Learning To Land A Plane Is Never Easy

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i am commencing engine star yes he is he's not lying sorry wrong key wrong key wrong key again [Music] so it's going to be left traffic here so again just the normal stuff 700 feet onto a crosswind yep and then we'll kind of give you a visual for the downwind and just make it nice and symmetrical some nice rectangle just like rectangular course first time doing touch and goals boys and girls this is where training gets fun [Music] yes i made myself just keep pulling even when i wanted to stop this is the most difficult part of flight training yep absolute most difficult maybe one day i can pull my own diaper up all right nice guy daddy's doing hi daddy's gotta do my paper cherokee zero four two make left traffic runway seven clear for takeoff left traffic runway seven clear for takeoff zero four two uh your first experience with a lineup of weight that's pretty cool and right rudder airspeed's coming alive pages are in the green touch and goes from windows skyhawk for julie 5'5 and resetting 6-0 6-5 rotate welcome to the sky daddy welcome to the skype as we do this several times and you get more comfortable you can kind of look out and you can see landmarks that become familiar each time so it makes it easier for you to judge stuff for example like these two legs here yep if you you're gonna go right between them right between them it's a good downwind right between them beautiful takeoff vy three o'clock so am i good right now this is beautiful this is pretty absolutely particularly parallel okay executive tower cherokee three two zero four two of being the numbers on the downwind cherokee zero four two extend downwind extend downwind zero four two just keep going just okay so you're gonna slow it down all the way to the top this right here this view here would actually be good for a base yep but we can't do that but you got to keep kind of looking back to make sure that we're maintaining the same distance from the runway because obviously if we're going out like that right moving further away okay so again that's where picking landmarks is a good thing like we're over downtown so you know what you've got 042 traffic 12 o'clock and two miles uh southbound 1100 skyhawk all right we're looking for thatcher i got that traffic inside zero four two uh zero four two and then again just put it in ground effect 65 hold it to the end of the runway i will back when it drops pull back a little bit nice rotor control this is the most difficult part of light training yep absolute most difficult part beautiful beautiful view of the runway yeah but speed's still high yep just back off the power bit bleed off that speed looking good so nice and loose on the rudder but technically you're not going to need to look at the air speed anymore so it's just focusing on the end of the runway all that knowledge seven cut out for seven line up and weight citation five miles just needed that back picture full power 65 rotate like sierra left turn westbound did i do anything wrong okay the archer ahead is left closed traffic oh yeah i don't i have my hand on the trim i don't know why everybody does it that's their fault he's got traffic in sight archer zero four two followed out traffic lewis oh we'll follow our traffic thanks how you doing man all right brother how are you oh cheers mate cheerio i've got a new plan that we could possibly find for sure man we got planned something man i forgot me either brother i've got people on the channel asking for it oh goodness [Laughter] all right so same thing when they're about perpendicular exactly now the thing is here perpendicular now we're coming over downtown it's probably not a good idea to descend over downtown right now you can talk you can turn but maybe just wait just a little bit for the descent actually zero four two turn based leg is anybody's your fault two because we don't need the power so check take a quick glance at that air speed yep that's just a little bit high right so we're just going to keep it to the end of the runway so pull it up just hold it there do whatever you need to do just to hold it there and as it drops pull back a little bit more that's that drop we just need that uh welcome back to the sky thank you there we go cool so all i'm saying is just a little bit about uh issue with the power okay you're keeping too much power ahead traffic just remember those techniques picture a speed power for altitude yeah you're holding it in ground effect but then at a certain point it drops because your energy drops off at that point you just need to pull back okay grease it in i'm just not pulling back enough that's it you're doing everything else this thing has to come really far back okay how are you feeling uh i'm all right i'm feeling pretty good yeah i mean i'm learning yep that's what it's about yep the executive tower here cherokee 32042 midfield downwind turkey 0-4-2 uh we'll call you number one now forever seven clear touch and go uh number one runway seven clear touching goes zero four two sierra nine or eight foxtrot number two to follow the cherokee ahead of you from [Applause] thank you so much wow my airspeed is super high yes drop off that power that power dropping off is gonna force you to have to lift the nose a little bit and that's gonna bleed it off okay perfect 75 there it is on base beautiful glorious did i turn a little early just a little bit okay and that is a little bit too much power that's a big power adjustment so now whacking your third notch let's focus on getting that speed down there you go power's back and you're just holding the nose there you go there you go now that speed is where we where we kind of want it now it's just a little bit a little bit more power there you go just right around there so you know you're coming in you're not going to look at that airspeed again you know you've you've got your airspeed so now it's just focusing on bringing it down towards the runway no it's just a little bit lower there you go perfect now pull it up just a little bit hold it in ground effect and just hold it play with it hold it as it drops now slowly start to bring it back one more more perfect yes yes the [ __ ] in there boys that's the that's the one you see how far this came back yeah made myself just keep pulling even when i wanted to start exactly right get rid of that mental block yeah what a [ __ ] landing that was best one you've ever done i think looking beautiful again the approach is a very nice it's just the last few seconds yeah beautiful look at that speed speed's coming down to where we want it quite perfect but it's all right it's manageable nice rudder control a little bit too much on the pole though add a little bit of power there you go just to save it and now you pull back a little bit more that's get off my controls your controls my controls you absolutely legend thanks man i was going to show you some stuff on this next one okay let me know if you need more trim back that's all right 65 roll it yeah a little bit more back thanks that'll do yeah adding that power in really helped i didn't in my mind i didn't even think to do that but i know that's the right answer yep okay because what happened though is we we ballooned a little bit so it came up with the speed bleeds off so the only way to to save it is to push down if you just push down without power smack it smack so that's how you save it you add a little bit of power push it down and re-stabilize and then do it or go the [ __ ] around let's play around i'm gonna do a really terrible uh transition to the flare okay okay we're gonna balloon this thing we're gonna come in fast and i'm gonna balloon it and i'm just gonna show you just an exaggerated version of what we just did the two in a row where you've understood more back pressure on the for the touchdown as you feel that the aircraft drop as the energy bleeds off yep you're pulling this a lot further back and that's what's the the difference between hitting hard and those nice soft two landings that we just did okay zero four two midfield left downwind seven short approach if possible number zero two should approach program weight seven click the option click the option runway seven with a shot approaching for two i'm gonna bring in really short really fast okay just to show you i love doing this by the way kind of a semi power off yeah 180 approach but i'm going to add power so we can come in quick well look at this on a base i'm trying to keep it around 75 just as normal yep we come in fast 2.1404 so coming in really fast three notches of flaps 85 knots like absolutely [ __ ] up this approach so we're coming in and then you bring it in low and then all of a sudden you whack it in and then you flare way too much see how quickly that speed bleeds off yeah the only way to recover it is to get that power in there otherwise you're gonna start and lower the nose exactly and the speed's back to where we want it yeah and then you're back into a position where you can put it down flaps up we roll well that situation that was really bad yeah yeah that was a go around that should have been a go ahead and if you over correct that then that's when you end up like focusing exactly oh when i get that feeling i won't sexual healing oh yeah sorry just focused on yeah flying in the airplane yeah your priorities yeah i know sorry flying the airplane a second yes singing is first yeah all right zero four two maintain visual separation from that traffic question with turbulence runway seven clear touch and go caution weak turbulence uh maintain separation clear touch and go run my seven zero four two so speed is king if you can nail it beautiful again beautiful control like you've got the power set in a good place where it's just you know you just pitch a little bit for the speed that you want to read foxtrot for example number four quebec output soon as durable turn crossman all right that crossway now for you for back out a little bit there you go save it just a little bit more back pressure rotate back to the sky let's do the last one okay make it a good one yeah the slight mistake the is pulling it and holding it it's got to be dynamic it's got to be pulled okay so i was pulling but yeah okay i was pulling and holding it when i should have been exactly feeling better just gotta maintain the nose at the end of the runway just hold it there and then you'll feel it want to drop because that's that's what caused the balloon it was just a pull and then hold and then obviously it's just gonna go [Music] will be a falcon traffic departing pride arrival based the pro runway 7 cleared clearly [Music] now you've got two red so it's slightly lower so you just add a little bit power level it off until you capture it again exactly perfect now you're back into that position cool all right bring it in hold the end of the runway nice to the end a little bit better a little bit too much energy to just yep holding it a bit higher so right at the end there i i didn't pull back enough correct okay he kind of just flew it into the ground instead of putting it in great effect damn it all right yeah the approaches are nice and that's uh you know it's the last five seconds of the the whole thing i i i mean i think trying to critique myself i think i was probably afraid of pulling back too much which i mean at one time i did pull back too much so it's just finding that balance exactly if you can train yourself to or train your eyes to really just move up to the end of that runway i am looking you are looking okay so it's just the case of following what your eyes are doing there's a hesitancy to bring that nose up which is normal but you just got to get that out of your system and the more you do it the more the better it's going to become like next session is going to be better than this one and this one already had two nice grease landings yep chris landing tell me more tell me we will find out here [Music] you
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 11,357
Rating: 4.9870129 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, Traffic Pattern
Id: 0JBeIiukpaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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