Do NOT Be A CFI Like This...

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all right boys girls welcome back to another video here on ludix Aviation so today I've got a really cool video with you I've got a really cool camera crew with me today actually because the person we're flying with today is semi-famous you might have seen them before on a documentary about him trying to find his perfect flight instructor that may give you a clue as to who it is but we're flying with this person today because his flight instructor isn't available so I've been called in to help him anywhere that I can to make him the best CFI possible let's meet him shall we yeah it's it's good to be back I'm actually really excited um so yeah some of you don't know me my name's Otto I was on that red full Dreadful documentary what did you try and find like the three most stupid fancy advice on the planet um what the is it this is a prank show it's a hidden camera somewhere no take that I've tried to put all that behind me I've learned what what not to do by then you know I'm just I'm trying to get into CFI I'm trying to be a CFI and I'm trying to you know bring that happiness and experience of Aviation to everyone and I went through all my ratings uh go in there for the CFI I want to really portray you know the patience the fashion everything safety belts so if you're gonna brief us to all of my students um I want to make sure that they're heard I want to listen to everything that they say if you want to be the one to pass your check right I'm gonna need to make sure that I'm gonna hold you to the highest possible stand and actually make sure that you can maintain your altitude and actually make sure and the biggest one I actually I want to make sure that I can let them make their mistakes so they can learn from them you can't land you literally can't laugh [Applause] thank you foreign [Laughter] [Music] of action today is I'm actually gonna be sat in the left seat playing the student okay you've seen me do this before in other CFI videos where I you know act like I'm doing stuff wrong to teach the CFI candidate how students can be Otto is going to be in the right seat doing all the CFI stuff and I'm I want him to teach me everything today I want him to treat me like a brand new Private Pilot student yeah no patience respect exactly yeah what would you tell your first flight student to to do first time getting in the plane what's the first step do you reckon I'll tell you what let's make it easy let's go through a checklist let's do that so with cfi's bread and butter is to start from the simple things and then make it more complex as the student learns more so that's what I'm looking for when I initially get into the aircraft with Otto pre-flight interior documents Arrow yep we've got those uh attack time verify that's verified over here that is what's the number 5327.6 that's attack time try that one again yeah sorry attack time down here they're both numbers so I thought it was anyway uh the next one circuit breakers all in what happened to all of these uh this is your checklist we had a little communication issue from the get-go really I mean the first time that went through the checklist I I did skip it on purpose but the times after that I was you know feeling a little bit pressured Hobbs time no maintenance status and started to miss things not purposely passenger briefing safety belts you're gonna brief us all right [Music] we just know do it again make sure the throttle [Music] is Off Your Dragon [Music] uh you're with a brand new student right never done a takeoff before how are you going to teach them to do a takeoff you know I think we would just take them nice and easy through it I would take the routers of core from them and you know just tell them to gently apply for power and about 55 pull that nose back nice and gently and just let the plane fly off the ground and uh you know obviously while monitoring everything that they're doing and making sure they're being safe with everything uh I think that's kind of how I would do it yep I like it yep very good oh what you're doing with the checklist oh I was just putting it just you wanna leave it up here you can have it yeah all right cool hold on another traffic so like 71 Bravo golf take it no Runway two seven remain in the traffic pattern left traffic yeah clear final cleared fine was clear hey bring those feet off the brakes at that wind correction in there slowly apply the full power full power there we go keep it on the center line no no pull right deflection Centerline air speed all right your engine gauges Yep they're in the green uh 55. nice and gentle just nice yep right brother cool black right I said right rudder yes sir all right what speed am I looking for do you know what VY is yeah it's uh the best uh no do you know what the number is for this aircraft yeah 79 all right well then hit something I don't know I said that you know maybe you can go up to about a thousand feet that would be uh difficult for this uh airport fires and foot above the airport okay yep we can do that I'm on a nice crosswind now when would you ordinarily turn down I would do it there if I was you okay we'll make that turn now all right thousand feet I'll start level that off you're gonna bring the power back a little bit yep so let's do that but all NASCAR race car trying to drive in to this Runway we are turning left though you're gonna take this serious hold on and off traffic so exciting one brother I've got left downwind Runway two seven touch and go all on and off all right so how would you tell me how to do this Landing I mean I don't know what I'm doing but um I mean you know you want to start shooting for about 90. so right now you're already going past here past uh the numbers so you want to start shooting for 90.90. so bring that power out like you already have keep it at 90 and then let's start you know when we get about 45 degrees left there we're gonna start making a nice little turn to the left bring a descent down on in we're gonna shoot for 80 on my base okay uh all right I see you put Pops in very good competent all right I'm shooting for bass uh so you're shooting for 80 on the left base on the base my face 80. all on the North traffic it's like seven eight one Bravo golf 80 on Earth We're left base uh Runway two seven all on and off I'm gonna go 20 degrees of flaps we're underneath the 85 for the thing uh cool Final clear You're Gonna Keep descending you're just gonna be level all the time final finals clear I don't want to know traffic's guys something one brother golf gonna be turning left final Runway two seven on and off there's a really a lot of final oh I'm turning left it's a final the last thing that a student needs and wants is to be spoken to in a demeaning way while they're trying to fly an aircraft there's so many things going on and unfortunately this was starting to have an effect on my performance [Applause] what we need to do I just got to clarify are you shooting for this Runway or Leesburg over there does it go around all right going around falling off uh let's go 71 bro I'll go off going around away two seven left traffic on or not gorans are usually something that I really do promote and I think all cfas should promote however this go around I felt like a failure and felt like I was doing the wrong thing which really started to play on my nerves it's key so you know instructs his job to kind of you know instill confidence in the students so they know that they can do it no and I understand that I just want to make sure you know we're instilling also a you know a sense of accuracy and uh you know making sure that the student can maintain 79 in the climb instead of 83. I'm all about making sure that we're going to be the best Pilots that we can be on our traffic Sky 781 Bravo gold on the left downwind Runway two seven off all right so I'm gonna go through what you said again so pull the power back in for 90. turn I want 80 on a base tell people that I want 80 on a base and then sorry turn the bass do 80 on the base but don't tell them we're doing 80. all right I'm looking for oh you said 90 now so I'll do 99. uh right about 90s uh nine is the uh Michael Charles the controls well I don't know this guy Hulk 781 Bravo golf sitting left base Runway two seven Touch and Go Orlando North is he was it really that difficult that I maintained a detox and we're in a base [Music] when we get to the approved we're gonna look at about 65. 60 to 65 for the last part of the approach Runway two seven Touch and Go Orlando North so as we're starting to bring this down we're going to put in some flaps get this start to slow down once we get below 85 we'll start throwing more on the flaps then all right we're at 70. we're going to drop the rest of the flaps in we're just gonna bring this in nice and smooth are you gonna watch yeah sorry bring the flaps up apply for power rotate and then as we climb my we're gonna look for about 79 deal controls my controls this one I'm gonna try my best to not make it a go around it will not be a go around I'm confident on this one all right very good another go around another go around and I just now I I was feeling like I didn't want to be there I didn't want to be in the cockpit but yeah see if you can recover it there's the balloon I've been in sessions with students where they've done go around several times during the lesson all right it is frustrating to a certain extent seven eight one Bravo golf going around Runway two seven all I don't know because you want them to understand something and do it correctly but a go around is a go around it's always free but I paid a price on this one because now this wasn't me acting like a student I was becoming one again I uh I'll tell you what I'll tell you what let's let's you're obviously not in the place where your previous instructor thinks you are so I'll tell you what let's go off let's start with some stalls maybe and if all else fails we'll go back to maybe a simulator all right so I I you know it's a brand new student I'm a little bit nervous about doing stalls of course you are all right well let's do a power off considering you've already got the power halfway out well let's uh nice East heading you've done that nice okay well done you're holding altitude ish bring that power back to about 1500 15. there is all right and what is a power off stall do you know what a power of soul is uh yeah it's the uh what are we simulating the land uh Landing all right very good let's go ahead and put in our flaps 110 for 10 degrees and Below 85 for the rest of them let's try and maintain our altitude shall we yep maintaining oh airspeed's low all right well then let's start I'll descend because now we're already below where we should be for our all right now let's start pulling up as if we're Landing why are we turning why are we turning right there's a stop all right that's it there's the stall where was the store I heard it uh you can't because of the all right one degree 10 degree 2 20 degrees of flaps I gotta be honest uh I'm feeling a little bit flustered all right why is that uh I I just feel like I'm getting a contradicted message well no there's no contradiction you're just bashing me and it's really putting me off all right look all I'm gonna say is if I'm just going to hold you to the highest possible standard that's what I need to do right if you want to be the one to pass your check right I'm gonna need to make sure that I'm gonna hold you to the highest possible standard and actually make sure that you can maintain your altitude and actually make sure that you can maintain some form of decent speed and actually make sure that you can maintain some problem heading as you're doing work once again what did we achieve today what does the student achieve from this flight today your rooms knowing not how to be a shitty pilot I don't create shitty Pilots I had completely lost confidence in what I was doing and I'm just questioning whether this was the right decision for me to be a pilot now because if I couldn't perform then how am I going to perform in the future but regardless I've got to go and do a debrief now with Otto wish me luck I don't know where to start I mean I've never I've never witnessed such incompetence I mean it was horrifying in some senses I've created this training plan 50 pages you can either read or hit himself over the head with it I don't care but he needs some work I'm gonna go and have a common relaxing chat with them if that's all right is that okay all right all right [Music] I've never witnessed such performance it's quite embarrassing you can call yourself a CFI I mean I've written 50 pages here worth the stuff for you to be able to read 100 feet what's that you can't land you literally can't fun three go around you can't hold feed you can't hold altitude you can't do a stall can you even do straight at level just go [Applause] out I I'm not doing this anymore I've left my certificates with him he's got my medical he can take control of my YouTube channel I don't care I'm not doing this anymore hold on are you his actual CFI yeah yeah good luck I've uh I've got um one more person coming to see me now so um would you like to come through [Music] well you tell me contained that's all that needs honestly something came around my nose all right so I'm gonna go through what you said again tell them that we're doing a base and do 80 knots on the base but don't tell them that sorry [Music] sunglasses yep oh God you can't like put them back on to put them back on you have to you have to take off the hold down thing that's the problem with all of the sunglasses other than flying eyes look how flexible these things are these are really thin and actually they've got a usage pattern for use on the headset helmets so you can just slide them on flying Comfort because you don't feel them and it doesn't break the seal on your in our headset so I'm golden well I'm glad you're feeling really comfortable that's great [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 19,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, Bad CFI, Flight Instructor
Id: 0qRrXQzQkII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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