a CPR is kind of like lockdown so you go on this vessel you you get up in the morning you go to the you go and have your breakfast you go to work you work all day you finish work you maybe watch a movie in the evening you go to bed you wake up the next day same thing Groundhog Day so it's very much like that and then occasionally you go into port and if the boss is not on board or you know if there's some reason that you're allowed that you're allowed to go ashore and most of most often the crew will go pop from the pub they'll also go to the supermarket so it is very similar to to work in on the up you you now all have some experience of what it's like to work for the sepia if you have any questions please place them below of this video we'll look at this video the next time I'm gonna do one of these QAS now what we'll say is earlier on I talked about the questions and the question that had the little icon on that showed that you're a subscriber the next video I do I'm only going to take questions from subscribers I'd just thought of this right now so I don't really know the reason why I just thought it would be kind of cool so make sure everybody who asks questions are all subscribers so if you want to ask a question you're not a subscriber just hit that subscribe button and hit the little bell so the next time I put out a video you'll get notified immediately and I'll catch you next time alright guys thanks for watching and see you soon [Music]
Channel: eSysman SuperYachts
Views: 582,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superyacht, super yacht, yachting, yachts, boats, boating, boat international, ships, shipping, vessels, megayacht, mega, yacht, boat, superyacht boss, luxury, lifestyle, billionaire, millionaire, yacht life, video superyacht, richlist, rich, VIP, VIP Lifestyle, Money, superyacht tour, superyachts, superyacht owner, superyacht owners
Id: LgpRTlhZdig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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