Flying A Kite | Caillou Cartoon

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Sarah's [Music] kite Caillou had gone for a bike ride with his daddy look a kite can we go see Sarah sure let's go hi Sarah I like your kite thanks Caillou it's a Chinese kite it's made of bamboo and rice paper rice paper yeah but you don't eat [Music] it did you notice the kite has a dragon on it Caillou yeah I like dragons do you want to fly it me sure is that okay Daddy of course I'll go and put our bikes [Music] away oh no come back here wo are you all right oh no you're kite I hope it's not [Music] broken it it's stuck and look it ripped Caillou felt terrible he didn't mean to ruin Sarah's kite I'm sorry Sarah I didn't mean to break it I know accidents happen maybe Daddy can help Daddy be careful Daddy I'll be careful just a little further got it is it really really broken I'm afraid so [Music] Caillou Caillou felt responsible for breaking Sarah's kite but he thought he knew how to fix the problem I know it's here [Music] somewhere found it Gilbert it's not a real [Music] cat V zoom zoom zoom zoom Mommy I need to buy Sarah a new kite and it's got to have a dragon on it what happened to the old kite oh I see what a shame it's all my fault Mommy can we please buy Sarah a new kite please I've got money well that's very thoughtful of you Caillou yeah thanks Caillou I'm sorry kids I called the toy store but they're all out of kites but I broke Sarah's kite I have to get her a new one maybe we can make a new one Caillou I'm sure I could find some instructions on the internet yes yeah that sounds like fun Caillou wasn't so sure he didn't think a homemade kite would be as good as a kite from a store dog on glue how are those pictures coming along look it's a princess nice do you like my scary dragon he's not that's scary a dragon and a princess now that sounds perfect for a kite bring them here and we'll get started okay Caillou wasn't quite as excited as Sarah he was afraid a homemade kite wouldn't turn out very well can't we call another toy store daddy maybe another store will have kites this kite is going to be great Caillou you'll see [Music] what do you think Caillou was amazed their homemade kite had turned out very well I like it it's windy let's see if it'll fly [Music] okay I'll help [Music] you [Music] oh oh no it won't fly Sarah Daddy I'm right here Caillou something looks different oh I think I see what's wrong the string is tied to the wrong place you're right Sarah here let me fix it for you no glue on my fingers I promise there that should do it give it a try thanks Daddy thank you okay caou let's [Music] go yay Caillou could hardly believe it their homemade kite would was really flying look at it go yay all right Caillou Sarah good news I found a toy store that sells kites we could take a look if you like no thanks this kite's great yeah here Caillou you're turn Caillou and Sarah loved their new kite it was much better than the kite from the store because they had made it [Music] together Caillou's new [Music] game bye mommy Caillou was very excited he was having Leo and Sarah over for a special play [Music] date hi Leo Leo hi Caillou hi Sarah hi to you too Murphy now that you're all here what are you kids going to do do you want to play in my backyard Murphy likes that idea so do I me too Caillou over here I'm open hey Murphy that pass was mine [Music] Murphy the ball looks like a squash pumpkin I guess we'll have to find something else to [Music] do do you want to toss a disc sure but let's be quiet so we don't wake up Murphy throw it to me throw it to me wow you're really good at [Music] this nice catch [Music] Sarah [Music] you oh no Daddy can you get our disc sorry Caillou I loaned our ladder to a neighbor looks like you'll have to find something else to do for a while Caillou looked around the yard but there wasn't a toy in [Music] sight um I know let's play with the toys in my room I've got sculpting clay yeah and remote control cars and tabletop hcky hey Caillou had lots of exciting toys but there was a small problem he couldn't get into his bedroom what's wrong Caillou sorry you can't command I'm painting your room remember oh I forgot but I just wanted to get some of my toys to play with all of your things are packed in boxes right now Caillou and there's paint everywhere you'll have to wait a little while okay okay sorry guys no modeling clay or remote control cars or tabletop hockey that was nice of you to fetch your skipping robe Sarah yeah this is fun playing with Sarah's skipping rope was ideal and till Murphy awoke from his nap and decided to join in the fun no Murphy no Murphy thought this was a fantastic game Murphy good dog I got it oh no oh dear looks like we're going to need a new skipping rope that's the third one this week Caillou was feeling frustrated his play date was not turning out how he'd hoped come on okay hi kids hi mommy is it okay if we look for something to play with sure but I don't think you'll find much down here a just gardening stuff I found some tennis balls and sticks whoopy rubber gloves Caillou and his friends looked around but all they found were odds and ends it seemed there wasn't anything to play with what are you doing Mommy I'm opening up old cans of paint I plan to mix the colors together to make a new color for your dresser as Caillou watched mommy he suddenly had an idea maybe we can make up something new too like a new game with all the tennis balls and sticks and stuff yeah okay the kids work very hard at creating their new game we can each have our own ball and special [Music] sticks oops don't worry I'll get it [Applause] right I must say this is going to be one interesting playing field looks like we've got our goalie no Murphy that's not for [Music] you Caillou and his friends were now ready to play their game they even had a name for it yay [Music] funball wee I'm in the lead oop no I'm not Murphy anything can happen in funall the Only Rule is to have fun whoops sorry I've got your ball Caillou I finally have some toys and games for you thanks mommy but we don't need them anymore our new game is lots of fun well then I'd better let you get back to it come on let's play of nice one Murphy that day Caillou and his friends had lots of fun together they didn't need toys or games they made their own [Music] fun shiny finder nice spaceship Leo thanks my mom bought me this cool marker it glows really yeah but it only glows in the dark you have to see it at night Caillou was intrigued he'd never seen a marker that glowed in the dark before can I borrow it uh I don't know I really need it I'm supped supposed to make a special birthday card for my grandma please I'll bring it back to you tomorrow well um okay just don't forget [Music] promise caou was very excited to try out Leo's marker he could hardly wait to see how it glowed in the dark there cool not dark enough yet Caillou dinner time Caillou knew that dinner time meant it would soon be dark outside then the marker would really glow coming [Music] [Music] mommy I'm glad you like your your peas Caillou but slow down you must really be hungry tonight uh-uh I'm in a hurry what's the rush I can't wait for it to be dark did you hear that dear Caillou is in a hurry to go to bed tonight bedtime no I borrowed Leo's marker it glows in the dark I'm going to try it out I bet it's really Sil Chloe I have to admit that's a pretty neat marker and a very nice drawing thank you Daddy it is pretty glowy don't forget to give Leo his marker back tomorrow I [Music] won't come on over here hey Caillou can I have my marker back oh no I for got it but you said you'd bring it I'm sorry Leo I'll bring it tomorrow what if you forget again I need it I haven't made a card for my grandma yet I'll remember I promise hey do you want to help me build a tower [Music] okay bye Caillou don't forget forget what Caillou had already forgotten about his promise to Leo my marker you promised to bring it tomorrow oh yeah okay Caillou wasn't sure how he'd remember to bring Leo's marker mommy how do you remember things remember things well sometimes I write them down like my grocery list when we go shopping but what if you can't write well I'd probably draw a picture to remind myself yeah caou thought that was a great idea he draw a picture to remind himself of Leo's [Music] marker [Music] aha there now I won't forget hey there Caillou how about a quick game of soccer before dinner yeah [Music] okay [Music] bye did you bring my marker oh no I forgot again Caillou you promised I'm sorry I drew a pi to remind me I put it on my dresser but I didn't see it you need to remember I know I'm sorry I'll bring it tomorrow I triple promise Caillou felt really bad he wanted to make it up to Leo here Leo you can have some of my stickers if you want thanks I can use them on my grandma's card when I make it remember to clean desks Caillou needed to find a way to remember Leo's marker and seeing Miss Martin stick a reminder note to her desk gave him an idea Leo can I have one of my stickers back how come I have an idea to help me remember your marker [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Caillou time to get [Music] up e bird [Music] Sho stop no thanks Rosie I don't need a [Music] straw Leo's marker Leo I brought your marker you remembered now I can make a card for my grandma if I remember here now you'll [Music] remember thanks Caillou Leo was happy to borrow Caillou's sticker and Caillou was happy to have a way to always remember something [Music] important Caillou roller [Music] skates look Mommy look Rosie look what Daddy bought for me what is it Caillou Caillou was very excited to show mommy what was in his shopping bag oh roller skates that looks like fun Caillou and good exercise too yeah that's why Daddy bought them for me I can't wait to try [Music] them [Applause] Gilbert roller skating isn't for kitties Gilbert Rosie skate no Rosie you have to wait till you're bigger like me to learn how to roller [Music] skate Daddy can we go roller skating now please please please okay Caillou let's grab your helmet and safety pads and we'll go to the park the park but I thought we were going roller skating we are there's a special path at the park just for roller skaters and cyclists there is yay here we are what do you think Caillou I like it can I skate now as soon as we get your stuff on there we go skates check knee pads check wrist guards elbow pads and helmet check check and check why do I need to wear all of this stuff for safety Caillou in case you fall fall no way roller skating is easy watch me Daddy oops ouchie are you okay Caillou I'm okay I just wish these skates weren't so wobbly wo I thought roller skating would be easy some activities are harder than others Caillou this is hard all right it'll get easier I [Music] promise as Caillou sat on the ground he watched some of the bigger kids on their skates he was [Music] amazed wa I wish I could skate like them you will be able to skate like them one day Caillou you just need a little practice he wasn't convinced he began to think he'd never learn how to roll his skate haou Daniel what are you doing here hey Caillou I'm trying out my new inline skates they're very snazzy Daniel maybe you'd like to have a pair like that one day Caillou [Music] H caou wasn't so sure he could hardly skate in the ones he had wow how did you get to be so good Daniel practice I guess I wasn't always good at skating really yeah when I was about your age I thought I would never learn how to roller [Music] skate oh [Music] man yeah I used to fall all the time but I practiced and I practiced I guess I got pretty good at it suddenly Caillou felt much better if Daniel could become a good skater then maybe he could [Music] too he shoots and scores a goal I could show you some tricks to help you learn what do you say yes please if you stretch your arms out like this it'll help you keep your balance hey hey I'm not as wobbly now push off with one foot like this and then the other foot push and glide push and glide that's it Caillou you're getting it I'm still really wobbly H I think I see the problem Caillou you're looking down at your feet while you're skating my feet that's right if you look up at something else instead of your feet you'll have better balance but I don't know how to stop looking at my feet I know you can watch me while we play Roller tag roller tag caou love tag but he was worried he wouldn't be able to skate fast enough to catch Daniel don't worry I won't skate fast come on that that's it come and get [Laughter] me huh wao look out you come and get [Music] me you can do it come on [Music] almost this is fun gotcha did you see that Daddy I'm skating way to go Caillou I knew you could do it yeah you're doing awesome yeah awesome and I'm going to keep practicing so I get even better yeah then when I out grow my skates you can have them really wow thank thanks Daniel and you know what else you're Caillou learned that practicing could be lots of fun especially when it's done with a [Music] friend say [Music] lettuce it was a sunny summer day and Caillou and Rosie were spending it with Grandma in her vegetable [Music] garden what's this plant Grandma those are Grandma's world famous green beans that's silly beans can't be famous really I always thought mine were H look wow Rosie you found baby tomato rosie no you can't pick the tomatoes they're still too small Caillou was worried because he thought the tomatoes weren't ready to be picked yet it's all right Rosie you can pick them Caillou these are cherry tomatoes they're supposed to be small oh oops what's this grandma that's my lettuce or at least it should be my lettuce it looks like something's been nibbling at the leaves oh well come on back to the house you two I've got a surprise for you Caillou love surprises he wondered what it could [Music] be bubble Thank you Grandma thanks you're both very welcome maybe I can get some nice photos of the two of you blowing bubbles like this Rosie you have to blow W say cheese Caillou enjoyed having his picture taken he especially loves seeing the picture after can I see it Grandma of course what's that Grandma Grandma it's a bunny rabbit so that's the Rascal who's been eating my lettuce can I please take a picture of the rabbit please I want to show it to Mommy when she comes to pick us up well you can try rabbits tend to be camera shy but with a little perseverance you might get a picture what's perseverance perance it means to not quit doing something even if it's h hard Caillou was sure he had lots of perseverance well then here you go Caillou I promise to be careful with it Grandma Rosie see we it too shh Rosie you'll scare it away rabbit come play Rosie sh bunnies are afraid of loud noises Rosie so if you and Caillou wanted to come out from under the shed you'll have to be very [Music] quiet quiet quiet Rosie what are you doing Rosie Qui funny Caillou was getting frustrated with his little bunny sister he knew that the rabbit wouldn't come out if she kept hopping around Rosie you have to be quiet and stand still [Music] whoopsie Grandma how can I take a picture with Rosie here Rosie sweetie let's you and I go and play with the bubbles [Music] bubbles huh SHO [Music] Sho huh hey stop [Music] that Caillou wanted to take the bunny's picture but he was feeling frustrated have you given up already Yes H maybe you could try coaxing the rabbit out from under the shed with a nibble a nibble yeah Grandma why don't we use your lettuce you're absolutely right let's go and see if we can pull up some lettuce for the rabbit taada a rabbit [Music] snack Rosie help cou no Rosie I can do [Music] it tada yay well done [Music] Caillou [Music] Caillou waited and waited hoping the rabbit would come out and eat the pieces of [Music] lettuce say cheese big fluffy [Music] clouds say cheese flower I don't think this bunny is ever going to come out say cheese no say lettuce Grandma I did it I took a picture of the bunny rabbit it good for you Caillou you kept at it and you finally got what you wanted M rabbit Caillou was very pleased with his picture it was worth waiting for I can't wait to show it to Mommy well Caillou you're just going to have to wait for that as [Laughter] [Music] well Caillou tries to [Music] whistle caou really liked preschool he liked Play Time snack time and story time but his favorite time of all was all right everyone let's tidy up it's time for [Music] show I brought an oldfashioned car I've got a book about dinosaurs you brought a dinosaur book last time yeah but it was a different one Clementine did you forget to bring something for show and tell nope I've got something to show but it's a surprise K was very curious to see what Clementine's Show and Tell would be Clementine what would you like to show the [Music] class I learned how to do [Music] something W oh that's wonderful Clementine you learn to [Music] whistle [Music] cou really wanted to be able to whistle [Music] too hey I did it I did it Kyle was embarrassed that he couldn't do something that his friends could [Music] [Applause] [Music] do hi Murphy wow you whistled and he came yooo Caillou see you bye how was your day honey honey I can't whistle whistling is very hard Caillou it took me ages to figure it out try puckering up [Music] more hm let me guess you're pretending to be the wind no blow birthday candles you're a chipmunk with your cheeks full of nuts no Caillou's trying to whistle but now it's time to take a break and eat okay mommy just keep trying you'll get the hang of it cling whistled and a doggy ran right up to her I'm going to teach Gilbert to come when I Whistle H let's give it a [Music] try it may take a bit of practice I'm going to practice and practice and [Music] practice Rosie Caillou practiced and practiced and practiced but he still couldn't whistle [Music] [Music] oops time for bed Caillou I'm so proud of how hard you've been working at your whistling but I still can't do it whistling is a very tricky thing it can take a long long time to learn how to do it but Leo learned right away everyone learns at their own speed Caillou don't worry you'll get it eventually good night he knew Daddy was right but eventually sounded like such a long long way [Music] off [Music] good morning Caillou caou Rosie whistle you can nice job Rosie Clementine just called Caillou she's coming over to play after breakfast oh [Music] what's the matter Caillou I don't want to play with Clementine why not she can whistle and I can't whether you can whistle or not Clementine is your friend you don't want to miss out on a fun time do you when Daddy put it like that Caillou saw how silly he was behaving Clementine's [Music] here what are you doing I'm trying to wiggle my ears I can do it see cool it's not as cool as whistling I tried and tried and tried and I still can't do it oh it takes a while I worked at it for a whole week you did H Could you teach me how to whistle sure but only if you teach me that Wiggly ear trick it's a [Applause] [Music] deal come on Caillou let's get started Caillou had realized it's easier to learn something new with a Little Help From A [Music] Friend Caillou's mini marathon hooray hooray Caillou and Rosie were in a cheering mood it was fun jumping for joy at being silly together hooray for Gilbert Gilbert hooray hooray [Music] hoay hooray it's Daddy hoay Daddy where were you Daddy you're missing our hes sorry kids I went for a run I'm training for a marathon hoay a marathon a marathon [Music] what's a marathon a marathon is kind of a long race a race oh I like races I want to run a marathon too I'm sorry Caillou marathons are for grown-ups the runners have to run for a very long time for a far distance I can do that oh I don't think so Caillou please Daddy can I just go running with you please pleas well I guess I could go for another run around the block today hooray [Music] hooray now can we run not yet it's important to stretch properly we've just begun [Music] wo this looks easy hey oh sorry honey I didn't see you [Music] there now can we go yes now we can go I'm going to run really far daddy Caillou thought that if he showed daddy how far he could run he would let Caillou run in the marathon our Caillou is quite the little Runner isn't he Mrs Howard Caillou actually Mrs Howard I'm a big Runner great [Music] who caou wondered where that mailbox came from it seemed to pop out of nowhere you should always watch where you're going Caillou whoops sorry didn't see you there I guess I should watch where I'm going too see you later caou is beginning to feel tired but he didn't want to stop running ah he wanted to prove that he could run in a [Music] marathon W silly dog doesn't he know I'm trying to run here Caillou's legs were beginning to feel very tired he wondered how much farther he could run [Music] wa are you okay Caillou I'm okay but how am I supposed to run a marathon if I can't even make it around the block it takes a lot of training and practice to prepare for a marathon Caillou so if I practice I'll be able to run a marathon well maybe one day the more you practice the farther you'll be able to run but for now let's walk home and have some lunch shall we running sure takes a lot out of you doesn't it well you're sure to have lots of energy now yes I'm ready to go running again again uh-huh I can't wait to show you how much farther I can run this time okay Caillou Caillou and Daddy had gone out for another [Music] run but Caillou was disappointed he still couldn't run very far I'll never be able to run a marathon I wouldn't say that Caillou I think you did well this time you did run farther yeah but not far enough I want to be able to run like you Daddy but Caillou I can run farther because I'm a grownup my muscles are much bigger and I've had more time to to practice I know I just think it' be fun H do you know what else would be fun what last one to the house is a rotten [Music] egg ready Rosie Rosie ready good catch Rosie Rosie went too sure Rosie what do you say we all run to Mrs Howard's house and back back okay that's easy come on Rosie hold up Caillou let's wait for your sister Caillou had forgotten Rosie couldn't run very fast or very far hey Rosie can't run like me just like I can't run like you that's right everybody has their own skill level you know I don't think I want to run a marathon just yet daddy you don't no I can wait till I'm a grownup I just wish there was one for kids you know I think that could be arranged how about a mini marathon in the backyard a mini marathon yeah [Music] yeah hooray Caillou go [Music] Rosie yay we did it Rosie we finished the race hooray a marathon hooray Marathon Marathon a mini marathon was just the right size and Caillou and Rosie were thrilled to finish the race [Music] hooray smooth sailing CAO was excited because grandpa and daddy were taking him on a real sailboat maybe we'll see whales in the water or sea monsters I guess anything's [Music] possible yay [Music] sailing hold up there Caillou I'm glad you're excited but before we do anything we need to put on our life jackets but we're not even sailing yet safety first now we go [Music] sailing not quite yet Caillou on a boat everyone has a job to do today I'm not just Grandpa I'm the captain so I'm in charge and daddy isn't just daddy he's my special helper which means he's the first mate and what am I you're the lookout kaao didn't like the sound of that Lookout didn't seem nearly as important as being captain or first mate but I want to be Captain sorry Caillou grandpa has sailed more than we have that's why he gets to be captain now come and give us a [Music] hand ah there's nothing like being out in fresh air Hoist the sails iy I captain I I captain Caillou help me turn the crank I I Daddy I mean first [Music] mate that's my good sailor now sit on your Lookout chair and hang [Music] on Caillou had wanted to help Hoist the sale with Daddy and Grandpa but then he had a better idea aoy Maes I'm the captain now and I order you to go that way it takes more than a cap to make a Captain Caillou it takes a lot of experience too it's not fair well then I guess you don't want to help me steer the boat yes I [Music] do that's it nice and steady you see Grandpa I could be the captain one day when you've learned how to sail you'll be Captain But first you need to learn how to be a good Lookout Caillou watch first M daddy turn the sails and that gave him enough another idea Daddy I know a job that looks almost as fun as being Captain you do what's that Caillou first mate we get trade jobs sorry Caillou first mate is a grown-up job it takes a lot of experience you can have my shiny shell and lucky rock and all my dessert for a week Caillou Lookout is much too important a job to trade away Lookout doesn't feel like an important job it doesn't well that's because you haven't received your extra special orders yet you have to help us find our way to Treasure Cove Treasure Cove that's right we need our Lookout to spot each of these landmarks with these binoculars did you know my granddad gave these to me when I was was your age did you think I was a sea monster no just a daddy from the sea now the first thing you need to find is a boy it's like a signpost floating in the water [Music] okay caou was a little frustrated he looked and looked out at the lake but all he saw was water and waves a this is boring daddy grandpa I found the boy well done now you need to look for the little island with a rock and Tree on it I I first M [Music] daddy look look it's the island I found it there she blows adjust course first mate iy I captain Caillou was beginning to enjoy his job as look out now all he had to find was the Cove with the dock see anything yet Caillou not yet Captain that's strange we should have found it by now I'll take a look no grandpa I'm the lookout and the lookout uses the binoculars he does have a point okay Caillou I found it there's the dog good spotting Caillou first mate prepare to come ashore in Treasure Cove ay I [Music] captain well done Lookout Caillou without your help we might have missed Treasure Cove thanks is there really a treasure here there sure is our picnic lunch it was prepared by by first mate daddy so it's sure to be yummy what's this it's our ship's log book see here I am when I was Lookout and that's your daddy when he was Lookout and now your picture will go in the log book too Caillou you mean look out Caillou Caillou was now proud to be Lookout he had learned that every job is important [Music] am I big yet it was very early in the morning and both Caillou and Gilbert were happily dreaming until wakey Caillou wakey Caillou wasn't finished dreaming yet peekaboo what is it Rosie look look Rosie wad wow Rosie you grew right through your pajamas I bet I grew too come on Rosie let's tell Mommy and [Music] Daddy Rosie be quiet Rosie found it funny to watch Mommy and daddy sleeping but Caillou wasn't sure if they should wake them up Gilbert Gilbert good morning my little early birds where he gold Gilbert cut it out shoo I think I grew too can we check and see mommy please all right but let's let Daddy sleep in a little longer okay Gilbert however had no intention of letting daddy sleep in any longer okay Rosie you first stand [Music] still wow Rosie you have grown you just had a growth spurt that means you grew very quickly my turn Mommy Caillou hoped he had grown just as much as Rosie the pencil line is at the same place I didn't grow at all Caillou was very disappointed he hadn't grown even a little bit and he began to worry that Rosie would grow taller than he was don't worry sweetie you'll have a growth spurt soon you'll see Daddy how can I have a grow spurt like Rosie I want to grow bigger a growth spurt H well it helps if you get plenty of sleep and exercise and you do your best to eat well I got lots of exercise at the park yesterday but I didn't grow like Rosie did how do people eat well they eat healthy foods like lots of fruits and vegetables oh and we can't forget about milk for healthy bones are you really wanted to grow bigger so he thought he'd take Daddy's advice [Music] okay I think that's enough for now any morning you'll be swimming in milk what are you doing kou I'm exercising if I stretch my arms and legs I'll grow bigger well why don't you stretch yourself into the hallway and put on your shoes we're going to the grocery store attention clean clean up an aisle too please well hello there haven't seen you in a while Rosie Gro why yes you have you're getting to be such a big girl Caillou was waiting for Ted to tell him that he'd grown too hi Caillou it's nice to see you again are you enjoying preschool uh-huh Caillou was disappointed Ted didn't say that he was a big boy well have fun shopping up you go oh oh my you really are getting to be a big girl can I push the cart mommy oh I don't know I think the cart is still a bit big for you Caillou please okay but be careful Caillou was determined to show everyone that he was a big [Music] boy [Music] M [Music] oranges oh [Music] no I'm sorry Ted it's okay Caillou it's not your fault these displays aren't made for little guys like [Music] you no Rosie I'm putting it away oosie too no I think you're a tired girl time for your nap Rosie nap Rosie grow bigger this made Caillou think about what Daddy had said earlier he needed plenty of sleep to grow [Music] bigger all right it's too right no fair Gilbert you can sleep anytime that was Andre at the door Caillou had forgotten he and his friend had made plans to go to the [Music] park Andre how did you get to be so big I don't know my mom says it's cuz I eat lots of peanut butter I don't always like being big really sure sometimes I'm too big to do the stuff I want to do and my pants are always too short come on let's ride on the bouncy elephant oh me first hey I don't fit on here anymore you can ride it Caillou fit just fine on the bouncy elephant I'm going on the monkey bars but he was more interested in playing with Andre wait for me I'm getting too big for these I'm not but do you want to go on the slide instead yeah are you two having fun yeah but Andre is too big for a lot of stuff maybe I like being small is it okay if I don't grow big for a little while longer I'm afraid I don't have any control over that but I like you just the way you are thanks Daddy wait for me Andre Caillou decided being little was okay he had lots of time to grow bigger
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 23,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: igybMM3KLDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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