The Little Gardener | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] caou can [Music] compost CAO loves spending the day with his grandma he especially loved looking for Treasures in her attic [Music] ooh grandma look I'm a magician [Music] Abracadabra let me fix this up for [Music] you Caillou was excited about being a magician he wanted to do really amazing things you look very [Music] dashing how about practicing your magic outside while I do my yard work okay this is certainly making a mess on the lawn Abracadabra they disappeared hooray they certainly [Music] have Abracadabra flowers grow I think this kind of magic doesn't happen right away plant magic takes a long time do you think you could make a lunch disappear [Music] yes grandma would you like a banana thank you don't mind if I do Abracadabra it disappeared what a good [Music] trick I know another one I'm going to turn this soup into mush Abra Kadabra Bravo caou knew lots of little magic tricks but he wanted to come up with something really amazing to show everyone I'll throw this in the garbage for you Grandma uh-uh that's not garbage but it's all gushy and yucky I need it for my garden your garden come on oh show [Music] you is that a garbage can no it's a composter I put in food scraps like fruit and vegetables and breadcrumbs and eggshells but no meat and no Dairy that means no cheese or milk I throw in grass clippings too and a little water it must be really yucky in there ah but that's the surprising thing inside this composter all the messy gooey stuff turns into something totally different like a magic trick yes it is rather like a magic trick would you like to see what it turns into yes please it's dirt all those things turn into dirt it's not dirt it's called compost and it takes weeks and weeks to happen a composter makes compost that's right compost is nice rich soil that helps my plants to grow it's like plant food wow and by putting food scraps into my composter I'm sending less garbage to the garbage dump that is the best magic trick ever it sure is Caillou couldn't wait to try this magic trick out himself Caillou what are you up to I'm going to show you the best magic trick ever potato skins bread crusts corn but no cheese that's Dairy messy what kind of magic trick is this Caillou I'm going to change all of this yucky stuff into plant food oh we need to get a composter to do this trick H I'm not sure why but okay [Applause] [Music] Caillou [Music] yeah [Music] Caillou worked very hard for weeks and weeks but everything looked just the same he was starting to think his magic trick wouldn't work at all you're doing wonderfully Caillou just remember plant magic takes a long time better give it one more month okay Caillou waited for a whole [Music] month it seemed like days and days 30 days to be exact yeah but the wait was finally over come come on everybody Hawai I can't wait to see this caou was very excited to show everyone his big magic trick but he was a little worried too what if it didn't [Music] work it's time for the best magic trick ever turning food and grass and leaves and water into compost that's plant food Abracadabra compost Caillou hoped he wouldn't find just gooey food in there Tada how wonderful hooray for Caillou the amazing I didn't really do anything sure you did Caillou you worked especially hard to make this trick work you really are cou the amazing for my next trick I'm going to use my new compost to grow flowers Caillou felt proud it had taken a long time to perfect his plant magic but it was worth [Music] it Caillou's [Music] tree get it Rosie get it B Caillou and Rosie were having lots of fun playing with their balloon I'll get it [Music] Rosie mommy what are daddy and that Workman doing to our tree Daddy and Mr McFarland are cutting it down Caillou cutting it down but I love like that tree TW I like that tree too but remember when we had that big storm I'm afraid our tree was damaged when it was struck by lightning CAO did remember the Thunder was very loud and the lightning made the sky very bright now the tree needs to be cut down so it won't fall and damage the house but what are they going to do with the tree well we'll use some of it for firewood but where are all the birds and squirrels going to live Caillou was upset he didn't want to see the old tree come down Rosie on the other hand thought this was all very [Music] interesting fall down pH that was good exercise why the long face Caillou Caillou was feeling a little sad about the old tree oh I see I know what'll cheer you up I'm going somewhere special today and you can come with me while Rosie has her nap Caillou like the idea of going somewhere special with Daddy can Rexy come too sure I don't see why not ra we're almost there Caillou the tree farm is just around the corner Tree Farm I didn't know we were going to a tree farm I didn't even know there were farms for trees yes it's kind of like the nursery where Mommy buys her plants only they grow many big trees there are we getting a new tree daddy we'll see here we [Music] are cyle was surprised to see so many trees there were trees in every size shape and color now now it really feels like we're in a jungle Rexy can I help pick out a tree daddy of course come with me what kind of tree are we going to get Daddy H well perhaps one that provides some shade in the summer so we'll have somewhere cool to sit can we get one that the birds and squirrels will like sure trees make great homes for wildlife and they help clean the air that we breathe what do you think about this one it has an interesting shape Caillou wasn't sure this was the right tree for their yard what do you think Rexy Rexy and I think it's too small H okay something bigger how about this one it's an oak another kind of deciduous tree deciduous a deciduous tree has broad leaves like this one they'll fall off in the fall and grow back in the spring it'll lose a lot of leaves Daddy because it's a big big tree hm that's true maybe we should find something a little smaller this one's a paper birch see how the bark around the tree looks a little like paper do you like it it's too papery Daddy showed Caillou many many trees but none of them seemed right to Caillou how about one of these Caillou this is the one Daddy this is the one a maple tree just like our old one it's perfect excuse me sir we'd like to take this tree please that's great I'll be right over I like your drawing Rosie oh look Rosie Daddy and Caillou are back and they brought something special home with [Music] them look Rosie our new tree where are we going to plant it Daddy we'll find a nice spot for it in the backyard we've already got the shovels ready and the wagon what do you need my wagon for we're going to give the tree a ride to the backyard so we don't have to carry it it's very heavy caou like the idea of giving the tree another ride this will be the second wagon ride for our tree first in our car and now in my wagon I think this is a good spot the tree will have plenty of room to grow here can I help you dig dig Wy too okay but I have to warn you digging is hard work we like hard work don't we Rosie Wy dig AR mes let's dig then and maybe we'll find buried treasure in these parts woo digging is hard work it sure is but we're ready yay there now we need to fill the hole with soil Caillou Rosie you can help bring the soil over here Caillou like the sound of that he and Rosie love playing in dirt look Rosie I'm a [Music] truck zoom [Music] zoom there so what do you think Caillou do you like it yes I like it with a little water and sunshine this tree should grow up big and strong like Rosie and me that's right Caillou you'll all grow up together Caillou suddenly noticed he wasn't the only one who liked their new tree look birdies they like our new tree too the birds couldn't agree more Caillou's new tree was a wonderful addition to the [Music] yard Caillou saves [Music] water Caillou was always learning interesting things at preschool today he was learning about water water falls from the sky as rain but where does it go after that it Waters plants and flowers and trees right the rain sinks into the ground it Waters plants just like how you said and eventually runs back into lakes and rivers then it evaporates and Rises up where it collects and clouds and gets ready to fall down like rain again right wow W what do we use water for drinking taking baths brushing our teeth and washing dishes yes we use a lot of water every day but it's important that we try to use use less water so that there will be enough for all those who need it people and animals and even plants Caillou really wanted to try to use less water at home but he wasn't sure how to do [Music] that Miss Martin how can I use less water we're going to talk about that on Monday why don't you think about it over the weekend and see what ideas you can come up with okay I will bye bye Caillou a b c d e f g Rosie good job hi Daddy what are you doing I'm just washing the lettuce no Daddy don't no Daddy Miss Martin says we should use less water well she is right about that no mommy don't turn on the water what we're saving water no mommy no no no no Gilbert no water go ahead Gilbert you can have a drink Gilbert is thirsty Rosie sorry [Music] Gilbert I've got to wash the lettuce so we can eat it I think you're going to have to think of another way to save water okay thinking of ways to save water was harder than Caillou thought it would [Applause] be I'm going to save water by not taking any more baths I know you're trying to do a good thing Caillou but you still have to take your bath maybe I could stop brushing my teeth no but we could save water by not filling the bathtub as much and by turning off the tap while we brush our teeth mommy the to is dripping so it is thank you for telling me you know we can also Save Water by fixing that leaking tap not very much water it's just dripping a teeny tiny bit it's not such a tiny bit when you add up all those drops I've got an idea why don't we collect the drips overnight and see how much water a dripping tap waist it'll be an experiment yeah okay the next morning Caillou was very excited to see how much water was in the bucket wo mommy the bucket is full and that's not all I emptied it two times during the night into this bigger bucket the tap dripped all that water wow that's a lot all that water would have just dripped down the drain and been lost so by fixing this little leak we can save that much water which we can use for washing the floor or the windows or filling Gilbert's water dish maybe our other tabs are leaking too I'm going to check and see [Music] hm Caillou come inside I think the sky is [Music] leaking Caillou thought Daddy was right the clouds were dripping water just like the Leaky bathroom tap then C you had a wonderful [Music] idea what are you up to Caillou I'm saving water lot of [Music] [Applause] [Music] water the rain stopped [Music] there you go Gilbert Caillou what a clever idea that was wow look Rosie oo I collected lots and lots of water so can I use this water to water my plants mhm and can I have all my pots and pans back yeah you know Caillou instead of using pots and pans we could get a really big barrel to collect rain in [Music] yay so Daddy and I went and bought a rain barrel just like this we put it in the backyard and the next time it rains the barrel will fill right up with rain water that's wonderful Caillou what a very smart idea daddy says we can use the rainwater to water our garden and fill our waiting pool and the a bird bat too wait a [Music] minute Miss Martin the tap is leaking we need to fix it because it's wasting water why Caillou you're right we'll have to get that fixed right away thank you CA was very proud of his ideas for saving water every little drop adds up [Music] rushing the raspberry CA was having fun helping mommy in the garden are the raspberries ready now Mommy raspberries raspberries no they're not ready yet they need a little more time time aw I don't like waiting I know what might help past the time you've been such a good helper maybe you'd like to be my junior Gardener okay oops sorry Gilbert you don't need watering oh cou sorry Mommy okay kids we put the seeds in the cups just like this then we'll give them some water and put them on the window sill because bean seeds plus water plus sunlight make bean plants that's right class my what clever gardeners we have yes C you I'm a junior Gardener I'm helping my mommy grow a raspberry bush that's wonderful uh-huh and I'll have raspberries to share with the whole class that's very nice of you Caillou of course you and your family may want to eat the raspberries too we're going to have tons of raspberries and I'll make sure everybody get some M I could eat a million raspberries promise to bring them [Music] yes are the raspberries ready now not yet Caillou you're going to have to be a little more patient do you know what I learned today bean seeds plus water plus sunlight make bean plants that's very good Caillou B no Rosie the berries aren't ready yet mommy said so that's right Rosie when they turn bright red then they'll be ready to eat but if you're hungry we could have a little snack yes please hungry aren't you going to drink your milk rosie no but milk will help you grow up big and [Music] tall Rosy tall now oh yes much taller I you suddenly had an idea if milk could make Rosie grow bigger maybe it would do the same for the raspberry bush oh Caillou what are you doing giving the raspberry bush of milk so it'll grow big and tall I'm afraid that doesn't work with plants sweetie they only like water Caillou wanted the raspberries to ripen faster so he thought he'd give the bush more water now what are you doing Caillou I'm going to give the bush more water so the berries will ripen I think the bush got enough water today what it really needs is a little more time for the berries to ripen okay Mommy I can give them a little more time look the beans are starting to grow hey did you bring us some raspberries no they're not ready yet you will bring us some right you promised I'm sure Caillou will do his best to bring in some berries when they're ready you can't brush a [Music] raspberry come on grow rushing The Raspberries was exactly what Caillou intended to do pretty please grow with raspberries on top maybe you need more water you're taking very good care of the raspberry bush Caillou thank you but do you think the raspberries will ever be ready I'm sure they'll ripen soon they're getting lots of water and sunshine not to worry there's no sun CA was worried he knew that plants needed lots of sunshine to grow what are you doing Caillou the sun is hiding I'm giving the bush some more light so it'll grow that's very thoughtful but raspberries need sunlight not light from a flashlight oh don't worry the sun will come out again soon when I promised I'd take some raspberries to preschool but they're not ready yet oh I see they'll ripen up soon I promise you can't rush a raspberry that's what Miss Martin said Russ a raspberry well Miss Martin is very wise now why don't we check them again tomorrow okay okay mommy Caillou Rosie there's something you should see in the backyard Caillou was worried he thought something had happened to his raspberry [Music] bush Caillou was right something had happened to the raspberry bush raspberries look raspberries that's right raspberries they're finally ripe so was it worth the wait yes yes mhm I think we should all say thank you to Caillou for bringing in these tasty raspberries thank you Caillou I love raspberries more than anything in the whole world thanks Caillou you're welcome yes Leo when are we going to eat our beans the plants are coming along nicely Leo but we won't be able to pick beans for quite a while we have to be patient right Miss Martin plants need time to grow that's right Caillou H maybe we should add that to our chart bean seeds plus water plus sunlight plus time make bean plants Caillou learned that you can't rush a raspberry bush or any other plant but they were worth waiting for [Music] M wait to [Music] skate [Music] Mommy what's daddy doing oh he's working on something for you and Rosie really what is it it's something extra special Caillou couldn't wait to find out what Daddy was working on Daddy's building a skating rink a skating rink yay yay skating wink ahh uh don't you think you should change out of your jammies first jammies [Music] oops that should just about do it hi Daddy oh hi Caillou hi Rosie we're ready to skate daddy where's the rink the this is the rink but I'm afraid it's not ready for skating on not ready Caillou was disappointed he wanted to get skating right away well if you two help me the rink will get finished much faster yeah good first we need some snow plows to push snow into the frame [Music] beep beep here comes the snow [Music] plow okay that's plenty of snow come on there's lots more to do we have to pack down that snow nice and tight and to do that we need to jump up and down like kangaroos who's a kangaroo Rosie kangaroo me [Music] too now we're Giants f f f f f five f five now the snow's good and flat yay now wecap Caillou I'm sorry it's not ready yet it takes a long time to build an ice rink Caillou wondered if the rink would ever be [Music] finished a daddy glow skating link not quite Rosie I'm watering the snow when it gets cold enough it'll freeze and turn into ice and then we can skate but Caillou was growing impatient he wanted to skate right [Music] away it takes a long time time for water to freeze Caillou I know but I can't wait why don't you and Rosie Build a Snowman that'll be a fun way to pass the time snowman okay there you go Mr snowman look daddy our snowman wants to skate with us that's great Caillou it's always nice to invite friends Caillou wondered if the rink was frozen yet yet so he decided to test it out the ice seemed like it was ready for skating or sliding Caillou no uh-oh Caillou are wet I'm sorry Daddy I thought it was frozen you need to be a little more patient Caillou good things are worth waiting for now I'll have to fix the rink how long will that take Daddy well it should be ready by tomorrow morning tomorrow morning that's [Music] forever and cou swim in the snow I wasn't swimming Rosie I was trying tocate don't worry Caillou you'll be skating soon enough I know but waiting isn't any [Music] fun hey Caillou had forgotten his socks could slide on the kitchen floor look it's just like I'm skating caou skate Caillou and Rosie [Music] skate we don't have to wait to pretend to skate well [Music] done it's morning yay Caillou was excited the rink was finally ready oops I almost forgot I can't skate with my pajamas on Caillou slow down the ice will still be there when you get outside I promise sorry Mommy I'm just [Music] excited so was the skating rink worth waiting for yes hey there are my little skaters who wants hot chocolate I I do W it might be a little hot so make sure you blow on it and let it cool down oh hot I think I burnt my tongue a little you have to be patient Daddy good things are worth waiting for yes they are Caillou indeed next year Caillou would be a little more patient about skating on the [Music] ice caou [Music] hiccups CAO and his family were enjoying a big spaghetti dinner this is [Music] great spaghetti is my favorite thank you Caillou please just try not to slurp it when you eat Caillou loves spaghetti but it was very hard to eat it without making a slurping noise oops excuse me it's okay Caillou I know you were trying your best just like Rosie she's trying her best not to get her napkin covered with spaghetti sauce napkin clean that's good Rosie but you're supposed to use your napkin especially when sauce is all over your face [Music] oops everybody laughed along with Rosie but while Caillou was laughing he made a noise come on Rosie let's get you cleaned up and you can help me with the dishes Caillou okay I'll [Music] help Caillou was extra careful not to drop anything but it was hard because of the noises he made whoa sounds like someone's got the hiccups the hiccups how do I how do I stop them just wait they usually go away on their own oh okay I can wait hey I waited but they didn't go away you have to wait longer than that pumpkin why not play in the living room while you wait okay [Music] Mommy Caillou decided to build a tower while he waited but a are these hiccups ever going to go away how's it going out here these hiccups are messing up [Music] everything I need them to go away just try not to think about them Caillou if you wait the hiccups will go away on their own but I've been waiting H what well I have heard that sometimes hiccups can be cured by giving someone a little scare a scare I don't like scares just a little scare Caillou it makes the person gasp and then the hiccups go away do you want to give it a try if it'll make my hiccups go away then okay okay get ready and Bo hey it worked oh it didn't work maybe it wasn't scary enough well we could take care of that right [Music] Rosie Caillou wasn't scared at all Mommy and Rosie were much too funny oh it's not working good thing I'm here then I've got a few sure to work hiccup cures up my sleeve really sure I'm the world's number one all-time hiccup cure Champion come on I'll show you now some people cure hiccups by drinking water really fast from a hose but it's not as easy as it looks it can get a little messy I don't care I want to try caou found out that drinking from a hose was very messy and so did daddy whoops sorry Daddy that's okay Caillou on a hot day like this some cool water is good for me and the grass but it didn't work I still have the hiccups don't worry Caillou I've got another cure up my sleeve the upside down solution always works Rosie turn Rosie turn only if you have hiccups Rosie this is so my hiccups will go away don't worry there's one more cure we can try I've saved the best for last this one's Almost sure to get rid of your hiccups what is it I'll show you you hop on your left foot and rub your head with your right hand C thought daddy looked silly and so did Mommy and Rosie oh my doesn't daddy look funny he does but Caillou really wanted to get rid of his hiccups so he started hopping too that's the spirit Caillou hop those hiccups away [Music] that's right Rosie you can hop too are you okay I'm fine I guess I need to practice my hopping more often I'm still hiccuping what if I have them forever and ever and ever well I hate to say this but maybe I'll just have to stop making spaghetti for dinner since spaghetti seems to give you the hiccups but mommy spaghetti is my favorite and Rosie's favorite and daddy's favorite it wasn't the spaghetti that gave me the hiccups I know it wasn't and besides I think they might be gone listen caou was right his hiccups had gone away perhaps I scared them away by saying I wouldn't make spaghetti anymore no I think they went away on their own just like you said they would but are you really going to stop making spaghetti of course not Caillou I was just teasing pH that's a relief I love spaghetti Rosie too pasetti not right now Rosie we just had spaghetti but soon Rosie we promise uh-oh now I've got hiccups Caillou had realized hiccups go away on their own with a little [Music] patience Caillou's Cricket honk honk here's another load Caillou like playing trucks the only thing he liked better was playing trucks with a friend Caillou there's fresh lemonade inside the truck stop [Music] yay mommy can you play trucks with me maybe later I have to do some cleaning and Rosie wants to help Rosie sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep it might take a while sweep H [Music] okay [Music] [Music] H hi there Cricket do you like trucks Caillou was happy to meet a cricket who seemed to like trucks too do you want to play with me okay I have more trucks in my room I'll show you here's my dump truck and here's a fire truck want to ride in the [Music] bucket whoop be careful I'd better put you somewhere safe I know [Music] there that's better oh I guess you can't play chucks in there hey are you hungry I'll get you a snack Caillou wasn't sure what crickets like to eat so he took a little of everything do you like raisins or cereal try an animal [Music] cracker don't be afraid it's not a real lion Caillou was proud of himself he thought he was treating his new friend very well you know if you like it here you can stay and live in my room sweep okay if you want to sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep no don't sweep that oh here do you want a cracker cracker thank you hey Rosie why don't you go sweep the [Music] kitchen Gilbert no stop you'll scare him [Music] wao don't go out [Music] [Music] there [Music] Cricket no that's for grownup Caillou did you say something wait Cricket come back [Music] here Cricket please come out there's nothing to be scared [Music] of Caillou what's going on I was about to ask the same thing I lost my Cricket it came inside in my truck and we were playing but Gilbert scared him and now he's lost in the house mommy and daddy could see that Caillou was very worried it's okay Caillou we'll try to find him but he so small and hard to see that's true sometimes crickets are hard to see that's why the best way to find one is with your ears what sound does a cricket make H right we have to listen for that sound and follow it until we find the cricket now [Music] sh that way he's somewhere here good now let's listen and [Music] look woo it's just cereal quick [Music] it there he is is easy gotcha yay daddy yay it's a good thing he makes that sound do you know how he does it he takes those two little wings on his back and rubs them together oh I like the sound of crickets only not in the house but I like playing with him it's fun I wonder if the cricket thinks being inside is fun Caillou wasn't sure about that um crickets like grass and trees not cats and vacuum cleaners he looks sad maybe I should take him back outside I think that's a very good idea goodbye [Music] Cricket bye-bye H I guess I'm back to playing trucks by myself would it be okay if Rosie and I played too yeah I'll get more trucks K's cricket was happy to be back where he [Music] belonged dog dilemma [Music] Caillou didn't feel like playing hopscotch with Mommy and Rosie he was waiting for his friend Sarah to get home yay Sarah's back now she can play Caillou come and meet my new dog Sarah has a dog can we go see of course doggy yes meet the newest member of our family his name is Murphy isn't he cute hi Murphy doggy nice yes the doggy is very nice congratulations thanks it'll be nice to have another family pet oh and it looks like Murphy is eer to check out his new home I'd better take him inside bye hi Murphy nice meeting you do you want to come over and play with me no thanks I want to show Murphy my room Caillou was a little surprised that Sarah didn't want to play with him he'd been waiting for her all morning but maybe we can play together later okay [Music] okay so who'd like to go to the park today me can we invite Sarah sure I don't see why [Music] not oh hi Caillou hi Sarah do you want to come to the park with us we could pretend the climber is a sailboat just like last time um no thanks again he was surprised he couldn't believe Sarah didn't want to go to the park with him why not I'm going to give Murphy a bath you can stay and help me if it's okay with your dad caou wasn't so sure he wanted to stay and give Murphy a bath he'd been looking forward to his trip to the park well um okay I guess it'll be [Music] fun stay still Murphy Murphy isn't this great Caillou it's fun giving a dog a bath yeah [Music] fun what's that smell I don't know wet dog I guess so how was it bathing Murphy wet and smelly yes it looks like you could use a bath now too Caillou it's for [Music] you hi Caillou do you want to come for a walk with me and my mom sure Caillou love going for walks with Sarah and her mom oh and Murphy's coming of [Music] course do you want to play jump over the cracks with me Sarah no thanks how about I [Music] spy maybe later heal Murphy heal Sarah can I walk Murphy well okay but he pulls a bit I can handle it [Music] wa Murphy come back here [Music] Mery Caillou are you okay mhm I'm okay oh thank goodness I'm so sorry I don't know what got into Murphy I guess we have a lot more dog training to do like this Caillou what's that one called that yoga position is called downward-facing dog dog no wonder I don't like it oh that'll be Sarah Sarah's coming over yes didn't I tell you we've agreed to watch Murphy this evening while Sarah and her family are out Caillou wasn't very happy with Murphy he wished he would go away so he and Sarah could play like they used to Caillou is everything okay not when Murphy is [Music] around Sarah never wants to play with me anymore all she wants to do is play with Murphy oh I see why do you think Sarah wants to spend so much time with her dog I don't know maybe because she likes him better than me Sarah still likes you very much but Murphy is new to their family and that's very exciting for her do you remember when Rosie was born even though Rosie was just a baby all you wanted to do was play with your little sister yeah but Murphy's a lot more drooly and hairy than Rosie that's true but I'm sure Murphy can be just as much fun [Music] that's it [Music] Murphy hi cou you and Murphy sure look like you're having fun Murphy's great we played ball and went for a walk and I'm even teaching him how to heal really that's great I can see why you like spending all your time with him well I don't want to spend all my time with Murphy I want to play with you too do you want to come over tomorrow sure we could play catch and Murphy could play with us too that sounds like a great idea doesn't it Murphy and that's how Caillou learned he could be friends with Sarah and [Music] Murphy [Music] the spider [Music] issue [Laughter] wa yuck I know but if you think the jelly Monster's funny I've got something you'll really like it's my favorite Caillou was having fun looking at Daniel's comic collection ction until check it out the mutant spider from cosmic space it's about a real spider who turns into a mutant spider from cosmic space after getting Zapped by a bolt of space lightning Caillou wasn't so sure he wanted to hear about a mutant spider from cosmic space Daniel do you have any other comment then a space meteor lands on him uhhuh but I don't think I and then he gets Zapped by more space lightning he's so lucky here you can borrow it for a while uh that's okay but Caillou Daniel I'm home later buddy I got to [Music] go so did you and Daniel have fun [Music] uh-huh Caillou tried to tell himself it was just a tiny spider but he couldn't forget about Daniel's comic mutant spider from cosmic space what was that all about I don't know I'll go check on him feel better now sweetheart uhhuh well now that the storm's over why don't you play with some of your toys okay [Music] mommy caou thought it was a mutant spider from cosmic space in his toy chest until he realized oie it's just [Music] you uhuh I found the towels [Music] mommy vroom vroom vroom [Music] [Music] spider Yi hard mommy can I watch TV for a little while how you worried there might be a spider lurking near the [Music] sofa ah spider Gilbert quit scaring me Caillou Look at me grab your a boots caou and come outside Caillou wanted to play but he was worried he might find a spider in his boot or worse a mutant spider from cosmic space uh sorry Mommy I have to um do some [Music] coloring I got marker on my hands daddy well it's a good thing we bought the washable kind come on in and give your hands a scrub I'm I'll see you when I get back for my [Music] run what's the matter K you aren't you going to wash your hands I don't want to why not there's a a spider in there it's just a tiny household spider it isn't anything to be afraid of how do you know it isn't a mutant spider from cosmic space a mutant spider from cosmic space yeah like in Daniel's comic book you do know that Comics are just made up stories right they aren't real daddy no come on little spider I'll take you outside with me you come too Caillou after you've washed your hands there's something I want to show you there's usually spiders around mommy's plants and these are perfectly harmless not to mention interesting look this is what a garden spider looks like let's see if we can find one aha here's one oh and look a daddy longle spider daddy long legs where right over here his legs aren't that long not like the spider in the comic book no most real spiders are very tiny you're much bigger than they are so what else do you know about spiders well they help protect the plants they have eight legs and they make fantastic webs wow a spider made that that's neat and a creepy spider kind of way so what do you think not so scary after all right no I guess not they're nothing like the spider and Daniel's comic book you mean the mutant spider from cosmic space I guess you can't believe everything you read or everything you see but if you still have that comic I wouldn't mind taking a peek really sure I love comic books as long as you know they're not real they can be lots of fun and then our mutant spider got all eight legs stuck in a giant Gob of space goo e hey keep reading Caillou was no longer afraid of spiders even what from cosmic [Music] [Laughter] [Music] space
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 13,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: 3JbWK1h6S4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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